“Every Presidential candidate except me sucks ZIONIST COCK. That may not sound very ‘Presidential,’ but it’s VERY Presidential because I represent the American WORKER who does NOT want us to be ‘cockZuckers’ of ZIONISM”
— Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email (@va_shiva) November 13, 2023
-Dr.SHIVAhttps://t.co/SeNWf5JwVOhttps://t.co/NwxhElokR8 pic.twitter.com/hhPM33CaDw
Dr. Shiva is the only presidential candidate who I am considering supporting. I don’t know much about him though.
based Pajeet
Nope, won’t vote for an Indian. If we ever go down that rabbit hole, we are done and their won’t be any illusion of going back. Won’t vote for a jew, or a nigger, or a Mormon, or a papalist, no matter what they promise. Won’t vote for a Zionist, either. Guess I won’t have to worry about voting.
I finally understand why my parents never voted.
They, the Indians are being setup to take the fall, to take blame for bad things to come. Who wants to take such blame?? Only those who are blinded by their own desire for power.
Agreed. I like India for the most part but they will displace us by sheer numbers if we allow that door opened. Also, we can’t freely go there. Why should we let them in here? Have you ever seen a western white get Indian citizenship? I haven’t
I don’t like India. I work with E-Commerce returns and there is a huge amount of return fraud. Filthy, five year old installed, end of life products being placed into the box and returned for a refund while they help themselves to a brand new item. Like driving your 2012 Camry back onto the lot and telling them it is the brand new 2023 Camry you bought the day before and want a full refund. Of course Toyota won’t let you do this, but when you let Amazon fulfill your product…and these days you almost have to because Amazon is gaining a total monopoly on product fulfillment.(Warehouses are now automated, cubic mile, robotic cubes that require a billion dollar investment. Wall Street is putting the small business in flyover country out of the fulfillment industry.) Well, these people at Amazon just check absolutely anything these thieves send back in and give them their money back no questions asked. I spend the day filing photos, serial numbers, etc to file fraud claims on our product returns from Amazon. I can usually locate the person who stole it as the serial numbers allow me to locate the stuff online and guess what…about half of the thieves are dot head Indians, a third are hispanics, and the last portion is a mix of everyone else going by the surnames. These scumbags are huge into fraud, I don’t trust them and would never do business with one should they say run a auto shop or lawn care service. They are especially dishonest and scammy. But since Biden came in theft has absolutely exploded in e-commerce. We have stuff disappearing not only from porch pirates but from the shipping company distribution centers themselves. There is no false panic about the recent rise in crime the way the “Reason Magazine Libertarian” type would claim. I can personally attest it is real going from filling a couple of theft claims with Amazon a month back around 2017 to at least two every single day.
Blacks and Jews will choose your President.
Lol – the jews don’t let the schvartzes choose the President any more than they let us Whites choose the President.
A “Christian Nationalist” in 1cm difference from Christian zionist.
Can you see Tel Aviv from your high horse.
I’d vote for Shiva over any democrat and any republican.
Shiva came out early against covid tyranny too.
Republicrats are cut from the same cloth.
They are all pro-Israel, pro-ethnic cleansing, genocide and WW3, what could be worse than republicrats?
The silver lining of 10/7 is it re-exposed republicans for exactly who and what they always were, they’re just as pro-censorship and pro-world war 3 as dems.
They’re just as woke but for Jews instead of blacks.
All of them with the exception of Rand Paul perhaps are pro-ethnic cleansing and genocide.
They’re not pro-white or pro-America, not even close, they’re Jewish supremacists.
Voting republican is voting for Jewish supremacy.
Trump, DeSantis, Vivek, Nikki, Pence, Christie, they’re all the same.
I’m telling you pick a 3rd party or independent like Shiva and vote for them.
Nothing is worse than voting for baby killers period, nothing.
I’ve been telling people to vote 3rd party/independent for years and years on forums and blogs, maybe the aftermath of 10/7 will help many clue in.
We’ve got to get rid of this establishment, they cavort with the likes of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, that’s who these people are, there is absolutely nothing on earth worse than these people.
I would rather know now than later.
I think we always knew, Hunter.
Kamala, Vivek, Nimrata, Shiva….
What the fuck is going on in this country? The end can’t be far off.
You’ve got to vote for me because I am the only guy up here who doesn’t suck Zionist cock is the funniest campaign pitch in years.
Here’s a free campaign slogan for our gifted grifter:
Give Schlomo the shivers, vote Doctor Shiva – a brown man who don’t suck no Zionist cock. (use the happy-merchant meme rubbing its hands). Put up billboards in negroid neighborhoods. If he gets enough supporters he can cash in on federal campaign money. Most whites are too gaslighted into supporting their own suicide so there’s little point in appealing to them.
Not only that but also I believe no truer words have ever been uttered by a politician.
Well, Kamala is Indian the same way Obama is white.
Ayyadurai promotes anti-GMO crap and claimed that vitiman C was a treatment for COVID. So I guess he’ll appeal to RFK Jr. fans mad about RFK’s zionist shilling.
Dr. Shiv – kind of has a ring to its nose, no? Perfect candidate for YT’s giant open-air prison here in Murika. Why not? It’s not as if our votes mean a damned thing anyway.
This is an interesting find, Hunter.
But my ethno-centric nature (Brythonic Celtic and Northwest European) resists supporting an Indian politician, although this one is saying a lot of correct things. But he is also evidently a very “good” salesman, with a too “perfect pitch.” Also note that there is no Christian content in his talks in the two videos you posted, or any evidence of Christianity in his personal life bio on Wikipedia that I just read. Correct me if I am wrong.
I also didn’t see or hear any socialist and anti-war content in the talks you posted.
Furthermore, he was and still is extremely “anti-vax” and virus-denying, to the point of being anti-scientific, and he insists on being recognized as “The inventor of email,” which reminds of Al Gore’s boasting that “I invented the internet.” The best leaders are humble, not boasters.
Remember that you can’t vote your way out of the system! But if you think the system is essentially good, and you’d like to conserve (or preserve) it, you can try to “reform” it by voting for right-populist politicians such as this Indian who says all the right things. He is obviously highly intelligent and I wish him well. I also pray that the people of India will soon be able to replace their fascist fake-democratic government and class system with a truly democratic, and class-less, Indian people’s republic, where they can enjoy true Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, and improved physical health and longer lifespan, and peace (if the empire will ever let it alone) and a restored natural environment.
I don’t care about any spergie “ethno-centric” philosophies, I don’t like them because of personal experience at work seeing them disproportionately represented in E-commerce fraud. They steal our stuff constantly and send back junk for refunds. How come over half of the fraud cases I deal with ends up having an Indian (dot not feather) surname? Not to say the other riff raff we’ve let into the country don’t also do their share of stealing, but Indians are masters at it.
So you support the CPI (Maoist) in their «protracted people’s war»?
Ok, but that was just about the last opinion I expected to see on this kind of site.
About India’s class system. It’s way more than a stretch to blame it on finance corporatism – the Shekelstein-Monster that self-identifies as ‘capitalism’. India’s caste system is thousands of years old and was present even before Alexander the Great made it to the Indian border. Modern pajeets like to pretend it doesn’t exist any longer in service to the western overlords. To be fair, all the attempts by the usual NGOs and other western do-gooders to abolish it are just another example of continuing Imperial rule by the criminal mafia who rules the west, remaking entire civilizations in their own Satanic image.
There is a very interesting series of articles called Prussia Gate written by Will Zoll
One word of caution about these. The writer appears to go along with the arguments made by the ‘Q-Anon’ series of “drops”, in which essentially paint Trump as the savior and carefully avoid serious mention of the massive Jewish involvement in the ruling mafia-elite and the role of Talmudism (though he does mention the specific actors) in creating the present power-structure. The Q-Anon psyop had a lot of followers because it contained enough truthful info to convince many (like all effective propaganda). It was most likely a Mossad/CIA creation closely patterned on one employed by the (((Bolsheviks))) during the Russian civil war. It’s ultimate purpose was to deflect fire from the actual enemy (jewish finance rackets and white elites) and cause followers a kind of paralysis while waiting for their orange fake-messiah – who tossed them beneath the Church of Woke bus.
Despite this serious flaw, the raw information provided in the series of the articles is well-researched and factual. The most recent series, called “1871” gives a very good overview of how the present overlords took over all of what was once called Christendom. It’s the same old story: White elites selling out their entire civilization for transitory wealth created by Jewish-run usury/slavery rackets. OD readers in particular should found the account of the ‘War of Northern Aggression’ and its financing interesting.
Otto von Bismarck, who was most definitely in a position to know the back story, had this to say about the conflict:
“The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed… Therefore they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question of slavery and to open an abyss between the two sections of the Union.” ~ Otto von Bismarck
Think I heard this guy on some podcasts. Kinda surprised he is running but hey it is a free country.
To be honest though I am leaning towards Robert F Kennedy Jr. He said the Covid virus was designed to not hurt Chinamen or Jews. Pretty sure he is Jew-wise and while he would probably support Israrl a bit I do not think it would be as much as either of the Israrl Lobby controlled major parties.
I am looking at it as sort iof a protest vote.
RFK jr is just another East Coast elitist shitlib. He denounced the Supreme Court’s overturning of Affirmative Action because of Systemic Racism or some such sheeeeee-it.
You have to do that to get the retarded shit golem vote in the Kwanstain.
Is the bathhouse gloryhole server ready for a Pajeet/Pajeeta preezy of the steezy?
Just don’t vote. Many people say and do the right things to get elected. Once they are, they suddenly become……. politicians. From that point on, they achieve nothing of merit for you.
The system is bigger than any one person. It’s the system that needs a cleanout.
It doesn’t matter who’s in charge, the noses behind the scenes are still there, and still pulling the strings.
Don’t waste your time.
He was born in India, so how is he running? Are you sure this is even real or just a stunt?
The Chicago Jesus wasn’t a natural-born citizen, it didn’t stop him. Why should being a Dot-Indian stop Shiva. The whole fucking planet are Murikans now. Some haven’t yet made the Wal-Mart aliyah that’s all.
It’s real
It’s true
vote for truth ONLY
Indians are filth.
Don’t sell any Indian anything online without expecting them to immediately claim the item is “defective”, demand a free shipping return label, and then send a different, used, piece of junk item back to you in the same box and have the big E-Commerce outlets issue them a refund anyway despite your protestations. We need to prioritize deporting this Indian filth with their fake degrees on the very first flights out.
By ‘Once upon a time’ Western standards, yes, though they were never responsible for igniting brother/cousin wars like the jewish-Anglo nexus, nor using financial manipulation and corruption through nepotism and usury to enrich their tribe at the cost of the citizens of their host countries.
Best to keep your eyes focused on jews, and Westerner elites that betray their own at every opportunity than some plain speaking pajeet.
filth comes from those who see it in others
Any HONEST candidate (like Will Lehman) wouldn’t even be allowed to run for a labour union presidency, let alone for the U.S. Presidency.
See: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/12/30/ujes-d30.html
Labor unions, especially public employee labor unions are the most anti-White NGOs outside of those directed membered, financed, and operated by jews.
No to communist labour unions. No to the capitalist bourgeois. Third position of what is best for the people and national is the way forward.
Please don t waste another minute following the GOP presidential candidates
It s a fixed horse race
We don t have a dog in the fight
It s the same as WEF fake wrestling
Try to find sone state and local leaders , candidates to follow
Or follow Polish politics
Or do what I do follow productive people and projects in S Africa – Orania
Might as well drop out if mainstream American life and be one a homeless street person or pretend to be – sure sone Hobo will say something sensible every now and then about The Chosen People
This Indian don t win anything even if he dies he ll get bought out , marginalized
Nothing to be gained here .
This post was an attempt at humor.
You have to give an Indian credit for identifying and tapping into an underserved market. I just thought it was funny.
There is nothing to be gained by simping for Yael “Ivanka” Kusher (nee Trumpstein), and/or shilling for her father the acolyte of homosexual jewish gangster Roy Cohn.
Just saying.
I am Americans First, not Anti-Semites First so I won’t be voting for foreigners just because they hate “Duh, Jews” or Zionism.
I might consider one who was from the South, Protestant, White, and of Colonial ancestry but there aren’t any dumb yet articulate enough to publicly support it. Apparentely, that’s a job left to Brown foreigners from the Midwest like Pagan Shiva or Papist Nick Fuentes.
Funny, jerk off racism has gone so far down the toilet, its only really publicly promoted by niggers, coolies and spics.
So not only are you a shill for the Synagogue of Satan and the Globo-Pedo Empire, now you spout ‘anti-racism’ (a code-word for ‘anti-white). You’re not fooling anyone here Schlomo. Mossad might have a better job for you giving BJs to the Rabbis.
You don’t get irony. You must be a Midwestern Catholic German-American. Probably from Chicago. Paddy Coppers from there who eat to many sausages (unclean food) also suffer loss of irony; a truly tragic loss for an Irishman.
Got my vote!!!
Hasn’t your friend Matt Parrott pushed for Zionist candidates like Trump, Tulsi, and Vivek for years, Brad? Shouldn’t Parrott be disavowed since he is obviously retarded and a bad actor?
I caught his entire “interview” with Ryan Dawson (and for once Ry didn’t continually talk over his guest, but he may have been somewhat awed by the wog’s academic credentials). Shiva is as much a con artist as Vivek, but at least he’s semi-entertaining. The one question I have for The Shivster is this: “If you don’t “suck Zionist cock”, do you nevertheless “hump kosher rump”?
As many of the above, I don’t want Indians running this country. Bad enough they got control of the motel industry, but I agree Shiva Ayyadurai says some hard-hitting things and is true about the Zionist control and American compliance. Andrew Anglin remarked that Vayvek and Shiva are essentially foreigners and outsiders (whatever they say about being Americans), are not white and not tied up in all the white guilt and subservience to the Jews, so they can say what they want and look at the world and conducting business with it realistically.
They look at Iran and don’t think about fighting terrorism or making Israel safe. They say “how can we make a deal and keep these guys quiet and the region at peace?” They also look at the economy and argue cutting the privileged classes take and ending the black welfare system. This honesty can be seen as libertarianism, or simply How the World Works.
I’m very uneasy about guys like this, but I think Indians tend more to be merchants more than conquerers.
Of Course there is Nikki Hailey, who recalls the goddess Durga. She seems bred for war making.
Typical American opinion: “Hey, she at least knows foreign policy.”
Shiva is the Hindu god of destruction. LET’S GOOOOO!!!!!!
True story: After the outbreak of the first Iraq war, a black co-worker said something about it to me. I mumbled something about another Jew war. The somewhat startled black said I was the first white man he had ever heard say anything against Jews.
Get a load of this video. We need a New Nation.
Bill Hicks forever.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is running for Poo-Skinsident
This man was born in India to indian parents and moved with them to the US at the age of 7, hence he is not a natural-born citizen and can never be president.
Ryan Dawson interviewed him for an hour two days ago.
Wouldn’t Trump accelerate a racial fight though? He’s so divisive for blacks and brown, surely his return would trigger an actual meltdown?
This guy is Stupid. Following the Trump Model.
I suppose any random bigot or anti-Zionist gets our Vote.
This is why I left the movement. We are not serious people.
Even if we were we wasted time hating.
BTW, Joe Biden is president.
It is Joe Biden who is responsible for all of this.
“BTW, Joe Biden is president….”
Of What?
Exactly. You are not alone in realizing this. Basically, the movement now says if you don’t vomit out anti-semitism seman from Hitler’s dead cock in sufficient volume or sperg out enough anti-Zionist none sense from Catholic Catboy, then you must be Jew mossad. Try discussing foreign policy here with isolationists who would rather fish.
There is so much depth to Americans and our histories, symbols, and legends, that it should be easy to create vast movements around them. Instead, we get dumb as nails paens to baby Hitler, Catholic Catboys hanging with gimp niggers, crew cut white dudes knocking the teeth out of feminists, and demands we meet up at Skokie to demonstrate. It’s become the wignat gnostic Anti-semitism First (AF) opposition to the alt-right Catholic Anal First (AF), as they argue about b.s. proving who is most Hitler. The Dot is our savior cuz anti-Zionist, is just the latest iteration. It’s classic deep state controlled op behavior.
I long for the days when Hunter would take us down the historical evolutionary path of conservativism-liberalism of post-civil war and how it became progressive liberalism or talk about the rich history and policy of true American nationalism. This other stuff isn’t even serious. Not surprising now to find low iq readers can’t get the utility of encouraging Jews to take Aliya and go to the Middle East but would rather demonstrate with Hamas.
Isolationist (according to Aryan Schlomolist Bro) = anyone who is insufficiently gung-ho about going to fight wars for jews and whites who daily suck Schlomo-schlongs. Not a single person here has demonstrated with Hamas, and only some fake-ass catboys like Fuentes have even tried. If you’re not actually posting from there, it’s you who need to make aliyah. Hitler failed. The only thing worth studying about him is to observe where he failed, and why. Just as an aside, no Rothschilds or other elite Jewish bankstains died at the hands of the acolytes of the Austrian painter. The retards actually managed to catch a low-rank Rothschild but took the bribe to allow it to get away.
HI Hunter – I have a blog giving my “observations” on the latest Arab Israel war in Gaza and the Zionist efforts to dump all the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza on the USA, Europe, UK – the West.
It’s ready to go Sunday Nov 19th at 7 pm Central Time
I’ll post in ~ 9 pm CST unless you say nay.
Thanks Hunter – How’s the family including your new edition doing down in Alabama?
This is such a miserable country. I absolutely despise it, and in fact haven’t even thought of myself as an American for several years. The US is reduced to a bunch of stinky Indians arguing over how many Aryans to send to a meatgrinder on behalf of Jews. Collapse cannot come soon enough. When it does, we need to settle scores.
I live in the UK we have an Indian prime minister we did not vote for, Richy Shitsack. I would happily set fire to the cunt. That said, my wife is Indian, she is wonderful, our daughter is wonderful. I say give Shiva a chance.