I’ve seen enough: Donald Trump (R) wins the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary, defeating Nikki Haley (R).
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) January 24, 2024
BREAKING: Donald Trump has won New Hampshire’s GOP primary, delivering a setback to rival Nikki Haley, who is running out of time to establish herself as a viable alternative to him. https://t.co/aSXWN4EH0K pic.twitter.com/jBcY0LMoOU
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 24, 2024
It is already over.
Nikki Haley complains about “how hard it was to grow up in the Deep South as a brown girl”
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 21, 2024
“I was teased every day for being brown”
She then touts her anti-racism record: pic.twitter.com/igYLupMHJc
I hope Nimrata gets smoked.
I’ve spent years complaining about Donald Trump, but the GOP would probably be worse without him. Imagine having to choose between Ron DeSantis, Nimrata or Vivek. There is no reason to believe the field will get better in 2028.
Please note Donald Trump’s success.
He has “personality” regular people immediately recognize him – yeah, he’s been all over TV
Americans vote for celebrities – ex actors Ronald Reagan, Arnold, or just TV celebrities Donald Trump, they vote for ex SEC Football Coaches.
Issues come second, but Donald Trump’s issues are easy for regular poor and working people to understand:
Secure our border.
Pay for health care for our military veterans before moocher Illegal alien migrants.
Give the middle finger to the lying press, foreign governments put America First.
Wow that was easy.
It doesn’t take trying to get regular people to read and understand 300 page books or read and come away understanding anything at all by reading 100 300 page books..
Trump tells White people in the room what they want to hear. If they are pro life, yeah so is he. Christian Zionists – yeah, they’re idiots but he doesn’t antagonize them – he’s friends with Israeli leaders.
Needless to say he doesn’t play to lose like the Ron and Rand Paul Libertarian, BLM pandering, race denying cult does, did.
He doesn’t tell old White people in South Florida that he’s going to end Social Security benefits.
Yeah, Ron Paul did that another reason he lost 99.6% in his first Presidential campaign, crusade another reason his son did pretty much the same and was awarded Amren traitor of the year.
Again, these are very easy things to do, understand. Playing to win or at least to be competitive.
Stalin loved his Jews almost 2 decades. Until Jews promoted him to the position where he had the chance slaughter most of them.
Without loving and serving Jews, he would have remained low ranking Party apparachik somewhere in Abkhasia. Or just killed as general precaution.
You shall love Jews until you are ready. Not before. Exposing yourself too early get you destroyed.
Not a bad point, Juri. Old Koba did keep a few around though, which was possibly a fatal error on his part. They were certainly well-positioned by 1991 when the looting party got under way. That’s how Haaavahd got its big fat endowment. It’s waelthier than many third-world governments.
“had the chance to slaughter most of them”:
The sealed files were opened, some years ago. There is no evidence that he ever murdered anyone, and the “history” of “the great purge of millions” is exaggerated by dozens or hundreds of times. Note that Koba (Stalin) began in a Russian Orthodox seminary in Georgia, studying to become a priest, and he was the real thing: a truly convinced, fully committed socialist, not selfish or proud but ready to lay down his life for the people. There is evidence (although most of it was destroyed by Khrushchev) that Khrushchev who denounced Stalin and may have been involved in the poisoning did what he accused Stalin of doing.
Great purge killed CA 700 000 Jews and communists. Lot of others were sent to camps or just removed from their position. Stalin drained whole Swamp.
Yep, comrade Khrustsov was one of the greatest liars we had and nobody shall believe his fairy tales.But all evidence about Stalin murder are based also on Khrustsov fairytales . There are no hard evidence about murder.
But Stalin was so encircled by enemies that even his bodyguards were picked by his arch enemy Beria. In the night of his death, Koba was alone in the midst of enemies.
Anyway, Stalin delivered such a hard blow to Jewry that they never recovered. They tried again grab control over Russia in the 1990thies but this attempt failed.
The Chabadniks in Putin’s office say otherwise.
“Stalin delivered such a hard blow to Jewry that they never recovered. They tried again grab control over Russia in the 1990thies but this attempt failed”:
Others say that they did recover, quite nicely, after the removal of Stalin. But over time the Party leadership became increasingly, overwhelmingly, majority-ethnic Russian. At a certain tipping point, the exodus to Israel began and the long Glasnost (“opening up”) betrayal of Russian socialism to the West picked up steam.
Clarifying “there is no evidence that he ever murdered anyone”: I meant he might never have killed any of them directly. State records unsealed in the 1990s show that the purges carried out by his order were not nearly as large as claimed (“in the millions”) by biased and hearsay-based “authoritative” Western historians, and that Khrushchev and other Trotskyists were actually responsible for much of the killing. The Trotskyists came up with names of “enemies” to be purged who were actually supporters of Stalin, solely to discredit, weaken and overthrow Stalin. From the essay “On Stalin” by DuBois: “He was attacked and slandered as few men of power have been; yet he seldom lost his courtesy and balance; nor did he let attack drive him from his convictions nor induce him to surrender positions which he knew were correct (…) His judgment of men was profound. He early saw through the flamboyance and exhibitionism of Trotsky, who fooled the world, and especially America. THE WHOLE ILL-BRED AND INSULTING ATTITUDE OF LIBERALS IN THE U.S. TODAY BEGAN WITH OUR NAIVE ACCEPTANCE OF TROTSKY’S MAGNIFICENT LYING PROPAGANDA, WHICH HE CARRIED AROUND THE WORLD. Against it, Stalin stood like a rock and moved neither right nor left, as he continued to advance toward a real socialism instead of the sham Trotsky offered” – “He was the son of a serf but stood calmly before the great without hesitation or nerves. But also — and this was the highest proof of his greatness — he knew the common man, felt his problems (…) The Russian peasant was the lowest victim of… (capitalism and the) kulaks clung tenaciously to capitalism and were near wrecking the revolution when Stalin risked a second revolution and drove out the rural bloodsuckers.” Note that Trotsky’s family were some of the biggest, most successful kulak rural bloodsuckers. No one has been able to explain (other than “by good management”) how the Trotskys were able to amass so much land and make big profits (before the Revolution) at the same time when the peasant farmers and even other kulaks were impoverished or made bankrupt by a combination of poor harvests caused by drought and yet, too low grain prices, in the last years of Tsardom.
Exalted Cyclops, this might also be of interest to you, regarding a better historian: https://www.stalinsociety.com/news/groverfurr
I was a kid at the time but I remember in the late 50’s or early 60’s a big controversy about moving Stalin’s public open grave out of view. As I recall his grave was moved elsewhere. I never knew why. Now I do. Thanks Juri.
What annoys me and I suspect non-Whites too about Haley is that she physically speaking, unlike Vivek, can basically pass for White. Yet she claims to experience the same degree of discrimination that someone who is Black or Brown and obviously not able to pass for White would face. You can’t look White and then play the race card, even if you’re technically of an extra-European origin. I would respect her claims to have grown up harder if she had obviously non-White features.
Rand Paul made the point that Haley wants to make people register to use the internet. I think he’s right about her, even if he’s wrong issues like Israel. I don’t think Trump deserves a second shot, but I would be even more displeased with Haley.
Even worse are the whites who are fake Injuns (Sen. Fauxcahontas), fake kneegrows (Rachel Doze-eel), etc. Kali War-Karen is annoying enough without the “I beez a victim of rayciss YT sheeit”. Get in line behind Lady-G’s lawn-jockey Mr. Tim, Karen.
We’ve got a “Pretendian” at work, a weakling white boy who isn’t all there suddenly declared himself “a Native American” because of some mythical ancestor 200+ years ago in Kentucky. He endlessly plays the victim card, walking out on his job because of his “anxiety” and yacks about his PTSD because his brother was crippled in a car crash. He was not involved in the accident, shouldn’t his brother be the one with PTSD? Well, when the blacks at work were going on about how Biden failed them by not giving them “Reparations” this white boy demanded “Native American Reparations”. None of these idiots seem to realize the trillions squandered on social programs to uplift blacks and natives who choose to do their own thing regardless. He also seems to have gotten his entire impression of Native Americans from the Disney Cartoon Movie Pocahontas. He seems to think they were all vegetarians like the Dot Not Feather Indian Jainism Religion. He hit a grasshopper on his windshield and spent the afternoon talking about how “abhorred the Native American within me was to take a life…” the same natives who were cutting up pioneer settler victims into pieces on the homesteads. Evidently the school system doesn’t teach squat these days about the old west.
Yes. Not only did the noble savages slaughter entire villages of whites but they did the same to other tribes. They took whites as slaves of course, but we never hear about that. Yes white militias took brutal revenge (understandable as often it was made up of relatives of those villagers who were butchered or enslaved) and after the civil war the empire’s new legions were ruthless. Even then they fought against some pretty ruthless Indians like the Apaches.
The Pretendian is another example of why Disney needs to be utterly destroyed, as if all the connections with Epstein Island weren’t more than enough to order the entire board of directors to be hanged.
You notice it’s usually the mixed race or light skinned people that scream racism the loudest. Like Haley, Moochelle did the same thing.
For someone with low standards, I suppose she can pass for White Trash.
“ For someone with low standards, I suppose she can pass for White Trash.“
I would say, rather… The highest Hindu caste, is still well below most white folk.
Kali War-Karen will likely get poleaxed by Cheetohead. That’s good at least on a certain level. She fully deserves to be poleaxed and out on her arse permanently.
As you note, Trump’s basic pitch is the same as it 2016:
> Secure our border.
> Pay for health care for our military veterans before moocher Illegal alien migrants.
> Give the middle finger to the lying press, foreign governments put America First.
Wow that was easy.
It doesn’t take trying to get regular people to read and understand 300 page books or read and come away understanding anything at all by reading 100 300 page books..
Trump tells White people in the room what they want to hear.
Yes that’s how he does it. It works … every time. Problem is, he already had four years to do something in those areas he mentions. Why would any white person with half a brain tied behind their back think it will somehow be different this time around? His problem is not the sales pitch but the fact that he’s a con-man who’s using the pitch to fleece his followers yet again. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about his fellow whites.
About that third point, it seems that Mr. Trump should have read a geography book or maybe even looked at a map. Last I checked, Israel is a foreign government, not the center of the universe – regardless of what Jared says.
Before Scofield, this jew worshipping thing didn’t exist.
Just saying.
Brett Stevens, who I generally ignore, has actually made an interesting observation regarding Cheetohead and Lady-G’s lawn-jockey Mr. Tim. Of course we here know that Mr. Tim had to leave the campaign trail to concentrate on the most important issue in all history – fighting antisemitism to make bloodsucking and pedophilia great again.
LMFAO! At that Crispie Creme pic of him molesting a donut.
Will Nimrata’s backers from both sides of the UNI keep throwing money?
The CPUSA (D) branch has the sads as their replacement for BiteMe Brandon goes the way of cowboy boots Ron. (sad trombone)
It is “historic” to be even more unlikable than the inevitable pantsuit princess and her magic slipper glass ceiling who couldn’t even win a fixed (s)election.
Popcorn-o-Rama in this steaming fourth world turd FUSA.
Are you not wildly entertained?
> LMFAO! At that Crispie Creme pic of him molesting a donut.
Yeah. That should be his permanent portrait. It sums up the man perfectly. Enjoy the circus, tovarishch!
“GOP would probably be worse without him”
Very true.
Trump, plz, plz, oh pretty plz, choose Doug McGregor as VP.
With McGregor as VP no one will think about ‘ getting rid’ of Trump.
“I was teased every day for being brown”
*Violins*….*tears*…..Let me go get my pearls, I need something to clutch.
(How about the WHITES that are getting KILLED every day?)
Another reason for Nimrata and her repulsive boyfriend, Vivek to go back to India and take the rest of their scumbag countrymen with them too.
Nikki Haley complains about “how hard it was to grow up in the Deep South as a brown girl”
“I was teased every day for being brown”
She then touts her anti-racism record:…
Poor little Indian girl, she hasn’t changed a bit. She just always has to play the race card against our White society to survive/get her way it seems.
Back in 2015 after removing the Confederate Flag from off the SC statehouse grounds, she let the public know she didn’t appreciate her treatment growing up in SC and apparently her family (at least her father) did not either.
One day her father drove to Columbia to buy produce at a fruit stand when two police officers were called to the stand to keep their eyes on him. The officers just stood at the register until Haley’s father made his purchase.
“I remember how bad that felt. And my dad went to the register, shook their hands, said thank you, paid for his things and not a word was said going home. I knew what had just happened,” Haley said. “That produce stand is still there and every time I drive by it, I still feel that pain. I realized that that Confederate Flag was the same pain that so many people were feeling.”
— see CNN article below
Well, her day for paying these White SC “racists” back finally came in 2015 by ripping down their historic icon that represented a generation of SC’s finest White men who fought defending SC from the Yankee Empire invaders and the entire state of SC who took the brunt of Sherman’s fierce wrathful vengeance as he and his men deliberately (and stated so) wrecked SC all they possibly could for beginning the war of “rebellion” (actually they seceded).
Despite South Carolina’s important role in the beginning of the war, and a long unsuccessful attempt to take Charleston from 1863 onward, few military engagements occurred within the state’s borders until 1865, when Sherman’s Army, having already completed its March to the Sea in Savannah, marched to Columbia and leveled most of the town, as well as a number of towns along the way and afterward. South Carolina lost 12,922 men to the war, 23% of its male white population of fighting age, and the highest percentage of any state in the nation. Sherman’s 1865 march through the Carolinas resulted in the burning of Columbia and numerous other towns. The destruction his troops wrought upon South Carolina was even worse than in Georgia, because many of his men bore a particular grudge against the state and its citizens, whom they blamed for starting the war. One of Sherman’s men declared, “Here is where treason began and, by God, here is where it shall end!” Deprived of the free labor of the formerly enslaved, poverty would mark the state for generations to come.
— Wikipedia: “South Carolina in the American Civil War”
CNN Article back in 2015:
Shortly after the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse grounds, Gov. Nikki Haley told CNN’s Don Lemon that placing the flag in 2000 was a poor decision.
“I think the more important part is it should have never been there,” she said. “These grounds are a place that everybody should feel a part of. What I realized now more than ever is people were driving by and felt hurt and pain. No one should feel pain.”
Haley, a rising star in the Republican Party, is the youngest current governor in the U.S. She is also the first woman and the first Indian American to serve as Governor of South Carolina.
Haley said the flag should be in a museum, a place that preserves history, not in a place where people gather to implement policies about the state’s future.
“There is a place for that flag,” she said. “It’s not in a place that represents all people in South Carolina.”
Changing her mind
Haley had previously been a supporter of the flag as a symbol of Southern heritage honoring residents’ ancestors.
But it was the Friday night after a week of funerals for the Charleston Massacre victims that Haley said she decided that the flag had to come down.
Dylann Roof is accused of murdering nine people at a church shooting with the goal of starting a race war. He was repeatedly photographed with the Confederate Flag.
Haley stayed up late that Friday night discuss the situation with her husband.
“I told him what I was thinking and he told me I was right and that’s all I needed,” she said. “That next day I called the staff in.”
Haley said she met with local leaders as well as South Carolina’s federal delegation to share that she planned to give a speech calling for the removal of the flag.
“I said ‘I will be forever grateful if you stand with me, but if you choose not to, I will hold no ill will,’” she said.
Some individuals supported Haley’s shift in perspective, while others did not. The South Carolina Senate and House voted to remove the flag this week.
Looking Back
Haley said national conversation about being viewed differently because of your ethnicity forced her to reflect on here days growing up as a minority in a small town in South Carolina.
One day her father drove to Columbia to buy produce at a fruit stand when two police officers were called to the stand to keep their eyes on him. The officers just stood at the register until Haley’s father made his purchase.
“I remember how bad that felt. And my dad went to the register, shook their hands, said thank you, paid for his things and not a word was said going home. I knew what had just happened,” Haley said. “That produce stand is still there and every time I drive by it, I still feel that pain. I realized that that Confederate Flag was the same pain that so many people were feeling.”
The future generation
Haley said the importance of teaching the next generation about how to treat people was a major motivator of her decision.
“The biggest reason I asked for that flag to come down was I couldn’t look my children in the face and justify it staying there,” she said.
Haley said racism is a reality that parents can’t afford to ignore and must be proactive in addressing with their children.
“You’re not born with hate, you’re taught hate,” she said. “Parents need to be very conscious of the fact that that flag hurts people and they need to talk to their kids about it.”
South Carolina
The state took a lot of heat for the flag, Haley acknowledged. She spent much of her time trying to communicate to national audiences that the state was committed to moving forward.
The NCAA is dropping their 15 year boycott of the state because of the flag, and Haley said she hopes the NAACP does as well.
“Now there’s more reason to come to this state. I am proud to say that it’s a new day in South Carolina.”
The flag didn’t kill the Charleston nine. But removing it should help South Carolinians move forward in its quest for racial reconciliation, she said.
“I hope it gives those families a little bit of peace. That has always been my prayer and I hope this allows our state to heal,” she said. “The grief of this tragedy is going to last for a really long time.”
— CNN, “Nikki Haley: Confederate flag ‘should have never been there’”, 07/10/2015
Haley needs to move up North and join the Democrats and start “helping” them. In one way she is a true Republican. Lincoln, Sherman, etc would have been quite proud to hear of her exploits if they were alive when she ripped down down the SC Confederate Battle flag.
Hope this mother of cancel culture who started this purge of White men’s historical icons back in 2015 will retire soon before she gets another opportunity to cancel more White “stuff”.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
It is just words now. The Zombies, the 90%, don’t even pretend to care any more about what they DO. For example, Trump, who for four years did the exact opposite of what he said he would do, the Zombies still love him Yes, he did lose some white voters. Less than 10%. Enough to lose, thankfully. But the Zombies out there voting for him now don’t care what he will do. He is a great entertainer, and that is all they care about.
Nimarata Randwana Niiki is taking some heat for her words recently. But remember, she was courting Democrat votes. That was her base, her only chance to win. They had surely promised her great riches if she could win New Hampshire. And like the fierce Sikh girl that she is, she made a good try. But her angry gods failed her. The Jewish elohim demons working for Trump were stronger.
As to what they would actually DO, Nimarata would probably be slightly better than Trump. But no one cares any more what they do. The only thing ppl care about is what they say.
When Ukraine elected Zelensky, I said in a comment on Zero Hedge that the Ukranians fully deserve the war that is now going to come their way. All the death, anguish and destruction of the coming war, they deserve every bit of it. I got over 400 likes on that comment, the second most I ever got on Zero Hedge.
Zombie Americans are now in the same position as the Ukranians. In November they will elect whatever Democrat is on the ticket. And the war will come here. The eternal principle according to Jesus is, whatever goes around comes around. As you have bombed others they will bomb you. It is coming. And America deserves it all, every bit of it.
YOU. ARE. WRONG. Ukraine does NOT deserve this war for electing Zelenskyy; He ran as an ANTI-WAR candidate who promised friendlier relations with Russia. The people of Ukraine were not stupid; they were well aware which country they bordered and did not want to lose anymore territory and lives after “poking the bear” again.
They ended up electing another lying politician – yeah a redundancy; all politicians are liars who promise the electorate the moon … or even reasonable, nation-preserving stuff like securing sovereign borders and staying out of war. Just like “Zombie Americans” did with Trump.
Now we “Zombie Americans” have another Lying Scumbag Dilemma on our hands. Which Lying Scumbag do we want to choose? Because both parties are financed by the same donors running the Military Industrial Complex.
The Wild Card is young White military aged men who used to be cannon fodder for Imperial America. Many were forced to volunteer in an attempt to use their VA benefits to go to college and acquire a comfortable middle class existence. Thanks to the Anti-White military since Trump was deposed, the armed services are hemorrhaging these candidates who used to keep the machine running very well before the winds of political change sabotaged any of their work.
I think one of the reasons Donald Trump is gaining so much traction is the belief that these men are more likely to enlist or even show up for any draft if Trump is president. Trump wasn’t the most Pro-White candidate but he wasn’t Anti-White either.
Do we want to keep Beijing Joe whose incompetence and fecklessness will bankrupt the country so that we can no longer afford to project American “power” militarily OR arm Ukraine or Israel? Who knows? We have almost a year to go before the General Election and ZOG may economically crash and burn before then.
I really don’t get the idea that Russia and China want to nuke Americans until they glow. I do think they are hell-bent on nuking the American dollar as world currency as BRICS shows. We will have to see what we will see.
I have to agree with Hunter that had we had a serious secession a few years ago, these problems would have never come about as they have.
Andrew Anglin offered the idea that Haley could slide into power either as a third party candidate or get Vice-President. Trump would be disposed of, and we get an Indian president. Anglin notes that all the Anglo-Saxon countries are putting Indians/Pakistanis as their nominal leaders. Canada seems to have one ready. Anglin states Indians would be a good front ruling class for the deep state and jews, as they are nominally competent (unlike blacks), easily corruptible, and despite all the talk of freedom and free enterprise, are in it for themselves. I’m sure when Haley takes office, she would flood the country with Indians as the new governing class. Vivek would do the same in the name of “freedom and true immigration.”
I have strong doubts about Trump. I still like him, but what’s to say the day he takes office he doesn’t put Jared Kushner back in place?
As for Lt. Colonel MacGregor, I would be afraid for him. The system would destroy him just like they did Flynn. I don’t want to see the man ruined. Remember, Obama warned Trump “don’t hire Flynn.”
Note that Democrats came out to vote for Nimrata Randhawa in New Hampshire. Most of her votes came from registered Democrats. The U.sury S.ystem obviously wants to make her the next President, or at least VP, or De Facto POTUS (Secretary of State). So she says “This race has only just begun!” Who knows what her elite puppet masters have told her (through intermediaries) and promised her?
But no matter who wins the {s)election, the nature of the system will not change. It will wax worse and worse until the tide of history sweeps it away.
Indian (dot not feather) Niki Haley still won over 45% in New Hampshire – once along with South Carolina (where her act resulted in her becoming anti Southern Confederate Governor along with flaming Queer Lisping Lindsey Graham and Affirmative Action – pro Je* everything Black Tim Scott – the first time since Reconstruction that there wasn’t a single straight White Southerner in the top South Carolina elected officials. We just “Noticed” this 10 years ago
“What’s the Matter With South Carolina?”
Niki Haley’s over 45% showing in New Hampshire sadly shows that this version of yes “Liberalism” (bringing everyone together under Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream”) renouncing all forms of Racism, but pretty much only focusing on White racism never the racism of folks like the Brown Berets, LaRaza (translates as THE RACE), BLM Black Lies Matter, Black criminal Black voting paid for by Je* money getters – this John Lennon/Yoko “Imagine”/St. Paul/Pharisee Saul of Tarsus “There are not Greeks and Jews, no free and slave, no male and female – once everyone accepts Jeeeeeeeesus Christ” this Liberal, race denying utopian cult with some lame patriotic, Judeo Christian, Christian Zionist, free market, Constitutionalist, appeals to the Greatest Generation that defeated the NAZIS – support Israel the only True Democracy in the Middle East – it’s crazy that this liberal, George Bush Neo Con, Christian ZIonist cult still works – but it does work and with big $ as in $70 million donation from the Koch Brothers ( I’m pretty sure they aren’t even Je*ish like NYC homo Je* mayor Ed Koch. This sh** still sells, same as Barack Obama, Michele Obama, Oprah and “Ellen” Degenerate Liberalism “bring everyone together” that still sells particularly to young, single White women in New Hampshire and everywhere.
This is a religious cult, it’s all about myths, it’s not about hard facts, free market economics, laws, Black crime statistics.
Young single White women want to be like Niki, they want to be like her. They don’t want to be like, follow Old White men saying:
“No, No, No – that doesn’t work”.
We never should have given American women the vote – women’s suffrage has done this to us. Haven’t we suffered enough?
That said, it is what it is – participate where you see some state and local opportunities – look for rising stars of the right age – sports celebrities, folk heroes like fake wrestlers Jessie The Body Ventura, ex football coaches, actors and celebrities.
Somewhere out there is a new Lee Atwater before he also got that Born Again, “My Racism was a terrible, evil sin, I want to be in the Promise Keepers”.
I have some fun ideas for Black propaganda, street theater – borrowing heavily from the down and dirty anti White Leftists.
Let’s get some dark, hairy Hindu, Sikhs to dress up like Muslims and campaign on the Southern Streets for Niki Haley as Muslims “We’re taking over, resistance is futile. Give us your daughters for our 3rd wives. Behead those who say Islam is violent.”
Have some fun out there. Take the pole out of the arses of no fun, uptight, old loser Conservatives.
“never the racism of folks like the Brown Berets, LaRaza (translates as THE RACE), BLM Black Lies Matter, Black criminal Black voting paid for by Je* money getters – this John Lennon/Yoko “Imagine”/St. Paul/Pharisee Saul of Tarsus “There are not Greeks and Jews, no free and slave, no male and female – once everyone accepts Jeeeeeeeesus Christ” this Liberal, race denying utopian cult with some lame patriotic, Judeo Christian, Christian Zionist, free market, Constitutionalist, appeals to the Greatest Generation that defeated the NAZIS – support Israel the only True Democracy in the Middle East… “.
To be fair, the FALSE MEANING attached to St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, has been corrected time and time again, but NOBODY calls out the BULLSHIT of the Unitarian Yankee Universalist MISMEANING.
So, here, at least I will. From Finck’s Christogenea website, just one example:
“In order to understand what Paul has written in Galatians chapter 3, one must have the same Scriptural world view which Paul of Tarsus had, understanding ancient history and the ethnic constitution of Judaea in the manner which Paul had understood those things. But because they rarely actually study ancient history, that worldview is far out of reach for most denominational Christians. Even their academics prove this every time they speak of how Flavius Josephus wrote of Jesus, but they never speak of how Flavius Josephus described the conversion of all of the Edomites to Judaism. If they would study that, they may realize that the Jews of today are actually Edomites and not Israel at all, something which is absolutely true. Understanding that history would turn their whole world upside-down. But even that is only one crucial aspect required in order to understand this third chapter of this epistle….’
“Therefore it is not as if there could no longer be Judaeans or Greeks, but as Paul had said in Galatians chapter 2, “6 Now from those reputed to be something, whatsoever they were then makes not one difference to me. Yahweh does not receive a man’s stature, therefore to me those of repute are conferred nothing.” Likewise he later wrote in Romans, chapter 3: “9 What then, are we better? Not at all: for we previously accused both Judaeans and Greeks all with being at fault: 10 just as it is written, ‘that there is none righteous, not even one.’” Paul’s words therefore have nothing to do with servitude. race or nationality or sex.
Therefore, all of these things only have to do with the status of a person, and that there should be no distinctions of status among Christians: they should all love and treat one another equally.”
And, as I have written elsewhere: “This is THE tautology that Caesaro-papal Rome, the liberal Protestants, and militant Talmudism (i.e., Zionism) and demonic faiths such as Islam both envy and loathe: – God has A Chosen People- and He chose us ‘before the foundation of the world.’
And that they (the above-mentioned bastardized racial Trinity) are NOT that people; and only those who are ” of Adam’s seed and David’s line,” can be ‘sons.’ The others (being OTHERs) can only hope at best to be merely ‘servants in the house,’ and not be ‘king’s kids’ – which is demonstrably visible in the entire history of White/non-white relations: because God’s word clearly posits that things like chattel slavery exist, even in the Kingdom. [cf. Epistle of Philemon, and “I would rather serve in your house, than live in the homes of the wicked.” Ps. 84:10- only a servant…. serves!]
The “Israel of God” then both exists in contradistinction to, and is utterly ‘other,’ than any other claimants/countries or peoples appropriating such a name, and the Church alone, as Holy Orthodoxy says, is the full recipient of Christ’s atoning sacrifice. All the others merely partake of ‘common grace.’ And, as Monarchy is the only system that Orthodoxy views, that hierarchical society is mirrored in the Kingdom, fallacious eisogesis of Gal. 4:28 notwithstanding! “In the previous post we looked at Galatians 3:28, a text leaned heavily upon by feminists and egalitarians, and why it doesn’t really support an egalitarian reading.” –
Jaye, the Democrats in NH were urged months ago by their party bosses to re-register as independents so they could cast votes in the primary against the dreaded Cheetohead Clown. I seriously doubt Kali War-Karen really got 45% of the Republicans, though she still more than she deserved (zero). This kind of thing (open primaries) should be outlawed.
Seems like the field is already set.
This election season is going to be a real yawner.
No Perot or wacky admirals asking where they are. No Dean Scream. No Dunya robocalls about how John McCain has a secret black son. No Rush Limbaugh pushing Operation Chaos just to make things interesting.
Unless one of the candidates dies it is going to be boring until the conventions.
Wake me up around November 4th and I can vote for Trump to get rid of CRT. *Snore*
People give up their world view only through trauma. Trump entered office in 2016 a blue pilled guy who had been accepted by the NYC elite. He believed the MSM and had Normie opinions. He was forced to see reality by Barack Obama’s Deep State. This is a huge advantage for Trump. He was dragged kicking and screaming into reality. How many other political candidates for any office are awake to the complete and utter corruption of the MSM, Federal Gov, most state governments, the US Military, our Universities, courts and every other institution in not only America but every formerly Anglo, now multi culti country? How many are not only aware of it but are willing to withstand the attacks of corrupt prosecutors and the worst press coverage and reputation assassination? The Mitt Romneys who are aware are all on the side of Barack Obama’s Deep State. As a Navy Seal I thought that perhaps DeSantis might be tough enough to stand up to them. We know for sure Trump is. And he has many scores to settle.
Obama plans to use the military against us. That’s why he is driving patriotic White men out of it. He wants troops who are willing to fire on us. Only Trump has the will to even attempt to clean up that mess and the thousands of other messes Obama has left us with. Including deporting the 8,000,000 unregistered Democrats that Obama has imported in the last 3 years and the 40,000,000 the Dems imported before that.
Im realistic. I think its too late to save America but our only hope is Trump.