Abortion and Atheism

Today I learned …

84% of the religiously unaffiliated are pro-abortion

97% of atheists are pro-abortion

87% of agnostics are pro-abortion

80% of Americans whose religion is “nothing in particular” are pro-abortion

60% of Whites are pro-abortion

74% of White evangelicals are pro-life

Among Whites, attitudes toward abortion are strongly associated with atheism at one extreme and evangelical Protestantism at the other.

White evangelical Protestants, White Catholics and black Protestants have a similar fertility rate. White atheists and agnostics are significantly less likely than White evangelicals to have children. Less than half of American atheists and agnostics are parents. The majority are childless. The growth of the irreligious swath of the population largely explains why the White fertility rate is 1.6.

56% of White evangelicals think society is better off making marriage and children a priority.

9% of atheists and 11% of agnostics feel the same way with 91% and 89% respectively holding that other priorities are just as good as having children.

34% of White evangelicals think it is better for children if mothers stay at home and focus on the family.

8% of atheists and 9% of agnostics feel the same way.

Evangelical Protestants are more likely to get married than atheists and agnostics.

In every Western country, secularism and expressive values and the individualistic mindset it rests upon drags the political spectrum to the Left and pushes down the White fertility rate.

Whites who live in metropolitan areas are more liberal, more secular and twice as likely to be in an interracial marriage.

Marriage by religious group:

Attitudes toward casual sex and open relationships by religion:

12% of evangelical Protestants believe casual sex between consenting adults is always acceptable compared to 71% of atheists

21% of evangelical Protestants believe premarital sex is always acceptable compared to 80% of atheists.

Political ideology by religion:

I could go on and on …

In the White Nationalist movement, we hear the loudest cries about “dysgenics” from atheists and agnostics. I have always found this puzzling as survey after survey shows that this group has the lowest fertility rate and is the least capable of biologically reproducing itself. The abortion rate of evangelical Protestants is half the national average while 38% of abortion patients claim no religious affiliation. It is the most secular Whites who drag down the White birthrate below the replacement level.

There are massive differences between modernists and traditionalists in their attitudes toward life, children, marriage, family and sexuality. These differences are greater than racial differences. Modernists value self-expression more than family and children. They sever sexuality from religion and reproduction. They are far more likely to ground their identities in the Self than in their racial or religious relationships with others. They are overwhelmingly more likely to have liberal values.

Take your pick of virtually any issue which has a “dysgenic” impact on the White population. You won’t be surprised to find that atheists and agnostics are far more supportive of abortion, contraception, homosexuality, gay marriage, feminism, cohabitation, premarital sex, divorce, the “childfree life,” drug abuse, legal and illegal immigration, antiracism, wealth redistribution programs and so on. This isn’t true of one issue like abortion. It is true across the board because of the underlying difference in values.

Years ago, I lost interest in eugenics. It seemed a waste of time in light of the demographic collapse we were facing. There are so many different issues which combine to drive demographic change. Immigration is one of the biggest. Contraception is another. Secularization and the rise of expressive values and a more permissive culture is by far one of the biggest causes of declining birthrates. It drives deracination. The loss of group loyalty combined with the severing of the link between sexuality and reproduction means we lose far more people through miscegenation and interracial marriage, contraception and lower fertility, homosexuality, DINKs and dog moms than any relative difference in racial abortion rates.

The “I care about White genocide” crowd, but not about 30 million aborted White children or the mindset and values that reflects are dramatically overrepresented on the internet relative to their numbers. I will do anything to save the White race except change my values and lifestyle, marry a woman of the same race and procreate tends to be an outlier. Most people tend to live out their values whether they are modernists or traditionalists. It is the choices of the former who are dragging down our numbers.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “”…60% of Whites are pro-abortion…””

    So again the elephant in the living room. Our beloved high IQ whites are the backbone of every last Jew agenda. From Ukrainian Army to US abortionists. White people voted and keep voting down every last anti immigration politician. .

    • Why, it’s almost as if they’ve been bewitched … imagine that. You add in all of the “muh Israel” heresy and the percertile of the gaslighted/bewitched is well north of 60.

      The typical argument made by midwits like Fred Reed is that the chosenites have super-high IQs a full standard deviation over YT. As Vox Day has noted, this claim is on the basis of a single small study of students in an exclusive Hebrew Schul in the 1950s, whose author explicitly warned against applying the results in any general population. A similar deviation would have been present had he studied exclusive Protestant Schools or Catholic Schools in the same era. The power of the tribe is literally supernatural – the serve the devil. They’re not at all alone in this respect. So do the upper-crust whites like the Bush famiglia. It’s not from native intelligence but from criminal networking for the “big guy” – who will get a lot more than 10% from them at the end of the day.

      • Normie does what is norm. Normie does not think, Normie is only afraid.

        Jew knows this simple rule and scares Normie. When someone scares Normie more, Normie will behave properly. In Eastern Europe, lot of people know this and instead of great thinkers and Amren conferences, we have drunken soccer fans who keep anti white activity under control.

        Most important is not argue with idiots who will never understand. Normie must be herded with isms and fobias. Certain things are not politically correct so better don’t do those things. And better believe in facts and science. What is exclusively delivered by us.

  2. I’m a Zoroastrian and a National Socialist who strongly supports Southern secession from the Union and free abortions/sterilizations for nonwhites. How come those pollsters never ask me for my opinions?

  3. Are atheists more immoral or just more honest? How many of those Christians waited until marriage to have sex? It’s like White liberals yammering on about segregation from their lily-White suburban neighborhoods.

    “In the White Nationalist movement, we hear the loudest cries about “dysgenics” from atheists and agonistics. I have always found this puzzling as survey after survey shows that this group has the lowest fertility rate and is the least capable of biologically reproducing itself.”

    And in Talibanistan they have 6 kids each, what’s your point? Some welfare mothers have seven different kids by seven different men, though thanks to abortion this is less common than it used to be. Does this grant them any moral or intellectual superiority? The whole point of the idea of dysgenics is that the people reproducing are not by definition the pinnacle of humanity. We also recognize that that can change via a different political, economic, and cultural structure. No atheist white nationalist thinks that current low fertility rate is a good thing. If we’re supposed to answer for liberal atheists like Richard Dawkins, why don’t you answer for the fact that half of the churches are promoting wars for Israel and the other half are literally solemnizing anal sex?

    And what’s the scare-quotes around “dysgenics,” Hunter? Are you denying that it’s happening?

    • Sorry, I just find the concern laughable coming from that crowd, especially when it is aimed at pro-life Christians. The worst thing that could happen to Whites in this country, demographically speaking, would be for pro-life Christians to become more like the childless atheists who are always criticizing them. Evangelical Protestants have more children and have far better attitudes on everything from immigration to demographic replacement.

      • “Evangelical Protestants have more children and have far better attitudes on everything from immigration to demographic replacement.”

        Atheists are more likely than evangelical Protestants to have terrible attitudes toward marriage and divorce. But evangelical Protestants are more likely than atheists to have terrible ideas like “Israel is our greatest ally, muh Judeo-Christian heritage, blah blah blah.”

        • Perhaps.

          But which of these has more of an impact on shaping the next generation? Is it Boomers believing Israel Is Our Greatest Ally or atheists not even bothering to get married and reproduce?

        • I expect you’re wrong on the overall point about “Israel is our greatest ally, muh Judeo-Christian heritage, blah blah blah.” While it’s certainly true that an atheist would be very unlikely parrot the Scofield-Masonic bullshit heresies about “Judeo-Christian heritage”, they generally support the wars for Israel, as most gentile atheists parrot the general Church of Woke dogma emanating form Pope Nosferatu with respect to Israel, open-borders, great replacement, etc. Only a tiny percentile of atheists lean nationalist or even to the so-called “right”. Most are hard-core woke dogmatists who follow their Jew leaders.

    • Gen Barrison,

      Here’s a modified version of a tweet I saw the other day. It applies to Pro-White atheists such as yourself:

      What you want is a type of White Nationalism that forgives atheists and liberals for making a political + cultural alliance with homos, jews, and nonwhites for baby killing, affirmative action, mass immigration, miscegenation, etc. You want a White Nationalism that gives them protected class status, never makes them feel bad for doing it, let’s them keep it all, fixes the consequences of it, and never mentions it.

      “Muh Israel. Muh Chosen People.”

      Big deal! Boomers were the only idiots who believed that shit, and they are dying off. I literally don’t know any White Evangelical Christian under 40 years old that shills for Israel the way John Hagee does. Christian Zionism had its time in the sun. Its over.

      You can make all the deflections and What Aboutisms you want. It doesn’t erase the stains of your guilt. It doesn’t justify atheism, liberalism, or modernism. Traditionalism is Pro-White, and Pro-White is tradition. Return.

      • “What you want is a type of White Nationalism that forgives atheists and liberals for making a political + cultural alliance with homos, jews, and nonwhites for baby killing, affirmative action, mass immigration, miscegenation, etc. You want a White Nationalism that gives them protected class status, never makes them feel bad for doing it, let’s them keep it all, fixes the consequences of it, and never mentions it.”

        Keep on fighting those strawman arguments nobody is making. Those in the white nationalist movement who seek to make belief in their Levantine religion a requirement for being part of the movement tend to be entryist types with little in the way of long-term commitment.

        • We’ve recently seen the mask pulled off of Greg Johnson, who supports Globopedo empire against Russia because his supply of blonde catamites might run low. Johnson even thinks white boys should go over to Country 404 to die for Jewish run oligarchy there, when the reality is that it’s not our problem and we should stay the hell out of it. Granted the retarded heretics want to go over there to kill Christians in the name of “muh Israel” as well so Johnson and the other anti-Christian elements of the so-called “right” have some off bedfellows besides Jews.

  4. From the perspective of ZOG, this is evidence of strategic victory, more or less unalloyed over Russia in this proxy confliUS.


    A quick note about Finland, who has a strong historical pride in having successfully resisted being conquered by Soviet Russia. They aren’t in the least concerned about how much of an “existential threat” Russia feels from Nato talking about Ukraine joining. I take this immediate move on their part to join Nato to be a strong vote of confidence in the capability of Nato to benefit them militarily, and this runs directly against the prevailing narrative in dissident circles of impending collapse of American hegemony.

    In the last decade and longer since the wall fell Europe has been moving quickly toward normalization of relations with the East, and away from the U.S. for a host of reasons not the least of which is geographic proximity and its effects on supply chain.

    Folks are making alot of hay talking about how much money Russia is making from increased gas prices. But they aren’t and never were making that from us, but rather from Europe.

    With Russia’s strategic blunder in Ukraine, the wedge between East and west that’s existed in Europe since Rome fell has now been driven back in place, and our economic ties with Europe are going to be secure for another generation at least. For the low low cost of some dead Ukrainians and a few rocket launchers, black ops folks from the CIA that had nothing better to do anyway since they were out of work in Afghanistan running heroine.

    Putin has successfully isolated Russia from the West and time will tell if that benefits Russians more or less than if they’d kept their heads and kept Europe moving inexorably towards them with the moderate diplomacy they’ve been employing up til now.

    Russia is now wholly dependent on China. To me, that sounds like vassalage to a sino hegemon on a collision course with the U.S.

    Long run, I think its bad for Russians. Good for Us.

    • The west is dead and becoming geopolitically irrelevant. Europe is already completely irrelevant, and the USA will become more and more so as this century advances. Turning away from the dead weight of the parasitic rentier economies in USA and Europe towards productive economies elsewhere is good for Russia in the long term.

    • Who is “us”, exactly? A strengthened Rainbow Empire is not good for Whites in any way.

    • and this runs directly against the prevailing narrative in dissident circles of impending collapse of American hegemony.

      American hegemony is growing in Europe and shrinking in the rest of the world. America has minimal influence over South America and Central America, and zero influence over Africa and most of Asia (the notable exceptions being Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan).

      I hope you don’t believe the bullshit from Richard Spencer and Alt-MSNBC about how Europe is somehow becoming more independent of America, when the opposite is happening. Britain, Germany, France, and the Scandinavian countries are America’s bottom boys. They are client states, with their welfare systems propped up by the protection of American military might.

      Emmanuel Macron may or may not have delusions about Europe and the EU becoming independent of America, but everything that’s happened geopolitically since February 24, 2022 has strengthened America’s vice grip over Europe. Only Hungary has shown any sort of real resistance to the American borg. Poland and Slovakia gave in. Good riddance.

      Alt-MSNBC imagines that this American-European alliance somehow has a racial connotion or can be hijacked for racial purposes. In reality, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and their ilk run this beeyatch from top to bottom. There will be no Imperium.

      Putin has successfully isolated Russia from the West and time will tell if that benefits Russians more or less than if they’d kept their heads and kept Europe moving inexorably towards them with the moderate diplomacy they’ve been employing up til now.

      Bruh, Russia tried diplomacy throughout the 90s and 00s. Russia asked to join NATO in like 2001 or thereabouts. America cockblocked them. Putin claimed that Bill Clinton laughed him off. It was Russia who was isolated from Europe and America. Putin and the Kremlin have merely made that separation a formality since 2013.

      The whole goal of (((NATO))) was to destroy Russia and the Russian people for daring to resist Jewish tricks and tyrannical schemes over the centuries. Its a blood feud. And goyim cattle like Bill Clinton and John McCain are behind it because “muh Red Scare” or “muh Cold War.”

      In 1945, the Asiatic hordes were welcomed into Germany to defeat Not-Seees. Now we see fearmongering about “Asiatic hordes” as the Russian military liberates and denazifies the donbass region. Another trope gets weaponized for anti-white, anti-traditional purposes.

      Russia is now wholly dependent on China

      Lol, and America isn’t?? We exported all our manufacturing there. What we gonna do, block their imports? The American economy would crash overnight.

      China didn’t do what Samuel Huntington and the last generation of NWO leaders thought they would do. China was invested in and allowed to develop because the assumption was China would become another (((American Client State))). That didn’t happen. Instead, China went in an autocratic direction – an “authoritarian” direction – that benefited its own country and its people.

      Now, China is effectively independent of America and Europe, much to the seething rage of Jews and Liberals who predicted otherwise, and who don’t want the common people of ANY country to enjoy a peaceful, prosperous existence. They unfortunately have ignorant conservatives on their side who laughably assume China will “invade” America one day.

      Back to Russia: Putin has successfully anticipated and countered every move America and the West have made. The “crushing sanctions” failed to crash the ruble and failed to tank Russia’s economy. Banning “Russian oil” resulted in record oil revenues…for Moscow. Gas there is something like $2.20 per gallon. Russia continues to trade with the rest of the world. They have state of the art hypersonic missiles that are nuclear capable and can’t be stopped by America’s STAR WARS anti-missle systems. It is true that they might not survive a WW3 clash with NATO and America. See if they care:


      Russia has become unconquerable. They’ll survive this clash America and Europe, or they’ll nuke all our cities. This doesn’t end like it did for Saddam in Iraq or Ghaddafi in Libya. It ends with Sarah Connor shaking the fence in desperation as the heat wave from the nuclear blast roasts the liberals and intellectuals alive.

      A most blessed day.

  5. Atheism in our circles is as baffling as fags that pretend to be rightwing unironically. I don’t get it.

    How can anybody who sees the suffering and decay of our people, imposed in many cases by enemies that openly hate the God we have worshipped, see anything that would make them reach the conclusion that there is no God?

    Agnosticism I can understand, as its tantamount to ambivalence, which is the default mindset of all people that have no power over their lives anyway.

    I’ve vassalated on this for years, and I can’t look at our history and in good faith not recognize that there has been cosmic agency involved in it. Where I differ from practicing Christians in general is that I believe that the evidence supports the conclusion that this agency is that of malevolent spite and deliberate neglect.

    We have been abandoned to our own fate, under assault by a cosmic vacuum of spiritual deprivation.

    There is a God, and he doesn’t like you.

    • I used to be an eugenics-obsessed atheist.

      In my defense, I was only beginning to think through these issues in my twenties. I began to change my mind after I was introduced to the “atheist community” on the internet. That’s where I heard about polyamory for the first time.

      • Allow me to suggest the concept of polyamory presented itself to you long before the word did. But it was couched in terms of serial monogamy through divorce and remarriage. Remember, the teaching of Jesus goes far beyond the boundaries of that of Moses. Divorce is narrowly limited, and remarriage forbidden. Remarriage is really just as bad as polyamory aka adultery in the eyes of Jesus, anyway.

          • Dart, I’m sensing some sarcasm here. You don’t necessarily have to agree with the teaching of Jesus on divorce and remarriage being tantamount to adultery. (It is solely my argument that polyamory is tantamount to adultery)

            What you do have to believe is that is the straightforward interpretation of the passage. The fact “most Christians” do or do not doesn’t affect the interpretation of a text whose meaning cannot have changed in 2,000 years. In fact, “most people X” is just argumentum ad populum.

            I will add that what most Christians do is a poor example of anything Christian. For every one thousand worldly wise man Christians, there’s probably one person out there taking the teachings of Jesus Christ seriously, to paraphrase Bernard Shaw. Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way. And few there be that find it.

      • This page could just have easily been titled “The Eugenic Value of Abortion,” though. Libtards killing themselves off is the eugenic argument.

      • In the White Nationalist movement, we hear the loudest cries about “dysgenics” from atheists and agnostics. I have always found this puzzling as survey after survey shows that this group has the lowest fertility rate and is the least capable of biologically reproducing itself.

        If this “puzzles” you, it may be because you a retard. Or more likely, because pretending to be a christcuck causes you to pretend to be a retard. Of course, truth is truth regardless of who is saying it.

        I used to be an eugenics-obsessed atheist.

        In my defense, I was only beginning to think through these issues in my twenties. I began to change my mind after I was introduced to the “atheist community” on the internet.

        You didn’t change your mind about eugenics because of any new facts. You pretended to change your mind so you could better appeal to your southern christcuck brethren. That’s fine – your movement is probably going nowhere without them – but it would be nice if you could at least be honest with yourself about it.

        • No, I genuinely began to see it for what it is … a product of the early 20th century when the concern was overpopulation and the masses breeding out of control and the dumb overwhelming the intelligent.

          That’s the beginning of the arc of eugenics. The middle is the mid-20th century after World War II when the spread of contraception brought human fertility firmly under control. The end is our own times in the early 21st century when the problem is deracination, depopulation and low fertility. The White population isn’t threatened by fecund retards exploding in number so much as it is the decline of group loyalty, immigration and strangely enough the methods pioneered by eugenicists which the intelligent use to reduce the size of their families

          It’s just not a concern in a time when something like 10% to 15% of the White population values their ancestry and considers it an important part of their identity

      • I’m sure some of those polyamorists believed in the “round-Earth” theory too. It seems strange, in the vastness of the cosmos, that the answer to such a weighty question as whether a deity exists should turn on the behavior of some secular sex cult among the insignificant talking monkeys inhabiting one tiny planet in one of countless galaxies.(As if there aren’t any religious sex cults, lol.)

    • I always thought the abortionists were adamant about religious folks NOT imposing their values upon everyone else. Funny how that mask continues to drop away.

      • When the Christian Right imposes its values: “GiLeAD!!! Oppression! Slavery! Rape!”

        When Jews and the Left impose their values: “Freedom, Democracy, Liberation, Who We Are.”

        The Sexual Purity movement of the 80s and 90s gave the Christian Right a bad name, from my point of view. Evangelicals gave up that ghost by 2010. Its a dead horse.

    • (((David Cole))) is liar. See above. The center of his lie here is the nature of the Roe decision itself. Overturning the decision will not outlaw abortion. Roe declared abortion to be a constitutional right on zero legal basis, and prohibited any outlaw or restriction of the practice.

  6. How did you get here? How do you rationalize your existence? Where did you come from?
    At its very heart atheism is a train of thought that is without reason and what is even worse it does not even pretend to try and understand the how and the why of how we got here and where we came from.
    Kind of like calling yourself gods chosen people, how are you gods chosen people?

    no answer no reason, just a baseless proclamation without anything backing it up


    a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

  7. Mother Nature performs more abortions than humans.

    How many women miscarriage in the first two months of pregnancy and don’t know thinking it’s a period.

    Don’t think in absolutes on this issue


  8. So leftist nut cases aren’t having children (abortion)) and normal decent White people are (not having abortions), isn’t this kinda taking care of itself for our side.

    • If that were true, then the problem would be getting better after 63 million abortions. We would be breeding out the genetic liberals. Unfortunately, I think this is a cope. The culture continues to slide downhill.

      • That’s because leftist nut cases aren’t born, they are made. And since they have complete control of the public schools and Colleges, they can make a lot. I wish our manufacturing base was as good.

        • That’s my view.

          Especially after the “trans” and “woke” crazes. Both are social contagions that were spread through well known social media platforms

          • “Trans” nonsense is wreaking havok on neurotic girls. “Trans” in the past was almost wholly a male phenomenon as most sexual perversions are disproportionately male, the fact that it’s now 5 times more common in females proves it’s a social contagion. It’s just another case of hypochondriac, neurotic girls being given some bad information to fester in their minds. The same as when Lt. Barclay in Star Trek Next Generation fixated on transporter psychosis and convinced himself he was suffering from it.

        • Thank you. Somebody finally hit upon the true nature of the problem, which is normal white folks sending the offspring to the government schul gulags – under 100% control of the absolute worst type of Church of Woke ideologues. Shitlibs themselves reproduce at low rates, they increase their ranks via grooming and recruitment. Dobson warned Christians three decades ago to remove their kids from public schuls. Most paid no attention.

  9. I’m an atheist and I would put myself in the “Legal, some exceptions” category. Of course the main exception is if the baby is a White gentile.

  10. I don’t need religion for me to lead a decent life. But these fundie fetus fetish freaks tell me I will go to Hay-ull. No one better ask me if I’m “saved”.

  11. The jews get the goyim to abandon their Christian faith and than they use their abortion value to get them to abort their kids so the blacks and browns can surpass them.

  12. On the “30 million white children” it should be “white fetuses.” They only had the potential to grow into children and giving moral valence to potentialities leads to pascal’s mugging. Furthermore, loyalty is a two-way street and unconditional loyalty is cuckoldry. I consider myself under no obligation to assure that the unborn “children” of white race traitors and degenerates have the chance to be born. If their parents “murdered” them it’s on them not me.

    “I will do anything to save the White race except change my values and lifestyle, marry a woman of the same race and procreate tends to be an outlier.”

    Oh God are we going to have this same stupid argument again? Many of the women of my generation aren’t interested in traditional marriage in terms of a binding lifelong commitment. They see it as a financially advantageous contract that can be ended any time. Not all of them, I married a socially conservative woman, but enough that it matters. Often the choice in front of the man is a low-class divorcee and a high-class never-married who wants to have her first kid at 40.

    • Many of the women of my generation aren’t interested in traditional marriage in terms of a binding lifelong commitment.

      RadFemHitler actually called this one a few months ago: The problem with Pro-White men finding White women unmarriagable is that they are chasing a particular class of White women that, indeed, has no interest in marriage: AWFL (Affluent White Female Liberals).

      I’m paraphrasing her there, but thats the gist of it.

      You said it yourself: The goal should be to find a socially conservative wife, not convert an AWFL into something she’s not. White women with college degrees and careers project the kind of stability and intelligence that Pro-White men crave. The problem is, they make for horrible wives and mothers.

      White men have the same “I can fix her” attitude towards AWFL’s that women as a group have for Type-A sociopaths. And they have this mentality because they find socially conservative women to be boring and uninteresting, which, imo, reveals that what Pro-White men really want is not a loyal wife and a good mother, but basically a bro with a vagina. “She’s my best friend.” *puke*

      I’ve made my own peace with Anglin’s commentary by ignoring what I disagree with and accepting what I think he’s right about. He gets the gist down in terms of whats wrong with White women from a macro scale, but its not true that every marriage between a White man and a White woman ends in bitter divorce. Sure, not all marriages are happy, but guess what: Anyone who gets married to “be happy” is doing it wrong.

      If a White woman is an AWFL and therefore unmarriagable, leave her to her fate. If a White man never finds a socially conservative woman on the market, or if he rejects her because he finds her boring, uninteresting, or perhaps a little crazy, then well, that’s just fate taking its course. Marriage isn’t about friendship or “pair bonding,” its about family and duty. Our ancestors knew that. We’ve chosen to ignore it because even Pro-White men internalized modernist values.

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