Editor’s Note: The following speech was delivered at the Southern Cultural Center Third National Conference near Wetumpka, AL on August 16, 2023.
It has been a decade since I first spoke in this building.
In that speech called The Logic of Street Demonstrations, I gave ten reasons why Southern Nationalist activists were hitting the streets. After everything that has happened since then, I recently went back and read that speech and now it feels like it was delivered by a different person a lifetime ago. We have traveled a great distance from the tranquil politics of the late Obama era.
Today, I would like to share with you another list. It is the top ten things that I have learned the hard way over the past decade as an activist. Specifically, it is a list of traps and pitfalls that I have seen activists in the nationalist space stumble into and harm themselves and our cause.
1. Activists Have Principles – Activists tend to be college-educated, middle class radicals of above average intelligence. It is activists who have principles. The overwhelming majority of people in this world do not care about your principles. Politicians do not have principles. Ordinary people do not have principles. Even your fellow activists only share your principles to a greater or lesser degree. Your momma loves you but it is unlikely that even she shares your principles. We must have realistic expectations.
Activists make a mistake when they treat politicians and normal people like fellow activists. This delusion often takes the form of activists getting frustrated and upset when politicians betray their principles or when normal people express their lack of interest in the pet obsessions of the activist. This can lead to a cynical, negative attitude and contempt for politicians and normal people which is self defeating. It is not unusual for frustrated activists to storm out of the political arena and take their toys and go home. They will forfeit the game and congratulate themselves for winning a moral victory.
The job of the activist is to build public support for his cause and to nudge politicians to offer concessions. Your principles are only a guide to political engagement, not a reflection of political reality.
2. Activists Love Purity Spiraling – There are few things activists enjoy more than purity spirals in which their 80% friends become their 20% enemies.
This typically happens when the attention of the activist shifts from trying to influence the public and win concessions from politicians to a more self-absorbed focus on his own principles. Activists lose interest in the external world and become obsessed with expressing and displaying their principles to other activists. Fidelty to one’s principles and punishing any deviation from them takes on a more religious tone as a test of personal piety and character. Saul Alinsky was correct to identify “make the enemy live up to its own book of rules” as a major tactical weakness that radicals can exploit. The easiest way to destroy an organization of activists is usually to get a good purity spiral going among them. Just place swords in front of activists and convince them that the principled thing to do is to dive on them.
3. Activists Go Down Rabbit Holes – Are you based and red pilled?
If so, you have likely gone down a deep ideological rabbit hole. You have probably read dozens of books or listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts about some topic or another. You have educated yourself and have firm opinions about some topic which you want to share with others. You have become an activist who has seen through the myths and illusions that society has put in front of you and now grasp THE TRUTH. It can be the Jews. It can be women. It can be race or the Federal Reserve. It doesn’t matter. You can even be right in a sense about whatever it is that you have become so obsessed with.
The problem is that going down a deep ideological rabbit hole has a cost for the activist. It is like learning a new language or putting on a new pair of glasses with a strong prescription. It warps how you view the world and has an isolating effect. It becomes much more difficult to communicate with others who do not see the world as you do. This can take a heavy personal toll on your relationships.
It is much easier for us to see how this plays out on the Left with its woke jargon and 10,000 new genders. Activist slogans like “Defund the Police” and “Abolish ICE” have become political albatrosses which are deeply out of touch with the sensibilities of the median voter. They have become anchors around the feet of politicians who bowed to the demands of leftwing activists. We laugh at the idiots who ruined franchises like Terminator and Ghostbusters by catering to the sensibilities of woke activists. You probably know a lot of people who have sworn off Bud Light since the Dylan Mulvaney fiasco.
The same phenomena happens on the Right when activists become socially isolated, segregated away from their peers in internet silos, where they develop their own jargon and cultural touchstones and are influenced by likeminded people who have become similarly out of touch with reality. I call this activist brain and it comes across as weird to everyone else in society who has not gone down the same ideological rabbit hole. As an activist, it is a liability which can cloud your judgment.
Successful activists need to develop a sense of self-awareness about this. They should not lose themselves in internet ghettoes. Instead, they should try to remember who they were before they became red-pilled, if for no other reason than to better interact with people outside their bubble.
4. Uniting Activists Is a Mistake – In 2017, Jason Kessler came up with the idea for a “Unite the Right” rally. I was sold on the idea because it strongly appealed to my sense of honor. Many of us took the plunge and made the trip to Charlottesville. I went to Charlottesville for the same reason that I had traveled to other cities like New Orleans and Birmingham to defend Confederate monuments.
The problem with the ill-conceived “Unite the Right” rally was that it became a unite the activists rally. Various activist groups with different identities, values and missions came together to protest in Charlottesville and paraded in front of the cameras. The result was that the core message we were trying to send that day got lost after fights broke out with Antifa and one woman died. The most extreme activists became the story, not the removal of the Lee and Jackson monuments.
The upshot of Charlottesville is that the fallout from it weakened us. The Democratic Party is a coalition of activist groups, interests and constituencies. It was a fundamental mistake to assume that the Right is like the Left and that leftwing tactics like popular fronts would impress a rightwing audience. We doubled down on the mistake we made in Charlottesville with the Nationalist Front. We were trying to organize activists with different viewpoints and losing sight of the audience which is much more moderate.
5. Americans Dislike Activists – Americans are typically annoyed by activists.
Seven years ago, I wasn’t as sensitive to this fact as I am today, but Americans rarely approve of activist groups even those which have good optics and are on their best behavior. This is true across the political spectrum. While activists are necessary to bring about change, Americans have an instinctive dislike of disruption and usually respond negatively to it. We might think we look cool adopting the aesthetic of the Hells Angels and shouting at Antifa across the street downtown, but it is rarely appreciated by anyone except other radical activists. In fact, it is easier to stir up a backlash among Americans against activists because of this bias than it is to persuade them to adopt the views of activists.
As activists, we need to be very careful and mindful about the actions that we take, and how we are perceived by our own people and those we are trying to influence. In retrospect, streaking through Charlottesville with the NSM to see Baked Alaska probably wasn’t the best idea.
6. Activists Are In a Hurry – In 2014, I was in an activist who was in a hurry to engage in street demonstrations to smash taboos and force our views into the mainstream. I still think today that we got off to a strong start. I remain impressed with our early work. We came across as White Southern Christian nationalists who were striking the right balance between edgy ideas and normalcy. You could drive by our demonstrations and think maybe these guys are a little out there, but they are on to something. We were a early and true vanguard that was saying things out loud that millions were thinking.
Everything that we were saying a decade ago is now a part of the mainstream political conversation. This includes our most controversial and signature idea which is the desirability of National Divorce. Half of Trump supporters now support dissolving the Union. White identity is reemerging on the Right after decades of repression. Christian nationalism has flared up in our churches. The change was gradual and almost imperceptible at first, but it has greatly accelerated over the past five years.
Looking back on it, I think we became too impatient around the time that Donald Trump was elected president. This is where we began to go off the rails as activists. We inserted ourselves into the leftwing backlash against Trump, make ourselves a target and absorbed it at great cost. Later, the street demonstrations subsided, we got of the picture and the public was able to focus its ire squarely on BLM and Antifa, and there was a backlash against what is now called Wokeism.
There is no greater virtue that activists can cultivate than patience. Activists travel far ahead of public opinion and our biggest challenge is how we handle that.
7. Activists Should Focus Locally – While the street demonstrations that I attended in the past were fun, I quickly learned that there is nothing activists can do that is sustainable by driving 5 to 6 hours from city to city to meet up with our widely dispersed friends from the internet. Gathering activists from across the country to descend on Charlottesville to attend a rally / festival was a mistake because there was nothing that outsiders could have done to save the Confederate monuments there. It was also a strange move for people who ought to know how decisions are made by state and local governments.
8. Activists Confuse Twitter With Real Life – Write it down a hundred times until you internalize this.
In retrospect, I think the abrupt change in our activism from the Obama to the Trump years was largely driven by the migration of activists to Twitter. In the span of three years, we went from fairly normal and presentable street activism with normal people to wannabe gladiators showing up at our events in Roman-style armor. It only got crazier from there because conflict and going viral on Twitter created toxic incentives for activists. The narcotic of becoming a minor celebrity is what led to events like the Richard Spencer College Tour and Unite the Right. Most of us ended up losing our accounts anyway in the end. I now look at the glory days of Twitter as the activist equivalent of eating a few gallons of ice cream. It was a short term rush of fake calories that was bad for the long term health of our movement.
9. Activists That Burn The Brightest Burn Out – After a decade of activism, I have lost count of the number of people who became extremely radical and intensively active for a few years, but who then get disillusioned, go dark and who are never heard from again. It also seems like the loudest, most extreme activists are the ones who are the most likely to flame out and become turncoats. In contrast, I have been struck by the fact that more moderate activists – people like my father-in-law, Gordon Baum – are the ones who seem to stay the course and who remain active for decades.
10. Activists Should Not Go Outside The Experience Of Their People – Finally, some of the biggest mistakes that I have seen in my years as an activist – the things that created the worst publicity for us, which stoked the most division and subtracted from our ranks – can be summarized as things we did which went outside the experience of our people. Activists convinced themselves it was a great idea, but it struck other people as weird and unfamiliar and became a source of controversy.
To sum things up: activists should be positive, patient and pragmatic, try to balance edginess with normalcy, develop a greater sense of self-awareness about the ideological blinders they have on, focus on their own local area instead of building social media followings, avoid purity spirals and getting too radical or in a rush and always keep the audience in mind who are people who are much more moderate than us.

“What’s going on in the United States now is exactly what was going on before the Holocaust.” – noted Holocaust historian Donald Trump to a group of jews at a “Stop Antisemitism” event put on by Miriam Adelson at Trump’s Bedminster, NJ golf club yesterday. Trump then proceeded to (correctly, accurately) claim that “…the jews have the most powerful lobby in the US, by far”. When is Trump going to speak to a private gathering of you and other White ‘activists’, Wallace? If you wish to know who rules over you simply find out who US politicians pander the most to.
” When is Trump going to speak to a private gathering of you and other White ‘activists’, Wallace? ”
simple ans. – never
I doubt even the Pedo-Pope and the Lavender mafia would get such an invite. After all it’s not as if the assembled whores of Sodom-on-Potomac were giving Hi-Fellatin’ Franny 58 standing ovations (over one per minute). Maybe he would if they provided him with some nubile underage girls…
What is astounding, is that they [Jews] never ask “Why?“ As if they could never be the source of the evil they create. And this is why I loathe them from the bottom of my heart. They admit, 20 centuries later, that they DID kill Christ.
Excellent analysis. I’ve been an activist for 30 years. Through my wins and my losses I shall do right and fear no one. Forward into the storm,a world lies beyond.
Hello Michael
Great to see you commenting here on OD.
For those who don t know of Michael s work, he is IMO the best , bravest most successful literature distributor of our people , for our people .
God bless you sir !
Please email me and let me know what you ve been up to . I have some ideas of some projects we should do .
Activism towards our causes seldom works. Now, any activist efforts must be done with the utmost care to avoid any legal or extra-legal (like doxing, eviction, expulsion from school etc) repercussions. I am of the mind that local and state voting are worth our effort, and federal solutions are impossible at this point, but voting is better than not.
Online activism like #BantheADL can be very effective though, but must be targeted at people like Trump and Musk, those with the power to take that ball and run with it.
Your best strategy is to get a White Nationalist on the ballot for County Dogcatcher, get him elected and then continue nominating/electing pro-White candidates right on up the political office ladder until 3-400 years from now we will finally get a WhiteNat elected as president.
Musk was forced to go with Shapiro to worship the Holocaust, the most sacred religious event in ZOG.
Never understood the Soth HW and thanks also to Identity Dixie for understanding
Southern Rock Rocks !
Win! Southern Rock ROCKs
Once again another fine example of the excellent work, the host of this site has delivered time and time again, watching him mature and grow, has been gratifying, in my humble opinion, for what it’s worth, i consider him the voice of a generation, a Honorable voice for our people, who has carried on the great SOUTHERN intellectual tradition, most impressively ……. Thank you, for all you do …….
“Successful activists need to develop a sense of self-awareness about this. They should not lose themselves in internet ghettoes. Instead, they should try to remember who they were before they became red-pilled, if for no other reason than to better interact with people outside their bubble.”
Stalin taught that the cadres must march ahead of the masses, to lead them, but not so much ahead that they lose contact with them. It is as if an officer was running ahead of his men… one mile ahead of them. That is what happens when activists lose all genuine contact with normies.
I’ve seen some severe cases of it
The most important part is “the internet isn’t real life.”
If you go out into communities or even spend time with groups of your own family, you can plainly see that these people have no clue about the things we discuss on message boards, blogs, or social media.
Go try to talk to normies you know about in group memes (explain to a 70 yr old relative why N towers are hilarious), racial IQ Bell Curves, The Great Replacement, the Gaza genocide, the Minsk Accords, etc.
They most likely will have no clue what Hyperborean means nor care. People are busy trying to pay bills and raise kids. Finding out what they need or want in their lives FIRST is how you begin dialogue and then you can add in the things that we want them to know.
That said, events like stealing the election from Trump in 2020, COVID lockdowns, the heavy censoring of speech, drag queen story hour, mass immigration, giving kids trans drugs & butchering their bodies, Trump being attacked by lawfare/attempted assassination-
All of these things do more to shape the opinions of folks toward the mental place that we want these people to have than anything we could do in a hundred years.
The important thing is to take these people that have become conspiratorial, angry, and mistrustful of the institutions and start working on them. One by one.
It’s slow, not exciting like marches or demonstrations, but it works and about the only safe thing I think that any of us can do in 2024.
@Di Butler
“Go try to talk to normies you know about in group memes (explain to a 70 yr old relative why N towers are hilarious), racial IQ Bell Curves, The Great Replacement, the Gaza genocide, the Minsk Accords, etc.
They most likely will have no clue what Hyperborean means nor care. People are busy trying to pay bills and raise kids. Finding out what they need or want in their lives FIRST is how you begin dialogue and then you can add in the things that we want them to know.”
yeah …their occupied now – but with their countries being flooded with 3rd world savages, their attention will soon change.
as if I could have foreseen the future:
“South American theft group burglarized homes across 6 Florida counties, Grady Judd says”
There is no time for slow. We are going down faster every day.
“these people have no clue about the things we discuss”
Yeh, but did you see the game last night ? ….
Yep, I remember back in 2008 these far right posting people on the internet were so out of touch they believed the primaries were “rigged” against Ron Paul who was winning in a landslide only to have it stolen by the “Debolt Machines.” In reality not a single person I knew in the real world had ever heard of Ron Paul. Talk about delusion and living in a bubble. As if all these seniors in Florida were giving a landslide victory for some egghead talking about getting rid of social security and medicare.
Tick tock.
We do not have time on our side.
You forgot point #11 which is that activists delude themselves into thinking they have an actual impact on who gets elected. This website is here to reinforce that: the system “works” (at least to an extent), you’re just “not engaging it properly”. Lol. If I was one of the people running this shit show at a high level, that’s exactly the kind of BS I would want fed to “activists”. Keep wasting your time goy, it really works!
See #1.
“This website is here to reinforce that: the system “works” (at least to an extent), but you’re just not engaging it properly”:
Some of us (commenters) reinforce the opposite view: that any participation in the system’s fake “elections” and other political processes wastes precious time and energy, and it is giving your explicit consent to the evil system. Boycott the false system, live in the truth and concentrate your precious time and energy on education and organisation that could help to bring about real democracy and a real republic.
Another massive error made by activists is that they will talk to the media. We know what the media is, hence the nicknames (lügenpresse, gaslight media, ministry of truth, etc.). They are enemy. While I have some disagreements with Vox Day, he’s often very much on target with a variety of issues. He has a fine post today on dealing with these snakes. The tart reply to a media goon was made by – a papist! Admittedly this papist is an unusual exception. Don’t be surprised if the Pedo Anti-Pope excommunicates him. I think one time decades ago some Protestant minister referred to them as minions of Satan (which is exactly what they are). Nice to see someone standing up to these scum and naming them for what they are. Calling them vipers is indeed an unfair comparison to vipers.
Day’s recommendation is to not even bother with responding at all since they have their hit-pieces pre-written and there’s already a standard script even for a stinging reply like the one quoted. Say nothing whatsoever to them. If nobody ever talked to them – more of their evil enterprises would would be operating at a loss, which means the oligarchs will toss them aside sooner or later.
You can’t nudge sociopathic politicians in the direction you want them to go by giving them votes, time, energy and money.
You have to withdraw these things from them.
Tell them if we don’t get A, B and C, we’re not voting for you, we’ll vote for a 3rd party/independent, or not at all.
We know we won’t get everything we want but you got to give us some things or what’s the point?
Neoconservatism repackaged as MAGA is not enough, unless…you’re not a really anti-establishment/you’re a neocon pretending to be something else.
In any case, none of this really matters, Americans and the western world aren’t ready to get serious about the problems we face.
For a long time people were unware there was a problem, now they know we face significant socioeconomic and political challenges but they’re playing the blame game, they’re not going deep enough, they’re blaming one half of the uniparty instead of the whole uniparty, hell institutions/the system itself.
Only after we hit rock bottom I think will people be ready to go deeper, after socioeconomic and political collapse, which is in all likelihood where we’re headed, because de-dollarization and the receding of the American empire as the developing world develops is a reality and our standard of living and quality of life just keeps plummeting for common people, eventually something’s gotta give/things will spiral out of control, but could take years or even decades more of this.
So activists can’t do a whole lot now except get the word out perhaps, but at least after the shit finally fully hits the fan they’ll be able to say; we told you so, and then when people are finally ready to get serious they’ll know who to turn to.
“activists can’t do a whole lot now except get the word out perhaps”:
A word out about what? “Active” for what? Reactionary conservative populism is the opposite of revolutionary.
“Only after we hit rock bottom I think will people be ready’:
Ready for what? Do you mean ready for right-wing populism? The system will send you and promote to you and capture your full attention with the system-conserving right populists, or fascists, so that you won’t look to the left and see what is the only real solution.
I’m in favor of both right, and leftwing populism.
Fiscally I’m far left, but socially I’m center right (except for when it come to immigration, on immigration I’m far right).
I encourage rightwingers to support genuine rightwing populists and lefties to support genuine leftwing populists.
Once a fake left or fake rightwing populist has wittingly or unwittingly exposed themselves as a shitlib/neocon, like Bernie, Trump, Meloni and others have, we should stop supporting them.
I think left and rightwing populists should work together and try to find common ground instead of finding common ground with shitlibs/neocons.
I support the so called red-green-brown alliance.
It’s important to realize the establishment aren’t centrists so much as they’re just corrupt.
They’re centrists on some things insofar as they are ideological, but ultimately they’re far more corrupt than they are ideological.
Ideology for them is largely unprincipled and opportunistic.
This is true of just about everything except Israel, when it comes to Israel some members of our elite genuinely care about Israel (some of the Jewish and lunatic Christian Zionist ones), just about everything else is opportunism.
So it’s not so much that we’re fighting centrists and we’re against centrism (altho we are to an extent) as we’re fighting authoritarians, crony capitalists, globalists, imperialists and Zionists.
I don’t consider myself an authoritarian but you need to fight authoritarianism with authoritarianism, that’s just reality.
I wouldn’t use authoritarianism against the common people but against the elites who’ve been exposed beyond reasonable doubt as authoritarians and traitors absolutely I would without hesitation.
Zionism was able to conquer us because our politicians had already become extremely corrupt, that’s why we have seen this merging between the worst and most corrupt elements of our society/politics and Zionism, a relatively uncorrupt society would not put another nation’s welfare above its own no matter what you dangled in front of them or tried to intimidate them with.
Corruption and Zionism go together, these are the two enemies we face.
Our enemy is not the left, right center so much as the convergence of corruption and Zionism.
So all these fools who think they’re fighting the left or right have ABSOLUTELY no clue what they’re up against, they are politically illiterate.
Let me clarify things a bit more.
The WASP faction of ‘our’ (our as in the Five Eyes, the Anglosphere) ruling class became increasingly corrupt as time progressed just because human nature, decadence and all that.
Of course they were always corrupt like any ruling class but became totally unhinged during the last several decades especially.
Insofar as they’re ideological, fiscally they’re neoliberals, which is one form of rightwing fiscal policy among many forms, but because they’re heavily corrupt, they’re crony capitalists rather than just capitalists.
Socially on the other hand, you could say they’re center-left.
So that’s what we’re dealing with in a nutshell ideologically, they’re fiscally rightwing but socially center-left, but more than this they’re just corrupt, they will support a ton of regulation so long as it benefits them at the expense of the people (‘rules for thee not for me’).
As for regulation that benefits the people, of course this they want to minimize.
In addition to all that you could say they’re authoritarians, imperialists and technocratic.
I myself want the opposite of all this, fiscally I’m leftwing and socially I’m center-right, and of course I want to minimize corruption.
I’m also in favor of peace not imperialism, a multipolar world order.
Now because the WASP faction of our ruling class became corrupt, the Ashkenazi faction of our ruling class was able to manipulate them through the Jewish mafia, banking cartels and the MSM, through usury, bribes, blackmail and (character) assassination.
So what we have is this convergence of a corrupt and decadent WASP ruling class, and the Jewish mafia, which is by far and away the most powerful mafia in the world manipulating most of the governments in the world directly or indirectly, this convergence of crony capitalism, imperialism, political correctness and Zionism.
So for me this isn’t about the left versus right, it’s about an ideologically mixed, nuanced and heavily corrupt Anglo-Ashkenazi ruling class that largely dominates the globe but is facing resistance a bit at home but mostly abroad from countries like Russia, Iran and China.
Shitlibs/democrats and neocons/republicans are two sides of the same coin, one is slightly to the left/right of the other but both are more or less the same.
This is the illusion of choice we’re given in this demoligarchy of ours.
And so our understanding of and resistance to it, should also be thoughtful/nuanced if we want to be effective.
I am no fan of Islam but for convenience sake I see an ally in Islamism because of its anti-Zionism.
We should be partnering with some Muslims (those that are also capable of finding common ground with us) rather than Zionists because we have a common enemy.
Authoritarian, crony and imperialist capitalism and Zionism is the threat rather than Islam or socialism.
A bit more, I mean who are the ruling class?
Who won WW1, 2 and the cold war?
It wasn’t fascists, or communists, or Muslims.
It was the Anglo-American (and Ashkenazi) ruling class.
So WASP/Jewish capitalism won the war, and increasingly this capitalism became more corrupt, more authoritarian, crony and militaristic as time went on.
Now culturally/socially they started off more center-right but became more center-left/politically correct/woke (tho I think the right exaggerates how much cultural power the left has at times, sometimes the right wins the cultural wars like most recently on abortion or at least they brought it back to the states/neutrality) as time went on because it was convenient for them, but these people are not communists or socialists by any means.
And they have manipulated the political economic process to the point where it’s virtually impossible for genuinely grassroots candidates to get elected, they effectively control the so called ‘left’ and ‘right’.
So that’s it that’s who they are, I’ve been trying to explain this to people for years but unfortunately most are still caught up in this simplistic, binary left/right thing in all sorts of different ways.
Replace Anglo with Papist and you would have a more accurate picture. A simple review of leadership positions, both elected and appointed, in the Judiciary, Legislative and Executive branches will review a minority of WASPs in them.
The only place where WASPs are the majority are in Legislature. But this is belied by the leadership of Congress which until Mike Johnson purged them remained Papist dominated. This is because the money comes more from Jews and Papists than Papists.
For the other SCOTUS, is majority Papist. The judiciary itself is majority Judeo-Papist. The key leaders of major district offices are majority Papist. WASPs are practically extinct in the judiciary of our metro areas.
Upper floors of agencies, is mostly non-WASP. You can look at Senior Executive Service and permanent under secretary level and Papists predominant.
While WASPs are still a potent force throughout the Administrative State and in regional areas like around Hunter’s fishing hole, a majority in certain areas and even in the Legislature, the actual power lays more with Papists and their mishshapen non-White peasant class. The age of WASP dominance ended like around JFKs time and has been in decline ever since, remarkably and unsurprisingly paralleling the decline of America itself.
Aryan, to clarify, I meant Anglo-Saxon in both an ethnic (people of English or British descent, which includes Welsh and Scottish), and a cultural/institutional sense, a culture and set of institutions that could be more or less adopted by similar ethnic groups like the Dutch, Germans and Scandinavians, and, perhaps to a lesser degree, the Irish, Italians, Poles, and to a lesser degree still by the Jews.
The Jews adopted that political culture and put a more leftwing spin on it, pushing for more political correctness, which later became woke.
Meanwhile more rightwing Jews and their Christian stooges pushed for Zionism.
But at its core this political culture is of Anglo-Saxon origin, however corrupt and impure it may have become.
It’s still capitalism with conservative/republican and liberal/democratic wings, it’s not as if it’s (d)evolved into something else entirely like fascism, communism or some other fundamentally different system.
I understand your point #1. I think you misunderstand the level of domination that we are operating under. I’m sure you know that richer people have their private neighborhoods to keep the plebs away. Imagine, if you will, that the actual ruling class, the one actually calling the shots, had its private continents to operate on, comfortably out of reach of any laws you are familiar with, because the places they live are not even on the world map that people know about. This is how far into it we are right now. You think flailing your little arms around in the “political arena” (which is what it is, an arena, a show, theater) is going to have an impact on this? Ok, suit yourself. I think if you have a family and children (I do), all that time invested in politics is time entirely wasted. You have better things to do, really. My “activism” at this point, is just to try and explain to people they should just disengage from this crap. You can see them deploying all these resources and insane news cycle bullshit to keep people engaged. That’s because the smart move is to stay away.
As I said, your approach to politics is to allow the Left to lord it over you. You think the “smart move” is to disengage and not to support, say, Trump and the Republicans.
In my case, I don’t want to live in a state like California or Illinois or New York, so I am not going to do that. I also think Trump’s policies are a lot better than Kamala Harris’s policies. I don’t support everything he wants to do, but he is better than the alternative
“don’t want to live in a state like California or Illinois or New York,”
All states that use to be great.
Imagine your fishing hole being a scene of Mexicans trashing the place with their carniceria cook outs, little brown kids running around and low rider cars jumping on their axles and blaring stupid mariachi music, all against a backdrop of Black barbecue parties, with their thug music and outrageous laughing, while in a nicer, smaller area, rich Asians are making curry, rice bowls, and drifting their cars in the parking lot, all the while someone like Nancy Pelosi is there giving a speech where she introduces a white boy she helped have his genitals cut off, before a helicopter picks her up, lifts her to the sky, and drops her near your little town where she lives in a palace surrounded by a giant vinyard, whose Guatemalan workers occupy your neighborhood and graffiti the place with Papist political murals and MS13 threats.
I know, it happened to my little town and before it, my father’s little town. That is what doing nothing and let it get worser for better gets you. Hunter, you are doing the right thing. Trying to stop this by engaging, not retreating from our communities, appealing, not repulsing the normies, entryism not isolating from politics, and not being an A.S.Sperger is the way to go. At the very least you can say you did your best to stop the oncoming onslaught before your fishing hole turned into a Papist Tijuana, Black Detroit, Little Asia sh!thole.
“Guatemalan workers occupy your neighborhood and graffiti the place with Papist political murals and MS13 threats”:
You don’t give the context of what the U.S., AND ISRAEL, did to Guatemala, and to El Salvador (re: MS13) many times over many years, the much greater crimes with more deaths and destruction.
“You don’t give the context of what the U.S., AND ISRAEL, did to Guatemala, and to El Salvador (re: MS13) many times over many years, the much greater crimes with more deaths and destruction.”
Nonsense. Even Guatemalans have agency. If anything we helped that place from descending into desolation. However, the one thing we did which perhaps wouldn’t have occurred if we hadn’t intervened, was push from their perch the old White Hispanics who ruled it with some rigor and law and order, allbeit of a corrupt Papist kind. Irs the left with their medical charity that helped explode Guatemala’s population and unleashed a socio-economic fury that now extends to our border.
That was amazing comment
My experiences in New York city 1985-89
We’re similarly crazy being the norm , only with the tail end of Reagan’s 2 terms and Bush Sr coming in
I Remember being on a Manhattan street at s newsstand run by a real New York City Italian young guy . Bush sr was making his inauguration speech . The young Italian guy asked me :
“ is he closing the borders , sending in the military to end the criminal anarchy?”
I said : “ No”
He says :
“What s he talking about ?”
I said : “ nothing – nothing at all “
That was the insanity that was the norm 1988 -89 New York City
And then I went back to Nashville TN where ai attended college at Vanderbilt . I felt I had to warn ( White) America what was coming if they didn t act immediately .
I was like that guy in the B & W 1950s Sci Fi horror movie “ Invasion of the body Snatchers “ running around , stopping cars and trying to share “ the Truth “ ….
And then Iraq War 1 came…
Sigh ( I know , I know A reader here doesn t like when I use that )
“your approach to politics is to allow the Left to lord it over you”:
Your approach to politics, aboard the Trump train, will continue to let the RIGHT (capitalist class) lord it over you. When you vote for Trump, or when you vote at all, you give explicit consent to the evil class and usury system with endless imperialist war and the Zionist crusader colony at the centre of the eastern hemisphere.
The fake “Left” that you reference are nothing but Neolibs and Neocons, some with a “woke” style, who are “capitalist to the bone,” as Nancy Pelosi put it when asked. She said: “Sorry, we’re capitalists,” and “we’re capitalist to the bone.” Both parties are equally right wing, differing in style but fully united on all the essentials, including “the business of America is business” and that the U.sury S.ystem centred in New York and Washington (and London) has the sole, exceptional right to rule the world, exploiting all the natural resources and human resources of all nations, peoples and tribes. It is the dog-eat-dog private profit system using its government apparatus (the state) to help the Western “Aryan” elites destroy all resistance and all competition and achieve total monopoly, to stay in business and maximise profit.
But if you are pleased with your comfortable position on your middle-class level within the system, then it is logical (makes sense) that you try to conserve it (and “reform” it through Trump) by participating in its “elections.” I maintain that the system cannot be improved through populism and voting for populists (as if Trump is a populist). It cannot be “reformed,” and it also cannot be removed by voting. Balkanisation of the fifty-state “homeland” (Southern secession) won’t kill it.
You may love and try to conserve the out-moded and evil political economy of the “virtue” of greed, but it is still headed for the dustbin of history, where feudalism and monarchy have gone before. Babylon will fall and the merchants will weep.
The best street rally I participated in was the LOTS Rakky “ no Jihad in Tennessee “ against attain Gouda flooding M Tennessee with lowest wage Somalian food workers .
I had a great time – the local normies liked and respected us .
Plus it was fun in little ways . Handsome Marshal having trucks driven by Southern women to stop and get whatever he was giving .
The Southern mom with here 11 year son and his 6 year sister teasing him.
Pretty much everyone appreciated my one man advertisements against the filthy rich Tyson CEO Donnie Smith I think was his name .
Tyson has an even worse one now / let’s target him in his corporate home base in Arkansas
Thanks brothers and sister
You made me feel like I was family
Good Jaye Ryan. If you do demonstrate, that’s how you do it.
You were permitted to protest against muslims because TPTB have okayed anti-muslim anger. In order words, ZOG gave you a ‘hall pass’ when it comes to a group that doesn’t have an kosher approved POV of (((them))).
How has Koch Foods profits been affected, since that protest in Tennessee?
Corporate slaughterhouses can always hire illegal aliens from South of the border and they mostly do. When were prosecuted by the DOJ, Zion Don (who also allowed E-Verify to lapse under his administration) pardoned them on his way out of Washington.
I am.not taking a crap on what you did, but let’s not call a mosquito bite Mount Everest either.
Your head and heart was in the right place nevertheless.
Meanwhile, back in Sweet Home Alabama….
This took place in a thoroughly “red” (Republican) state. Just think what’s happening in the others which are purple and blue.
Here’s something even scarier the Gay Old Pedoburo allowed to be passed by the Congress of Whores. Too busy remembering to applaud for Satanyahoo I guess.
Chump just promised he will replace us. Wants to bring the whole world here so long as they aren’t murderers. This is your guy. You are supporting him. Not too smart, actually.
I don’t agree with Anglin that we should not vote. We should protest by voting Democratic.
Yes, that’s because I am not an idiot.
1.) I don’t believe that “National Socialism” or whatever is going to come back if Trump loses. He lost in 2020 and the result was the NJP collapsed and groups like “Blood Tribe” have popped up and have continued to be an embarrassment.
2.) I have covered both Trump and Biden. The latter imported around 10 million illegal aliens. Nowhere close to that many came in under Trump. Trump’s policies were designed to restrict immigration. Biden’s policies were calculated to bring in more immigrants. Trump’s failures were more due to opposition in Congress and the federal courts.
3.) Trump succeeded in bringing down both legal and illegal immigration levels in the end while illegal and legal immigration exploded under Biden. So did H-1B visas.
3.) 90% of Trump voters want less immigration. Trump can be pressured on the issue. Kamala Harris cannot
4.) Finally, it would take a filibuster proof 60 vote majority in the Senate to change legal immigration levels and the issue is so polarized that congressional action is highly unlikely. Every attempt to reform immigration has failed for a decade now. The most recent example was the Lankford bill
Trump is literally begging the jews to select him from president. Trump never cared about voters, he just wants the status of being president. All other tactical political issues mean nothing if the cost of it is having to bow to ones jewish masters.
I disagree with the JQ movement.
1. First, I do not share their view the JQ is the ONLY issue that matters. It used to be an important issue. It was one issue that we talked about among others. It is the ONLY thing that JQers now talk about. They have crossed over into monomania.
2. Second, I do not believe that their approach is even helpful in raising awareness about the JQ, especially among Trump voters, because they come across as people who are obsessed with JEWS and steer every conversation back to the topic. They attack Trump and “rightoids.”
3.) Third, the people who say Trump does not care about his voters show far more contempt for his voters than Trump does.
So you want to talk about politics, but not discuss the actual ruling class, and any talk about this ruling class is dismissed as “monomania”. This is ridiculous, we should rather talk about those dastardly Russians, Chinese, Muslims, liberals, managerial elite, corporations, etc, etc running America – just not the jews.
There can be no serious debate of US politics unless the jew is mentioned. There are only two reasons people will not say it is the jews, cowardice or severe retardation. Neither of these two will ever benefit white people in the long run.
It is possible to talk about Jews without coming across as an obsessed crank. It is often better to say nothing at all than to leave a poor impression
Hey Hunter:
I take it you’ve seen the NSDAP propaganda movie “Triumph of the Will”.
As I remember it, there were ~ zero negative references to Js or even bringing up the JQ.
The publisher of “Der Strummer” the popular anti Semitic mass distribution newspaper Julius Streicher has as I recall a 20 second appearance in “TOTW” just to say keeping the racial blood pure was important.
Now why did the NSDAP not include any discussion of the JQ in their #1 propaganda movie?
Was it because Hitler and the NSDAP had gone soft on the Js or sold out to the Js?
Of course not.
IMO the NSDAP leaders did some focus groups and learned that as you said, obsessions about the JQ turned off the general public.
The NSDAP decided to go with what worked. And yeah, they were successful until they lost World War II to the Soviets and the Anglo USA treason empires.
On your Twitter account, you call yourself a “conservative.” If that’s what you morphed into, the JQ would not only be irrelevant to you but abhorrent.
Maybe you’ll be invited to a sit down lunch at Mar-A-Lago soon.
@Aryan Uprising. See Karl Logan’s posts above about who makes up the oligarchy. Even the hasbara troll AGB chimed in with a valid point about the Lavender mafia. Just as an aside, the Hillbilly Bonesman picked by Trumpenstein is a member of said mafia.
I rather doubt that HW will be invited for dinner at the Kushner family digs anytime in the future. He’s made too many less than obsequious observations. For the actual Christians here (as opposed to CZ heretics), do keep in mind that Dump’s daughter and her husband worship Satan, as does Dump himself. Of course Queen Chlamydia and Tampon Timmy worship the same devil. The vote for governors, state legislatures and (to a limited degree) congress are much more important than the vote for teleprompter-reader. If you’re in a state like AL I can see a small point in favor of denying the Church of Work, mainly because of an excellent point made by Tree of Woe. If you’re in a one-party state like CA, NY, IL, etc. it makes more sense to vote for Kennedy (assuming the criminals who rule those states let him appear on the ballot) just to deny Team Kameltoe. BTW, do not write in any name that isn’t on the list as it totally invalidates your entire ballot. While this would not be enforced if you voted straight D-jersey ticket (because repukes are always worse than useless) you can be certain it will if you fail to vote for the one party that rules such states. Thus your important local votes go into the trash.
Write someone in. It makes no sense to vote for people who want you dead.
National f’in socialism, harsh, guttural, brutish bullyism, kicking doors in at 3 am and I been told by more than one source, they are still the most unpopular people on the continent, they are considered the most physically unattractive people on the continent, SOULLESS DEMONS, you “f” people over, they dont ever forget it …….
@Terry Smith
“National f’in socialism, harsh, guttural, brutish bullyism, kicking doors in at 3 am and I been told by more than one source, they are still the most unpopular people on the continent, they are considered the most physically unattractive people on the continent, SOULLESS DEMONS, you “f” people over, they dont ever forget it …….”
Sounds an awfully like today’s Judeo-Communist regimes – don’t you agree ?
That’s a real nice Hollywood version there, Terry. It’s clear you’ve only paid attention to the communist and jewish tall tales.
Tikkun Olam, Thank you for your response, would you mind elaborating please, the Jews are on the list, I would have thought, communism, since they started it, would have fallen under the auspice of the Jews, I know the list is incomplete, I forgot to put California Transplant’s on there, LoL, that was a joke sir, i don’t hate German people, my grandfather was German blooded, the county i live in is basically a German county, they are good people, but there not SOUTHERN people, that’s where my love and LOYALITY is, Appalachian/ Founding stock people, are not really liked or welcome here, i respect them, i dont have too like them, i prefer not to be associated with the son’s of CAIPHAS and ANNIAS period, thank you, i despise STATEISM period, it’s restoration of the REPUBLIC if possible, I want, what my people BLED for …. Better DEAD than RED …..I unrealistically thought my O.D Brothers and SISTERS would understand my statement and agree with me,… I guess not, I still like, love, Respect and appreciate you all anyway, but I won’t take my statement back ….
“National f’in socialism, harsh, guttural, brutish bullyism, kicking doors in at 3”
Watch a lot of TV ?
USA, no sir, not one bit, I haven’t watched TV, since they cancelled the show ” DEADWOOD ” i’ve always respected the Soldier’s , Sailor’s and Airmen of the REICH, piss on the Gestapo ……this rotten government, along with law enforcement, and the intelligence agency’s, have adopted and practiced their method’s too perfection …
But your boy J.D. Vance will change all of that, right Terry?
Charlie, thank you for your response, I agree with you completely, this evil government, way back then, after the war, brought the elements from the defeated, that they found useful, they were grafted on to the ” THE MONSTER ON THE POTOMAC “, only here in MYSTERY BABYLON, vould you find F’IN, national socialist, jew’s, catholic’s, whored out protestant’s, scalawags, yankees, sodomite fools, all working in common cause, under the direction of the DAMM DEVIL his self ……. Stay tuned, for further misery …….
“possible to talk about Jews without coming across as an obsessed crank. ”
Absolutely !
You can mention it in passing.
Hammering on the point will make a person seem like the TV stereotype of a crank.
This started because Trump was talking to some jewish grouping, having to beg for their support. What this really is about is people being afraid to talk about the jewish problem, all other problems can NEVER be resolved until that one is tackled first.
Even assuming that jews make up a controlling majority of the oligarchy, which is certainly possible as many public billionaires are fake (e.g. the money is all borrowed), it’s unwise to attack the strongest link in the chain of power. The way to break the chains is to find the weakest link and go to work on it. The weakest links are the white sellouts. They are the ones who need to be doxxed, exposed, and even much worse. If they feared going to work for Schlomo’s 30 pieces of plastic more than a white South African farmer feared going to work each day, the chain will start to unravel. That might involve doing some very unpleasant things to white people. Traitors and sellouts deserve no mercy, even of they beg for it. Their treason is the main reason we ended up in this mess.
“other problems can NEVER be resolved until that one is tackled first.”
Yep, it’s the crux of nearly all problems and the source of unspeakable future problems, but the average person’s mind is too small to understand it. They lack both the historical knowledge and the willingness to examine it.
Plus, their minds are filled with the nonsense garbage of TV and movies.
What to do ?
I know all the control oriented masters of the Empire will go crazy but:
The Empire is too big.
The Northern states need to secede from the decadent liberal states up in their area and form a good wholesome nation.
The Southern states need to secede from the decadent liberal states down in their area and form a good wholesome nation.
Our way IS the Highway!
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
I watched a program on you tube about the PRUSSIAN/DANISH WAR, it was, way before the world stupid ass wars, but in my mind, it’s a good and plain example, of F’IN people over…… Your own people, ANGLE LAND and SAXONY border each other …….
Mr.November, please don’t insult my intelligence, I have to much respect for you, to even consider, insulting you, that being said, as plain and honest as I can, you and I, both know, he is on a leash and will do what he is told too. For me this is a HILLBILLY, SOLIDARITY/PRIDE Thing, I know it’s selfish, but my people, need a morale boost, they let everybody else in there, I want one of mine, in their too, I feel it is my duty, to advocate for my people, I will say this though, I know some pretty solid APPALACHIAN MEN, if we could get them and J.D. in a room together, without disruption/distraction, we could get him on the right track, we will never know,if we don’t try, but perhaps your right, Nicki Haley and Tim Scott are so much more inspiring, how dare us hillbilly’s forget our place, at the very bottom of the totem pole ……. Thank you, for your response though, I appreciate that
@Terry Smith,
I appreciate your reply.
It is understandable that you want one of your own at least in the Chief Executive Office, but there are so many problems with J.D.Vance. If you have been reading many of the reasons that folks have issues with him, you should understand that he is not the ‘good ol’ boy’ from Appalachia. Has Vance been an actual ‘hayseed’ Bubba from the ‘sticks,’I doubt the powers that be would have boosted him so hard. It isn’t your fault he fell short of expectations, that falls on him for selling out his people and heritage.
On the subject of the Gestapo, well, those men were the best detectives from the previous regime for the most part. A new government would want to retain the best and brightest police investigators. They did not kick people’s doors down in the middle of the night. That’s what US Special Ops does in all the countries they are fighting for USZOG does.
Sure, being the state police force alongside the Sichersheitdienst (SD) they were responsible for domestic law and order both before and during the war. There were plenty on of domestic far-left radical terrorists, and many other common criminals that needed to be dealt with. Many of us wish that we had both working in our communities and keeping us safe from diversity.
“Terry Smith
AUGUST 19, 2024 AT 6:53 PM
Mr.November, please don’t insult my intelligence, I have to much respect for you, to even consider, insulting you, that being said, as plain and honest as I can, you and I, both know, he is on a leash and will do what he is told too. For me this is a HILLBILLY, SOLIDARITY/PRIDE Thing, I know it’s selfish, but my people, need a morale boost, they let everybody else in there, I want one of mine, in their too, I feel it is my duty, to advocate for my people, I will say this though, I know some pretty solid APPALACHIAN MEN, if we could get them and J.D. in a room together, without disruption/distraction, we could get him on the right track, we will never know,if we don’t try, but perhaps your right, Nicki Haley and Tim Scott are so much more inspiring, how dare us hillbilly’s forget our place, at the very bottom of the totem pole ……. Thank you, for your response though, I appreciate that”
I respond:
I understand your point of view.
That said, please understand that the Vice President position my entire life (I was born in 1961) has been a burial ground – one of the first American White men offered this VP Position commented:
“It ain’t worth a warm pocket of piss”
He was right.
The only job the VP has is to break a tie in the US Senate and attend funerals of 2nd their foreign leaders. Being a VP builds resentment, frustration as the VPs are basically waiting for the Presidents to die, get assassinated like John f Kennedy was – so Lib types who thought then and now that John F Kennedy was going to be some Liberal Camelot nation, world savior blame a conspiring hick Texans Lyndon Johnson for being behind the JFK Assignation, ruining the 1960s, causing the Viet Nam War and the loss of noble, good intentions on Black Civil Rights blah, blah blah.
Just look at all the failed VP nominees, VPs in our lifetime.
Geraldine Ferraro – the first women to be VP and on to President
Walter Mondal – Gritz and Fritz, Minnesota honest White liberals with Jimmy Carter Christian Southern compassionism how did that work out – Mondal lost 49 out of 50 states to Reagan in 1984.
Look at some other VPs Al Gore – trying to reassure White Southerners that he and Arkansas Bill Clinton were Southerners , not California, New York City Libs.
Dan Quayle – Bush Sr picks Dan Quayle to make Bush Sr looks smart and cosmopolitan.
How about Mittens Romney’s VP choice – Catholic pro mass Mexican Catholic great replacement immigration Congressman from Wisconsin Paul Ryan who couldn’t carry his own state. Now Paul Ryan was added to the Fox News Board of Directors and instructed by New Yawk Zio Lib Jews and the ADL to fire Fox’s #1 rate news commentator Tucker Carlson. What’s with that? I know – just a White Gentile front, Je(* puppet.
Of course the VPs to Presidents – LBJs, Bush Sr, now sleepy Joe Biden, Senile Joe Biden were all failed, kind of like John Major as Conservative Torrie Party PM after Margarette Thatcher.
I always thought some GOP Conservative guy running for President should offer a competent VP running mate a second cabinet position besides VP that doesn’t do anything .
How about VP and…
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Labor, Homeland Security Director and Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, those are all really the same job or at least should be… as in….
Defend our Nation with our
Air Force
As long as I can remember, I’ve always questioned why our US Army doesn’t defend our land border from invasions.
Why does the US Navy have their own $ Trillion Airforce.
Does the US Airfare have their own Navy?
How come none of these $ Trillion military branches never are asked to fight, bomb Mexican drug cartel bases?
I always ask that question when I’m around typical Patriotards getting a hard on for the latest ZOG war, the latest propaganda campaign to name the latest White racist Hilter enemy…. which is about to become ….
Sorry for that lengthy rant.
Terry Smith I understand your position about wanting one of “yours” in the VP, but please understand that was exactly the same reason the Demorats in 1960 chose Texas country regular guy Lyndon Johnson as Harvard educated, East Coast Camelot Catholic John F Kennedy’s running mate.
Vance’s East Indian wife is almost certainly going to be used by Cuckservatives to get Whites in Appalachia to abandon White racism, Nativism and it’s going to be all presented as :
Invest in “Education” – send everyone to Liberal elite law schools like Yale University same as this supposedly made Al Gore, Hillary, Vance in to acceptable people.
> That said, please understand that the Vice President position my entire life (I was born in 1961) has been a burial ground – one of the first American White men offered this VP Position commented:
> “It ain’t worth a warm pocket of piss”
> He was right.
You’re right and generally speaking it isn’t worth a pocket of piss. This year does have a factor in play that hasn’t been around in recent years. Someone took a shot at Trump from 400 feet away and it either missed him by about a foot, or perhaps his ear was injured by flying debris from a teleprompter being hit. Pros don’t miss from 400 feet away and the Crooks patsy was no pro. I expect this was a warning from the usual suspects to Kang Cyrus and the Hillbilly Bonesman is there to insure that their wishes will be followed at all time or he’ll be president in a heartbeat when TPTB order it so.
If anyone is under the impression that shooting someone with an AR from 400 feet away is an easy shot, go to Larry Johnson’s site for a reality check. Johnson is a shooting instructor with plenty of experience using the AR platform. Put bluntly, it’s not a simple shot fir a non-professional. It is a fairly simple one for someone who graduated Marine sniper school.
Jaye Ryan, thank you, for your response, you’ve made so many values point’s, I don’t know where to start, but please, let me say this …….we have a whole lot of messed up, young white men, especially of APPALACHIAN Descent, the optic’s, the symbolism of a succesfull ” HILLBILLY “, who isn’t cursed with addiction, too oxycontin,meth or whatever they can get their hands on, their is a way out of poverty, besides soldiering for the devil, i just want our young men, to know, it won’t be easy, but they too, can have a fair and comely, devoted wife, cheerful obedient children, an education, a skill or a trade, career or business of their own, have a nice house, nice ride, sharp clothes, money in their pocket, they can hold their head up like a man, but they have to try, our enemies, want our people to give into despair, hide in the corner, sulking, pouting, feeling sorry for themselves, hating life, the world, our young men owe it to our ancestors, our people and especially themselves, to not give up, not give in, politics aside, J.D. came from nothing, now he is somebody, who made something out of himself, that is why, i am so fond of J.D. Vance, once again, thank you sincerely for your response, GOD be with you kind SIR …….