George W. Bush (2011): “If you study history is that there are some “-isms” that occasionally pop up. One is isolationism, and it’s evil twin protectionism, and it’s and it’s evil triplet nativism. If you study the 20s, for example there was an America First policy that said who… pic.twitter.com/ZWzogR0qEM
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) July 18, 2024
— Han Shawnity ?? (@HanShawnity) April 16, 2024
Young Tucker Carlson perfectly describing new Tucker Carlson, nearly twenty years ago.
Mitt Romney: "We are connected to the rest of the world. Our economy is connected to the rest of the world…I laugh at the phrase 'America First…'" pic.twitter.com/6wS2Yljp8R
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) May 16, 2024
“Muh Overton Window.”
In the 2016 election, the single most important reason why I supported Donald Trump was to “move the Overton Window” and because I saw him as a bulldozer who was running over Conservatism, Inc. He was a useful instrument in blowing up what later came to called the dead consensus.
By that point, I had been involved in rightwing dissident politics for 15 years. I came of age during George W. Bush’s first term and developed my core political beliefs at that time. This was during the historical peak of Reaganism when George W. Bush plunged America into the War on Terror to get Saddam Hussein’s WMDs and to end evil and tyranny in the world. Neocons were at the zenith of their power. White Nationalists, paleocons and right-libertarians mingled on fringe internet forums.
“Journalism” was still taken seriously. The SPLC and ADL were considered respected “watchdog” organizations on the Right. The SPLC was still powerful enough at that time to police the Right and to get people fired for their “associations.” Bill Kristol defined the Right at The Weekly Standard. Commentary Magazine was considered another intellectual powerhouse on the Right. Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, Steve Sailer, Joe Sobran, Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor and later John Derbyshire were all considered beyond the pale of respectable conservatism. Purges for crimethink were routine.
In the pre-social media world, you were cooked on the Right if you offended the wrong people. You weren’t invited to be on FOX News. You lost your platform in National Review. You couldn’t amass a huge monetized digital following with a YouTube channel, a podcast or a X account. Even with all the censorship, Zoomers like Nick Fuentes do not appreciate how good they have it. Back in the day, “free speech” used to be so dismal that it was writing a Letter to the Editor in a MSM newspaper. You could also subscribe to a print newsletter like American Renaissance that was delivered via snail mail.
I lived through Freedom Fries, Sarah Palin’s electrifying convention speech and voting for the Constitution Party candidate over John McCain in the 2008 election. I remember when Obamacare was the most important issue in the country. I remember covering the Tea Party Revolution of 2010 and the ascent of the “Young Guns” like Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy and Eric Cantor. I remember looking for glimmers of implicit White Nationalism in Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally. It used to be edgy on the Right for Boomers to talk about how Obama was a secret Muslim who was born in Kenya.

“God Emperor Donald Trump”
In the 2016 election, “God Emperor Donald Trump” towered over his Republican rivals and seemed larger than life to activists mainly because of the dismal backdrop of what he was up against on stage and what had come before. Donald Trump in 2016 seemed like a breath of fresh air.
In 2016, Sheldon Adelson spent over $45 million supporting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in the general election. Candidate Trump spoke to AIPAC in 2016. He spoke to the Republican Jewish Coalition. In his book Crippled America which was published in 2015, Trump said that Barack Obama’s Iran Deal was the worst deal in history and he would end it. Trump ran in 2016 on moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Bibi Netanyahu was thrilled when Donald Trump won the 2016 election.
Activists were too busy posting memes of Trump shoving “journalists” into gas chambers to pay any attention to this. They performed absurd mental gymnastics to persuade themselves and their audience to get on board the Trump Train. Candidate Trump was always pro-Israel and bellicose toward Iran and made no secret about it. It was activists who were not focused on these issues in the 2016 election. Defeating Jeb Bush, the cuckservatives and Hillary Clinton was the imperative at the time.
The 2016 election was so exhilarating because it unleashed a flood of dopamine hits among activists who suppressed their doubts about Trump and their differences with both the platform he ran on and the coalition that he assembled to win the election. 2016 was the rightwing version of 2008 when Obama won on “Hope and Change” and leftwing activists were mesmerized by the candidate and believed anything was possible. “History” was being made. THE FINAL BATTLE had been won.
A colder way of looking at Trump’s victory in 2016 is that he lost the popular vote. The Republican Party lost House and Senate seats in 2016. Trump had won a fluke victory in the Electoral College by a margin of less than 1% in three Rust Belt states. He inherited the federal courts and bureaucracy from his predecessors. Congress was stocked with Reaganites who were resentful of Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party. They had the power and the motive to block his agenda and force him to play ball with them. The man was a novice and an island in the White House. Mike Pence was his Vice President. At the time, this was hardly proof that Trump had won a shattering victory over True Conservatism.
In the years that followed, Donald Trump somehow overcame the odds against him including even defeat in 2020. He has become much more popular and powerful on the Right than he was when he was elected in 2016. Gradually, he began to push out the Reaganite crowd whose numbers have dwindled over the past four election cycles (2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024). He has destroyed his enemies inside the party like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who sat on the 1/6 Committee. Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse and Mitt Romney have moved on to greener pastures. Mike Pence and Paul Ryan now stew in resentment on the sidelines. Mitch McConnell is stepping down in the Senate. Trump has rewarded cronies and lackeys who now serve as governors, senators and congressmen and who owe their political careers to Trump. J.D. Vance is the ultimate example of this type of politician. Coach Tommy Tuberville is another.
Donald Trump’s crushing victory over Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley in the 2024 Republican primary confirmed his dominance over the party. It showed how he has reshaped the base of the party over the last four election cycles. Whereas before Trump shared power in a partnership with conservative politicians with long established careers like Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell, today Trump has no serious or powerful ideological opposition within the party and what little there is left is evaporating. It has taken him eight years to reach this point, but Trump is increasingly the Big Man and the party are his yes men. Trump in 2016 wasn’t in a position to tell Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell what to do. He wasn’t powerful enough to run his party like Huey Long ran Louisiana. Now he is getting there.
Trump recently dictated the 2024 Republican platform and posted it in ALL CAPS on Truth Social. He doesn’t have to consult with anyone about this anymore. No one else matters.

In the 2024 election, Donald Trump is also in another interesting new position. He is running as the favorite and ahead of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the national popular vote.

In the 2020 election, Trump never led in a single national poll and finished down 7.2 points to Joe Biden. He lost the national popular vote by 4.5 points. He lost the Electoral College in three states (Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin) by half the capacity of Bryant-Denny Stadium.
Over the course of eight years, Donald Trump has succeeded in reshaping the American Right, the Republican Party and the Alt-Right / Dissident Right in his image. No one is shocked anymore when Trump floats mass deportations of millions of illegal aliens or imposing draconian tariffs on Chinese imports or ending the Ukraine War before he is sworn into office. The stuff that was so groundbreaking about Candidate Trump in 2016 is no longer edgy. It has become normal background noise rightwing politics. Meanwhile, conservative intellectuals and organizations like the Heritage Foundation have long since moved on from Reaganism to coopting nationalism. They want to be seen as nationalists now. Mitt Romney’s domestic policy director writes more about industrial policy than activists these days.
In 2020, Donald Trump was such a lightning rod during the Summer of Floyd that he mainstreamed anti-White politics on the Left, and in the Wokelash that followed under Joe Biden we have seen anti-anti-White politics normalized on the Right. J.D. Vance is dinged as weird on X for recycling talking points about childless cat ladies and how America is not an idea which were used by activists three years ago. The normalization of transgenderism on the Left has normalized Christian nationalism on the Right.
The Overton Window has shifted so much over the last eight years that activists have been reduced to just three topics: Jews, Israel/anti-Zionism and National Socialism. You will not find them talking about anything else. It has gotten to the point where Candace Owens is stealing that topic from them. Immigration is boring because 90% of people on the Right now agree with VDARE. The Biden administration has done tariffs and industrial policy which is a new consensus. Everyone knows that black people commit a lot of crime in large cities.
Conservatism, Inc. hasn’t been destroyed by Trump, but it is not nearly as suffocating as it used to be. Conservative influencers and activists share the same ecosystem on X and Rumble. Charlie Kirk now bashes MLK and calls the Civil Rights Act of 1964 an anti-White weapon. He says that democracy is a bad idea. He agrees the Great Replacement is happening. Kirk has come to these conclusions since getting booed by Groypers in 2019. He no longer boasts about Botswana’s legalization of homosexuality.
Overall, I do not think we are in a bad place. We are running out of fresh edgy ideas. Most Southern Republicans have come to embrace the idea of a National Divorce under Joe Biden. They will never act on it though as long as Donald Trump is still dominating our politics.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
Note: I agree with activists that Donald Trump is played out. After what happened in 2020, I disagree that Trump losing in 2024 means we finally move on from him.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
Donald supported both Ukraine and Israel so much that thanks to Donald support, Jew is in the worst crisis in the known history.
When Donald supports Jew as well as he did last time, year 2028 may go in the history as year when holocaust was finally done.
Donald Trump is someone who figured out that paleocon policies are more popular than neocon policies and gamed the system. The reason the media freaks out is because he’s popularized paleocon talking points, but the problem is he doesn’t deliver. I don’t believe he’s isolationist on foreign policy in the heat of the moment, he’s kind of a monday morning quarterback. And then he killed that immigration bill – a true paleocon wouldn’t have.
Blompf is going to make the US the Crypto Capital of the World so the MAGApedes have that going for them. Another flip-flop from Zion Don. I mean with all of the problems that the US is facing at least Zion Don is addressing the issues that matter most to working-class and middle-class Whites – fucking cryptos. Cryptos are a jewish racket like the stock market, Vegas and sports gambling and Don wants to get his beak wet.
Trump is the weakest possible Republican that could have been chosen. He was chosen by the Dems. The brain dead Republican voters are so stupid, they believe what they hear on television, Trump once said. Said he would choose to run as a Republican because Republicans are so stupid, they believe anything they hear on television.
So Kamel-uh will win easily, because the Republican candidate is unelectable. And in four years Texas will hold their referendum on secession.
Yes the overton window has moved. I think Trump deserves some credit for it but the ones moving normies the most are deranged Church of Woke types, plus batshit insanity from both squads of the uniparty about CRT, DEI, ESG, Zelensky’s Cash-Laundry, Muh’ Israhell’s genociding thousands upon thousands of civilians, etc. Even the retarded Christian Zionist heresy is imploding with the younger generation of Evangelicals – who don’t relish the idea of being drafted while a rat-faced jew like Kusher sits on his ass collecting money he didn’t earn and doling out orders to send Murikan soldiers to fight Iran. Juri above has a point. Just let them do what they please and eventually so many on the planet will despise them that they’ll finally get that six million they’ve been braying about for the last 100 years.
“Try putting up a poster that states “It’s OK to be White” in your state capital there in AL. You might not be hauled off to jail to face hate-crime charges (as you would in most of Clown-World) but you’d be deemed a rayciss even by the GOP and most of the ‘Christians’.”
Nationalists actually need to be putting up posters like that in Southern Universities, communities, church locations, and work locations. There should be several at Hunter’s fishing hole alone. Certainly there will be push back just like there was by Republicans like Charlie Kirk and TPUSA. Yet, we cobtinued to push it and he folded. The fact there isn’t a mass army of Rightwing Southerners taking over the country is entirely the fault of appeasement, fear, and laziness.
For example, although the White Southern student body is more conservative than elsewhere they still cuck out like most College Republicans. It might not be as bad at say George Mason University, but given the large number of students from rightwing students from rightwing families from rightwing Southern universities, they should be on the front lines of rightwing nationalists. Usually, this is because leadership is directly connected to local GOP donors and leaders. The students orgd are often under the control of wealthier squishy Southern families, and the Students don’t want tk make a fuss. This needs to change. Similarlu, for the many working class Southerners. They are more prone to organize but lack rughtwing nationalists representing their interests. In churches, the stupid modern liberalism has infected many congregations. The reality is the congregants are ready, they just don’t habe any fire and brimstone Patriots preachers. But, they would organize beyond a lay leader who is a patriot.
Discipline all of them into Nationalist ideology. Break their fear and need to appease their elder Establishment “we got it good now so we are cowards now.” Its beyond pathetic that a strong patriotic youth movement isn’t occurring in the South. Its even worse that there isn’t one for working class Southerners. Sadly, this vulnerability is being exploited by Papists working for Rich Men North of Richmond like the Gay Latino.
In turn, the common sense Southrons repell in horror to Yankee sounding accented cafe latte Latino Papists lecturing them on the correctness of how many Jews died in the Holocaust, why we need a Catholic dictatorship, or a new Inquisition, etc. These actions by Papists are deliberately done to agitate asspergers in the South, peel off underducated Protestants, and divide Southerners with one side supporting insanity and the other side forced to back the predominantly cuckservative Southern ruling class.
Every Protestant Nationalist from the South needs to get their @ss into gear, start getting doctrinally educated in the Protestant Christian faith, and organizing the youth on campus and in the trades. Literally, the South should have the single largest group of Rightwingers in the country and there shouldn’t be a Cuckservative Republican in the region outside of few metro areas. Its sheer laziness on the part of locals as to why this hasn’t happened.
“start getting doctrinally educated in the Protestant Christian faith”
The first thing they need to learn is, Genesis 12:3 is not a mandate for Jewish supremacy. It is a prophecy of Jesus Christ. See Galatians 3:16 for details.
“Every Protestant Nationalist from the South needs to get their @ss into gear, start getting doctrinally educated in the Protestant Christian faith….”.
AGB- ‘WHICH’ [sic] Protestant Christian Faith?
Baptist? OK, which of the thousands of Independent, Fundamentalist, Free Will, Seventh-Day, ABC, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, SBC à la Moore groups is ‘the Protestant Christian Faith’? Virtue-signaling metrosexuals or fundie heretics?
IF not them, what about the DEFORMED Churches? The lame stream PCUSA, or the various and sundry Alphabet soup groups, like the OPC, RPCNA, CRC, etc.
Oh, I KNOW!!!!! All of the Dispensationalist CULT groups: ranging from the now LGBT-friendly LDS, to the pseduo-orthodox SDA’s (cf. Beyond Creation Science by Martin & Vaughn for the Whiteist 7/24 pseudo-science to buttress their Saturday JUDAIZING of the Faith!) or the vast panoply of graceless, Christless, anti-sacerdoatalist SCOFIELD RANK HERETICS out there?
Yeah. No. Your myopia is astounding to behold, yet, trouble is, I am with you in this. WE MUST RETURN TO A CHRISTIAN CONSENSUS, but not a False, Falsified, or TRUNCATED ONE!
the only valid option is to return to the Orthodoxy of the first millennium, after the seven Ecumenical Councils, before the Schism of Rome, and before the filioquist and Papist ideologies stranglehold the entire West…
But few there be, that will submit and say, “We were wrong.” Because people like their papoloatry, their protestan-schism, their Nestorianism, and all the rest. Misericordie, Domine!
Here’s AGB’s notion of Christianity. His basic purpose here is to get white boys to sign up and fight wars for the Satanist financial elites for whom he feigns opposition. Thus his full endorsement of endless Clown-World projects such as the fake-country Ukraine, boots on the ground to fight for Satanyahoo, etc. – all the while the southern border remains open to invasion. That’s his hasbara assignment here in a nutshell.
One interesting thing has emerged from all of his ‘papist’ rhetoric. He is correct that the entire infrastructure of the Novus Ordo RCC is in league with Clown-World, which was on full display in the Paris Olympics. Anti-Pope High-Fellatin’ Franny hasn’t said a word about it, neither has AGB’s fav Welby (another damned Satanist). In light of the apostasy of Vatican II, this should come as no surprise. While there are traditionalist Catholics who are more-or-less allied against Clown-World (Barnhardt, Vagano, Mel Gibson’s group) the bulk of Catholic organizations are full Clown-World and involved in treason, wokeism, human trafficking, etc. So are all so-called ‘mainline’ Prot churches and orgs. Not even orthodoxy is immune from the infiltration. (Note AGB’s support for the CIA puppet ‘Ecumenical Patriarch’ who gave the stinking jew Zelensky the blessing to outlaw the Russian Orthodox Church in NATO puppet-state ‘Ukraine’.
Exactly so.
Imagine believing that the NYC conman extraordinaire Zion Don will follow through with anything other than the 13th and 18th planks of the RNC/GOP platform.
Recall that this is Trump’s GOP that exclaimed recently, “For every “Karen” we lose, we gain a Jamal and Juan.” Based, huh?
J.D. Vance who some believe will carry on Trump’s MAGA (in reality MIGA) agenda/platform has tweeted that those who view being American as being White are “disgusting racists.” In another recent tweet, Vance said that those who have a problem with his interracial marriage and children were “White supremacists.”
How soon the Platinum and American Dream Plans are forgotten that were the cornerstones of Trump’s 2020 anti-White, CivNat reelection platform to entice those Jamals and Juans to the GOP. Trump’s GOP/RNC is hardly prowhite, except by accident when the powers that be are being affected by BIPOC criminality,
When Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem against international law, the new embassy’s benediction was made by none other than “Reverend” Hagee of the Baptist Church of Texas.
During the first two years of Zion Don’s administration when both houses of Congress were controlled by the retardicans, he gave Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires a tax cut, instead of building “the wall” that the tens of thousands of MAGApedes chanted at every rally he held in 2016.
For the ‘kick the can down the road’ American Right, a second Trump presidency may give them some relief from inflation, but then again, it is the unelected members of the (((US Federal Reserve))) that will determine that, not Trump. I too hope for inflation and interest rates to go down, but much of what I hope for never comes to fruition.
There can be absolutely no doubt that a Kamala Harris administration would be even worse than Obamas two terms, and would even be worse than “Biden’s” time in the West Wing. I am just cautioning that when it comes to the pathological liar and narcissist that is Donald J. Trump, it is a more practical path to be very skeptical of his campaign promises.
“The Overton Window has shifted so much over the last eight years that activists have been reduced to just three topics: Jews, Israel/anti-Zionism and National Socialism. You will not find them talking about anything else. It has gotten to the point where Candace Owens is stealing that topic from them.”
Well, jews are explicitly behind the Great Replacement, though Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, and Trump Sr will never even imply that is so.
On Israel/Palestine or simply the USZOG’s wars, policies, and agenda that have caused the migrant crises across Western Europe (i.e., Europe’s Great Replacement), and a lesser but not unsubstantial influx of a myriad of muslims from across the globe into the USA.
National Socialism is the only known and effective remedy for White replacement, White Genocide, deaths of despair, and the lion’s share of what ails Western man and his civilization.
With 2.2 million YouTube subscribers, Candace Owens opening the eyes to some historical truths about National Socialism is not the vessel that one would want, but she is Black, White,and Redpilling normiecons, MAGAtards, and the curious about it, and that’s an unexpected gift.
In the coming decades, when this socially engineered, tulmudic plutarchy breaks apart, it will be National Socialism that the majority of Europeans in North America will choose as their form of government over monarchy or Republican Democracy.
As I said in the article, the Overton Window has moved over the past 10 years to the extent that activists have nothing left to talk about except 1.) Jews, 2.) Israel/Anti-Zionism and 3.) National Socialism. This article was not about what I expect Trump to do as president, but how the boundary between mainstream and dissident politics has shifted since 2016. There is nothing controversial about immigration restriction, tariffs, industrial policy, isolationism, nationalism and so on anymore. The taboo on White identity politics is collapsing too.
I truly hope that the lifting of the taboo on White identity is the real thing, and not AstroTurfed by bad actors with pernicious motivations.
Overall, we really all want the same results.
> As I said in the article, the Overton Window has moved over the past 10 years to the extent that activists have nothing left to talk about except 1.) Jews, 2.) Israel/Anti-Zionism and 3.) National Socialism.
It’s moved but not as much as you claim. Try putting up a poster that states “It’s OK to be White” in your state capital there in AL. You might not be hauled off to jail to face hate-crime charges (as you would in most of Clown-World) but you’d be deemed a rayciss even by the GOP and most of the ‘Christians’.
> There is nothing controversial about immigration restriction, tariffs, industrial policy, isolationism, nationalism and so on anymore
It’s true that they are discussed more now. Not a damned thing has been done about any of them. Just more empty talk. As Juri pointed out Jews/Zionists have already discredited themselves in most of the world outside the Murikan colonia. Only the boomertards continue to worship the Synagogue of Satan as demigods.
Is mainstream politics co-opting some of the lingo, the rhetoric of dissident politics, progress, or regress?
The answer is it’s regress, because you will never get real change out of the uniparty, they’re completely bought by Mossad, corporatism and imperialism.
All that happened since 2016 is millions of dissidents who were turning away from uniparty. got suckered back into thinking that promises are reality, that style trumps substance, that empty talk is just as good as action, or, that we just have to wait another decade or two and these corporate imperialist Zionist infested parties will come around someday, maybe.
The reality is they’ll never come around, the only solution is to give them the finger, completely abandon them and find grassroots solutions, like supporting third parties and independents not bought by the corporations, imperialists and Zionists.
JD Vance has been groomed by the Deep State his whole life and he probably didn’t even write his shitty book which made lower-class Whites look like stupid White trash and was probably written by a couple of jews. The Republicans are making a push for the growing Latino and Indian population and Whites will become even more marginalized by the GOP(We are Cool With Immigration As Long As It Is Done LEGALLY!)
Vote DJT or wallow in shit, maggots, entropy.
North Venezuela, West South Africa, if Red Diaper Baby Wonder Twin II gets in for dingle Barry’s fourth turd term.
“J.D. Vance who some believe will carry on Trump’s MAGA (in reality MIGA) agenda/platform has tweeted that those who view being American as being White are “disgusting racists.””
THEN FUCK YOU, you miscegenating Novus Ordo HERETIC, with your Indian SLUT wife, and your BASTARD children, devoid of the racial mercy of the Covenant of Grace, forever!
Funny that Vance (or whatever name he’s going by, this week) claims to be a ‘Catholic’ and doesn’t even know this verse of Scripture in his ‘Catholic’ Bible:
“Beware of all whoredom, my son, and chiefly take a wife of the seed of thy fathers, and take not a strange woman to wife, which is not of thy father’s tribe: for we are the children of the prophets, Noe, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: remember, my son, that our fathers from the beginning, even that they all married wives of their own kindred, and were blessed in their children, and their seed shall inherit the land.” – Tobit 4:12
TRUE Christianity is racially exclusionary in extremis, if verses like the above are true- and they are. [ cf. Ex 20, Ez. 9:2, etc.]. It is apostate Rome (the ‘Whore of Babylon’ as the Ports willingly call her) that is leading the charge in this JUDAIZING heresy. IF we, merely Using the delimiters of Japheth, Shem, and Ham to describe racial groups AS WE KNOW THEM TODAY, we can see that this is an exercise in willful stupidity!
Noah and Mrs. Noah were of one racial group- CAUCASOID/ADAMIC.
Let’s get this straight, first. Even jewish apocryphal writings confirm this.
“Jewish Apocryphal legend represents Noah at his birth as having a body white like snow, hair white as wool, and eyes like sunbeams.”
“Lamech, frightened at this sight, went to consult Methuselah, telling him that his grandchild resembled an angel more than a child….’.
The Book of Noah 106: “…And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful…”
[BLOND hair in full sun appears as white, and the sunbeams come from a sky of BLUE.]
Abraham, likewise was WHITE, since he was cousin to Sarah! Description of Abraham’s wife Sarah from the Dead Sea Scrolls: “…Her skin was pure white…” Description of Sarah from the Genesis Apocryphon:?“…How fair are her breasts and how beautiful all her whiteness!…” http://esau.today/white-racial-characteristics-of-adamites-shemites-hebrews-israelites-judahites-of-scripture/
Their three sons, therefore, were ALL WHITE- as WHITE AS A NORDIC.
Arabs are NOT White. Jews admit THEY are not ‘white.’ Oh, some have interbred WITH Whites, but that don’t make them U.S.The Jews are nothing but a) Canaanite/Edomites, and via that miscegenation, also b) Turkic Khazars, from the conversion to TALMUDISM of the Khazars, in the @ 8th century. THEY ARE JUST NOT U.S., however you parse it.
And because they are not U.S., they don’t deserve to live among us, in any fashion at all.
Vance very possibly a closeted fudge-packer. His Indian wife – who’s day-job is in San Franshitsco – is his real beard. J.D. comes now and again to trim his beard in that playground of perversion with its many streets paved in shit. Looks like he covered for the Sacklers, who would be executed in a sane country. The Repuke party, now ostensibly headed by Trump, has dropped all opposition to the Sodomite agenda. Trump fully supports LGBT+ naturally. Don’t get conned into thinking anything has changed with Trump or the Gay Old Pedoburo. They’ve no reason to change.
As was noted elsewhere:
> Despite which A++ lister prevails, they have both committed to making all youth register for the draft and it is to stop kids from moving out of the country. Except for vacations, they want to make sure a work force is available in the US, so you will not be allowed to be gone for longer than six months until you reach an age that has yet to be determined.
A++ lister means Cheetohead or the Chlamydia Queen. Both are puppets.
2008 and 2016 were the two presidential races which featured the biggest contrast between the candidates on foreign policy.
In 2008, Obama was the peace candidate. Obama said the Iraq war was a mistake, and McCain said the Iraq war was not a mistake.
In 2016, Trump was the peace candidate. Trump opposed a no-fly-zone / regime change war in Syria. The Israel lobby and the establishment candidates (Rubio and Kasich in the primary, Clinton and McMullin in the general) supported a no-fly-zone / regime change war in Syria. This dispute got a lot of attention, because the establishment claimed that the reason Trump opposed a regime change war in Syria was because he was a Russian puppet.
In each of these two elections, the peace candidate won all 6 of the Midwestern swing states.
2008 Obama +1.04%
2016 Trump +18.91%
Swing 19.95%
2008 Obama +9.54%
2016 Trump +9.41%
Swing 18.95%
2008 Obama +16.47%
2016 Trump +0.23%
Swing 16.7%
2008 Obama +13.91%
2016 Trump +0.77%
Swing 14.68%
2008 Obama +4.59%
2016 Trump +8.13%
Swing 12.72%
2008 Obama +10.32%
2016 Trump +0.72%
Swing 11.04%
Trump even came close to flipping Minnesota:
2008 Obama +10.24%
2016 Clinton +1.52%
Swing 8.72%
This year, thanks to an enthusiastic grassroots campaign, the Midwestern swing state Democratic primaries featured large antiwar votes for “Uncommitted”.
2016 was the only real victory for Republicans since 1988. 2000 the winner was dimpled chads. In 2004 the winner was Khaki Election.
To ensure a victory in 2024, Trump needs to recreate the conditions of 2016. He needs to decisively position himself as the peace candidate vis-a-vis Harris. Not as the “peace-through-strength” candidate Reagan was in a completely different era; he needs to be the “peace-through-peace” candidate he was (compared to Hillary Clinton) in 2016.
There are at least two crises potentially facing GloboHomo:
1.) Our Greatest Ally suffered another Hezbollah attack, killing civilians. This attack, or some future one will trigger a large war against Hezbollah. Our Greatest Ally, having suffered unexpectedly large casualties from its war in Gaza will demand (and get) U.S. troops for its new war. If the war expands to Iran, which seems likely, it is certain U.S. air and naval forces already deployed in that neighborhood will be involved.
The U.S. doesn’t have military forces available to fight a war against a difficult opponent like Iran, especially if also fighting in Lebanon. Calling up reserves and National Guard won’t be sufficient and there aren’t enough weapons and supplies anyway after giving away the store to Ukraine and Israel. The U.S. lacks a WWII type industrial base and workforce capable of producing what’s needed after decades of de-industrialization and flooding the country with wogs. The U.S. Government cannot simply order up ammo and sophisticated weapons by passing a law or appropriating money, it tried that and failed.
What GloboHomo can do is order conscription of White males to fill its military ranks as it did until Jan. 1973 when the Vietnam War ended. The unpopularity of the draft during the Vietnam War led to its repeal under President Nixon. Even with conscription it would be about nine months minimum before newly trained and equipped forces would be ready for deployment.
It’s difficult to believe there would be compliance with another draft, especially when it would transparently fall upon White males, the people the U.S. Government hates. This would go double if Cackling Calico Kamala (H/T Secesh) becomes Mr. President. White defiance of Government conscription, especially with a colored woman as Mr. President would be a political crisis of the first order for GloboHomo.
2.) The second crisis would be a breakdown of the financial system. The country came within an inch of the financial system seizing up in 2008. ATMs would have run out of cash, credit cards would have stopped, banks almost closed, resupply of food, fuel and everything else would have been erratic leading to civil order breaking down except the crisis was postponed through new debt issuance. A big war with its attendant spending compounded by incompetent government and open defiance against conscription would lead to a new financial crisis on top of other problems.
This financial crisis may happen anyway even without a war, the U.S. is so grossly indebted, incompetent and corrupt. It’s hard to believe Cackling Calico Kamala (H/T Secesh) could go on TV and rally the country the way JFK did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The reaction to such a speech would be gales of laughter across the country as well as in Moscow and Peking, and rightly so. This time the colored folk, who are so much better than us Whites can go fix these problems, or not. I really don’t care.
Two interesting tidbits. First, Ron Unz has posted today about recent events, within the context of the rapidly crumbling American Empire. Specifically he states that Crooks only makes sense as a Patsy. And he does not believe this was an assassination attempt. The snipers had easy shots. If they had wanted him dead he would be dead. As to why they did it, he had no opinion yet.
My belief is they sent him a message. Obey or die. So he obeyed, he chose the CIA agent calling himself Vance.
Secondly, Pompeo has published (Wall Street Journal) the preliminary Trump plan for the Ukraine war. It includes total sanctions on Russia, which must be driven totally out of the world energy markets. It also includes a massive increase in military spending, in America and in Europe. And it includes a 500 billion dollar “loan” to Ukraine. Finally Russia must surrender and withdraw totally from Ukraine.
There is your peace candidate.
After the latest Satanyahoo war rally and the 58 standing ovations, I am confirmed in my intention to vote straight Democratic
The giant bags full of fake mail in ballots will decide the 2024 election. That is what matters and nothing else.
too much J-sucking for me. Not going to vote for him. He will deliver nothing for anyone but jews.
The “boomertards” will change their tune the moment TPTB decide to bring back involuntary military conscription and try to draft our sons and daughters for Israel.
From reading his previous post, “Aryan” Globalist Bro confirmed my suspicions that The Donors desperately, desperately want a draft and see Donald Trump as the sugar they need to make the medicine palatable to Red State White Families.
There was AGB’s nice little word salad about reactivating the veterans for whom they will have to literally beat the bushes where they are forced to live in tents and under bridges and in cars to join what the dwindling ranks of recruits they have “over there,” but promise to keep a sizeable force to “defend our borders.”
Shyeah, RIGHT. Bush and Company kept deploying and redeploying state national guards to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. I expect no different, so stop with the bullshit, AGB.
“WAR IS COMING.” WAR IS HERE, AGB. Remember how we had to Fight for “Our Freedoms” and Save “Our Democracy.” And we had to fight them OVER THERE so we wouldn’t have to fight them HERE. Well, they’re HERE and many of them live in Dearborn, Michigan and OTHER enclaves – usually to transition Red State Areas to multiculturalism.
Uh, NO, people. Since you like to assign my generation of “Boomertards” every sin of previous and future generations, take THIS to the bank. A lot of us like our cities to not be burned down over our heads or wrecked. Antifa and BLM rampaging through the streets during the Pandemic helped Trump lose an election.
I pity the administration who tries to implement involuntary military conscription, no matter HOW incremental it is. You think the rioting and raising hell was bad in 2020? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
You think the “antisemitism” is bad now? That’s just the Antiwar LEFT. Just wait until the Isolationist Right joins them. And they will because you cracked our borders wide open. Because you would rather be murdered in your beds than make them!
The Free Free Palestine Protests were conducted by a lot of young men and women who don’t give a hoot in hell about either Palestine OR Israel. They can read the handwriting on the wall. They know that there are plans for a draft. They know Our Greatest Ally and Dearest Friend in DUH World needs boots on the ground. And they have absolutely no intentions whatsoever of filling them.