@DeanObeidallah on Christian nationalism — which to be clear, cannot co-exist with democracy. The only way these people can impose their extremist beliefs on the majority is by blocking the vote and imposing right wing religious law state by state… https://t.co/170kYfzRWC
— Joy-Ann (Pro-Democracy) Reid ? (@JoyAnnReid) July 28, 2022
I am a Jewish American woman. The Supreme Court just took away my religious liberty and personal autonomy.
— Jennifer Taub ? ?? (@jentaub) June 25, 2022
Resist Christofascism.
I’ll keep saying the same thing again and again:
— Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg (@TheRaDR) July 27, 2022
All of our struggles are interconnected.
Defeating Christofascism is a group project.
We are in this together.
Orban. Torba. Ziegler. The GOP has become a party of overt anti-semitism—and if you think you can vote for the GOP without demonstrably advancing Christofascism in the United States, think again. It’s a patriotic duty to defend America against this threat. https://t.co/Yqmmsconaj
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) July 28, 2022
Sounds good to me.
“This past weekend, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., repeated her call that Republicans should embrace Christian nationalism, stating, “We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists.”
This is the same Greene who in 2019, when she was a candidate seeking office, claimed the two female Muslim members of Congress, Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., wanted to impose “Sharia in America” and demanded they “go back to the Middle East.” …
The term Christian nationalism is inseparable from white nationalism and is defined by the belief that the United States was founded as a white, Christian nation. It also relies on the core belief that there should be no wall between church and state, rather that our laws should be based on right-wing, extreme interpretations of the Christian faith. …
Since Roe v. Wade was overturned by the conservative Supreme Court, seven GOP-controlled states have imposed laws banning abortion at conception. These laws are grounded on the religious belief that life begins at conception, which, notably, is not shared by all faiths, or even all branches of Christianity. Still, Republicans seek to force their beliefs upon us just as the religious radicals in the Taliban despicably impose their extreme religious beliefs: by law. …”
It is funny.
This makes sense to me as a Lutheran.
My own personal ideal or model of society that I would like to see implemented is Northern Europe under Lutheranism in the Age of Orthodoxy between the Reformation and Enlightenment. Each German state and Scandinavian kingdom was ruled by a Lutheran price or king. Lutherans used to control all of those “Seven Mountains” – family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business and government – and the result was a strong, healthy and harmonious Lutheran culture.
Lutheran Europe was racially, ethnically, culturally and religiously homogeneous in the Age of Orthodoxy. Disgruntled people and heretics who objected to the status quo like the Anabaptists left and moved elsewhere. This is the way things were until the Enlightenment and the French Revolution swept across Europe and Napoleon’s armies and admirers began to dismantle the system and implement liberal reforms. Church and state were integrated in Germany down until World War I.
What’s so funny about this is hearing calls for dominionism come from Baptists and Pentecostals. You would have to know the history to appreciate the irony of this volte face. The rise of evangelical Christianity in the South in the wake of the Great Awakening was instrumental in the disestablishment of the Anglican Church in the South. Evangelicals have traditionally supported religious freedom.
I guess things are so bad now living as we do in a country where Christianity is no longer the dominant culture, where Christian norms and morals are under relentless attack by secular elites who promote Satanic fads like gay marriage and “trans,” where we all live under a homogeneous Jewish, liberal, modernist or atheist elite in outlook and their poison seeps out of every institution in society that White evangelicals are finally beginning to reconsider their attachment to liberalism.
Better late than never. Every man has his limit. I think the spread of “trans” was a key turning point for White evangelicals and their relationship to classical liberalism.
Marjorie Taylor Green isn’t Christian. She’s a jew-lover.
@Rob White——-She is weak and subject to manipulation, that is why the Irish Mick/Jew agent/pedophile Milo Hanrahan has volunteered to help her. I did not know Robert Mercer the moneybags behind Breitbart was an Irish Mick, who hired an Irish Mick Steve Bannon who then hired an Irish Mick named Milo Yank, Did you?
I got banned in ten seconds for one mildly anti-Shem comment at the Breitbart. The Irish are the henchmen for the Jews and Taylor Greene has hired an enemy of Christ and Christians as an adviser. What could possibly go wrong?
Better christian culture than woke culture…. Now in my country leftists are accusing Salvini of having had contact with Putin to bring down Draghi’s government, but the intelligence chief after an investigation denied that there was any contact. The left must come up with better lies to win the September elections.
Not really…Most Xians promote Jewish political power and interests.
Jews as a whole are more rightwing than atheists. They are political allies though. The progressive Left is overwhelmingly composed of White leftist atheists. Antifa is one of the whitest organizations in the country.
@Hunter Jews are prolific in both conservative and atheist circles. But many of the Jewish atheists lean more right, than left. Sam Harris is one. Christopher Hitchens was both, he crossed into both right and left sides, when he was alive. Same with Lawrence Krauss. I’m talking about real bonafide atheists, not the blue haired tattooed Reddit posters.
@Pilot yes but woke culture promote madness, undemocracy and violence against people like us, i think this is worse.
@Marcel The whites who want a white nation, for race, not religion, are not woke or mad. They realize if you put something ELSE up, as the first thing, then race won’t be the most important thing, and you’re compromised, all over again and again.
Christians are not able to detach from their need to be liked by the Jews. “Because, Jesus was a Jew!” I don’t see Jesus caring about what happens to them. He’s caring more about his chosen folk.
@ Pilot Ok but i see christian nationalism as way to unite white people against wokism. I never said that white that want a nation for race are woke, i’m simply saying that the first problem of our societies is globalism woke religion and all things that can destroy it are welcome: paganism, christian nationalism, conservative atheism, naturalism not in the hippie vegan form but in the sense of natural order that follow biology and preserve nature as the most important thing. I understand your point, i’m simply saying that nothing is worst than woke transgender, globalist, cancel culture, eternal immigrant society in which we live now.
“Lutheran Europe was racially, ethnically, culturally and religiously homogeneous in the Age of Orthodoxy. Disgruntled people and heretics who objected to the status quo left and moved elsewhere.”
Lutheran Europe?? How do you explain why the principle of “Cuius regio, eius religio” was necessary to conclude the Peace of Augsburg, which later broke down into the conflict know as the Thirty Years War?
You totally ignore Protestant persecution of other Protestants. Europe was a patchwork of religious faith from locality to locality and the fact that localities changed hands meant religion was in a precarious position too. You would plunge our entire race into the same death and bloodshed of old Europe that the American first amendment wisely avoids. You say that the Jews subverted our race, but then you want to discard that part of our race the Jews have subverted! Is it really their fault, if the mass of people are just comic book reading, TV watching followers? Where is the compassion for your race, which is what we are trying to save?
There was one religion in most of Northern Europe from the Reformation through the Enlightenment – Lutheranism – and the system worked beautifully in maintaining a healthy culture until the rise of liberalism which wrecked Christianity and laid the foundation for all the disasters that have been unleashed in our own times.
As for the Jews, they were literally unleashed by the Enlightenment. They became citizens with equal rights and were invited to take over all the positions of power and influence where you can find them now. The fact that this system had broken down over the course of the 19th and early 20th centuries is why Jews were so powerful and dominant in Germany in the Weimar Republic
But Lutherans are still worshipping the Jewish God and messiah. There’s no way to be free when they’re betrothed to that desert religion and it’s people.
Be free of what exactly?
If Lutherans were to become more like atheists and pagans, this would mean becoming vastly more leftwing than they are now. Again, over 95 out of 100 atheists are social liberals. The overwhelming majority of self-identified pagans are also extreme liberals.
Gee, it’s so obvious. Be free of the controlling tribe and their desire to oppress and even get rid of us. Seems Christians don’t think this is real. They believe in a sky fairy no one has ever seen, but they won’t acknowledge who’s running everything-including most white nations, and oppressing whites.
Actually, it’s not.
If you look at gay marriage, being Jewish means you are more likely opposed to it than atheists. Again, the overwhelming majority of atheists share the same views as Jews except in the sense of being more extreme
Are you counting on them being on your side? Really? Because some of them don’t care for gay marriage? Look at all of them in the govt and what they are doing.
Again, you pick this one talking point.
Losing our nation to nonwhites, losing our freedoms, having to live in a diversity world, increasing crime, etc., are MORE important than these talking points like gay marriage, abortion, or eating meat on Friday.
You have to look at the main goal…what is it, that you want? Do you just want to rally Christians together? Because they are NOT going to want a white world. They want their mixed and nonwhite friends included.
It’s like shooting yourself in the foot.
“Each German state and Scandinavian kingdom was ruled by a Lutheran prince or king (…) the result was a strong, healthy and harmonious Lutheran culture”:
Not healthy at all for the vast majority. Take the destitute, starving condition of Lutheran-ruled Swedish peasants for example, not much better than the lot of the peasants of Lama-ruled Tibet. Neither place was a real Shangri La.
“This is the way things were until the Enlightenment and the French Revolution swept across Europe and Napoleon’s armies and admirers began to dismantle the system”:
Bonaparte was the hero who liberated (temporarily, before the reaction) millions of peasants in many other European countries besides France. Give him credit where credit is due. “Viva la revolucion!”
“Bonaparte was the hero”
Thank you for the final confirmation that you can be ignored completely.
Agree. Have to wonder about some of these people…maybe they just want their football and Dem vs Rep rallies, and bad sitcoms to watch forever.
>extremist beliefs
What are the ‘extremist beliefs’? — could you enumerate them please? — maybe if you did people would find they are not so ‘extreme’.
The term Christian nationalism is inseparable from white nationalism and is defined by the belief that the United States was founded as a white, Christian nation.
It’s not a ‘belief’, it’s a fact — the founders were white Christians, as were nearly all citizens at the time — perhaps this is why the words ‘God’ and ‘Christianity’ do not appear in the Constitution (link): it was simply taken for granted — the intent of the First Amendment was essentially that the state should not favor one Christian sect (there were a number of them) over another.
That there are so many non-whites in the US now is due to the fact Whites indulged them — I hope more and more Whites are realizing that was a mistake.
Yet another reminder that the US has a huge, useless media/pundit class that does nothing but churn out dumb, alarmist propaganda — an even bigger problem is that huge numbers of mid- and nit-wits take it and them seriously.
The Evangelical Zionism in the South made me flee the Baptist church many decades ago. The SBC is lefty left.
The word came down from the highest levels of the SBC to purge James Edwards from his own church. It is instructive that his pastor and the congregation stood by him
“purge James Edwards from his own church”
That was so dirty.
Edwards is the most polite, mild mannered commentator. It does reveal the totalitarian nature of SBC, absolute tyranny and submission to woke policies.
Now, the SBC is wracked by sex scandals, mostly of black pastors, whom they so warmly welcomed into their convention. Some blk pastors have dozens of women alleging forced sex. Small wonder SBC numbers are in deep decline.
But all of this just is pointing a finger at the churches. If the goal wasn’t white genocide, would this be happening at all?
“Evangelical Zionism in the South made me flee the Baptist church many decades ago”
You’re not alone, not by any means.
Right, it’s Christian Nationalism that poses a threat to our democracy. Not the Jewish-dominated media, not Jew Zuckerberg spending $500 million to buy a presidential election, not Jewish donors contributing to 50% of Democrat donations, not Silicon Valley cooperating with the government to remove dissident voices from social media, not Zionists banning “antisemitism” from universities & restricting government assistance from those who support the BDS movement. These people are a joke.
Agree. Without the Christians, they would not be in charge. Christianity has become a joke of a religion.
Jews are rightwing compared to the White atheists who are their most reliable allies
The philosemitism of modern day Christians obviously sucks but every non-Christian white demographic is comparably worse. At least Christians seem to be in recovery mode.
Not everyone who is not a Christian is some deviant, amoral lowlife. You can replace your religion with a belief in what is good. Because Yahweh obviously didn’t choose whites as his people.
Christian Nationalism can be a great idea, the problem is that the main people embracing and “leading” it are philosemites and civic nationalists. We should take Christian Nationalism, remove all the typical respectable conservative tendencies within it and make it something actually Christian/Nationalist so that it doesn’t just become MAGA 2.0.
I haven’t looked at it in enough depth and I am wary of jumping on bandwagona in light of past experience. I support what Torba is doing though
Uh, try again, judeofascism.
Why does everyone confuse communism with Fascism? Fascism and NS were the enemies of communism but you have cuckservatives and so called patriots confusing the two.
Same as when they call pro-whites “Nazis”. Like the National Socialists ever called themselves that.
@CH I used to think that just perhaps Christianity was going to be the only way to assemble and unite whites, but now, I don’t think so. They are too busy worshipping the tribe.
“Christians are too busy worshipping the tribe.”
What I’m about to say may sound like a no-true-scotsman fallacy, but it’s true. “Christians” that worship the tribe are not real Christians, they worship the enemies of Christ. This is why Christian Nationalism has to be actually Christian and Nationalist, not Judeo-“Christian” and civic nationalist.
“Not real Christians”. That’s a way to rename the issue. Just like when the Christian Identity people say, “WE are the REAL Jews!”
You can’t win with your argument. You can’t go and interrogate every single Christian and figure out where they stand on things.
If you’d really take a look, they DO worship the tribe. Every Jew is Jesus to them. No matter what they do to the Palestinians, Christians still support the Jews. You aren’t going to stop that.
But when whites really wake up, and see what is being done to them, they realize that Christianity is being used to keep whites down. If you read the Talmud, you’ll find how they say they are going to destroy us, the gentiles. It is not whites who are destructive and hate them, it’s the other way around.
This nonsense of Christianity being a “bulwark” against Judeohegemony is absurd. Just because some Christians oppressed some Jews doesn’t mean that the former isn’t derived and beholden to the latter.
Christians are the only ones that conflate Jesus to god, hence why they worship false idols and Muslims are closer to Judaism, because they both understand his role in spreading judaized teachings to prepare the world for today, when Israel finally assumes its place over its brother Esau and Ishmael.
“If you’d really take a look, they DO worship the tribe. Every Jew is Jesus to them. No matter what they do to the Palestinians, Christians still support the Jews. You aren’t going to stop that.”
If any “Christian” worships the tribe, they don’t worship Jesus. These “Christians” that you speak of, should be condemned in the same way Ancient Israel was condemned by the Old Testament prophets for it’s idolatry, it’s immorality, etc.
“But when whites really wake up, and see what is being done to them, they realize that Christianity is being used to keep whites down.”
I don’t think that’s how it’ll work out. I predict instead that they’ll justify themselves by claiming God is on their side, fusing religious justifications with their political justifications.
“This nonsense of Christianity being a “bulwark” against Judeohegemony is absurd. Just because some Christians oppressed some Jews doesn’t mean that the former isn’t derived and beholden to the latter.”
The former isn’t beholden to the latter, Christianity is a continuation of the Old Testament religion while Judaism as we know it today has it’s roots in the Talmud, which was written down centuries after Jesus. Jews themselves aren’t even the same ethnically as they were 2,000 years ago, they just hold onto the ethno-religious identity of the Jews that had Jesus murdered.
“If any “Christian” worships the tribe, they don’t worship Jesus.”
Oh, but they do. You need to listen to some preachers and ministers. Some even go so far as to tell their flock that they, the Christians, are not as good as the Jews. You see, Jews don’t have to believe in Jesus, because of Dispensationalism, which is Christianity’s way of giving the Jews a free pass into heaven.
Read the last book of the Bible, where it talks about the “New Jerusalem”, with rubies and diamonds along the streets. Ahem…
You do admit that your religion is an extension of Judaism. You worship the same God. But Jews are that God’s chosen, and they don’t see Jesus as the Messiah. So who is wrong here?
That argument that Jews aren’t the same as they were….that’s garbage. Jews pride themselves on knowing themselves historically. You should talk to some rabbis. Jews have kept themselves rather pure over the centuries. Some tried that whole “Khazar” thing and even a Jew said it was a hoax.
Christians spin these thing, because they are so afraid of blaming the Jews. They won’t grow a pair and stick up for themselves. Instead, they find all kind of reasons to absolve the Jews from any wrong doing. “They’re not the REAL Jews!!”
“Oh, but they do. You need to listen to some preachers and ministers. Some even go so far as to tell their flock that they, the Christians, are not as good as the Jews. You see, Jews don’t have to believe in Jesus, because of Dispensationalism, which is Christianity’s way of giving the Jews a free pass into heaven.”
First of all, anyone calling themselves a “preacher” and a “minister” should automatically be ignored. Everything you’ve mentioned, including the heresy of dispensationalism, is a Protestant problem, not a problem with Christianity as a whole.
“You do admit that your religion is an extension of Judaism. You worship the same God. But Jews are that God’s chosen, and they don’t see Jesus as the Messiah. So who is wrong here?”
Our religion is a continuation of the Old Testament faith which Judaism is not. Judaism is Satanism and the Jews are wrong, plain and simple.
“That argument that Jews aren’t the same as they were….that’s garbage. Jews pride themselves on knowing themselves historically. You should talk to some rabbis. Jews have kept themselves rather pure over the centuries. Some tried that whole “Khazar” thing and even a Jew said it was a hoax.”
Jews are notorious liars and deceivers too and have no problem lying in order to gain people’s trust like they did with American Protestants. They’ll only tell the truth among themselves or when they’re feeling extra prideful.
I think this is a classic case of Suvorov’s Law in action. This is something Ted Sallis often talks about on his blog. Suvorov’s Law states that revolutions typically do not occur during the time of greatest repression, but when that repression is suddenly relaxed. It was the overturning of Roe vs. Wade that has led to this rise in Christian Nationalism. Concessions embolden the opposition. Of course, the trans stuff is also a factor. The Regime at least has an instinctual understanding of Suvorov’s Law which is why they were so hysterical about Roe vs. Wade.
Neo-Con Jews made up the phrase ‘Islamo-Fascism’ to dehumanize Arabs and encourage Americans to kill them.
Now the Jews are making up the phrase ‘Christo-Fascist’ to dehumanize Americans and encourage terrorists to kill us. Just how the SPLC radicalizes the terrorists who attack Christians, women’s clinics, and as these are terrorists, attempt to assassinate sitting elected representatives.
Jew bigotry against Christians is used as an excuse to terrorize Americans.
You could call them ‘Judeo-Fascists’ but it is more accurate to call them ‘Jews.’
They are extremely triggered by the phrase. The genius of the term is that “Christian” and “White” are so mixed up in the minds of normies that when Jews lash out at “Christian nationalism” it is perceived as both a racial and religious attack on people like them and their way of life. Normies associate the term Christian with people like themselves who they got to church with
Christians will doom the entire white race if they don’t wake up and throw off the shackles.
Christians are propping up the White race in all kinds of ways. Imagine where this country would be if everyone here was a Reddit tier atheist.
I don’t see Christians propping up the White race. They are ruining it with mixed race marriages, adopting nonwhites, sending millions to Africa and Haiti. I don’t see atheists doing that. Christians are keeping the J’s in power.
Christian Zionism IS Christianity.
Is any of this true?
Let’s compare atheists with Jews and evangelical Protestants on gay marriage: evangelical Protestants oppose gay marriage whereas over 90% of atheists support. Atheists are more supportive of gay marriage than Jews.
Same sex marriage or whatever it is, is not genociding our people. Your one talking point doesn’t overcome the Zionist control of our govt and our economy.
Christians fuel the whole Neo-con Zio machine that runs our nation, and is destroying every thing we hold dear. That’s why I agreed with the Ortho Slumlord when he said he would rather live by blacks than white Evangelicals.
That’s one issue.
It reveals the basic pattern though. Jews are more rightwing than atheists who form the left flank of every racial and cultural issue in politics. The same is true of White identity. The most militant, vicious, diehard and numerous are also White atheists.
Please show me the data where becoming an atheist or a pagan means you are more likely to be pro-White than the reverse. How can that be an improvement when 95 times out of 100 it makes you more leftwing than everyone else in the country?
“Please show me the data where becoming an atheist or a pagan means you are more likely to be pro-White than the reverse. ”
Because if you put race first, you eliminate most of those issues that bother you. If you go back in history, to even the most ancient white cultures, they did not allow other groups to infiltrate their lands.
Saying that Jews are more Rightwing than White atheists is not valid. It’s using “Right wing” as more important than race. If you identify whites as people of European origins, that eliminates Jews.
You can’t invite Jews to the “Pro White” party, because they might be more conservative than White atheists. If a White atheist is really liberal, they won’t want to come. But saying the Jews can come just doesn’t work. With that reasoning, then conservative Blacks should be allowed in your conservative nation.
It feels like you’ve gone down the Amren trail on this, and lost site of who is causing the problem Who’s more powerful, the ADL or Richard Dawkins??
Brad, did you see this about Manchin? I’m not surprised.
Who knows with that guy though? He changes his mind every other day
“What’s so funny about this is hearing calls for dominionism come from Baptists and Pentecostals. You would have to know the history to appreciate the irony of this volte face. The rise of evangelical Christianity in the South in the wake of the Great Awakening was instrumental in the disestablishment of the Anglican Church in the South. Evangelicals have traditionally supported religious freedom.”
I’m a Baptist, but a Particular Baptist in the Reformed tradition along with Presbyterians and Congregationalists, not a General Baptist in the tradition of the Anabaptists and other German pietists, who don’t even believe in civil government (thus the Amish). We have always believed in the separation of church and state in the sense that the church is not the state and the state is not the church because we believe the Bible teaches three spheres of government–church, civil, and family. (Of course, we also have had the experience of being jailed in my native Anglican Virginia and beaten in Congregational New England, not to mention what went on in the Old World.) Conflation of church and state is how you get Postmillennialism, an impulse that still drives many of the descendants of New England Puritans to push their now-perverse religious beliefs on the rest of us, and it also contributes to some of the tenets of Jewish Dispensationalism. However (and this is a big “however”), our belief in the separation of church and state has never meant that we don’t believe that the civil government should be Christian, only that the civil government (or society) is not the church. In fact, we believe that the civil government will be held responsible for upholding the second table of the law (i.e., the last six commandments, which regulate relationships between men). So, while it may seem ironic on the surface, it’s really just course-correcting for a mistaken interpretation (and perhaps application) of what it means to believe in the separation of church and state.
This may be somewhat off-topic, but the harridan who plays “Stormfront” in “The Boys” is also a Jewess. Although they never look right for the part, Jews love to play National Socialists so they can make those who once dared resist them as odious and as inhuman as possible. Jews know everything about being odious and inhuman because those are exactly the qualities that define them.
I know.
The scene is supposed to represent how conservatives (Homelander) have embraced the Far Right (Stormfront). The irony is that the anti-White Jew who created the show understands American politics better than most White Nationalists who are blind to the fact at how radicalized normies have become
Normies are not radicalized at all. The only thing most Americans get excited about is when prices go up, and they can’t buy new homes, cars, and vacations. When they can’t afford to buy season tickets to the basketball games, they get mad.
They don’t care that their health insurance is so high if they can afford it. They will complain, but they’ll NEVER blame it on the millions of “immigrants” who come in and get it all free.
The problem is that most Americans are powerless, and even if they did KNOW and UNDERSTAND how the power structure works, and how f–d they are, it’s way too late. It’s like letting a cancer get out of control, then wanting to reverse it all. One group controls the government, the economy, law, education, medicine, and everything else. It’s too late.