After the degeneracy put out by Paris in their opening ceremony, and the multicultural embarrassment from London in 2012, I find myself wondering if a Western European country will ever be proud of their culture again. I have some faith in Italy who will host the Winter Olympics in 2026. To be fair, I didn’t see their ceremony in 2006, but am guessing it was much better than what England and France have done ever since. Everyone in our circles mentions Russia’s ceremony in 2014 which was very nicely done, but my main focus today is Western Europe.
I would say the last Western European country to put on a great display for the Summer Olympics ( as opposed to Winter) would have to be Greece in 2004. I have included the best part of that opening ceremony down below. When you watch this, it is obvious the Greeks had pride in their heritage and history.
Some people in our circles might complain about the men depicted in the Minoan portion of this presentation being brown skinned, but that is simply how they were portrayed in the art work from that time. Notice how in contrast the women are very pale in that section. On that note, notice how strongly the male form is contrasted with the female form and how proper sex roles are depicted? This is true throughout the entirety of this presentation, not just the Minoan section.
It isn’t necessary to fill up the entire stadium floor with people like China did. Would it have been so difficult for London, England to do a similar parade style presentation depicting its great history like Greece did here? Or Paris for that matter? The Medieval period alone for both England and France, could have been depicted with this type of format in a very entertaining and powerful way. I guess we can dream about it at least.
Thanks for having faith in Italy.
It is very difficult for me to imagine Italians NOT making the Romans and then later the Renaissance a big part of their presentation. Let’s hope.
Me too….. we have a lot of history and traditions, we have, as other Europeans, a proud heritage. I hope faggotry agenda doesn’t ruin the show.
According to sources in Italy, they are using groups to build and promote the Italian Winter Olympics which are likely going to track a traditionally cultural enriching Olympiad. This is certain to remain the case with Meloni’s rightwing coalition remaining in power. Despite her obvious deficiencies and failures in implementing rightwing policies (she was heavily advised by Americans led by that fatuous “populist” and arch-Papist Steve Bannon), Meloni is likely to ensure a good Olympiad.
When I think of Greece, I think of philosophy.
I didn’t see Socrates, Plato’s academy or Aristotle’s Lyceum.
But other than that, well done, it was beautiful, in stark contrast to the hideousness of today.
Actually, I noticed the same thing. I am guessing that the Greeks were thinking that when the audience sees the amazing statues from the Classical Period that it is a direct correlation for most people to think of the amazing science as well. I think for China’s ceremony they made a big deal about their inventions like paper and printing. Even though the Chinese should be proud of themselves, to me it was a sign of an inferiority complex when it came to their inventions. If Greece displayed all their science here there wouldn’t be enough room for it. But I agree in general. I was surprised too especially since they showed sport, military, and drama here.
It is a good thing the Chinese are not natural conquerors. If Whites were as unified and “racist” as they are, we would not be witnessing the death of our civilization.
That’s true for many races.
WHITES have about the least racial loyalty of any race.
A deadly defect.
“hear here!”
“If Greece displayed all their science”
The ancient Greeks actually received some of their science and mathematics, and astronomy, from older civilisations in the Near East. Responsibility for the advance of human knowledge, and technological applications including agricultural was spread across the eastern hemisphere from British isles to the Near East to India and China, with the notable exception of sub-Saharan Africa. It is a collaborative effort of all brotherly peoples.
The Greeks invented a lot, but there was a claim made by a Japanese professor named Kaoru Inokuchi in the early 20th century that approximately 54% of the world’s greatest inventions originated in Britain.
Doesn’t surprise me at all. I was mostly comparing Greece’s achievements to China’s ( the latter gets exaggerated a lot).
Tbh Olympics opening ceremonies going back awhile have been pretty gay other than Berlin’s in ’36.
I understand your reasoning but what did that ceremony in Berlin consist of? Military marches? I like this newer idea where each country portrays its proud history in its ceremony. I am not sure who started it. If the Chinese and other nonwhite countries are doing it then we should too.
It was the Olympics that began the torch marathon tradition. Yes, that mean old Mr. Mustache Man started the torch marathon.
He also had his favorite (living) composer, Richard Strauss, write the Olympic musical intro which is still used today. Strauss also wrote the theme to 2001 A Space Odyssey.
I think that this is the end.
Last hooray of the wokeness like those Soviet Union Brezhnev era military parades.
In 2026 we may be already out of wokeness era. Symbolism always ends abruptly. 20 minutes after Hitler’s death, nobody in the Germany didn’t wanted to do anything with National Socialism anymore. In the Soviet Union was the same. After the failed coup all communist symbols and ideology disappeared within week.
“Can Western Europeans Ever Be Proud Again?”
With a controlled media and infiltrators throughout our institutions it’s very difficult. All of them working from the same playbook, the Torah.
The greater question is, can they return to an all WHITE society, working for the advancement of the WHITE race ?
We’re being pushed retrograde by the malevolent Jewish agenda.
Besides Greek and other European classical philosophy, fine art, science, mathematics and engineering, Western Europeans also gave the world the first explicit descriptions and examples of proletarian political economy, a people’s republic. The French people’s Revolution was world-leading in its time, as was the Russian in 1917. Above all, the genuine religion of the New Testament took root and endured in parts of Western Europe. However, pride goeth before destruction. The Scripture says “Be ye humble.” Nations and empires (like the U.S.) that become proud and self-satisfied, bigoted, “exceptionalist” (as in “We are the exceptional nation”) and jingoistic are bound to fall.
“The Scripture says “Be ye humble.”
The Scripture says “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” Gen 1 29
Tried any hemlock ?
” Notice how in contrast the women are very pale ”
So are many of the men.
I have a photo collection of Minoan frescos, some of the men, especially nobles, are white as paper.
Nice article CFA- Makes me want to watch Olympia for the 100th time. Can someone please invent a Time Machine?!
As an aside and while we are speaking of international topics – that darling of the Right – Javier Milei – has shipped all of Argentina’s gold reserves to an “undisclosed location” (cough – Tel Aviv/City Of London – cough) and will not reveal where it was shipped to.
The “left” opposition found out and is demanding to know where the nation’s gold reserves were taken, but those responsible for providing the information have up to thirty days to respond. Meanwhile the nation’s gold reserves being held abroad “can be used as an asset in the case of sanctions being levied against the Republic.” Argentina had better tow the line now, or the U.S. will KEEP the gold, and levy brutal sanctions on Argentina until it obeys. Stolen national gold reserves (supposedly “being guarded for security”) and the threat of sanctions are powerful weapons being used by the U.sury S.ystem to keep many nations obedient.
Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff admits to cheating on first wife after bombshell report he impregnated nanny
Typical j…..
Probably had a season pass to Epstein Island.
“We will corrupt the west so bad that it stinks.”
Comrade Willi Munzenberg, Frankfurt School Long March
It does stink, it’s also blasphemous and perverted.
The Berlin Olympics were the last great display of Western civilization, since Western civilization completely ended in 1945. Everything after that can’t be called “Western”.
We can be proud again when we retake our countries.
Western Europe will be on the road to recovery when European nations withdraw from NATO, the UN, World Bank, IMF etc. and make peace with Russia, just to start. There would also have to be massive repatriation of wogs and the NGOs would also have to be destroyed. The oligarchs would need to get it in the neck too.
Western Europe is about a million miles away from any of this. It will take multiple disasters like the situation in 1919 before the current reign of destruction from the Left can be ended. The recent rioting in England and Ireland against the governments there is a good sign as ultimately this is rebellion against the Great Replacement. The wogs continue to wreck everything they touch but it’s the people behind the curtain who are ultimately responsible for the wogs.
“Western Europe will be on the road to recovery when European nations withdraw from NATO, the UN, World Bank, IMF etc. and make peace with Russia, just to start. There would also have to be massive repatriation of wogs and the NGOs would also have to be destroyed. The oligarchs would need to get it in the neck too.” Only in our dreams. The utter excess of everything vile under the fraudulent guise of “liberty” or their fake faggot so-called mob rule “our democracy” is definitely going to be our undoing.
@12AX7, well said.
Europeans are proud of their humanist/darwinist/judaic/ civilization. Which is the problem. Will they ever abandon their pride and turn to God? Probably not, which is why Islam will probably overwhelm them, as it has overwhelmed earlier Christian civilizations that had turned to idols.
It’s all degenerate elite worship of satan. Why do people still watch this crap. The “athletes” of the US and western europe talk and sound like spoiled ******* brats. The goat was endlessly praised for quitting. Why give it any attention, it should be cut off and ignored like the cancer it all is.
Everything good must be made in to something bad, then and only then will the world be prepared for the Moshiach. All you have to do is hold out, resist the tide of evil, do not go with the flow……and then you will have something to be very very proud of, yourself.
To give a short answer to Courtney’s question. No, unless they accept their own responsibility for what has happened and genuinely repent. They chose to believe lies over truth, and chose mammon and now Satan – over Christ. Even the best among them – like Orban – remains in the EUSSR and NATO. Perhaps he’s waiting for the opportune moment as the Empire of Lies weakens, perhaps he’s waiting for the opportune moment to knife Hungary in the back.
Poland’s new Clown-World puppets just ordered the removal of crosses from public schools. Globo-Pedo is installed there in force now, with lots of Murikan boots on the ground. They can kiss their heritage goodbye. They were better off under the communist regime. Bad as it was, they remained Poland. Once Clown-World and its minions Kalergi them, they’ll cease to exist altogether. The only people listening to Chopin will be the Chinese. There is a reason it’s called the Empire of Lies. Repent or perish. That’s where it has to begin – from the ground up.
> Europeans are proud of their humanist/darwinist/judaic/ civilization. Which is the problem. Will they ever abandon their pride and turn to God?
The British are possibly even moreso. The inevitable result: The Most Anti-White Regime in History See those white cops hauling their fellow whites away for a nice heavy fine of prison term for protesting their own genocide? The article, after referring to the wog killings that prompted the protests, then stupidly asks the question:
> This prompts the question: how many more must die before the government acts?
The “government” will never act until it is completely overthrown. It’s a totally lawless foreign-occupation government which fully supports the murder. The natives will not be allowed to vote on their enslavement and extermination, especially as over half of them fully support it. The question is asked from a presumption that the regime is somehow legitimate. It is not. Even if the majority support it.
Rangewolf then gives a likely outcome:
> Probably not, which is why Islam will probably overwhelm them, as it has overwhelmed earlier Christian civilizations that had turned to idols.
It would literally be God’s mercy if full-bore sharia Islam would come to rule over them, bad as it would be. For one thing, some of the real cancers eating at Europe like feminism, usury and other brazen immoral depravity would meet an abrupt ending at edge of Mohammed’s sword. So would fake-and-gay Clown-World “Christians” like Justin Welby and his monarch Chuck the Turd.
What makes you so certain that that many white Brits are really okay with what is happening in their country?
They still participate in the fraudulent rigged system in a vain hope they can change things peacefully. That point was left in the dust well over a decade ago. Note that even the writer of the article – clearly one of the resisters – repeats the utterly retarded question:
> how many more must die before the government acts?
Even asking it assumes the government is somehow a benign actor here. It is not benign but malevolently evil – it wants the native Brits dead and replaced. The only actions we’ll see from this completely lawless foreign-occupation regime are those to further enslave and kill the natives. It’s openly genocidal and needs to be overthrown – by any means, including violence. That means attacking police who are sent to enforce the regime’s diktat against whites (while they stand down for the Muslim Defense League rioting). Since the police will use deadly violence against the resistance, those resisting are left no choice but to respond in kind. Just make sure they fire draw first blood (they already have actually – three white girls). Gaslight media is enemy as well. Journalist + rope + tree (some assembly required).
Stop pretending that the UK (or any Clown-World regime) is anything less than totalitarian. If 80-percent of the electorate voted against Starmer and he’s nevertheless in charge the system is completely rigged. While the rioting is a hopeful sign that some natives are at last waking up, what’s needed is a general strike followed by more riots and burnings which will destroy police HQs and other government buildings, etc. It’s not really any different here. Until whites get it through their skulls that they want us dead – and the they includes not only jews (nearly 99% of whom want us dead) but numerous other whites who will do it for money, plus all of the invaders who’ve been promised free shit by the oligarchs.
And just to put a bit of icing on the cake to make the point: the organized Catholic Church is the enemy as well. (Our resident hasbara has a legit point here – but he blames the whole damned mess on them naturally like a typical jew). All of the organized government-approved Prot churches in EUSSR are equally guilty. That means it’s perfectly legitimate to attack them. Not the stupid parishoners dumb enough to attend their woke indoctrination sessions, but the hierarchy from anti-pope to local pastors known to participate in the great replacement. For too damned long it’s been a one-sided war. It needs to be made into a two sided war.
Think of it this way: There is no peaceful resolution to a home-invasion where the invader has already killed a family member. Either you fight them or you’ll die. I get it that it’s a hard thing to face. It’s sad that it got to this point, and whites bear a great deal of responsibility in letting it get this far down the road. In a way it’s good that they have revealed their intentions so that an increasing number of Brits are getting a glimpse of what’s in store for them. Keep in mind that while the Muslim (and other) invaders are deadly enemies, they are nonetheless lesser enemies than the treasonous whites who are supporting all this who are the greater enemy. It might be necessary to make temporary alliances with the Muslims to completely destroy folks like Starmer, Welby, the treasonous police, judges, bureaucrats and the royals. Burn it down better.
Remember in the British system the Prime Minister is not elected by the people but is chosen by the dominant party in parliament which right now is the Labor Party.
Brits are too damn passive !
(So are WHITE Americans.)
“Can Western Europeans Ever Be Proud Again?”
No, so long as you allow Jews and their sycophants to govern you, bleed you dry financially, permit your brainwashing, and determine your cultural values you will have no reason to be Proud.
European election – tears, riots and the establishment response
Let’s see how many Olympic defectors abscond and claim asylum in France once the closing ceremony is over with. France will suddenly find itself with some African, Chinese and Pakistani athletes willing to represent it at the 2028 games. Of course, France won’t “violate their human rights” by removing them. There were probably no defectors when the Beijing games concluded, but if it’s a Western country…….let’s try our luck and have a sob story ready!
Can Western Europeans ever be proud again?
They can start by standing up to their government, the Left, and the illegal invaders. Some pride and self respect would go a long way.
Re: “be proud”:
Overweening Talmudic pride struts its stuff at the Olympics with impunity:
I can remember when China hosted the Olympics. They wrote a song called “Beijing Welcomes You”and its still on You Tube.The song showcases their homogeneity.It suspect if America did the same they would show Martin Luther King, Jr, a LGBTQ parade, and an obese Black female bellowing out the Star Spangled Banner, as well as views of the majority non-white public schools.