Porn is a scourge ? https://t.co/qo9xGTcz17
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 23, 2024
Oklahoma State Senator @DustyDeevers introduced several bills, ranging from bans on abortion and pornography to reforms on no-fault divorce and income taxes, that are meant to align with biblical standards of justice.https://t.co/M0hSAwUz5q
— The Sentinel (@RepubSentinel) January 18, 2024
I tend to agree but it always seems like its married guys and women saying this.
— Jason Kessler (@TheMadDimension) January 24, 2024
If you’re single a little while you’re cheating yourself to use porn.
But when it stretches on for years? Not using it, ever, is asking a bit much.
Way beyond the bounds of a Twitter discussion but pornography is old. Obviously predates gross Jewish porn industry. Probably goes back to cave paintings.
— Jason Kessler (@TheMadDimension) January 24, 2024
Watching porn literally makes you gay. pic.twitter.com/MIePduYlPy
— Smash Baals (@smashbaals) January 24, 2024
28% of Gen-Z adults identify as LGBT, only 27% identify as White Christians, poll finds.
— AF Post (@AFpost) January 24, 2024
Follow: @AFpost pic.twitter.com/uyLm59psEq
“Porn is a scourge.”
This was my instant reaction on Twitter when I saw the news that Oklahoma State Sen. Dusty Deevers – who is well known and liked in Christian Nationalist circles – is introducing a bill that would make the consumption of pornography a felony in Oklahoma. It is about damn time.
“An Oklahoma state senator has proposed a law that would make watching pornography a felony and ban sexting among people who are not married.
The bill, set to be introduced next month by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium.
The measure defines “obscene material” as the depiction or description of any “acts of sexual intercourse,” including those that are “normal or perverted, actual or simulated.”
Content depicting sodomy and masturbation would also be off the table, in addition to videos, movies, video games and text messages that involve “sadomasochistic abuse” and “acts of excretion in a sexual context.”
Under the measure, pictures of human genitals or women’s breasts would also be banned as well as “lewd exhibition” of the “buttocks.”
It would carry prison sentences of up to a year and $2,000 fines. …”
I wasn’t just celebrating this as a Christian.
As Christians, we take for granted that lust is a sin. We know that adultery is a sin. It is right there in the Ten Commandments. It harms the family and undermines the social fabric. For centuries, we had a Christian culture and moral consensus, which has evaporated in our times.
As long as this Christian moral consensus existed, American society operated on autopilot with its ideal of the two parent family unit with children. Sexual deviancy was stigmatized as taboo. Sure, there were vice districts and prostitution flourished in the past and there were peep shows for voyeurs and dirty magazines, but it was frowned on and it was nothing on the scale of internet pornography. Married women, spinsters and harlots were assigned a different social status in the Christian social order.
We are now in the middle of an unprecedented social experiment.
Just like fast food and the supermarket didn’t exist in the past with its limitless buffet of trash like seed oils and refined carbs to put into your body, the combination of pornography, high speed internet and the smartphone and its limitless buffet of trash to push into your mind didn’t exist either. Christian culture took for granted that gluttony and lust were sins. Even the Greeks understood the importance of temperance and not being overwhelmed by your vices and appetites. Cultural liberalism emancipates the individual from the limits of his own culture and abandons him to his sins, vices and appetites.
Abandoned to what exactly?
Every 10-year-old boy in the country is now a click or two away from every conceivable genre of hardcore pornography which is the vehicle of what is by far the most popular and addictive drug in the country – dopamine. Porn sites are now ranked in the Top 20 most visited websites in the country. Unlike alcohol, tobacco, cocaine or heroin, which are substances, this drug is free and is released internally in your brain. It is available 24/7/365. Your smartphone is essentially a drug dealer that is always on call.
Among other things, porn consumption has led directly to an explosion in erectile dysfunction among teenage boys and young men which is caused by desensitizing the arousal centers in the brain. It has an isolating effect on men which makes them much more likely to remain single. It harms marriages and makes divorce and adultery much more likely. It causes shame, anger and irritability and body image and confidence issues. It causes brain damage to the frontal lobes and depression. It causes brain fog, anxiety, inability to focus, porn induced ADHD and all sorts of mental health issues. Porn addicts train their brains to find dopamine in the screen and not in the real world. Porn robs them of motivation to set and accomplish goals due to their dopamine deficiency. It robs men of their masculinity by transforming them into voyeurs who pleasure themselves by watching other people have sex. It harms their ability to form relationships which deprives them of oxytocin and serotonin and thus happiness and fulfillment in their lives. It is essentially an escape mechanism for mood regulation – an easy button which produces a dopamine flood of temporary pleasure – which is followed by much longer periods of chronic misery due to the isolation and lack of dopamine that you are not getting in the real world. It is one of the worst things you can put in your mind and it can literally change the way your brain uses electrical energy for years and even decades.
This is not even the worst it of though.
When porn consumption becomes an addiction, it nearly always escalates. Just like with other drugs, porn addicts eventually develop a tolerance for porn and straight vanilla sex is no longer titillating enough for them. They end up escalating their habit into darker and kinkier genres. They watch interracial porn, cuck porn, catboy porn and gay porn. Some of the worst Coomers spiral all the way to child porn. Countless Coomers have watched so much porn and escalate through so many different genres that they train their brains into gender confusion and become convinced that they are actually gay or trans. It is degrading young men and turning them into childless incels and faggots.
Porn consumption is the Invisible Hand that is behind the loneliness, isolation, the lack of sex, the gender confusion and explosion of bisexuality, homosexuality and transgenderism in Gen Z. They are the first generation in history to have grown up on easily accessible hardcore pornography delivered instantly on demand by the smartphone. Gen X had Hustler magazines and Millennials had porn on dial up internet in their youth. It was nothing like the sort of porn that is so widespread and accessible today.
We don’t even have to get into the Christian position on porn and sin or how Jews are behind the pornography industry and how it has been consciously used as a weapon to weaken and subvert their host culture or how it objectifies and degrades women. All of this true. Porn is objectively bad for your mental health and that it why you should avoid it. Society was better off when it was limited to peep shows and dirty magazines. It is now ubiquitous because our cultural elites want it to poison your mind.
Do yourself a favor and stay away from porn. Do all of us a favor, especially future generations, and stand aside and let Christian nationalists eradicate the porn industry.

This is one of the better parts of Christian Nationalism. Next get to banning alcohol and tobacco/nicotine.
I don’t really get the whole anti- income tax thing though…
“banning alcohol and tobacco/nicotine.”
The best we can do is find ways to mitigated it. And there are ways to reduce these problems to near zero, but making simple-minded laws will do nothing but enrich criminals, as prohibition did.
Amen. It is truly poison.
Porn is a form of prostitution.
No society, no government not even Communist China under Madam Mao’s cultural revolution ever successfully ending prostitution.
Sensible societies understand this and regulate it.
The Beatles song “Ticket to Ride” is about legal prostitution in Hamburg Germany when the Beatles were playing life gigs in Hamburg Germany in the early 1960s.
The Board of Health would give physical check ups to all the working girls and if they passed, the working girls were given a clean bill of health, a “ticket to ride”.
When I was in Cape Town SA 4 years, they had legal, quasi legal prostitution/escorts.
With the exchange rate being 17 South African Rand to 1 US $ Dollar, the price for beautiful, fit White European, Dutch and Russian escorts was great ~ $80 an hour.
That’s Great “Bang for the $ buck so to speak”.
Here in Chicago the price is ~ $800 an hour for a high end White escort. And these women want an Uber $ fee to boot!
With American marriage customs, no fault divorce, feminism, anti White male politics and religious cults now everywhere – early marriage, lasting marriages are increasingly not practical for our White men (and women). Thus we have predictable sexual “problems” like porn, gay stuff, lonely drop out men addicted to porn or just women haters.
“There are other ways Frodo”
.”Porn consumption is the Invisible Hand that is behind the loneliness, isolation, ”
You may have the causation backwards.
Social isolation leads to porn consumption, a healthy society would have activities that would displace porn.
The volume of porn being consumed on the internet in 2024 is nowhere close to what it was in 1994. It has damaged and weakened the social fabric and created millions of lonely, isolated young men
You’re right, I won’t argue that, but simple-minded laws will be easily evaded. It’s a bandaid on a cancer sore.
“has damaged and weakened the social fabric and created millions of lonely, isolated young men”
No question on that, but how do we correct it?
The internet spans the world. The Japanese alone produce enough porn to saturate the world.
“Oklahoma proposal would make watching porn a felony”
Hahahahahahahha, oh my.
Make a law against farting, too.
I want a law against snow, the common cold and dandelions.
These tards think they can control everything, just like they tried prohibition and made a major mess of our nation and boosted organized crime.
Mitigation is the only realistic solution, find ways to reduce these dissipations, but no, these tards think a piece of formal paper will alter the world.
Simple-minded fools are a greater danger to us than the most libtard wacko.
Worried about your porn collection, Arian?
Yeah, well. TOUGH, The Law of God and Theonomy WILL be implemented.
Just as in Russia, and Uganda.
Impossible laws won’t solve anything, they’ll just prevent realistic solutions, at best delay them.
So glad to know you are omniscient, as well as a hypocrite.
Ps. 14:1
“While the Bible maintains that the Christian apologist is prohibited from adopting the starting point of unbelieving thought, he is encouraged to show the unbeliever the end result of his foolish philosophical principles if they are consistently followed. As defenders of the only true faith, we are to “answer a fool as his folly deserves, lest he be wise in his own eyes” (Prov. 26:5). That is, we are to put the unbeliever’s worldview to the test, showing how absurd it is when followed consistently. “- https://americanvision.org/24207/no-apologies-please/
Even the Orthodox agree- There is no Neutrality!
“It is appropriate to note that there are no non-religious people – absolutely every person, without exception, has his own confession, his own attitude towards God, just as angels and demons have his. If a person openly or only within himself renounces God, then he, voluntarily or involuntarily, becomes the slave of His adversary.”- + Metropolitan Agafangel May 9, 2023
“…there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. Then they (i.e., we) will get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberties of the enemies of God.” – Dr. Gary North
“Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church’s public marks of the covenant–baptism and holy communion–must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel.”
“I am arguing that the evangelical testimony of historical sanctions that was available to the nations round about ancient Israel is still in operation. [Deut. 28)….. Christian Reconstructionists assert that this covenantal tool of evangelism is still operating, and that it still impresses lost sinners” [and that] …they will inevitably be confronted with the reality of God’s sanctions in history. They cannot escape it.” – Political Polytheism, 146-7.
Excellent post. Why are the churches in the capitalist West doing little or nothing about it? The position of the New Testament is very clear, but Western “Christian” churches-being-run-as-businesses tend to ignore that or water it down. But the moral law is universal, taught by nature, by experience, and in human history. “Doth not even nature itself teach you?” Saint Paul asked rhetorically. I Cor 11:14 “Righteousness exalteth a nation,” and wickedness brings judgment to a nation. Divine judgment may take centuries to appear. Meanwhile, “because sentence against evil work is not executed speedily, men’s hearts are fully set in them to do evil.” Eccl. 8:11
Remember, it is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and “the love of money is the root of all this this evil” I Timothy 6:10
I ran across this video (“Why are boyfriends and girlfriends not allowed in Islam”) explaining the orthodox Muslim position on fornication:
That’s an easy one Merthyr. Those that refer to themselves as “churches” in the west are largely pozzed. Put another way, they work for the other team (Satan’s). You think the titular head of the Anglican Church, King Chuck the Turd, is even a Christian?? Same for the nominal head of Catholicism, the Antipope Bergoglio the Pedo. Christianity is basically a dead religion in the west now. That’s not to say there aren’t scattered remnants because God always leave scattered remnants. Don’t know if the retarded Christian Zionist heresy is a thing over there in Wales, but it’s huge in the USA. Small wonder Islam is the fastest growing religion in the EUSSR. BTW, Jews completely own all the porn. It’s long been one of their major industries. Yet another reason to have nothing whatever to do with them.
“. BTW, Jews completely own all the porn.”
When normal married couples sold homemade films of their antics, jwz were fast to block all their means of distribution. The jwz didn’t want independent producers showing normal activity and their not getting a cut.
Jwz prefer to find some desperate naive people, who need money and have them get nasty VD.
My question about the “churches” was rhetorical, as you might have guessed. You are correct that “Christian” Zionism is less common, but fornication and hypocrisy are just as rampant. The Anglican establishment is thoroughly vitiated with atheism, Wokeism, sodomy, every kind of fornication, and the mostly Calvinistic Presbyterians and Methodists are also corrupted or at best “morally lukewarm.” There has not been a national revival of Christianity in Wales since 1904. Nation-wide revivals had been occurring spontaneously about every other generation going back two centuries. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/reviews/interview-history-welsh-christianity/
Orthodox Christianity is slowly returning to Wales, a small country with a small human population less than the sheep, and equal to the pre-October population of the Gaza Strip. (You see, even a little foreign immigration can overwhelm the “demographic” easily and change it completely forever.) Orthodoxy is returning now, one thousand years after being extinguished by the Pope’s Norman Roman Catholic crusaders: when indigenous Brythonic orthodox priests in eastern Britain, what is now Wales, were invited to a special “meeting,” where they were trapped and slaughtered as heretics, to be replaced by imported Roman Catholic priests. This article also explains the deleterious effects of five centuries of Calvinism on the Welsh people: https://orthochristian.com/48566.html
You probably know that Saint Patrick originated in what is now Wales, eastern Britain, and the monk or priest called “Pelagius,” who is the best example of the moral teaching of ancient Brythonic Celtic Christianity. Morwen “Pelagius” travelled from Britain to Rome, where he preached against the moral laxity and hypocrisy of the churches in Rome and Mediterranean lands, and disputed with Augustine about free will and predestination until he was silenced and excommunicated by the Pope. Pelagius taught that people are born as moral blank slates, with free will to choose to follow either the tendency to sin or the other tendency, to do good, whereas Augustinianism held that all people are born in sin and cannot change their sinful nature: they are predestined either to be forgiven for their sins (saved), or to be eternally damned, whichever fate God chooses.
Perhaps surprisingly, there is history of direct connexion between socialism and Christian revival in Wales.
Excellent post, Merthyr. Yes, I’m aware that Patrick was originally from Wales. I think it would be very interesting and beneficial to explore what the pre-Marxian organic version of socialism would be. I expect it would be something very similar to the economic structure of a monastic order – writ large first across a village then over a region, ultimately a nation. I expect this is how actual Christianity is supposed to work. The closest thing I can think of in the west to this model are the Amish and other strict Anabaptists.
HW, everything you say about the detriments of porn is ABSOLUTELY TRUE, but making unenforceable laws is just a cruel joke. Other solutions will have to be found.
I believe porn is one of the ills of an atomized society, people not having social structures to connect with. One reason I’m a big advocate of the Bund or similar groups. Give WHITE kids things to do, positive things, give them a healthy group to associate with. Porn is both a social ill and the result of other social ills, being isolated.
How so?
We used to have such laws before millions of men were transformed into voyeurs by the deregulation of the internet, high speed internet and smartphones. It used to be mitigated and confined to vice districts, peep shows and Playboy and Hustler magazines. It was a conscious decision by a more permissive generation to deregulate pornography and that is why 10-year-old boys are now becoming hooked on porn.
“We used to have such laws before……..”. the digital age.
Things have changed, completely!
VPNs, dark web, sneakerware can all evade such laws.
One micro SD can hold 1000s of hours of video and is infinitely reproducible.
Simple solutions, ie laws, won’t solve this problem.
I think displacement is the only realistic solution, finding better things for people to do.
Porn’s popularity has to do with the modern dating environment. When most people today find dating partners via apps, you have Chads seeing 3 women at a time creating a “soft polygamy” while the majority of men cannot find anybody to date or have very few options.
Banning porn is a way to punish men at the bottom of society (as usual). And anytime you point out that porn is really the only way the bottom 30% of men will experience any kind of regular sexual satisfaction, you basically just get mocked for being a loser.
If you want men to stop looking at porn, you need to roll back women’s rights, make women dependant upon men financially while concurrently boosting the average man’s ability to earn a living and support a family.
Because honestly? I’d rather have a porn-addled brain where I experience some kind of sexual expression than none at all. And before you write me off as one-off loser, all the stats show men under 30 are having way less sex than in previous years and staying virgins much later in life.
There’s already so much porn out there you’ll never exhaust it, if you live a million lifetimes.
“Why are the churches in the capitalist West doing little…”
Preachers and priests are some of the biggest pervs/whoremongers going.
They strut up to the pulpit Sunday morning, then sneak into the whorehouse Sunday afternoon.
“The close proximity of brothels and churches should teach us many things.”…..Schopenhauer
Schopenhauer’s pessimism cuts right through the holier than thou hypocrites.
One of two things
1) this legislator is grandstanding to appease his electorate.
2) he’s a simple-minded fool.
(The second is the worst.)
He’s right.
There is no upside to pornography. It is simply a curse which Boomers allowed to explode across the internet during the deregulation mania of the 1990s.
It is part of the larger package of triumphant 1990s neoliberalism along with free trade, open borders and the deregulation of financial markets. Free porn was also the springboard to gay marriage and “trans” and other perversions down the road.
There was plenty of porn before the 90s, before the 80s, before the 70s, just not a click away.
You’re very right about the harmful effects of super abundant porn, but his solution is a fools solution, especially in the digital age. The problem will have to be attacked from another angle.
It is apples and oranges.
There were dirty magazines like Playboy and Hustler. There were prostitutes in vice districts. There were also peep shows for voyeurs. This was all thoroughly marginalized though. 10-year-olds weren’t being exposed to the toxic consequences of watching infinite genres of hardcore pornography and the pornography that was being consumed was VHS tapes or still images in magazines. Millions of men were not voyeurs hooking their minds to their smartphone peep holes
The Boomer generation chose to deregulate internet pornography in the 1990s along with trade laws, banking regulations, restrictions on divorce, sodomy and so on. It was a conscious choice that reflected their more permissive attitudes.
“The Boomer generation chose to deregulate”
Don’t blame an entire generation. You know that there was a select group responsible for the continuing corruption of America.
As I have explained, it wasn’t just pornography that was deregulated in the 1990s. Society as a whole became much more permissive … in trade, in banking, on monopolies, in marriage, more tolerant of deviant lifestyles like homosexuality, and so on. The driver of the change was the more permissive cultural attitudes of the Boomer generation who elected their first president in the 1990s – Bill Clinton – and became more powerful in Congress.
All of this is to say it was a choice to go down this road. Similarly, it was a choice to go easier on monopolies and to deregulate banks and Wall Street and to establish normal trade relations with China. It was a choice to loosen immigration enforcement and allow an explosion of illegal immigration. Shit like this has been tolerated because the people voting for it became so much more permissive.
That’s why every smartphone is now a peep hole into every imaginable genre of pornography. It is due to decisions made and court cases in the 1990s that deregulated the internet.
It is the difference between a trickle and a tsunami in volume.
“dirty magazines like Playboy and Hustler. ”
Dirty ? Those are mildly risque compared to most of porn.
Yes, Bill Clinton and deregulation were a disaster, but there are forces at work that are much more powerful than the electorate, you know that.
If you think laws will lessen porn Ok, but I think it’s like carrying water in a sieve, just futile and will fail miserably.
“There is no upside to pornography. It is simply a curse which Boomers allowed to explode across the internet during the deregulation mania of the 1990s.”
^^ You’re attempting to put THIS on “Boomers”?? Give me a f-cking BREAK.
@jaye ryan
Do those $800 an hour high enders make clients use “protection” ?
For 800$ they should be a virgin :p
Every escort I ve ever hired in USA , Mexico or Cape Town was strict about “ protection “ good hygiene
French strong man savior Napoleon who put an end to mob rule strongly support legal prostitution .
As depraved as i view prostitution, at least they’re using hygienic methods.
I still think the institution is a corruption of the human spirit.
This is awesome
However, I feel pretty confident that even the so-called “conservative” SCOTUS will overturn this, with only Clarence Thomas and maaaaaybe Amy Coney Barrett voting in favor of it, when the inevitable ACLU trial happens. I’m not even sure about Barrett, but her and Thomas are the only ones who I think align with this.
Sure it will be overturned, on 1st amendment grounds.
Besides, how can Oklahoma block the internet, it’s just ridiculous.
From pragmatic points, every aspect of this proposal is just absurd.
Impossible solutions are no solutions.
Well said. A few months ago I was looking at images from trail cams…. motion activated cameras placed in wilderness/woods areas that video animals that come to feed or whatever. Scrolling down images of deer, bears, racoons, etc., in the wild, suddenly porn images appear in the thread.
Am I guilty of a felony?
A bad idea that give too much latitude for prosecutorial misconduct.
If you want real enforcement against porn, going for the consumers is bound to fail. Just tax the shit out of the sites who enable it. More importantly, go after the producers – they get a fast trip to a gallows, with their lifeless carcasses tossed into a hog pit afterwards. Oh and make all of the producers, distributors and actors financially liable for everything. That’s how one could actually reduce the tsunami of porn to a smaller flow. Muslim imams could do a world of good by issuing fatwas against porn producers regularly. Take a wild guess which group completely dominates the porn industry. Hint for retards: It’s not Muslims, nor even the Mormons.
Since the constitution is an utterly dead letter already, states like OK could even issue letters of marque against major porn producers. Wanted dead or alive. Ten ounces of gold cash-on-barrelhead for Schmuil the Porn King’s bullet-riddled carcass or severed head (Porky and his homies be hohngree). There wouldn’t be so much produced if the price might be one’s life and every single asset. Make it into a much riskier business than farming while white in South Africa. None of this is likely to happen of course because all of the politicians grandstanding on such issues are totally owned by Schlomo and his pals.
“give too much latitude for prosecutorial misconduct..”
Another scary issue.
If they implemented the mechanisms to block porn the very next thing would be ‘hate speech’. That’s the thing they would really go after.
“is bound to fail. Just tax the”
Another would be, make porn producers liable for the health care of the actors they hire.
That’d really kill the ‘industry’.
Porn is just one manifestation of the many ills of a multiracial society.
We’re going to see hundreds of ills come from the low-trust/low-care society of non-whites.
HW, have you considered the correlation in the tidal wave of porn and that of immigration? I know Mexicans are big consumers of print porn and I’m not talking about the mild Playboy, hustler kind.
It is the same permissive attitude among elites that is behind both. Look at how men dressed in the 30s, 40s and 50s compared to people today. The culture shifted across the board
“. The culture shifted across the board”
Culture is controlled by media, those same damn Eskimos.
Additional thought,
The zom, Zionist occupied media, has been driving down WHITE male esteem for over 5 decades. They have been assaulting the character and value of WHITE men in every respect. This has lead to a collapse in the self-esteem of WHITE men and the result is men seeking a pathetic release in porn. It has also lead the majority of women to devalue men.
Don’t laugh or discount this issue. Think of the endless media assaults of the WHITE male as being the incompetent bungler. This has had a powerful effect in the minds of both men and women.
From a Filipina:
“Thank you American women, for sending us all these nice WHITE men to marry.”.
There are deeper roots to this explosion in porn addiction than just the ease of Internet availability.
This is an under-researched point, but it’s undeniable that the Gaslight media has done everything it can to destroy white men. The same is true of public schuls (run by the Jewish owned teacher unions). It’s been over two decades since a Jewish libertarian feminist penned The War against Boys, which was careful to omit which boys were the target of this war (white boys). Black boys were pumped up with all sorts of ‘We wuz Kangz’ self-esteem bullshit while whites were denigrated and ridiculed in every possible way imaginable.
Hell, James Dobson warned Christian parents to remove their kids from public schuls over three decades ago. If Christanity itself hadn’t been infiltrated and subverted by its enemies in the west, those boys (and girls) whose parents could not afford a private school would be given free tuition at church-run schools. Now the Catholic schools are just Church of Woke indoctrination centers with a smily Francis face.
While I don’t oppose a ban on pornography, and reject the idea that it’s covered under free speech, I’m skeptical that such a ban would halt the social decline going on in America. I think the better question to ask is why do people consume porn to begin with? What can be done to reduce the demand for such content, rather than just restricting the supply of it. I think this is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We are living in a Post-Christian Era with a massive population decline occuring, and this is just using a bucket to try and stop an incoming flood.
Well said, Brad, however IMO laws against porn consumers won’t work. Laws against the producers of this trash would be better. Given the impacts to society you list, it would warrant a punishment of life in prison if not death. Control of the internet is difficult but not impossible. Look at China.
The old Sears catalog lingerie section was the best ever for burping the ol’ cobra.
Burlesque and strip tease is awesome and you don’t have to see the pretty pink flower in full form to be aroused.
Don’t project your innocence onto others.
I’ve seen really viciously sadistic stuff from other countries, Mexico, So America.
Other races have different interests.
“Porn consumption is the Invisible Hand that is behind the loneliness, isolation, the lack of sex,”
If this is the case why is there so much complaining from women about “sexual harassment?” Clearly, there’s no shortage of men who want sex. It’s more likely to be the unrealistically high standards women have, caused by feminism.
Hypergamy pins the needle on the overevaluation women have on their sexual market value imho.
“why is there so much complaining from women about “sexual harassment?”
Because the media over amplifies it and encourages it.
The media has fed all these inverted distortions into our culture.
Movies, TV and magazines have twisted the values of the West.
Thanks jwz
The proliferation of pornography (which today’s censors said “couldn’t be regulated” in the 90s) is a disaster. However, this sounds more like GOP promotion of the tyranny part of “anarcho-tyranny.” A crime can be imputed to almost anyone, without real proof, but would only be enforced selectively. Women will be immune to prosecution. Recall Queen Victoria did not believe in lesbianism. The sexual depravity of women is no longer recognized as existing, except among teachers. The disenfranchised white male population is going to be increasingly targeted with GOP Jew-owned “conservatives” like Trump/Ivanka Kushner taking the lead.
“We are now in the middle of an unprecedented social experiment.”
This isn’t any experiment, for those creating this dystopia.
They know full well the disastrous consequences of this depravity.
They’ve been running dope , bars and brothels for centuries, they know how people wind up.
It’s only the wide eyed naive goy who thinks this is something new, ‘an experiment ‘.
It should have been banned years ago. The only reason it’s legal is because of Free Market idiots. They obviously care nothing about God or Morals and give Free Market Capitalism a bad name in general. ?
You are not looking at the root cause of the problem. Jews are sexual deviants that is the root cause of the problem. They say they are just like us, but we are not cruel inhuman, immoral sexual deviants, they are. So why are they trying to make us like them. Why the better to rule over you my pretty.
“Jews are sexual deviants”
So true !
Al Goldstein and thousands like him him.
Wouldn’t that lead to prosecutions for possessing the Old Testament, which is packed with a lot of raunchy sex and violence?
Hunter’s point is well taken, but Arrian’s arguments are more persuasive, especially as regards the eventual and inevitable prosecutorial abuse that this law would enable. Planting evidence of digital porn on someone’s computer or hard-copy porn in someone’s home, office, or car would be an easy ploy by a weaponized law enforecement agency like the FBI or DEA or by someone who nurtures a grudge or seeks revenge against a personal enemy for a perceived offense entirely unrealated to porn. Furthermore, such laws will make porn a highly profitable enterprise on the black or underground markets, along with the violence and corruption that typically occur as a result of prohibition laws.
Senator Deevers could do more good by focusing his endeavors on secession advocacy. Or, if he were serisouly interested in countering jewish cultural subversion, he should propose legislation that bans infant male genital mutilation, a measure which would go a long way toward encouraging the purveyors of porn to leave.
We have already criminalized and marginalized child pornography.
There is no reason why we have to tolerate a massive porn industry or a tsunami of easily accessible porn on smartphones. There are only a handful of companies that even make the phones or provide the backbone infrastructure to distribute it. It can and should be driven back underground.
Father John,
Your presumptuous ad hominen insults add nothing to a serious discussion among respectful men.
Why doesn’t state senator Deevers go after the producers of pornography? Would that be an anti-jewish “hate crime?”
Making consumption of pornography a felony, but not creation of the product being consumed is retarded. It is like arresting customers of prostitutes, but not the hookers or their pimps, or drug addicts, but not the illegal drug dealers. But expecting logic from a bible thumper is a fool’s errand.
I look forward to when he has his own Jimmy Swaggard moment.
I haven’t checked, it producing the stuff is likely already a felony in OK. As porn-production mostly owned and run by jews, Deevers could be a tool being used as you infer – especially if he’s a CZ heretic. As I stated above, going after the users is hammering at one of the types of victims in a way and generally ineffective. The real hammer – asset seizure and serious penalties – has to be applied to the producers and distributors to make a dent in the problem.
If it were as dangerous for Schmuely Schekelstein to produce his endless streams of porno as it was to be farming while white in South Africa, plus all manner of liability incentives to sue the producers, distributors and all beneficiaries (including actors) out of existence, they wouldn’t be so willing to churn the crap out. Old Schmuely could end up in a cell with his star-actor Shitavious … which would be a very sad trombone indeed.
“plus all manner of liability incentives to sue the producers, distributors”
Yep, that would shut down much of it, take out the incentive,money.
“Deevers could be a tool”
Nobody loves prohibition as much as a bootlegger does.
That’s how the Bronfman crime family got to be part of the clown-club. I recall reading somewhere that Les Wexner, the good mensch (doer of many mitzvahs) Jeff Epstein’s mentor, was one of the family scions (the old Kanuckistani distillery was bought out by (((Samuel Bronfman))) in the 1920s) and vast fortunes were made shipping the firewater across the various great lakes to water the southern desert created by the actions of Womens’ Christian Temperance Union and the Anti-Saloon League. In an odd sense, Epstein’s Pleasure Island is just another part of the enduring legacy of the Prohibition. Here’s a Kanuckistani Ditty from the era (no doubt accompanied by a Klezmer band).
> Four and twenty Yankees, feeling very dry,
Went across the border to get a drink of rye.
When the rye was opened, the Yanks began to sing,
“God bless America, but God save the King!”
He warned us 40 years ago.