House Rushes To Pass “Antisemitism Awareness Act”

A few thoughts on this …

It is another one of those days when I have to rush out the door.

  • In case it wasn’t already clear, House Speaker Mike Johnson works for AIPAC, as do the majority of House Republicans who have done little else with power except pass performative anti-Semitism resolutions, ban TikTok and shovel nearly $100 billion dollars to Israel and Ukraine. I lost count of how many of these resolutions passed the House after October 7th. I covered them last year. It is all in the archives. Unlike previous resolutions, this one has real teeth.
  • The intent of the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” is to crush criticism of the Israeli government on college campuses. It applies to universities. It is an effort to go after groups like Jewish Voice for Peace which have been protesting Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The liberal establishment passed the ban on TikTok last month to silence criticism of Israel on social media.
  • In both cases, these draconian efforts to crush free speech are a sign of weakness and were motivated by the existential threat posed to Israel by American public opinion. Younger Americans on the Left and the Right have soured on Israel. The genocide in Gaza has accelerated this erosion of support. Even young White evangelicals do not care about Israel.
  • Bibi Netanyahu ordered his puppets in Congress and the mainstream media to pass this by comparing the pro-Palestinian protesters to Nazis.
  • The TikTok Ban, the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act and the police crackdown on college students are all part of a crackdown on the young activist Left by the liberal establishment. The same useful idiots who toppled the Silent Sam statue at UNC, who rioted with BLM over George Floyd and who fought with the Alt-Right for years over FREEZE PEACH are now being crushed by their liberal masters. These people were dumb to enough to believe they were holding the whip.
  • Generally speaking, these people earnestly believe in human rights. They have been indoctrinated to believe that ethnonationalism is evil. They just don’t understand why Israelis can starve Palestinians to death or Iynch Palestinians or carpet bomb children. Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire and committed suicide because he earnestly believed that Israel is a genocidal settler-colonialist project. Again, these people don’t understand why Israel is exempt from their moral beliefs. They have f***ed around and now they are finding out who wields real power in this country.
  • These people are supposed to stay in their lane and protest the patriarchy or capitalism or “white supremacy.” They are supposed to be used as a Golem against Trump supporters. The liberal establishment is currently very angry with them for not playing their role.
  • This is not a conspiracy by George Soros. This is actually just a train wreck.
  • This bill is designed to crush the leftist college professors who are being body slammed on campus at places like Washington University in St. Louis. It is not going to have any impact on you.
  • It has sparked a huge backlash on both the online Right and online Left and will accelerate the delegitimization of Israel. In that sense, it is a good thing in the long run.
  • I doubt it will hold up in federal court.
  • Over 1,700 pro-Palestinian protesters have been arrested on college campuses which dwarfs the crackdown on us in the Trump years. The activist Left is being crushed by liberals. It turns out that Joe Biden, the Democrats, Bibi Netanyahu and Jonathan Greenblatt were willing to go full “Fascist USA” on them for going off script. No doubt this is a shocking turn of events for them.
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson has plummeted in popularity with Republican voters and now only represents the older Reaganite crowd.
  • 21 House Republicans including Massie, MTG, Boebert and Gaetz voted against it. 187 House Republicans voted for it. MTG and Boebert voted against both Israel aid and the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. Once again, the problem is that we are underrepresented in Congress, and older voters who get their news from FOX News, Mark Levin and their Dispensationalist pastor are overrepresented.
  • Instead of getting angry and blackpilled and having a knee jerk reaction, we should elect more “Woke Right” types to the House like MTG. Let these other useless failures like Mike Johnson and Tom Cotton find someone else to vote for them. Reward politicians who advance our interests. Punish those who do not. Be smart.
  • This is great for metapolitics and raising awareness of the JQ and who rules America. It is a political defeat, but not a serious one. We’re notnl on these campuses anyway. It is also an opportunity to persuade and elect more people with our views. Remember, they are only doing this because THEY are desperate.
  • “Anti-Semitism” is being debased like “racism” before it. This is great.
  • Ultimately, this is about Israel and Jewish power losing altitude, even here on the American Right.

If something else happens, I will expand on this later.

Brian Mast is the average House Republican. Don’t accuse him of dual loyalty for taking money from AIPAC or wearing an IDF uniform in Congress. That’s anti-Semitism!


  1. Black drug addict overdoses while being arrested – the government allows cities to be burnt down and looted unopposed, with people killed and citizens defending themselves from rampaging mobs getting arrested.

    Non violent protests against the terrorist state of israel over the blatant, large scale extermination of unarmed civilians – CRACKDOWN!!!!! Pass censorship bills!!!!!!! Fire up the money printers!!!!!!!

      • I was being sarcastic and I hate that White Americans give 2 shits about israeli and palastinian bullshit, worry less about the “protests” and more about your own dwindiling life you dupes.

  2. Congress is just part of the Knesset, it would seem. From the most liberal Democrat to the most conservative Republican, they stand as one loyal dog to their master.

  3. Anything that hurts either branch of the UNI and burns down Cultural Marxist EDU indoctrination camps is good.
    F’ the CPUSA (D) and the controlled opposition Grand Old Politburo (R) grifter poseur traitor POS quislings.
    Let them eat humus bagels in the land of their paymasters.

  4. The supreme irony is that the vast majority of jews today have NO semitic blood (unlike the Palestinians who do). Today’s jews have absolutely no genetic connection to ancient Israel, they are thieves and usurpers of that identity.

    Some feller once said, “to know who rules over you, see who you are not allowed to criticise.”

    The American people are getting this message, good and hard.

    Death to ZOG.

  5. The U.S.’s militarized police are firing rubber bullets into the crowd of protesters at UCLA.

    Many “Yellow Vest” protesters are blind in one eye or have brain damage or other serious harm caused by rubber bullets fired at them by the Macron regime’s brutal police. The usury system of the ruling class will stop at nothing, will do anything necessary, to maintain and advance its power.

    • >>>firing rubber bullets

      Have you ever seen an Israeli ‘rubber bullet’ ?
      It’s a steel slug with a fingernail thin coating of rubber.

      Coming soon to America.

  6. This is an act of desperation, they have overreached badly on this one.

    Our Greatest Ally is going to put their Gaza campaign into high gear again soon with likely consequences for the whole region. This legislation will be used as a legal pretence to silence public opposition to Our Greatest Ally’s renewed Gaza campaign and the absolutely necessary U.S. Government support it will require. Netanyahu doesn’t care about Dementia Joe’s pathetic re-election campaign, he is giving the finger to the U.S.

    This is also draining U.S. military stockpiles, increasing the risk of defeat regarding Taiwan which the U.S. Government has pledged to defend.

  7. There is a higher moral calling than human rights/fairness and fair treatment for all and that is the protection and defense of the weak and the innocent/ie women and small children. Are you down with the Moshiach are you down with Christ? We are all going to have to take a side.

  8. “If you want to know who rules you, just NOTICE Who you are not allowed to criticize”

    French philosopher Voltaire (The authorship of this quote is in dispute)

    In any Islamic country, people can’t criticize the Islamic Prophet a supposedly “Perfect Man” who did in most Western idea places, not perfect things with 8 year old girls.

    In the USA it’s been Blacks, Negroes like MLK Jr, Saints Emmett Till, Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

    The Js have pushed very, very hard to make their people, “The Chosen People” who can not be criticized.

    This is certainly a very big push like the same push 100 years ago which made any time of “anti Semitism” (is just noticing the leading role of Athiest, Ethnic Js in the Bolshevik coup de tat and the early Communist NKVD reign of terror. The punishment for “Anti Semitism” was …

    The Death Penalty in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus etc 100 years ago. We’ll see what the punishment is here in USA/North America.

    Probably what happened to John “The Derb” Derbyshire, Joe Sobran, Thomas Fleming, Michelle Malkin, Tucker Carlson…

    Loss of mainstream jobs, social ostracism .

  9. The Republicans were always the enemy. They still are. No good ever came of them, or ever will.

    When you see missiles flying overhead and then see mushroom clouds rising up miles into the sky 80 miles away in the shitty, know then that your salvation draws near.

    D.C. is exactly what Tom Massie calls it:Mordor. The empire of satan, aka ZOG . The existence of ZOG is why God invented nuclear bombs and hypersonic missiles to carry them safely to Mordor.

    The time is drawing near.

  10. Hmmm….If you say the wrong word you get cancelled as an unperson – the modern gulag.

    When was the last time there were Jewish commissars sending you off to the gulag if you went against the regime? 1917? Where was that exactly?

    Since 2020, we literally have had a Bolshevik revolution in this country without a shot being fired. The Jews gave us DEI from the left and now political commissars on the right.

    It is ironic that the Republicans, led by Johnson, are such useful idiots that they are putting the final nail in the coffin on behalf of ZOG.

  11. The Apostle Paul, letter to the Church in Galatia. Chapter 3-26-29:

    “For you are all children of God by faith in Jesus Christ. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s then you are the seed of Abraham, and heirs according to the promise.”

    What promise was the apostle talking about? See Genesis chapter 12, especially 12:3. He saw it applying to Christians, and no one else. Baptism into Jesus is required, and a sure faith in the King Jesus Christ. The promise is for no one else.

    No one should twist the scriptures into pretending that the Apostle could not see the difference between male and female, Jew and Greek, or slave and master. He is simply saying, the promise made to Abraham is open to all of these people now, but only if they wholly embrace the King of Israel, Jesus Christ.

    Which speaker Judas Johnson has not done. He has fallen out of the faith and is in the bonds of Satan.

  12. Slightly off-topic, but relevant to TPTB ceding complete control to Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal’s tribe was the stand down by LAPD, as jew expats and former IOF veterans attacked without provocative UCLA students who are against the genocide of the Palestinians.

    At this particular incident of state sanctioned jewish terrorism in America, the Chabad Moshiach flag made an appearance.

  13. I literally forwarned this occurring months ago when you guys decided to self immolate your standing (what little there was) by symping for Sand Nigger terrorists. I warned you were blowing a huge opportunity created by the election of Speaker Johnson to have issues of protecting American identity linked with Israeli identity in legislation. Trump, in a very simplistic and low brow manner tried to do the same thing with is 1776 plan. Regardless, to get these things done you have to have intellectual game, ground game, or game, and networking game.

    For maddingly, unreasonable purposes, you guys refuse to do any of that or destroy what has been created, often by accident. Take for example you lack of representation on campuses. Why is that? Because none of you now choose to engage with campus students. In fact, you aligned, for a time, with people who actually were out to destroy such campus engagement like Nick “The Faggot” Fuentes. Or you refused to work internationally with like minded groups overseas because “Muh, Isolationism,” “Muh, its Gay,” “Muh, they don’t hate Jews,” ” Muh, they aren’t Catholic enough.”

    Wtf! When did this movement become a Papist boy toy? When it decided to allow Papist infiltrators to move in and gatekeep the movement. Now, we have some Irish Papist Socialist, former Sinn Feinn arshole, pretending to be a nationalist, and speaking for the rest of far right saying the sole purpose is to hate on Israel, and it yeah, stop immigration.

    Well, you guys all lost what chance you had to have a seat at the table with these Republican big shots. So, after years of teseing down our monuments, murdering our people, the Left are only going to be topped if they attack Israel.

    That means, no 1776 plan, no change in Civil Rights to protect American, let alone Southern heritage and identity. But the left won’t be able to attack Israel. So, they will do the only thing left to them. Attacking you all at the next Keith O’Brian aka Keith Woods speaking event you attend.

    • > Well, you guys all lost what chance you had to have a seat at the table with these Republican big shots. So, after years of teseing down our monuments, murdering our people, the Left are only going to be topped if they attack Israel.

      > That means, no 1776 plan, no change in Civil Rights to protect American, let alone Southern heritage and identity. But the left won’t be able to attack Israel. So, they will do the only thing left to them. Attacking you all at the next Keith O’Brian aka Keith Woods speaking event you attend.

      You lie. The left will not be seriously crushed by the Gay Old Pedoburo (Republican big shots) all of whom deserve to be burned at the stake (only if we’re in a charitable mood). It really should be ‘something very slow, with lots of boiling oil’ (to quote a fake Japanese emperor). The Gay Old Pedoburo is 100% enemy, as is Israel, as are leftard Karens – all part and parcel of Globo-Pedo. 1776 plan is bullshit like every other Gay Old Pedoburo program, right up there with Deo-Imperator Cheat O’Head I’s big-beautiful border wall. The leftards objecting to ‘muh Izrahell’ barbaric cowardly behavior will not be facing any serious jail time from Mikey the Pedo’s latest backstab to his base. They’re part of Chicago Jesus’ promised army and will be back on the streets in time for the long hot summer. The laws will be employed to root out all actual Christians who refuse to worship Talmudic Satanists. Old Rev. Dabney – surprisingly a Calvinist – had the GOP pegged back in 1870. They’ve only gotten worse since then. The only cure for what ails the party is death. Back to the ouija board for you, Bozo.

      • “You lie. The left will not be seriously crushed by the Gay Old Pedoburo (Republican big shots) all of whom deserve to be burned at the stake (only if we’re in a charitable mood).”

        Its obvious you would rather have the Demoncrats in control. But, the reality is its more likely Trump and the GOP will win. Unfortunateky, they are less likely to attempt to crush the Demoncrats than the later will attempt to crush White America.

        This means the Demoncrats will initiate a terrorist uprising against Trump and force violent reprisals upon them in turn. Things will rapidly get out of hand in the coming years. If you weren’t such a sap for the Demoncrats, you could’ve taken part. As it is, like the Confederate girls and ladies generations ago, you will watch the fire burn from Hunter’s fishing hole. That is until the upheavals catches up to your community and sweeps everything you knew all away before you just like ladies of the South watched the South burn.

        “The laws will be employed to root out all actual Christians who refuse to worship Talmudic Satanists. Old Rev. Dabney – surprisingly a Calvinist – had the GOP pegged back in 1870. They’ve only gotten worse since then. The only cure for what ails the party is death. Back to the ouija board for you, Bozo.”

        Talmudic Satanists? Where do you get these colorful metaphors of the end times? Please explain to me Talmudic Satanism. I’ve never found exactly what it is, except a catch all term for use by Papist agitators to deflect from themselves. Although, some sort of Satanic tyranny is probabl, its more likely going to be a kind of Judeo-Catholic tyranny than a Jew one.

        Judeo-Catholic organized crime has seized control of our governments and institutions. Its more this combine than a solely Jew thing. So, this focus on Jews leaves you vulnerable to Papist intrigue. In turn, it is no coincidence that most of the people in the White Nationalist movement who have screwed it up were Papists, not Jews. For mudding, unknown reasons you are still over focused on Jews when every single person in the Movement who screwed you over was a Papist.

        Chicago, and New York City, but especially Chicago have been epicenters of this Judeo-Catholic combine. For 100 years of corruption and terror, it has grasped power from the common street grocer to the White House. The Papists in particular have a history of doing this attempting to bomb their way to power from the Gunpowder Plot in London to the streets of Chicago. But, keep focusing on “Duh, Jews.” Just don’t complain when your are given an offer you shouldn’t refuse from a Papist, but still refuse it, and things don’t go well for you.

    • “the left won’t be able to attack Israel”:

      You mean the FAKE left. Antifa is a proxy that belongs to the system. Antifa will never attack Israel the system’s most important, most strategically located, chief colony.

      “you guys decided to self immolate your standing (what little there was) by symping for Sand Nigger terrorists. I warned you were blowing a huge opportunity created by the election of Speaker Johnson to have issues of protecting American identity linked with Israeli identity”:

      From your point of view, the only problem is, too many White Nationalists are anti-Semitic, and that spoils everything. You are correct that White Nationalism, Southern Nationalism, etc. really belongs to the global-imperialist capitalist system and therefore, WN SHOULD be fully, explicityly “allied with Israel.” White Nationalism certainly doesn’t SUPPORT the indigenous people of Palestine, and White Nationalism certainly understands (agrees with, in principle) what (the chief colony of) the U.sury S.ystem is doing to the Palestinians (genociding, taking their land, stealing their wealth). White Nationalists will never join the opposition to genocide. White Nationalists LAUGH at the demonstrators against genocide. But many or most WNs are anti-Semitic, which prevents them from fully “allying with Israel.” However, being anti-Semitic they can now oppose the opposition to the genocide “because it is being led by Jews.” WN is an important reactionary conservative force. If it didn’t exist the ruling class would need to invent it.

      • “You mean the FAKE left. Antifa is a proxy that belongs to the system. Antifa will never attack Israel the system’s most important, most strategically located, chief colony.”

        Yeah, because antifa occupying colleges on behalf of Hamas is not attacking Israel.

        “From your point of view, the only problem is, too many White Nationalists are anti-Semitic, and that spoils everything. You are correct that White Nationalism, Southern Nationalism, etc. really belongs to the global-imperialist capitalist system and therefore, WN SHOULD be fully, explicityly “allied with Israel.””
        Merthyre, you are a good honest Leftist. You actually say WN should fully and explicitly ally with Israel since it is part of the Western “Imperialist” system just as Israel. Unfortunately, as you can see here at OD, there are a large number of WN who are either retarded are fake a d wish align with Hamas.

        “White Nationalism certainly doesn’t SUPPORT the indigenous people of Palestine, and White Nationalism certainly understands (agrees with, in principle) what (the chief colony of) the U.sury S.ystem is doing to the Palestinians (genociding, taking their land, stealing their wealth).”

        Yes, and yes with caveats. Obviously, Sand Niggers are historical enemies of White nations as well as other Christian nations. Ironically, they werent historical enemies of Jews. Only since early 20th century when White nationalists outmaneuvered the Sand and Goat Nigger Sultan (Ottomans) by supporting settling Jews in his province of Palestine, have Sand Niggers turned on Jews.
        Therfore, its obviously in the interests of White Nationalists to continue encouraging Jewish settlement in the Middle East and pushing against Sand Niggers and now even the Goat Niggers. Unfortunately, their appears to be drop in the IQ of Whites in general, including White Narionalists. So, for strange reasons most likely related to Papist intrigue, they’ve started attacking themselves and their Israeli allies.

        “White Nationalists will never join the opposition to genocide. White Nationalists LAUGH at the demonstrators against genocide.”

        Well that isn’t true. Self proclaimed White Nationalist, Nick Fuentes is opposed to Sand Nigger genocide. In fact, he’d rather genocide Jews, and especially their Protestant allies. Indeed, as I’ve mentioned before, he issued a fatwa declaring Holy War on Jews, Israel, and the enemies of the Catholic Church (Protestant), and wishes to establish a Catholic Dictatorship in America which will use a new Inquisition to persecute Protestants and Jews. Many White Nationalists, especially Catholics and otuer retards support Fuentes and the pro-Hamas protesters.

        “But many or most WNs are anti-Semitic, which prevents them from fully “allying with Israel.” However, being anti-Semitic they can now oppose the opposition to the genocide “because it is being led by Jews.” WN is an important reactionary conservative force. If it didn’t exist the ruling class would need to invent it.”

        That is circular reasoning even a Jesuit Catholic could admire. Its these kind of unsound arguments that make me question how authentic is your Leftism.

  14. Officially, something like 33% of American (and British for that matter) billionaires are Jewish, even tho they only make up like 2% of the American population.
    Plus, they’re heavily organized for their interests, unlike whites.
    If they can’t bribe you, they blackmail you, if they can’t blackmail you, they eliminate you, one way or another.
    Never mind the Italians, it’s the Jewish mafia and Mossad.

    It’s an uphill battle going up against these people, they’ve ruled over the Anglosphere and through the Anglosphere, much of the west and the world as a whole for over 200 years.
    They are our Brahmin Caste, just as India has its Copts and India its Brahmins.
    They got conservatives, liberals, just about every politician in their back pocket.

    • “Officially, something like 33% of American (and British for that matter) billionaires are Jewish, even tho they only make up like 2% of the American population.”

      False, Jews make up around 20% in the US. Catholics makeup around 35%, a far higher percentage than their actual numbers. Together with their non-White subalterns at 10% and their Jewish allies, the Judeo-Catholic combine represents two thirds of the billionair class in America. The historical American nation is effectively occupied.

      “Never mind the Italians, it’s the Jewish mafia and Mossad.”

      The Mafia still has an effective street power, far larger than the Jewish Mafia and the Mossad. However, it is true, that has an instrument of state power, the Mossad can usually bend the Mafia to its will, almost. But, they are not lock step in line with another. The failure to recognize this by the White Nationalists makes them miss many opportunities for breaking up the Judeo-Catholic combine, especially when its regarding Israel. Thats why the White Nationalists here are almost as stupid as the GOP and the Washington Generals for failing to align with Israel against Sand Niggers and Papists like Paddy Joe Biden.

      “It’s an uphill battle going up against these people, they’ve ruled over the Anglosphere and through the Anglosphere, much of the west and the world as a whole for over 200 years.”

      You are going to far here. The billionair class in the British Commonwealth (UK, CA, AUS, NZ) is unlike America, highly British Protestant. Jews are like in the US still disproportionately represented but at far lower levels like around 10%. The problem the British have is more with the rise of Papists, but especially those damnable Wogs and Coolies.

      “They are our Brahmin Caste, just as India has its Copts and India its Brahmins. They got conservatives, liberals, just about every politician in their back pocket.”

      The Roman Catholic Church directly and through its Papist subjects owns far more wealth by orders of magnitude than all the flipping Jews in the world. Indeed, Whites of every nationality and ethnicity, including Jews are now outnumbered by all others in the billionaire class. But at the top, remain the Papists.

  15. They are the wealthiest demographic, the most educated.
    They own Hollywood, much of mainstream media and entertainment, it’s their secular synagogue.
    Academia and the youth are slipping from their clutches a bit, so they will now triple down on their efforts to bring them to heel.
    They own the churches too, Christian Zionism is huge.

  16. meanwhile in China,… (started with Purdue drugs, run by the same outfit who are bombing Gaza now)
    Real Reason Fentanyl Is So Deadly

  17. Hunter, you wrote: “these people earnestly believe in human rights.” Don’t you believe that all human beings have rights?

    You wrote: “They have been indoctrinated to believe that ethnonationalism is evil. They just don’t understand why Israelis can starve Palestinians to death or Iynch Palestinians or carpet bomb children.” Does that mean you Ethnonationalists DO “understand why” Israelis commit genocide, destroying other, weaker nations or ethnicities, to take their land and wealth? Is that what all ethnonationalism does? Have you been indoctrinated by “ethnonationalism” to believe that what “Israel” (the U.S.’s colonial and military proxy) and other “ethnonationalism” does (genocide, land theft, etc.) is NOT evil?

    You wrote: “Aaron Bushnell (…) earnestly believed that Israel is a genocidal settler-colonialist project.” Well, “Israel” IS a settler-colonialist project! Why do you suggest that it is not a settler-colonialist project?

    You wrote: “these people don’t understand why Israel is exempt from their moral beliefs.” Don’t you have those same moral beliefs? Are all “ethnonationalists” “exempt” from moral beliefs then? Does the Right believes it is beyond good and evil, trusting in its genetic or class “superiority” instead of God.

    You wrote: “This bill is designed to crush the leftist college professors who are being body slammed on campus at places like Washington University in St. Louis. It is not going to have any impact on you.” I believe the bill DOES have application to others in the population of the U.S. homeland, besides college students and teachers.

    You wrote: “This is great (…) this is about Israel and Jewish power losing altitude, even here on the American Right.” You said it: “even on the Right”! The last place that any colonial settlerism/imperialism would lose altitude would be on the explicitly conservative, reactionary Right (as opposed to the moderate, “middle” right and the fake “left,” which is still right). The far right would never oppose the genocide. The far right laughs at the “dumb” opponents of genocide who are being beaten and arrested and jailed. The far right, the “ethnonationalists,” are “smart.” Ethnonationalists DO “understand why” Israel (the U.S.) is “ethnically cleansing,” destroying the nation of Palestine, because that is just what ethnonationalism does. The strong (superiour) prey on the weak (inferior) peoples and take their land, take their wealth, rule them and enslave them or kill them all. That’s just what being Right means: It is the politics of class, always reacting against equality, always conserving and advancing the usury system of the “superiour” ruling class.

    • Isn’t it how things have worked since the dawn of time? And it will continue to work like that. The communists took over in Eastern Europe with the promise to change all that, instead they established a feudal system where nobody but few selected families of “anti-fascists” had all the privileges.

  18. Another Jew on duty:
    “Howard Stern Degrades Himself In Tongue Bath Interview With Biden!”

  19. In this moment Jewry will observe what reaction it gets, and when all it does is cause grumblings, they will push forward with more… such as arresting and imprisoning people for unkosher speech. That will cause more grumblings, then Jewry will push it forward again. Eventually they will keep us all in draconian sprawling labor camps and if you ask for a day to visit a relative in the neighboring labor camp they’ll deduct your digital good goy credits and force you to attend a reeducation about Ann Frank. Nobody will do anything. When the Jews took over finance they grabbed the ticket to our ruin and their system can only collapse after its engine, White slaves, are exhausted to near extinction.

  20. It will be interesting to see how many self-proclaimed Christians behave and react, after the New Testament is considered an “anti-semitic” document in any school that receives federal money.

    Personally, I don’t think they’ll do anything, except bitch and pray harder, if their resistance to abortion is an accurate indicator.

  21. “Younger Americans on the Left and the Right have soured on Israel. The genocide in Gaza has accelerated this erosion of support.”

    As Boomers die off this will also have an accelerationist effect. The Boomer will no longer Boom for the Jew.

    “This is great for metapolitics and raising awareness of the JQ and who rules America. It is a political defeat,”

    Might be a good time to go into the archives and dust off some of those old Glenn Beck chalk board talks about George Soros. I think that would be more productive then hitting someone with a Hitlerian tirade.

    • @Independant Jeff,

      What a tone deaf and lame last sentence.

      Have you seen the AI translated Hitler speech videos? Even the uber popular Joe Rogan was amazed at how reasonable and based Der Fuhrer was, and you want to join hands with the gentile in name only Glenn Beck who loves ves jews and their terrorist entity more than Mike Johnson and Dennis Prager combined?

      You should call yourself EEG Flatline Jeff from now on.

  22. “House Speaker Mike Johnson has plummeted in popularity with Republican voters”

    Did you see Mike Johnson say “30 Israeli babies were burnt in ovens”?

    They will stoop to ever lower levels of lying to serve ‘our greatest ally’.
    AIPAC….jwz pave their way with money

  23. “little Gazas have risen up on campuses’

    little Tel Aviv continues to be the US Congress

    End the Israeli occupation of …… Washington DC.

  24. Traitors and Jews rule America and the Western World. Yet, the Hamas business is a foreshadowing of life for Jews when whitey is no longer able or willing to protect them.

  25. > The same useful idiots who toppled the Silent Sam statue at UNC, who rioted with BLM over George Floyd and who fought with the Alt-Right for years over FREEZE PEACH are now being crushed by their liberal masters. These people were dumb to enough to believe they were holding the whip.

    Spot on. Will they start to reconsider? Consider also that a large percentile of the demonstrators are not even students but professional agitators getting paid 7K a head by Soros and other NGOs. This is a practice run for the main event scheduled this summer. You will not be seeing any of these types – all involved in BLM and Antifa – getting locked up like the 1/6/21 dupes. The Soros involvement might be targeted at a few universities as Kunstler was focused on Columbia here.

    > This is not a conspiracy by George Soros. This is actually just a train wreck.

    Wrong. It might not be all generated by Soros’ (George is nearly 100, grandson Alex is running things directly now) but they definitely have boots on the ground providing leadership. Even the owned opposition broken clock Jordan Peterson managed a rare tell of the right time recently: ““Resentful childless harpies unconsciously longing for domination. Why else worship at the altar of Hamas? Why else would it be so overwhelmingly female?” — Dr. Jordan Peterson (Yes please take with much salt)

    > These people are supposed to stay in their lane and protest the patriarchy or capitalism or “white supremacy.” They are supposed to be used as a Golem against Trump supporters. The liberal establishment is currently very angry with them for not playing their role.

    Yes, and this is why Soros, et al are attempting to control it. As usual, the Cryptocracy running the Empire of Lies using both infiltration (Soros, et al) and the direct jackboot of federal power (the comical excuse for a “law” enacted by the total worthless PO Johnson and his fellow cucks). Real Christianity (which basically no longer exists) would have burnt Johnson at the stake, which he has fully earned with Kosher Klusters. He’s hardly the only exemplar, just a younger version of Lady G.

    > Black drug addict overdoses while being arrested – the government allows cities to be burnt down and looted unopposed, with people killed and citizens defending themselves from rampaging mobs getting arrested.

    Non violent protests against the terrorist state of israel over the blatant, large scale extermination of unarmed civilians – CRACKDOWN!!!!! Pass censorship bills!!!!!!! Fire up the money printers!!!!!!!

    This is not a bug but a inherent feature of Anarcho-Tyranny. All part of their game plan. Trump is in on it too.

    > Some feller once said, “to know who rules over you, see who you are not allowed to criticise.”

    Yep. It is not Voltaire (for those reader who might think so) and I would argue the statement is indeed better than most things written by Voltaire. The author is Kevin Alfred Strom, a white boomer smeared on Wikipedia as a “Neo-Nazi from Virginia”. Truth is truth irrespective of who says it. Will the Karens protesting the slaughter carried out by Satanyahoo and his goons get the point?

    > Instead of getting angry and blackpilled and having a knee jerk reaction, we should elect more “Woke Right” types to the House like MTG. Let these other useless failures like Mike Johnson and Tom Cotton find someone else to vote for them. Reward politicians who advance our interests. Punish those who do not. Be smart.

    Might work in a non-rigged system. I seem to recall that only 33 members of the bought and paid for “legislature” are NOT owned by AIPAC. To paraphrase Koba the Dread’s jab at the pope: How many billionaires do you have, YT? The power to create that which is accepted as money out of literally nothing merely proves the truth of Rothschild’s notorious quote: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” You can voat moar harder all you like. Yes they will allow a few MTGs, Ron or Rand Paul’s and others to be in the circus, but never enough to seriously threaten their control. What’s needed here is thinking outside that little box they’ve constructed for you. The Gay Old Pedoburo is not reformable. It needs to be torched completely, and the ground it stood on salted so nothing can grow there ever again.

    • “Real Christianity (which basically no longer exists) would have burnt Johnson at the stake”:

      Real Christianity does not burn people or torture them at all. Maybe you were just speaking figuratively, though. Neo-barbarism is not the solution. Violent, mindless reaction is not revolution.

      “Yes they will allow a few MTGs, Ron or Rand Paul’s and others to be in the circus, but never enough to seriously threaten their control. What’s needed here is thinking outside that little box they’ve constructed for you. The Gay Old Pedoburo is not reformable. It needs to be torched completely, and the ground it stood on salted so nothing can grow there ever again”:

      I agree that the current system is irreformable, and it must go, and it will go, if mankind is to survive. I agree that you cannot vote your way out of it. Education and organization of the masses (it does not require high IQ to understand how the system works, and the alternative) will lead to a general strike, and sweep away the outmoded system. Ignorance is the first and greatest enemy that needs to be defeated. The fifty or so elite families that own most of the wealth of the world are vastly outnumbered and could never resist an informed humanity.

  26. RE “Aaron Bushnell”

    What Bushnell’s desperate act exposes is that some 95-99% of people anywhere DO NOTHING when confronted with grave injustices such as the current US-Israeli Holocaust of the Palestinians, just like all the “bad German people” during the Nazi Holocaust, whom they are happily pointing the finger to as examples of OTHER PEOPLE who are bad and evil in their deep dishonesty, self-delusion, and madness.

    He pointed exactly this reality out in one of his last statements:

    “Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”

    Now WHY is it that 95-99% of people anywhere DO NOTHING when confronted with grave injustices? Because “advanced” humans have a malignant disease called a “Soullessness Spectrum Disorder” ….

    Because of this big truth Bushnell is pointing to lots of truth-hating cowardly soulless people resort to slandering Bushnell as mentally disturbed or fanatical, having been suicidal (he was not), etc. or try to misrepresent him negatively in some other form –anything in order to NOT see the real truth about themselves.

    “America is the greatest exporter of violence the world has ever known. So wear your patriotism on your sleeve and be proud. You are a depraved citizen of the world’s worst killer nation.” — Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., economist & former US regime official, in 2015

    “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine, at the hands of their colonizers (=the genocidal US regime and its genocidal Israeli colony), it’s not extreme at all.” — Aaron Bushnell, shortly before he set himself on fire

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned verify what batch number you were injected with at

    “We can have the world of our dreams tomorrow, but we have to be willing to fight today.” — Aaron Bushnell, in 2023

  27. Passive aggressively kiss the 1st amendment goodbye. We’re finally getting Minitrue!!!!!

  28. “ Freedom begins with the ability to say 2 + 2 = 4. Once this is achieved all else follows “

    Add on ;

    “ Freedon begins with the ability to say or at least think it might have only been 5,999, 999 and there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The Russian collusion story was no sense, Trayvon Martin and George Floyd and even Emmett Till weren t innocent saints and yeah …. It s the Js”

  29. I was provoked by this HB 6090 that I wrote my congresswoman another disapproving letter of the performance of a lawless congress.

    But is this the first violation of of law for Israel? Did the last president not prostrate himself for the conception of an Emissary for Antisemitism ? And even a gratuitous addendum that , any violator should be not spared capital punishment?

    Most people have no knowledge of this usurpation of powers . Congress has been irresponsible for the AMerican people since the beginning . But a democracy with its fearful blind faith would probably vindicate this imperium in imperio.

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