The English are fed up with "Don't Look Back In Anger" and you are blackpilling? https://t.co/q8twFQgD3v
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) August 4, 2024
I've never liked his snake pic.twitter.com/D9wkeD3IkJ
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) August 5, 2024
“Weak Men Create Hard Times”
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 5, 2024
Also Britains New Prime Minister ? pic.twitter.com/fTcDhlMfvZ
— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) August 5, 2024
African immigrant gang beats up lone Briton in Sheffield.pic.twitter.com/4A3Z4xF7T7
??? “Am I going to be locked up for the night? Do I need to bring my medications?”
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 5, 2024
Welcome to 2024 Britain where The Police arrive at your home to arrest you for comments made on Facebook.
As Britain descends into lawless chaos – the Governments priority clearly isn’t fixing… pic.twitter.com/YmxBj92aCl
— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) August 5, 2024
Irish people hold an anti-immigration march in NewtownmountKennedy.
“Foreigners Out!”pic.twitter.com/AUFsiPHEg9
“GET OUT” – The Holiday Inn at Tamworth which houses illegals. pic.twitter.com/eECXF1Ndiw
— SL (@Steve_Laws_) August 5, 2024
An English man is hunted by a pack of foreigners in Bolton. One of them can be heard saying “you’re a member of the EDL” pic.twitter.com/EQGUi6431n
— SL (@Steve_Laws_) August 5, 2024
Middlesbrough yesterday. Invaders attacking natives, laughing about it, then uploading it on tiktok. https://t.co/waPK7ZXVha pic.twitter.com/tY8LltGQZD
— SL (@Steve_Laws_) August 5, 2024
Keir Starmer: "There's no two-tier policing… that's a non-issue." pic.twitter.com/AHibofjPRT
— Haggis_UK ?? ?? (@Haggis_UK) August 5, 2024
Someone posted this on the discord. pic.twitter.com/OCdQunjq68
— Callum (@AkkadSecretary) August 5, 2024
‘Pakis out…pakis out’
— The Daily Sneed™ (@Tr00peRR) August 5, 2024
As with the stock market collapse, I have been following the news out of the UK on X.
Riots, knifings, rapes, gang pimping, but at least, thank God, they aren’t speaking German.
. . . or being RAYCISS!
Too bad they didn’t protest their government 110 years ago for sending them off to get slaughtered for absolutely no reason whatsoever. All of this might have been avoided.
“ United States of AIPAC
AUGUST 5, 2024 AT 1:09 PM
Riots, knifings, rapes, gang pimping, but at least, thank God, they aren’t speaking German.”
I respond:
There are so so many lies about NS Germany and how they treated conquered, occupied White populations.
The dumb as# American patriotards always bash the French when nationalists in France didn t go along with one of the pointless Je# Neo axon wars in Iraq:
“ those French never fight, they d all be speaking German if we hadn t saved their cowardly French as”es”
The Germans didn t try to make the French stop speaking French, or the Danes stop speaking Danish or the Dutch stop speaking Dutch.
My very Slavic Russian Great Aunt Sonia who lived in Paris from around 1927- 2000 said the German occupation of Paris was very safe and orderly and German officers would give up their seats to ladies like her on the Paris metro. She said the German occupation forces treated her and other French Parisians with fairness UN key they were resistance terrorists and then the Germans would find them and kill them .
So I say now:
“ Hey any remaining White Angle Saxon English, Brits left behind in not so merry old England – have you apologized to your/our German kinsmen yet? Have you got down o. Your knees to say how sorry you are to Grand Dad AH? They/ he was right, Churchill , FDR and his ugly lesbo wife Eleanor were wrong.please say you are sorry now and start a new course like Horst Wessell.”
“Britain Finally Explodes In Anger”
60 years too late.
Even Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech was late in the game.
Edward VIII was right, alliance with NSD Germany was the best path for Britain.
It was the plan of the Nazis to settle friendly Nazi Moslems, Hindus, and Blacks into the UK after occupation. This is just a continuation of that policy.
Do you have a link to that, Rabbi?
Lying again, as usual.
“African immigrant gang beats up lone Briton”
It will devolve to tribal warfare, with one group eventually exterminating the other. this is the path of natural selection. To deny this is to deny 3 billion years of nature’s process. Anything else is only artificially blocking nature’s design, temporarily.
Nature will rule out.
The fact that it takes a dozen of them to take on one white person is why they will be kicked out before long.
You have something to worry about when a single foreigner is able to take out a single white man.
It takes a dozen of them to be brave enough to take on a teenager.
That’s why the Kosher Nostra are fretting so much–white folk there are getting organized.
“As with the stock market collapse,”
Bank of Japan had to arrest the carry trade, it was wrecking the yen.
All this artificial money and artificial interest is a tangled web.
I know an Irish guy with a roofing business. He got 10 trucks and 20-25 labourers and not a one is documented. He has had enough of those immigrants too. Trump is no different. Trump would not hire a white man to shine his shoes and you folks are going to vote for him.
Brad is gleefully voting for Trump. Thing is Zion Don doesn’t care about working class Whites only Blacks and Jews. Only someone with a severe mental illness would vote for him in 2024.
The country would be clearly much better off under Trump than under the alternative. How can any sane person deny this? Just because he doesn’t give you your fantasyland you would rather see the bus go full throttle towards the Democrats ESG cliff?
“Trump would not hire a white man ”
Hell no, he’d have to pay a living wage and a few benefits.
Most rich are like that. Few will pay a good wage to a WHITE.
The British people, namely the English, the Welsh, The Scottish, the Ulsters, and the Irish, are justified in burning the governing Establishment to the ground after the decades of crime and treason by this neo-liberal class of robber barons.
If the government comes down hard on people, they would have every right by the laws of men and God to begin fighting back directly against the police, councils, magistrates, and ministers who have actively aided and abetted the colonizing, robbing, looting, and pillaging of the realm.
After all the decades of suffering at the hands of their oppressors, their children raped by foreign gangs, their youth assaulted by non-White gangs, the old violates in their homes by diverse mobs, I fully understand the British people’s anger and wouldn’t be surprised if this escalates.
If you want to go to hell, just follow a jew, they will take you there.
But you want to make sure the “chosen people”are safe most of all.
Just wanted to slide in for a moment. I’ve deliberately maintained a much lower profile on social media and ye olde internets in general and will continue to do so for several more months, based on good advice from others. That, and I just got back after a month in St. Louis, finally got to fulfill a promise to my wife. But I’ve been paying attention to your “The Case for Trump” series. And I should say that, whatever you’re eating, drinking or smoking, keep it up. Because you’re really at your peak of cogent intellectual writing.
I need you to get in touch with me when you have the time, because there is something important you need to know, just between you me and the gatepost, not for everybody’s ears. countenance.blog@gmail.com or countenance.blog@protonmail.ch
How very, very disappointing to see Nigel Farage being so two-faced about the crisis in Britan. Why or how should I not be surprised as this pt. ?
Starmer dropped UK’s objection to the ICC/arrest warrants on Satanyahoo and other Israhellis, then he stopped sending weapons to Israhell.
On que, Mossad agent Yaxley Lennon and his merry band of EDL Mossadniks start riots in several cities, and surprise, they seem well funded.
This has nothing to do with immigration, and everything to do with Israhell putting pressure on Starmer to reverse those two positions.
Interesting and plausible perception. When analyzing these things the professionals are taught to look at other perceptions against each other. In this case, the same logic can be applied to say some other foreign power is exploiting pre existing divisions and injustice as much as Israel.
Regardless, if this response to a racist hate crime against White schoolgirls by an African origin 17 year old male, was funded or coordinated by a foreign power, the fact is, the people are justified in their righteous anger. Consequently, these riots have everything to do with immigration. The problem is seeing this justified anger not redirected toward ends different than what mobilizes them.
Good comment. Good point about “Tommy Robinson,” who was staying in a luxury hotel in Cyprus when the riots “broke out.” Note well that the Starmer regime moved unusually slowly (Starmer was out of touch for days, and not just to observe the Jewish sabbath) to begin to address the phenomenon (these protests or riots). Why were they allowed to develop to such an extent before the government/regime really began “cracking down”? I think the riots are useful to the system. The Far Right is again serving its vital purpose for conserving the system (if the far right did not exist, it would need to be invented!) – as a distraction from the immanent escalation from cold to hot war against the indigenous people of the Levant (Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese) and the Persian, Russian and Chinese peoples – as well as the usual divide-and-rule (dividing the workers) effect. A third purpose that these riots serve is creating an excuse for the regime to “crack down on,” fully censor and shut down all real LEFT communication on the internet. A fourth purpose is to stir up Muslims to defend themselves, in order to demonize Muslims, making non-Muslim British people “appreciate what the Israelis have to deal with.” A fifth purpose is to try to create division between Muslims and non-Muslims within the anti-Zionist anti-genocide movement in Britain.
Do you have photos and non White racial media documenting the current UK Labor PM has a Jewish wife, had converted and is being secretly championed as Je”ish by Jewish media in and out of Israel?
Well, although Meredith and I have our differences I appreciate many of his posts. He is probably referring to this article from “”Duh, Jew Community” (((The JC))). It quite literally reports Red Starmer holds sabbath beginning on Friday night with his family on behalf of his Jewish wife.
As I reported earlier Starmer isn’t Jewish but his wife is half Jewish. Her mother, an obvious vacuous retard, and community doctor for the NHS, converted to Judaism so she get some big Jewish c#$k and gave birth to Starmer’s wife Victoria Alexander.
Mrs Alexander ( I think she still keeps her maiden fake gentle name like the feminist fake Jew she is), attends a liberal synagogue that more resembles a Unitarian Church than a synagogue. Its filled with rainbow posters and pictures of Nelson Mandela and mantras of self improvement.
Anyways, Starmers an atheist commie, his wife is a fake Jew, and both can go do hell. Here is the link to Starmer wasting his time eating gefilte fish last week.
From the article that you linked:
“Combating antisemitism, and standing with the Jewish community, have been an important part of Starmer’s ‘changed’ Labour Party. This has triggered a 50 point swing to Labour among Jewish voters. The Conservatives still have a slight lead in the Jewish community, with more Jews trusting Sunak than Starmer. Even with his wife bringing Judaism to Downing Street, Keir Starmer still has a way to go in gaining the support and trust of Jews in the UK.”
Labour has a balancing act, pretending to be “the party of workers” while actually serving plutocracy and Talmudism, so it cannot denounce the evil masters who split their vote between the two twin parties just like they do in the U.S. between the Democratic and Republican parties that create the illusion of a choice.
In my hasty comment above I incorrectly stated that the Prime Minister attends that synagogue regularly. He observes regularly at home.
The President of Argentina Javier Milei was also said to be “not Jewish,” only a supporter, and then an active follower in the process of formal conversion, but now reveals his blood heritage: https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-796673
However I do not subscribe to or believe in genetic determinism, “the one drop rule” and other racist misconceptions. The “purest blood” descendants of the Jews of the Bible are in fact the indigenous people of Palestine.
“Starmers an atheist commie, his wife is a fake Jew”:
(1) Starmer might be atheist, but he talks about his “faith,” and goes to synagogue every Friday.
(2) He is not “Red Starmer.” He is strongly anti-communist. He is capitalist “to the bone” (as Nancy Pelosi said about herself and the Democrats – she said: “sorry, we’re all capitalists” and “we’re capitalist to the bone”).
(3) Starmer’s wife is not a “fake Jew,” but a reverted real Ashkenazic Jew, like her Polish Jew father, and her mother who converted, even though the Starmers happen to attend the most “liberal” kind of synagogue where some members may be critical of Netanyahu, instead of the explicitly Talmudic “conserva-dox” kind that you consider to be “real” Jewish.
(4) Starmer is very Zionist. He opposes even the mild boycott and divestment (from West Bank settler industry) movement, and he denounced his fellow Jew liberal Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for Corbyn’s mild support of Palestine.
(5) You may not like Starmer because he is not leading the charge vigorously enough against Palestine and other Muslim “sand ……” people. But as the Labour leader he must act the part of a progressive liberal, and even fake socialist, like the Democrats and the Democratic party in the U.S., so that the working class and lower middle class voters don’t lose faith in the Labour party and the system. Labour is still seen as “the workers’ party” by most of the working class who still vote, including Muslim workers, so he has to play the part. It is all deception.
“synagogue every Friday”:
I just noticed this ridiculous error. I must read my comments carefully before posting them.
However a Prime Minister of the U.K. is a mere puppet mouthpiece, not worthy of serious attention. Look at the whole, vast forest of evil, not one little tree’s genetics.
@Meredith Mynyddog,
not buying most of it; analysis too complicated
“not buying most of it”:
Do you really think these riots are spontaneous and “organic,” versus being mostly orchestrated by the system that includes Zionists, Mossad, the EDL (English Defense League) and “Tommy Robinson”? I mentioned at least five purposes that the anti-Muslim rioting serves, but I realize that the orchestrators might not have all of those purposes consciously in mind. Watch one of the chief instigators here, see what you think:
George Galloway, although not fully socialist and not ethnocentric enough, is pretty accurate on this subject:
To clarify, I understand that to most Englishman this has everything to do with immigration and The Great Replacement. My point is, the originators of these riots are Mossad and the Mossad assets working for Israel in England, especially Yaxley Lennon and the EDL. If the Jews hadn’t wanted these riots in order to put the pressure on Starmer the riots would not have happened. If you understand Jewish tactics you would believe also that the outrageous stabbing by the invader would not have happened. This is a Mossad op from A to Z. But not to denigrate the normies out in the streets fighting back.
My advice to them would have been the same advice I gave people going to the Stop The Steal on J6: don’t go, don’t fall into the trap, your life will be ruined for nothing.
Good comment, Rangewolf. You are thinking clearly.
What’s going on is described in its US version by Neo-Feudal Review here. It’s the UK edition of the RR: An operation to get potential resistance riled up so as to expose themselves to the Panopticon in order to crush and imprison them all. That’s why “Tommy Robinson” started the bullshit story about the three girls being murdered a deranged Muslim. While the UK badge-goons are beating the crap out of the white ‘deplorables’, they stand-down as Muslims armed with machetes and knives attack.
“Note well that the Starmer regime moved unusually slowly (Starmer was out of touch for days, and not just to observe the Jewish sabbath) to begin to address the phenomenon (these protests or riots).”
Starmer’s a raving atheist of what appears to be also atheistic parents. He is a total blockhead as a result. His mind his fully concrete and is perfectly unemotional. He could easily sign an order directing the execution of millions of British subjects simply for being bourgeoisie. A more thoroughly disgusting person hasn’t entered 10 Downing Street since I’ve been alive. That would include Tony Blair who is anoiece of shit on multiple levels. He actually has a heart in comparison to Red Starmer.
Are the Israelis in the room with you right now?
Hunter wrote: “Britain finally explodes in anger”:
Not really. Tens of thousands were involved in these protests or riots for a few days, whereas HUNDREDS of thousands, up to one MILLION, have also been “exploding in anger” FOR MONTHS against the U.S.-UK (using Israel as proxy) genocide of the indigenous people of Palestine. Mainstream media has done its best to ignore, cover up and down-play the anti-genocide movement that has been continuing for most of a year, yet it gives 24/7 coverage and exaggerates the scale of these localised race riots that have lasted only a few days. Like the U.S. election of Trump or Kamala, these race riots are a minor issue not worth dwelling on or even mentioning when the entire world is about to burn.
I couldnt care less about any non-Whites being wiped out.I only support the Palestinians because they hate the Jews.I couldnt care less about the million protestors except that they weaken the Jews.I do care about Whites.Nordic Whites.Whites being oppressed in England,America,Europe et all is my only concern,its not trivia.Let this world burn if its ruled by Jews or muds.
“Let this world burn if its ruled by Jews or muds.”
It very well may, if Voltaire’s prediction comes true, that they may prove deadly to the human race.
You’re likely correct and absolutely so about “Tommy Robinson”, but it looks like his op is only part of what’s going on. I saw where they torched a migrant center in Rotherham, a very appropriate place for one to be torched. Pity they didn’t light up some badge-niggaz and magistrates at the same time. They all have it coming, along with the colonizing parasites (for whom the badge-niggaz always stand down).
In Ulster, both Protestants and Catholics are joined together in opposition to the invaders and their enablers. Shades of the United Irish of 1798. Glad to see some Brits have finally had enough. Good for them, and ‘more power to their wheel’.
Might be true. But sadly, much like the United Irishman were used by the Papists to overwhelm their own fellow Irish Protestant Patriots in Southern Ireland, the Papists in Northern Ireland will do the same. The pattern continues.
Your people the Jews own all the wealth.They reside in the City of London as you know,which is in London.The Papists have no power and do you Jews bidding.You Jews have made sure its homosexual through and through,all your agents.
As usual you are correct Cyclops.Robinson has always been as Jewed up as can be.He flies his big Jewish Satanic flag at marches and directs Whites into ways the Jews want them directed.To anyone with discernment from the Lord,Robinson looks like a fraud from head to toe.But God will give courage and direction to the White people made in His image and all the deceivers will be cast aside.Go England and Ireland.Show the world how its done.
It needs to spread all over Europe. It is a life or death situation now. As Shakespeare said “To be or not to be!”
the govn.’s of Europe need to be toppled. Expel the immigrates.
“Expel the immigrates”:
If you really could expel the millions of immigrants without overthrowing the system itself, what have you gained? If the system ever decides to “purify the race” of workers because somehow it would be more profitable for the elites than racially mixing the workers, it would begin doing so immediately, but you would still be just as exploited, ruled by the same oligarchs. What James Connolly wrote a century ago about Irish revolution applies to you: “If you remove the English Army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle., unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts will be in vain. England will still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.” “Yes, friends, governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class.” “The Irish people will only be free, when they own everything from the plough to the stars.”
> If you really could expel the millions of immigrants without overthrowing the system itself, what have you gained?
One cannot be done without the other. The migrants are there as a result of the usury-racketeering scam. Outlaw usury and the whole sinking Neo-Babel Tower of Coprolite crumbles. It’s much easier to arrest or liquidate the tens of thousands of treasonous assholes in various government positions and NGOs than to round up and deport millions of parasites they enabled to invade. The parasites will self-deport when the rotten totally corrupt system collapses. Hence the battle cry: Burn it down better!
“Outlaw usury”
In the 1400s, the Venetian Republic capped interest at 5% to limit usury, that’s when many Jews left for easier pickins, in other gentile nations.
Meredith Mynyddog ” Unless you set about the organization of the socialist republic your efforts will be in vain ” NO !! I disagree wholeheartedly, they need socialism, about like they need a rather large hole in their head’s, the Irish, Green and Orange, like the English, like the Scottish and yes the Welsh, need the ARM’S and COURAGE of the PIRATE, the HIGhWAYMAN, THE NEW WORLD SETTLER, GIRDING themselves with the TESTICULAR FORTITUDE of the TOMMY BOY and the WHOLE ARMOR of JESUS CHRIST and yell like FURIE’s when you charge !!!!!!!… We the PATRIOTS and SOLDIERS of THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC, WE SALUTE YOU !!!….
You are very bellicose, and if this was 1861, I think you’d do it again. Real, direct combat experience with a peer adversary changes most minds about the imagined “glory” of war. The spiritual “armor” referred to in Ephesians 6:1 should be protecting you from the temptation to hate, fight, and kill, and other sins. Nowhere in the New Testament is carnal, physical warfare glorified or enjoined.
“they need socialism, about like they need a rather large hole in their head”:
If you don’t establish a socialist Southern republic, you will get the present system by default, when (if) you secede. You will continue to ruled (I’m assuming you are middle class or working class) by the same class and usury system. You won’t really be any free-er, or less servile, than you are now.
” If the system ever decides to “purify the race” of workers because somehow it would be more profitable for the elites than racially mixing the workers, it would begin doing so immediately, but you would still be just as exploited, …”
sounds to me your anti-capitalist and convinced this is source of all problems, problem is that this 3rd worlders are more of a drain on money than enrichment.
Don’t riot. Educate.
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant” – Maximilien Robespierre
“the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant”
Worse yet, fill their minds with false ‘knowledge’… Only one race, the human race…we all bleed red… We’re all immigrants… Diversity is our…..
And the people lap it up , like pigs at slop.
The honest truth is that violence is the champion game changer. Most people don’t want to be truly educated.
“It needs to spread all over Europe. It is a life or death situation now. As Shakespeare said “To be or not to be!””
I like the cut of your jib.
My Amen was not meant for the hasbara FED Aryan Globo.
Burn this MOFO down works for us now.
But be ready for the Ordo ab Chao crackdown.
Make good commie time is almost here.
Si se puede!
Why so serious” commie time is almost here ” YES, time to bury the BOLSHEVIK !!!!…
I remember when “Don’t Look Back in Anger “ came out in the mid 90s . I think England was still very white at the time ( over 90% ?). Sad thinking how quickly all this happened.
Yes. I remember England from the 1980s and 1990s. It still looked vaguely recognizable even as late as the early aughts.
Thatcher had really clamped down on immigration during her Ministership. But it itched up during Major, and then took off under Blair, and when into full overdrive from 2005 on. I recall talkng to a couple politicians during the 2010s who told me the UK didn’t even really know how many people where in the Island anymore. It definitely feels far more crowded than the 67,500,000 it officially has. UK had 57,500,000 in the early 90s. It feels far larger than an extra 10,000,000.
The full effects of the self aggrandizement, even treason of the Secular neo-liberal White governing class over the last 30 years, has not yet been felt. Even much of the notoriously insular governing class is starting to realize what a catastrophe they have presided over.
This is only the beginning of the unraveling of the UK. What comes next is tumult, likely tyranny, and probably rebellion resulting in the wholesale destruction of the neo-liberal government class or the British people. There isn’t room for the tiny island for both.
Maybe you anti-Christ Jews can save the day! (Papist,Papist,Papist,Papist!)
I heard Nick F is defending the Muslim rioters.
Nick is against any patriotic movement that he is not directly influencing. Typical of narcissistic homosexuals.
Try and imagine my total shock that FBI informant Fuentes is siding with invaders, if you can. It’s almost as shocking as Dickey Spencer’s ‘Apollonian’ praise for the French Olympic Clown-World festivities.
Do you mean Farage?
My mistake Exalted Cyclops.I don’t keep up with beaner Fuentes and had no idea he was involved in English affairs.I just assumed you meant Nigel Farage since some were saying supported the darkies over the White English patriot protestors.
“I heard Nick F is defending the Muslim rioters.”
Fuentes is totally unreliable. He’s a larping man-child.
Britain isn’t a country, it’s a tyranny.
Just because the government is evil doesn’t mean the people are as well . I hope the best for the British people at this point. Why wouldn’t we?
The upper class has always been the problem with Britain.
The historical Upper Class in the UK was a key part of the UK’s success. That Upper Class which you German Papist symps hate is no more. Unlike the American Upper Class, the British Upper class historically served in military action and senior politics. Thus, it was torn apart in two world wars, the Great Depression, Labour Party Socialism, and Decolonialization during the Cold War.
The new British Establishment, like its American counter part is more Judeo-Papist, atheistic, managerial, and nouveau riche, and doesn’t like to serve in the military and less in politics. Although aspects of the old Estableshment still survive in highly reduced form, and perhaps still has some influence, compared to the likes of Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones and Hibdu-Moslem oligarchs like the last PM, they are a decidedly minor player.
A good point in history to note when its power finally died was when Lord Richard Cecil Salisbury, 2nd son of the powerful noble family, the Salisbury’s was killed during a Rhodesian Fire Force assault during the Bush War in 1978. Shortly, after, his brother, a long time Pro-Rhodesian legislator in Parliament asked PM Ian Smith of Rhodesia to resign. The Old Establishment has been in ever weakening retreat ever since.
Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Troll,
The good doctor had your number.
“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out”.”
? Joseph Goebbels, Goebbels on the Jews: The Complete Diary Entries – 1923 to 1945
I would add; Call him a hasbara troll, a bad actor, a shapeshifter, and the jew will call you a Papist.”
The two main reasons for jewish penetration of the British aristocracy was the introduction of civil marriage, and the admission of jews to hereditary peerage on par with the native elite beginning with Natan Mayer Rothschild. Marriage without religious ceremony became legal in England in 1837, and in 1839 Hannah de Rothschild who was the daughter of the founder of the English branch of that banking clan, married Henry FitzRoy, who was the son of the second Lord Southampton without first becoming a Christian. The ensuing scale and extend of jewish intermarriage into the peerage following that union would suggest that the Rothschilds and wider Anglo-jewish cousinhood were quite keen on that devolpment. In fact, within a century the scale of jewish intermarriage with the British aristocracy was such that it led the L.G. Pine who was the editor of Burke’s Peerage in 1956 to write, “The jews made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual.”
Explains the last 200 years of (((British))) history and it consequences, eh?
” admission of jews to hereditary peerage”
As with so many royal and noble families in Europe.
Even here in American, also France, they marry into the ultra-wealthy, Heinz, Rockefeller etc.
All current Rockefellers have some jewish blood.
“Explains the last 200 years of (((British))) ”
Yep, I also suspect the royal family. Look at them.
The British Rothschilds have been Anglicanized. Its wealth is no longer controlled by Jews. You lost.
And oh, its because you are alien since
US elites probably followed the British example.
It would explain Bush Jr’s twin daughters, Chealsea Clinton, Trump and Biden’s children intermarrying with jews too.
Well said November and correct.Oh “Aryan Globalist Fag”says the Rothchilds money is now Anglicanized(which I don’t think he quite understands the definition of).He is a Jew hasbara FED.
Let the fires of white awakening spread.
Apparently, a candlelit vigil was interrupted by “right wing thugs” who want something more to stop the attacks than just sitting there calling for calm.
Starmer has said his police are going to crack down heavily…….on the protesters, not the stabbies.
The initial assumption was that the attacker was a Muslim asylum seeker. No……he was just a Cardiff born Rwandan, so all is ok!
The government is responsible for those killings, and ought to be sued, then tossed out.
The thoughts and prayers routine has been tried for the last sixty years or so, it hasn’t worked too well. Maybe now is the time for more direct action against the traitorous ruling class.
Most American cities had, some still have “Little Italics”, “Greektowns”, some actual towns called “Germantown”, not so much ethnic neighborhoods of Germans in a English, WASP city.
Maybe it’s time to colonize the Eastern parts of the EU have “Little Englands” in still sane and safe Polish and Hungarian cities.
I think if the right contacts were made – (Our own man in Eastern Germany Count… probably has them) could start this migration, yes – Poland and Hungary need (White) workers, Ukrainians have done well there. Why not the better sort of English, British workers can move there, set up little Englands like it was back in the early 1960s… Penny Lane. Sir William Cooper boxers, Jerry and the Pacemakers. I loved English Hammer films from the 1960s, early 1970s the Wickerman.
Tony Blair really f$*(#*$@ up England and he did the double whammy of going full out for ZOG, Neo Con wars, interventions in Iraq “Saddam was Hitler”. I wonder if English gun enthusiasts went full in for these ZOG, Neo Con wars in Iraq like the entire Hank Williams Jr, Toby Keith, Rush Limblob Red State NRA dumb as**s here did.
Sigh (I know, I have one reader who hates when I use the “Sigh” comment but it’s just how I feel when our people do repeatedly the same stupid stuff over and over and over again – dumb goyim… Sigh)
The only hope for the British, is the Song, I want candy a cover from the Band Bow Wow wow !
Please HW for the love of the Goddess don’t block this ?
Win with the White Gretsch Guitar!
For once win !
Okay for whatever its worth, this song from the days when White people still ruled the roost, is essentially Hunter’s Birthday song. It should be our new “White Boy Summer” song but with Candy being innuendo for Male Whiteness. They should sing this while protesting “peacefully” in the UK.
The worthless state/gov is helping/abetting criminals, so what does that say about the state/gov? Please somebodey tell me……
If any of you remember “Asha Logos” from his esoteric videos, ethereal demeanor, and gentle timbered voice, well, he has finally had enough of pussyfooting, normies, and (((them))).
From his X/Twitter account:
Asha Logos
When the Jewish populations conspired with incoming Muslim armies to pry open the Gates of Toledo, and this alliance nearly toppled all of Europe, our armies eventually stood strong under men like Charles Martel because it clearly recognized an armed enemy force..
We weren’t ready for far more subtle form of political/financial/cultural conquest, through the backdoor – to the extent that to this very day, you have some of the most deeply indoctrinated and ignorant White folk positively cheering the demise of their children, future generations.. conditioned to embrace it, and help it along.
We’re now entering a period in which these types need to be treated with as little patience as we grant the foremost instigators and perpetrators – everything is at stake.
Orwell’ Ghost response:
Orwell’s Ghost
“I’m finding it incredibly difficult to wake up colorblind Whites. I’ve shown statistics, videos, shown old and present photos of neighborhoods that have been demographically changed. They refuse to see race as tribal. Something eventually will kick, and they’ll have no choice but to see race. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later as we still have a chance to save some of our civilization.”
With the slow simmer of their “Boiling of the Frog” strategy discarded when Zion Don came down the escalator in 2015, going full fagtifa in 2017, BLM-fagtifa riots in 2020, critical race theory, DEI, open borders, BIPOC criminality unchecked that the water in the pot being in a rolling boil would be enough for those riding in the caboose on the race realism train, but maddeningly, no.
“I’ve shown statistics, videos …. They refuse to see race as tribal.”
Catastrophic !!
I know the experience. Most people are totally brainwashed.
It seems full bellies block thinking. Only on the edge of starvation do most people start to think. Seems to be evolutionary.
Very true. Too much bread and circuses for Fatmericans. But the Amerimutt population is so mixed and brainwashed that it may be beyond all hope.
Only stupid Midwestern Papists care about your Jesuit Disinformation regarding Jews. Its basically totally played out. The biggest newest thing is illuminating the long black history of you Papists and you pedophile leaders like Nick Fuentes, his Bishops and his Pope.
The fact is, you Papists have a much more longer and factual list of atrocities committed against us Americans than “Duh, Jews.” Whether it’s our most recent Papist President locking up hundreds of Americans protesting the Electoral Coup de etat of J6, or letting in some 12,000,000 + Papist invaders, or the past Papist President foisting the hated Civil Rights Law on the South, shooting down protesting Southern students with Army troops, or opening up America to Papist invaders and deconstructing Eisenhower’s illegal alien enforcement, or the Papist pushed and signed Immigration Act of 1965 which opened up America to scores of millions of Papist immigrants, you Papists have done us wrong at every turn.
Papists lie.
Papists deceive.
Papists disinform.
Papists poison.
Papists subvert.
Papists divide.
Palists assassinate.
Papist murder.
This list of atrocities committed by Papists is so astoundingly large, only their influence in the media keeps it silent. The list above is just since 1960 and doesn’t include all the mafia corruption, undermining, violence, and subversion dating back to the 1840s. Nor does it include the many years of wars caused by Papists in Europe and Colonial America before that. In fact, the overwhelming number of America’s wars have been against Papists:
Colonial Indian Wars 1588-1688: Papists and Pagans
Spanish Indian Wars 1640s-1740s: Papist and Pagans
French and Indian Wars: 1688-1768: Papists and Pagans
British and Indian Wars: 1776-1816 Protestants, Papists, and Pagans.
French War 1795-1801: Papists
Barbary Pirate Wars 1795-1837: Moslems
Southeast Indian Wars 1815-1850: Papists and Pagans
Northeast Indian 1815-1835: Papists and Pagans
First Texas Mexican War 1815-1819: Papists
Texas War of Independence 1835-1838: Papists
Second Texas Mexican War 1840-1845: Papists
First Mexican War 1846-1848: Papists
Civil War 1861-1865: Protestants and Papists
First Korean War 1871: Pagans
Spanish War 1898-1899: Papists
Phillipines War: Papists
Barbary Wars 1899-1905: Moslems
Chinese Wars 1899-1905: Pagans
Banana Wars 1898-1934: Papists
Second Mexican War 1910-1925: Papists
WWI 1917-1919: Papists and Protestants
WWII 1941-1945: Papists and Pagans
Second Korean War 1950-1953: Communists
Indochinese Wars 1954-1975: Communists
Grenada War 1981: Communists and Papists
Lebanon War 1983: Moslems
Narco Wars 1985-ongoing: Papists
Panama War 1989: Papists
First Iraq War 1990-1991: Papists and Moslems
Second Iraq War 2003-2009: Moslems
Afghanistan War 2001-2021: Moslems
GWOT Wars 2001-ongoing: Papists and Moslems
Papists have killed the most Americans by far than any other ethno-sectarian groups. That’s just including the deaths from War. It doesnt count the deaths caused in underground conflicts, chiefly criminal, or the deaths caused by their poisons, whether it’s booze, dope, narcotic, etc. Papists have killed more Americans by Fentynal than all your combined fictional slayings by Jews.
Neither Catholics or jews should have been let in as far as I’m concerned. The greatness and beauty of the country is beyond imagination if they were never here.
Winston S. Churchill, The World Crisis, Vol. 5, (1931) p. 21 regarding cultural diversity in the Austro Hungarian Empire on the eve of WW1:
“Each race in the Dual Monarchy indulged its separatist tendencies to the full, and reviving ancient, even long-forgotten tongues, used them as weapons in ever-extending hostilities.
“Vain to assemble such contrary elements in an Empire Parliament house. Vain to suppose that the processes and amenities of English House of Commons procedure would afford expression to such bitter divergencies. Parliaments can only flourish while fundamentals are agreed or at least accepted by the great majority of all parties. In the Parliaments of the Hapsburgs bands of excited deputies sat and howled at each other by the hour in rival languages, accompanying their choruses with the ceaseless slamming of desks which eventually by a sudden crescendo swelled into a cannonade. All gave rein to hatred; and all have paid for its indulgence with blood and tears.”
This was published in 1931, decades before the open borders immigration policy of post WW2 Britain. Churchill knew well the eventual outcome but did nothing to stop it.
Churchill was opposed to immigration into the UK and the Dominions. If his policies had been followed, by natural evolution, the long hoped for British Federation would’ve occurred. Although, its unlikely they would’ve been able to hold keep subordinate the non-White dependencies. The later chance was lost when British Imperial Federation was abandoned under various pressures in early 1900s, the most influential of which was the American financiers and industrialists.
Britain had no need to enter that war. All it did was cause even more millions to senselessly die.
Hunter, as you know, sometimes Ron Unz posts your writings at his website. Unz has an important post this past week, “The State of Israel as cartoonihly evil”, which is a must read. I recommend that you post the entire text of that article here. It would open some eyes. You still have readers here that are clueless about the JQ.
I was particularly struck by Unz, who is a Jew, saying that the Holocaust Story is nothing but Jewish projection. That is a keen insight.
100 million views tho. The Donald hit a homerun with this one. If only the dissident right hadn’t burned its platform with a tiki torch maybe some of our people could have a taste of that.
“(((They))) Live – The (((Power Elite))) Scene ”
In the beginning of the clip…..the speaker at the podium just said …”by the year 2025, not only America, but the entire planet will be under the protection and the dominion of this (((power alliance))).”
Whenever topics like this come up in our circles, a large number of people ( in our circles) go on about the white British people somehow deserving this. I doubt anyone alive in Britain today had anything to do with any decision making that occurred during WW2. We should hope the best for white people in that country instead of wishing ill will. And since so many people in our circles love hating Anglo Saxons, I would like to ask how many of them are currently living in countries created by Anglo Saxons? If you hate us, please leave.
On another topic, I don’t understand the point of the police dogs in this situation in Britain. I could understand them using the dogs for intimidation ( even though I am not on the side of the cops), but what is the purpose of allowing the dogs to rip and tug at peoples’ clothes? I keep seeing that over and over. I don’t understand the point unless they are trying to dehumanize these people without actually hurting them.
“And since so many people in our circles love hating Anglo Saxons, I would like to ask how many of them are currently living in countries created by Anglo Saxons? If you hate us, please leave.”
Pity Party table for one.
I’ll leave it there out of curtesy to HW.