At some point, you would think Anglin would draw the conclusion that glorifying mass shooters isn’t worth the time consuming hassle of losing domain names, the heat and harassment from the feds who will seize on it or clowning everyone else in the blast radius like Tucker Carlson who are trying to push a nationalist agenda. It isn’t even in his own interest to be associated with this.
Can I get an Optics Check?

The best time to quit doing this was last week. The best time now is today.
There are too many impressionable, mentally ill people out there to have this content on the site.

Both the Democrats and the Republicans are supporting the dress up Nazis in the Ukraine with arms, supplies, and whatever else they need. Even the American ADL has given this murderous bunch of dress up Nazi their seal of approval. I don’t see any difference between this Gendron dress up Nazi and the Ukrainian dress up Nazis. Even down to the use of the symbols.
If you consider Azov and the rest of the “National units” they act out every trope of a “Nazi” as Hollywood see them!
Azov preform like the Germans from a 1950s war flick or the invader of Russian folklore
And if you think about it maybe that was the plan all along…scare the Russians from supporting the real “Nazis” against globohomo and jewish world power through invoking the ghosts of the “great patriotic war” by letting petty criminals and drugdealers play dress up and go ape-shit on basically everyone
Azov are really the Nazi from the jews nightmare and just as fake
Krafty, the filth in Ukraine aren’t Nazis. They aren’t National Socialists. If they were, they would have overthrown the demonic zionist Zelensky, who has never seen a gentile he didn’t want to murder.
They are holocaust myth enthusiasts. They are disgusting freaks who jacked off to ‘Schindler’s List’ when a normal person would have turned it off in disgust or laughed. They are lower than dogs.
Azov are just as National Socialist as any biker or prison gang using the same symbols for fear value and to piss off the Russians who have real priors with the symbology
They are militarized edge-lords in service to ZOG , maybe they are just a psy-op by the eternal enemy to shitwash National Socialism even more acting out every fucking line from Schindlers List
One of the more insane aspects of Clownworld at present is the proliferation of Nazis. They’re everywhere! It’s become an intra-nazi war. To keep one’s blue-cheka credentials current, one must clap only for those nazis with the Kosher seal of approval from Pope Noseferatu. Other nazis are to be denounced. The recent shooting in Buffalo is particularly difficult for the booboisie as the shooter seems to have been a fan of the Judeo-Nazis in Country 404. He was following the standard Dem-GOP position here in line with Llord ‘Ray-Theon’ Austin (who could even be one of Obama’s many brothers), Joey Shitpants, Princess Pelosi, Lady G and Greg Johnson. I guess it really is Springtime for Hitler (if not for Germany).
“Secondly, I love niggers.”
Look that is funny.
Blaming Anglin for mass shootings is absurd.
The boomers really hate the younger pro-whites. They demand undeserved respect and to be treated as leaders, when they’ve done nothing to earn it. They may have books, videos, and websites, but it’s nothing new.
They hate Nick Fuentes, Vincent James, Andrew Anglin, Keith Woods, Adam Green, etc.
lol all worthless conservative trash, apart from Keith Woods.
Anglin is the frontman for the disgusting jew Weev. He will burn in hell for that alone.
Anglin and Fuentes are clearly closeted homosexuals.
Ron how are things in Tel Aviv tonight?Bet it stinks in that barracks with all you hook noses crammed in tight reading thousands of messages and doing your father Satans work.
“like Tucker Carlson who are trying to push a nationalist agenda”:
What is Faux News “nationalism”? Certainly not a true socialist ethno-nationalism that I would support.
“like Tucker Carlson who are trying to push a nationalist agenda”:
Imagine someone realy believing he or FOX is actually “Pushing a nationalist agenda”
Ground control to Major Tom
For more than two years I have read the article of DS and have not encountered a single instance of him exhorting anyone perpetrate attacks. I challenge you to cite a single instance where he “glorifies mass shooters”.
The existence or “Impressionable people” has no relevency to the fact that I have not once seen Anglin promote killing random people.
When censorship obstructs the valve of release of the frustrations of people, and they realize that they have no channel to verbally address their concerns, then they are left feeling powerless. When words are no longer permitted, then some people will resort to other tools.
Violence is legitimate only in self-defence. Attacking radom people only harms you in the end.
It appears that you misunderstand DS as relating to the fact that it does not promote mass shooters. Censorship is not a solution – but rather a symptom of the problem that is Anti-Whiteism.
Regards, brother,
Knowledge is power.
– Bryce
I’ve been watching that website over a much longer time frame. Evidently, you missed all the coverage of Dylann Roof, the Bowl Patrol, Elliot Rodger who they celebrated on Valentine’s Day and especially Brenton Tarrant. They created that flier and literally went out in real life and plastered it on churches. They are the ones who glorified St. Tarrant.
Don’t forget the 9 million articles advocating beating and killing white women.
You can say plenty probably deserve killing, but dang.
Those posts were next level vicious. Not a good idea to totally alienate the only people that can make new little race soldiers.
“Don’t forget the 9 million articles advocating beating and killing white women.”
You wanted to say 6 million. Admit it.
You get that AA being this extreme, helps make normalize OD?
I don’t mind the pro-white circular firing squad either, as it draws more normies in because of the drama, than it turns normies away.
They start by taking a side between warring pro-whites, and don’t really realize that they turned pro-white in the process.
Why can’t he simply knock it off though with promoting people like Brenton Tarrant? I mean … what is the value? I don’t get it
Because saying transgressive stuff is great humor for younger men. Always has been.
It used to be sex and god that was the forbidden subjects that it was funny to transgress for the youth, but as the boomers never grew up, they never quit, so no it’s no longer funny.
I’m not sure all the censorship is all bad for AA either, as it sure makes him relevant when Globohomo does so much to shut him down.
He seems to be realizing that he doesn’t have to attach himself to people like Tarrant. We will see how long it lasts
Hunter Wallace is correct on this. I remember all of that, too. Similarly, way back when (2017?) he ran an item celebrating the fact that a disabled elderly woman in a wheelchair had been attacked, beaten, and raped by non-White invaders, somewhere in Europe — I think it was France. He wrote that she deserved it — in those exact words.
China should really stop sending their students to the West. As should all other countries, tbh. There is nothing to be gained sending students to low quality western brainwashing centers. Even the western STEM curriculum is a joke. It’s high school tier for East Asia.
I once saw one of those Chinese kids wearing a CCP t-shirt with the words “we are here to conquer” on it. So blatant that dummy Americans were probably meant to see it as funny, when it was in fact the brutally honest truth.
Anglin needs to modify his approach.
He’s about as subtle as stampeding buffalo.
Despite his many flaws, he does bring out good material. If he would just smooth the jagged edges.
Anglin is a conservative Trump supporter. He will burn in hell for that.
>Anglin needs to modify his approach.
I have mixed feelings; but generally, I would say no, not really — for the occasional article, including his remarks about women, I agree — but his style is what gets people’s attention, and once they start paying attention to him, they learn to filter out the objectionable stuff, and then they start paying attention to other things too.
The Right doesn’t much need more gentlemen dissidents like John Derbyshire and Peter Brimelow, the latter of whom sued the NYT for calling him a White Nationalist.
“There are too many impressionable”
Read, ‘young WHITE males’, flooded with testosterone and lacking experience.
“Can I get an Optics Check?”
The subtleties of persuasion fly over the heads of the Anglin crew.
Anglin does have a couple of other sites up. And he is up on Gab. And the TOR address. He should let the Stormer go. The name carries a Nazi tinge, which is something he has now moved away from.
The FBI did get the Chicoms to close his Chicom .cn url by writing this so-called manifesto and putting the Daily Stormer in it.
Russ Winter is right. This false flag in Buffalo is bright with glow worms. Thankfully, Hunter Wallace is only one of the last of the decent Americans who fails to see through it. Too much talmudvision time.
Why do people buy into the “Evil Germans” thing from the media? That’s what the whole
“Nazi” thing is about, you know. They can’t have people wanting what the Germans did long ago…
In defense of Anglin, I offer you and your audience this quote by JFK. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
[Remarks on the first anniversary of the Alliance for Progress, 13 March 1962]
John F. Kennedy
If our ancestors said we will not fight because of muh optics we wouldn’t have a nation today. We would still be part of England and the Indians would have wiped us out. Sometimes you have to do things that are not popular, Our enemies do it. I’ll say it again, fear and intimidation is a great weapon. Unfortunately, Whites act as individuals instead as a collective.
Anglin had a disclaimer on his site that he completely disavows violence. His rhetoric is over-the-top, but it is theater of the absurd and can be extremely valuable in pointing out the sheer hypocrisy and absurdity of the global elites.
After all, NATO/ZOG/FedGov glorifies soldiers who kill Iraqis and Afghans and Syrians who never attacked us, it glorifies killing Russian whites on behalf of Zelensky and Blinken, and it glorifies IDF troops who shoot Palestinians routinely.
If you work for the powers-that-be as a hired killer in a volunteer army, you will be highly paid and honored if you go kill fifty Muslims in their own damn country. Yet a guy who does it in New Zealand without pay is denounced as the most horrid monster on the planet by the very same people paying kids to kill Muslims in the sandbox.
All a question of who/whom.
As this shooting in Buffalo shows, the danger is that mentally ill people who don’t have their head screwed on straight will respond to the inflated rhetoric. This is something that I am quite aware of here which is why I am far more reserved in what I write and allow here. This was bound to happen. Fortunately, people who have this mindset aren’t attracted to this site
Well, the stuff in the MSM and the constant B on W violence is far more inflammatory than anything else.
But the problem is that people who don’t have their heads screwed on straight will always do crazy shit anyway. Look at the black who shot shot five Houston cops a few years back because he was inspired by Obama’s rhetoric.
The Left of course uses this as a subtle form of censorship against us, because if we speak the truth about immigration or black crime or Jews or whatever, it will be denounced as “violent extremism.” Meanwhile the Left openly celebrates the violent Leftists of the Sixties, the violence of Antifa, the Black Panthers, the Stonewall Riot, illegal border crossings, and Leftist DAs drop the charges against violent rioters and arsonists protesting Trump or the George Floyd incident.
If the shooter had been a black who shot up a Klan rally and killed ten Klansman (not that there are any actual Klan rallies any more, mind you), the media and the politicians would basically support it and the courts would do everything they could to either drop the charges or give the guy the minimum possible sentence.
The acceptance or rejection of violence is directly related to what the political motives of the actors are.
I dud read his manifesto. It seemed strange that an 18 years old wrote that. It sounds like somebody much older unless her is a genius like the Unabomber.
Much of it was copy and paste from other manifestos
Anglin’s writing and his audience have evolved for the better over the past ten years. DS woke up a generation of white guys, the effects of which are yet to be seen. And the stay at home moms who couldn’t get off their haughty asses to vote Trump in 20 want to trash him.
He appears to be changing course after losing the .cn domain. We will see how long this lasts
Given the Jews total control of media etc., I think the real question is why is OD allowed to stay up? Whatever DS is or isn’t, the Jews don’t want it; and that’s enough for me to support the site. It’s also generally well written, very humorous regarding memes and women, and spot on politically.
Again, if OD is truly pushing the White, European agenda; why are the Jews not taking it down?
A fair question I think.
Either you’re not making a difference or you’re bought and paid for. what exactly is the difference?
I’m guessing it is because we don’t promote or celebrate violence here either on the main page or in the comments. When you celebrate mass shooters, it is a lot harder to keep your site online. Do you think there is a connection between DS going down and the .cn domain being mentioned in Gendron’s manifesto?
Anglin came from less than nowhere, anti white, before 2014,
established himself promoting and attaching himself to everyone
including very questionable known people, slowly outed himself
supporting and working with Jews like WEEV.
Whole groups of new suckers read him. I know his history. Anglin spent alot of
time online going back cleaning up after his own messes, mention them and he
will ban you.
Doesn’t matter if he is right on some issues. He is poison.
I have nothing personal against Wang-Lin but the guy is no longer relevant because he has zero credibility. He fancies himself a very clever fellow, but I perceive him to be a self-important twerp and pathological misogynist. He also likes being adored by a small army of autistic antisocial misfits and has a case of Yerrow Fever. He’s bad news and should be ignored.
Evil be my good. This is what killed the Alt Right.
In truth: right makes might.
Totally agree with you John White.
I like Anglin and I like his view on this Satanic,useless world we live in today.None of the good things lost are coming back.Christ is coming back and this time we have on Earth is winding down.Anglin understands this and he publicly stands up for Jesus as do I.How many of you commenters ever take the time to mention the master Jesus(not many).These ugly things are a culmination of that sin which started with Eve.It must happen.But Christ will defeat the Satanic Jews who are now at their maximum power.Trust in the good Lord and reject anyone who is a pagan or a hasbara because they work for the Devil.
Anglin thank you for your tips and motivation on fitness! I know your reading these comments have me the biggest belly laugh on the Articles you wrote! Rock on even if you don’t like guitar Rock
By the way friends, get fit
Watch and learn from Chris Heria on YouTube
I completely agree with the seeming minority of posters here who point out that:
-AA almost single-handedly dragged the Overton Window to the right (over the past decade that his site has been in existence)
-AA deliberately used way-over-the-top writing to make a point about the hypocrisy and absurdity of even … maybe especially … those who claim to be “right-wing” and “conservative” … wasn’t he the one who popularized the rhetorical question “What have conservatives actually conserved?”
-AA in his irony is no worse than BLM in its serious writing
-Which brings us to the fact that blacks and browns, once they’re assisted in completely consolidating their power here in the U.S., will make En-Zed and Buffalo NY look like a first-grade play put on in the school gymnasium; that is, the U.S. will in practical as well as legal terms become today’s South Africa, with all that THAT means; AA us the guy who said so almost 10 years ago and we’re on the glide-path right now, today
How does that saying go? Something along the lines of how easy it is to mock the man in the arena dripping with sweat and blood, while you’re safely esconced on your couch with a bag of potato chips and a beer? I am no man in the arena, at all … and neither is anyone in this long line of posts. The very best to AA, he deserves credit and riches and respect but gets next to nothing forhis trouble.
For now, it seems like Anglin has realized that promoting these people was a mistake, but we will see how long it takes to revert back to celebrating mass shooters like Elliot Rodger and Tarrant. He should quit doing that. He would be helping himself
So…you believe AA does what he does in order to help himself? TBH your response to Zaq’s comment just seems like some sort of strange re-enforcement of your article. I mean, what does it even address?
He seems more annoyed than usual. If he stops celebrating these people, it would be a good thing
interesting how many people are dissing AA…without using a single quote…you realize he writes multiple articles almost every single day right? rofl all that and not 1 of u dumb fakes have the decency to quote him (in context) calling for violence…how much do you make a year to write this low IQ trash Ms. Wallace?
We’ve been following Andrew for nearly a decade now.
It’s hard to believe that your vitriol toward AA is anything but raw jealousy. In just a couple of years, he garnered more attention and brought more people onto our side than you did in over a decade. He tapped into internet/meme culture while you were still stuck on Loser Nationalism, attaching yourself to fat slobs dressed in Nazi uniforms screaming in the street(i.e. Matt Heimbach). The outrageous things Andrew says about raping women, celebrating mass shooters, etc. is just absurd satire. Surely you’re smart enough to know that, Hunter.
Andrew offers real-world advice and insight that normal white men of all ages can relate to and benefit from, particularly young men: Eat real food, get physically fit, stop watching porn and jacking off. Focus on your goals(not girls), be trustworthy, be competent, get out of the urban centers, develop skills, learn a trade, become a part of your community, build a life for yourself, and ultimately trust in God.
At the same time he gives straightforward information and perspective about world events in Russia, China, Latin America, etc. He does all of that in a way that is both thought-provoking and thoroughly entertaining. And unlike yourself, he was prescient enough to see through the whole Covid scam from very early on.
I guess you’ll have to forgive me if I find TDS more attractive than another Liberal Larry video
Normal White people in their thirties aren’t obsessed with Elliot Rodger. They are married and have kids and saving for retirement
I read TDS regularly, but I can’t remember the last time I saw any mention of Elliot Rodger. Surely, if it’s an “obsession”, you can cite just ONE example from the last six months.
Normal White people in their thirties aren’t dressing in Nazi regalia, marching through the street, waving swastika flags and throwing Roman salutes. But your fat repulsive friends are doing just that, without a hint of satire. They’re custom-made for a 90s Geraldo episode. For all of the vitriol you’ve spewed at AA, you’ve not criticized them once. Why is that?
1.) Sure. You missed Elliot Rodger Day at TDS aka Valentine’s Day. The site had an Elliot Rodger banner and everything.
2.) The Daily Stormer is named after Der Sturmer and was a Neo-Nazi site for years until Charlottesville. It started out as Total Fascism. Anglin himself has a sonnenrad tattoo.
3.) Anglin himself explained to me why he was so angry with Matt Heimbach after Charlottesville. Heimbach was discrediting his brand of non-ironic ironic Neo-Nazism by marching through the streets with TWP
4.) Finally, I regret attaching myself to the Alt-Right label because it became an umbrella for narcissists and weirdos and other misfits like incels
> Andrew offers real-world advice and insight that normal white men of all ages can relate to and benefit from, particularly young men: Eat real food, get physically fit, stop watching porn and jacking off. Focus on your goals(not girls), be trustworthy, be competent, get out of the urban centers, develop skills, learn a trade, become a part of your community, build a life for yourself, and ultimately trust in God.
So Andrew Anglin is your substitute older brother, or even your substitute DAD?
That’s awful.
Hardly. I’m 2 decades older than Andrew. But which part of the above advice do you find so awful?
“1.) Sure. You missed Elliot Rodger Day at TDS aka Valentine’s Day. The site had an Elliot Rodger banner and everything.
2.) The Daily Stormer is named after Der Sturmer and was a Neo-Nazi site for years until Charlottesville. It started out as Total Fascism. Anglin himself has a sonnenrad tattoo.
3.) Anglin himself explained to me why he was so angry with Matt Heimbach after Charlottesville. Heimbach was discrediting his brand of non-ironic ironic Neo-Nazism by marching through the streets with TWP
4.) Finally, I regret attaching myself to the Alt-Right label because it became an umbrella for narcissists and weirdos and other misfits like incels”
Yes, I missed that one, so I was wrong. But I still wouldn’t say one(obviously tongue-in-cheek) post a year equals an obsession. And I think most people get the joke.
Anglin has said for years that he’s not a Neo-Nazi and doesn’t even know what that means. Heimbach is a discredit to anyone who holds a dissident viewpoint. There’s a reason the media was so eager to give him exposure. He’s a cartoon character that no normal person would want to be associated with.
Whatever his flaws or excesses, I think Anglin has been net positive for the dissident right.