I’m Voting For Trump In 2024

I’m voting for Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

Until yesterday, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do in November. I voted for Donald Trump in the Republican primary in Alabama. I saw that as a vote to end Nikki Haley’s career. My vote hardly matters here in Alabama and I was on the fence about voting in the presidential election. I have been hesitant to endorse Trump because I don’t want to own all the blackpills which are sure to follow.

My position on Trump vs. Biden for the last two years or so has been that Donald Trump is the lesser of two evils. In many ways, the Trump presidency was a demoralizing disaster for us, but the Biden presidency has been a bigger disaster on key issues like immigration and foreign policy. Biden is objectively worse than Trump on immigration for intentionally dismantling immigration enforcement and allowing over 8 million illegal aliens to invade the United States in four years. In contrast, Trump often meant well and made an effort to restrict immigration, but was stymied by lawfare from NGOs in the federal courts, personal feuds and distractions, resistance from within his own government and opposition in his own party.

By 2024, I had become a lukewarm Trump supporter who has been on the fence about voting. I wasn’t swayed by his criminal trials although I agree he is being targeted in a witch hunt. I wasn’t swayed by his big promises about ending the wars, mass deportations and dismantling the Deep State all of which I doubt he will deliver on. I wasn’t swayed by Joe Biden clearly having one foot in the grave in the presidential debate and the prospect of four years of President Kamala Harris.

Yesterday afternoon, I was running some errands and going about my business when I was rear ended by an illegal alien from Venezuela with no automobile insurance. Thus, I have finally been personally screwed over by Joe Biden’s disastrous immigration policies and will have to pay out of pocket for car repairs because someone who has no money and no business being here is driving around my community. I am grateful that I was the only one in the car and that it is still drivable. In that instant, all I could think about is how much worse it could have been if I had gotten T-boned with our baby in the backseat.

Anyway, I have interpreted this event as a sign that I should vote for Trump. The illegal alien couldn’t speak English and was using a translation app to communicate with the police when they arrived. I have been in similar accidents before with White people here in Alabama. I understand that accidents happen, but these people are citizens and have insurance and can be sued without vanishing. I was told by our insurance company that this has become a huge problem in recent years. It happens all the time now.


  1. Happy you are okay.

    “Trump often meant well and made an effort to restrict immigration”

    I disagree with this. I think he could have done more and cared very little about the immigration issue. The wall was an election year gimmick, not a serious proposition.

    • He tried to “build the wall.”

      Remember, the GOP Congress refused to pay for it and he got sued and it was tied up in the federal courts for years until SCOTUS allowed him to use military funds to pay for it. That’s qualitatively different than Biden dismantling immigration enforcement on Day 1 with executive orders.

      • @Hunter Wallace,

        I believe that the Trump choice is right because the deep state is going to put up a diff. candidate than Biden; but Trump could have enforced immigration on Day 1 with executive orders.

      • REP. Chip Roy over at Gab was saying he demands Kabala Haaretz remove Jews Joe via the 25th Amendment.

        HW, what does the 25th permit, and what does it exclude? If it would exclude any other candidates (Newsome, Kennedy, Moochelle O’Bummer) and mandate that Kabala MUST be the nominee, wouldn’t that be a death knell for the DEMS, even more than they already have, now? I’d love your take on that angle.

  2. HW, I am so glad you were not injured. Every one of these Biden Bummers needs to be deported. They are like moving “land mines” released by Communists who have no concern for those of us whose families go back several centuries except that we be overrun and destroyed by their vicious lethal political games.

    Trump says he will deport them all but we all know he probably won’t do it.

    However we do have a backup option.

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

    • Thank God the illegal alien didn’t kill you. Since the 1990’s I’ve been involved in half dozen collisions caused by illegal aliens. No injuries, just fender benders except for one car that was totalled when I was rear ended by one of them. They’re a scourge. Now I drive a beater. It’s cheap to insure and to register and if it’s totaled, I’ll just buy another one. They’re never insured, frequently unlicensed and often can’t speak English. This is the cost of opening the borders of our country.

      We have a two tier society. Whites have to be licensed, registered and insured but the non-whites are free to do as they please.

      • it’s not white and non- whites; it’s whites and Latinos. Only now that non-Latinos are also coming in, in droves, is there talk of a problem from MSM. And then the pivot is always to Muslim terrorists, or as Hannity and Watters and all on Fox and right- wing media say, “Chinese” coming in. What’s a little murder of a 12 year old if done by 2 Latinos and not a Muslim! The agenda of the deep state, MSM, State dept and la raza embedded in every govt institution, is to turn the USA into a Latino country. Hannity, Watters, right wing media generally, are either clueless or on board with it and pivot to talking about evil Muslims behind every rock already plotting an attack. No Chinese or middle eastern person, person would come here for a better life, Hannity says every day. If he said that about Latinos, he’d be off the air and his bigotry would be the talk of the MSM for weeks.

        • ALL non-Whites are unregenerate and irredeemable Xenoi. The fallacious ‘universal jurisdiction’/’universal salvation’ mantra the Cult of Rome has been hawking since 1100 A.D., is behind all of this.

          Some preamble:The problem is this: Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to, nor during the first 1000 years of Christendom’s existence (i.e., the Millennium), were NON-EUROPIDS made an organic part of the Orthodox and Catholic Church- only the White Caucasoids of Magna Europa/Christendom were the recipients. “In the mouth of two or three witnesses,” remember?

          The word ‘world’ (ecumene) meant the INHABITED WORLD of FIRST CENTURY BIBLICAL JUDAISM, which was the ‘world’ of the Roman Empire. Nothing more. Read ACTS, and the Day of Pentecost- only FAITHFUL ‘Jews’ (i.e., genetic residents of Judea- that is, Israelites) were gathered there, not Blacks, Indians, Asians, etc. And the lands where they travelled from? ALL WITHIN THE ROMAN EMPIRE.

          Romans 1:16-17 give you the ONLY TWO GROUPS that the GOSPEL was sent to- the JUDEAN and the HELLENE. Geographic, as well as defined ‘racial’ groups. And, sure enough…. that’s the only groups that remained orthodox in their Christianity for the millennium of building the Kingdom!!! That Kingdom of God is known as Christendom.

          [Just watched a documentary on Japan, in which the commentator (2018) said only 1% of Japan is Christian; even after centuries of evangelization, a solid, honorable culture, literacy, etc. THERE IS A REASON for this!]

          Both Rome and the Protestants are mired in the same heresy. The Eastern Orthodox have a saying that illustrates that: “Rome was the first Protestant.” The heresy that fuels and ‘legitimizes’ this universalist heresy, is ‘filioquism’- a false view of the Holy Spirit.

          Rome has EVER been only interested in ROME, not Christianity, since at least 1100. She is (as the Reformers noted of her) ‘… no TRUE church.”

          Her adoption of a FALSE model of ‘caesaro-papalism’ after she schismated herself in AD 1054 (via the addition of the ‘filioque’ in the Creed) led to two ‘innovations’ that directly affect your concerns, as expressed in these comments. Rome adopted two CONTRARY ideas to Christianity’s mission, and focus, over a thousand years ago. And most Westerners don’t realize that fact. The Eastern Orthodox do, and have manifestly been very vocal, ever since! What are these heresies?

          1) First, by making one member of the Holy Trinity (the H.S.) a ‘created thing’ rather than God (for that’s what the filioque does, ‘philosophically speaking,’ [ godhistorydialectic.wordpress.com ] it left a ‘hole’ in the Trinity, that the Papal Office was more than glad to fill. Thus, a mere man came to be thought of as GOD on Earth. Sorry, big heresy there.

          2) Then, the Pope promulgated two subsequent heresies. One (since he was ‘as the voice of God’) was “Universal jurisdiction.” Instead of Christendom being concentrated/located in the bosom of the Roman Empire (i.e., Europe/Christendom) the pope, full of himself, claimed that the WHOLE WORLD was ‘his own.’

          Following on that (and, with the discovery of the “New World”) His Popiness also proclaimed something that NEVER was in the minds of the first 10 centuries of Christendom- that ALL RACES, ALL PEOPLES, ALL HOMINIDS, were to be ‘converted’ – the next big heresy.

          For the “Faith” that Christ said He was come to proclaim, HE also said He was only to deliver to ONE people- the “Lost Sheep of the HOUSE [Gr. “oikos” race, clan, ethnic family, in-group] of ISRAEL.” i.e., WHITE MEN.

          Protestants have been playing ‘catch-up’ with the conquest and ‘colonization’ of Rome’s vassal states (France, Spain, Portugal) ever since- THAT is the reason for the British Raj, the Belgian Colonies, the Dutch South Africa, the Chinese Opium Trade, and the attendant ‘missionary’ expansion to RACES WHO NEVER WERE INCLUDED IN THE OFFER OF THE GOSPEL. Because even St. Paul said, only ‘ALL Israel’ shall be saved, etc.

          Not the Chinaman, the mestizo savage, the Incan heart eater, the African beast. ONLY WHITE ISRAEL.
          Your entire edifice of ‘bringing the Gospel to the world’ was a ROMAN CATHOLIC CULT STRATEGY for world domination, and not the GOOD NEWS, at all!

          Learn the Truth. All of your IMpastors/denominations are preaching ADULTERY and Miscegenation- both forbidden in Scripture. [Ex. 20, Ez 9:2ff. – also Tob. 4:12]

          • Okay, that’s a pretty cogent argument overall. I totally agree about ‘filioque’ though it took some time to actually figure it out. That one was done for the Jewish-infiltrated Frankish elite (back to the Merovingian dynasty). Quelle surprise. Like Vatican II, history may not repeat but it certainly rhymes. The papacy itself as set up from the of Charlemagne’s coronation as Holy Roman Empire was built upon a lie.

            What about the Orthodox church in Axum/Ethiopia (yes I know that the Amharic/Ethiopians were not bantu but a semitic group – only written African language before Arabic/Islamic conquests)? What about the one on the west coast of India founded by St. Thomas?? What about all of the Orthodox populations in Syria, Iraq. Lebanon?? Your typical Nordic-obessed WN would not consider any of the above to be white.

          • US of AIPAC– Why your foolish response?

            1) Do you WANT nonwhites to be your ‘brothers in Christ’? Whatever for? Have you seen what non-Whites do to Everything they touch? I’ve grown up watching Catholic congregations lose their ethnic identity, have their liturgical expression trampled upon, up to and including the Mass going from Latin, to English (well, Vatican II) to Spanish, leaving the Anglos in the dust! I realized ROME had left me, not I, Rome.
            2) Are you even a Christian, or are you just mocking a religion you don’t love? Cheeky of you, if so.
            3) Did you think I hadn’t already thought of that? I had, and read many others on this point. Here:

            All the world?

            “As is illustrated in Luke 2:1 the expression “all the world” simply denotes the known inhabited earth. According to Luke 2:1 “all the world” was enrolled in the Roman census imposed by Augustus.18  Deuteronomy 2:25; 29:4; 1 Chronicles 14:17; Ezra 1:1; Psalm 118:10; Jeremiah 27:7; Daniel 2:38; Acts 2:5; and Romans 16:26 are other examples in which “all the world” or “all the nations” refers to the known inhabited world and not every nation without exception.”- https://revelationrevolution.org/matthew-24-commentary-that-generation-shall-not-pass/

            Exalted Cyclops. While your response is less cheeky, it still partakes of a universalist mindset.
            WHY DO YOU WANT THESE SHITHOLE NATIONS IN YOUR CHURCH, if you (also) go to Church? Just asking for the extremely xenophobic Israelites, who, (until Christ) NEVER sought to ‘convert’ the people around them. Amos 3:2, in other words.

            But, to answer your question more fully. Do you not realize that only those National Churches that hold to ALL SEVEN ECUMENCIAL COUNCIL’S decisions, are considered TRULY ‘Catholic’ or “Orthodox”? Neither the Ethiopian nor the Thomasites are fully conciliar, and this is the case with ALL of the non-White [sic] “Christian” groups from the Copts to the Armenians, as well as the now defunct sects and cults that once existed. There is a REASON for this. If YHWH God says, ‘YOu alone of all the Tribes/families on earth, have I known” [ Amos 3:2] the primary reason for both their exclusion as well as their heterodox viewpoint, is because GOD NEVER PREDESTINED THEM TO BE A PART OF THE BODY, in the first place.

            I can claim Irish or Scottish ancestry by descent (sometime, back in the past, my ancestors were ‘FULLY’ Celtic, but, until and unless the National government says I am a citizen, then I am only able to claim ‘ancestral communion.’ I know that analogy falls flat, in that I am white, and DO have Scots-Irish ancestry on both sides of the family, and have a genetic similarity to those groups, that is readily apparent when among those ‘tribes,’ but the point I am trying to make is, With the non-Chalcedonian ‘churches’ what they ‘say’ they are, and what they actually ARE, are two very different things.

            As two well-respected Orthodox writers have said: “Every nation or ethnic group has its own church, and this division of church authority makes preaching effective. Thus, every nation has its own characteristics and its own spirit that is the foundation of each local church. “- St. John Maximovich of San Francisco

            “This is the nationalism advocated by this writer and Orthodox nationalism in general. It implies that nations have every right to protect their borders and ethnic integrity. Nations are creations of God as families are.” – Dr. M. R. Johnson

            I’ve merely observed the reality of Church intersecting with race, and geography, and put two and two together. I want what the Founding Fathers wanted – a White, Anglo, Ethnostate with one religion and Body (of Christ) that is ours, ALONE. What the other nations do, and what other communions do, is none of my (and frankly, God’s sovereign) business.

          • More bs from Friar Tuck. There are rules, but there are always exceptions to the rules. Blacks like Candace Owens and Thomas Sowell are very “redeemable” if you ask me. Better people than many whites. Many other examples from every race can be found who fly in the face of your constant bs. The Bible doesn’t mention races because it was written by men who knew little of the world outside of their sphere. Christianity is UNIVERSAL.

            “Romans 1:16-17 give you the ONLY TWO GROUPS that the GOSPEL was sent to- the JUDEAN and the HELLENE. Geographic, as well as defined ‘racial’ groups.”
            Because it was written by jews and Greeks. They were ignorant and that was the extent of the World to them, at least the part that mattered to them.

            “Just watched a documentary on Japan, in which the commentator (2018) said only 1% of Japan is Christian; even after centuries of evangelization, a solid, honorable culture, literacy, etc. THERE IS A REASON for this!”
            Yeah, because they honor their ancestors and are perhaps too smart to fall for Semitic bs.

            I agree on the Pope, but if a God actually existed who created all of humanity only to send a redeemer for one small part of it, then that god is evil or totally incompetent. After the jews rejected Jesus, “Israel” referred to all people who accepted Jesus. That is just one reason Israel is a fake and fraudulent nation.

            Prove that Hebrews are the original Whites. You can’t because it’s all bs. They were one of many Semitic groups in that region who had fantasies about genociding other groups in the area, who they were closely related to, to steal their land.

          • Too many points made here to illuminate how they are being used wrongly. But in essence, your only Whites are Christian because that is the way it was in the beginning. But as Exaltes Cyclops notes, that is not the case. The Ethiopians were mulatto ruled by mostly Whites at best. There were the Nubians were were certainly Black and Christian long before the Bishop of Rome became a Prince of the Church and lay claim to universal jurisdiction. Christianity is made for all men and nations. How they worship, their liturgies, their sacred language, etc is all up to them. There is plenty of room to keep our church nations different but in single communion with Christ.

          • Titus. Either substantiate your propositions with valid sources, or Shut it.

            You just don’t like being told that you are not God. Sorry, NOT GOD.

            Are you and AIPAC ‘roommates’?

          • 2) Are you even a Christian, or are you just mocking a religion you don’t love?

            Mocking their dogma.

        • They key to understanding why this is being done by Sean Hannity and much of the rest of the conservative media is because they are Papists just like the Latinos. This is a full on Papist invasion and you guys are all following Papists sperging out on Jews. You will be crushed by the Papists if you don’t see the threat they are break off from them NOW!

    • They won’t secede, they are waiting for a Joo Messianic global monarchy toreplace themselves as sovereign’s and their agent the several Republic’s of Dixie…. all fools… as that is their hope… and trading their personal sovereignty and freedom for global top down dictatorial tyranny and communistic (i.e. no right of property) despotism …

  3. Trump never addressed the illegal invader problem. Nor will he this time around, for all the reasons given in these threads for weeks running now. Indeed, for all you know the Venezuelan may well have arrived under Trump’s teleprompter-readership. That’s kind of beside more important points though.

    Yes it absolutely sucks and I am thankful that your wife and kids was not in the car, the car was still able to be driven and that the Venezuelan at least had the human decency not to just flee as they typically do in such cases. That was very white of him. Perhaps the best way to address this particular problem would be a class action lawsuit in behalf of victims of the invasion (like yourself) against all of the NGOs receiving taxpayer money to support the invasion and colonization. They all have very deep pockets and all it would take would be some genuinely enterprising lawyers to tap them for literally billions. It would be interesting to see whether the insurance outfits (all part of the usury racketeering system) would join out of opportunistic greed.

    At the end of the day, Trump is just a symbol. Your state’s electoral votes are already in the bag for him so you might as well go with the flow since at least it will help you to get along with his many supporters there – who are mostly white and generally decent folks, despite their overall naivety. The empire is going to end sooner or later regardless so even trying to figure out which figurehead will bring about the collapse faster is a fool’s errand.

    • I agree Cyclops,Trump did nothing and will do nothing about our replacement.I imagine the beaner would have left the scene if he could have done so,so I wouldn’t give him credit for decency.Great idea about suing the NGO’s except the Jews control the courts etc.I watched four years of Trump crap on people like Kobach(Kansas),Sessions(AL)McDaniel(Ms) who endorsed him and were fighting hard against the invasion.Who did Trump instead endorse?Lindsay Graham,Nimrata Randhawa Haley,Mitt Romney,and on and on.The man is a boob who just like Biden is controlled totally by Jews.I believe our only help is God.He is allowing the truth to get out and many now know of Jewish control.Also the Jews are having their pets in Congress and the Statehouses enact rules saying we can’t even mention Jew power which makes people start to wonder.Then their murderous campaign in Gaza is uniting the world against the Synagogue of Satan.

    • “Perhaps the best way to address this particular problem would be a class action lawsuit in behalf of victims of the invasion (like yourself) against all of the NGOs receiving taxpayer money to support the invasion and colonization.”

      That is one of the smartest things you’ve said yet. Of course, it’s smart because I proposed back in the 1990s. I spoke to Peter Brimelow about doing it aroind then. In fact, he formed some sort of partnership with a law firm. They were using it and it was going somewhere, but then it blip, the effort disappeared.

      Brimelow said they parted ways as a joint entity but that the legal guy was still doing it. Since nothing has come of it I suppose it just didn’t get any traction.

      My full proposal was to also go after the cities and counties for intentional negligence. Probably use a Southern venue which allows multiple class action lawsuit suits across multiple jurisdictions.

      Basic legal strategy was using the old “city failed to protect or warn” someone who subsequently got injured and collected damages. All those sanctuary cities, counties, and governments, or corporations that employ them should be sued to kingdom come.

      Ultimately, isong the legal approach in the South is probably the best way to push things forward to change the corporate and government culture short of arresting bloody everybody in a mass RICO like campaign. Perhaps, we can use Hunter’s recent accident as a test action?

      How’d you like that Hunter. Potentially be the recipient of a big wad of cash collected from various sanctuary cities and their enablers like the SPLC? I mean if this took off we could bankrupt the entire ruling class.

      • It’s a fine idea. Why not do it? Even better (and you’ll like this for sure): A class action as I describe could be brought against the Roman Catholic Church in its several manifestations: The archdiocese, Catholic Charities, orders who support the invasion (Jesuits for example), etc, etc, etc. I would not exempt Prots from this either (though you might). We all know that you’d exempt jews and frankly, it’s actually best to leave them for last. Take down the easier targets first and build a snowball into an avalanche.

  4. ” I was rear ended by an illegal alien from Venezuela ”

    Trivial, compared to all the rapes and murders illegals have done.
    Over 10,000 people die annually from illegals in traffic and crime incidents.

    Why can’t people project themselves into others situation,” it happen to dat guy, well maybe could be, happen to meez”? What happens when your wife, children or other loved one is stabbed or shot?

    Libtards in Sweden welcome ‘immigrants’ that rape, beat and permanently paralyze a 12 yr old girl, not caring about her ruined life, but “look at me, I’m so liberal, I’m so goody-good, pay attention to me”.

    Most People don’t wake up until it directly effects them, then it is often too late.

    Not only do people lack basic empathy, they lack the self preservation common sense that ‘it happened to him, it might happen to me’.

    Most everyone seems to think, ” I’m just so special, I’m immune to reality, it happens to other people, but it can’t happen to me.”

    Glad you weren’t hurt and hopefully the damage is minimal.

        • Always.

          “… the passage suggests rabbinic willingness to take responsibility for the execution of Jesus. No effort is made to pin his death upon the Romans……. Jewish apologetics that “we could not have done it” because of Roman sovereignty ring hollow when one examines the Talmudic account … (“Jesus in the Talmud,” Steven Bayme, American Jewish Committee National Director, Professor of History at Yeshiva University, September 24, 2003)

          [Only took 2000 years to finally admit what Christendom has been saying all this time!]

          Oh, and yes- Just Who is “Israel”- in God’s eyes? Here….

          Excerpt from “My Farewell to Israel- The Thorn in the Mid East” By Jack Bernstein

          ‘ASHKENAZIC JEWS ARE NOT SEMITES. Before going any farther, it is important to point out to Gentiles, especially Christians, that Ashkenazic Jews are not Semites. Virtually all Zionists are Ashkenazic Jews. When anyone criticizes wrongful acts by the Zionists, they cry out, with false indignity, “You’re anti?Semitic.” Yet, these Ashkenazic (Zionist) Jews are not Semites. To be a Semite it is necessary to be a descendant of Shem. Ashkenazic Jews are not descendants of Shem, but descendants of Japhath. Sephardic (Arab) Jews, along with Arab Moslems and Arab Christians, are descendants of Shem and thus Semites. Since Ashkenazic Jews are not descendants of Shem, but descendants of Japhath, they are not Semitic Jews ? they are artificial Jews. Being artificial Jews, they have no biblical right to Palestine, now wrongfully called Israel.’

      • Hunter, so sorry you were involved in a collision with an undocumented migrant who was also uninsured. In the Southwest we have been dealing with these types of antics for years.

        We had inspection and registration stickers on our license plates until the increasing frequency of them being removed by those here illegally. So we moved them to inside our windows.

        Many of us also buy extra insurance for uninsured drivers. It’s not as expensive as you think it is or was not. All of you know your financial situations better than I do, but thanks to our open borders, the odds of being hit by an uninsured illegal alien go up statistically.

    • @United States of AIPAC
      “Why can’t people project themselves into others situation,” it happen to dat guy, well maybe could be, happen to meez”? What happens when your wife, children or other loved one is stabbed or shot?
      Libtards in Sweden welcome ‘immigrants’ that rape, beat and permanently paralyze a 12 yr old girl, not caring about her ruined life, but “look at me, I’m so liberal, I’m so goody-good, pay attention to me”

      the answer is trivial; they’ve been brainwashed since birth – Lenin said:
      “Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.”

    • Hw, the incident that happened to you is only a small example of the harm done to people. Imagine losing your home, business, because immigrants moved in around you. Having to leave your childhood home and move to another state. That’s true for city after city that you were near in Socal. They ripped apart the entire social structure of Calif.

      You know all this, I’m just putting emphasis on it.

      (It’s not just illegals, legals as well, vietnamese, Chinese, Hmong from Cambodia, Indians, (((Iranians))),etc. Iranian Jews are big owners of carwashes in socal and hire tons of illegals.)

  5. Why not vote for the Constitution Party?
    They are better than Trump on both immigration and foreign policy.
    Trump will win Alabama without your vote, but a message needs to be sent that Trump, while better than establishment Democrats such as Biden and Clinton, is not good enough.

    • That’s not a bad point. The problem with the CP is the same problem with every attempt I’ve seen over the years with alternative parties. They spend far too much time, money and energy on a presidential race when they need to be getting members elected at the local and state levels, then into congress. Massie would not have to worry about a knife in the back from his own party at AIPAC’s behest if he were not a Republican. Ditto for Steve King of Iowa.

      • Good point.
        Farage and Galloway are attacking the system from the right and from the left in Britain by working to get seats in Parliament.
        The Constitution Party and the Green Party should do the same in the USA.

  6. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
    ? George Orwell, 1984

  7. HW,

    I am really sorry to hear about your experience with open borders anarchy. It just goes to demonstrate that Great Replacement DIEversity metastasized to even backwaters in Alabama.

    I am happy that no physical harm came to you or your family.

    One would think that a deep red state like Alabama would crack down especially on illegals, and citizens driving around the state without a driver’s license, and at least, liability insurance.

    Where I live POC criminality became diurnal a decade ago, and one must drive, walk, ad infinitum tactically to remain somewhat safe. It’s a hell of a way to live or exist, and it is obviously spreading like kudzu nationally.

      • It would be interesting to find out who his ‘sponsor’ was in getting him into the country or into Alabama, which is pretty damned far from Venezuela. Catholic Charities, some other POS NGO flush with taxpayer cash? Sue them. They are directly responsible. I’m willing to bet they’d pay for your repairs rather than it giving other victims the idea to sue the treasonous assholes.

      • The immigration authorities should have been called immediately, and his sorry butt taken to a detention center!

    • “metastasized to even backwaters”

      Yep, it spreads, just like cancer.

      This is one issue that makes me angry with Midwesterners and Southerners , they had a snide contempt when Calif was being overrun, until it spread to their communities.

      • The problem with California was/is the white shitfaced libtards who come from there. Arizona (where a close relative lived until recently) used to be very redneck conservative when moved there (back in Reagan’s term). As he remarked recently, it got ‘Californicated’. The white shitlibs were the first to come (already coming in the mid 1980s). Not long after Regan’s amnesty, the Mexicans started coming – first a tricke, then a stream, after NAFTA (which was sold as a cure for Mexicans streaming over the border by McStain, et al) the stream became a river. Now it’s hardly any different than CA. A de-facto one-party state whose “opposition” part (the Gay Old Pedoburo) are Cucks, Inc. There does seem to be some kind of fatal genetic flaw in white people overall. It’s so bad that they might go the way of the Dodo.

        • “problem with California was/is the white shitfaced libtards who come from there”

          Traditionally Socal had been very conservative, then they were flooded with vietnamese in the mid 70s, which was the watershed of their decline. Nocal has been the hotbed of libtards for over 60 yrs.

          • Orange County CA started to go purple following the defense and post-NAFTA manufacturing cutbacks in the 1990s. Those conservative-leaning military members and workers left the state, retired or died. They were replaced foreigners, legal and illegal as well as liberals from LA and blue states back east. The first sign of the transition was when Bob Dornan was defeated by Loretta Sanchez.

      • United States of AIPAC, the only reason Southerners were ever smug about these things is because maybe we knew that California has too many white people voting for bad policies? Even though I know there are good whites there too . I just see what you just described as a different situation from people in New York City looking down on red border states like Texas for “being racist “ and having to deal with the issue and then going “ uh oh” when it happens to them. All this aside, Southerners have been dealing with large populations of blacks much longer than other people have.

        • +Southerners have been dealing with large populations of blacks much longer than other people ”

          Very true.

          California was a very blessed state. Our first governor , Peter Burnett, made sure California wasn’t a slave state or a free state , he didn’t want any blacks in California. That was California’s tradition up until 1947, then the south gave 100000s of blacks free busfare to California, saying “there’s easy welfare and good jobs in California”.

          Geez, thanks Southerners 🙁

          • “Geez thanks Southerners “

            Thank Yankees up North for meddling in the South in the 1860s and the 1960s and in between. Was it really Southerners sending California bus loads of blacks or was it the usual outside agitators?

          • >>>>> Yankees up North for meddling in the South in the 1860s and the 1960.

            Yep, a cascade of malevolence.

            >>>> Southerners sending California bus loads of blacks or was it the usual outside agitators?

            The southerners could see that Jim Crow was going to be abolished and they needed to get rid of the black majority or be swamped by black votes and the resultant black government.
            So, yes, outsiders caused a sequence bad effects.

            ……still wish you’d kept those blacks.

        • “Southerners were ever smug about these things is because maybe we knew that California has too many white people voting for bad policies? ”

          The WHITES were predominantly conservative. It was the black/Latino/asian vote that tilted the balance to libtards.
          Surprisingly, asians vote overwhelmingly liberal.

          • Maybe I am showing my age here being born in the 80s. For most of my teenage and adult life California has been known to have lots of white liberals even though there are still good ones in the ranching areas etc….. When I was a kid I used to watch the 1960s Disney Parent Trap movie with Haley Mills and thought California was full of cowboys. My perception changed in the 90s. I do find the whole thing sad, being someone who likes the whole cowboy culture. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of white Southerners settled in California at first. I think the same thing happened to Colorado that happened to your state.

          • >>>>> I do find the whole thing sad

            Lord, is it ever.
            …… My term is ‘tragic’.

        • What was the South’s plan for the slaves once mechanization made them obsolete?

          Slavery and imperialism bring non-Whites into our midst for the benefit of the elite.

          • I don’t think it is fair to look back at people during that time and to judge them using hindsight bias. Slavery was practiced in many places around the world at that time. I can assure you it wasn’t like Southerners at the time were sitting around celebrating the day that blacks are freed and integrated. I doubt they even saw that coming. Blaming Southerners of long ago for the racial problems in our country today makes very little sense to me. Not saying you or AIPAC are intentionally doing that but this discussion reminds me of other comments I have seen elsewhere.

          • California of the 1960s and California after the 1980s are two different worlds.
            Southern and northern California are two different states.

            California 1960, 92+ % WHITE
            California 2024, 32 % WHITE
            Different worlds.

          • >>>>> What was the South’s plan for the slaves once mechanization made them obsolete?

            Long before that pres Monroe wanted to return all blacks to Africa. The plan persisted up to and including Lincoln.
            Britain had done it, so had France, that’s how Liberia, Sierra Leone, cote d’ivoire were formed, as slave resettlements to Africa.

          • >>>>> Slavery was practiced in many places around the world at that time.

            Still is, in Africa and Haiti.
            In Equatorial Guinea 1/3 of all children are sold into slavery, by their parents.
            Little girls young as four are put to work in furniture factories.
            In Haiti, Little 8 yr old girls can be bought from brothels for less than 100 dollars.

          • I agree but I was not referring to the morality of slavery but rather the wisdom of slavery.

      • I’m from the Midwest, and I’m 60 years old. There was no “snide contempt” for California — just bafflement and bewilderment at the insane, kooky anti-civilizational ideology of what seemed to be the most ideally situated state in the country. We had CBS, NBC, ABC, and sometimes PBS back then… We had no idea the entire southwest was being invaded.

        • “We had no idea the entire southwest was being invaded.”

          So much for the media keeping people ‘informed’.
          (I heard many people mocking the plight of California, might be a skewed perception.)

  8. The invaders that are present legally, established, Anglophone, and raising children fully acclimated are the real problem.

  9. Glad you are okay.I can tell you that the last weekend in this SC county eight Hispanic beans were arrested for no Drivers License(illegals)and several more for DUI/Driving under suspension.So the eight no DL’s couldn’t have insurance nor could the Driving under suspension.That was out of around 70 total arrested for the weekend.It really is madness.Imagine how many hundreds or thousands were not pulled over that weekend that were driving with no license or insurance.That is in one medium sized SC county.The End is near for the civilized yet the masses cannot somehow locate the problem.Once again,glad you weren’t hurt and the good Lord was watching over you.

  10. So many people hate Trump for not doing more but we are being demographically crushed by Biden. Trump is a con man. We get it but for the love of God we we have to slow or stop the flow or there is no coming back. We are probably past that point anyway

    • Trump is not going to save you. He was already “President” from 2017-2021. He utterly failed – even assuming for minute he ever meant to do anything promised in 2016 (very unlikely in light of his history). The Empire grew under his watch in every way imaginable. He appointed nothing except swamp creatures to “drain the swamp”. His “conservative” appointees to the court are about as “conservative” as those of Lyndon Johnson. He is merely another model of puppet operated by the same monsters who operate the “Biden” puppet, the Obama puppet, the Bush puppet or the Clinton puppet. If you’re not an infidel, get on your knees and start praying. Even the Muslims with all of their faults pray five times a day.

  11. Yes a personal experience will often remind you of why you held certain views to begin with.
    He shouldn’t get off Scot free because he was uninsured. He should be required by law to reimburse you for the cost of repairs, rather than you making a claim from your insurance. Surely there are provisions in place that force him to do that?
    If they’re uninsured, they’re usually also unregistered, unlicensed and the car unroadworthy. The car is often also stolen and the guys are usually intoxicated.
    In the experience of a cop I know, it’s never just one thing. It’s often five or six things. They have an inability to sort their affairs out and know right from wrong. They never say to themselves; “I’ll make sure my licence is up to date but the insurance doesn’t matter”. If they disregard one issue, they’ll disregard all of them.
    As for Biden, he’s doing everything possible to ensure a Trump victory. Trump must be like a kid in a candy shop right now, wondering why he’s suddenly become so lucky!

  12. If we secede, the gibs/free stuff/etc will no longer be available to anyone in the seceding states. Hopefully, a huge swarm of illegals will head out of the seceding states for greener pastures somewhere else in the Yankee Empire.

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

  13. Seems we’re always faced with the lesser of two evils and never the greater of two goods. Combined with forced integration we have more than enough 3rd worlders to get the job of White Genocide done. With the current crop of political “choices” we’ll never vote our way out of it.

  14. Do you have any way of knowing that this immigrant wasn’t here between 2016-2020 when Trump was in power? I’d be 100% sure of that before I absolve Trump.

  15. Lol, now Hunter hates the Venezuelian invaders, but not half as much as the Mexicans hate them. I have seen them on some job sites, and the tension is fierce. Raging raw hatred between those groups.

    Over the years my truck has been hit by three illegals, one flip, one Iraqi, and one a street crapper (Woman). Illegals will often ram you on purpose. Yes, that is a thing.

    • Yep. I once saw some poor dirt farmer of a redneck in his truck in Texas get rammed by a group of illegals. He got out of his truck and grabbed out one of the illegals from their truck and started beating him. While the kids in our car started crying, the other sp!cs got out and started wailing on Redneck before another guy in the Texan’s truck got out grabbed a shovel and smacked it down on top of the spics, allowing the original redneck to pull his gun. Then the sp!cs ran. That’s your future in multiracial community America. You’ll have to be a tough as heck redneck to survive in post failed America. Doubt it? Go ask the Rhodesians and Afrikaaners how it’s done. Maybe they’ll rename Alabama, the state of Mfumeland.

      • Yes, in a situation like the one you describe, Aryan Globalist Bro, with that Texas truck, the Aryan does well; he’s in his element. Unfortunately, the cosmos has presented him a greater challenge, one he’s failing to meet.

        • So very true, sad to say. You’re quite observant in many respects. Let’s ask you the famous question posed by Lenin in the late Czarist days: ??? ??????? (old orthography) or What is to be done?

          • As I said in Occidental Dissent’s recent post about that video from the Abbeville Institute, Exalted Cyclops, the flourishing of the Aryan will be a matter of habits. Behavior that does not conduce to that flourishing is to be avoided. That means avoided in every moment. That is where the future is forged.

            No serious person trifles with the development of his child’s power of mind, yet many an Aryan casually, gleefully does so—with talk of Santa Claus. Yes, there is something sweet about the delight that children take in that; but the Aryan is inventive enough to provide his children sweet moments without something that completely confuses a child, about basic realities. If Santa Claus brings gifts to children of every house, how is there poverty in the world? Any child with an emerging mind would wonder that. The development of a young Aryan’s ability to think is critical.

            Avoid not pausing to reflect. How surprised would you be to learn that there are Aryans who, in reading what I wrote above, would react with a thought like, “We’re talking about the future of the Aryan breed—and your advice is ‘Avoid talking about Santa Claus’?” Well, yes—that is one of my pieces of advice. I remember an occasion, oh, many years ago, when I made this comment, about Santa Claus, at another pro-white website. One of the comments in response was something like, “It’s good to tell your children about Santa Claus. That way, they learn that there are persons who will bullshit them.” You probably know as well as I do that many an Aryan would say something that idiotic rather than pause, reflect, and say, “You’re right.” I’m sure I’ve never heard a Jew say something that idiotic—and that is why the Jews do well. It is a matter of habit.

            Avoid any utterance that denies dignity, however slightly, to any element of culture. Do you hear an Aryan speak derisively of “book learning”? He is undermining his own breed. You will not hear a Jew do that.

            Avoid tough talk. I remember an occasion, again, years ago, when I saw an American-heartland type of Aryan—a gun-understander, let’s call him—describe his reaction to his young son’s having been injured by a fall on a motorcycle. He’d advised his son to “Suck it up.” Well, yes, I would hope the son would comport himself with dignity in that situation of injury; but a wise Aryan’s reaction to something like that is to review the event, i.e., to say to the son, “What did you do? How did you err? What must you avoid if you don’t want to fall that way again?” Simply to say “Suck it up” and thus leave the youngster with the understanding-lack that got him into trouble is simply to leave him to get into such trouble again. You can’t do that sort of thing over and over again, in the common day, and be surprised that your breed, as a group, is perishing. The cosmos gives nobody leeway.

            Avoid “we.” Political organization is the flower of growth, not the means of it. The question, at every moment, is what does “one” do? What does one avoid, in every moment, if one has it in mind that the Aryan will flourish? If one avoids the right things, there will come a point at which he’ll be able to act effectively with others who have avoided those things.

            Avoid esteeming only the warrior type. Some years ago, I commented at various pro-white internet-spots about supposedly-playful comments that various pro-whites were making about the supposed shortness (physical height) of an Aryan who had many insightful things to say about the Aryan plight. “You never hear the Jews, who are dominating the Aryan worldwide, comment that way, about the height of one of their thinkers,” I said. Again, there was at least one reflexive, idiotic reply, along the line of “It’s just a joke.” Only one commenter replied, “You’re right.” Such a rarity was he among Aryans that his comment startled me.

            These statements are what have come to me at this moment, Exalted Cyclops, as I’ve considered your question.

  16. “Seems we’re always faced with the lesser of two evils and never the greater of two goods”

    You said so much.

  17. Hunter, sorry to hear about the accident. Glad your okay. I’ve been hit by Hispanics three times in my life, my family members have also been hit multiple times and seriously injured. Some of these Sp!c perps were illegal, some not, but all originated South of border. Thanks to 50 years of this b.s., everyone in the Southwest has been victimized by Mexicans. That’s just the car accidents. In winning an election by campaigning to solve this, Trump instead dilly dallied while in office. He either appointed or allowed via the grand poobahs, Establishment idiots to dominate his administration and allowed Papist controlled Congress to prioritize their agenda. The result was massive failure to implement an agenda which got him elected. Will he do it again? He will if we don’t hold his feet to the fire.  

    I worked on Trump’s campaign starting in 2015 so I know what I am talking about. Overall, it was Trump’s fault. I am not sure illegal immigration was as big an issue to him as it was to us. I think in hindsight, he really didnt take all that he was saying seriously. What he did take seriously was himself, his family, and his fortune. When the Establishment sued for peace with him after his election he slid back to real Trump. Illegal aliens took a back seat to Rich Men North of Richmond getting tax breaks.

    Nonetheless, his base believed Trump. This included not just Joe six pack, but many intellectuals, conservative activists, union leaders, military and intel people, and businessmen. In turn, they had created a number of ad hoc special interest organizations built from the ground up. These organizations had people with high qualifications and expertise.

    I was a member or leader of a some them. One dealt with the illegal immigration issue. We had a number of plans we kept very secret on how to stop the invasion. One, was the wall. It was literally envisioned as a systematic fortification of the border not a simple steel fence, not a ballard fence. That was already approved by Congress and “build the dang fence McCain.” It envisioned full use of the military, militarization of the border, and deployment of large law enforcement teams led by US Marshals. It was in essence a replay of Wilson’s deployment to end the Mexican Bandit Wars.

    Our plans included large scale military deployment to the border, militarization and fortification of the border, martial law in the large sections of the interior, including most of the Southwest, and an internal Operation Wetback III. All must be done in combination if we want to secure the border, remove illegal aliens, stop immigration and save the country from imminent collapse.

    Amazingly, much of this, particularly deploying US Armed Forces to repell an invasion dont require Congressional approval. But they do require a cadre of leaders and managers to implement the President’s orders throughout the bureaucracy. But, Trump didn’t have any of these. He was least loyal to those who were most loyal to him.

    When Trump got in, I dont think but 5% of the leaders of any of those many organizations were appointed by Trump to his administration. All of his promises and all of the solutions from the Middle East to immigration, to trade was abandoned by Trump as he pursued a strategy of sucking up to the Establishment. Meanwhile their leftwing faction began a systematic campaign of violent extremism and subversion. The secure the border strategy and all the rest was simply forgotten by Trump because he moved on and everything turned against him. The result, was Trump was boxed in politically and unable to execute what he promised effectively even when he tried.

    For instance, when the globalist, cartels, and Latinos recovered and restarted their invasion, Trump was caught unprepared. Remember the vast numbers of unaccompanied minors? All organized by the enemy, all of whom are Papists, not Jews, by the way. He floundered because the people who chose to reward where sh!tbag Eatablishment pukes. They had no interest and little knowledge how to stop the invasion. It took some serious behind the scenes work to wack Trump across the head with a 4×4 to wake him up and remember our solutions.

    Trump doesn’t need Congress to do most of these solutions. He simply needs to declare a state of invasion and insurrection. But he did need to have some form of vestigial Congressional approval to undertake long term and large scale fortification of the border and deportation of illegals. Without Congressional approval he was limited to straight military action at the border and limited duration removals.

    As an example of how Trump failed us and then himself, deploying the US Armed Forces to the border is the necessary first step in securing the border. Although he couldve done that without Congressional approval, he couldn’t even do that, because he lacked the balls and personnel to stare down people like General Mattis. I am not afraid of General Mattis. I would’ve made the General jump at the President’s orders or put his back up against the wall standing at attention on his tippy tows.

    But, Trump didn’t have me or someone like me. As mentioned earlier, he abandoned his best supporters. Instead he appointed typical wormy little sh!t eunuch GOP types to his team. These guys were GOP Donor yes men and “the corridors of power” type snake dudes. They weren’t going to do what was necessary to put Trump’s directions into orders and execute them. So, Mattis, refused to execute Trump’s direction.

    That left using some form of military action to fortify the border and go around both Congressional approval and usual military chain of command. He had to change his appointees in the Defense Department, but once he did, with our help, he managed to find the authorities necessary to divert military funding into building the fence.

    Once he did that, he once again decided to make peace with the globalists and go fishing and golfing. Rather, than have a single Executive agent using the funds to build the fence, he “outsourced” it like the good businessman he is, thereby allowing hostile bureaucrats to stymie the construction. The result was the fence was but painstakingly slow.

    By the end of his office, Trump had a built a measly 500 or so miles of ballard steel fence. He did this only by managing to use defense dollars to fund previous Congressionally approved steel fence line! It was done at extremely low speed, with Trump spending most of his political capital on performance art theatrics utilizing the atrocious corrupt Papist Bannon, and other grifters who would later become famous during Stop the Steal Rallies.

    Hunter, if you want to support America by supporting Trump, ensure that he follows thru on his promises. That means organizing volunteers and donors to support Trump as means of withdrawing future support or causing agitation, if he doesn’t follow through. It also allows you to gain access to political power brokers who you can negotiate with to get things done. If you only manage to complain on the internet you will only get about 10% of what you can and will be back here complaining about Trump in short order.

    In sum, I am sorry to hear about your accident. Bit, consider,, things like what you suffered have been suffered for decades by your fellow Americans. Over time it has caused your fellow countrymen to abandon their homes and leave. That is why there are less Whites in California today than there were 30 yeaes ago. So, if you want to help you gotta do more than just use propoganda here on the internet. Thats not enough to do anything but just keep you as a target for when the Globalists, the Papists, and their Cartels take over. We dont want them to do a Patton on you. They like car accidents and robberies “gone bad.” If you fail, your fishing hole will be paved over to make room for a multi dwelling tiny units filled with illegals playing mariachi and bamba music, getting drunk, and causing mayhem thereby leaving a grim future for your children.

    Note, the guy who used to do the Mayhem commercials should’ve been a Mexican. If we lose, it will be mayhem everywhere. In that case, we should all be a Mexican then.

    • Quite interesting assuming for the moment it’s true (meaning you’re account of involvement). If so, you’ve basically provided the answer about Trump’s real intentions. He’s a total fraud. Just an unusually adept grifter, probably the greatest since Charles Ponzi. Case closed. I kind of sensed that when the first big caravan was at the border in 2018. I was saying at the time that it was time to cross the Rubicon or to be cast upon the trash heap of history. We all know how that one turned out, don’t we?

  18. We are dumb hicks. Trump brought the Venezuelans when he tried to overthrow their government with Maduro.

    Trump told spineless republicans to block the border bill so you would vote for him.

    Mission accomplished.

  19. Secede Now!

    No more fed regulations. No more free stuff. No more “special people” playing lawfare. Rule by martial law probably assisted heavily at the first with some get-the-job-done by vigilante groups which saved the South during Reconstruction. Literally no more BS. Right will be right and wrong will be wrong. Make my day — so to speak.

    The Saints will one day rule with a rod of iron…so what are you waiting for?

    May God Save the South!

  20. Trump is a neocon, and the republican party is still a neocon party, it probably always will be.
    With few exceptions, America and the west’s ruling class are basically neocons, neoliberal imperialists and Zionists, that’s why things are so messed up.
    ‘The left’ wears a woke veneer, that’s all it is, they are neocons too.

    Trump didn’t start any new wars, but he didn’t end any either.
    Blinken didn’t start any new wars either and he pulled out of Afghanistan.
    Blinken continued to fund Ukrainian’s war on Crimea and the Donbass and Israel’s war on Gaza and the West Bank, just as Trump did.
    These two wars happened to escalate under Blinken.
    Had Trump been elected instead of Blinken they would’ve escalated under Trump.

    Trump deported significantly fewer immigrants than Obama.
    Trump cut foreign aid to Latin America causing a migration crisis.

    “Foreign Aid Cuts: In 2019, the Trump administration announced cuts to foreign aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador (the Northern Triangle) due to their perceived failure to curb migration. The aid cuts were aimed at pressuring these governments to take more action to prevent their citizens from migrating to the U.S. Critics argued that these cuts worsened conditions in these countries, leading to increased migration as people fled poverty, violence, and lack of opportunities.”

    He’s a grifter, all these so called rightwing populists with the exception of Orban and other politicians like him in eastern Europe appear to be grifters.
    May as well vote for the constitution party, or not vote.
    A vote for Trump is a vote for white genocide in addition to Palestinian genocide, and WW3.

  21. “1) Do you WANT nonwhites to be your ‘brothers in Christ’? ”

    Uh, how could you ever infer that ?

  22. HW,

    I don’t blame you for voting for Trump. The Dems are pure Communist demons. They are mentally warped! They are trying to destroy this country to such a degree that we could never recover even after we finally got rid of them.

    But I could never vote for a Republican (I have in the past) after reading all that Lincoln, Sherman, etc did to the South. NEVER!!!

    But I do pray Trump will win not because I believe he is going to help us but to rather free all the people that the Dems have captured through their political lawfare and to put Joe Biden in prison and execute him for murdering American citizens who were attacked by these invaders he willfully turned loose on innocent people. And also all the Dem operatives and others involved in helping Biden if they can be put in prison to rot for decades that would be great. That’s all I expect for him to do but even for him to do these I have my doubts.

    If Trump COULD specifically help us…i would want him to pardon all the Charlottesville political prisoners + the McMichaels who were railroaded into prison by that hypocrite Brian Kemp (maybe put Kemp in prison to take their place — that would help).

    But our freedom comes when we finally secede.

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

    • I think Trump should promise to depart everybody who’s come into the country illegally since January 2021, no amnesty, no nothing, quick summary deportation. He should also give pardons to everyone arrested on January 2021.

  23. “People close to Trump’s last-minute decision [to defer deportation of Venezuelans illegally in the US] said White House advisers Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were involved in moving it forward. The decision — which comes less than 16 hours before Trump’s presidency ends — will likely come as welcome news in South Florida, where he, his daughter and son-in-law will soon reside.”


    So what role does Jarvanka play in Trump’s cmpaign?

  24. It often looks pretty bleak, and our side doesn’t always look like its trying. I still don’t think we should give up. History is not going to look kindly on the morons who destroyed their own civilization, and expected to be patted on the back for doing it.

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