OAN Contributor Alison Steinberg is raging after returning home to Huntington Beach to find the city flying a Pride flag. (Language) pic.twitter.com/fk5rTg88hF
— Ron Filipkowski ?? (@RonFilipkowski) June 26, 2022
Now that abortion has been returned to the states, it is hard to see the rationale for keeping other contentious issues frozen in amber and locked away as made up constitutional rights. The dam has burst with the demise of Roe.
Litteraly Uncle Remus standing up for his gentry
This is Darkie loyalty not seen since 1862, imagine this Negro getting attacked by Antifa but in the last moment he is saved by litteraly Nazis in the form of Warren Balogh and a posse formed by Dr Hill…..roll credits and Jordan
Federalism in theory helps the Union survive, but will the New Religion live in peace with the old?
No, we can live in peace with legal weed in Colorado, but liberals are incapable of living with an Alabama where abortion is illegal
Funny how it only goes one way. My boomer mother stills goes apoplectic if I put Trump on for even a minute yet I’m expected to tolerate all her shitard propaganda.
The Left is fundamentally irrational, that is why there is no reasoning with them. Their extremism will result in abortion becoming illegal everywhere eventually because they will push the issue as an all or nothing proposition. If the pro-abortion faction would just agree to allow abortion in some places but not others they could have abortion forever.
They can’t do that. They are temperamentally unsuited for compromise and rational debate. The perfect is the enemy of the good and they refuse to countenance any compromise. They demand total victory and destruction of their enemies in a political system where compromise is still fundamental and their uncontrolled rage is making them new enemies.
Watch the global warming fraud go through the same thing after Europe freezes in the dark this winter. The global warming fraud combined with antagonism of Russia guarantees insufficient energy this winter in Europe. There is no reasoning with these people on anything including basic survival. There is no living with them either, they have to be crushed.
Banning abortions in southern stateswill only result in more black and Hispanics being born
More Whites will also be born.
Abortion was illegal here until the Roe decision. The South was also becoming whiter until the 1970s. The region was significantly whiter than it had been in 1900. The country as a whole, too, was more homogeneous in 1970 than it had ever been before, so it wasn’t just due to blacks leaving the South.
Every country in the world that has legal abortion is degenerate. They have aging and browning populations. Some people have this fantasy that legal abortion is culling the non-White population, but that hasn’t happened anywhere in practice.
“Abortion was illegal here until the Roe decision. The South was also becoming whiter until the 1970s. The region was significantly whiter than it had been in 1900. The country as a whole, too, was more homogeneous in 1970 than it had ever been before, so it wasn’t just due to blacks leaving the South.”
That was due to immigration from Europe, black fertility rates were always higher. Abortion was associated with an abrupt lowering of the black fertility rate. The white fertility rate also went down, but for different reasons.
“Every country in the world that has legal abortion is degenerate. They have aging and browning populations.”
Hungary has a browning population? Japan has a browning population?
“Some people have this fantasy that legal abortion is culling the non-White population, but that hasn’t happened anywhere in practice.”
It is in fact happening in the United States, that’s what all the statistics indicate. Abortion patients are exactly the people we don’t want having children*. Pro-lifers can’t dispute this so just say that if we ban abortion we’ll magically get all that other stuff. What will you conclude if in 2032 none of it has been delivered?
*This includes the white people too. You cannot logically complain about all these births out of wedlock and then say banning abortion is good because more white children will be born. If you want to be consistent with your pro-life views you should celebrate single mothers. They’re just providing you with what you want.
1. Immigration from Europe was sharply curtailed in the 1920s. The country continued getting whiter until the 1970s. The whitest point in the history of the South was the 1970 Census on the cusp of Roe.
2. 50 years of legal abortion did not cull the black population which is higher today than it was in the 1970 Census. Whites, however, have been sharply reduced to less than 60 percent of the population.
3. Japan is the oldest country in the world and is aging beyond the point of return. Hungary is also less Hungarian than it used to be. The overwhelming majority of Western countries have become much more multicultural and multiracial since abortion was legalized. All Western countries have low birth rates and massive social problems.
3. California was one of the first states to legalize abortion. It is now less White than Mississippi. Every state in the country is now less White after 50 years of legal abortion. There are no countries which have legal abortion and which are becoming more White. The opposite is true. They are liberal, deracinated and degenerate. A culture which would permit abortion is so self-absorbed that it will tolerate anything.
4. Divorce isn’t a separate issue. It is caused by the same set of values. Abortion and divorce and miscegenation and open borders and gay rights all rose together and triumphed at the same time in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Also conflating abortion rights as the absolute decline of white birthrates. It’s only a segment of larger woman’s rights movement beginning from suffragettes 20s to 1960s. Women trading off mommyhood for a career could equally have caused as much harm as abortion.
Blatant public Abortion is a bellwether similar to Sodomy that a people are morally corrupt, whatever the benefits are with blacks getting abortions is more than offset by turning our white women into these awful purple haired creatures we see right now screaming on the public square. The question though is this too little, too late? Is the nation too far gone for this to really do anything? Will the rampant fatherlessness keep going on? Abortion 50 years ago was seen as an escape from a shotgun marriage by selfish people. Nowadays with bastardy a social norm will we just get these same dysfunctional social arrangements? You all see the 25 year old burned out single mother trudging up and down the apartment complex with her bastard wearing scrubs from the local community college health career training program. After years of irresponsible partying and getting knocked up by players the adults have steered her towards “looking to her future” by training her to empty bed pans in the old folks home.
It’s unfortunate that the SC has to make these decisions to begin with. It should never have come to this but as long as it’s reversed I’ll take it.
So you believe the statistics are being manipulated? They clearly show that blacks and mestizos get abortions at higher rates than whites. That’s why I think Jews get so upset about the abortion issue. It’s not about the increase in whites being born, they worry about the black population in the South exploding and redpilling everyone.
No, I don’t.
I agree that blacks and Hispanics get abortions at higher rates than White. The problem is that demographic change is driven by all sorts of factors.
A culture which is comfortable with abortion is also one that is overly permissive, self centered and neglectful of future generations. If you are fine with a mother killing her own offspring, why would you care about your race? People who share the same racial ancestry are much more distantly related.
This permissive attitude which permits abortion also permits … miscegenation, homosexuality and gay marriage, fornication, now “trans.” It tolerates mass immigration. It tolerates feminism. There are all sorts of factors which are driving our demographic decline. We lose people through low birthrates, through DINKs and dog moms, through wealth redistribution and above all else through contraception.
The cumulative effect of this culture, especially contraception and education becoming so much expensive, more than offsets the abortion issue. A culture is pro-choice on abortion is also one that is being overwhelmed by immigration and which is pro-choice on homosexuality and childlessness and trans and miscegenation
Is Wendy Via a tranny?
Okay, let’s say I agree for the most part and who knows, maybe this was the first step in the undoing of our degenerate culture. You still have to admit that the black population in the South is going to get a larger bump to their birth rate than the white population as a direct result of the abortion ban. And with it, you will likely see an increase in single motherhood, crime, and general black dysfunction. From a pure demographic standpoint, that’s not really a good thing, but it probably does mean higher redpilling potential.
I don’t know.
We will see how it works out.
I do know that the predictions of eugenicists were flat wrong. The country was becoming more White when abortion was illegal and has rapidly become less White since it has been legal. The turning point was in the early 1970s. It seems clear to me that abortion is a package deal. It is a slippery slope.
Globally, the overall result of the legalization of abortion and availability of birth control, which were championed by eugenicists in the early 20th century, has been catastrophic aging and population decline. Whites have shrunk dramatically as a share of the global population.
>From a pure demographic standpoint, …
Of course you are right to mention this topic.
I think the most committed pro-life people view abortion as a purely moral question, one not open to compromise or accommodation; they are also typically ‘one race, the human race’ types, i.e. not race realists, and would therefore in any case not be swayed by the issue you raise.
I hope you enjoy it and have a good time……… “left-wing people are mentally ill” (Edward Dutton)