If I could go back in time, I would try to persuade my younger self that I shouldn’t go to the ill conceived “Unite the Right” rally because in practice it essentially meant unite the activists. Each activist group was planning to show up with its own flag and agenda. The message that we were trying to communicate to the public about the importance of protecting the Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson monuments would be overshadowed by activists who would make themselves the story.
If I still insisted on going to Charlottesville to stand up for our Southern heritage, I would have counseled organizing our own private event and going only with our own group and people who have been thoroughly vetted. I would have insisted on bringing Confederate Battle Flags and Virginia state flags and dressing normally to avoid any confusion about who we are and why we were there. I also would have cautioned against getting mixed up with the LARPy West Coast Alt-Lite stick fighting scene.
Hindsight is 20/20. I am proud that we stood up against that mob. It was brave. It could have been done in a better way though that took into account the audience we were trying to reach and the politicians we were trying to influence and the risks that we were taking in that communist shithole. Instead, it became a festival of activist ambitions, grievances and rabbit holes that people had traveled down.
I think that it probably could have been best organized but at the same time it was an act of bravery against the craziness and arrogance of the left. This act resonate and was an example even here in Europe. Instead Jan 6 was a buffonish parade and stupid thing.
Nikki Haley ripping down an iconic Southern flag that she had no business playing politics with in order to further her political career. The first ever Black police chief in Charlottesville, Al Thomas, having the police stand down, not keeping the opposing groups separated so that Commie Antifa/BLM/other left-wing radicals could physically put themselves in between the Unite the Right rally attendees and the entrance to the park they had a legal permit for. (I wonder if Soros and other deep-pockets Lefties sent Thomas a big bonus after he resigned over “mishandling” the event. Maybe someone needs to do some “discovery work” on his financial situation after he left his job.)
Notice non-whites played a key role in these two catastrophes. Surprise, Surprise…
Welcome to Reconstruction round (who knows, is anyone still keeping count?)…
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Every year when this comes around I still feel that sinking feeling in my stomach that I did in 2017.
I had like, 4-5 Livestreams going and was live Tweeting like a maniac and it was like watching a slow moving bus crash.
You guys will always have some low level of PTSD from being there & having that feeling of helplessness as you watched it all unravel around you. I know how much every one of y’all wish you could go back for a do over, and I wish that you all could, too.
If you hadn’t had a provocateur within your own ranks feeding ANTIFA encouragement your protest would likely been successful.
Agreed and well said.
IMO anything that is presented as “ The Right” ( Far Rjght ) will become a WWF style fixed, fake morality play, fight.
Everyone from Liberals , anti racists , all kinds of Js from yes Neo Conservatjve Right, to standard pro NAACP civil rights Js, “ Never Again, never another 6 million gassed Js and murdered, Blacks, gays, the disabled etc Js and Conservatjve Inc “ Were not RACISTS, Democrats and the Klan were the real White Democrat Racists like Robert Byrd etc” that’s the way it s going to play out.
Should have been Southern history only .
Thanks Brad
“Hindsight is 20/20. I am proud that we stood up against that mob. It was brave.”
I agree. I wish I could’ve been there. I think you all did a brave job.
“It could have been done in a better way though that took into account the audience we were trying to reach and the politicians we were trying to influence and the risks that we were taking in that communist shithole.”
Exactly. A good AAR would include a sit down with vetted allied leaders of the event and discuss:
•What was our mission?
•What went well?
•What could have gone better?
•What might we have differently?
•Who needs to know?
You’ve kind of already done that concluding:
“Instead, it became a festival of activist ambitions, grievances and rabbit holes that people had traveled down.”
This latter is key. Activist brain was a problem. It was chiefly a problem because of ego. Only an authoritative leader like Trump with his own loyalist cadre could’ve gotten all these egotists in line.
Still, while activist brain is a psychological marker, if you did an ethno-sectarian review of the leading trouble makers you will find they are almost all Papists and not Southern. When, the troublemakers aren’t Papists, they are usually atheists, and likely leftwing infiltrators and some might even be Jews.
Recognizing this ethnic-sectarian background is important. Not having ethno-sectarian cohesion makes effective organizing and protesting difficult. Not having Southerners lead at something like Charlottesville, deranges the narrative. There is no reason someone like Dick or Nick should be involved with Southern interests, especially Southern Nationalism.
The trouble of the movement is these Papists who get involved in the Southern nationalist movement. Without having a single damned connection to the South they think they can speak to all its issues. Likewise for almost all of the other nationalist groups in America, almost all of which have these damnable Papists running things or being senior leaders in.
What the hell do a bunch of Papists, with shallow roots if any in this country, think they can speak, let alone run the American nationalist movement? It’s like letting Jews run the local Nazi party chapter (which actually mostly goes on). It’s important to understand why this is so.
A nation is a distinct group of people tied by common blood, language, religion, and history. Sorry, very few Papists are part of our American nation. Most, can at best be used as auxiliaries, like to the old Roman legion. Being used as auxiliaries if they meet qualifications like being Culturally Christian, European by ancestry, and have been here for more than three generations.
Note, by all these measures, Papists like the Gay Grand Inquisitor cannot even be an auxiliary. In turn, Dick, although mostly of British descent, and despite protestations that his parents are Episcopalians, is of Mormon ancestry and a Papist. Think of it like a security clearance review. There is simply too many vulnerabilities in a person of such background to be entrusted with the public trust of leading nationalists groups. That’s why Charlotteville failed. Too many egotistical activist brain Papists.
Duh Papists…
7 years since big brained Duginist led some of our best people to the slaughter…
You people thought that with Trump as President you’d be permitted to exercise your First Amendment Rights. Pure stupidity. I just remember Brad cursing Trump, and rightly so, on leaving the rally. Trump is working with Jews to crush all opposition to the satanic Jew agenda for America, and support for Trump can only end in supporting that agenda.
If the Democrats start their One Party System before Trump finishes laying the groundwork by selling his soul and his supporters souls to his master Satan it will be very unstable and prone to being overthrown.
Yes, I was angry with Trump.
In retrospect, Trump had nothing to do with Charlottesville, and his reaction to it was milder than anyone in American politics. The subsequent lawsuit from Roberta Kaplan made it crystal clear who was punishing activists and it was one of the top Democratic law firms in the country
“Trump had nothing to do with Charlottesville”
His public reaction was “mild” yet treacherous enough. Trump has done nothing to support his activists. Trump allowed his supporters be lured to Charlottesville, just as he let them be lured into the Capitol. People who campaign for Trump are campaigning for the benefit of the Jews and the long term prospects of the Democratic Party locking down America. Four years of disasters under Trump (as Trump has shown himself to be extremely pliable and willing to say and do anything for personal advantage, in particular, unleashing the dogs to go after the Right-wing) will solidify the position of the Democratic Party in America.
Four years of Kamala will be the beginning of the end of ZOG and the start of widespread white activism.
1. ZOG is stronger than ever after years of Kamala Harris as VP. There was no revolution. Most people have become accustomed to it. She is already in power.
2. White activism was chilled by the J6 mass arrests and prosecutions.
3. Trump had nothing to do with Charlottesville. Activists are responsible for convincing people to go there. UTR is different in this respect from Stop the Steal and J6.
4. Finally, if you think Kamala Harris is better for pro-White activists, just say it. Own the position that we will be better off with another 10 million illegal aliens here because THEN people will “wake up” and embrace NS or whatever it is that never happens
I’m not saying Trump or Kamala is better, and I’d never suggest anyone support Kamala. I’m saying that our goals can’t be achieved by supporting Trump. Trump has given us the finger over and over again and is still doing it and he’s going to continue to do it. Kamala hasn’t had any power under Biden.
People who don’t accept that we’re headed to a one party state under the Democrats who will enact whatever policies they want have their heads in the sand. We need to prepare for that, not procrastinate with four more years of Trump’s FAILURES.
That shows very poor judgment.
We need to prepare eventually for a white general strike that must result in the final and definitive removal of the Jews from all positions of power and influence in the Western World. As well as the elimination of the Left as a world historical power. When white men are still necessary to keep society running is the last time to organize.
1. What, specifically, are your goals?
2. Why wouldn’t people accept and get used to Kamala Harris? They accepted Joe Biden. There was no revolution or civil war. There was no breakout moment for a NS third party.
3. I live in a one party state in Alabama. It is much better than the alternative.
4. Trump’s failures are dwarfed by what Biden has done on immigration and Ukraine.
5. My experience with COVID in Alabama is that it lasted less than a month before life returned to normal and even then was barely disrupted. I’m not sure where you live or what you experienced. No one was forcibly vaxxed here.
5. How do you eliminate the Left by losing to them? How many defeats are necessary to achieve whatever it is this is supposed to accomplish?
38 Special!
Rock on HW!
You get a an Electric Guitar! As a free gift,
It’s your choice!
Charlottesville was inevitable. If not there then somewhere else. Eventually the right/Whites had to be betrayed by the system and therefor learn that permitted rallies, going maskless, being public about beliefs etc was no longer viable. It was inevitable, no coulda woulda shoulda, inevitable.
As a Southerner who has ancestors in the Confederacy, I’m glad I stood up for my people, which is something most people, who are cowards, would never even think to do, let alone actually do. I have nothing but contempt for all the cowards that attacked us or posthumously disavowed us.
Hail Dixie!
And you still can’t wrap your head around that you were setup by the fed (cringe). We need to vote for dump harder now, because overton window. Dump would never do the same shit as obammer, never.
I agree it was a set up … by local Democratic officials who control Cville, state officials like Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Antifa who had a free pass to terrorize the town before we stepped foot there, “journalists” and finally by Democratic lawyers connected to Hillary Clinton who were searching for plaintiffs even before August 12th. Kessler organized the rally in the single most progressive jurisdiction in the entire South including NOVA.
There is no evidence that supports your theory which is that somehow Trump was behind it all. He was clearly taken by surprise by the rally. He was focused on his healthcare bill at the time. Why weren’t the organizers hit with federal conspiracy charges like the J6ers?
BTW, we tested your theory by holding the follow up rally in Shelbyville. We went to a state with a Republican governor and a friendlier local population where Antifa would be unwelcome. By eliminating the state and local officials who made Cville a disaster, the WLM rally had no problems
I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but there are real and meaningful differences in where activists can hold events. The Amren conference is held in Tennessee, not DC, for this reason
Dump ****** those J6 dupes and you know it. These people need a ****** more than a vote.
Do you remember when Biden’s DOJ charged them? I do
He called them domesetic terrorists on the media he claims to hate, don’t act like that didn’t happen.
Dump is a con artist thats easily conned.
The pro-monuments protestors tore off a big part of the happy-face mask worn collectively by the ruling class and showed how deceitful and malicious it really is, which was a valuable accomplishment and service to anyone paying attention to the emerging Stasi order that is engineering this Great Replacement campaign against us.
Well….from C,Ville, system went into permanent psychosis and downfall spiral. And never recovered. There is no way to go back to the business as usual and stabilize the regime.
One Eastern European troll pointed out that C,ville was the point when Jews became a Nazis. They burned all bridges and now they have only option to fight the war and hope to miracle. Negotiations and armistice are out of window.
So C,ville was someting like Battle of Thermopylae. Turning point of history.
“So C,ville was someting like Battle of Thermopylae. Turning point of history.”
A better analogy would be harder to find. Somewhere, someone, should come up with a series of memes featuring the various activist brain leaders like Hunter, Kessler, Dick, and others super imposed upon the 300 movie clips. A nice way to mythologize the losss into something important. Kinda like how it was kind of stupid to fight at the Alamo (at least Gen Houston thought so) but it served to become a rallying cry and sacred ground which forged Texas.
Note, for the silly NS larpers out there, that is what Hitler did with the Munich Beer Putsch. A totally screwed up even comical putsch but which was mythologized into something that united the party. In fact, I’ve always said to Hunter’s black pill moments of reflection on CVille, that in the end it will be viewed as a heroic stand for the right wing. I always try to do this when I talk to other people about the protest. And no, I dont really denigrate anyone including people who might deserve it, because it doesn’t fit the narrative we are trying to build for you who were there.
Someday, soon, it will be retold in truth amd mythologized in the media. Just you watch. They might even sing songs about the brave stand for Robert Lee. That is how new movements and even nations are forged from lost battles. Its how J6ers are now being viewed. Its how CVillers should be viewed too!
After that event in CVille, we were always trying to get the remnant leaders to reframe the event into something positive. The movement which organized it was shattered, true. Much like the movement which organized the Texas revolt was shattered at exactly the spot it bagan a year earlier, at the Alamo.
The intent was to turn the defeat at CVille into a mythological victory. Its important to point out the Left immediately also so it as a moment to mythologize. They quickly captured the public’s attention thru their control of the media. While the Right went into reflection, the Left went into hyper propoganda drive.
When Trump arrived in Arizona shortly thereafter he was asked directly about Cvill by some of our agents in the crowd. To his credit rather than follow the Leftist propoganda narrative then being created, he didnt denounce but actually made defensive points in your favor.
The fact, he voiced support for the effort caused turmoil in the media. That was the moment to seize by the organizers of CVille. But, divided they remained. In turn, it was Trump’s handlers who later got him to shift to more neutral statements on CVille.
Given the Leftist propoganda edge, it was the best given the circumstances. Still, I always contend, had the Rightwing stood together in unshakable support for their effort, and had a single narrative to propogandize, we would’ve gotten Trump to have fully backed our frame of the event.
Its still possible to do, even after the years the defendents of CVille spent and lost in litigious battles with the left. At the very least, the Rightwing leaders of that time have learned how the left works in conjunction with civil leaders and the media to frame narratives to punch down on the Rightwing. Be prepared with a Propoganda offensive of your own for all such events.
The losses at CVille can still be mytholgized as they rightly should be. Dont dishonor the sacrifices of the people who went there whatever their mistakes they made. This isn’t a fighting war, yet. But it’s a teachable moment that every righteous protest struck down by these leftist tyrants should be used to unite us together to standband and continue the fight similar to how actual battles might be fought and lost but turned into moral and political victories.
J6, CVille, and yet more unseen moments ahead are how movements and nations are made, that is how history is made. We salute you Brad. We salute all of you at Cville. Somewhere out there is the Alt Right’s “Lisa” to champion as the heroine survivor of Charlottesville.
So glad I’m one of those “damn papists” and not a national socialist. BTW, both of my parents really were Episcopalians.
“So glad I’m one of those “damn papists” and not a national socialist. BTW, both of my parents really were Episcopalians.”
Okay, so you didn’t go full retard, just half retard. Do you think your ancestors are happy that you signed up to join the Whore of Babylon and serve the Anti-Christ that sought to oppress them for thousands of years?
I was born and raised “a damn papist.” I became a disaffected Catholic after my parents split up and the Catholic Church’s response was to refuse to allow divorce but offered to grease the wheels (by heavy contributions, no doubt) so that they could get an annulment.
Which basically meant that their four children would technically be illegitimate in the eyes of civil law. Both were devout Catholics, but they had nothing in common but mutual physical attraction when they married and even less as time went by.
I will never understand all the anti-“papist” rumblings from dudes like Aryan Globalist Bro. If he is what I assumed he was … an Anglo-Celtic Southern man, it is even more puzzling. If he knows his history, he remembers that England was once a Catholic country.
The only reason why England stopped being a Catholic country is because the Pope wouldn’t allow an annulment and obviously forgot to read the part of the Bible where Jesus was quoted as saying,”God hates divorce, but allows it due to the hardness of your hearts.” Yes, that section is even in Catholic Bible.
In any case, I have been to an Anglican Church and didn’t see glaring differences with the church I was brought up in. Am currently shopping around and will probably check out the Lutheran and Methodist churches, but AFAIC, this sectarianism that AGB likes to stir up is ridiculous between Christian believers.
“I was born and raised “a damn papist.””
I am sorry. I hope you weren’t abused by their clergy. Thats how the indoctrination begins. Particularly amongst those associated with the Jesuit groups. Go ask Hunter Biden and his half sister. There is hypno-therepy that can help unlock and reject such indoctrination, but it should be done in conjunction with renouncing the Devil’s work, including the Papacy, confessing your sons, full baptism in the faith of Christ, and joining a congregation of fellow Christians.
“I became a disaffected Catholic after my parents split up and the Catholic Church’s response was to refuse to allow divorce but offered to grease the wheels (by heavy contributions, no doubt) so that they could get an annulment.”
That’s typical for the Papists. Your parents weren’t politically powerful enough and/or were on the wrong side of whatever geopolitical and dynastic-political they were engaging in, or were simply common Papiats who didn’t matter and were held accountable to the Papist control methods. But, with the right amount of bribery, the annulment was allowed. Typical.
“Which basically meant that their four children would technically be illegitimate in the eyes of civil law. Both were devout Catholics, but they had nothing in common but mutual physical attraction when they married and even less as time went by.”
Not entirely true. I can’t remember exactly Papist Church canon law on this matters, but as I recall children born to annulled marriages would remain legitimate if the spouses never remarried. The Papists often did this historically to deligitimize secession among property owners and dynasts, and usually required bribery to save the family from legal destruction. Typical Poppery.
“I will never understand all the anti-“papist” rumblings from dudes like Aryan Globalist Bro.”
You just listed a couple of many reasons. If you actually looked into the depth of this small part of Papist villainy you personally experienced, it would be enough to understand my opposition to all things Poppery.
Papists, LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, MURDER, ASSASSINATE, SUBVERT, AND CONQUER. Almost all present problems in America stem directly from them. Unfortunately, you have followed your Papist leaders in diverting focus on their sins against America by illuminating solely those of “Duh, Jews.” A policy these Papists are now doing as a means of seizing control of everything from the Patriot movement, to the MAGA movement, to the Southern movement.
“If he is what I assumed he was … an Anglo-Celtic Southern man, it is even more puzzling. If he knows his history, he remembers that England was once a Catholic country.”
Of course I know my history. It is MY history after all. I am a Southerner, American native born, British Protestant, by birth and lineage The South was and is a stronghold of the British Protestant people. They have been and are opposed to Papists. The last Papist to campaign actively in the South was JFK, and he got assassinated (By a Jesuit Papist no less). The last one before that was the Irish Papist Pig Al Smith, who was driven from the South by literally millions of burning Southern crosses across the region wherever he went.
Those Southerners were just living up to their normative cultural history. That historical opposition to Papists dates back to the British Isles. Their forefathers were no less troublesome to the Papacy going as far back as when arch-Papist Bishop Thomas Becket was assassinated by the King Henry II of England qin the 12th century for his attempt at subordinating the sovereignty of England to Rome.
“The only reason why England stopped being a Catholic country is because the Pope wouldn’t allow an annulment and obviously forgot to read the part of the Bible where Jesus was quoted as saying,”God hates divorce, but allows it due to the hardness of your hearts.” Yes, that section is even in Catholic Bible.”
The British have always been ambivalent toward the Papacy. And not just over the issue of King Henry VIII’s divorce. That divorce was merely the predicate for severing relations with the Papacy over a long list of Papist tyrannies.
The British, liked to read and hear the Bible in the vernacular English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, etc instead of the Vulgate Latin. Popular friars, laity, and deacons like Friar Tuck from Nottingham England in the 12th and 13th centuries were notoriously a thorn in the side of the Papists. King John of England from the 1200s was deposed for selling out to the Papist. St John Wycliffe from the 1300s printed the Bible into English against the Pope’s orders and his Lollard movement expanded the themes of people like Friar Tuck into the pre-Protestant Lollard Movement which reformed the Roman Church of England
Indeed, thanks to that English movement, it gave birth to the later Protestant movement. In turn that movement in the 1500s ended up siccessfully liberating much of Europe from you Papists. England as a result become the ultimate stronghold for all things Anti-Papist in Europe. This is the origin of the Anglophobia by the likes of November and others here at OD and elsewhere. Their sheer Papist hatred for Britannia for overthrowing the Roman Catholic controlled world order.
“In any case, I have been to an Anglican Church and didn’t see glaring differences with the church I was brought up in. Am currently shopping around and will probably check out the Lutheran and Methodist churches…”
Shopping around? The reason to leave the Papacy’s rule, should be because you found Jesus in your life. You should be searching for a congregation of fellow believers with which you can commune and hold eachother accountable to our Lord and Savior. Not necessarily because of some cultural feel good thing.
“….but AFAIC, this sectarianism that AGB likes to stir up is ridiculous between Christian believers.”
Papists are not Christian believers. They do no recognize Christ’s sovereignty over their lives but firstly the Papacy’s. They are Papists First, Christians Last. They are Roman Papal Supremacists. They do not recognize Biblical supremacy in doctrine but rather Papal supremacy in doctrine. They believe in works before faith, works done on behalf of the Pope’s Church, the Whore of Babylon.
Lastly, the Papists now have a few centuries of history proving their murderous intention toward non-Papists, especially Britannic ones. Thus, Papists like you, November, the Gay Grand Inquisitor, are constantly stirring up trouble in Protestant movements like the Southern heritage movement. Therefore my opposition to that is opposition to their insidious and subversive methods inside a movement that I belong to by blood and heritage. Renounce the spiritual and temporal wickedness of Papist powers that November and Nick Fuentes serve and we can be friends and comrades. Otherwise, you will be treated by me as an enemy of the Southern movement.
Glad I didn’t go. I had considered going, but being older I had seen it all before. It was a pure setup. Spencer in particular seemed glowie at the time, and still does. You guys got whacked pretty bad by Trump’s ZOG Machine, Trump’s FBI in particular, in Union with the larger left wing ( Trump has always been far left wing and still is).
We will be better off under the Harris puppet than the Trump puppet. As Putin clearly said, it doesn’t matter who is President, it changes nothing. America is ruled by other people. What we need is a New Nation. The invaders won’t matter much once we have our own nation. Cut off their guns and their DEI, and their immunity from prosecution for crimes, and they will leave.
I will be voting for Harris, and we will be better off for it. There will be no policy changes of significance. It was Trump that opened the border. We suffered fewer invaders under Obama, then Trump opened the border. By executive order.
Rangewolf ” I will be voting for harris and we will be better off for it ” sure man, anything you say, it will be a cold day in hell, before i vote for that HAGBAG WENCH, i will be voting for THE DIRTY WHITE BOY and i will be better off for it……. Be true to think own self…….
The USAG at the time was former Alabama US Senator Jeffrey Sessions. It was Sessions that went full (((Nurnberg Trials))) on UTR at its onset.
Sessions may have passed the persecutions and prosecutions to Viginia, but he was quite loud in his repudiation of UTR and its participants.
National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster and several U.S. senators described the alleged ramming attack as an act of domestic terrorism, as did various commentators.[202][203] Late on the night of August 12, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the U.S. Department of Justice would open a civil rights investigation into the incident; federal investigators would investigate whether the suspect “crossed state lines with the intent to commit violence”.[204][205] Later, Sessions said the ramming met the definition of ‘domestic terrorism’ and that it was “an unacceptable, evil attack”.
Sessions was a Grachite.
Be true to THINE own self……. I need a new phone, this one suck’s …….
As a UTR veteran, I’m proud of my service and I’m proud of what we did that weekend in AUG2017. UTR was a pivot point in the modern struggle against a global anti-White cabal of psychopaths. UTR triggered and unmasked our enemies for anybody with eyes to see. I’m not sure what others expected of UTR, but it delivered exactly what I expected, pro-Whites standing tall. My expectations for pro-White activism has almost always been modest. Prior to UTR, it was hard as hell to get three or more pro-Whites together for anything. The fact we were able to assemble pro-Whites from all over the country was a major accomplishment. Our anti-White enemies have gone so overboard attempting to snuff us out, they’ve managed to awaken more people to their White Genocide criminal activities than any pro-White prior to UTR or since.
If there was any failure to UTR it was 1) our enemies inability to control their Hatred for our race and 2) our people to recognize that anti-White Hatred.
No mass struggles succeed overnight, expecting UTR to ignite a small, geographically scattered group of pro-Whites into a mass movement or a largely comatose White populace into a fierce fighting force definitely leans toward the naive and dreamy end of the expectation spectrum. Nothing wrong with dreaming but best to temperate it with a little grounding.
UTR-2017 was an interesting chapter in the pro-White struggle, it won’t be the last.
I like your attitude. Good for you. Here’s what I think is an important lesson folks like yourself need to take to heart: Don’t play on a field of the enemy’s choosing (or enemy-owned territory). The police in such places are generally your enemies and will side with Antifa. Fight instead on a field of your choice and have reserves on hand. Learn from those who have defeated the empire in places around the world – the Houthis and Taliban are good examples.
Amen. We Salute You!
I was headed up there that morning—UVA is my alma mater, after all—but I was warned not to go by someone with inside intel about what was gonna happen. It wasn’t long before I became very thankful that I got that warning and didn’t go. Watching how things played out Friday didn’t give me a good feeling about the event itself either.
Have you not been paying attention to his posts?
Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Hasbara Troll is a jew.
You remember that old saying, “If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.” Well, he checks all the boxes of a jew.
Courtney doesn’t like when I mention that it/he/she made its presence on a Southern leaning blog. It is perfectly clear to me why it/she/he showed up here with the views it espouses.
I am rather surprised that you cannot see through the façade of it/he/she.
“Have you not been paying attention to his posts?
“Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Hasbara Troll is a jew.”
Papists LIE
Papists CHEAT
Papists STEAL
Papist ROB
“Courtney doesn’t like when I mention that it/he/she made its presence on a Southern leaning blog. It is perfectly clear to me why it/she/he showed up here with the views it espouses.”
As an avowed Papists, you are of course Anglophobic and Anti-Southern for reasons I’ve listed elsewhere for the uninformed to read and which you yourself have publicly declared. Your interests here on a Southern heritage and nationalist forum is meant to subvert and seize control of the movement by insidious and subversive means. There are many of you either already inside or attempting to enter. We are here to stop you and purge you.
You can thank Nick Fuentes for revealing the scope of your plan. We’ve already neutralized his plan in Texas and the South and will do so to the rest of the Papist Fed agents inside our movement. We will also overturn their power in the nationalist movement, the GOP, and with their fellow Papo-Commies, their grip on Europe. But keep talking. All Protestant Patriots should take due notice of this and govern themselves accordingly in dealing with Papists like you in whatever forum or organization, whether political or military, and whether from OD to Ukraine.
Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Hasbara Troll,
People here know that I was raised Episcopalian. We even received our vicars from cuck island. Nice chaps, but even as a child I found them effeminate in comparison to men both within and outside my family. So, yeah, your jewish big lie and NLP trick isn’t working.
Again, you expose your own unit 8200 mission.
What we do know is why you parasitic tick-like hooks into a Southern blog.
You must think that you are the first jew that I have seen IRL and online that uses insincere complements to gain favor. Nope. It is stale to anyone who has had the misfortune of being around your tribe.
You are here to flatter Southerners, in order to keep those who aren’t jew woke on the Christian zionist/Scofield bible plantation. Exalted Cyclops has called you out multiple times for shilling for wars that have benefited pissrael, and new Middle East conflicts to achieve your tribe’s “Clean Slate” neocon plot of Richard Pearle, Douglas Fithe, Paul Wolfowitz,, and other architects of the “Greater Pissrael ” project.
You never criticize the ADL, AIPAC, Knesset, pissrael, the federal reserve, Wall Street, bankers, Saul Alinsky, Jeffrey Epstein, Hollywood, et al. Hmm? I wonder why? Lmao.
Again, you literally write why you are here, but accuse me for doing what your mission is– that being “subvert and seize control of the movement by insidious and subversive means. That’s the same ruse that your fellow jew Vladimir Lenin used when discussing controlling opposition groups of his (((bolsheviks))). Like Lenin, I bet youd make antisemitism a capital offense, eh, Mordechai?
It is quite amusing how you always bring up Nick Fuentes. I never cite him, but it is very well known that for all his flaws, he has educated Zoomers about jews , and more than anything that is what triggers you about him. Playing the “Papist card” on a Southerner’s blog was your scheme at divide and conquer Ito an audience that might bite.
Just take your L, and go back to raping Palestinian political prisoners full-time.
Your analysis seems correct on all points.
“Lenin used when discussing controlling opposition groups”:
Regarding Lenin’s struggle with the main opposition group: note that almost all of the Mensheviks were Jewish (Trotsky was Menshevik, before switching over) whereas the Bolsheviks were both Jewish and Russian, but mostly Russian, and even the central committee was about 50/50. Furthermore I contend that the Russian socialist revolution against cruel, outmoded feudalism, monarchy and capitalism, the first rumblings of which began long BEFORE Marx, would still have occurred in the twentieth century WITHOUT any Jewish (or of Jewish descent) leadership, although they were evidently a catalyst that speeded the process. After the bloodbath of the First World War, no other country, not even Germany, was more ripe for popular revolution than Russia. The ancient Russian soviet tradition of government and the culture of orthodox Christianity with brotherly love, forgiveness, cooperation, patience, courage and endurance made it possible for socialism to succeed in Russia against the unrelenting opposition of the capitalist West, which you know is led ENTIRELY by “Talmudistic” elites.
I don’t doubt your historical knowledge on socialism in Russia. Though, I have seen lists of Lenin’s original 500+ membership roll, and it was majority jewish with a few Poles, Armenians, and iirc, a German or two.
Many of the ethnic Russians in Lenin’s cadre had jewish wives, as Stalin did.
“People here know that I was raised Episcopalian.”
Yeah well people here know I am not a Jew but a Chriatoan and an all American born true and native to this land and its people since colonial times.
As to now claiming you are Episcopalian, you change your story too? Earlier, you admitted to being a Papist. Now you deny being a Papist? Just because your parents were Episcopalian means nothing even if its true. Dick Spencer’s parents were Episcopalian, their grandparents were Mormon, but he claimed being a Papist. He got a whole bunch of of Southerners and the movement in general to go down his Papist schemes to destruction.
So, if you now publicly here denounce the Devil and all his works, solemnly and sincerely, without equivocation, secret evasion, or mental reservation, of mind in you whatever, denounce the Pope, the Roman Catholic Faith, all its orders and works, and foreswear any allegiance to any foreign potentant, prince, president or power, denounce Nicholas Fuentes as a tool of the Devil and the Papacy and a Gay Grand Inquisitor for the Prince of Rome, and ask forgiveness for lying about being Papist and supporting Nick Fuentes, then I will accept you are not a Papist. Until then, all your words ring hollow and I will continue calling you Papist for your words and acts.
Find my post where I said that I am or was Catholic.
You will not be able to because it does not exist.
What I did write is that I have family members that are/were Catholic, and that they were much better on the JQ/JP than my Protestant family members.
So, you lie for the 6 millionth time.
“Find my post where I said that I am or was Catholic.”
Still won’t deny being a Papist? I gabe you a chance to deny, denounce, renounce, anything but you refuse. Which makes you one. Just like Jews who while not claiming to be Jews won’t deny that they are one. Thats a typical Papist mental evasion trickery that the Jews learned from those Papist.
You are a Papist!
“What I did write is that I have family members that are/were Catholic, and that they were much better on the JQ/JP than my Protestant family members.”
“So, you lie for the 6 millionth time.”
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, refuses to denounce fellow ducks, refuses to deny its a duck, its a Papist.
Enough from you Papist.
“I have seen lists of Lenin’s original 500+ membership roll, and it was majority jewish”:
I know the list to which you refer. That list was inaccurate, deliberately so, propaganda designed to prove that the Russian revolution was Jewish. Grover Furr has explained it, and I think The Finnish Bolshevik also dealt with it in one of his history videos: https://www.youtube.com/@thefinnishbolshevik2404/videos
“Many of the ethnic Russians in Lenin’s cadre had jewish wives, as Stalin did”:
True. Stalin’s first wife was not Jewish. When she died young he was so grieved because he loved her that he dove into the pit on top of her coffin when it was being buried.
In 1922, for example, the 9,564 ethnic Jewish Bolsheviks comprised only 5.21% of the total party membership, little more than double their share of the total population, and only about 6% of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People’s Commissars were ethnic Jews. Even at the very beginning in 1917-20, and at the highest level, the leadership was not all Jewish (Putin stated that it was 80% Jewish at the very beginning) and through the seven decades that followed the percentage of ethnic Russians at the highest levels of Soviet government increased further to an overwhelming percentage just before the betrayal of Russia to the U.S. by Gorbachev and other secretly Trotskyist “reformers.”
“Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Hasbara Troll is a jew.”
Thanks. I try my hardest to base my likes and dislikes for people more on personal rather than ideological reasons. Though I am as impatient with virtue-signaling Disingenuous “Fellow White” People as anyone else, I remain hesitant to make a bogeyman out of any group – it gives them too much psychological power over us.
In any case, when I have read his posts, I always thought our friend, Aryan Globalist Bro was rather …. ODD, LOL. But rather than play Name The Jew with AGB, I will continue to remind him that any plans on the part of him and his confreres to resurrect involuntary military conscription are delusional as well as DOA in Congress.
Though I technically qualify to be categorized as a Boomer, I think Generation Jones best applies to any Boomer born post 1955. We were the first age group to not be drafted and there has been no draft for over fifty years. The fact that the military became all-volunteer – though very thinly stretched – is the reason why the College Campuses weren’t engaged in “mostly peaceful” protests against Operation Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom, etc. ad nauseum, ad infinitum.
Growing up in the throes of the original Anti-War Movement, I know that most of those Free, Free Palestine Protestors quite frankly don’t give a damn about the Israelis or Hamas/Hezbollah. They just have read the handwriting on the wall since October 7th and see the AIPAC owners of our Congress Critters trying to bring back the draft.
These aren’t the kids whose fathers were lauded and lionized for defeating Hitler and Hirohito and whose grandfathers defeated the Kaizer. These aren’t the kids who, once their numbers are up, are going to voluntarily show up for their physicals at the draft board and sign up for boot camp to Do Their Patriotic Chore. They simply don’t exist anymore.
These are kids whose fathers and grandfathers never volunteered to fight in “police actions” that saw the military reservists with endless deployments to Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan only to replace terrorists with terrorists that were gifted with better infrastructure thanks to our idiotic Winning Hearts and Minds strategeries.
AGB, if you think the “antisemitism” is bad NOW, just wait until you coerce our Congress Critters into drafting involuntary conscription. You think the “mostly peaceful” George Floyd protests were anything but back in 2020, you ain’t seen nothing yet until the Draft Our Daughters (and sons) for Israel protests start up.
““Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Hasbara Troll is a jew.””
“Thanks. I try my hardest to base my likes and dislikes for people more on personal rather than ideological reasons. Though I am as impatient with virtue-signaling Disingenuous “Fellow White” People as anyone else, I remain hesitant to make a bogeyman out of any group – it gives them too much psychological power over us.”
Typical for a Papist Boomer educated in early post War Americana to have a slightly more nuanced understanding of ideological conflict, yet one probably derived outside of the Northeast Papist controlled Sh!thole. It still though hasn’t saved you from the fatal errors of your religious background.
“I will continue to remind him that any plans on the part of him and his confreres to resurrect involuntary military conscription are delusional as well as DOA in Congress.”
Military conscription is coming. Not because I necessarily want it, but thanks to the utter failure to stop the rise of evil foreign powers. Whether its the Commie Chinese, the Islamic Jihad movement, the Papist Narco-Latin armies, the Russian irredentist movement, the Papist Euro-Commies, the Papist Ethno-Sectarian separatists in America, Dedollarization, Famine, etc America is about to face existential crisises which can only be met by conscription.
“Though I technically qualify to be categorized as a Boomer, I think Generation Jones best applies to any Boomer born post 1955. We were the first age group to not be drafted and there has been no draft for over fifty years. The fact that the military became all-volunteer – though very thinly stretched – is the reason why the College Campuses weren’t engaged in “mostly peaceful” protests against Operation Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom, etc. ad nauseum, ad infinitum.”
That is true. But the all volunteer military has been undermined from the inside and its socio-economic recruitment community has likewise been subverted. So, the only solution, especially in the face of the threats, is conscription.
As a result both right and left, papists and Protestants, Globalists and Nationalists are jockeying to get in the national military command seat. In turn, its why we are working on policy to limit conscription to male military training and domestic service only.
“These aren’t the kids whose fathers were lauded and lionized for defeating Hitler and Hirohito and whose grandfathers defeated the Kaizer. These aren’t the kids who, once their numbers are up, are going to voluntarily show up for their physicals at the draft board and sign up for boot camp to Do Their Patriotic Chore. They simply don’t exist anymore.”
Not entirely true. Male Military age White Americans whose forefathers did such things, include almost all the entire White Male population between 16-55. Given roll out time constraints that would be those White Males currently between 16-46. There probably number over 35,000,000. Get rid of military unfit and that is reduced to about 25-27,500,000. Under national existential moments you can bet we’d be able to conscript more than enough.
“These are kids whose fathers and grandfathers never volunteered to fight in “police actions” that saw the military reservists with endless deployments to Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan only to replace terrorists with terrorists that were gifted with better infrastructure thanks to our idiotic Winning Hearts and Minds strategeries.”
Again, as usual you reveal your Papist Boomer age group and generally more enlightened and educated background, which is why we worked together until recent times revealed the depth of your sides treachery. For example, it was often the Papists who came up with ideas to defeat the irregular and assymetrical enemy only to betray the movement and implement the same old b.s. just with their racketeers grifting off it. It was the Papists who helped reveal the depth of Soviet and Russian penetration only to seize the opportunity to purge their Protestant enemies and even falsely take credit for efforts they actively made to stop exposing foreign treachery. The list is too long but extends all the way to today when Papists tried to assassinate Trump and seize control of the GOP and MAGA movement.
“AGB, if you think the “antisemitism” is bad NOW, just wait until you coerce our Congress Critters into drafting involuntary conscription.”
I dont think antisemitism is super bad. I just think you Papists are driving it up to disguise your own takeover behind the scenes.
“You think the “mostly peaceful” George Floyd protests were anything but back in 2020, you ain’t seen nothing yet until the Draft Our Daughters (and sons) for Israel protests start up.”
No one who is drafted is going to give a crap about whether it’s the Jews or the Papists, Israel or the Ukrainians. They will just know existential reason exists for the draft. The third world war already started. You guys just don’t know it. But you will. Our job is to make sure the Papo-Commies don’t take advantage of this crisis to seize total power.
“the only solution, especially in the face of the threats, is conscription”:
Not true. The U.S. has had no threats; it is the only one making all the threats, waging the hybrid wars, proxy wars, pyschological wars, coups, colour revolutions, genocides, etc. in order to rule the world so that its elites can reap maximum profits from their global monopolies.
“existential reason exists for the draft”:
The real existential reason is that capitalism MUST do war. It cannot stand still, or it will collapse and die. It entails, requires, imperialism (hot, cold and hybrid war) for its continued existence. Endless global imperialist war is existential for the evil system.
For example, Chavez, Aristide, Sankara? Great socialist leaders who happened to be brought up Catholic – who your Talmudo-“Aryan” global capitalist class and usury system hated and destroyed.
“Not true. The U.S. has had no threats…”
Yeah you also said Keir Starmer wasn’t a authoritarian Red. Oops.
“Chavez, Aristide, Sankara. Great socialist leaders who happened to be brought up Catholic.”
No, they were Papists who happened to be Socialists. Thats my point with all these flipping Papists. That would include the Papist Adolf Hitler.
Keir Starmer is not Red at all. He is a run of the mill neoliberal anti-communist, like nearly all of UK government, George Galloway being a rare exception, and of course you will say George has a “Papist” heritage.
But the great, martyred Scottish (born in Scotland) Irish socialist James Connolly was a Protestant, as are most Welsh reds/socialists, and others are nonconformist Christian neither Protestant nor Catholic, so you can’t use the “Papist” smear on them.
The “Commie” smear is another Talmudo-Aryan trick to manipulate gullible Southerners and other gullible Americans who dogmatically hate communists. “In simple terms the Jewish Nazis have been able to manipulate the cowboy Yankees by supporting their dogmatic hatred of Socialism in any form. The cowboy rednecks refuse to change….” They are lazy minds who already know it all and refuse to study, so you can fool many of them ALL the time and control their behaviour by using the tried and true “commie” label trick.
I dashed off the foregoing comment while I was thinking of a great Protestant Welsh socialist John Lewis and forgetting that Connolly although from Scotland was in fact what you call a Papist although a lapsed, unbigoted and secular one. Actually all Protestants are of Papist heritage.
Could you smell the gefilte fish through your screen?
More lying on behalf of the empire.
> the only solution, especially in the face of the threats, is conscription
These “existential threats” are only to the lawless Empire of Lies built upon usury. The whole time, our borders remain wide open to an ongoing invasion aided and encouraged by the very same gang of oligarchs AGB supports (but like to make pretenses of opposing). The entire neo-klown strategy is ‘invade the world – invite the world’. AGB trumpets the invade the world side (even holding up Afghanistan – 20 years of war hundreds of thousands of killed and wounded, mostly Afghans and trillions unaccounted for) as some kind of success. He acts as if the imperium – run solely for the benefit of the unelected, unaccountable oligarchy is the nation. It is not, but instead a centuries old criminal parasitic enterprise which needs to be utterly destroyed. Even the ramshackle Soviet empire’s puppet regime in the place (justly named the ‘graveyard of empires’) lasted longer than that of the stooges of the Empire of Lies, one of whose chopper was so overloaded with dollars it couldn’t take off during the great rout of the imperial rainbow legion.
Smedly Butler was right about nearly all wars – these are fought for the benefit of the oligarchs only. The oligarchs’ offspring never go into battle, just those of the stupid goys who fall for their lies. AGB wants to draft all the white kids to go and fight the Chinese, the Iranians, the Russians and anyone else who thumbs their nose at the BIS and it’s rotten degenerate and depraved empire while the borders of this once-upon-a-time country are open to invasion and replacement. He tries to disconnect the issues but they are in fact part of a single strategy being applied to every single country within what was once known as Christendom – even tiny Ireland, only free since 1921 who never owned a colony and whose own population was abused exploited by the City of London. The jew does not consider lying to gentiles to be lying as non-jews are only human-shaped beasts placed on earth by their god (Satan) to serve as slaves.
As for the “Papists”, they are indeed participating in the ongoing invasion the entire hierarchy is merely another department of the Empire of Lies. While bleating calls for ‘peace’ they support the invasions of this country and all of what was once called Christendom by Muslims, Hindus and every imaginable foreigner. AGB likes to pretend that Protestants are somehow different in this regard – they are not. All denominations in Clown-World are operating in league with Clown-World.
“These “existential threats” are only to the lawless Empire of Lies built upon usury.”
False. The Chinese and Latinos aim to replace and extinguish you regardless of usury. The Empire of Lies is merely a cul de sac our idiot and treasonous leaders have taken us down with the intent of seeing us genocided, specifically White Protestant Christians, and especially WASPs, and most especially Southern ones.
“The whole time, our borders remain wide open to an ongoing invasion aided and encouraged by the very same gang of oligarchs AGB supports (but like to make pretenses of opposing).”
False. My family has been fighting the invasion by the Latino south for two hundred years. We fought against oligarchs in all their forms during the same time. While your families were living their stupid and vacuous American Papist dream of sports, hot dogs, and beers, mine were engaging with the Mexican bandits, Papist gangs, and Judeo-Papist National crime syndicates. The first time I ever met David Duke was to illuminate the border over the Mexicab invasion. You weren’t even alive as I recall. My bona fides are impeccable. There is a reason he isn’t saying “Duh, Jews” on his show every sentence.
“The entire neo-klown strategy is ‘invade the world – invite the world’. AGB trumpets the invade the world side…”
I do support retaliatory wars of justified defense against all these scumbags. Accusing me of supporting invasion because I support putting a bullet in the head of the likes of Osama Bin Laden is a patently false smear of association and typical whataboutism by America First Haters.
“Smedly Butler was right about nearly all wars – these are fought for the benefit of the oligarchs only.”
Smedly Butler would’ve been the first to join the attack on Afghanistan. just like his fellow traveler Lindberg was the first to sign up to fight the Axis after Pearl Harbor and dumb dumb Hitler declared war on us in solidarity with a bunch of crazed Asian pagan slopes.
“The oligarchs’ offspring never go into battle, just those of the stupid goys who fall for their lies. AGB wants to draft all the white kids to go and fight the Chinese, the Iranians, the Russians and anyone else…”
Back when Dick was still an up and coming dude around the time he had convinced that other Papist to give him everything, he was for some reason toasting war at an unlisted conference I was attending. Around him were a few followers and comrades including possibly a much thinner Hunter Wallace. Their boisterousness towards the possibility of war pissed me off so much, and Dick having already been a Dickhead over the microphone with me, I told them all that if they liked war so much I would make sure they would be conscripted.
I meant it. They knew it. They all have been decidedly less boisterous about war. But should conscription happen I will make sure the likes of Dick, another rich kid, but not an oligarch, are conscripted. I will ensure rich men North of Richmond like Dick Spencer are conscripted into combat units and sent to the front. So don’t worry, if we get in, the rich won’t get a free pass.
“He tries to disconnect the issues but they are in fact part of a single strategy being applied to every single country within what was once known as Christendom – even tiny Ireland, only free since 1921 who never owned a colony and whose own population was abused exploited by the City of London. The jew does not consider lying to gentiles to be lying as non-jews are only human-shaped beasts placed on earth by their god (Satan) to serve as slaves.”
Your anger at me for opposing your Papacy b.s. is so much you make up lies about what I never said or ever want.
As to Ireland, the Kingdom of Ireland, and later United with the UK as Great Britain and Ireland, was actively involved in Empire building. Its Parliament, armies, and people played a key part in establishing America and other British colonies, and defending the realm from its enemies.
Unfortunately, most of those who did so were Protestant Irish. In fact, so much, that an overwhelming number of Protestant Irish now live overseas. Even after the Papist Irish in large numbers floated down the river of blood, sweat, and tears we built to corrupt our overseas cities, the majority of Irish oversees remain Protestant.
As for the “Papists”, they are indeed participating in the ongoing invasion of America. The Empire of Lies you mention is merely another department of theirs.
“AGB likes to pretend that Protestants are somehow different in this regard – they are not. All denominations in Clown-World are operating in league with Clown-World.”
False. The Papists are in control of our immigration and border policy and have been since they passed their bill opening America up to Papist colonization in 1965. The Protestants were either ignored, encouraged by the Papist influenced Deep State to concentrate on Communism, or completely pushed aside. What we have going is a Papist directed deconstruction of the Protestant West and the DeCatholicized Europe. Either renounce being a Papist or be shunned by Southerners. Its either or now.
“dumb dumb Hitler declared war on us in solidarity with a bunch of crazed Asian pagan slopes”:
Before that, the U.S. declared war on Japan. And before that the U.S. waged an undeclared “cold” imperialist war on Japan, and simultaneously on China, and on Soviet Russia which Germany was intended/expected to attack and destroy. Not many years earlier during the Wilson administration the U.S. and some of its allies actually invaded Russia. The U.S.’s nuclear weapons program using captured German scientists was intended to destroy Russia in a massive surprise attack before Russian scientists could develop nuclear weapons. It certainly wasn’t needed to finish off Germany and Japan.
Dodge and weave all you like. Bottom line: Invading other countries halfway around the world is not defending anyone. It’s just more racketeering for the usual suspects (which include the papacy you allegedly oppose). Afghanistan is the perfect case in point. 9-11 was a total false-flag set up by the oligarchy, who has been in charge since 1914 at latest. None of the ‘hijackers’ were from there and the Taliban regime (which banned growing opium poppies) offered to hand over longtime CIA-operative Bin-Laden of the Hause of Saud. Chimpy McFlightsuit needed a war since obviously he was coveruing for those who carried out the op (CIA and Mossad, whose agents “art students” were celebrating as the buildings went down (and Larry Silverstein hit the jackpot). Trillions unaccounted for and migrants from the Ummah only increased after the Satanic POS Jorge W. Busheron (a fine Prot from an rotten oligarch family) presided over the false-flag in order to create the DHS, whose entire job from day one is to facilitate the invasion. Note that no countries providing the bulk of invaders (Mexico and Central America) were attacked. Only places where the oligarchs and Israel (a project of the Kosher-Nosetra segment of the oligarchy) benefited were invaded. You can lie all you like, nobody’s buying it. I fail to see why you rail against the Papists (a term you don’t much bother to define) as the RCC hierarchy are all on your (and Clown-World’s) side of this war.
“Afghanistan is the perfect case in point. 9-11 was a total false-flag set up by the oligarchy, who has been in charge since 1914 at latest. None of the ‘hijackers’ were from there and the Taliban regime (which banned growing opium poppies) offered to hand over longtime CIA-operative Bin-Laden of the Hause of Saud”:
Exactly. The Aryan Globalist hails the invasion of Afghanistan (which followed decades of indirect, hybrid warfare by the U.S. against the people of Afghanistan, destroying their prosperous secular socialist republic by using Mujahideen proxies supplied with billions of dollars in money and weapons) as the perfect justified war. But it is, as you say, the perfect example of unjustified, criminal war. The U.S. did take one step back from conquering Afghanistan in 2021, in preparation for the launch of the Khazarkrainian proxy war on Russia, but it still has not given up on finishing the conquest of Afghanistan, following the nineteenth century example of the British, who also wanted to conquer/rule Tibet next door to Afganistan!
” I remain hesitant to make a bogeyman out of any group – it gives them too much psychological power over us.”
“In any case, when I have read his posts, I always thought our friend, Aryan Globalist Bro was rather …. ODD.”
“Silver” who rarely posts on OD, but I suspect lurks, as many do, concluded accurately that AGB was a Hasbara troll, and told it/he/she to get lost. If you have been paying attention, other regular OD posters have as well.
Well, “the boogeyman” is fictional, but the historical record of interactions between jews and Gentiles is not. That we would disregard the 109 expulsions of jews over a pile of shoes at Auschwitz is suicidal.
“The fact that the military became all-volunteer – though very thinly stretched – is the reason why the College Campuses weren’t engaged in “mostly peaceful” protests against Operation Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom, etc. ad nauseum, ad infinitum.”
I protested Operation Desert (Slaughter) Storm in January of 1991. Even then, I knew it was (((them))) that wanted that war thanks to Pat Buchanan, David Duke, Tom Metzger, and others of that era that understood the JQ/JP.
What I can tell you from my experiences protesting USZOG wars was that they usually get somewhat coopted by other organizations that use those protests to bring attention to their pet projects such as marijuana legalization, independence for Puerto Rico, and just about every environmental organization will be present too, except ones that are on the conservation side of things.
Also, the protestors were overwhelmingly of college age. Lots of them too. Most were/are shitlibs on other cultural issues, but they like a broken clock were correct can be on USZOG wars for pissrael, even when they erroneously believed the wars were for oil exclusively. Personally, the highlight for me was getting a chant of “Death to ZOG” going on a street that included Saks Fifth Avenue and Nieman Marcus.
“Growing up in the throes of the original Anti-War Movement, I know that most of those Free, Free Palestine Protestors quite frankly don’t give a damn about the Israelis or Hamas/Hezbollah. They just have read the handwriting on the wall since October 7th and see the AIPAC owners of our Congress Critters trying to bring back the draft.”
Unfortunately, I surmise that the anti-pissrael protests over the genocide in Gaza are a side-effect of the (((CRT/work))) anti-White virus that has become embedded in that generation that came of age during the Obama (((i.e., Crown and Pritzker))) administration. They think that the pissraelis are Europeans who are murdering brown muslims because jews when it serves their purposes float back and forth from White to non-White in identity (aka shapeshifters). Of course, when they witness all the White Gentiles in the US Congress, UK Parliament, E.U. Parliament all side with the pissraelis that reinforces their belief.
I hope you are correct at least about White-European Americans of conscription age and their families protesting any draft to fight and defend the terrorist, zionist entity in Palestine.
They have enough military age illegal immigrant males from Central and South America to create and fill plenty of US Army divisions, and some US Senators such as Dick Durbin have already floated giving them citizenship for military service. Sending those brown males from south of the border with a penchant for violence is another pawn on USZOG’s chessboard.