Last night, I appeared as a guest on The Political Cesspool to discuss the month that Something Happened: the most consequential debate in history, the donor class coup against Joe Biden, Trump ’s miraculous escape from assassination, the JD Vance pick and the coronation of Queen Kamala.
Kamala is nothing.
It’s her handler/husband who will set the agenda.
Wow, Stew Peters is really on the JP.
Makes a nice short summation.
Hey Brad.
I hope you’ll take the time to make some commentary about the Olympic opening ceremonies. The antiChristian filth is getting out of hand.
Regarding the anti Christian filth, let these fools have their fun, ” The Lake of fire is forever”…
What WE need to do, is to ‘help’ them get there, faster…..
Joel 3:10 is Scripture as much as John 3:16
Caused by two world wars worth of fighting on the wrong team. Effete France was not worth “saving”. There is no “hallowed ground” for American dead anywhere in that country. They died for liberalism and communism.
> They died for liberalism and communism.
No they died for the enrichment of banks and their owners. Most had no idea of this, since the Mighty Wurlitzer was already stuffing their brains with bullshit. Keep in mind that was 80 years ago. Smedley Butler figured it out – after living through enough combat to earn two medals of honor and survive. He wrote his little book War is a Racket just before WW II and died (or was murdered) not long afterward.
There is some positive news on the matter of young whites signing up to fight wars for stinking banksters. One of K-Mac’s best writers, Tobias Langdon, notes that the usual suspects are having a hard time getting the white boys on board with their latest program.
“””…..antiChristian filth is getting out of hand…”””
This s very good. We need widespread radicalization of the society and yuuge alliance for holy war against communists. Including Muslims and other diversity.
Diversity hates anti God satanists more than we do so it is good to have fearless Muslim and other soldiers soldiers on our side.
Those hate crimes play in our hands right now. In the US, it also seems that BLM and George Floyd and other hate crimes and riots and repressions and murders made MAGA strong and bulletproof. There is no way back to business as usual.
They need to add another Olympic event: Handless piano performances. Have the Laundress of Kiev and our own resident hasbara troll perform a duet before the ‘Last Supper’ ensemble, with Satanyahoo as MC.
The thing is that Biden gaffes a lot, but he in the past has stepped his game up when it’s time to debate. Last time he didn’t step his game up.
It’s possible that the party elites feared that policies would get debated out in the open. The Democratic base wants the party to be more pro-Palestinian than the elites are. Give a true primary and that all gets hashed out on the debate stage. So need to sweep it under the rug and hand pick a candidate to avoid the debate.
Obama interestingly didn’t appear to get on board at first, but once the tide had turned, he got on board.
The Democratic Party is just the donor class now. They crushed the campus protests. They backed Israel’s actions in Gaza. They have rigged the primaries in three election cycles (2016, 2020, 2024) in a row. Finally, they forced their own president to resign by withholding donations to get Kamala Harris as their candidate who finished in like 8th place.
Biden was their meat puppet for almost four years. His job was to read the teleprompter. Kamala Harris is controlled by these people and serves at their leisure. The voters on the Democratic side are utterly irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what they think.
>>>>Democratic Party is just the donor class now
With a vast ocean of fools that will vote for them.
>>>>>Democratic Party is just the donor class now
Is that much different from the Republicans ?
Both parties are under the heavy hand of AIPAC et al.
.”Israel’s actions in Gaza. ”
Is any more proof needed for the genetic nature of those people ? The amazing level of vicious cruelty.
And could everyone please stop talking about Obama as if he’s some kind of force? Obama was always an actor, the guy who read the teleprompter. He is another creature of the donor class, and when HE got off teleprompter he was almost as befuddled as Biden. To hear him “the power behind Joe,” or “the Obama wing controls the party.” God, it’s such a sign how easily the MSM controls everyone.
“Obama, Obama, Obama…” Good lord, try to see how it rolls.
If the deep state/donors have any plan, it is to scrape together their constituencies to build a credible enough competition that the election can be stolen again, which can happen where there isn’t a landslide.
Even a 30-35 percent in swing states can give them room to rig an election.
>>>> HE got off teleprompter he was almost as befuddled as Biden.
He was once ask about the rate of growth in the federal deficit. *clueless* “I’m glad to see you’re thinking about that.”
Does anyone need more proof that our ‘leaders’ are no more than script readers ?
Red Diaper Baby Wondertwins (Barry/Kamal) powers activate!
The shape of a steaming fourth world turd.
Yes we can, si se puede!
Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 AKA Leave the World Behind 2025.
The Chevy pulls up to the levy in the fall as American Pie go bye bye?
The Calico Cackler Commander in Chief? I thought the Dems would run something like Michelle Obama/Hillary Clinton or the reverse Hillary Clinton/Michelle Obama or maybe even Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama (if Obama is allowed to run for VP). But who am I to argue with their AI pick (with a heavy DEI bias programmed in)?
I wonder if SNL has a good cackler to take over for Alex Baldwin if Harris (or rather her Dem election riggers) should win…
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
“The Calico Cackler”, I like it. I am going to use that moniker or Cackling Calico Kamala.
There’s even a picture!
Here is a request I made 10 or 20 minutes ago to an online AI app to create a political parody song:
like to write a parody song
Online AI app:
Sure! What song would you like to parody, and what would you like the theme of your parody to be?
here is the lyrics to a 1965 song Wooly Bully
Online AI app:
Great choice! “Wooly Bully” by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs is a fun and energetic song. Please share the theme or topic you’d like the parody to focus on, and any specific details or elements you want included.
Uno dos, one two tres quatro
Ay, wooly bully
Watch it now, watch it
Here he comes, here he comes
Watch it now, he get ‘cha
Matty told Hatty
About a thing she saw
Had two big horns
And a wooly jaw
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Yeah drive
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Hatty told Matty
Let’s don’t take no chance
Let’s not be L-seven
Come and learn to dance
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Watch it now, watch it watch it watch it
Ay, drive, drive, drive
Matty told Hatty
That’s the thing to do
Get you someone really
Pull the wool with you
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Watch it now, watch it, here he comes
You got it, you got it
Online AI app:
Thanks for the lyrics! What theme or topic would you like the parody to focus on? This will help me tailor the new lyrics to your idea.
Democrats switching Harris in place of Biden
Online AI app:
Alright, here we go! A parody of “Wooly Bully” focusing on Democrats switching Kamala Harris in place of Joe Biden:
Kamala Switcheroo
Uno dos, one two tres quatro
Hey, Kamala
Watch it now, watch it
Here she comes, here she comes
Watch it now, she’ll get ‘cha
Biden told Kamala
‘Tis time for you to shine
Got the whole team
And the White House behind
Kamala, Kamala
Yeah, drive
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Harris told Biden
Let’s not take no chance
Let’s not be L-seven
Come and lead the dance
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Watch it now, watch it, watch it, watch it
Ay, drive, drive, drive
Biden told Kamala
That’s the thing to do
Get you someone really
To run the show with you
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Watch it now, watch it, here she comes
You got it, you got it
Online AI app:
I hope you enjoy this parody! Let me know if there are any tweaks you’d like to make.
Looks like it needs a lot of tweaks but who knows. “Kamala, Kamala” are 3 syllable words but I think it needs 2 two syllable words.
But it took almost less than a minute…for what it’s worth…
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
NEW * Wooly Bully – Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs {Stereo} 1965
AI suggested the following lyrics for a parody song:
Kamala Switcheroo
Uno dos, one two tres quatro
Hey, Kamala
Watch it now, watch it
Here she comes, here she comes
Watch it now, she’ll get ‘cha
Biden told Kamala
‘Tis time for you to shine
Got the whole team
And the White House behind
Kamala, Kamala
Yeah, drive
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Harris told Biden
Let’s not take no chance
Let’s not be L-seven
Come and lead the dance
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Watch it now, watch it, watch it, watch it
Ay, drive, drive, drive
Biden told Kamala
That’s the thing to do
Get you someone really
To run the show with you
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Kamala, Kamala
Watch it now, watch it, here she comes
You got it, you got it
Still can’t beat my latest new favorite but what song can…
. . . Got the whole team And the White House behind . . .
Some friendly advice: Don’t ever let Pete “The Buttplug” Buttigieg get behind you!
Maybe that is why he will not be a VP.
Wait a minute…this is the Dem party.
Sadly, the Repubs are not much better. Glad DJT spoke up about Paris Olympics but the truth is that Putin is the only top world leader who has really spoken out against homosexuality and interestingly somehow Russia as a nation (though individual Russians can compete) is not allowed in the Paris Olympics. Russia must be doing something right to be excluded from that degenerate “worldly” mix.
Take note that only two days after Kamala and about 100 other Democrats were forced to miss attending Netanyahu’s speech due to potential political embarrassment of having to pass by tens of thousands of brilliant and committed anti-genocide protesters who were being gassed, beaten and arrested by military and police forces (including NYPD, the police force of New York that was bused to Washington), yesterday Ms. Kamala and “Mr. Kamala” (Douglas Emhoff) came out with a strong statement to dispel any doubt of their unalterable, complete support of Israel. Emhoff and Kamala also condemned the anti-genocide protesters who they avoided in Washington, who made them miss attending the speech. Emhoff and Kamala also strongly condemned “Hamas” and all Palestinian resistance. Their statement leaves NO doubt that they NEVER “were beginning to soften” on Palestine as some liked to imagine. Kamala is still the system’s perfect puppet mouthpiece, FULLY Zionist, genocidal, imperialist and capitalist. Trump is no different, not “lesser” but fully evil.
You should see now there is NO difference between the “two parties” (uni-party guises) on the U.S.’s genocide of Palestine and on imperialism and capitalism in general. As Nancy Pelosi once said of the “Democratic” party: “Sorry, we are capitalists” and “We are capitalist to the bone.”
Anyone who gives even one vote to any candidate of the so-called “Republican” (there is no republic!) party that actually stood in over fifty ovations for the filthy speech of the genocidal monster, or who supports the “Republican” party in any other way, is just as evil as anyone who votes for any s0-called “Democratic” (there is no democracy!) party candidate, in any of your so-called “elections,” becomes fully responsible for all the crimes committed by your “nation.”
If you are pleased with your comfortable, real estate propertied, middle-class position in the global socio-economic pyramid, you really don’t need to vote to conserve it. All you need to do is to DO NOTHING, because the system will conserve itself anyway whether you vote or not. Just do nothing and DON’T ACTIVELT RESIST, and nothing will change, and you will continue to enjoy your middle-class “normalcy,” while the super-wealthy elites grow even richer and BILLIONS of people on the bottom level of the global socio-economic pyramid continue to be crushed.
Live coverage of the election in Venezuela begins on Breakthrough News at 11 AM EST. Venezuela is suffering terribly under U.S. sanctions, and people believe the U.S. will relent somewhat and their sufferings may be eased somewhat if they submit at the ballot box. The U.S. has been doing everything possible to determine the election result to bring Venezuela under full control. Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves and other important mineral resources, and new reserves of light sweet crude have recently been discovered. Will the U.S.-backed, neoliberal candidate win? Venezuela needs much MORE socialism.
By now, about 90% of votes that were cast yesterday have been counted, all under the watch of almost 1,000 international election observers. Contrary to “scientific” polling and false predictions by the U.S. that the U.S.-supported neoliberal candidate would win by a landslide (I was even swayed and taken in by the flood of disinformation), the people of Venezuela, in all their U.S.-imposed suffering, stood up once more for the Bolivarian revolution and spoke defiantly against U.S. imperialism. Of course the U.S. is declaring the election fraudulent, and will never stop trying to overthrow and eradicate socialism in Venezuela, and anywhere else. The U.S. tried to overthrow the people’s government of Bolivia again recently, but the people came out by the millions on the streets and stopped it. Latin Americans are generally wiser, more awake and aware than the population of the imperial “homeland.”
Former President Jimmy Carter observed a Venezuelan election and said it was “perfect.” Jimmy Carter said later, in a mainstream news interview, that “the United States is no longer a democracy, but an oligarchy with unlimited bribery,” and he was cut off at that point. From Yemen, Iran, Syria and Palestine in the Mideast to Korea, Vietnam and Myanmar in the East, to Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela in the West, the brave people of every brave country are daring to stand up and reject and resist the immense power of the immensely wealthy (and therefore immensely powerful) Global “Aryan” (or is it Talmudistic?) capitalist-imperialist hegemon, the greatest global empire in world history, that is based primarily in Washington D.C., New York City, and London.
In the video above, there is discussion of the return to Venezuela of millions of refugees. Decades of relentless attacks on the Bolivarian republic by U.S. imperialism drove almost nine million Venezuelans out of their country, but the economic miracle that I believe is bound to happen in Venezuela soon, as the U.S.’s power to stop it begins to wane, will welcome many of them home. However, many of them will remain in the U.S. forever, like a scar to remind you of your history of imperialism.
The U.S. is beginning to pull out all the stops, with orchestrated street protests already underway in Caracas, and spokesmen for the large right-wing Venezuelan diaspora in Florida (analogous to the large right-wing Cuban diaspora in Florida) loudly denouncing the “regime” for “election fraud.” I noticed mainstream “news” headlines that “the White House has doubts about the election results” and “the entrenched incumbent declared winner of Venezuela’s disputed election,” “South Florida reacts,” “Caracas erupts in protest,” “EU calls for transparency,” etc.
One area that we agree on are the evil American hybrid wars against nations like Venezuela through economic sanctions and coup de états.
The political and economic destabilization USA creates are responsible for much of the illegal immigrant hordes crossing the Darien Gap. The other cause are our endless wars on at least four continents in the form of refugees.
Re: “area that we agree”:
The difference: I say without real socialism there is no real nationalism, whereas (I think) you believe there is no real nationalism but National Socialism. Cymru Goch.
As I understand it, the Obamas and their faction had been working feverishly to get the nomination for Mark Kelly at the open convention. But they were outmaneuvered by the Clintons and their faction by having arranged an upcoming cabinet/25th amendment vote, which would have made Kamel-uh President.
Eventually the Obamas gave in, though some are saying they got the VP slot for their guy Mark Kelly.
Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona would be a perfect bookend to Harris in that he is married to the jewess Gabrielle Giffords.
Giffords being shot in the head while on the campaign trail several years ago, and also jewish will make draconian federal gun bills fast-tracked into laws.
According to fauxcahauntes, a Harris administration would attempt to grant citizenship to millions of illegal aliens. Not exactly a surprise.
When Reagan announced his illegal immigrant amnesty, Congress did not toughen up border security as they were supposed to do in the cuckservative compromise. All that lead to were millions of more illegals crossing the border and wait for another POTUS to amnesty them to citizenship.
The illegal immigrant hordes/caravans are going to keep treking up to El Norte, until the Southern border is as secure as the border between North and South Korea, which is never going to happen with the political whores in D.C.
Jared Taylor was right to be blackpilled about the future of America.
We will be fortunate to carve out lands for ourselves out of the former USA when it inevitably goes bust.
So Clown-World’s moving from a retarded ventriloquist dummy to a retarded whore.