BREAKING: French far-right wins first round of parliamentary election – exit poll pic.twitter.com/titNT4UAXJ
— BNO News (@BNONews) June 30, 2024
?? | La reacción de Le Pen y su equipo al enterarse de que ha ganado la primera vuelta de las elecciones legislativas francesas. pic.twitter.com/fGbSOFGKV9
— ???Q??s (@herqles_es) June 30, 2024
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) June 30, 2024
After Marine Le Pen won the 1st round of the French election with her right wing party …
Muslims, left-wing parties and communists are attacking police, looting stores and setting fires.
You can hear chants of "Allahu Akbar". pic.twitter.com/pPSUW4hDaA
A staggering 77 seats have already been declared in the French election. This means a candidate won an outright majority. In 2022, only FOUR seats had a majority!
— National Conservative (@NatCon2022) July 1, 2024
National Rally: 38
NR backed Rep: 1
Independent Conservatives: 2
Republicans: 1
Ensemble: 2
New Popular Front: 33 pic.twitter.com/5m6vOIiqLO
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) June 30, 2024
Hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets across France to protest against Marin Le Pen’s National Rally party winning the first round of the parliamentary elections.
In this video from Paris, they are chanting “No pasarán”
?? pic.twitter.com/JdcIBLhJQH
I have seen many, many French elections over the years.
Typically, the National Front / National Rally gains ground and performs well in the first round of voting. The second round is where conservatives, liberals and leftists unite to box out nationalists.
National Rally and its allied parties won about 33 percent of the vote in the first round, according to early projections. A left-wing coalition of parties received 28 percent of the vote, while Macron’s coalition gathered 21 percent. …
Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, a Macron ally, warned of dire stakes if his opponents prevail in the second round of voting next week.
A runoff will be held in districts where no parliamentary candidate secured 50 percent of the vote, and maneuvering in the coming days will decide the dynamics for each local race. National Rally would need 289 out of the 577 seats to secure an outright majority. …
The National Rally is on course to obtain its strongest-ever finish in the first round of a nationwide election. It is likely to have won dozens of seats even before the second round once the final results are tallied, including that of its presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who secured her seat with more than 50 percent of the vote in her home turf of Hénin-Beaumont, in Northern France. …
The biggest loser of the night appear to be Macron and his allies. Significantly trailing both its rivals, the centrist coalition will likely lose dozens of the 250 seats it currently holds in the National Assembly, with little prospect of forming a new governing coalition. Early estimates showed the presidential camp was eliminated in nearly half of all districts. …
Clearly, it was a mistake for Macron to call for an election. The National Rally did very well. We will have to wait and see how the second round goes before celebrating though.
Do you honestly believe a far right party is legit if it’s led by a woman? Just another fake jewish psyop
“A woman should learn in quietness with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” – 1 Timothy 2:9-15
Gay Papist Jesuit!
‘far right’ is just a media term, it means anyone who isn’t a leftwing ultra Marxist, like themselves.
The media massive skews all narratives and the false application of words and terms is their principle tool.
Better far right than far wrong.
Anything slightly right of the queers or Greens is FARRRR RIGHTTTT to the media and various other groups. Label a group with a mean, dramatic sounding name, and hopefully the public will turn against them.
Thankfully, some people aren’t so easily swayed and gullible.
correct. she is zog, they are zog
Message from egg central:
Up is down, down is up!
yep, true
Her father was much more based, really solid.
She is a dim shadow by comparison.
Trump and Meloni turned out to be baloney, so we’ll see…
Yep , expect another big disappointment.
statistically its 100% so we dont even have to wait and see
The “antifascist” coalition He has already announced that it will probably unite to defeat “evil.”…….. How nice to see that the priority is not the good of citizens or programs but defeating right-wingers…… Politics is getting more and more pathetic
When right wing parties do well, the left gets childish and histerical.
When they don’t do well, the left taunt us that our beliefs are on the fringe and will never be mainstream.
Whenever I forget why I hate the left, a story like this comes along and reminds me.
They’ve been destroying us for sixty years. The minute someone remotely rightwing comes along to bring some common sense back………oh my goodness!
“When right wing parties do well, the left gets childish and histerical.
When they don’t do well, the left taunt us that our beliefs are on the fringe and will never be mainstream.”
the left, always needs a visible enemy, while always denying the visible enemy a chance at power…
They have to be both in power, and be the victims at the same time.
“They have to be both in power, and be the victims at the same time.”
Don’t agree with that mate; unless you have a hidden meaning.
How many governments in Australia, Europe, Canada, NZ and the US have been Left leaning, and have destroyed our culture, demographics and way of life?
They’ve infested our entertainment, education, manufacturing sector, and any other institutions you can name.
Now……..how often do leftists also claim some victim good status, despite having the support of government for decades?
Muslims……. victims.
Trannies……. victims.
They thrive on victim good, and enjoy it.
“victim good” status
Oh FFS……”victim hood”
God bless the Le Pen, the NR, and the French. Thank heavens for the Le Pens, who’ve we banked on now for a good 35 years and finally paying dividens. Sadly, I will say that here at OD, at Amren, at Vdare, and at various conferences we’ve encountered the usual anti-Le Pen and stupid Gay Grand Inquisitor opinion: “Woman,” kicked out her “Dad,” “Traitor” daughter joined Reconquest, Le Len “betrayed” AFD, etc etc. Its all so typical establishment psycho subversive language, we’ve seen deployed against Patriots for decades.
We are well acquainted with establishment operations amongst the Patriots, Dissident and Far Right, etc., so we were not surprised. More importantly, we actually have a relationship with Le Pen’s party and are close enough to know the truth about what they were planning. For example, her daughter was chiefly with Reconquest to help heal a rift with far rightists and bring them back to NR: Mission accomplished. We even said so here at OD, at Amren, and elsewhere.
We also know the rest of the “Je Accuse” strategy against Le Pen is really Papist American operations to backstop the EU project. So the accusations that she betrayed her father are false. He had to leave after decades of service and was a literal target of globalist intelligence services so was going no where anyways. Her father had to leave for the good of the party, his own health, and the well being of his family.
We also know the AFD denouncement was far more complicated than what the mainstream press and its controlled op of lap dogs in the far right were letting on. Projecting a full frontal threat to deport all generations of foreign origin persons, including citizens was playing right into the hands of leftwing which was already preparing a massive insurgency. Unlike the US, there isn’t a significant armed patriotic population in Europe.
Making such plans openly would only hurt chances of implementing them. The person who made the remarks was told so, but ignored it because he was an egotistical ahole. So, he was kicked out. We now see the threat and strategy of the Left playing right now as we speak now that NR has won. This is just one example of many as fighting is already erupting.
Finally, our team encountered significant political oppositional tactics to our international relations initiative. This included a planned visitation both last year and this year to the US by Le Pen and various national conservative and rightwing figures in the US and vice versa. This opposition and interference, including by the Latino soy boy made it clear we were on the right track.
Sadly, Uncle Jared and his court listened to the wrong people. There was no subsequent campaign to strut around Uncle Jared as was attempted a couple of years ago before it was subverted by Nick’s Anal First agents. Rather than listen to us, Uncle Jared wanted to blow Nick Fuentes instead, a desire made clear when he attended Nick’s stupid AFPAC IV conference in Detroit. Likewise for Brimelow. In turn, due to their instrangegemce there was no opportunity to bring Le Pen over to the United States as was planned for a grand conference or a grand conference in Europe for them to go to. The tragedy of knowing what almost was is almost too hard to bear.
While France was a definite might have been, Italy was not. The reason? Once again, egotistical, corrupt, and generally incompetent Judeo-Irish Papist Bannon screwed over the rightwing nationalists by funneling money to well known softy Meloni rather than Lega or Burlesconi’s heirs. Hell, even the conservative establishment Italians were telling us Meloni was all talk and just balonie.
But, with Bannon’s Maga grift, American scum money managed to squeeze out legit populist nationalist Lega. Advertising, Trump Magagurd consultants, and Bannon’s own version of our planned conference was sufficient to impress enough Italians to back Meloni rather than Lega. So today, Italy gets more Sand N@ggers than it ever did before.
Nonetheless, thanks to France’s independent behavior and lack of deep American dependency, National Rally looks to have manage a significant victory in Parliamentary elections. Reconquest, the American Jesuit Papist controlled op equivalent to Meloni’s Brothers of Italy, was outmaneuvered by the Le Pen clan. In turn, NR looks to have achieved the impossible, a single rightwing coalition that has won a major election. Too bad Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow, James Kirkpatric and John Derbyshire weren’t there instead of playing monkey with epic grifter types like Nick Fuentes. Let’s see what happens on July 04, 2024. Will Reform Party, the counter part to our earlier Reform Party movement succeed in exterminating that epically corrupt Conservative Party? We shall see.
This is how the Dissident Right screws itself screwing around with Papists, “Duh, Jews,” and being egotistical a holes. Well, France appears to be set for a glorious independent nationalist movement free of American Papist Jew Yorker control. The electoral battle hangs in the balance. Just one more charge down the center and NR looks to break the Yankee Hindu Vivak-Bannon Magaturd Republican elephant phalanx of globalists, though at the cost of many casualties among the Patriot alliance in Europe. You know who you are and we won’t forget you. Viva La France!
Papists* are merely jewish golem. The Vatican was purchased by the Rotschilds in the 1830s. Sodomite infiltration of seminaries and orders was launched shortly thereafter. By the 1920s even the mission seminaries and orders in the Americas were infiltrated. The papacy, and upper hierarchy, already in hock to the banksteins, fought a losing battle against the subversion and lost the whole enchilada with Vatican II – which is full-bore apostasy. All “popes” from John XXIII forward are false (apostates). With Hi-Fellatin’ Franny, the lavender mafia is just rubbing it in the flock’s face. The flock is so largely gaslighted by now that they accept it. Just a zombie golem for the usual suspects now. Yes, the Lavender Mafia (which totally controls the institutional Roman Catholic Church) is behind a lot of subversion. They’re experts at it.
*There is a tiny remnant of Catholics who reject Vatican II (Sedevacantists). Like the statistically meaningless Karaite sect of Judaism (who reject the Talmud and follow only the Torah) we’re talking about a very small group of people. Fuentes is a fed informant.
Yep, this is why we know Hitler was a Kike. He was a (((Papist))) and did more to destroy German Protestants than the Jesuits couldve dreamed during the Wars of Religious Liberty.
(((Nazis))) are actually controlled by the Rotchschilds. (((Commies))) are controlled by the Rothschilds. (((Hamas))) is controlled by the Rothschilds. (((Putin))) is controlled by the Rothschilds. Everything is controlled by Jews, who love in your head rent free.
No. Hitler was a cluess tool with far too big of an ego to accept help from even decent advisors. It’s true he did much to destroy what was left of German Protestantism, which is basically non-existent now. Protestantism had already put the loaded shotgun of ‘higher criticism’ into its own mouth before the Austrian painter was even born though. Despite killing some low-level jew shopkeepers and the like, Hitler’s nazis killed no Rothschilds. Just a bit odd for a gang inspired by Mein Kampf, no?
Yes the banksteins did really love their commies for a while (Rabbi Wise even waxed about communism being judaism), until a Georgian gangster showed up and double-crossed them, even liquidating their golden boy in Mexico City (so sad). As I have stated many times here, the Jews could not have done all they have (they are after all the Synagogue of Satan so they will always end up doing the bidding of their father in hell) were it not for white guys like Trump who will sell out their brethren faster than Judas, and for thirty pieces of plastic instead of silver. I really don’t like jews on the whole but not I’m not very fond of parasites in general. Maybe you should go find some leeches since you like them so. It might help your condition.
@Aryan Globalist Bro,
“Yep, this is why we know Hitler was a Kike. He was a (((Papist))) and did more to destroy German Protestants than the Jesuits couldve dreamed during the Wars of Religious Liberty.
(((Nazis))) are actually controlled by the Rotchschilds.”
can you prove even one iota of what you said ?
> We also know the rest of the “Je Accuse” strategy against Le Pen is really Papist American operations to backstop the EU project. So the accusations that she betrayed her father are false. He had to leave after decades of service and was a literal target of globalist intelligence services so was going no where anyways. Her father had to leave for the good of the party, his own health, and the well being of his family.
OK, that seems plausible. But you’re the clown who’s always telling us cattle here we need to signup and support Globo-Pedo (which naturally includes the EUSSR, the USSA and NATO) but now you admit the Le Pens have been targets of same. What gives? I’d think you’d very unhappy she won the number of votes she did.
” how the second round goes before celebrating though.”
I won’t celebrate anything until there’s total deportation of all alien non-French And France is restored to the French people.
They didn’t win enough for there not to be a second round. Micron’s party is toast (1 seat, to Le Pen’s 33). A newly formed ‘leftist-populist’ party got 28 seats. The structure of French elections is basically rigged against any newcomer or smaller party – much as the US is hard-wired rigged against something like the Constitution Party being able to capture enough congressional seats to force hard bargains on the uniparty. In the EUSSR and in other imperial provinces (UK, CA, AU, NZ) they love to boast of their multi-party system but these are de-facto uniparties as well.
The gaslight media screeching about ‘far right’ is hilarious. ‘Far right’ means anyone who might politely disagree with some minor points of Church of Woke dogma. Le Pen & Co. are nothing like Thomas Massie for example – who would be ‘literally Hitler’. The shitlibs and their moronic hangers-on have absolutely trampled Goodwin’s law by this point. Even the shitlib jewfellator grifter Kang Cyrus is “literally Hitler” (since 2015).
Le Pen and NR are more nationalist than Thomas Massie and his Freedom Caucus of anarcho-capitalist libertarians. Prove me wrong.
Le Pen supports Globo-Pedo, just like you do.
EUSSR = Globo-Pedo
NATO = Globo-Pedo
USSA = Globo-Pedo
Israel = Globo-Pedo
Massie does not support Globo-Pedo. That should be plain enough for even you to comprehend. You might well comprehend this just fine, but instead continue spreading hasbara. Maybe I could be wrong about her. If she actually does something other than make a show while obeying the real power. I will readily admit my error. That’s something you never do, Schlomo (very characteristic of your race). Your moniker has only one truthful word in it: Globalist.
It’s so wonderful, the Zionists came in first! And second! And third, for that matter. And fourth and fifth. Even the teeny parties. All for the yids, none for the French.
It’s not a bug but a feature.
“vive le neo-con France”!
Sorry, la not le lol.
“France is No Longer France”
That’s what happens when you’re entire belief system revolves around “liberty, equality and fraternity” (another idiot’s fantasy used as a massive scam). France has been living under this fake-and-gay credo of Jews and Masons since 1792. It’s every bit as retarded as the ‘classless society’ sold by the Marxist scammers. Sorry, AGB but Catholicism was mortally wounded there by the revolution – in part thanks to its own extreme corruption to be sure. WW I finished it off altogether. The only folks who darken the doors of a Catholic church in France these days are invaders from Africa, Caribbean or (maybe) Jewkraine – or a Muslim casing the place for future looting and torching. As mentioned above the Catholic hierarchy is really part of the Church of Woke (Satan), filled with Sodomites/Pedos and arching to Globo-Pedo orders.
Yes they never should have butchered the Huguenots, many of whose survivors fled to South Africa in the 1600s (before the Bantu arrived) along with Dutch fleeing Spanish persecution (others fled to America and UK). Karma’s a bitch, as they say. There has been no bank in France not owned by jews since the 1890s, when the very last one was swallowed up. We’ll see if Le Pen is allowed to have any influence. Even assuming she’s not a sock-puppet for the usual suspects, the system there in France is rigged to ensure that only approved people can win. Still, at least it looks like Micron is toast, Maybe he’ll now do the planet a favor and join his negroid lover in a hot bath and open their veins to leave a nice black and white Sodomite rendition of La Mort de Marat.
“”Typically, the National Front / National Rally gains ground and performs well in the first round of voting. The second round is where conservatives, liberals and leftists unite to box out nationalists.””
This is exactly what happened. It is basically impossible for the nationalists to become rulers in France. That country needs a civil war.
Told you so!