Joe is losing Asian and “Latinx” voters. He still has the support of blacks, but the bloc vote has crumbled there too. This won’t translate as much into a shift in voting patterns, but it is still catastrophic for Democrats.
We’re also used to seeing Whites more divided and non-Whites more unified by lopsided margins. Joe is changing that.

If Trump had won, by this time all those to the right of Trump would be totally shut down. And by now the Repubs would be basking in that tinsel self-generated warm glow of their crazy delusions of NOT being the “white racists” (everyone else knows they really are) by their waging war against their own “flesh”, their own Right-wing. The Republicans are not our saviors. Nukes from Russia/China/NKorea/etc completely destroying the Yankee Empire and killing most of the Dem/Repub politicians is a better option than anything any Democrat or Republican can offer us.
How about a game-over complete shutdown? Divvy up all the assets, divide into regions of political/sectional unity and start completely over.
Secede now!
Our time has finally come!
May God Save the South!
“Secede now!
Our time has finally come!
May God Save the South!”
cut this this in stone and by our everlasting Father let it be
Deo Vindice
Great Banned,I could not have stated it better.The Yankee/Jew empire is Satan pure and simple.
Dementia Joe deserves credit for some accomplishments, however weak. He did finally end the U.S. commitment in Afghanistan, something Trump promised but never did. The pullout may have been a fiasco but that was going to happen anyway whenever the U.S. left Afghanistan, the place is ungovernable.
Dementia Joe promised significant change when he was running for President from his basement in 2020. He has delivered completely on that promise and that’s where he also deserves credit. Many changes have already happened because of Dementia Joe and more are on the way.
Under Dementia Joe’s distinguished Presidency inflation has skyrocketed, Third World shitholes are collapsing (e.g. Sri Lanka), he helped spark a big war in Ukraine which has contributed mightily to inflation and food shortages, Western Europe looks like it will freeze in the dark this winter, many on the Right have become disillusioned with MAGA type scams, he has fractured Democrat Party coalitions of colored people and he may end up turning over the Ho House and Senate to the worthless Republicans. One would would think that is too much change for just one guy to bring about but Dementia Joe has done it, and he isn’t finished yet.
Unfortunately, Dementia Joe’s winning streak will probably come to an abrupt end after the November elections when the Deep State will pitch his wrinkled ass overboard. The Lügenpresse is already laying the groundwork for Dementia Joe’s untimely departure by suddenly being shocked, shocked to discover that son Hunter is a degenerate whoremonger and that the Big Guy was into everything for %10. Who knew?
After Dementia Joe goes away it is Cackling Kamala, come on down! You now have the dubious honor of being Mr. President, presiding over a rapidly disintegrating GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire. Change we can believe in, again.
Yes, yes, the Deep State will be busy in the background but Cackling Kamala will be the new, idiotic, diverse, culturally enriched, hideous face of the GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire. Not exactly The Face that launched a Thousand Ships either. It should be good for a few laughs at least.
Yet there are believers. In a supermarket I passed a woman, nose up, proudly wearing a Biden for president T-shirt. Then, in Aldi, a man wearing a “lock him up” (Trump) T-shirt. Both were white, older, looked semi-middle class and, yes, both were masked. This is St. Louis; blue state, and also a union fiefdom. Unions are the most lockstep people you’ll ever meet, despite Trump actually re-opening a steel plant here and giving men back their jobs.
Under Dementia Joe’s distinguished Presidency inflation has skyrocketed, Third World shitholes are collapsing (e.g. Sri Lanka), he helped spark a big war in Ukraine which has contributed mightily to inflation and food shortages, Western Europe looks like it will freeze in the dark this winter, many on the Right have become disillusioned with MAGA type scams, he has fractured Democrat Party coalitions of colored people and he may end up turning over the Ho House and Senate to the worthless Republicans. One would would think that is too much change for just one guy to bring about but Dementia Joe has done it, and he isn’t finished yet.
Joe Tzu is the greatest grand-master of 666-D chess evah! You act as if all of those things you mention are bad things. Not really – the only one I see are idiots voting for Gay Old Pedobears in vain hope they are somehow different. The overall results of Joe Tzu’s grand strateegery has been to discredit and bring about the start of collapse for the Globo-Pedo Strip-Mall, which is far more than Cheetohead the Clown ever did. Cheetohead liked to squeak about the swamp on twatter, but Joe Tzu is actually putting the swamp into a situation it might not survive. Couldn’t happen to nicer folks, or as they say in Fergudishu … Burn the bitch down!
All the changes Dementia Joe has brought about I thoroughly approve, and more I didn’t list such as that intellectual giant, the next Sir William Blackstone, Ketanji Jackson for the SC.
Joe promised change and it’s change he has delivered. The Left and their “conservative” allies are always talking about change so they should be happy with all this change but instead they are choking on it. They are getting what they wanted, good and hard, too. The Left is discrediting itself through their political victories and I thoroughly approve.
Under no circumstances should Tucker be wasted running for president of this dumpster fire. I hope he doesn’t do what it looks like he might be considering.