Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon very succinctly lays out his political agenda: Gain power for the purpose of “crushing our enemies and rewarding our friends.” https://t.co/zfWTrxWabm pic.twitter.com/ldUk4GnvhT
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) July 25, 2024
Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon wants Christians to hate their enemies and to cast righteous votes until voting can be done away with. https://t.co/ghr7olRNei pic.twitter.com/PkMNpQbDnJ
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) August 1, 2024
You must stand by your principles. https://t.co/EHSOxPxez4
— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) August 2, 2024
No compromise means no compromise.
— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) August 2, 2024
Over the past 12 hours, I've had a series of productive conversations with members of the Trump's team and I am confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second Amendment rights.
— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) August 2, 2024
My comments made last night were ill-informed and unproductive. I'm 100%…
This is a highly controversial opinion among activists.
Generally speaking, I believe that winning is better than losing. Positive energy is more attractive than negative energy. We have experienced Trump winning and losing.
When Donald Trump won in 2016, the positive energy brought in lots of new people into this scene. When Donald Trump lost in 2020, the movement contracted and never recovered. The cynicism, snark, negativity and depressive whining of blackpilled activists is off putting. I say this as someone who fell into that trap for a number of years. I think a lot of that excessive criticism of Trump’s first term was justified, but it is also something that people are sensitive to because no one wants to listen to a buzzkill. There is a happy medium between pollyannaish 4D Chess plan trusting and exaggerated blackpilling.
It is a good thing to have principles to guide your actions, but your principles can also be weaponized against you. The Alt-Right used to make fun of the True Cons with their Principles™ who were addicted to losing. Instead of using their principles as a practical guide to nudge the public to move toward their positions while understanding that politicians and the public do not share their principles, conservative activists became obsessed with purity spiraling and displaying their principles to other activists. Losing was interpreted as an opportunity to bask in the glory of defeat. Elections became less about public policy preferences than tests of personal piety. Conservatism turned inward on itself. These Beautiful Losers ended up looking ridiculous to people like us who were outside of their culture.
I started working on this article last night before the news broke that Kyle Rittenhouse had announced that he was not voting for Donald Trump in the 2024 election because of his record on the Second Amendment. Rittenhouse has since reversed himself on X after stirring up a huge backlash. It is a classic example though of how activists are often the biggest obstacle in the way of their own objectives. In this case, Donald Trump saved gun rights activists from their own goofball political instincts.
If Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton would have appointed three Supreme Court justices, which would have decisively tilted the Supreme Court to the Left. Those Supreme Court justices would have all been pro-choice in the mold of Ketanji Brown Jackson. Roe would have never been overturned and the pro-life cause would have been lost for a generation. Abortion would be legal in every state. Similarly, gun rights would have been restricted instead of expanded in the Bruen decision. The Supreme Court would be expanding gun control instead of building on the Heller decision. Donald Trump’s ban on bump stocks was just overturned by the Supreme Court. Neither pro-life or Second Amendment activists have gotten everything they have wanted from Trump’s Supreme Court, but the court has shifted in their direction on these issues which is a source of bitter resentment on the Left.
The same is true of other issues which are important to activists. There is trade policy and industrial policy where Trump challenged the reigning neoliberal orthodoxy in the 2016 election. Trump killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Both parties now agree on using tariffs and industrial policy to protect American manufacturing from foreign competition. There is foreign policy where Trump negotiated the withdrawal from Afghanistan which was completed by Biden. There is immigration policy where the pro-immigration side lost the debate and comprehensive immigration reform died. Trump pushed for lower legal and illegal immigration levels throughout his presidency and finally closed the border in 2020. Affirmative action was shot down at the Supreme Court last summer. It wasn’t a slam dunk, but it was a modest win.
In a lot of areas, especially on foreign policy, trade and immigration, the Trump administration pushed in one direction and Congress and the courts pushed back in the other. Tax cuts were uncontroversial on the Right and sailed through Congress because there was no resistance on the Republican side. Withdrawing American troops from Syria was much more controversial than “repealing and replacing Obamacare” although that effort ended in defeat as well. Activists blamed Trump for his failures in this area when the real problem was the sheer number of Reaganites in Congress and the executive branch. John McCain singlehandedly defeated Trump’s attempt to repeal Obamacare and Trump’s infrastructure plan similarly went nowhere because of congressional opposition in his own party. The president doesn’t have the power to unilaterally impose his agenda on the country. Obama, Trump and Biden have all been thwarted by the same obstacles in Washington like the courts and the Senate filibuster.
If Donald Trump had lost in 2016, we would be living in a different, more unpleasant political reality than we are today. Without Trump, Tucker Carlson would have never had his show. The Overton Window would not have moved to the degree that it has on the Right. Ted Cruz would have likely been the Republican nominee in 2020. Conservatism, Inc. as it existed before Trump would have held on longer. Everything would definitely be worse off on the policy front and we would be set further back in the culture. Activists routinely compare their disappointments with Trump to an imaginary alternative future instead of to the timeline we likely would have had gotten in the eighth year of President Hillary Clinton.
Unfortunately, some of the remnants of the Alt-Right seem to have developed a culture of losing. They imagine a world where they lose their way to National Socialism or to an Apollonian Global Empire. They believe losing is a winning message. Millions of people will get so frustrated and angry with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that they will have no choice but to turn to people who want to lose some more. They are not alone in this as conservatives and libertarians similarly and laughably imagine a world in which they have lost their way to the total nationwide abortion ban or a world in which the Second Amendment is sacrosanct or a world in which Ron DeSantis is the president or the Fed has been abolished, etc. Abolitionists believe sheer conviction is sufficient to get what they want.
If you see yourself as someone who has principles, you are likely a highly engaged political activist. You are probably middle class and college educated. Politicians and normies do not share your principles. Most people do not give a shit about your principles and never will. If you are trying to impress other activists by displaying your principles instead of changing political reality, which requires focusing on and influencing politicians and normies who lack principles, you are in a circle jerk.
Winning is still better than losing at baseline. Your political enemies agree to the extent that your pious self-righteous nonsense presents an opportunity for them to advance their goals.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
13. Winning is still better than losing at baseline
For someone who tells everyone that you are not telling us to vote for Trump you sure spend a lot of time trying to convince people that he is the best candidate if they are inclined to vote.
I’m just explaining my own views. It is also something to write about
“to wield power righteously”
Oh BS, those bastards would be back to burning witches, given half a chance.
Those creeps will never address the #1,#2,#3 problems….RACE !
With their tangled screwball theology they’d have us in as bad a situation or worse.
APAC-what’s wrong with burning witches at the stake? It would be one way to get rid of Hillary! What’s wrong with enacting biblical morality? Or do you want to be able to fornicate your 16-year-old neighbor’s daughter? are Or you just pretending that the reality of God‘s law doesn’t apply to you? Get off your high horse and realize that the only way to return this country to anything resembling normalcy, is a return to the law that wants rule over this entire nation. God’s law. Nothing less.
“APAC-what’s wrong with burning witches at the stake? It would be one way to get rid of Hillary! ”
Funny 🙂
” Or do you want to be able to fornicate your 16-year-old neighbor’s daughter?”
Projecting ?
” pretending that the reality of God‘s law”
Whose God ?
In other words, your own antinomian spirit is in league with Satan and you think that by appearing (but not really being) ‘sarcastic’ you can remove the finger pointed at you. Theonomy was the reigning ideology from Justinian’s Institutes, through Renaissance Europe and was the proximate means for the Puritans and Pilgrims to come to New England to seek to build ‘a city on a hill.’ You cannot avoid it, as much as your unregenerate bastard soul would like. You will eventually bend the knee and bow to Christ God.
As Justin Martyr (d. A.D. 165) so clearly said, ‘Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel.” “Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered.” – The Pharisees, Louis Finklestein, p. xxi
“Fundamentally, Judaism is anti-Christian!”
– The London Jewish World, 1923 (Issue 337)
“There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.” – CS Lewis
“The Bible is authoritative on everything of which it speaks.?Moreover, it speaks of everything.”?? Cornelius Van Til
Even the Orthodox agree- There is no Neutrality!
“It is appropriate to note that there are no non-religious people – absolutely every person, without exception, has his own confession, his own attitude towards God, just as angels and demons have his. If a person openly or only within himself renounces God, then he, voluntarily or involuntarily, becomes the slave of His adversary.”- + Metropolitan Agafangel May 9, 2023
“Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church’s public marks of the covenant–baptism and holy communion–must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel.”
“I am arguing that the evangelical testimony of historical sanctions that was available to the nations round about ancient Israel is still in operation. [Deut. 28)….. Christian Reconstructionists assert that this covenantal tool of evangelism is still operating, and that it still impresses lost sinners” [and that] …they will inevitably be confronted with the reality of God’s sanctions in history. They cannot escape it.” – Political Polytheism, 146-7.
“Bible is authoritative on everything of which it speaks”
HA !
“much as your unregenerate bastard soul would like.”
You’re too kind.
“What’s wrong with burning witches at the stake?”
I was reading Jesus’ SHORT LIST of commandments in the Gospel of Matthew this morning, in chapter 19, where Jesus said ‘DO NOT KILL, do not fornicate, do not steal, do not lie, honour your parents, and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF,’ and his application of the law to the life of a rich young man: “Sell what you possess and give to the poor.” But the rich young man exercised his right not to spend. Evangelical Sunday School teacher and former CIA director Mike Pompeo has boasted of lying, cheating and stealing by the CIA (“We lie, we cheat, we steal”) although he did not mention the assassinations, and the mass murders. Breaking all the commandments is the NORM in this system. You say “the only way to return this country to anything resembling normalcy, is a return to (…) God’s law.” I don’t think the U.S. was ever based on the God’s law of love taught by Jesus (“do unto others as you would have them do unto you”) but on selfishness, the worship of Mammon, getting ahead of others and doing IT to others “before they do IT to you.”
Remember, you are your brother’s keeper, and your sister’s keeper – and I don’t mean prison keeper.
And again- as a woman, you are in error, and without legitimacy to speak on these issues (“Women should be silent….”). Since the Church suffuses all civilization, this verse applies quite clearly in this instance.
The term ‘neighbor’ thus, in Lk. 10, CANNOT mean ‘MEN OF DIFFERENT RACES’-
Because the ONLY RACIAL GROUPS MENTIONED IN THIS PARABLE are: A ‘man;’ (i.e., a Hebrew/Israelite, presumably) a Priest (obviously a Hebrew); Levite, the same; and a Samaritan. IN NO CASE CAN THIS PARABLE BE TWISTED TO MAKE IT A MULTICULTURAL FABLE of ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’! But let us look at the word, ‘Neighbor.’ Both in biblical usage, as well as where WE Anglos get that word.
First, the modern English definition: “one who lives near another.”
The Webster 1828 Dictionary adds this tidbit: “a nigh-bor- a boor or COUNTRYMAN living nigh.” The Greek word for ‘neighbor’ – plesion is defined exactly the same way- someone living in proximity to another. But there’s more.
So we’re getting closer. A countryman is someone LIKE YOU, from YOUR OWN COUNTRY, who looks, speaks, acts like you. A ‘brother’ in other words. This is why the Apostles (especially St. Paul) calls so many of his listeners, ‘brethren.’ Largely because the ‘Apostle to the [sic] Gentiles’ was actually talking to his countrymen/brothers when he was evangelizing the former Greek Empire’s province of what we now know today, as Turkey, in all the Pauline Epistles.
And here is the point. Who is my ‘neighbor’? Who are my ‘brethren?’ Dr. Ramsey notes:
“For two excellent reasons, this [Jas. 1:1-2] possibly is the best statement to show who the ‘brethren’ are. They are the twelve tribes of Israel by statement, and they are adelphoi in Greek. Adelphos is translated 346 times as “Brother” or “Brothers.” Dictionaries and lexicons give the PRIME MEANING as a KINSMAN (racially related).
Strong’s 80- FROM THE WOMB, near or remote
Vine- Adelphos denotes a brother, or near kinsman; in the plural a community based on IDENTITY OF ORIGIN, or life.
The words brotherhood or brethren are mostly used to indicate those have a KINSMAN-BLOOD RELATIONSHIP, rather than some common belief.” op. cit. p. 53
In other words, ‘You cannot be a brother if you come from a foreign mother!”
And, for the record, stop using the term, ‘BRO.’ It’s a lie, and nigger slang.
Just as a neighbor used to be someone who lived in your parish, was of the same religion, class, race, and countrymen status, so, too was the old term, brother.
It does NOT mean a multicultural invasion of your land, your state, city, town, neighborhood by Somali Muslims, Arab groomers, Rasenlos Faggots, Trannys, or Lesbians, nor merely people who ‘like the community.’ AT ALL. Because you have nothing in ‘COMMON’ with such persons, to MAKE a ‘COMMON-Unity’ = Community.
Got it? Good. Dear Lord, deliver us from this linguistic adulteration. Amen.
“as a woman, you are in error, and without legitimacy to speak on these issues (…) Women should be silent”:
I am a man. You are following the fashion in the U.S. of giving traditional male names such as the man’s name Meredith to girls, but most named Meredith or Meredyth are men.
“Stop using the term, ‘BRO’ (…) nigger slang”:
Again you seem to be confusing me with someone else. I do not recall having used, spoken or written that three-letter slang word. One of the regular commenters here uses it as part of a screen name, along with “Aryan,” but even in addressing responses to that commenter I have purposely left out the American slang word. You should avoid using profanity, as well as slang.
“And here is the point. Who is my ‘neighbor’ (…) Dr. Ramsey notes…”:
Your “British Israel” (or “Anglos or White Europeans are the true Israelites”) heresy seems to limit Jesus’s commandment to “do unto OTHERS as you would have them do unto you” to those genetically close relations, whereas it is in facts a universal law. Note well that Jesus said the good Samaritan was “neighbour” to the Jew who was not his countryman and in fact an enemy of Samaritans. We believe “the Light that lighteth everyman” (Gospel of John, chapter 1) “that cometh into the world” is for everyone, and ALL humanity are neighbours. All mankind (including women) are subject to the same law and capable of sin, and of repentance and salvation. As George Fox (Friend) wrote, “There is that of God in every man.”
“Be patterns, be examples in all countries, places, islands, nations wherever you come; that your carriage and life may preach among all sorts of people, and to them; then you will come to walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone; whereby in them you may be a blessing, and make the witness of God in them to bless you.” George Fox, 1686
“All bloody principles and practices, we, as to our own particulars, do utterly deny, with all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons, for any end or under any pretence whatsoever. And this is our testimony to the whole world.” – statement signed by George Fox, Gerald Roberts, Henry Fell, Richard Hubberthorn, John Boulton, John Hinde, John Stubbs, Leonard Fell, John Furley Jnr., Francis Howgill, Samuel Fisher, Thomas Moore, 1660
Sell all your stuff and hive to DEI, (ie. Didn’t earn it!)
When y’all gonna wake up from the delusion of immoral vicarious salvation? The rabbi y’all prostrate yourselves too also said this:
In John 4:22 Jesus says, “You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews” (NKJV).
Indeed, he is telling you that they know whom they “worship” … themselves as self chosen one’s … As their deity “YHWH” is not a name but a cypher reference back to themselves as this study reveals that Judah is indicated as derived from this name and that ultimately Yahweh refers to Jewry as a collective, https://theapolloniantransmission.com/2019/01/14/yhwh-my-people-as-god-an-imitable-concept/
DEI is Judaeo-Christian communism!
Well, let’s all be cannibals, because the Lord commands it!
I also will do this unto you… You shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. Leviticus 26:16
And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. Leviticus 26:29
And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters. Deuteronomy 28:53
And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them. Deuteronomy 28:57
Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother. And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied: they shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm. Isaiah 9:19-20
And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine. Isaiah 49:26
And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend. Jeremiah 19:9
Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their fathers. Ezekiel 5:10
I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another. Zechariah 11:9
Sometimes the Bible just reports, often with apparent relish, cases of cannibalism.
This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow. So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him. 2 Kings 6:28-29
The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children: they were their meat. Lamentations 4:10
Who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones; Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron. Micah 3:2-3
Heap on wood, kindle the fire, consume the flesh, and spice it well, and let the bones be burned. Then set it empty upon the coals thereof, that the brass of it may be hot, and may burn, and that the filthiness of it may be molten in it, that the scum of it may be consumed. She hath wearied herself with lies, and her great scum went not forth out of her: her scum shall be in the fire. Ezekiel 24:10-12
Even better, we can sacrifice other people. It will please the Lord.
God commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac as a sacrifice to him. And then blessed Abraham for his willingness to do so.
And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and … offer him there for a burnt offering…. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. Genesis 22:2,10
Because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son … I will bless thee. Genesis 22:16-17
God told the Israelites to sacrifice their firstborn sons to him.
Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine. Exodus 13:2
Thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD’s. And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem. Exodus 13:12
At the Midianite massacre, God’s received 32 virgin women.
Although the text doesn’t explicitly say so, these young Midianite women were probably sacrificed to him.
Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:17-18
Thirty and two thousand persons in all, of women that had not known man by lying with him. Numbers 31:35
And … the LORD’s tribute was thirty and two persons. Numbers 31:40
And Jephthah sacrificed his daughter to God.
Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah … And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD’s, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering. … And the LORD delivered them into his hands. And he smote them … with a very great slaughter. … And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances. … I have opened my mouth unto the LORD, and I cannot go back. … And … her father … did with her according to his vow which he had vowed. Judges 11:29-39
(God apparently approved of Jephthah’s sacrifice since he is listed as a hero of faith in Hebrews 11:32.)
God stopped a famine after seven of Saul’s sons (and grandsons) were hung up before him.
To end a three-year famine, David gave two of Saul’s sons and five of his grandsons to the Gibeonites to sacrifice to God by hanging their dead bodies on trees. And it worked. God stopped starving the Israelites when they were sacrificed to him.
There was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David enquired of the LORD. And the LORD answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites. … Wherefore David said unto the Gibeonites, What shall I do for you? and wherewith shall I make the atonement? … And the Gibeonites said unto him … Let seven men of his sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto the LORD in Gibeah … And the king said, I will give them. … And he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites, and they hanged them in the hill before the LORD: and they fell all seven together, and were put to death. … And after that God was intreated for the land. 2 Samuel 21:1-14
Compare the “red” letter text of the NEW Testament, especially the “Sermon on the Mount” (“the heart of the gospel”) in Matthew – a very stark contrast with the O.T. account of murder, polygamy (polygyny, so some men must remain single or their mate was taken), monarchy, oligarchy, class exploitation. slavery and genocide.
I am pointing out Friar Tuck’s source of idiocy. The OT and NT should not have been included in the same book.
The point of having the OT with its nationalist oriented doctrines of law, dogma, manner, etiquette, and civil authority with the NT with its individual oriented guidance on spirituality, morals, behaviors, codes, and ecclesiastical authority, was to show there are two realms we owe allegiance to: Civil and Church. Both are necessaey in our world but only by Christ are we granted heavenly salvation.
Hillary Clinton came out against the TPP. She initially supported it but then came out against it. It was Obama who supported it. My biggest issue with Clinton was the no fly zone in Syria.
If, and that is a big if at this point Zion Don is allowed to win in November, White Americans will not be able to go ‘back to sleep,’ as they did on January 20th, 2017. This time anti-White golems are going to go full “Summer of Floyd” from the moment the results are released.
Before then, we may get a preview of the chaos to come during the upcoming DNC in Chicongo, especially, if the jewSA forces actively joins pissrael in its war with Hezbollah and Iran.
Call it whatever label you chose, but we indeed are going to live in interesting times.
MAGAtards are on suicide watch after Rittenhouse shuns Trump.
“changing political reality (…) requires focusing on and influencing politicians and normies who lack principles”:
You seem to be recommending pragmatism, as well as populism. But populism really is pragmatic, not idealistic; it is “re-forming” instead of revolutionary. Populism supports THE NORM, which is the rule of oligarchs over misinformed, disinformed, dumbed-down “normies” who “lack principles anyway.”
“The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts”:
Yes, right-wing (and fake-left) principles/ideals/instincts are contradictions anyway. Therefore the Right is advised to concentrate on “doing what works” to get back to normalcy. Populism is system-conserving, reactionary not radical.
Always better win than lose….. Especially if lose means give the country to mad people.
To crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of their women as they are driven before you.
Fart in their general direction and remind them that their father smelled of elderberries.
Trump the vulgarian just for the LULZ!
Si se puede!
Current political questions may be moot if there is another war in the Near East, especially if oil supplies in Saudi and Iran are destroyed. Iran and Hezbollah are promising retaliation for Israel’s assassination of their leaders and Dementia Joe (his keepers, really) have promised to defend Israel. That idiot Miss Lindsey Graham wants a declaration of war against Iran.
A wide ranging war in the Near East will have severe consequences for all nations’ economies. China imports a large amount of oil from Iran/Saudi, Japan and Europe do too. Destruction of oil production would spike oil prices ruining economic prospects everywhere including the U.S. Russia will benefit from this however as a major oil producer.
The U.S. military is overextended and a big war would force the U.S. Government to “have a conversation” (as the Left says) about conscription. This is the last thing the scumbags in government and the Lügenpresse want to “have a conversation” about. They plan on forcing conscription down the public’s throat after this ridiculous election but don’t want to touch the issue now with a ten foot pole.
Economic ruin, conscription and support for Our Greatest Ally may be the topics at the center of this election in spite of both parties’ efforts to avoid these issues like the plague. Public support for conscription is zero and support for Our Greatest Ally will also go close to zero amongst the public once der Volk realise that support means economic ruin and conscription. The oligarchs and their Lügenpresse will continue their usual support of the status quo but this will be politically untenable longer term.
Events in the Near East may be about to upend politics in the U.S. in unpredictable ways. Who will win and who will lose is an open question. Events are in the saddle, not the scumbag politicians, their Lügenpresse friends or Our Greatest Ally.
I agree.
Winning is better than losing.
That is why I hope Trump heartily embraces a consistent America-First foreign policy.
Not for the sake of Andrew Anglin or Nick Fuentes.
For the sake of the MILLIONS of NORMIES from the Midwest he will need to win the election.
IN 2016, Trump was the peace candidate compared to Hillary Clinton. This helped him win America’s antiwar Heartland.
In 2024, Trump has the same Mideast foreign policy as Kamala Harris, with more abrasive rhetoric.
Without the 2016 America-First edge, this will be another typical election like 2012 and 2020 – a Democrat victory.
If Kamala positions herself as the peace candidate like Obama did in 2008, this will be a Democratic blowout.
This will be true even if Fuentes, Anglin and every other activist spends all their energy shilling for Trump and Israel First for the next 3 months.
The Arab Christians and the Muslims of Michigan and Minnesota will vote for whoever promises to end the Gaza genocide.
More importantly, the swing voters in the swing states, the isolationist descendants of Quakers and La Follete progressives in Pennsylvania and the Midwest, will be drawn to the peace candidate.
The ball is in Trump’s court. If he embraces America First, he wins. If he sticks with Israel First, he loses.
This is true no matter what right wing activists do or say.
Both candidates (right now) are Our Greatest Ally first, full stop. Neither party has been ‘America First’ since since the 1920’s when Congress rejected the League of Nations and signed the Washington Naval Treaty limiting spending on mostly obsolete warships. America First is rejected by the oligarchs who control both political parties: the public and their opinions be damned.
A big war in the Near east dragging the U.S. into direct combat would put public opinion in direct, violent opposition to the oligarchs who control both political parties. This might be more of a problem for Cackling Calico Kamala as the Democrat Party is the colored party and this includes the sizeable Moslem population in Michigan. The Moslems aren’t exactly big supporters of Our Greatest Ally and they aren’t known for being shrinking violets when it comes to letting their anger out either.
Economic failure following another war and chaos if oil supplies are interrupted will get the rest of the colored folk out into the streets, George Floyd style. These are GloboHomo’s peeps who will be looting, burning and showing their righteous indignation at the end of gibs, especially the ‘New Americans’ from South of the Border. They will not be shy about showing their hatred of White people either.
We have no dog in the fight regarding the conflicts in the Near East but public opinion counts for zero, it’s the oligarchs’ opinions that matter, they have purchased the politicians like syphilitic $10 whores.
Iran – Israel will be another overhyped nothingness like it has been for 45 years. An objective observer might look at the “conflict” and say it’s just more of the “X vs Y” fakery that we are presented with constantly. Israel vs Hezbollah might occur in a small-scale conflict (Israel/US selective missile attacks on hard targets and critical infrastructure, assassinations) but there is no way the mediocre IDF blunders into an urban war against a Hezbollah that has had almost 20 years to rearm and fortify after they knocked Israel around in 2006. And the US will not put boots on the ground to fight in Lebanon, either, because they know it would quickly become a charnel house. The US military of 2024 is not the White Southern Boy Army of 2002.
I hope you are correct but I fear the worst. Perhaps this latest trouble is just posturing, that would be the best outcome but only time will tell.
History repeats
We’re experiencing the same thing the Romans suffered 2000 years ago, jews making a violent mess in the Levant.
If only their zionist entity becomes their modern era Masada.
The last time US boots were on the ground in Lebanon, Mossad did not warn the American Marines that their base near the Beirut airport was being targeted by a hallowed out Mercedes-Benz truck full of explosives.
When that truck exploded at the USMC compound, 241 jarheads were dead.
Mossad said they didn’t choose to inform the Americans of the imminent danger because they’d lose a valuable source of intelligence.
That’s America’s “Greatest Ally.”
If you think that Hezbollah pulled the Beirut Marine barracks bombing off I have a few lots in Trump Heights to sell you. The USS Liberty proved that the jews have no problem killing US soldiers if it furthers the Greater Israel plan.
I saw both a Trump 2016 and Trump 2020 carving knives at a yard sale today.
I asked the normiecon how many stitches did he need when his surgeon removed them from his back. Of course, being a dullard normiecon, he didn’t catch my sardonic inference.
But, but, but, you just don’t understand, November. This time it’s different, this is part of Trump’s 2,972 dimensional chess, this time he really, really means it.
The old Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. This time Ol’ Chuck is going to send that pigskin through the uprights.
That was an awesome reference. I think I would have replied they ran out of catgut so it was still an open wound.
@Exalted Cyclops,
If he had tossed that retort back at me, I would have stood there in total bewilderment and wondered how he ever came to be the owner of such cringe cutlery.
I would bet that guy has at least one of those big TRUMP banners too. That was just too valuable to sell at the yard sale with the other junk.
Kyle is a kid that caught lightning in a bottle and still has stars in his eyes. Likely he is trying to build a following as an influencer and is gonna make mistakes.
Trump reached out to him and put his concerns to rest over 2A issues, which are obviously important to Kyle. Thats actually huge as an infant influencer to catch the president’s ear.
That said, libertarianism is gay, and Ron Paul isn’t even on the ballot. If he is gonna flex his influence, he should do it in a less cringey way. He’ll learn. Charlie Kirk used to be an obnoxious little bastard, but has grown up immensely in the last ten years.
I was a total moron at his age. I’m a midwit at best now. Wisdom isn’t inherent, its earned through constantly fucking things up, being humiliated and fixing it. There is no wisdom without adversity and humility.
There can also be no wisdom without the opportunity to learn that is provided by people with perspective that choose to exercise forbearance.
I’m all for cutting him some slack.
Trump should throw Rittenhouse a bone and tell him he is going to get the Hearing Protection Act enacted like he said he was going to do on the campaign trail in 2016. Then we can pick up a bag of deer corn and a 5.56 suppressor(sans $200 stamp) at the local Rural King.
“the swing voters in the swing states, the isolationist descendants of Quakers and La Follete progressives in Pennsylvania and the Midwest, will be drawn to the peace candidate”:
Friends (Quakers) have had immense influence for good, especially for peace/anti-war, far beyond our very small numbers. It’s interesting that you also mentioned the fake-socialist populist candidate La Follette, who opposed involvement in the First World War, and said he opposed the “power of the private monopoly system over the political and economic life of the American people” (note well that he never opposed THE SYSTEM as such) – clever weasel words that gained him the support of many socialists (who should have known better) and the labour unions and farm organisations, for his third-party run for President in 1924. Follette’s failure is one more proof that populism never really works, and is NOT revolutionary, and will never destroy and remove the outmoded and evil System. Populism is also never a true peace movement. If Trump does pose as a populist “peace candidate,” and if he does win, be sure that imperialist war will continue just as before, because capitalism at this its fully mature, last stage of development, when it is reaching for final universal, global monopoly, its endless global imperialist war MUST continue to escalate toward the final crescendo, or else the system will collapse under its weight like an overgrown, worn out star into a black hole. Indeed the outmoded system will collapse, regardless of who is elected (selected) to be the next President. Pray that it doesn’t destroy the planet, natural environment and humanity on the way down.
“If he embraces America First, he wins. If he sticks with Israel First, he loses”:
It really doesn’t matter who gets to be the next figurehead President of the U.sury S.ystem, especially at this its most mature, latest stage of development, with the most extreme concentration of wealth and its endless global imperialist war beginning to fail.
Hunter, you seem unaware of the fact that under clear authority of the Constitution a simple majority vote in Congress (both houses) can completely remove the jurisdiction of the federal courts, in all areas excepting some trivial matters involving foreign ambassadors.
They can theoretically impeach federal blackrobes above a certain level too. Last time they did that was in 1988 when they impeached Alcee Hastings for taking bribes in chamber. It was a D-jersey congress and Alcee joined their ranks a few years later – staying on to raise their collective IQ until he croaked in office in 2021. One might as well expect a warthog to eat with a knife and fork.
I also question whether putting Kushner and his satanic Chabad cult in charge of the federal government AGAIN is winning.
“Activists routinely compare their disappointments with Trump to an imaginary alternative future instead of to the timeline we likely would have had gotten in the eighth year of President Hillary Clinton.”
I routinely tell people that they have to deal with the world as it as, not as they wish it were.
They used to teach the kids,It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game. But that was Grantland Rice and them were the fifties. Fairness and fair play are not our core beliefs anymore. Skank boning and sticking it to the other guy before he sticks it to you, are what we have become. You can’t be a Christian if you want to ground your enemies nose into the dirty, you can be a jew though, high five clown.
“Fairness and fair play are not our core beliefs anymore. ”
That’s a WHITE man thing.
“Uz honkies gotts to get real”
“Winning is still better than losing at baseline. Your political enemies agree to the extent that your pious self-righteous nonsense presents an opportunity for them to advance their goals.”
Hunter Wallace, you make so excellent pts. – however if Winning means only incremental advancement and countries are flooded with non-whites and jews make endless wars what are we Winning ???
The only thing that matters is which candidate is better for accelerationism (and I honestly don’t know which of them is). If you think that either of them are going to make your life better in any way, that is the losing strategy.
James “Jimmy” Carter has reportedly told his son that he hopes to stay alive long enough to vote for Kamala Harris.
Carter is a decent human being, but his politics have been neoliberal and anti-White.
“Carter is a decent human being, but his politics have been…”
James Carter was a capitalist agribusinessman (large-scale peanut farmer) who went into U.S. politics, taught Sunday School and plays at being egalitarian, peace-making and caring for the poor. During his term as POTUS that began immediately post-Vietnam, it would have been difficult for the U.S. to begin a new large-scale war, but the Iranian people’s revolution – against the U.S.-backed Shah dictatorship – was strongly opposed; the colonial proxy (Israel) was given strong support over Palestine at Camp David; and the war against Afghanistan and Russia was launched using “radical Muslim” Mujahideen proxies supplied with billions of U.S. dollars and weapons including thousands of Stinger missiles, destroying Afghan secular socialism.
“Reportedly” means very little in today’s fake news envrionment. It’s hearsay. A citation to a credible source who personally overheard a conversation between Carter and his son would carry more weight.
“Carter is a decent human being,”
I’d really question that.
“Carter has reportedly told his son that he hopes to stay alive long enough to vote for Kamala Harris.”
That creepy little bastard.
About ten years ago Carter said on a radio interview “The United States is an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery.”
He was right, and if he’s voting for Harris, then he’s fine with it.
Regardless of who gets to be President or which side (which right wing) of the capitalist uni-party wins the most seats, witness the Chutzpah of the U.S.:
Today the U.S. has entered its F-16 fighter jets into the proxy/hybrid war against Russia, which have been seen flying in the skies of Khazarkraine in the area of Odessa. Some claim they are already being used to launch missiles into Lugansk, Russia, which came under heavy missile and artillery attack today as the Empire of the Almighty Dollar “doubles down” on the war to destroy Russia. The U.S. and its proxies, Khazarkraine and Israel, must keep doubling down, cannot stop attacking, because imperialist war is existential for the system. Zelensky officially announced the arrival of the F16s gifted by the U.S. and posted a video of them in action. Do you really think electing Trump instead of Kamala will stop or even de-escalate any of these wars? Impossible, absurd!
Today, on the Lord’s Day, the evil shepherds, the hired career priests/pastors of the evangelical so-called “churches” (local franchises of the multi-billion-dollar industry of fake Christian churches) of the U.S. are standing in their pulpits beating their drums for more war, and “praying” for “Israel’s victory” before they serve communion. It is Palestinian and Russian and other victim nations’ blood that they’re serving and drinking, in their sin without repentance, next to the U.S. flag that is always displayed by their altars.
White Nationalists in the U.S. are reveling in views of the race riots in the U.K.
Note well that the Starmer regime has moved very slowly (Starmer was out of touch for days, and not just to observe the Jewish sabbath) to stop the Whites’ anti-immigration protests and the immigrants’ anti-White protests, probably because they are very useful (the far right is serving its purpose, and if the far right did not exist, it would need to be invented) at this time, as a distraction, as well as the usual divide-and-rule (dividing the workers) while the Anglo-Talmudic Empire is preparing to massively escalate the war against Arabs and Persians (Iran), and against Russia and China, and to protect the Zionist settler colony. The competing protests and the war escalation are not innocently coincidental. The ongoing anti-immigration protests in the U.K. are equivalent to the managed, expected, known-to-be-coming-long-ahead-of-time angry outbreak of Palestinians through the walls of the Gaza concentration camp last October. No doubt the protesters will be punished as severely as the Starmer regime declares (years in prison for ‘all those who took part,’ and cameras are everywhere), but in the meantime the protests (both sides) are serving at least three purposes: divide and rule, distraction from the war, and an excuse to fully shut down (‘crack down’ on) the remnants of online free political speech in the U.K.
With the likes of Tommy Robinson and other WN far-right activists leading them down another dead end, the anti-immigration protesters are accomplishing nothing good.
The leadership of a real British Socialist party is needed to help them understand that the system that is the real enemy, and how to overthrow the capitalist class and usury system and replace it with a real people’s republic.
Tommie Robinson is not a WN. He is a paid anti-Islam agent of the British israel lobby.
Robinson on agitates against muslim immigrants and immigration.
WNs don’t want want any non-European immigrants or immigration, and want those inside their nations repatriated back to their nations of origin. That goes for the ones that corrupt governments granted citizenship and asylum to.
Robinson is not of that POV, so please do not include him as a genuine WN. He is not.
I think a distinction needs to be made between two different types of WN “Activists,” of which I was kind of always one myself, and which I’ve become more of as the 2020s roll on.
-Contrarians/Alt-MSNBC: These guys were always libtards at heart, and they never did shed it. They imagine a world where the likes of Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden become race conscious in a Pro-White way. Their enthusiastic support of the lockdowns and the vax mandates outed them as having fundamentally Pro-System impulses, which makes them nothing more than the liberal version of Boomer contards who imagined back in the Reagan and Bush II days that the CIA and the military are implicitly on “their side.” In short, activists such as this are useless.
-True Believers/Cynics: I think this accurately describes most National Socialists that moonlight in the Pro-White movement. Someone like Kevin Alfred Strom, Will Williams, the excellent commenter who goes by “Scott” on Counter Currents, commenters here on OD such as November, and increasingly, myself.
I’m not interested in “Owning the Chuds” as a reactionary impulse to “Owning the Libs,” which at this point has been professionally systematized into GOP vote farming by the Orthodox Jewish woman who runs the “LibsofTikTok” account.
I think conservatives and liberals alike are both pathetic creatures with the wrong values whose culture war against each other benefits the system by feeding into the Democrat vs. Republican “lesser of two evils” strategy that has proven so effective at entrenching the existing power structure.
There has always been a divide between Paleocons who wish to Go Back To The Way Things Were, and NatSoc types who accurately identify the Third Reich as both a blueprint for the future, and as the highest manifestation yet of Pro-White values and the Pro-White worldview.
Paleocons are Pro-White too, but their worldview is limited and short. It doesn’t matter if we get tariffs, a decent foreign policy, or an end to illegal immigration if the demographics continue to become nonwhite, and thus, if the racial stock that keeps us all on the upward path is lost. The Browning of America and Europe will continue unabated regardless of whether Trump returns to the White House or not.
I envision a world where the following realities are hegemonic and taken for granted:
-A mass society, with first world standards of living all around, in which the civilians/peasants are explicitly and unapologetically protected by the powerful central government through the rapid enforcement of policies such as the Death Penalty for violent criminals, militarized borders, and an explicit delineation between “Us” and “Them.” This means both White vs. nonwhite as well as Aryan vs. Jew, as the situation dictates.
-A government which is staffed and run by a fanatical cabal of Plato’s “Philosopher Kings who have friendly relationships both with the military generals and the economic elites, whose private property they are allowed to keep only if they don’t violate the national interest, which is to say, what is “Good for the Race.” Private property can and will be seized unilaterally without recompense if it is used to violate this interest.
-An education system that indoctrinates the civilians/peasants with the correct values, that way when they grow up, they’ll be running on autopilot and living in such a way that advances the race without them explicitly knowing about it (thinking about race explicitly makes them uncomfortable, and therefore, less pliable and less agreeable).
-A state run media system, or, alternatively, a nonprofit media system, that mostly reports the boring news of the day, but also has a sophisticated “opinion/hot takes” division that serves the same end as the education system: To indoctrinate the peasants with Pro-White values. To tell them what to think. The peasants must be protected. They also must be told what to think. It is mostly through the peasantry that the next generation of the race is born. But the peasantry has proven too susceptible to lies and fairy tales to be trusted with decision making authority.
-In addition to everyday protection and economic security of the peasant population, the explicit goal and purpose of the centralized government will be to enact policies and programs that make the White Race better with each generation. Any and all means are justified in pursuing this goal, including the banishment of Christianity from within the peasant population. The initial backlash this will generate from some of the peasants in a pro-Jewish and pro-diversity direction is irrelevant. It must be done. Christian teachings are Jewish poison in their entirety.
-As it relates to the rest of the nonwhite world, the White Race will go vertical, not horizontal. Existing institutions and infrastructure is mostly sufficient to take what we need horizontally from the rest of the world in terms of natural resources. If the environmentalists are correct about climate change, if China goes through with its plan for worldwide revenge against the White Race, and if Israel has any capacity whatsoever to launch Operation Sampson, then the solution is to eventually get off this planet and wander into the great beyond. Come what may. Vast resources should be poured into terraforming and sustainability. A world that looks like Amazon show “The Expanse,” with space travel to and fro between Earth, Mars, and the Asteroid Belt, should be pursued.
-If going vertical is physically impossible, then Fortress Europe and Fortress North America will have to suffice. In that scenario, we should probably take over and colonize the whole southern temperate zone, such as the southern portions of South America, which the Spanish should have done anyways. We need living space, we need resources, and we need physical security. We shouldn’t be forced to share it with hostile predators of our species out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness or global unity, which only benefits those who are just waiting for the right moment to stab us in the back and plunder us. This accurately describes most of the nonwhite races of the world, whether they would admit it explicitly or not.
All that and more is part of the future that is necessary if the White Race is to survive and thrive. Yes, this will require us to evolve and grow the hell up. Various sections of the White Nationalist movement have hinted at all of this over the years. This is a radical movement full of radical people. Many of those radical people are indeed marginal figures. Losers, even. But others have the stuff within them that can, will, and must change the world. For every 10 incel dwelling basement freaks, there is 1 erstwhile hero. This movement has way more bad than good, but the good is all we need.
A Donald Trump presidency would do nothing to advance the world in a Pro-White direction. Trump’s instincts are a mixture of paleocon and self-interest. While this threatens the hivemind system that is singularly focused on worldwide Jewish Supremacy under the guise of “private property rights” and “doing the right thing,” it is not in the interests of White Nationalism or the White Race to support Donald Trump in the 2024 election. I will not vote for him, I encourage other WNs not to vote for him, and insofar as we should vote at all, it should be for candidates who explicitly oppose Jewish power and Jewish interests, not for philosemite sycophants such as Trump who will enact and enable more of the same.
Yes, this is all an absolutist agenda. It’s also the only way things will change for the better. National Socialism provided us a blueprint. We should expand in it and use it, updating it accordingly to the modern times. Of which we are modern race. It is through us that ever higher states of consciousness are reached. It is through us that the world becomes a better place. It is through us that linear progress – the purpose of life itself – is achieved.
Right Wing Progressivism is the wave of the future.
“Right Wing Progressivism is the wave of the future.”
Financial disaster is the future .
Only question is, ‘when’?
It looks like that train might be pulling into the station I the near future. Hence, their lust for an event (i.e., WWIII) that an economic “reset” could be rolled out.
I really hope some trump surrogate shoved a bunch of money up your ass.
Team Losing chimes in
You are giving way too much publicity to these “Abolitionists” (ultra extreme anti abortion wackos) Just who exactly are these people? A computer on a desktop somewhere in South Carolina? Is the “we” as big as that nonexistent “Freedom Club” that the Unabomber pretended included people other than himself in his manifesto? The whole Dobbs decision was an absolute disaster for the GOP that tarnished it’s name among the female voters who decide elections. This is the type of bitter pill that you force on an unwitting public only after achieving absolute power. Besides, right now there are way too many people in the world for everyone to have a sustainable 1st world lifestyle. Bill Gates and the “trilateral commission” at Davos are actually correct about this, Imagine for one how much more livable America would be with 180 million people rather than 350 million? And are we on our way to 700 million to be packed in like Sardines like in China? Do we want a world with no privacy like in that old Star Trek episode “The Mark of Gideon”? There was some guy from India at work who likes rural Illinois, he said he likes stepping out his door and not having a million people around everywhere staring at him. But as I’ve said before, the GOP top echelon must have been living in an evangelical bubble in Columbia SC or something to have thought that overturning Roe was a good idea. They’ve forced all women to work, even developing a bloated health care industry and education racket to employ all these females. Any woman who is struggling out there understands that an unwanted pregnancy is an absolute economic disaster in this dog eat dog world of 21st century, post modern America. Along with a personal embarrassment as well, every woman with here ear tuned to the tracks knows the score, having a bastard child is pretty much the very definition of being a trashy person and losing status. Illegitimacy is the defining aspect of the lower class, a repentant woman can always quit smoking weed, cover up the tattoos, and get her act together, but once that bastard child is in her life for the next two decades there is no escape from that and she’s permanent trash for the rest of her life. Well GOP, you got rid of your detested Roe, now it’s time to sleep in that bed and see how you like it? Enjoy it while it lasts, president Kamala will probably appoint a judge in the next four years that reverses that whole thing anyway.
A reminder that winning doesn’t mean victory. The establishment power structure can do what it wants, and has been doing so for way longer than most of us have been alive.
If anything should have started Civil War 2, it was the coup against Nixon. Didn’t happen though. Never underestimate the capacity for people to cuck under pressure.
Trunp won’t have this mandate. He is vulnerable even if he wins the election.
I cannot vote For Harris as she is not white. Sorry I say it like it is. We cannot allow Harris/Walz to win in 2024
I would believe that we’re better off with Trump winning, but we need to be realistic about who were dealing with here. Like JD Vance, he claims to be a ‘hillbilly’, how many working class whites do any of us know who went to Yale Law School? How many rednecks are married to women named Usha, who looks like they’re from Bangladesh? Or working guys who help Silicon Valley billionaires invest their money? I think Vance may be a 21st century version of Ronald Reagan, he sold himself as an ordinary guy from next door helping with your garden and lawn mowing. He was actually a rich prick elitist who spent most of his political career representing other sun belt rich types avoid taxes and fighting any control over the rich taking advantage of others.
Reagan might have been poor growing up, but never after that.