D-Day Anniversary… A Picture is

Apologizing to Grand Dad

“A picture is worth a thousand words”
(Somebody said this)

The photos of “Sleepy Joe/Senile Joe” at the Normandy Beach anniversary “something” (not much of a “party” if the hosts and guests are too old to eat jello or go to the bathroom by themselves) – well they showed more than a lot of words. I don’t think Sleepy Joe/Senile Joe has any eloquent J speech writers as (gettin’ kind of senile in his second term) Ronald Reagan or George Dubya Bush (remember J David Frum’s “Axis of Evil” speech?).

Well here is my take on the D-Day anniversary where somehow Angle Saxon English and Anglo Saxon White Americans got tricked in to invading France (named after the then German dominant tribe/people “The Franks”) to slaughter Saxon Saxon Germans and allied White European folks; the losing White side was resisting the worst forms of J Bolshevik Communism, international J debt slavery (same as we have today).

Why did our great – great grandfather Angle Saxon Brits, Yanks, Southerners do this stupid war, stupid White brother slaughter?

Well, one answer is that they were kind of stupid. Kind of like this old and out of it guy binge watching 1980s and 90s patriotard movies such as “Red Dawn” and “Rambo III”

I didn’t celebrate the D-Day anniversary. I played physical sports and feel very good. How about you?


  1. There is absolutely nothing to celebrate, unless you you want to celebrate the decline of Western civilization and rise of Zionist world domination.

    • I like this quote from Bukele on obvious signs of American decline He cites a glaring example:

      California. “15 billion dollars to build 600 meter piece of railway, not even working, & it took 10 years. Empire State Building took 1 year”

  2. But, but, but, muh egalitarian equity Benetton free rainbow stew bubble up utopia?
    Just like the peaceful religion, all lies to complete the Long March.
    This is how the Frankfurt School says thanks.
    Enjoy as it burns like a Boeing on takeoff.

  3. Hitler had to be defeated in order to make room for Stalin. The outcome of the war demonstrates this. WWII was fought to make the world safe for Communism.

    • Nobody declared war on Stalin when he invaded Poland. Or Finland, or the Baltic states. So much for the treaty with Poland and the “balance of powers” doctrine. Both World Wars were instigated by the British Empire to eliminate Germany as an economic competitor. The British fools lost their Empire and are now losing their island, too. What an epic waste.

      “This war is not against Hitler or National Socialism but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.”

      Winston Churchill

      • Same with WW1.

        An old Brit told me that the London docklands were filling up with high quality GERMAN products cheaper than anything england could make and English factories were shutting down all over, because Germany could out produce England and was taking away all the English markets, foreign and domestic.

  4. My dad fought in the pacific, his ship went down at Midway, but he survived, with injuries. He told us many times Hitler was right. That was a common view among those draftees. But he was not “Anglo-Saxon”, most of the draftees weren’t. He was full Dutch.

    The war is very very close. The best thing to do is buy 3 years of stored food, enough for a family for 3 years.

    • I believe Germans in America had surpassed the Anglo population by the time WW2 happened.

      • Try 1880s.
        There were massive waves of German immigrants fleeing the revolution of 1840s in the German states and subsequent generations of poverty.

        Most Brits and Welsh have a large portion of German blood in their veins. East Anglia is mostly Danes and Viking blood.

  5. After the beaches were secured, my dad went in with his armor division. Germany was mostly done by then, but he still got into some serious stuff.
    One time I thanked him for his service, and he said he was just doing what every other guy was doing.

    • “he said he was just doing what every other guy was doing.”

      GROUP THINK … like a draft team pulling a wagon.
      The one holding the reins controls the direction, which is the media, then and now.

  6. How many of these guys would have gotten off the boats if they were able to see what the US and Europe have become in 2024?

    • How many ever told their families, American Legionnaires, or VFW Hall buddies that they should not have fought the Germans?

      If they had any regrets on fighting fhe Germans, I have yet read or heard about them in any testimonials. As far as I know, they never countered the (((holocaust)))) narrative either, at least, not in any significant numbers.

      • “How many ever told their families, American Legionnaires, or VFW Hall buddies that they should not have fought the Germans?”


        • So, one famous combatant who was murdered by communist infiltrators inside all-lied high command, and 10 Downing Street and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

          Commander Rockwell was the only other person of some fame to make the same claim and beyond, and he too was assassinated.

          Those two incidents should not have kept G.I. Joe silent among family, and others he served with out of ZOG’s earshot though.

    • Perhaps apropos to your observation:


      A world-historical societal transformation is taking place before our very eyes, and yet few have taken notice. Britain, the erstwhile leader of the Western world and the foundation and source of English-speaking civilization, is in its last days as a free society, and will soon become an Islamic state. Yet despite the mountains of evidence that this transformation is taking place, many will still deny that it is happening at all. They may not even admit it when it overtakes them personally.

      The English actor-turned-political-activist Lawrence Fox recently noted what was happening: “The Mayor of London is a Muslim. The mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim. The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim. Mayor of Blackburn – Muslim. The mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim. The mayor of Oxford is a Muslim. The mayor of Luton is a Muslim. The mayor of Oldham is Muslim. The mayor of Rochdale is Muslim. All this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in England.”

      This kind of thing has happened before, but few remember. Back in the days when our schools and universities concentrated on teaching actual facts rather than leftist propaganda, race hatred, and gender fantasy, every schoolchild learned about the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Nowadays one would be hard-pressed to find someone under twenty who knows what a “Norman” was (they were people from Normandy, in northern France, where a large number of Norsemen from Scandinavia had settled), but a few decades ago any random student would have been able to tell you that this conquest was not just a military victory. It heralded the thorough transformation of English society.

      The invading Normans were few in number compared to the English, but once they had defeated the defenders, they set about systematically to ensure that England would remain theirs in perpetuity. They removed the native English from positions of political and ecclesiastical power. Norman French mingled with the Old English language, ultimately creating the English language as we know it today. Historian Richard Southern observed that “no country in Europe, between the rise of the barbarian kingdoms and the 20th century, has undergone so radical a change in so short a time as England experienced after 1066.”

      Until now. Lawrence Fox continued: “Today there are over 3,000 mosques in England. There are over 130 sharia courts. There are more than 50 Sharia Councils. 78 percent of Muslim women do not work, receive state support + free accommodation. 63 percent of Muslims do not work, receive state support + free housing. State-supported Muslim families with an average of 6 to 8 children receive free accommodation. Now every school in the UK is required to teach lessons about Islam. Has anyone ever been given an opportunity to vote for this?”

      All this has already transformed Britain, and much more is to come. JNS recently reported that “honor-based abuse cases in England rose by more than 60% in two years, with 2,594 cases in 2022 vs. 1,599 in 2020.” It pointed out that “such crimes are common in many Muslim countries, including Pakistan and Bangladesh. (1.6 million people, or 2.7%, of the United Kingdom’s population identify as Pakistani, and 94,434, or 1.1%, as Bangladeshi, according to the 2022 U.K. census.)” Now honor crimes will be common in a new Muslim country, Britain.

      The native authorities, meanwhile, are cowed and submissive, afraid of offending their new masters. JNS added that “Deputy Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet, the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for tackling honor-based abuse, told a House of Commons committee in January 2023 that police ‘shy away’ from such cases because ‘they fear being labeled racists.’” This was reminiscent of how the same British authorities dealt with Muslim rape gangs who victimized thousands of non-Muslim girls for years, and still operate with relative impunity. The BBC reported in 2014 that “at least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013,” and British officials did nothing; they “described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”

      As Britain moves inexorably toward becoming an Islamic republic, you can write the epitaph for the once-great nation that assembled an empire on which the sun never set: At least we weren’t racist.

      • The actual natives of Britain, be they English, Cornish, Welsh or Scottish, would have a greater chance of survival as nations if the Cuck Island became an Islamic state and sharia imposed than they would if they continue to live under the woke doctrines of Globo-Pedo. A re-birth of real Christianity would be far preferable (obviously), but even living as dhimmis under Islam would offer a better chance to live and fight another day to liberate their homeland than submission to Jewish-run Globo-Pedo. It took the Spanish 700 years to get their country back, and they had the advantage of belief in Christ (who today’s British reject and spit upon).

        > The native authorities, meanwhile, are cowed and submissive, afraid of offending their new masters. JNS added that “Deputy Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet, the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for tackling honor-based abuse, told a House of Commons committee in January 2023 that police ‘shy away’ from such cases because ‘they fear being labeled racists.’” This was reminiscent of how the same British authorities dealt with Muslim rape gangs who victimized thousands of non-Muslim girls for years, and still operate with relative impunity. The BBC reported in 2014 that “at least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013,” and British officials did nothing; they “described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”

        All true but the ruling elites are not cowed or submissive, but instead fully support and endorse the rape-gangs and trafficking, whether they’re from the Royal family (Pedo-Prince Andrew for openers), the long list of City of London Banksteins, down to the local councils, lawyers, judges and police. Even the Arch-Clown of Canterbury makes excuses for it all to boot. If enough white Britons – most of whom believe in nothing apart from empty materialism – were to bow the knee and convert to Islam, the above gang of wealthy criminals would soon find their necks at the business end of a sword, as would the rape-gangs they enabled and supported. The numerous negroid thieves, rapists, etc. who have flooded the place and turned it into a third-world dump would soon find Britain too restrictive for their life as Kangz in Whiteyland, especially of they started losing hands and feet.

        Spencer has been preaching this line for two-decades running. He’s much in the same mold as Jared Taylor, doing all he can to make sure nobody notices the nose behind the curtain. He likes spout Neo-Clown talking points to gin up retards to sign up for the woke Brit military so if they don’t get to die for Israel they can come home disarmed to be beheaded by a wog colonist (a Nigerian Musloid in Sgt. Rigby’s case).

        > As Britain moves inexorably toward becoming an Islamic republic, you can write the epitaph for the once-great nation that assembled an empire on which the sun never set: At least we weren’t racist.

        The once-great nation is but a memory. You can write whatever epitaph you like for Cuck Island. The cake started to be baked when Cromwell let the usurers in again, and it was all finished by 1815 when the Rothschilds took over the whole empire for pennies on the pound. As the Chinese historians liked to say: You lost the mandate of heaven long ago. Until enough there understand this and how it came about, you’ll only go from bad to worse.

      • Britain has been a Jewish state since Cromwell let them back in as payment for backing him. The creation of the Bank of England in 1694 set the seal on this. The Rothschild coup of 1815, when he knew Napoleon had been defeated at Waterloo but dumped his entire holdings of stocks, which caused a panic and stock market collapse. He then scooped the stocks up at pennies on the pound.

        The idea you present, that Britain/the West is turning islamic, would not be allowed if our Jewish overlords did not want it said.

  7. I find it amusing that people online are saying a generation of men were stupid because they didn’t have internet back in the 1940s. I also find it funny that the same people take a Murdoch Murdoch cartoon meant to parody antifa claims and take it literally.

    Were you able-bodied, most if not all of the people lambasting the G.G. would have joined up when Pearl Harbor was attacked and Germany declared war on America in the 1940s. You’re not smarter than them, you just have access to information they didn’t 80 years later. Check yourselves

    • @Outlander,
      Germany declaring war on America? America had already been attacking German U-Boats, giving military aid and comfort to Germany’s enemies by December of 1941. America was already at war with Germany.

      What about the innumerable war crimes committed by those ignorant shabbos goys against the Germans and their allies during and after the war?

      What about the continuous occupation of Germany and Italy by ZOG’s goys 81 years on?

      Nah, I won’t be cutting those chumps any slack for crossing an ocean to murder the last defenders of Western civilization.

      Obviously, you had relatives that fought for the wrong side.

      All of my relatives fought in the Pacific Theater of Operations, and even that was an unnecessary war, but used by the diabolical Anglo empires to bring America into the war.

      Did you happen to notice that FDR went along with Churchill, and chose to concentrate The American war efforts towards Germany, and not Japan who had attacked Pearl Harbor?

    • That is a fair point, but the GG’s were not entirely without truthful information in their own era. Smedley Butler and Charles Lindbergh told the truth, as did Lindbergh Sr., whose memoir of the falsity of WW I only made it into print in 1934. Henry Ford and others were onto the JQ as well.

      A people who would willingly obey FDR’s totally lawless EO to hand in their gold were not of the same caliber as those who fought the British Empire in the 1770s. The usual suspects already owned and operated the Mighty Wurlizter by the 1920s. GG should really stand for the Gaslighted Generation. They trusted the criminals running the government and many ended up dead in European fields and in the Pacific while the banksteins raked it in. Granted by the time FDR maneuvered Japan into attacking the older fleet in Pearl Harbor they didn’t have any choice since war had actually been declared legitimately by congress, however corrupt.

      • I cannot comprehend the depth of stupidity and cowardice it would take to hand your gold over to the government. Pathetic.

  8. D-Day was known to its planners as “Operation Overlord.” It should have been called “Operation Jewish Overlord.” That’s who benefited.

  9. Outlander, ok, but remember this. They were drafted. The only alternative was a 20 year sentence in prison.

  10. “You’re not smarter than them, you just have access to information they didn’t”

    Plus the memories of WW1, when conscientious objectors were put into prison and tortured to death. see the history of Mennonites, none of the men survived more than a few months.

  11. Off the topic of Devil Day, Jaye, I thought you might enjoy this young Southern (Dixie) lady’s singing of “Rebel Girl,” as I have – and here, another young lady also sings it well and her lyrics are perfectly clear: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=joe+hill+rebel+girl “The Rebel Girl, she brings courage, pride and joy to the fighting Rebel Boy. We’ve had girls before, but we need some more (…) It’s great to fight for freedom with a Rebel Girl (…) her hands may be hardened from labor and her dress may not be fine, but a heart in her bosom is beating that is true to her class and her kind (…) for the only thoroughbred lady is the Rebel Girl”:

    • Thank you so so much MR.

      That was….


      Let’s include links on where we can BUY yes, $ buy her music and interact with her and her fans.

      I hope and pray she hasn’t (yet) been corrupted, taken the 30 pieces of silver by the “Country Music” (Je* music, entertainment cartels) industry like Hank Williams Jr, Toby Keith did.

      Remember when the “Dixie Chicks” Came “out of the closet” to oppose dumb as& “Jethro” then President George Dubya Bush’s 2nd ZOG, Neo Con war against secular, nationalist Baathist Saddam Hussein’s Iraq – remember when George Dubya Bush read that worst ever Je* Neo Con man speech written by short, Canadian Je* Neo Con man David Frum “The Axis of Evil” speech where Amurikuh was supposedly Fightin’ again against another “Axis of Evil” like we did against Hitler, Mussolini and Imperial Japan – this time an “Axis of Evil led by Dr Evil himself Hitler II SADDAM HUSSEIN, along with….

      Shiite Islamist Iran?
      North F*#&$& Korea?

      What the F****?

      What kind of dumb as* ZOG TV addicted dumb White goyim could believe, could go along with such nonsenses – it wasn’t the Dixie Chicks. They took a stand against these lies, another globalist J war, though I don’t remember them “naming the J” and for their simple honesty, simple intelligence – pretty much the entire Amurikun Country music industry all Country Music pablum radio stations boycotted the “Dixie Chicks” and went along, to go along with patriotards “LET’S GET SADDAM LIKE WE DONE GOT HITLER AND THE LAST AXIS OF EVIL” – went along with Hank Williams Jr, Toby Keith – “I’m an Amurikun Solider, don’t question why just ANSWER THE CALL like our Grand Daddy’s did in World War II against HITLER – fight fur Freedom and Democracy” hey look, Ted Nugent just dun shot a replica of SADDAM HUSSEIN with his cross bow, I want to do that”

      This pathetic show of sheep like Amurikun dumb White goyim patriotard, ZOG slaves caused the “Dixie Chicks” to remove the word “Dixie” from their group’s name.

      From then on the Dixie Chicks were just…

      “The Chicks” – And I 41 can’t blame ’em.

      Please, PLEASE tel me this very wholesome, talented, attractive young Sarah Osborne hasn’t done the same as Hank Williams Jr, Toby Keith and Ted Nugent.

      Thank You sir, I apologize for rambling. I tend to do that.


      • I don’t know where she started from, but I think she has absorbed some “woke” ideas by now. I don’t have time to research it, I just ran across her great rendering of the Joe Hill song I was looking for. Here she is over a decade ago, singing Southern folk and gospel with the South Carolina Broadcasters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhWaVjphdcI&list=PLcGOXvp13hsh-cWqkpL-BbBsP-iZJPpYd&index=28 There is a “White sense of life” in her singing, anyway. It is very important to the Welsh national culture to sing well, and speak well, and the words must be true, and the words are the most important part of music.

  12. Sorry, that was the wrong link to “another young lady who also sings it well.” This is the correct one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN_h5V8Eo-I Jaye, the last time you posted a White music selection here, there were dozens of responses. Real Ethno-centric, people’s “volk” music with good, true lyrics (and the words are most important) is powerful and uniting.

  13. My grandfather was a WW2 vet and I remember him saying, while we were watching the news, that we should bomb Israel.

  14. Actually, I had planned to parachute into Normandy with hundreds of other paratroopers in rembering Operation Neptune. As a paratrooper I had been pinned by one of the remaining paratroopers from that WWII operation. I had promised I would make it someday to see him there in person or spirit. Sadly due to pure fight for survival most of us Patriots are actually engaged, I have not had the resources or time to complete that promise just yet.

    Its an important promise. I had two great uncles and a cousin who were part of the airborne landings, another cousin in the seaborne landing and a grandfather who flew in the air force attack. One of the cousins never made it and became the final lineal British member of his centuries old family to die for King and country. The rest had either died in WWI or had immigrated to other parts of the Empire from their old abode in Northern England. Remembering him and other airborne glider soldiers of Operation Deadstick is a personal mission of mine every year. They were Britannic to a man.

    I will remember our other British cousin. He was from the same Northern English neighborhood as the British glider trooper. They were friends and relatives but had different last names. He landed at Sword Beach, fought thru to Caen and survived the war. https://youtu.be/e5rOrWiCZRo?feature=shared His granddaughter, and thus a distant cousin of mine as well, is a well known Blond Bombsell British patriot famous amongst you Dissident Rightists and heavily censored. I doubt she shares your love of Nazi gangsters.

    My two American great uncles jumped into Normandy, one after his plane was hit and was going down. He showed me the burn scars on his feet and leg after he pulled off his cowboy boots and in his Southwest Texas accent told me stories that only made me want to be paratrooper not larp being a Nazi gangster.

    Both went on to fight as pathfinders, far in the front, crossed the river at the “Bridge Too Far,” survived Bastogne and the remainder of the war. They told me stories of their adventures until they passed in the 90s and early 2000s. The old man who pinned me was one of their comrades.

    Since I won’t make this year, I will remember their sacrifice and be thankful for the time they bought for us Westerners from the coming darkness that the Nazis and Commies heralded. But for their sacrifice we would’ve fallen long ago under Nazi degeneracy which was far worse in moral and spiritual immorality than liberal degeneracy which you all complain about.

    So here’s to you forefathers for saving Europe, valiantly fighting the best warriors of Europe, the Germans. Especially thank you granddad for helping to shoot up Axis occupied North Africa and Europe, fight German, Italian, and Romanian fighters, and eventually strafe the Eagles Nest in a failed attempt to kill the man who destroyed Europe and Germany, Adolf Hitler.
    Cheers to you Granddad, and maybe someday we’ll get your body back from behind enemy commie lines where you now lay after another different war. We actual Patriots dont complain about their victories, we just get mad at those who do.

    • Lot s if words here . Look at our/Farstar picture if the old Brit geezers walking around now Londonstan used to be England .

      Gen Paton and even Winston Churchill admitted it was a huge mistake .

      So can U

      • “Gen Paton and even Winston Churchill admitted it was a huge mistake”:

        Yes. They did. The war was not ending like Churchill and the London (and New York) capitalist elites expected it would (with Germany and Russia cancelling each other out). Churchill wanted to switch sides at the last moment, before Germany surrendered, to help Germany continue to fight Russia “to the last German,” and bloody Patton was ready to go along with it. Germany and Russia did not start the war, and they suffered the greatest losses.

        • Vox Day made a most interesting – and controversial – truthful observation about ten years ago: The countries who fell under Soviet domination ended up with more of their traditional populace and (therefore) culture intact than those in the “free” west, whose only values were materialism and servitude to the Empire of Lies at the end of the day. A strange paradox there. The openly atheist communists failed in destroying faith while the usury-class practically wiped it out with their materialist love of mammon. Of course now that Globo-Pedo controls these all of the old Eastern Bloc (Poland’s recent banning of crosses from public places being the latest example – because the sight of them offends the usual suspects) the malignant decay of the Empire has exponentially accelerated in those places.

          People in the late 1930s had little knowledge of the criminal nature of their rulers, and as I noted above the Mighty Wurlitzer was already blaring away with its endless stream of lies by the 1920s. The Prussian model indoctrination of public schooling is designed to create a willing and obedient populace of debt-slaves. That’s what happens when churches become more concerned with social-justice and leave teaching their own young to the government.

          • Yes, very true.

            One of my favorite movies is “Goodbye Lenin” about the final days of Social East Berlin, Socialist East Germany and the kind of sad, romantic nostalgia “Ossies” had for their former life, system where – well, regular East Germans weren’t rich or super poor, everyone was German or some Eastern White European working there.

            I love that movie.

            When I travelled to East and West Berlin in ~ 1985 (I had an American friend in the US Army there) we spent an afternoon in East Berlin – I loved it. The official exchange rate was 1 West German Mark for 1 East German mark, but on the Black market it was closer to 10 East German marks to 1 West German Mark. We ate at the best East Berlin restaurants had great Eastern block wines. One thing I noticed right away. I’m standing on a sidewalk near the Bradenburg gate on a Sunday afternoon in East Berlin – this street is really wide, there are no cars coming in either direction for as far as the eye can see. The sign says “Don’t Walk”, I look both ways, no cars and start to walk, then I notice all the local “Ossies” are waiting on the sidewalk for the “don’t walk sign” to change. So I went back and waited with them.

            After re-unification I went to Dresden where Bomber Harris and the Brits had carpet bombed civilian areas of Germans fleeing the raping Red Army hordes. David Irving wrote about it. The East Germans had left some of the ruins, including a ruined German Lutheran church.

            I used what little German I knew to talk to Ossies on public transport. Some wanted to argue with me about how corrupt America was with dumb Rambo Movies. But, I wasn’t arguing, instead I was telling them that Germany and German allies were on the right side in World War II. They were kind of taken aback. But, I made some friends.

            What a waste the 1980s were with Reagan/Bush anti Russian cold war stupidity.

            That Rambo III Holllywood J movie and Red Dawn propaganda, as bad as Mel Gibson’s anti English propaganda in Braveheart and “The Patriot”.

            Dumb White patriotard goyim always eat this *#$&@ up.

          • The non-Soviet Eastern European countries in the Warsaw Pact lived under tyrannical governments which saw liberal bourgeoisie values as decadent and sought to limit moral vices through extensive surveillance and secret police operations.

            For example, when I lived in Europe just prior to the fall of the Warsaw Pact, I was engaged in Anti-Soviet subversive activities which involved smuggling and promoting “capitalist contraband” ibto the Warsaw Pact. Many of the people I worked with were promoters of decadent music like rock n roll, sexuallu explicit films, Western cigarettes and alcohol, etc. Many of our agents were what we would consider today anarchists, sexual liberationists, punk rockers, and hot chics who liked to dress up in black tights, leather, and psuedo Nazi uniforms (it was a thing back then). But anyways I digress. The point was to break up the tightly government controlled commie values that they cemented on top of the national traditional values.

            In contrast, in the West, the Soviets and Warsaw Pact were doing similar things such as promoting drug use, pornography, free love, and anti-establishmentarianism. But, whereas the Warsaw Pact had pretty good secret police controls, the West with its liberty oriented ideals made controlling such activities difficult.

            Only towards the end, when their economic model had clearly failed and another section of our covert action had economically damaged their production and istribution system, did things turn in our favor. This is when the Warsaw Pact’s apparatchiks and general populace turned to the underworld to get its fix with our sexy little fembots waiting for them resulting in us penetrating and undermining their secret police authorities.

            The result of this decades long silent shadow war was that the liberal Western values won out over commie eastern values, but our national traditions had been crippled, whereas the Eastern blocks national traditions had been less poisoned. On the other hand, their minds were lobotomized by communism taking them generations to get somewhat right headed. Whereas our minds were fogged and darkened and that’s where we remain.

          • “countries who fell under Soviet domination ended up with more of their traditional populace and (therefore) culture intact than those in the “free” west”:

            The two different, opposite, kinds of socialists are often confused: (1) the Trotskyist (or Khruschevite or Gorbachevite) revisionist “socialist” opportunists, who readily morph into Neoconservatives, Neolibs, libs, anarchists and libertarians whenever it suits them, and (2) the genuine socialists. The first kind, who actually exist and work more in the West than in the East, really do destroy nations and cultures, whereas the second kind, the real, genuine kind, jealously protect natural ethnocentrism with a union (or federation) of the distinct peoples and tribes, and languages and customs, in which they can remain separate while combining their strengths to resist the raging beast of capitalist imperialism that would otherwise dominate, exploit and destroy them, one by one.

      • The mistake wasn’t fighting or winning World War II. The mistake was not fighting and thereby losing to the moral degeneracy of post 1965 Liberalism.

        Winning WWII merely gave us time to fight back the corruption that entered Western civilization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Nazism and Communism were merely the most virulent diseases to inflict the Western body which was caused by liberalism.

        We defeated both to a degree but still got the immorality to deal with and which has brought such great cities as Paris, London, New York, Chicago and a dozen other European world cities to near ruin. Victory in WWII didn’t give us that but refusing to fight for what the Westetn Allies fought for will give us certain defeat and obliteration.

        • > Winning WWII merely gave us time to fight back the corruption that entered Western civilization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Nazism and Communism were merely the most virulent diseases to inflict the Western body which was caused by liberalism.

          That is arguably true, but it was merely fortuitous accident. FDR had no such intention as he deliberately provoked Japan into attack while carrying on a shadow war against Germany as ordered by his owners. Perhaps if McCarthy had prevailed in the late 1940s and early 50s the already advanced corruption could have been turned back. The Globalist elites (which included not only the usual representatives of the Synagogue of Satan but Catholics and Prots like the Rockefeller and Prescott-Bush crime families) still owned the Mighty Wurlitzer and destroyed the nascent resistance of McCarthy and the young Richard Nixon. At about the same time CIA plant William F. Cuckley came along to denounce the Birchers – who were merely constitutionalists. By 1960 the die was completely cast.

          > We defeated both to a degree but still got the immorality to deal with and which has brought such great cities as Paris, London, New York, Chicago and a dozen other European world cities to near ruin. Victory in WWII didn’t give us that but refusing to fight for what the Westetn Allies fought for will give us certain defeat and obliteration.

          You’re conflating a fantasy of your own construction about the reason WW II was fought with a temporary benefit. Hitler was destroyed but so was much of Europe. Communism was bigger than ever after the war, with increased infiltration into the west. As usual you fall for the false dialectic regarding communism and capitalism (e.g. finance or rentier rigged markets): Both are just opposite sides of the same debased shekel, largely run by the same criminal organizations.

          Paris, London, New York, Chicago and a dozen other European world cities are ruined – which was the ultimate goal of the western rulers who won WW II. Right on the heels of the victory came integration of the military, overturning of restrictive covenants, Brown v Board of Education, forced integration, churches placed under IRS control via section 501c(3) (authored by LBJ and passed under Eisenhower). Churchill started importing negroids from the Caribbean in the wake of the ‘great victory’ (Windrush generation). All instrumental in setting the stage for the banner year of 1965: open borders, the abolition of various freedoms for whites, Vatican II (= apostasy), Vietnam, etc.

          Fighting WW II only weakened the elements in the west who might have been able to organize a resistance against the vast forces deployed by the evil elites in the wake of the war. The stage for all the degeneracy and liberalism which is typically ascribed to the 1960s was built in the wake of the war. The corruption won the day as a result. Globo-Pedo and GOG is not reformable and it never was, not in 1913, 1933, 1953 or 1968. It has to be destroyed, root and branch.

          • Re: “the past proven evils of communism and nazism” and “Nazism and Communism were just evil being applied to evil. Both were defeated in war and political conflict”:

            But Socialism has not been defeated. It is present, and it is struggling with the unlimited-MONEY-fueled, existential fight-or-die final onslaught of the old, outmoded class and usury system; and it is the only possible future for mankind, if mankind is to survive many more years on this small planet.

            “Our role is to overcome the evils caused by corporate finance-industrial complex in a Christian, humane, and national justified way”:

            “Our” role (the role of the “Aryan” global capitalist-imperialist elites and their upper class and bourgeois allies) is trying to erase common peoples’ will and rights (defeat socialism) using every possible weapon and method including the trickery of populist “reform”-ism that ostensibly tries to “overcome the evils caused by the system” including removing Globo-Pedo “root and branch” without removing the system itself! Furthermore, this populist reform feint is not really to be done “in a Christian way” but in the Judeo-“Christian” way of alliance or nexus with Zionism and Talmudism, which is anti-Christian. The “role” is to try to conserve the outmoded and evil class and usury system, that must eventually perish if mankind is to survive.

        • “Nazism and Communism were merely the most virulent diseases to inflict the Western body (…) We defeated both to a degree but still got the immorality to deal with”:

          No. The West was thoroughly immoral to begin with, including the vaunted Victorian or Gilded age. Nazism was a reaction to it, and real socialism was the only cure for it. Inequality and class ARE immorality, and ALL of the classes are demoralized or immoralized by it, and the nobles under their whitewash are the most evil of all. See my additional comment below.

          • Nazism was a politically contrived controlled opposition for the high German establishment in its ethno-class and dynastic-sectarian war for supremacy in Europe. But for its imperialist aims against fellow Europeans, it had developed a relatively harmonious socio-economic system in the years before the Great War. Similarly, Britain was making strides to overcome the degradation caused by industrialization. Communism was nothing but class envy being exploited by criminals to seize control of the targeted countries assets. Sure, the problems in European civilization arising from the corporate industrial age needed to be solved. Nazism and Communism were just evil being applied to evil. Both were defeated in war and political conflict. Our role is to overcome the evils caused by corporate finance-industrial complex in a Christian, humane, and national justified way. Attempting to use the past proven evils of communism and nazism to do it is not just foolish, its satanic.

      • “Gen Paton and even Winston Churchill admitted it was a huge mistake.”

        Cute little statement there pregnant with your inference that fighting the war against Germany was a mistake. Nonsense. Churchill called it the unnecessary war as in the Hitler’s Nazis could’ve been stopped long before fighting turned into world War. Neither Winston Churchill nor General Patton thought fighting and winning WWII was a huge mistake. Both were proud of the accomplishments of their countries, their people, and warfighters in defeating Hitler’s tyrannical and diabolical plans.

    • “One of the cousins never made it and became the final lineal British member of his centuries old family to die for King and country. The rest had either died in WWI”

      What a shame. All for nothing.

      • Nah. They saved Western Europe from German militarism, crushed Hindu demons, subdued Moslem savagery, and created a toe holds of British colonies in South Africa, Australia, and Canada. In the end, what their kind did echos for eternity. Or they could have just sat there like you shoveled shit in Russia and been forgoten.

    • Ashkenazi Globalist Bro,

      This has to be your most jewish post on OD, and that is saying something, since most of them have a pro-jewish angle about them.

      Tbh, I was not surprised by you POV, but I thought they would have taught you better in Hasbara training camp to be more subtle.

      • @November
        “Tbh, I was not surprised by you POV, but I thought they would have taught you better in Hasbara training camp to be more subtle.”

        What could I be up to? Hmmm…..

    • Ashkenazi Cabalist Bro,

      Sounds like a (((Stan Lee))) Marvel inspired movie.

      I bet you bleed red, white, and blue, but especially white and blue.

  15. “The mistake was not fighting and thereby losing to the moral degeneracy of post 1965 Liberalism”:

    Something was very rotten in the state of (I don’t mean Denmark) long before that (think: Hollywood “values”) and in the mid sixties the U.S. actually fostered and promoted that degeneracy including “free love” and drug addiction – by psychological warfare, against its own population – in order to sidetrack and destroy the anti-war, anti-imperialist, anti-class movement that was developing in the U.S. in the early and mid sixties and could have led to a real revolution. There is no way that the U.S. would ever have “fought against the degeneracy” that it was deliberately creating, and using as a weapon. It would be, like Jesus said, like Hell being divided against itself.

  16. “No. The West was thoroughly immoral to begin with, including the vaunted Victorian or Gilded age.”

    Thoroughly immoral? The Victoria Age was a paradise compared to the Socialism’s Soviet Age.

    “Nazism was a reaction to it, and real socialism was the only cure for it.”

    The cure was returning to a stricter firm of Protestant Christianity. Although light years ahead of this ages anti-Aryan and dissolute disreputable ruling class, that ages’ pro-Aryan ruling class was already beginning to cut ties to its roots. But it still had a strictness totally gone in today’s decadent, secular and socialized education.

    “Inequality and class ARE immorality, and ALL of the classes are demoralized or immoralized by it, and the nobles under their whitewash are the most evil of all.”

    False, inequality and class are part of God’s ordained creation. Humanity is not equal to God nor his creation. We are all equal before God, but to him we are not. Certainly no individual is either except his Lordship, Jesus Christ. However, we are a distinct class, given dominion and stewardship over his creation, as the penultimate of his creation.

    In turn, there are generations, races, nations, ethnicities, etc which are given dominion over certain places, things, or subjects. To give justice to thos God provides authorities to punish evil doers within this system, including Kings, Princes, Presidents, Governors, Ministers, Judges, etc. Likewise are there classes within each human group to provide protection, power, rulership, produce, etc.

    Order, class, and therefore inequality exist from creation. They are the Dharma that guides human development. From God to the smallest insect and amoeba, all habe a place and function by individual and thing and class. To contrive a system to deconstruct this is destruction and satanic. It is anti-Dharma. That is socialism. The Aryan way opposes it and always has, even when it doesn’t know how to do it except by duty to do good. That is Dharma. Don’t be Anti-Dharma.

  17. This is in response to some comments above about the German ethnicity in America….

    The idea that Germans are the largest ethnicity in America isn’t accurate. Founding Stock Americans were still reproducing even when immigrants were coming in. As recently as the 1980s, English Americans were still larger than Germans. Then when the “ American “ ethnicity came along as an option, Southerners started claiming that instead of English which diminished the numbers. I doubt a ton of Germans have come here since the 1980s. Then when you add Scottish, Welsh, and Scott-Irish, the amount of British Americans is even larger than just English.

    Also, this German ethnicity is based on self reported ancestry. Now that people are doing DNA tests they are finding they are more British than German. I see it constantly. That map of Wikipedia that shows the German ancestry dominating 70% of our landmass isn’t accurate at all.

    As for the argument that the English are just Germans anyway, wrong again. DNA studies cluster the English much closer to other Celtic people on the island than with Germans.

    Why is there such an effort to erase the Founding Stock of this country? I really am disgusted by it.

    • Agreed Courtney. In a post not published by Hunter (there are many he doesn’t let through for some reason), I provided some stats on this population. There are at least 120,000,000 Americans of all or mostly British stock. Of this collection of British Americans, at least 90,000,000 are of Native American stock e.g. Freeborn Whites in the US as of 1790.

      At the point of independence, excluding Indians, not taxed, America was 80% White, almost all Nordic. Of that at least 80% where of British isles origin. Most had been here already for a century plus. Meaning that most of this 90,000,000 Native American population has been here for four hundred years and is mostly British in origin.

      To be fair, of that Native American stock about 25,000,000 are descended paternally of Colonial French Huguenot, Scandinavian, North German, Palatine German, and Dutch. But after hundreds of years all they got are their paternal Continental European Protestant names. They are now so thoroughly Anglicanized they are little distinguishable genetically and culturally from the British American cohort.

      In addition, we shouldn’t forget the many Irish Catholics. All of the Native American Catholic Irish have blended in to the larger British American cohort. The post independent Irish Catholic Americans have mostly been here for 150 years plus, and but for their stubborn insistence at hating Britishness and holding onto their Papistry and ethnic petty political corruption, are indistinguishable from British Americans. Most have some percentage of British origin cultural and genetic origin. Certainly, they are more American than other White ethnics. Throwing them in gives another 17,500,000.

      In sum there are at least 137,500,000 Americans with ancestry in the British isles. They are united by customs rooted in Anglo-Saxon common law, old almost forgotten Celtic customs, and unRomanized Saxonness. Its an assimilation of various cultures, related ethno-nations, and loose Christian understandings. This is the bedrock of America.

      This British American population is the single largest ethno-national group by far in America. Millions more of White ethnics are also partially descended from them especially in the North through Yankee intermarriage. Most Americans, even White ethnics, can go to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Britain and Ireland, and feel more at home than among the Tuetons, Latins, and Eastern Europeans.

      This state of affairs in America and across the wider British diaspora is hated by the historic enemies of the British isles. These groups have stood for millennium on the European Continent and further East and South. They go as far back as the Romans and even farther into the bronze age, where the isles where envied as the isles of the mighty. Thats why they want to de-Anglicanize America, and deBritish, global Britannia. We must admit this group of enemy is sadly predominantly in occupation of our respective countries in the Anglosphere. In turn, they like to insert themselves into liberationist movements such as ours, a role that echoes even in the past. It goes even to the point of killing us all when we’ve succeeded in freeing ourselves such as in the Gunpowder Plot. A plot we are supposed to remember this day every election on the 5th of November. May we free the White House from this Papist occupation that day this year.. But, the war won’t stop until we reconquer Rome.

    • American policies both domestic, and especially foreign reek of the English and jews, so you can own them, as both an Anglo and Southerner.

      • Americans are basically super Brits. We are what the cousins across the pond should’ve ended up like but instead were forced into subservience under the Papist dominated EU.

        Southerners are the most American of all the American kindred. Which means they are the most British. That is why the modern British royal family was most popular in places like Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia, South Carolina and Texas, when they toured America.

        America is a British colonial settler country. Only some hyphenated American White ethnics reject this belief. They usually vote for Biden, who is a noted Anglo bigot.

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