https://t.co/VL6VLcmCK2 pic.twitter.com/JN0S5CLvVO
— Lafayette Lee (@Partisan_O) January 8, 2024
It is off for now.
It will all end with Confederate monuments. https://t.co/2QKW6Be7zi
— Brion McClanahan (@BrionMcClanahan) January 7, 2024
William Penn, now being unpersoned by the Biden Regime, was a Quaker and therefore opposed slavery. Also FWIW notably sympathetic to Indians
— Peter Brimelow (@peterbrimelow) January 8, 2024
Makes no difference. Nothing makes any difference. Regime just hates whites #GreatReplacement https://t.co/8YMYYZkvA8
Donald Trump or Joe Biden?
Who would you rather live with for the next four years?
“The Biden administration’s National Park Service will remove a statue of William Penn from a park in Philadelphia commemorating the founder of the state of Pennsylvania as part of an upcoming “rehabilitation” meant to make the park more “welcoming, accurate, and inclusive experience” for visitors.
The park service, headed by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, says that after consultation with Native American groups it wants to use the renovation of Welcome Park as an opportunity to expand displays about the indigenous Americans that lived in the area before European settlers arrived. The statue of Penn, along with a model of the Slate Roof House that once occupied the site and was Penn’s residence from 1699-1701, will be removed and not replaced as part of the process. … ”
I don’t remember Trump doing stupid shit like this as president.
He signed an executive order to create a “Garden of American Heroes” and another one which have protected historic monuments. Joe Biden rescinded both executive orders and renamed a bunch of military bases named after Confederate officers. When Trump was president, it was more like he couldn’t do much to stop leftists from targeting historic monuments around the country. He also said there were “very fine people” on both sides at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
On this issue, I can’t think of any upside of having Joe Biden as president. Trump made a half-hearted, ineffective attempt to preserve American heritage. The Biden administration is just hostile and has staffed federal agencies with progressive activists.
Note: Six years after Charlottesville, it is increasingly clear that White American heritage in general, not just Southern heritage, is being targeted for erasure.
Hmm—well, I’m glad my fellow commenter Merthyr and I had an exchange about Penn, here, at Occidental Dissent, within the past few days. (See “Southern History Series: The Religious Origins of Virginia.”) It might end up as Earth’s only surviving mention of the man.
Wow, president narlyface, goes to Valley Forge, Blasphemes we the Righteous of the Republic, less than a week later Sir Penn, is evicted ……….
Only thing more Sorry and Pathetic than that is , people actually voted for the man, Well, they couldn’t be any more, blatant, with their agenda than they are …….
Then let them be hostile.
At least it makes everything clearer. In result, you’ll see, nobody is going to go to war for this piece of garbage.
If Gone with the Wind were playing, if the music and art had a special unique something speaking to creativity and higher ideal, if there were classy dance halls instead of squalor and opioid injection sites, if we had a reason to be painting girls on warplanes to honor them (instead of being politically ostracized, betrayed for alien culture or me-tooed by them), if women were lining up to “back their men”, if we were rallying around the warrior heritage of old Americans and old continental heritage, then that would be something. But instead of that, it’s a racket. Instead of maybe Wizard of Oz mainstream political critique, Norman Rockwell value of man’s opinion, it’s cancel culture, it’s let’s turn J6 into a putsch it wasn’t and the rise of evil that it wasn’t, the attack on “democracy” that it wasn’t to secure the power and smash dissent forever. It’s low art, poison food, it’s faux vaccines and lobbies in government, it’s a client state of blackmail, of honeypot pornographers and kiddy fiddlers, of six million Jewish organizations and Holololocaust lobby, of LGBT circus Weimerica, of smug war-mongering and terrible strategizing and planing.
It’s actually to our advantage that that demonic entity is so smug, so ideologically hostile and incompetent, that it doesn’t even realize its alienating those it’s gonna need these people if it hopes to keep things on the rails (both in war and without war). Because The “well I’ll always fight for America” and tone nation one sportsball” and “my homeland for better or worse” useful idiots are one culture pivot and false flag away from willing to “fight for American interests” against “America’s enemies”. Why do you want the demonic entity – from the hostile population to the political machine – to be successfully conning them? I don’t.
It’s nice to have a reminder that, whatever America was, could or should be, it is not this – and fighting for it to win and become more powerful, under the judges, courts and legislature, to support the White House, and the masses voting for it, people who want you dead, is about the dumbest thing I can think of.
“The Biden administration’s National Park Service will remove a statue of William Penn from a park in Philadelphia commemorating the founder of the state of Pennsylvania as part of an upcoming “rehabilitation” meant to make the park more “welcoming, accurate, and inclusive experience” for visitors.
I’d love to see a press release that read:
“The Biden administration’s National Park Service will remove a statue of William Penn from a park in Philadelphia ; unfortunely the statue of William Penn slipped while being moved crushing Joe Biden beneath it…
Then let them be hostile.
At least it makes everything clearer. In result, you’ll see, nobody is going to go to war for this piece of garbage.
If Gone with the Wind were playing, if the music and art had a special unique something speaking to creativity and higher ideal, if there were classy dance halls instead of squalor and opioid injection sites, if we had a reason to be painting girls on warplanes to honor them (instead of being politically ostracized, betrayed for alien culture or me-tooed by them), if women were lining up to “back their men”, if we were rallying around the warrior heritage of old Americans and old continental heritage, then that would be something. But instead of that, it’s a racket. Instead of maybe Wizard of Oz mainstream political critique, of Norman Rockwell value of man’s opinion, it’s cancel culture, it’s let’s turn J6 into a putsch it wasn’t and the rise of evil that it wasn’t, the attack on “democracy” that it wasn’t to secure the power and smash dissent forever. It’s low art, poison food, faux vaccines and lobbies in government that promote them. It’s a client state of blackmail, of honeypot pornographers and kiddy fiddlers, of six million Jewish organizations and Holololocaust lobby, of LGBT circus Weimerica, of smug war-mongering and terrible strategizing and planing.
It’s actually to our advantage that this demonic entity is so smug, so ideologically hostile and incompetent, that it doesn’t even have the foresight to see its alienating those it’s gonna need if it hopes to keep things on the rails (both in war and without war). Because the “well I’ll always fight for America” and tone nation one sportsball” and “my homeland for better or worse” useful idiots are really just one culture pivot and false flag away from willing to “fight for American interests” against “America’s enemies”. Why do you want the demonic entity – from the hostile population to the political machine – to be successfully conning them? I don’t.
It’s nice to have a reminder that, whatever America was, could or should be, it is not this. Because fighting for it to win and become more powerful, under the judges, courts and legislature and the masses voting for it, people who want you dead, is the least valuable thing one can do.
” . . . It’s actually to our advantage that this demonic entity is so smug, so ideologically hostile and incompetent, that it doesn’t even have the foresight to see its alienating those it’s gonna need if it hopes to keep things on the rails (both in war and without war).”
Indeed. One example is the military recruiting crisis. 1.) There aren’t enough people signing up. 2.) There is a shortage of White males from the South, traditionally overrepresented in the military, signing up. 3.) The enlisted ranks are about half women and minorities, not war winning material. 4.) There is a reenlistment crisis also, guys get out when their enlistment is up instead of staying in the military.
All of this detracts from the staying power of the U.S. military which is short not just manpower but everything else i.e. munitions, spare parts, reserves etc. The U.S. military’s power is actually a mile wide and and a millionth of an inch deep; it has no depth, no ready reserve forces in large numbers, no ability to replace significant losses. Add to this a severely depleted industrial base as demonstrated by the inability of the U.S. to produce enough Stinger AA missiles as well as Patriot and anti-tank missiles or even simple munitions like artillery shells and it’s understandable why Corrupt Joe’s people don’t want to start a war with Iran in spite of Our Greatest Ally’s demands for such an attack.
There is already a crisis of competence in the U.S. as demonstrated by Boeing’s repeated failures with its new 737 aircraft. Diversity was imposed on Boeing starting with BHO because it was an overwhelmingly White, male engineering meritocracy producing excellent aircraft. With diversity comes things like doors blowing out from 16,000 feet up and other problems.
This crisis of competence is also in air traffic control. As the FAA has diversified its workforce near collisions have increased at airports. This will not end well.
There are numerous other areas where diversity has reared its ugly head; utilities, transport, maintenance, medicine etc. all with South Africa type endings.
Here is another diversity chestnut:
The worst Amtrak wreck in history caused by a diversity type who couldn’t tell whether his radar was telling him a bridge was 100 yards away or 1,000 yards away. It didn’t matter much after he smashed into the bridge causing an Amtrak train to derail into a swamp and catch fire. Other than that he did a good job.
Down with the idol. William Penn got that land because the Crown owed a debt to his father. His father was a good man. The son was a complete anti-christian freak. Down with the idol of him. That idol is nothing, it is not our history, our culture, it is nothing but a piece of rock. Our history and culture exist in US, the people.
They are taking it down because he was White. End of story. They are going to erase us to the furthest extent that they can, if we allow it.
That depends on what you mean by “good.” The senior was a very successful, skillful or very lucky naval commander, but he was duplicitous. working for both sides. He was arrested for that and imprisoned several times, but he was such an efficient proven killer that he was soon re-employed and being paid well (including with a large estate of stolen, confiscated land in Ireland) by the Parliament side, while he really aided the restoration of monarchy. The restored monarchy owed him much, but chose to pay off the debt, after he died, with stolen Indian land rather than with money. But the son, who the father disinherited for embarrassing him by being arrested for becoming a pacifist Quaker, was principled, extremely honest and brought much REAL good into the world. Probably no group in human history has been such a powerful force for freedom and moral good in relation to its very small numbers than the Religious Society of Friends.
Quakers were among the first settlers of North Carolina, and it appeared to be becoming the second Quaker colony, until the “African slave culture” entered the scene and most of the North Carolina Quakers packed up and moved to Ohio and Indiana, to distance themselves from slavery. There is still a remnant of Quakers in central North Carolina. Some German Anabaptists followed the Quakers from Pennsylvania to North Carolina, and it is thought that the founder of the Amish, Jacob Amman died there.
Yep. Mount Rushmore is coming soon, I have a feeling.
I told my wife we need to go see it before it gets destroyed, just like the Taliban did with those old Buddhist statues.
But cuckservatives keep burying their head in the sand.
Haaland is a Native American and enrolled citizen of the Laguna Pueblo.
I guess conflict of interest is another European concept enshrined in our legal tradition that is out the window.
Whites in America are at the 5th or 6th stage of genocide. This would not be the case without jews pushing this agenda.
They want you enslaved and dead.
[sarcasm on]
But of course we all know the North weren’t racists and white supremacists like we are here in the South so most of their monuments will be spared.
[sarcasm off]
“…I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of [blacks], nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to int er marry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I AS MUCH AS ANY OTHER MAN AM IN FAVOR OF HAVING THE SUPERIOR POSITION ASSIGNED TO THE WHITE RACE…”
— Abraham Lincoln, 4th Lincoln-Douglas debate, Charleston, Illinois, 9/18/1858.
“You and we are of different races. We have existing between us broader differences than exist between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.”
— President Abraham Lincoln, 1862, Addressing African-American leaders he met with at the White House and urging them to leave the country that would be funded by Congress.
“The whole nation is interested that the best use shall be made of these [western] territories. We want them for the homes of free white people.”
— Abraham Lincoln. 1854.
One morning in the waning days of the Civil War, Major General Benjamin F. Butler called upon Abraham Lincoln at the White House. An obviously concerned Lincoln approached the general in private, acting “very much disturbed” in thought. Questioning Butler, the president remarked, “But what shall we do with the [Blacks] after they are free?” With the hostilities of the previous four years drawing to a close, Lincoln’s attention now turned to the condition and future of the emancipated slaves. “I fear a race war,” he confided, while expressing concern that the enlisted black soldiers of the Union army would “be but little better off with their masters than they were before” if no action was taken to prevent it. The solution, he observed, was to be found in a program of colonization. Continued Lincoln, “I can hardly believe that the South and North can live in peace, unless we can get rid of the [Blacks].”
— “Benjamin Butler’s Colonization Testimony Reevaluated” by Phillip W. Magness
“By extending slavery Southerners resist the destiny… of the white races. The white man needs this continent to labor upon… He must and he will have it.”
— William Seward, about 3 years before WBTS.
“The north has nothing to do with [Blacks]. I have no more concern for them than Hottentots.”
— William Seward, after WBTS.
“I make no war upon the South, nor upon slavery in the South. I have no squeamish sensitiveness upon the subject of slavery, nor morbid sympathy for the slave. I plead the cause of the rights of white freemen. I would preserve for free white labor a fair country, a rich inheritance, where the sons of toil, of my own race and own color, can live without the disgrace which association with ….. slavery brings upon free labor.”
— Pennsylvania Congressman David Wilmot, 1846.
For Lincoln the movement against the extension of slavery was half of a program to create a white West, the other half of which consisted of state laws designed to keep blacks out of Northern and Western states. For example, the Indiana territorial legislature outlawed black court testimony in cases involving whites (1803), blacks in the militia (1807) and black voting (1810). In 1815 an annual tax was imposed on all black men. The adjacent Illinois territory passed a bill in 1813 requiring every incoming black to leave. Failure to comply was punishable by 39 lashes, which could be repeated every fifteen days until the black offender left. Lincoln was well aware of such Black Laws and voted for them repeatedly in Illinois because he felt they were necessary to prevent racial integration.
— What Lincoln Believed: The Values of America’s Greatest President. Michael Lind
In the North, where economies did not depend on slave labor after the Revolution, legislatures and courts quickly moved to abolish slavery and adopted a policy of gradual emancipation. These actions compelled African Americans to continue in bondage for a specific number of years after the enactment of the state’s abolition laws, or until they or their children reached a specified age. In 1800, nearly 37,000 northern blacks, most residing in New York and New Jersey, remained in legal servitude. By 1830, Northern states had virtually abolished slavery, with only 3,568 blacks, most in New Jersey, still in bondage.
Although Northerners had distaste for chattel slavery and adamantly opposed the expansion of slavery into the western states and territories, most did not want free blacks migrating into Northern cities. This attitude grew out of fear that a flood of cheap black labor would undercut white men’s wages; later, out of poor whites’ perception that they were being drafted to fight on behalf of slaves in the Civil War; and in no small part out of white society’s deep-rooted racial prejudices. To discourage free African Americans from settling in their communities, Northerners passed “black laws” that denied black residents citizenship, suffrage, and property rights. For example, in 1788 Massachusetts barred blacks from residing there longer than two months under penalty of imprisonment, whipping, and hard labor. By 1803, Indiana had banned blacks from testifying in court, from voting, and from serving in the militia. Additionally Indiana levied a $3 tax against all black men. Similarly, Ohio required blacks to post a $500 bond upon entering the state. Even Wisconsin, with the smallest black population of the Old Northwest, passed an anti-black suffrage law. African Americans living under black laws often bore the brunt of white violence and had no recourse to redress their grievances in the courts or by petition. In 1839, Ohio black laws forbade African Americans from petitioning for any reason whatsoever.
As early as 1827, Cincinnati, Ohio city officials began harshly enforcing state black laws, targeting its 2,258 African American residents (9.4 percent of the total population of 24,148). Citing economic competition from black workers, city fathers implemented a campaign intended to curb black population growth by imposing fines and barring blacks from skilled trades. In response, African American residents organized an emigration society, hoping to resettle Cincinnati blacks elsewhere. Canada seemed like a promising place to many black residents. In June 1829, the emigration society elected Thomas Crissup (who had migrated to Cincinnati before 1820) and Israel Lewis (who had settled in the city after escaping slavery with his wife) to travel to Upper Canada and purchase land for an all-black settlement. After meeting with and receiving encouragement from John Colbourne, the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, Crissup and Lewis bought 4,000 acres for $1.50 an acre (the present-day equivalent of $143,000). The land was located in Biddulph Township, along the Au Sable River, less than 20 miles from Lake Huron and the Thames River and eight miles from Lake Erie, in Ontario, Canada. They named the settlement Wilberforce, after British emancipation advocate William Wilberforce. It was intended to be an independent, rural agricultural settlement where farmers would raise cattle and cultivate crops. Before the exodus could begin, however, whites in Cincinnati began a week-long rampage against blacks in the city. The August 1829 outbreak of rioting, in which mobs of rock-throwing, armed whites destroyed black homes, buildings, and businesses, gave more urgency to African Americans’ plans to leave Cincinnati.
During the riot, between 1,100 and 1,500 blacks fled Cincinnati. Some individuals and families, many without the resources to travel far, fled to nearby cities such as Glendale, Hamilton, and Lebanon, but returned once the situation had calmed down. However, a group under the leadership of James C. Brown, a former Kentucky slave who had purchased his freedom, set out for Canada. This group mobilized all its resources to make the 377-mile journey on foot and with wagons through Ohio, across Lake Erie from Sandusky, and on to Canada. Between 460 and 2,000 black emigrants made the trip to Canada, but most never settled in Wilberforce, preferring to live in the more established Canadian cities where work was more readily available.
Just one year after the Cincinnati riot, white mobs in Portsmouth, Ohio forced 80 of the town’s 200 black residents to flee. In 1835, another riot in Cincinnati targeted abolitionist officials, abolitionist presses, and black neighborhoods and businesses. In 1846, Ohio whites also objected to the presence of freed slaves who had been emancipated by Senator John Randolph of Roanoke, Virginia. Randolph’s will called for the manumission of his 383 slaves, who were to be resettled in a free state on land purchased with funds from his estate. The executor of the will paid $38,000 to buy 3,200 acres of land in Mercer County, Ohio, for the former slaves, but hostile whites confronted the black newcomers when they attempted to settle in Carthagena (northwest of Columbus). The freedmen were forced to seek shelter with sympathetic white and black families or to move on.
Race riots also erupted in other northern urban locations, including Detroit, Philadelphia, Utica, and Buffalo. This violence killed and injured hundreds of African Americans and devastated black communities. The New York City draft riot of 1863 was the grimmest of the northern race upheavals. Mobs of angry whites (many of them Irish immigrants who resented that blacks were exempt from the draft and feared black workplace competition), tore through the city, lynching blacks from street-corner lamp poles, murdering others in their homes, and burning down an African American orphanage. Upwards of 100 black people were killed in the four-day rampage. The climate of anti-black hostility and violence that prevailed in the early nineteenth century America led to the formation in 1830 of the American Society of Free Persons of Color, which held its first convention in Philadelphia. Outraged by the Cincinnati riot, the Society advocated black colonization to Canada and initiated the black convention movement—a movement that would spread westward with the black overland emigrants.
By the 1850s, some 200,000 Northern blacks, freed or free-born, lived in a state of “unfreedom.” Thanks to black laws that deprived them of basic civil rights, African Americans were reduced to living as squatters in the states in which many had been born and had resided for generations.
— National Park Service, Sweet Freedom’s Plains, African Americans on the Overland Trails 1841-1869, Northern “Unfreedom”
> When Trump was president, it was more like he couldn’t do much to stop leftists from targeting historic monuments around the country. He also said there were “very fine people” on both sides at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
There were zero fine people on the woke and regime side in Charlottesville, so Cheetohead was talking out of his arse as usual. He later went on to release all manner of violent wogs from prison then announce his premium gibs plan for ‘Platinum Murikans’. Whites are not going to be allowed to vote their way out of the oligarchy’s planned extermination. We have far too many sellouts and traitors in our ranks to mount an effective resistance. Looks like Mikey Cuck-Johnson just proved my point. 1.33 trillion including funds for war in Jewkraine and muh’Izrael, who’ll be getting some more funds to launder for the various criminal enterprises connected – including the Biden crime cartel. It would come as zero surpise if the Kushner crime family wasn’t involved as well.
Why anyone would expect the con-man Trump to behave differently than he did previously is totally beyond comprehension. How’s the old saying go? Once burned, twice shy. Beats the hell out of “the burnt fool’s bandaged finger … wobbling back to the fire”.
“part of an upcoming rehabilitation meant to make the park more welcoming, accurate, and inclusive”:
It will make it LESS accurate, much less historically accurate. It is another deliberate erasure of history, by the global capitalist system.
With my Quaker and Nonconformist background and inclinations, this particular erasure of history is especially disturbing. No other British or European colony had a better founding father and better founding principles. I suppose the sight of Penn in his plain religious garb might not feel “welcoming and inclusive” to modern urbanites.
Penn who is “not inclusive” enough for the park, once went to prison for being a Quaker, and made his colony a refuge for other persecuted Quakers, and persecuted Welsh Baptists and other Nonconformists, and for the persecuted German Anabaptists – Mennonites, Amish, Moravians and Brethren. He travelled to the Rhineland to meet them and invited them all. Pennsylvania had no religious law except against public expression of atheism.
Lutherans also fled to his colony from persecution in Catholic German states, founding Germantown on the north side of Philadelphia. But Penn does not feel welcoming and inclusive?
In eastern Europe, from Finland and the Baltics to Bulgaria and Albania, and Khazarkraine, Armenia and Georgia, the system has been destroying hundreds of historical monuments and changing hundreds of geographical place names to try to erase the memory of socialism, to make the world safe for fake “democracy” that is in fact oligarchy with unlimited usury. It doesn’t matter how many people gather around the statues and hold vigils to protect them. The police finally arrest them all and the statues come down, being demolished or hauled away to some museum.
No. Trump would pencil-whip appointees from lists handed to him by permanent DC bureaucrats who had favors to pay back. And then the appointees would do shit like this.
Trump’s DOI secretary: “On August 20, 2020, Bernhardt designated the site of the 1908 Springfield Race Riot for inclusion in the National Park Service’s African American Civil Rights Network. It is the 30th site to achieve such a designation, which includes sites associated with the civil rights movement in the United States, such as the Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail in Alabama and the Pullman National Monument in Chicago.”
Don’t waste your energy on a backstabbing jew errand boy.
Notice that there is never talk of removing statues of Genghis Kahn.
He simply exterminated any ‘indigenous’ people not useful to his people.
He’s a national hero in Mongolia.
Can WHITE people take a lesson ?
White people are way too “nice”. And they will likely go to their racial grave being nice.
One hundred thirty feet tall, Arrian …
(“Genghis Khan Statue in Mongolia”)
PS Inasmuch as there’s historical mention, quite some time after his death, that ol’ Genghis had red hair, the monument’s obvious imitation of Aryan works, in Europe, America etc. is oddly appropriate. Non-Aryans are just along for the ride.
People around the world don’t destroy their heritage (except for Isis with Palmira). People must Rebel to this madness.
“around the world don’t destroy their heritage”
Unless they are cucked WHITES.
Meanwhile, Hamas is winning and Jew is losing.
“””….Israeli President Isaac Herzog said on Sunday that the displacement of Palestinians in Gaza is “absolutely not” the position of the Israeli government, despite widely rebuked remarks from a few Cabinet members embracing this position…..””””
“Israeli President Isaac Herzog said on Sunday that the displacement of Palestinians in Gaza is ‘absolutely not’ the position of the Israeli government”:
The position of the Anglo-Zionist colonial government is not what it says but what it DOES: It has displaced about 100% of the surviving population of the carpet-bombed Gaza Strip open-air concentration camp. One million of the survivors have been pushed into the last town at the far southern edge bordering Egypt. The Israeli President LIES.
Tony Blinken the de facto U.S. President (like Cheney was president over Bush) also lies about not wanting to genocide Palestine and being all for peace and negotiation, just like the lying, warmongering Lord Halifax before WW2, who said publicly that he was for peace and was trying desperately to arrange peace negotiations between Germany and Poland, while doing everything possible behind the scenes to prevent negotiations and bring about war. Capitalist political leaders are conscience-less pathological, serial liars. Logically so: they work for the rich and they will do anything, otherwise they would never have been (s)elected.
To put this in perspective for you: If some bigger, stronger country did this to the U.S. “homeland,” more than FOUR MILLION of the U.S. citizens out of the official population of at least 350 million (note that the U.S. has become the world’s third most populous state after India and China) would have been killed by the bombing so far, and THREE MILLION U.S. citizens would have been permanently disabled by the bombing so far, and another SEVEN MILLION U.S. citizens would have been captured and interred in the enemy’s torture-prison system where they experience – as Palestinians do in Israeli torture prisons – serial beatings, rapes, food poisoning, deprivation of food and water, and deprival of adequate clothing in winter cold temperatures, deprival of sleep, being forced to defecate on themselves, and all kinds of humiliation, at the cruel whims of the prison staff and interrogators.
“Hamas is winning”:
First of all, it is Palestine, not “Hamas”! The people being genocided (yes it is an absolute textbook genocide) are the indigenous people of Palestine. Hamas is the democratically-elected party in power at this time, but not in the West Bank where an illegitimate party that lost the election was handed control. In the last election that the U.S. allowed them to have, the people of Palestine voted overwhelmingly for the Hamas party (“Hamas” simply means: “Resist”) in both Gaza and the West Bank. The election did not turn out as the U.S, planned and Palestine has not been allowed to have an election since, knowing that they would vote even more overwhelmingly for right-populist Muslim Brotherhood related Hamas party, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO LEFT ALTERNATIVE TO VOTE FOR, because the once-popular Palestinian socialist parties were crushed by the Anglo-Zionists long ago.
Secondly, do not believe that U.S. war industry meme (designed to further increase demand for their product – weapons) that “Hamas is WINNNG.” With the weight of the trillion-dollar-year, greatest military industry in world history coming down on them with hundreds of tons of high-tech U.S. bombs, guided to their targets by data fom U.S. satellites, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE for just a few thousand brave but starving and very lightly-armed young Palestinian men to be “winning.” They might be scoring some moral points (among moral people who see and care) by their courageous resistance, but that doesn’t change the fact: Palestine is still being systematically, successfully genocided.
Jews are open enemies. White Anti-Whites are traitors. Who is worse?
Traitors of course. There is no doubt whatsoever. How the Jews got in in the first place ? The answer is that white traitors let them in. Without white traitor, our normal healthy antisemitism would have defended us. Traitorous whites are root cause of all problems. All others are only consequences.
White Anti-Whites win, hands down. Some WNs kind of take this Stalinesque notion about Schlomo (no person, no problem) but completely fail to grasp that whites, Anglos in particular here in Murika, literally handed it all over to jews by 1914 without a shit being fired. Several white families (Rockefeller – Baptists; Prescott-Bush – Episcopalians, to name but two) were in on the racket. Even if some aliens landed and abducted every single jew on the planet, removed them to an alien Auschwitz, made them all into bars of soap and crappy lampshades – the problem would lessen temporarily, but would nevertheless remain. The white traitors would just find some Chinese or High-Caste Indians to take over instead of jews.
In contrast, there were some truly brave whites who stood up to the 1913 takeover and even wrote a booklet against it, like Charles August Lindbergh (father of the famous pilot). Sadly there were too few like him and too few to comprehend he was telling the truth – even in 1917. BTW, this kind of bullshit was already under way in white traitor Gavin Newsom’s Kalifornistan. The statue of Junipero Serra, who actually traveled all the way to Mexico City to successfully argue for the removal of the Spanish military governor of California who was mistreating the Indians, was taken down by the BLM mob in 2020 and moved to private property.
The trouble with white leftists is we can’t even blame them on another race of culture.
They’re the cancer within our own bodies.
They’re us.
Absolutely infuriating.
It will all end not in a bunker, but in a cattle car rolling on the tracks to the next Auschwitz camp; but with gentile White people in the cattle cars. The question our people will be asked as they enter the Gates of Heaven is, did you go meekly to your death thru a door into gas chamber and bring shame to your ancestors or did you fight to the death and give honor to your ancestors?
Lol, you’re ridiculous.
Without Whites the trains would break down and racially unidentifiable people will use the railroad ties for fire to cook their meals which is sone cases might even be “long pig” as they say in sub-Saharan Africa
” use the railroad ties for fire to cook their meals”
Hey, you’ve been to Haiti ?
(They also loot the rails for building posts.)
I hate bronze statues. Get rid of all of them please. I will cheer when Mt . Rushmore is dynamited too. What an eyesore.
Your gubbermint wants to erase your history, open your borders…………then encourage your young men to go and fight in foreign wars for a country that will make them homeless and hated if they return.
There won’t be a statue of any of these men…………just maybe a resting place in Arlington where I’m sure their sacrifice will be appreciated…..
The statue removal has just been cancelled, due to blowback from influential quarters.
The Biden administration claims that the plan was a mistake and had not been fully reviewed. The Democratic governor wants to take credit for reversing the decision. A Pennsylvania Republican state representative said the plan to “cancel Penn from history” is “another example of the left in this country scraping the bottom of the barrel of wokeism to advance an extreme ideology and a nonsensical view of history.” I say it is another example of identity politics being used by the system (not “by the left”) to divide and distract.
About time someone posted this information. But I am not convinced it was due to blowback from influental quarters. I don’t think we have all the facts here. I suspect that someone was mouthing off when they said this removal would take place and that it had never been properly approved. Someone pulling our chain.