JUST IN – UK authorities begin to arrest citizens for social media posts "containing inaccurate information."pic.twitter.com/Mc4QYk5D3V
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) August 8, 2024
Is this the UK right now under Sir Keir Starmer?
— Knuffsed – Adam ????? (@knuffsed) August 9, 2024
Maybe George Orwell was right pic.twitter.com/mS2GRgPAwg
?? | "We will identify. We will be coming for you."@merseypolice Chief Constable Serena Kennedy has a message for anyone involved in the serious violent disorder in Liverpool.
— Liverpool City Council (@lpoolcouncil) August 7, 2024
Two people have been jailed today for their part in the shocking scenes in the city centre. pic.twitter.com/zrF2PHvQcU
Reminder ? pic.twitter.com/NjchZ1kGyu
— Home Office (@ukhomeoffice) August 9, 2024
— Barry Stanton (@barrystantonGBP) August 9, 2024
EMBARRASING pic.twitter.com/sKuaj236hg
My number one priority is to make sure our communities are safe.
— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) August 9, 2024
Thanks to our police forces, those who participate in violence online and offline will face the full force of the law. pic.twitter.com/hIaZ8pAzrY
?UK is starting to look like a Middle Eastern country!
— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) August 9, 2024
31-year-old Billy Thompson was sent to prison for 12 weeks after he replied on Facebook "Filthy ba**ards" on a post about the Police issuing a dispersal order to try and prevent protests from becoming violent. pic.twitter.com/yiFcAKtbsC
Uber driver Mohammed Jamal was caught drugging and r*ping a girl in Manchester.
— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) August 8, 2024
Mohammed was released on bail.
These are the UK's new normal. pic.twitter.com/xPCwJguSQm
Think before you post! ?? Content that incites violence or hatred isn't just harmful – it can be illegal.
— Crown Prosecution Service (@CPSUK) August 7, 2024
The CPS takes online violence seriously and will prosecute when the legal test is met. Remind those close to you to share responsibly or face the consequences. pic.twitter.com/5gxnUH02yw
Lots of British patriots are going to have their lives ruined because British conservatives failed to control immigration. Boris and Rees-Mogg own this https://t.co/ex7rMBDa5U
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) August 8, 2024
Punish the thugs. Stand up for immigration. And improve local services. The rioting in Britain should not be forgotten as soon as it dies down https://t.co/leATYm9RWH pic.twitter.com/h9wq7rcZjS
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) August 8, 2024
Somalian flag raised in Northampton.
— Ashlea Simon (@AshleaSimonBF) August 7, 2024
Who else is sick of this shit?
This is England ??????? pic.twitter.com/zUgrPWxgcI
20 months in prison for a Facebook post is insane. The UK has fallen. pic.twitter.com/duT8y8oVQn
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 9, 2024
“Worse is better.”
“Destroy the conservatives.”
Regardless of what you think about accelerationism, we should all be able to agree that the UK under Keir Starmer is a very important test of this strategy. Many people who I respect have made a compelling case that the Conservatives under Rishi Sunak were so awful that they deserved Zero Seats. There are other people who I respect who have argued that worse is just worse.
My current mood:
1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN pic.twitter.com/HoxeolQNv1
— ???uwu reactionary??? (@uwureactionary) August 4, 2019
I’m feeling a burst of patriotism watching this.
It is a reminder of how spoiled we are in this country. We have the First Amendment and Second Amendment in this country and it would be madness not to defend both.

The Ubermensch Project continues apace. If we ruin the lives of more whites who resist the murder of the ever dwindling amount of children they have thanks to decades of EUGENIC liberalism, feminism, and Judaism by brown hordes, and import even more of these same brown hordes, then obviously the global and even galactic dominion of whitey becomes ever more inevitable.
Richard Spencer
Honorable mention to Nick Fuentes, my new partner.
Spencer’s money has always isolated him from reality.
He can spin off into whatever fool’s fantasy he pleases, his money will cushion him.
“UK authorities begin to arrest citizens for social media posts”:
Increased censorship (both obvious and hidden) of internet communications is a key goal of these riots that are as much orchestrated as organic. The system will now try to strangle genuine LEFT political speech in Britain, and also some far-right speech.
Remember that it is the traitorous, mercenary middle-class career computer engineers and programmers who write the algorithms and keep the hardware running, who make this censorship possible. This betrayal of mankind is possible only because there is private wealth to be used to bribe, and traitors who take it because they love money more than people.
Note well that the U.sury S.ystem” that controls online political speech at “home” (within the U.sury S.ystem’s “homeland” borders) and in the UK and other imperial possessions, constantly makes very extensive, unlimited use of social media and other internet communication to try to overthrow or control foreign governments, destroying real nations, and waging psychological war against truth. Colour revolutions and other coup “regime change” operations are built and executed on use of social media and other internet platforms. At this very moment the U.S. has at least a dozen “colour revolutions” underway on four continents using social media. Again this is possible because there are thousands of mercenary computer engineers and programmers love the money they get paid for doing it. The global Empire runs on this technology.
“feeling a burst of patriotism watching this (…) a reminder of how spoiled we are in this country. We have the First Amendment”:
The U.S.’s vaunted First Amendment “freedom of speech” is for the capitalist class to tell their lies freely and for the allied, upper bourgeoisie to repeat them, while the exploited and disinformed, dumbed-down masses of “human resources” will be punished if they try to speak the truth on the one crucial issue of political economy.
@ Meredith,
On the topic of censorship, the jewess most responsible for censorship on (((YouTube))) died yesterday. Rest in piss.
As you may know, the US government does an end around the First Amendment by using its public-private partnership with big tech corporations to stifle speech that (((they))) do not want to see the light of day. By using privately held (capitalist) big tech corporations to censor, USZOG can claim that the US government is not infringing on American’s First Amendment rights.
We can picture the physiognomy of the lawyers who plotted that back-channel path around the US Constitution.
“On the topic of censorship, the jewess most responsible for censorship on (((YouTube))) died yesterday. Rest in piss.
As you may know, the US government does an end around the First Amendment by using its public-private partnership with big tech corporations to stifle speech that (((they))) do not want to see the light of day. By using privately held (capitalist) big tech corporations to censor, USZOG can claim that the US government is not infringing on American’s First Amendment rights.”
you know, right ?
when I heard she died, I was never so glad. She HATED Whites – and showed it thru YouTube.
“Increased censorship (both obvious and hidden) of internet communications is a key goal of these riots that are as much orchestrated as organic. The system will now try to strangle genuine LEFT political speech in Britain, and also some far-right speech.”
Its rightwing speech, specifically populist oriented that has been, is, and will be targeted by the leftwing authoritarian regime in the UK. Stupid MI5 officers have spent almost all their energies not consumed on foreign Jihadis, on concentrating on “rightwing extremists.” Only a small proportion is dedicated to the left, principally Dissident Leftists opposed to whatever ego personage has climbed the ranks if Britain’s new elite. Even that POS Metro Police Chief with his wimpy arms and legs together with Starmer announced they are targeting Rightwing and Populist elements.
“Remember that it is the traitorous, mercenary middle-class career computer engineers and programmers who write the algorithms and keep the hardware running, who make this censorship possible.”
In both the UK and US, much if not most of those programmers are South Asian, Middle Eastern, or East Asian. That isn’t betrayal that is conquest. They are foreign mercenaries working on behalf of Britain’s new elite, who have simultaneously worked to further isolate the monarchy, marginalized the old aristocratic establishment, further secularize the Church, and in essence totally deform the British culture. Its not naivete, its planned murder.
“Note well that the U.sury S.ystem” that controls online political speech at “home” (within the U.sury S.ystem’s “homeland” borders) and in the UK and other imperial possessions….”
In contrast to the “Duh, Jews” team, your obviously on “Duh, U.S.” team. You leftist have a way of inserting your own rhetoric into rightwing groups which appear integrative to their scheme but actually are meant to subvert the rightwing objective linguistically. In this case, undermining the American state by equating it with Usury i.e. “Duh, Jews.” Thisbis typical corkscrew screw rhetoric worthy of the oldest intelligence services, whether the Vatican, the Party, or the Royals.
Any UK Prime Minister in my lifetime, with the possible exception of Thatcher, would be doing the same thing right now, and in the same two face two tier Keir fashion.
Basically, no British Prime Minister before Major would’ve ever thought of doing what Starmer has done to the British people. This includes the Labour PMs, because until Thatcher’s time, the working class Labour supporters were still in predominant control of Labour and were very nationalistic. In fact, it was Labour who were the origin Euroskeptics.
I don’t even think John Major would’ve done what Starmer has done during his time as PM. The British Establishment of his era was still filled with even ex-WWII era and late colonial Empire Patriots. They also still sensed a connection to the British people. So, even though John Major has gone total retard and likely supports Starmer’s response now, he wouldn’t have done it out of fear. Note, Major was from Broxton and wss fiends with early White nationalist working class boys and fought in the streets against the Black thugs. Today, he has gone what the Brits say as total Puff.
This was England as late as the early 1990s. I know. I was there. All you little punks acting like tough guy neo-nazis with your 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment larping don’t no shiite. If the English working class could engage in thousands of these engagements yet still get smothered to the point they are today. You better get down, dirty and ready. Its coming soon here too.
To all the little Dicks, Nicks, Papists, and Nazis.
This was England from the 1970s to the 1990s.
All the little Anglophobic Papist boys, Russian symps, and Nazi larpers here who say the English deserve it, the Conservatives caused it, accelerate more, have never lifted a finger of support let alone gave a hand in the real fights when the Brits stood up alone at the center of Globalism.
All you Fuentes homos, Richard Dicksucks, Bishop Fingered Papists, and so called Nazis, never had your neighborhoods taken over let alone tried to stop it like the British or the West Coast and Southwest Americans have.
You guys never had your families torn apart by outsourced globalism, your friends destroyed by international drug trade, or your daily travel from age 8 to adulthood disrupted by non-White gangs and hoodlums.
You ethnic White Ellis Island Rif Raf neo-Nazis never fought against the rising tide of Color in the streets until you led as the Avant Guard at Charlottesville and promptly crapped the bed in catastrophic fashion crying uncle in the end.
You anti-War retards who complain about immigration, foreigners, commies, whatever never fought in the wars against Sand people, Banana Cartelism, or Rice Monkeyism overseas.
Yet, you all larp on about sneering down at the British for falling, while beating your chests about 1st and 2nd Amendmentism.
The British Working class and even some of the Middle class put a good fight in thousands of engagements, neighborhood by neoghborhood afainst a treasonous governing class, for decades up into the 90s, all the while your present elder leaders and even the few of you here old enough to have done something, did nothing but talk a tall game.
If you couldn’t stand like these boys did, what makes you think your words mean a damned thing? When you take a stand like these lads dramatized above representing decades of those battles, then you got some cred. Until then, you are all a bunch of Anglophobic childish trolls.
Re: “You anti-War retards (…) never fought in the wars against Sand people, Banana Cartelism, or Rice Monkeyism overseas” and “If you couldn’t stand like these boys did”:
To the contrary I believe that they DO WELL not to stand with the global imperial “Aryan” and Israeli system against all coloured, “Sand,” “Banana” and “Rice Monkey” peoples.
“little Anglophobic Papist boys, Russian symps and Nazi larpers”:
Roman Catholicism contains many errors including as Mary worship, deification of the pope, false hope of forgiveness of sins by works, by priests and in purgatory, direct political involvement including use of force, militarism, waging constant war instead of peace (Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world, therefore we do not fight) – but there is still the core element of Christian faith in it that must be respected, not ridiculed. And if the Roman Catholic church is the mother of harlots in the book of Revelation, then the Protestant denominations including Anglicanism that mimics the RC must be the daughters. But Nonconformists are neither Catholic nor Protestant. Historic Brythonic Christianity has much more in common with Russian old-believer orthodoxy than either “Papism” or Protestantism: “The spirit of Christ, by which we are guided, is not changeable, so as once to command us away from a thing as evil and then again to move unto it; and we do certainly know, and so testify to the world, that the spirit of Christ, which leads us into all Truth, will never move us to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Christ, nor for the kingdoms of this world” – George Fox, Gerald Roberts, Henry Fell, Richard Hubberthorn, John Boulton, John Hinde, John Stubbs, Leonard Fell, John Furley Jnr., Francis Howgill, Samuel Fisher, Thomas Moore.
“Thus He whose tender mercies are over all His works hath placed a principle in the human mind, which incites to exercise goodness towards every living creature; and this being singly attended to, people become tender-hearted and sympathizing; but when frequently and totally rejected, the mind becomes shut up in a contrary disposition.” John Woolman, a Quaker
““You anti-War retards (…) never fought in the wars against Sand people, Banana Cartelism, or Rice Monkeyism overseas” and “If you couldn’t stand like these boys did””
“To the contrary I believe that they DO WELL not to stand with the global imperial “Aryan” and Israeli system against all coloured, “Sand,” “Banana” and “Rice Monkey” peoples.”
Of course you would agitate the worse stupidity amongst these neo-isolationist Anglophobic Midwestern Papists who lurk around OD. Its serves the Party’s interests to see Leon Trotsky’s long hoped for multi-colored horde invasion of the Western capitalist countries to be enabled by dimwitted Midwestern American Papists.
Likewise, more importantly, it serves the Papacy’s interests by flooding non-conforming Catholic countries (France) and heretical Protestant countries (Britain) with Papist colonists, especially non-White ones. To see Black Papists fill French Churches who give money to the Bishops, fills the Papists with joy. To see, each Protestant Church converted to a mosque in London, brings tears of joy to the Pope.
You leftists believe all these low IQ Papists and Moslems can be handled by whatever Leftwing authoritarian regime you create. So, yes, the grand conspiracy is one between the Papists and the Commies. The Papo-commies, aka the Euro-commies. But, Meredith, in the end, the Papists will overthrow you leftists using their loyal Catholics, just like they did in the Cold War, thereby leading all of Europe to live in a darkened, degenerated, ignorant, Papist controlled Mestizo Europe of ruins. The ultimate betrayal Meredith, is to yourself. Thanks for nothing.
““…little Anglophobic Papist boys, Russian symps and Nazi larpers””
“Roman Catholicism contains many errors including as Mary worship, deification of the pope, false hope of forgiveness of sins by works, by priests and in purgatory, direct political involvement including use of force, militarism, waging constant war instead of peace (Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world, therefore we do not fight) – but there is still the core element of Christian faith in it that must be respected, not ridiculed.”
One of the biggest errors of the Papists, is their usurpation of the throne of Christ with that Harlot of Babylon, which calls itself the Pope, and gives all slaves of the Pope, their name. You failure to mention that is suspicious.
“And if the Roman Catholic church is the mother of harlots in the book of Revelation, then the Protestant denominations including Anglicanism that mimics the RC must be the daughters. But Nonconformists are neither Catholic nor Protestant.”
Old leftwing rhetoric from back in the days of the early 20th century. Just because the Anglican Church has Bishops, liturgies, sacraments, etc doesn’t make it equal in corruption to the Roman Catholic Church. It makes them in conformity with the historic Orthodox Church of the late Roman Empire.
Still, none of these things are what make a congregation a Christian church. Rather that is the spiritual life of Christ found thru reason and mystical understanding of the Gospel. That is the same with all Protestants and which makes non-conformist (a British term dealing with ecclesiastical administration), still Protestants. Your old schopl attempt to divide the Protestant faith on behalf of leftwing social gospel subversion won’t fly with me.
“”Historic Brythonic Christianity has much more in common with Russian old-believer orthodoxy than either “Papism” or Protestantism…..”
I refuse to go down the rabbit hole of Sectarian Episcopal legitimacy arguments with you. Its unimportant to the question regarding Popery’s attempt to subdue all Christians to the absolutist rule of the Pope. While some Welsh and “West British” may fall for this line of thinking, they will be forever a small minority. Its simply a giant edifice built on sand. It didn’t work in the past and it won’t work in the present.
“You anti-War retards who complain about immigration, foreigners, commies, whatever never fought in the wars against Sand people, Banana Cartelism, or Rice Monkeyism overseas.”
Confirmed (((Neocon))) parasite. IDGAF what those people do in their own lands. Only an idiot would sign up for an ideological crusade. Europeans should never supply weapons to alien races, and our homelands should not be garbage dumps for their excess population.
@Tikkun Olam,
You denigrate the service of Patriots who did more to protect Westerners and Americans than all you ASSPERGERS (Anti-Semite Spergers) have ever done. While you played video games some of your peers put boot to ass against Jihadis that want to murder you and your family.
You may say you oppose immigration, especially of Sand N@ggers, as do I. But, just because you don’t get your wish, you justify that to denounce anyone who goes overseas to repay them for 911. What a shameless weasle like logic to get out of not fighting. You make me sick!
It only confirms what we already know. The Anti-White regimes running White countries are fully committed to eradicating the White race.
Yeah, kinda obvious.
We know but the common every day people know it. Fact is, alot of us got to go down to wake the others up. The Starmer regime’s response is only showing their true colors to the more of the people. For every 400 Patriots they arrest now, they create 4,000 new Patriots more determined than the first. This is the time when bones are made and legends created.
Absolutely the worst thing that could happen is when Native white people start fighting immigrants.
This is what regime wants. White people losing their last brave sons fighting immigrants who have unlimited manpower supply. Regime will watch and laugh how white race destroys itself.
All anger and fight must go against regime. And together with immigrants. Immigrants must enrich good neighbourhoods with their diversity and after enrichment, they can take everything valuable as reward.
Basically we must turn process 180 around. Immigrants must rncouraged to loot rich neighbourhoods and our guys watch and laugh how both enemies destroy themselves.
“Immigrants must rncouraged to loot rich neighbourhoods ”
Doesn’t happen, so rarely that you can say never.
The rich are very well insulated from DIE.
you’re daydreaming.
Well, there is a truth that it would be better for the English Patriots to protest at places like Hampstead Highstreet or Notting Hill where the Bouzou ruling class lives than go after the mosques. I mean, think about those bloody propagandists at the BBC. Go to their damned houses and make them feel the pain they have caused to entire communities with their xenophilia.
That’s a valid point, Juri. The colonists are merely opportunistic parasites. Your theory that the parasites would join with the white natives to toss out the genocidal ruing class – most of whom are white nominal protestants – is seriously flawed though. Take the protests against Schlomo’s Talmudic actions against their fellow Muslims as an example: They’re out on the streets to protest the events in Gaza but they’ll remain in Britain to collect the welfare, traffic the white kids (often for the elites), etc. The one thing you’ll not often see them do is to leave, signup for the Houthis or Hezbollah and actually fight the empire. They sure and hell aren’t fighting it in their colony either. The treasonous white badge-blacks are there to back them up in their war against any resisting natives.
“My number one priority is to make sure our communities are safe”
Does anyone think that there could be a substantial exodus of Brits to countries like Hungary , Czech, Estonia etc.?
People can vote with their feet.
Would they be greeted like California expats (i.e., liberals changing area codes)?
“Regardless of what you think about accelerationism, we should all be able to agree that the UK under Keir Starmer is a very important test of this strategy. Many people who I respect have made a compelling case that the Conservatives under Rishi Sunak were so awful that they deserved Zero Seats. There are other people who I respect who have argued that worse is just worse.”
“Regardless of what you think about accelerationism, we should all be able to agree that the UK under Keir Starmer is a very important test of this strategy.”
But what happens after the accelerationism? We are still going to have to expel the invaders at the end of the day.
“We have the First Amendment and Second Amendment in this country”
The USA should never support any country unless firmly embed the Bill of RIGHTS in their constitutions.
That actually was an argument during the debate over the National Endowment for Democracy. Its something that has been lobbied for in GOP circles for decades. We need to deconstruct the NED and create a National Endowment for Liberty based on those amendments. Imagine color revolutions which push regime change by promoting NRA type organizations in other countries. Right now its too scary for the neo-liberal elite. But their days or numbered. You will get your wish.
No mention in all of this of the people responsible for the whole mess. If you cannot even name your enemy you have lost before it even starts. Pathetic.
“No mention in all of this of the people responsible for the whole mess. If you cannot even name your enemy you have lost before it even starts. Pathetic.”
You sound like you would like to blame “Duh, Jews.” But, that would be too simplistic. The origin of UK’s troubles, like its American counterpart, reside around a mix of issues. In regards to the core ethno-sectarian troublemakers, they are the Papists. Britain’s collapse is more remarkable because in contrast to America, the Brits held together a long time as a singular Ethno-Sectarian Protestant bulwark right up until contemporary times. Also unlike America were nefarious influence by Jews was more pronounced, the Jewish influence in the UK was also mostly grafted to supporting Anglo-Protestant interests.
What really screwed up the British were five things, four of which were alien in origin. The domestic problem, much like in the US, was the origin of all subsequent problems, namely the collapse of native virtue. For the British, this started with Victorian industrialization. That in turn was enabled by non-Jewish financial interests thru creation of limited liability corporations which initiated a historical economic change in society. The failure of the right to recognize forced economic changes as the kernel of most of their complaints is the main reason they fail to secure ruling dominance.
The first internal ethno-culture in Britain that was corrupted was the Agricultural interests. Previously, this ethno-culture was the glory of Europe and in terms of skill, class virtue, and productivity surpassed even the Americans. Even up to the late 19th century it was the predominant origin of the British Armed Services. This was the backbone of the British Empire from Ireland to England, and Scotland to Wales. Without it, Britain was always in a weakened position.
For example, unlike their Papist European counterparts, the British gloried in their libertarianism, which included private interests raising with a “professional” cadre of gentlemen officers and seasoned senior NCO warriors, regiments of soldiers from the community. This also occurred in the cities. Upwards from this melieu into the senior ranks of the Establishment rose the merited classes. Many a man felt compelled to join just to prove his manliness and worthiness, especially for a lady.
Yet, British merchant financial interests saw an opportunity to leverage their capital by abandoning Agricultural tarrifs, thereby opening Britain up to foreign agriculture, and transfering the surplus from Agricultural ventures into the newly created limited liability industrial companies. They in turn, thru the Free Trade with foreign countries created by abandoning Agricultural tariffs, could outproduce industrialization goods any other country and reap larger profits. The result was the socio-economic degradation of the old landed interests to the financial capital backed industries and merchant bankers.
The destruction of Britain’s Agricultural community was also followed by the destruction of its small entrepreneur private firms and skilled artisan, crafts, and trade firms. These couldn’t compete against the large publicly financed industrial firms and were obliterated by mass industrialization. The result was a huge collapse of Middle and skilled working class laborers, artisans, craftsmen, farmers, and drovers. They all drifted into the cities to become cheap labor for the mills, mines, and refineries, or waitresess, bartenders, flower girls and petty thieves of the streets. Their their family and community life disappeared into Dickensonian disaster where they had to defend their lives and honor as best they could against the predators of the steet and if lucky, find a liberal minded protector.
The shock on Britain’s culture took more than two generations to play out, reform, and rebuild. The old interests that had created Empire were mostly made obsolete leading to a cultural degradation in all classes. Not until the late 19th and early 20th centuries did the British figure out a way to overcome the problems.
None of that was caused by Jews. It originated within the a sector of the British edtablishment that was principally engaged in international trade. However, both Jews and Papists were involved as ancillary representatives of foreign interests engaged in the same trade. Both were subordinated to the British Protestant domination of Protestant led Merchant financiers.
The four alien interests which exploited the problems caused by this financier directed transformation were the Americans, Germans, Papists and the Communists. The Germans literally battered the crap out of the British Empire in two world wars and a series of covert actions. The later caused almost all the problems you Nazi larpers complain about, namely the Sand, Rice, and Bannana peoples and the communists.
The Communists also damaged the Empire namely thru following the Germans footsteps in launching third world revolutionary movements. More devastatingly was their internal subversion of the British state itself. Until 1968, the Soviet Union considered both the British and Americans as the Main Enemy. Before 1947, they considered the British the main enemy. In other words, the British fought a defensive covert war against the Soviet Union for a total of fifty years compared to America’s fourth years. Thats in addition to taking the main brunt of Nazi Germany’s attack on the West and being the second main target of Imperial Germany.
The other foreign interest were rhe Americans themselves. We probably were the ones most responsible for dismantling the British Empire and releasing the Third World onto Western Civilization after the Germans and Japs. In fact, we are the ones responsible for aiding Sand N@ggerism under Nassee the Great N@gger. We actually embargoed and sanctioned the British Empire on his behalf thereby replacing the British pound as with the US dollar as sole reserve currency. Britain’s whole purpose for having an Empire had come to an end. The rise of Color could not now be stopped.
The final foreign interest were the Papists. For centuries they had fought wars, conflicts, and diplomatic struggles against the British within the European system. Not until Napoleon had been brought to heel were those lines of division in Europe finally submerged under a new multi-sectarian model. Nonetheless, the Papacy provided decisive support to Imperial Germany’s anti-colonialist revoluionary war, provided the majority of support to the Nazis, and carved out reservations to their supremacy from both Mussolini and Hitler. They along with the Germans, also backed the Irish Catholics successfully tearing off a larger proportion of the UK than what Germany lost after WWI.
All of the old socio-economy from which Britain drew its leadership was disfigured by industrialization, subversion, covert warfare, two world wars, and the Cold War. Although reformed in bits over the generations it was never really repaired. The result was slow downward glide of the British Establishment until it ended symbolically when the last colonial representative of the old Establishment volunteered as a war correspondent and died in a Rhodesian fire force mission in 1978.
In sum, the British have been assaulted on all sides, on multiple domains, by multiple types of enemies in a series of catastrophic wars and conflicts that waged for a century. All of which occurred after the country itself had suffered severe psychological and cultural trauma resulting from being the first victim of mass industrialization. So, its hard to pin one group of people responsible for what happened to the British. If I would have to place blame on which foreign group, I would lean toward the Papists since they were behind or heavily involved with the two countries who did the most to break apart Britain and the Empire, the Germans and Americans. But, in the end, its the British themselves. The likes of Starmer and his top down sneering on English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish natives is just the logical conclusion of Victorian era class rigidity, elitism, industrialism, scientificism, deterrence to authority, and above all pacifification of the populace.
Comrade Kier the queer thinks the crocodiles will eat him last?
Horseface Prince Charlie was ordered to invade his homeland by the globalists?
There is that photo of a Red Shield bankster POS poking him in the chest.
Lord Acton and Enoch Powell were right about it all.
In America, my friend’s parole banned him from the internet and made it a violation if he posted. Because he’s deceased, I can say he continued posting under pseudonyms. They mentioned “gangster bolshevism” when the parole interrogated him.
In America, they let private companies do the policing. You won’t go to jail for an internet post, but you’ll get fired.
They will also get around to freezing bank accounts, IRS audits, cancelling credit cards, HELOCS, calling in loans etc. of those who dare to resist GloboHomo. The threat of impoverishment is sufficient to silence most critics and everyone is in violation of some tax law all the time. The motto of GloboHomo’s “legal” system: “Show Me the Man and I will show you the Crime.”
As an American of mostly British heritage, I have had enough! Why aren’t more British Americans standing up for their relatives over there?
I don’t want to hear, from people in our circles, about mistakes British leaders made 80 to 90 years ago. You can’t fault most young British men from that time for obeying orders and thinking they were defending their empire. Today we have a privilege called hindsight bias that they didn’t have at the time. We aren’t in a position to judge them.
Nor can you fault most British people today for what their leaders are doing and you can’t fault one single one of them today for something that happened 80 to 90 years ago. Put grievances from WW2 to the side and stop bashing an entire ethnic group today for a historical incident that they had nothing to do with. I am over it.
Well said. I share your frustration. Like You I’m an American of British ancestry. My family fought in the war for American Independence. What can we do to “stand up” for our British cousins except to feel bad for them?
Don, thanks. I agree. In regards to standing up for them, we can start by not bashing them all the time in our circles. I know you don’t. I don’t understand why we are holding an ethnic group today responsible for something the leadership of their country did 80 to 90 years ago. Can we spend an equal amount of time discussing good things Anglo Saxons have historically done? I can think of plenty. For starters, Anglo Saxons made these white colonies around the world then proceeded to let in millions of immigrants from all over Europe who would have otherwise died from wars or famine. Let’s start there. Some of the descendants of those immigrants post on here taking that for granted while hating Anglo Saxons. It is absurd.
So, non-Anglo Europeans in America should have no grievances for the way they were ‘welcomed’ and/or treated? They should be “grateful,” after contributing to this nation in blood, sweat, and tears, eh?
How soon “founding Americans” forget that this nation would not have been victorious in its revolutionary war without the contributions of Lafayette, von Stueben, and Pulaski.
Not to mention the anti-Teutonic sentiments from Benjamin Franklin to Woodrow Wilson.
Here are article that though soft pedals some of the anti-German pogroms perpetrated by Anglos in America.
Taylor Sheridan explains that the US government in the aftermath of The War between the States invited non-Anglo Europeans to settle and work the westward expansion, and that 40% of them did not speak English.
If you are so inclined, please listen to this video about those folks. Maybe their descendants aren’t inclined to bend the knee to y’all.
The history of Britain is invasion after invasion, beginning with the Latins (Roman Empire), then the Anglo-Saxons in the wake of the Roman collapse and military withdrawal, followed by Danes and Vikings and the worst of all, the Pope’s Norman proxies who imposed Roman Catholicism, destroying and replacing the Brythonic orthodox Christianity in Britain. Even the native language was replaced by Latinised-German “English” that is devoid of Celtic words, the last remnants of living language disappearing in Umbria in the eighteenth century, Cornwall in the nineteenth, and Wales (almost, but not quite) in the twentieth. England kept moving toward rigid class structure and imperialism. Perfidious Albion has also been called a “pirate nation,” and the City of London is the seat of global piracy. But I do not disparage the peasants, the working class in Britain.
November, just listen to how you debate me. My only argument is that Anglos have strengths and weaknesses just like every white group does. You seem to like to argue that Anglos are worthless at everything to the point that we can’t even get credit for our colonies? Don’t fault British descended people like myself for simply being proud of our heritage. If you are on a pro Southern blog you are going to find a lot of other people with my heritage like it or not….. and (gasp) in a country like America in general.
You aren’t going to get very far claiming that most of the credit for creating this country shouldn’t go to the British. Every source I read states that at least 80 to 85% of the people in the colonies during the Revolution were of British heritage. The Founding Fathers were unanimously of that stock.
Nobody denies that there were groups of other people in small numbers living here at the time who contributed in certain ways. What you are doing here is taking any achievement from the British and downplaying it by saying other whites contributed. You can say that about the achievements of any white group then. A lot of scholars, even Japanese scholars, give the British credit for most inventions in history. Does that upset you too?
In regards to your comments about how white immigrants were treated here, now you sound similar to a liberal complaining about how white countries treat nonwhite immigrants. I don’t blame WASP whites of long ago for being tribal and being upset about the first immigrants who came in who were different from them even though they were white. That is normal. But the descendants of those immigrants should still be grateful they were let in.
For people who can’t stand being around Anglo Saxons and who don’t think we do anything worthwhile, there is a simple solution: don’t stay in the countries we birthed especially since a lot of us live here!
@Courtney from Alabama.
“You seem to like to argue that Anglos are worthless at everything to the point that we can’t even get credit for our colonies?”
That is a strawman argument pure and simple. Almost as if it came from an inferiority complex.
You must believe that I am historically ignorant of the achievements in science, engineering, literature, etcetera that the Anglos have given the West and the world.
“A lot of scholars, even Japanese scholars, give the British credit for most inventions in history. Does that upset you too?”
Not at all. The Japanese have the highest respect for German culture, especially, classical music, engineering, and architecture.
From what I hear, East Asian females do seem to like Anglo men and vice-versa. Does that upset you?
” But the descendants of those immigrants should still be grateful they were let in.”
Perhaps some do.
I personally am not. See, some of us have European ancestors that have been here for centuries that weren’t from England that were from France, Netherlands, and Spain.
“For people who can’t stand being around Anglo Saxons and who don’t think we do anything worthwhile, there is a simple solution: don’t stay in the countries we birthed especially since a lot of us live here!”
It would be a wonderful option to return to ancestorial nations, but the problem is that the judeo-English/Anglo and judeo-American empires have pozzed their societies, cultures, and political systems. They are vassal states USZOG and NATO. Even the neoliberal European Union is a judeo-Anglo American creation. So, we would not be returning to our nations of origin, but instead, facsimiles of America, however without the endangered Constitutional rights we are still able to enjoy for the time being.
@November and Courtney from Alabama
“So, non-Anglo Europeans in America should have no grievances for the way they were ‘welcomed’ and/or treated? They should be “grateful,” after contributing to this nation in blood, sweat, and tears, eh?”
Yes. They should be grateful for being given the opportunity to actually be adopted into our nation. Clearly, no more better example of the vulnerability of doing that is the Ellis Island Rif Raf Papist, Mr November, who spits on his adopted American family and celebrates foreigners who fought against us generations ago, like the stupid Nazis.
“How soon “founding Americans” forget that this nation would not have been victorious in its revolutionary war without the contributions of Lafayette, von Stueben, and Pulaski.”
How soon November forgets that without we Americans, there wouldn’t be a job for those singlular heroic allies to serve our American nafion, let alone an American nation to begin with.
“Not to mention the anti-Teutonic sentiments from Benjamin Franklin to Woodrow Wilson.”
Correct, Germans are usually borish. They often have bad table manners. Even the poorest Southerner has better table manners than these Germans. Something commented on going back throughout history. Even the British commented on King George the First’s bad table manners. So, its definitely a British American thing. Yet, sometimes the Germans can be cool. Usually though only because they are of Aryan elite background, in which case they act more British than Central European peasant stock line your typical German.
“Here are article that though soft pedals some of the anti-German pogroms perpetrated by Anglos in America.
Yes, it is true. German-Americans were a huge problem in WWI. We correctly rounded up hundreds of thousands of them as aliens during the war. Just like we did to Italians and other Central Power ethnicities. We did the same again in WWII, including to the Japs.
Rounding up or investigating all these Central Europeans definitely helped us filter out all the spies and saboteurs. But, it was a huge pond of filth we had to drain. In the end, thousands of acts of sabotage, assassination, and espionage were successfully carried out by the Central Powers, usually by Germans in America.
In fact, the largest acts of terror in the US until 911 was made by Germans, and German Americans. The Black Tom Island explosion in New York Harbor on July 30, 1916 was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Also, we shouldn’t forget the Germans irregular warfare program which included sending over thousands of German military officers and NCOS, as well as thousands more of agents they recruited amongst German in America and Mexico. They helped organize, arm, and train Mexicans for a final reconquest of the Southwest.
So, yes, the Patriotic Propoganda questioning Germans and German-Americans living in America was correct. Stopping treason from amongst this Ethnic White Ellis Island Rif Raf was a herculean effort. The government was forced to use both militia, National Guard, various State and Federal law enforcement, and recruit a large force of special investigators to hunt down these Germans and German-Americans.
Indeed, my own GGrandfather was one, who helped investigate and round up loads of these traitors. We even still have his badge from this time. Its worthwhile to note such disciplinary activity combined with Americanism education finally broke the back of German Ethno-Nationalism in America and assimilated most by the time of WWII. Without the likes of him and Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s program of Americanism, we’d still have sourkraut smelling, bad mannered, German Papist speaking enclaves in the country. Lame.
“Taylor Sheridan explains that the US government in the aftermath of The War between the States invited non-Anglo Europeans to settle and work the westward expansion, and that 40% of them did not speak English.”
Actually, the Yankees were using them before that, going all the way before the Civil War, when Germans were settled in the West as far as St Louis and even further. In fact, the Radical Republicans were very successful in leveraging their German Ethno-Nationalism by agitating them, especially amongst the Papist Germans, to attack Confederates. The Mississippi River area was scene of much robbery, arson, and terror by these German Unionists. They burned and pillaged much of the Western Confederacy.
Its ironic to note that Hunter himself is related to Confederates who suffered at the hands of these German Unionists, as his Southern family bore the brunt of German Unionist assaults in that region. All the more ironic, that Hunter chose to ally himself for a time with a Germanophilic Papist who literally wants to recreate Germano-Papist Ethno-Nartionalism territories off of the carcas of the South.
“If you are so inclined, please listen to this video about those folks. Maybe their descendants aren’t inclined to bend the knee to y’all.”
Yeah, they bent the knee all right. Ot was good for them. They became very Anglicanized, and but for the German-American Papists almost indistinguishable from British Americans. But, due to identity politics pushed by both Leftists and Rightists, (Richard Spencer types), in an atmosphere of anti-American hate, ethno-sectarian rivalries dating from the time of the Ellis Island Great Wave immigration era are threatening to break up White America. Which was the plan all along with many of these Dissident Rightwing Papists like you November.
Ashkenazi Globalist ziopig,
Your grandfather was a chabad-lubitcher tunnel digging rabbi in Brooklyn, NYC. You are the product half a millennium of inbreeding.
Even here as a hasbara troll, you cannot escape your tribe’s psychological curse of dysgenic metal illness.
It is so easy to picture you rocking back and forth in a smelly closet floor with your Unit 8200 tablet foaming at the mouth while you type your exaggerations, untruths, and other bs.
Can you feel that your tribe’s book of tricks are no longer having the impact they once did, as the entire world has had an eureka moment about what your people are? Tick tock, Mordechai, the goyim know, and they want to provide you a Leo Frank necktie party.
“Ashkenazi Globalist ziopig…”
Ha ha ha. That actually was funny. Usually Smelly Germans like November lack a sense of humor.
“Your grandfather was a chabad-lubitcher tunnel digging rabbi in Brooklyn, NYC. You are the product half a millennium of inbreeding.”
Words we already gave to Nick Fuentes your partner in Papist Bishop fingering. Which is ironic cuz his squid like arms, and spindly legs and double jointed limbs are from inbreeding amongst his Papist not Jewish ancestors. Yes, Nick is part Jew on his father’s side.
In reality, my Great Grandfather, you are referencing, was the lineal descendent of a British Protestant military officer who settled in the Chesapeake in the 17th century and on his mother’s side, a French nobleman who settled in the South. He hated New York as all good Southerners have since we tried to burn it to the ground in the 19th century when you still hadn’t come off the boat.
Despite being a 20th generation American, my family has only married other fellow Colonials and British Americans. So, aside from some partial Franco-Italian blood, I am majority British American. Not surprising since there are actually about 140,000,000 of us compared to your paultry 25,000,000 or so odorous Germans.
So, actually, I have zero Jew, whereas you seem to still carry the Hun gene so many Germans have to this day from their foremother’s being raped by Attila. Which, ironically if true, would make you a closer relative to Ashkenazis than me.
“It is so easy to picture you rocking back and forth in a smelly closet floor with your Unit 8200 tablet foaming at the mouth while you type your exaggerations, untruths, and other bs.”
It thinks it’s smart cuz it mentions Israel’s NSA equivalent. You actually think such a unit gives a tablet to simple troll farmers? I bet, they just get money to buy a tablet at Wallmart, since all platforms can be accessed remotely. Just like the one you type from.
“Can you feel that your tribe’s book of tricks are no longer having the impact they once did, as the entire world has had a eureka moment about what your people are? Tick tock, Mordechai, the goyim know, and they want to provide you a Leo Frank necktie party.”
It can put witty sentences together too! Bravo, smelly November. The goyim are awakening only to the threat from Papist Nazis like yourself. The only Allies you got are Nation of Islam types, Spics, and Dagos. A sorrier lot of beggar pirates I haven’t seen since Mosul. In contrast, I am like one of those chappies who, once a privateer-pirate, have been given a commission to hunt the most wicked of your kind out of nationalist seas.
@Exalted Cyclops,
Yes, Mr. Hitler was not the monster that (((mainstream))) historians, movies, tv shows, et al have made him out to be.
He did remove the Rothschilds from both German and Austrian central banks.
He offered peace terms before and after the war began.
In regard to Operation Barbarossa, I recommend the book “Icebreaker,” and this video by its author.
It was hardly a long post. A few sentences with links in-between.
You can call me an “Anglo hater, ” if you chose to. I really do not care because it is not accurate. Your mind is already made up.
I am not going to do some ‘shit test, ‘ and list 10 positive things Anglos have done.
November, nope. No strawman argument intended on my end. The things I went into above were simply a culmination of observations of different points you have made on here in the past in addition to comments made from plenty of other commenters who come across as anti Anglo not just on here but on plenty of other blogs too. They have a tendency bring up the same points over and over including bashing the creation of America while also hypocritically falsely reminding us that “ it was actually the Germans who won the American Revolution and created America “. However, in your last response I am glad to see you are more nuanced.
This seems to be a seed of contention planted by trolls.
It’s the traitorous governments that are at fault.
It must really suck to have the lying jewish parasitic troll as an(((all-lie))).
I cannot imagine having that filthy jew camouflaging itself as. a Southern Anglo cozying up to could not make your skin crawl.
November, my arguments are entirely my own. I am not pro Jewish. I am simply pro British people and their civilization ( Anglo Celtic). I am noticing people bashing the British people just as much as they bash Jews and it is becoming a problem in this movement. America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Britain are the wrong places to be living while having this sort of mindset, since there are millions and millions of people of that stock who live in those places and we will fail without them ( us since I am one) as allies.
As for Aryan Globalist Bro, even if I don’t agree with all his points, he makes some good points in defense of Anglos . As I said above, we have gone too far down the path of bashing Protestants, Anglo Saxons, Wasps etc….. in this movement ( and they are the only white group that gets this treatment) that I find a lot of his points ( not all) refreshing. And even if you are able to refute some of his points, he brings up other points that are true.
“I am noticing people bashing the British people just as much as they bash Jews and it is becoming a problem in this movement. America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Britain are the wrong places to be living while having this sort of mindset…”
Maybe, Anglos have a better chance of going it alone in Canada (unlikely, due to muslim and pajeet population), Australia (The best Nationalists in Oz are NS sympathizers. If you do not know who they are, I am not going to post their names here.), New Zealand (okay, but the M?ori may have a say about that, especially with jewish agitation), and UK aka “Cuck Island is at their moment of truth.
“As I said above, we have gone too far down the path of bashing Protestants, Anglo Saxons, Wasps etc….. in this movement ( and they are the only white group that gets this treatment).”
Well, FYI, it is not going to stop because it has been earned. Just as the West was gaslit into believing in muh holocaust, but now is shaking off that Svengali mind virus, the betrayal of non-Anglo Europeans by the partnership between jews and Anglos for centuries is well known to European, South African, Latin American, and North American WNs.
There is much truth to placing most of the blame on the establishment elites, but Joe and Jane Doe never counter signaled their agendas and wars.
So many instances of the Anglosphere being on the wrong side of history, and those that understand that are rightly critical. You may call it “bashing,” but the fact that it is so common, as you acknowledged, should tell you that it is not going to fade away because you and others of your mindset are upset.
“As for Aryan Globalist Bro,… I find a lot of his points ( not all) refreshing. And even if you are able to refute some of his points, he brings up other points that are true.”
Are you familiar with the Russian proverb on jewish “suffering?”
Basically, it goes, “The jew will tell what happened to them, but they will not tell you why it occurred.”
What that heeb cited in its anti-German American post comes down to what set off such a stoic and calm people to act? Were they pushed, or did they jump? A little of both, but primarily the former holds true.
One point of contention I have with Mr. Hitler; He was an Anglophile. He thought that Anglos and Germans should be friends and allies and did whatever he could to make that a reality. How was he and the German folk repaid for reaching out to them with an olive branch? Well, we both know the answer to that question, correct? If you do not, read or watch David Irving’s (Anglo) numerous books and videos on that subject.
Unlike Mr., Hitler, we are not Anglophiles.
I think we have come to an impasse, in that you are not going to change my POV, and I will not change yours.
As I wrote, and am sure that you read, I hope that Anglos can take their beloved Dixie Republic for themselves. Perhaps, we can even have friendly relations, but it will be on equal terms.
November, yes we can’t come to terms at all. In fact you just went into a bunch of things I strongly disagree with. What good does it do people like you to stay angry at Anglos if you are living in countries Anglos created and where tons of Anglo Celtic people live? If you hate us then leave. We are going in circles with this argument. And trust me, there are lots of people who think like me. I personally don’t care to work with people who have such a hatred for my people. Why would I? You realize that every white ethnic group has strengths and weaknesses right? Anglos have done a lot of great things too and you know that because you are living here around us.
There are not many Anglo American’s where I live.
Many of the Anglos I knew growing up tmoved to Florida, South Carolina, Arizona, and Texas with their wog wives and kids.
Anglos are concentrated in the South.
You would be better served sending better politicians to Washington D.C. than Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Dan Crenshaw, Lyndsey Graham who has a post-speech pow wow with Netanyahu.
My point being that I do not live amongst you.
FYI, I and others like me aren’t leaving America for the previous reasons I have written.
If you want to assist your people, Political Alternative (UK) is organizing in support Brits caught up in the jew kay’s draconian crackdown on nationalists during the recent unrest. That was the topic of this thread after all.
Please note that in UK, Australia, and New Zealand it is fellow Anglos and jews responsible for laws and penalties against nationalists.
November, as you said before, we should agree to disagree. It appears to me that you just really hate Anglo Celtic people and can’t think of anything good we have done and just dwell on the bad. You say that that isn’t what you were doing but then turn around and keep doing it in this discussion.
You have noticed, right, that there are plenty of non Anglo countries in the West that are on the path to destruction right? Plenty of countries with brainwashed people, not just Anglo Saxon ones (you are probably going to blame Anglos for the problems in these other countries). And unlike you, I recognize that all white ethnicities have strengths and weaknesses. Anglos have too much individuality which has led to issues but it has also led to them creating and inventing so many things.
In regards to British ethnicity in this country, it is absolutely NOT just dominant in the South. It is very common in the West, the Lower Midwest, and New England. The way you just described an Anglo free North is only true in parts of the Upper Midwest and the Mid Atlantic states. A lot of people underreport their British heritage to the census because it goes back farther and isn’t as known as recent immigrant heritage. Ancestry dna tests are proving this.
Sure , the South doesn’t send the best politicians to Washington but does any other region have room to talk? We have been through this many times.
If you don’t want to leave America, fine, but I don’t understand what good people like you are doing by constantly hating on Anglos in a country like America especially on a pro Southern blog.
> One point of contention I have with Mr. Hitler; He was an Anglophile. He thought that Anglos and Germans should be friends and allies and did whatever he could to make that a reality. How was he and the German folk repaid for reaching out to them with an olive branch? Well, we both know the answer to that question, correct? If you do not, read or watch David Irving’s (Anglo) numerous books and videos on that subject.
That was arguably the greatest mistake of all those that he made. (The other is following Napoleon’s insanity and invading Russia). In fact it also goes some way towards explaining his willingness to not play hardball with the Rothschilds and other bankstein families who were in Germany when he came to power. Never bring a croquet mallet to a gun fight. The Marquess of Queensbury was a spoiled turd and his rules are worthless in dealing with jewish thuggery. The guy who penned Mein Kampf should have studied history more. The Talmudics always twist the ‘rules’ as the game is under way.
Hitler allowed the trapped British army to escape at Dunkirk because he stupidly thought the Rothschild sock-puppet British regime would see reason. He should have instead forced their surrender (most of the 400,000 escaped to Britain) and agreed to ransom them for Churchill himself – newly installed as P. M. That might have cooled the average Brit’s enthusiasm for fighting on behalf of banking cartels.
Indeed, all European ethnicities have their histories, but your group is the one that mortally injured Western civilization with their (((British and American Empires))). Without their wars and interconnectedness with jewish international financiers, Europeans the world over would not be in our current existential crises.
LMAO. New England isn’t as WASPY as you believe in 2024. When it was, it was filled with them “Damn Yankees.” You know the ones that were the first church of the woke that led them into conflict with their aristocratic plantation slaver brethren. Ironically, the Puritans thought themselves the new hebrews. Both HArvard and Yale have very long jewish connections. Imagine my shock.
On the other hand, the Southern Anglo aristocrats along with their jewish business partners brought negro chattel slavery here. How did that work out for everyone? 13/60 and all.
By the way, you do know that not being an Anglophile does not mean hating Anglos, eh?
Again, ask yourself why there is what you call “Anglo bashing” in dissident circles.
FYI, I worked on David Duke’s presidential campaign collecting signatures so he could qualify for the republican primaries in the Midwest in 1992. So, there are American Anglos I like very much.
I hope your Southern Anglo boys and girls do not have to fight and die for Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Troll’s tribe in the Levant.
November, I guess I am going to be the better person here and NOT respond with a long post like you just did since we keep going back and forth and obviously disagree on many things. If you want me to NOT call you an Anglo hater then please list 10 strengths Anglos have that other white groups lack. I doubt you can. I can easily create a list like that for various different European nationalities. Just because I love my group the best doesn’t mean I don’t see the value in other groups. So instead of constantly listing every anomaly you can think of showing what every Anglo group has done wrong ( the fact that you are now throwing Southerners into the mix of people to blame for everything is quite laughable…. You really want to go there?)….. how about listing some attributes now?
British leadership is no better today than it was in 1939. In fact, it is demonstrably as bad, if not worse. Contemporary MPs would be just at bellicose against an NS Deutschland as their predecessors.
Only Brits in our circles (Most of the Patriotic Alternative hierarchy) that understand that England was 100% wrong in both World Wars have earned a pass. The normies still worship Churchill and Arthur “Bomber” Harris.
I suggest that you gain a better understanding of past and current events in GB/UK.
November, I didn’t say anything in support of the British leaders in my post. In regards to the general British white public, it is a shame you have such a low opinion of them.
Whatever I feel towards the British (and American Anglos) for familial and historic reasons, I do not celebrate the murders, rapes, violence, and dispossession by coloreds that the cabal of elite peerage Anglos and jews conspired together to bring forth to their calamity.
Why are so many so Britons passive and obedient? This is just one of the many hard “lessons” (I can give many other examples over a thousand years up to Thatcher’s and Blair’s “lessons” in the twentieth century) that common Britons were “taught” by the “British” class and usury system, that made so many become passive and obedient, in their poverty, in their class “concentration camp”: The “Harrowing of the North” from 1068-70 was the first Roman Catholic British monarch’s campaign of genocide in northern England, and parts of Wales, which destroying half of the human population (worse than Gaza, so far) and their livestock, crops in the field, seed and stored grain, and their old orthodox Christian clergy, with the sword, fire and starvation, to impose the rule of Romano-Norman monarchy and “nobility,” and the Pope’s rule (Roman Catholicism) and Talmudic usury, on the miserable survivors. The nobles’ celebrated Magna Charta “rebellion” and the so-called “revolution” of 1639-51 that used the commons as cannon fodder never broke, only strengthened the system. The time has long since come to overthrow it and establish a true republic.
The British common people didn’t become conformist oriented until the 20th century. That was chiefly due the socio-economic changes wrought by the German imperialism causing World Wars that militarized the population along with centralism directed industrial policy all against a backdrop of the late 19th century industrial changes. Add on top of that the complete pacification of the population by repeatitive gun grabbing ministries and socialist government directed changes in local power. Steir Karter, who I warned was a Commie tyrant before the recent outbreak of protests is just the penultimate Prime Minister of this authoritarian leadership class.
“Why aren’t more British Americans standing up for their relatives”
Because WHITES don’t have loyalty to their own kind.
No, its because the British Americans have no real organized voice in politics anymore. They could, they just need to start self organizing. Right now, they still think the system is controlled by them. In reality it’s predominantly Papist run. That’s why the system won’t do anything for the British and why British Americana ask, why won’t anything be done for them. The Papists are the primary obstacle in America to realizing true National Self Identity and Liberation.
United States of Aipac ” because WHITES don’t have loyalty to their own kind.” It’s a little more complex than that, wealthy whites stick together, middle class, working class whites will, if their is something in it for them, beside’s, just Survival, their are plenty of white men, who have loyalty, to their friends, kith and kin etc…. i would presume, the racial loyalty you respect and appreciate, would be found, with Bike club’s, Militia’s, Prison gangs etc…the normies still have it pretty good and pretty easy…..
“, the racial loyalty you respect and appreciate,”
Nope, I’m talking about something more basic, more primal.
If I were a Russian military intelligence officer, I would see a beautiful chance for revenge on MI6 by smuggling a few thousand small-arms, RPG’s and MANPAD’s into the UK.
Brits are too civilized for that.
Someone could attach them with a sledgehammer and they’d be,” I say, I say, I object”.
United States of AIPAC, that made me laugh!
“If I were a Russian military intelligence officer, I would see a beautiful chance for revenge on MI6 by smuggling a few thousand small-arms, RPG’s and MANPAD’s into the UK.”
Too soon. Or at least too soon to begin deploying them. Perhaps cacheing them is appropriate though.
Right now, what they need are more civil disobedience or street violence weapons like firecrackers, flashbacks, batons, bars, blackjacks, brass knuckles, ball bearings, buckshot, high power lights, lasers, bottles, wicks, fuses, etc. Things that Antifa uses in places like Seattle. At the very least, they need masks. Duh.
You say it is “too soon to begin deploying” (small arms, RPG’s and MANPADS) but perhaps “cacheing them is appropriate” and “Right now, what they need are more civil disobedience or street violence weapons like firecrackers, flashbacks, batons, bars, blackjacks, brass knuckles, ball bearings, buckshot, high power lights, lasers, bottles, wicks, fuses (…) masks”:
You want the English workers to become violent – for WHAT purpose? Could it be for the conservation, renewal and advancement of the same global “Aryan” class and usury system (including Israel) that has always exploited them, even in those so-called “glory days” of the 1970’s to 1990’s, those Thatcher days, and Blair days? You might be recommending violence (with no revolutionary purpose!) against Muslim immigrants because it can only strengthen the system (including Israel), being a catharsis to release the built-up pressure of workers’ emotions and make them even easier to rule.
“You say it is “too soon to begin deploying” (small arms, RPG’s and MANPADS) but perhaps “cacheing them is appropriate” and “Right now, what they need are more civil disobedience or street violence weapons like firecrackers, flashbacks, batons, bars, blackjacks, brass knuckles, ball bearings, buckshot, high power lights, lasers, bottles, wicks, fuses (…) masks”:
“You want the English workers to become violent – for WHAT purpose?”
Nice try Meredith. Don’t put words in my mouth. I didn’t say they should, or must, or advocate. Merely, that if they were going to further resistance they wouldn’t need weapons, but rather they would need some of the instruments I mentioned. Its a purely analytical viewpoint of the situation. So, the Lads on the Thames can go eff themselves in trying to Keith Woods me.
“Could it be for the conservation, renewal and advancement of the same global “Aryan” class and usury system (including Israel) that has always exploited them, even in those so-called “glory days” of the 1970’s to 1990’s, those Thatcher days, and Blair days?”
Those were hardly glory days. I know. I was there. Were they better then than now? Mostly yes. But hardly glory days.
The glory days were long before my time, when Empire still existed, industry was plentiful, horse drawn carts still came by to pick up odds and ends or deliver milk, Cockneys still swept the streets and kept them spick and span, bowler hat wearing civil servants were everywhere, the old Parish churches were still full of rich and working class alike, and the working class and petite bougouisie could sell their wares at pure capitalist market streets. Long before me, although the market streets still existed, barely.
By my time, the working class was not doing well and small shoppers and petite bouguousie were collapsing under the onslaught of deregulated internal trade barriers and immigrant crime syndicates. But, their identities and influence still existed in even London. Still, it was already crippled by decolonialization and deindustrialization of the 1960s to 1970s.
What was left were the children of those catastrophes, now grown, trying to find their way in old neighborhoods that were still British, but poorer, were jobs were few, were the foreign monkey filth was rearing its head sporadically but were usually beat down by the people themselves or the old coppers. I remember a moment when I was caught with a few locals and set upon by local monkey filth initiating a series of clashes across the streets. Out of the bowels of nearby allyways came more of the monkey filth. But nearby, other Englishmen came out as well starting a vast melee. At some point the Bobbies came, saw the melee, looked at the two sides, blew their whistles and lighted into the N@gger monkey filth. Together with us we amd the Bobbies beat the horde of N@gger Monkey Filth back into their dens. Those old coppers weren’t like that piece of shiite now running the Metro Police in London. They knew which side their bread was buttered. They not only let us go, they thanked us. Then we enjoyed the town as owners of the street pretty much like this.
“You might be recommending violence (with no revolutionary purpose!) against Muslim immigrants because it can only strengthen the system (including Israel), being a catharsis to release the built-up pressure of workers’ emotions and make them even easier to rule.”
Again, I never said anything such thing. Your attempt at a predicate for that scumbag Metro sexual New Copper and his ilk at the Met and Thames House is one I deny. Bullocks to you all.
Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes have literally gone retarded. I have been skeptical of accelerationism or the ‘worse is better’ strategy, although I tried to keep an open mind. In every circumstance (for the past 20 years), liberals are always worse than conservatives. And the liberals never moderate themselves, they always go further left than the year before. There are others way of influencing conservative platforms than to vote for liberals (like Richard Spencer) or refusing a vote, thus handing a victory to communists.
Yes, majority of the right are zionists (unfortunately). I’ll take a right-wing zionist over any cultural-marxist communist who wants to manipulate children into gender-mutilation surgery / hormone blockers that their parents can do nothing about, actively encouraging and enabling mass legal and illegal immigration from the third world, putting pornography in school libraries, tampons in men’s bathrooms, stupid wars which border on the brink of sparking WW3, distributing more rights and wealth to Brown people than White people. Don’t get me wrong, I at least give a good portion of the blame for Western decline on Jews, maybe they even deserve all of the blame. But hell no am I going to enable the left, that’s just retarded.
Vote red down the line, even if you have to hold your nose. Just do it. Otherwise you are literally retarded. Not voting or voting for the other side makes things worse and indeed, worse is not better, as can be seen by January 6th and what is going on in Britain as evidence. I don’t consider myself a racist, I don’t hate any race, not even Jews. But at the same time I don’t want to be surrounded by Brown people and people who actively vote against my interests. I generally, for the most part, want to be around a mostly White population.
The so-called ‘right-wing zionists’ (including Trump) all support the whole LGBT+ agenda, along with Queen Chlamydia and Tampon Timmy. I agree that Fuentes and Spencer (both probably Feds, by the way) are fake-and-gay and need to be ignored altogether. Go in with your eyes fully open. The down-the-line red votes are potentially far more important than the top of the line ones are.
They were always retard.
Spencer was bragging about Heil Hitlering in saloons and bars with Milo, long before his “Hail Victory” moment. All of the elders were warned of this behavior long before Trump’s inauguration and told he needed to be disciplined, but they laughed it off. So, their schemes of working with Trump were blown to hell with Hail Victory Assperging at Inauguration and now VDare has been murdered.
Nick has gone even further than Spencer by actively destroying national and international collaboration between various rightwing populist movements. Again, the elders were warned but they ignored it. Instead of disciplining Nick’s ego driven treason and collaborating with other rightwingers here and abroad, they decided to collaborate with Nick. So now they are associated with Nick’s theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars from his AFPAC grift.
So, no, Nick and Dick just haven’t gone retard. They were always retard. And of course, always Papist.
United States of Aipac ” because WHITES don’t have loyalty to their own kind.” It’s a little more complex than that, wealthy whites stick together, middle class, working class whites will, if their is something in it for them, beside’s, just Survival, their are plenty of white men, who have loyalty, to their friends, kith and kin etc…. i would presume, the racial loyalty you respect and appreciate, would be found, with Bike club’s, Militia’s, Prison gangs etc…the normies still have it pretty good and pretty easy…..
United States of Aipac ” more basic more primal ” you mean, founding stock, frontier whites, like the Virginia Long Knives or the Kentucky Rifle Men ? I wish it too Brother .
A.G. BRO , ” they were always retard ” Fuentes is no big loss, self serving opportunist, Tom Brokaw wannabe, R.Spencer is the loss, he has/had a lot going for him, if he could get his heart right, his EGO would soon follow suit, he should/should have spent time with the middle/working classes and white working poor, he handicapped his own self, with his bondage to his own snobbish, snooty class, you need to actually work for a living MR.Spencer, you might understand your people, after you walk a mile in their shoe’s, jumping ship too the left, is BITCH behaviour ..
This was so predictable.
The British nationalists needed to go for broke.
Now it will be their 1/6, before UKZOG magistrates.
Fun fact, UKZOG was floating the idea of a Kushner-Trump “First Step Act, ” in order to release “non-violent” inmates. It is safe to assume that native Brit nationalists are going to fill those empty cells.
In 2016 leading up to the presidential election many had a “may the BREXIT be with you” attitude about overthrowing the system by electing Donald Trump.
Britain is not giving anyone a “BREXIT” feeling right now doing their George “1984” Orwell “meme”.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
British “patriots,” who are fighting “back” against immigrants, while lacking the understanding of a better system will only create waste and suffering, and exhaust themselves. Anger alone is not the answer to the problem. Stoking anger or hate instead of education is a disaster. “The wrath of men worketh not the righteousness of God.”
“Whence come wars and fightings among you? Even of your lusts that war in your members.” Today is the anniversary of the second nuclear bombing by the U.S. of a city, full of men, women and children. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were also the two main centres of Christianity that was spreading in Japan at the beginning of the twentieth century, and Japan has rejected Western Christianity ever since. The U.S. and Israel did not attend the annual observance this year. As soon as the U.S. finished nuking Japan, it prepared to nuke all the large cities of Russia, before Russia could build its own nuclear weapons. The UK wanted its own arsenal of nuclear weapons when it saw the “success” of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as did the “French republic.”
As for “anger”. One cannot blame a people being oppressed by an evil regime for being angry. It’s merely a natural response to the abuse. The flaw in your position is you think the colonizers imported by the evil elites to serve as the muscle to genocide the native Brits, including yourself by the way, are going to see the error of their ways and turn upon those who made their colonization possible – with all of its many benefits. As I noted aboveThat was the Jewish-controlled regime of the USSA and they explicitly targeted those two southern cities for that very reason. It was the only place in Japan where Christianity had taken root. Their military significance was minimal. That’s just the two-millenia hate in play. It’s who (((they))) are. Literal spawn of Satan. The Kalergi plan is a variant on the same basic objective.
As for “anger”. One cannot blame a people being oppressed by an evil regime for being angry. It’s merely a natural response to the abuse. The flaw in your position is you think the colonizers imported by the evil elites to serve as the muscle to genocide the native Brits, including yourself by the way, are going to see the error of their ways and turn upon those who made their colonization possible – with all of its many benefits (welfare, white sluts who can be trafficked, etc). As I noted above, the colonizers have chosen sides. Even with Gaza, while they might protest they aren’t about to leave and actually fight the empire as that might mean they’ll get killed in action. They serve the Empire of Lies just as surely as AGB does – despite his song and dance here to make it seem like he opposes it.
Killing the foreign enemy of Jihadis, Cartelistas, Commies, etc. is not serving an Empire of Lies, its a Patriotic duty of survival.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the Jewish-controlled regime of the USSA who explicitly targeted those two southern cities for that very reason. It was the only place in Japan where Christianity had taken root. Their military significance was minimal. That’s just the two-millenia hate in play. It’s who (((they))) are. Literal spawn of Satan. The Kalergi plan is a variant on the same basic objective.
As for “anger”. One cannot blame a people being oppressed by an evil regime for being angry. It’s merely a natural response to the abuse. The flaw in your position is you think the colonizers imported by the evil elites to serve as the muscle to genocide the native Brits, including yourself by the way, are going to see the error of their ways and turn upon those who made their colonization possible – with all of its many benefits. As I noted above the neo-colonials have chosen to side with the evil empire. Even with Gaza, while they might protest they aren’t about to leave and actually fight the empire as that might mean they’ll get killed in action. They serve the Empire of Lies just as surely as AGB does – despite his song and dance here to make it seem like he opposes it.
The difference between a Musloid or Pajeet in Britain and AGB is that the neo-colonial supports the empire by raping and pludering the lower-class whites while AGB urges them to go and join the Imperial legion to rape and plunder the native lands of the neo-colonials – further stoking their feelings of anger against the natives. Typical jewish operation – let’s you and him fight, while I sell you weapons to kill each other. (This is the correct version of the post above – a preview feature would be a real help here).
“The difference between a Musloid or Pajeet in Britain and AGB is that the neo-colonial supports the empire by raping and pludering the lower-class whites while AGB urges them to go and join the Imperial legion to rape and plunder the native lands of the neo-colonials – further stoking their feelings of anger against the natives.”
What a disjointed logic. So, the foreign filth in our country, that have invaded our lands are upset because we are kicking the shiite out of their overseas homes their cousins used to launch major attacks. You sound like a Pajeet Moselman yourself when you talk like that.
Invading other countries and stirring up wars worldwide on behalf of banksters is not defending the country. It’s actively participating in treason. Your neo-klown strategy of invade the world, invite the world is treason. In your view, the white brits should be joining the imperial legion to fight Iran on Israel’s behalf while Two-Tier Kier floods the UK with more Muslims and Africans. That’s another tell that you’re just a hasbara troll.
False association. Fighting overseas, doesn’t mean you support immigration. Neither is our interventionism the cause of international terror. Rather we are forced to intervene and fight overseas because of international terror. In other words, even without immigration, we’d still be forced to fight. You choose to surrender. I dont.
Your answer is to not defend at all against overseas threats while saying “Muh, Immigration,” and “Muh, Jews.” That’s a cope for disguising support for our Sand N@gger enemies like Iran. When the Jihadis come to burn your house down, your neighbor will say, “I am not going to defend my Nieghbor’s house, because “Muh, Immigration” and “Muh, Duh, Jews.”
None of the wars you endorse had anything to do with defending the country, only with enriching the accounts of the criminal oligarchy who controls the country. As always Schlomo – you lie. Gen. Butler was correct: War is a racket. He had two decades experience in making Central America safe for the United Fruit Company. That was back in the good old days. 20 years in Afghanistan to make money for the (((Sacklers))). Go back to Tel-Aviv.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“None of the wars you endorse had anything to do with defending the country, only with enriching the accounts of the criminal oligarchy who controls the country.”
False. Afghanistan attacked us on 911. Iraq tried to assassinate our President. Afghanistan was a garrison state for Anti-Christian, Anti-Western, Anti-American forces. Iraq likewise was seeking to become a garrison state for Islamists.
We crushed both states. But because of lackluster oversight and non stop agitation by Anti-American elements inside the US, including yourself, we abandoned both campaigns to secure those occupations, and finally abandon the Pro-American elements there as well.
Today, Iraq is a neutralized state dominated by Iraqi leaning Shiites, but still containing enough pro-American elements backdated by us, that it is hesitant to actively engage with Iran. Afghanistan by contrast is a highly militarized Islamic Jihad state, with hundreds of thousands of troops, and 75,000 international jihadists, controlling a vast arsenal they took from our allies.
This debacle was caused directly by Democrats Obama and Biden, and aided and abetted by psuedo-rightwingers such as yourself. All of the billions of dollars you chumps pretend complained about being given to the Pro-American Afghanis, has now been increased and is being given to the Talibanis by the vile Biden Administration.
The scale of treachery happening is so broad and so deep, both domestically and internationally, that it has led me to now investigate and question rightwingers. Indeed, it was some Nick friendly Papist who tried to assassinate Trump, and a Trump friendly group of Papists who tried to anoint a Papist as his successor at the RNC convention.
Yeah, there’s vast treason afoot. You need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you want to stop unwitting puppet of traitors or if you want to be witting conspirator of traitors.
“my No l priority is to make sure our communities are safe”……..as he continues flooding the nation with incompatibles and criminals. Well three little girls weren’t safe were they?! They’re now safely dead.
The West has fallen because of the treachery of both sides of politics.
They’re are some likeable non whites, yes.
As a collective though, we don’t want them as the majority. The culture is changing, and crime rates off the charts.
They have failed us. They have betrayed us, and then tax us to death for the privilege.
Here’s your sovereign, Brits.
Here is Charles III receiving instructions from his lord and master, Evelyn de Rothschild:
Here is an example of the great charitable work the Rothschild charities engage in, diversity of course:
The ruling class of the UK, just like the U.S. and most western countries are the scum of the earth, starting at the very top.
“Here is Charles III receiving instructions from his lord and master, Evelyn de Rothschild.”
Evelyn de Rothschild is dead, and his estate is now controlled by his wife, a friend of King Charles.
He wasn’t dead while poking the future King Charles III in the chest. One never touches royalty except for a handshake, unless of course , , ,
And now he is dead and his estate with him. Poking Royal chests has consequences.
The more the monarchy apologizes to the wogs, condemns the protests, etc, the more it loses public support. King Charles will unpleasantly surprised to learn that support for the monarchy will increase the more he acts like a Cuck on behalf of immigrants, EU, and globalism.
“King Charles will unpleasantly surprised to learn that support for the monarchy will increase the more he acts like a Cuck on behalf of immigrants, EU, and globalism.”
That was supposed to be written:
King Charles will unpleasantly surprised to learn that support for the monarchy will DECREASE the more he acts like a Cuck on behalf of immigrants, EU, and globalism.
Chuck the Turd just living down to his name. Kind of like Tampon Tim.
Here is Charles III unveiling his official portrait. He looks appropriately demonic. The audience claps like trained seals.
Here’s a better one.
12AX7 ” He looks like a SATANIC REPTILLIAN, the jury still out on William and Kate, if prince Harry was worth a Damm, he would be home in England, where he belongs, protecting and leading his people, till he straighten’s up, he can go sit his guilty ass down, right next to R.Spencer ..
Lots of British patriots are going to have their lives ruined because British conservatives failed to control immigration…
How about start an international debate on the merits of segregation/discrimination/etc for the safety and security of entire nations and the entire planet? We now have evidence and not just theories about the direction the world is now taking — suicide.
Below is a video that was taken in Vienna a few (or maybe more) years ago. These people actually appear to be happy (can you believe it?) totally different from most Whites today and there seems to be mostly Whites in the video.
We need to save and improve our brothers’/sisters’ lives by returning to our older much higher discriminating standards and separate from those who want to loot and destroy us.
The premise of the Jewish State of Israel is segregation. Segregation is only a dirty word when applied to white people’s desire to preserve their own identity, not when applied to the “Right” of God’s chosen people to separate themselves from the goyim over which they rule.
“Segregation is only a dirty word when applied to white people’s desire to preserve”
They will slander every virtue and encourage every vice.
Their objective is destruction.
I have a hard time mustering up any sympathy for the English. They have drug us into their wars against Germany and now they are living with the consequences especially of WW2.
Separate out the common Englishman from the treacherous aristocracy, the two are separate elements.
Recall, it was the common tommy who mutinied during WWI.
Even the common “John Bulls” will puff out their chests for a victory lap on “V-E Day,” as the “victors” in those unnecessary and unjust wars that doomed Western civilization and were pyrrhic achievements for the Anglosphere.
I have seen this occur during European football/soccer games between England and Germany to this very year.
“seen this occur during European football/soccer games between”
Contrary to media gaslighting, mass sport does not bring out good character, but it brings out the crudest savage instincts.
> Separate out the common Englishman from the treacherous aristocracy, the two are separate elements.
This is true of nearly all groups to one degree or another. It even applies to jews, though there is a mafia-type dynamic at play with them so that omerta is very ruthlessly enforced to those who buck the big shots. It also applies to AGB’s favorite whipping boy the papists, who used have a stronger identity based on their Catholicism but this was before Vatican II destroyed the institutional church from within. Now the entire Vatican from Franny down to even local and regional priests and the orders is in full lock-step with ZOG. This is one area where our resident hasbara is actually leaking some accurate information.
One of the curious and fairly unique features of the British (this term incorporates the English, Scots, Welsh and – to a lesser degree – the Irish) is the relative weakness of collectivism and strength of individualism. Like many things, this characteristic is both a strength and a weakness. Part of the problem is most have no idea of the actual nature of our enemy. At the heart of woke dogma – which is the imperial state religion – lies total nihilism.
Right Exalted Cyclops. But this weakness doesn’t mean we should say the British people deserve this. I know you aren’t saying that yourself. And also as you just said, this trait is both a strength and a weakness. All white groups have different strengths and weaknesses.
” doesn’t mean we should say the British people deserve this.”
Nope, it sure doesn’t.
The Brits are just as oppressed as those under the Soviets, but the methods are both more subtle and insidious.
At least the Soviets weren’t engaged racial self-destruction by alien race replacement
The French mutinied in 1917. Tommies responded favorably to a German initiated Christmas celebration in the first year of the war. Of course the trash at the top couldn’t tolerate a stoppage of the bloodletting, though.
“The French mutinied in 1917. ”
So did Brits and ANZAC troops.
They do their best to omit this fact from most histories.
“I have a hard time mustering up any sympathy for the English. They have drug us into their wars against Germany and now they are living with the consequences especially of WW2.”
Europe is living with the consequences GERMANY caused by initiating two fratricidal imperialistic wars against fellow Europeans. They even helped the spread of communism, weaponized the Rising Tide of Color, and crippled Europe’s demographics. Nice try at deflecting responsibility.
This coming week there will be a day of fasting for the Jews:
Observances _ Fasting, mourning, prayer, abstaining from physical pleasures
Date _ 9th day of Av (if Shabbat, then the 10th of Av)…
2024 date _ Sunset, 12 August – nightfall, 13 August
–Wikipedia: Tisha B’Av
(yep: August 12th was a bad day for us in the South back in 2017)
Tisha B’Av
Tisha B’Av (‘the ninth of Av’) is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which a number of disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both Solomon’s Temple by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the Second Temple by the Roman Empire in Jerusalem.
Tisha B’Av marks the end of the three weeks between dire straits and is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, and it is thus believed to be a day which is destined for tragedy. Tisha B’Av falls in July or August in the Gregorian calendar.
The observance of the day includes five prohibitions, most notable of which is a 25-hour fast. The Book of Lamentations, which mourns the destruction of Jerusalem, is read in the synagogue, followed by the recitation of kinnot, liturgical dirges that lament the loss of the Temples and Jerusalem. As the day has become associated with remembrance of other major calamities which have befallen the Jewish people, some kinnot also recall events such as the murder of the Ten Martyrs by the Romans; expulsions from England, Spain, and elsewhere; massacres of numerous medieval Jewish communities by Crusaders; and the Holocaust.
Five calamities
According to the Mishnah (Taanit 4:6), five specific events occurred on the ninth of Av that warrant fasting:
1, The Twelve Spies sent by Moses to observe the land of Canaan returned from their mission. Only two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, brought a positive report, while the others spoke disparagingly about the land. The majority report caused the Children of Israel to cry, panic and despair of ever entering the “Promised Land”. For this, they were punished by God that their generation would not enter the land.[5] The midrash quotes God as saying about this event, “You cried before me pointlessly, I will fix for you [this day as a day of] crying for the generations”, alluding to the future misfortunes which occurred on the same date.
2. The First Temple built by King Solomon was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BCE, and the population of the Kingdom of Judah was sent into the Babylonian exile. According to the Bible, the First Temple’s destruction began on the 7th of Av (2 Kings 25:8) and continued until the 10th (Jeremiah 52:12). According to the Talmud,[8] the actual destruction of the Temple began on the Ninth of Av, and it continued to burn throughout the Tenth of Av.
3. The Second Temple, built by Zerubbabel and renovated by Herod the Great, was destroyed by the Romans on 9 Ab 70 CE,[b] scattering the people of Judea and commencing the Jewish exile from the Holy Land.
4. The Romans subsequently crushed Bar Kokhba’s revolt and destroyed the city of Betar, killing over 500,000 Jewish civilians (approximately 580,000) on 9 Ab 135 CE.
5. Following the Bar Kokhba revolt, Roman commander Quintus Tineius Rufus plowed the site of the Temple in Jerusalem and the surrounding area.
Other calamities
Over time, Tisha B’Av has come to be a Jewish day of mourning, not only for these events, but also for later tragedies that occurred on or near the 9th of Av. References to some of these events appear in liturgy composed for Tisha B’Av (see below). Note that dates prior to 1582 are in the Julian calendar, not the Gregorian calendar.
– The First Crusade officially commenced on 15 August 1096 (Av 24, AM 4856), killing 10,000 Jews in its first month and destroying Jewish communities in France and the Rhineland.
– The Jews were expelled from England on 18 July 1290 (Av 9, AM 5050).
– The Jews were expelled from France on 22 July 1306 (Av 10, AM 5066).
– The Jews were expelled from Spain on 31 July 1492 (Av 7, AM 5252).
– Germany entered World War I on 1–2 August 1914 (Av 9–10, AM 5674), which caused massive upheaval in European Jewry and whose aftermath led to World War II and the Holocaust.
– On 2 August 1941 (Av 9, AM 5701), SS commander Heinrich Himmler formally received approval from the Nazi Party for “The Final Solution,” which marked the beginning of the Holocaust during which almost one third of the world’s Jewish population was murdered.
– On 23 July 1942 (Av 9, AM 5702), the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka began.
– The AMIA bombing on the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killed 85 and injured 300 on 18 July 1994 (10 Av, AM 5754)…
–Wikipedia: Tisha B’Av
Historically this is a date (on the Hebrew calendar) that has brought a lot of tragedy to the Jews. Nothing may happen this year but since this year has become so crazy starting last month then things might continue to get even crazier. Since this nation is practically owned and run by rich Jews who have bought out many of our politicians in this country it may cause some unexpected national problems for all of us should they be hurt just because our government and all the people involved in it are directly/indirectly under this Jewish money and manipulation.
Just a heads up.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
> Germany entered World War I on 1–2 August 1914 (Av 9–10, AM 5674), which caused massive upheaval in European Jewry and whose aftermath led to World War II and the Holocaust.
I have a very difficult time believing any of these cursed Satanists would be mourning an event which they largely orchestrated that essentially cemented their control over most of the planet. By 1918, many millions of goyim were dead (a plus for Schlomo), three empires not entirely controlled by them were in history’s dumpster (Austria, Germany and Russia) and now under their control (though it would require allied help in Germany, and the Georgian gangster double-crossed them in Russia and took it for himself down the road). That must be on some public list to make them seem less wicked and thoroughly depraved than they actually are.
Your point about the danger of this nation’s idiocracy allowing Satanists to rule over them is quite valid. Since folks like John Hagee and countless other goyim prefer Jewish mammon to the following Christ, the nation they “shepherded” into a wolf-den may very well fall prey to the natural outcome of Jews’ endless evil. God will not be mocked forever, no matter how many times a day Schlomo and his followers do it.
When viewing a controversial event, very often what one sees online and what actually occurs in real life are seldom exactly the same thing. And so it has been with the anti-immigration protests that have rocked the United Kingdom this past week.
Analysis of the demonstrations by American White Nationalists have been extremely supportive – exuberant, really. Such analyses have been based soley on news reports from the British mainstream media. I have yet to read an account of the protests by an American who has actually participated in them.
So it was with great interest that I read the following analysis of the demonstrations by Peter Rushton, who was actually on the ground with the protestors in Machester, Preston and other cities and towns in the Northwest of England. What he reports is more critical and nuanced than the speculations made by Americans many thousands of miles away. See ” ‘Racist’ Riots and Fake News,” at:
What Rushton reports from first-hand observation might not be what US White Nationalists want to believe. But I find him to be a reliable, intelligent and conscientious source. He has been involved in the racial nationalist movement in the UK for decades. He has marched with the National Front, campaigned with the British National Party, spoken at meetings of the White Nationalist Party and distributed elections leaflets with the England First Party. Today he is an assistant editor for the respected White racialist magazine “Heritage and Destiny.”
So all White Nationalits should pay attention to what he says – even if it is not what they would prefer to believe.
That’s an interesting write up. The author nevertheless suffers from the premise that the UK government is somehow legitimate, along with the criminals wearing badges who operate under the color of law. They are not legitimate in any way. They, and all who support them, deserve whatever fate befalls them – regardless of how brutal and horrible it may be. That all being said in advance, the whole operation of “Tommy Robinson” is obviously a honey-trap to give the lawless regime of Starmer and excuse to jail opponents for many years. The problem with white Britons is the same as that of most white Americans. Thanks to decades of gaslighting and endless propaganda, they actually believe most of the lies they’ve been told. Here’s an example of how totally insane it has gotten. Tampon Timmy – running for Vice-president of USSA – would have no problem with forcing doctors to ask this insanely stupid question. What’s even worse are the supposedly 200,000 white women who signed up for a ‘White Women for Kamala’ zoom session are, like the ones in the article’s picture, literally too stupid to survive. The sooner they go the way of the Do-Do, the better for the remainder of us.
“Big Brother crackdown on British patriots”:
“Big Brother” is the global “Aryan” capitalist system that you want to conserve (or “reform” and conserve) based primarily in City of London, New York City and Washington D.C., that created and maintains the bloody Zionist colonial proxy (Israel). These scary riots (as in “Britain finally explodes in anger!”) are not spontaneous or organic. You will see more of them “erupting,” across Europe. They are orchestrated, part of a psychological operation similar to Operation Gladio, and the “patriots” who are rioting against Muslims (and looting stores) are merely the system’s stooges, mixed with EDL and Mossad agents. “Tommy Robinson,” a hyper-Zionist leader of the anti-Muslim (and anti-Palestinian) EDL (originally called “English Jewish Defense League”) is the system’s expendable chief instigator, whose being thrown in prison and “treated roughly” in prison is a mere disinfo tactic, a show designed to confuse lazy minds who focus on the tree put in front of them by the system’s media (including the system’s “dissident” far-right media) and won’t bother to look at the forest, and to confirm the prejudices of those (including right populists) who really love the class system, who have felt secure in their comfortable middle-class position and desperately want to conserve it.
“Chaos for the commons,” as someone put it, is so well said. “They” (the elites) give the common people chaos to confuse and distract them, while They suck/drain even more of the blood of the confused and distracted commons.
Only a few tens of thousands actually took part in these anti-Muslim protests and riots that you say “finally exploded,” while hundreds of thousands, up to one million, take part in anti-Zionist, anti-genocide protests in Britain, which these EDL- and Mossad- and MI-6 orchestrated anti-Muslim protests and riots were designed to combat.
More to think about:
Remember that the majority of annual immigration to the U.K. (over one million) consists of foreign students who pay high tuition to attend British universities, and the next largest portion consists of (cheap) foreign labour who come on visas. The number of real refugees fleeing from endless U.S.-UK imperialist wars around the world is the smallest portion; and remember that Britain would not be “multicultural” at all if it had been a real, socialist nation instead of a capitalist-imperialist, robbing and land-destroying BEAST, through all these years. The British imperial “homeland” will wear the GENETIC and cultural scars/tatoos of its imperialist crimes forever.
False. The majority if immigrants are not bloody student visa holders neither are they fleeing what limited tiny little small engagements that Britain has fought. The majority of immigrants are legal colonists using a system erected by Meredith’s fellow travellers amongst the globalists. Of course, he concludes by recognizing this national conquest and occupation as justified by Britain’s imperial past. Typical leftist mind phuckery and hate.
“Britain’s imperial past”:
It is also Britain’s (the UK’s) imperialist PRESENT, and now more than ever. Capitalism must keep “growing” (global imperialism) its monopoly or it will collapse and die. City of London-New York-Washington, the “Aryan” global usury nexus is not just in the past.
“limited tiny little small engagements that Britain has fought”:
Of course, that’s because they use proxies, financial sanctions, big lies, all kinds of dirty tricks. Perfidious Albion makes make war by deception.
“Meredith’s fellow travellers amongst the globalists”:
To the contrary, we oppose the “globalists,” who are responsible for the mass economic migration from the foreign lands being exploited and destroyed by capitalist imperialism. Without socialism there is no true nationalism. Your globalism (imperialism) not only destroys foreign nations, it also destroys the host nation!
Perfidious Albion makes war by deception. Not only the U.S., UK also masterminds the worst atrocities, terrorism, coups, civil wars, all around the world. London and Washington, like father like son.
“My good friends, things cannot go on well in England, nor ever will until everything shall be in common, when there shall be neither vassal nor lord, and all distinctions levelled; when the lords shall be no more masters than ourselves. How ill they have used us! (…) it is from our labour they have the wherewith to support their pomp,” said the people’s priest, John Ball of Colchester, who was hanged, drawn and quartered by order of the Talmudo-Catholic Norman monarchy in 1381.
One of the more noxious clowns in the UK puppet-regime has threatened Musk with extradition and jail. Perhaps it would be cheaper for Musk to hire a dream team to deal with that particular totalitarian apparatchik in an appropriate manner. He can hire a building full of lawyers of course. Not expecting it as Musk is of course one of the club so it’s just more kabuki but it would be encouraging to see that nasty clown get his comeuppance. Now if Trump actually made some comment which Sir Mark Rowley did not approve and the criminal regime in Sodom-on-Potomac extradited him on orders from AG Garfinkel … We double dare you, Donald.
Why did the Communists arrest people in the middle of the night?
Answer: they were afraid to do it in the daytime.
The same can be asked here–why are the scary British police arresting teenagers and the elderly?
Shouldn’t they be showing how tough they are by arresting adult white men car mechanics or dock workers?
Where’s the footage?