I was honored to speak at the 2024 Southern Cultural Center National Conference in Wetumpka, AL this weekend. This was their third national conference. I also attended last year’s conference as a guest. We had a blast giving Jared Taylor a civil rights tour of Historic Selma.
The conference was held in what used to be known as the League building which will no doubt be familiar to many of our readers. I have been attending conferences there for over a decade now in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. After the Southern Cultural Center split with the League of the South, I attended and spoke at the League of the South conference in Pine Level in 2019. Then I took a break during the chaos of 2020 and the first two years of the Biden administration.
Without a doubt, I can say that I have met the finest people that I have known in the Southern Nationalist movement in this building. I started attending events here before I was married. I brought my son Jackson to his first conference this weekend as well as my eldest son who is now 10-years-old. I enjoyed recounting old stories from a decade of bygone conferences like the time we camped out on the Coosa River and went kayaking or the time that Bill Cawthon took us to see William Lowndes Yancey’s grave in Oakwood Cemetery at night in downtown Montgomery. It was interesting to have some of the best people in the pro-White movement who are old friends – James Edwards, Jared Taylor and Sam Dickson – in the same building. White identity and Southern identity come natural to everyone who spoke this weekend. There is a right way and a wrong way to try to bridge these two worlds. This is the right way.
In my speech 10 Years As An Activist, I brooded over the mistakes that I think we have made as activists. I think the issues that we spotlighted as activists like the Great Replacement, our anti-White and anti-Christian culture or the desirability of a National Divorce have gained political traction over the past decade. We are a lot less fringe than we used to be. We were a vanguard in the sense that we were willing to take the heat to say out loud things that millions of people were thinking. At the same time, I cannot shake the feeling that we have also been our own worst enemy at times and have inflicted serious damage on our cause because activists were either in too big a hurry or were caught in a spiral. In the speech, I stressed the importance of staying positive, patient and pragmatic, reducing our turnover rate and the ideal of becoming the steady activist who contributes over the course of several decades. We have far too many activists who burn bright, burn out and after a few years are never heard from again.
The Southern Cultural Center is my political sweet spot: pro-White, pro-South and pro-Christian and full of normal people who are reliable and relatable. It is possible for activists to go off in any of those three directions at the expense of the other two which are vital. There are Christian Nationalists who are pro-Israel, not pro-White. There are antiracist Rainbow Confederates who are pro-South. There are White Nationalists who bang the anti-Christian drum. In retrospect, I think the biggest mistake that we made was going too far in the “revolutionary White Nationalist” direction by getting sucked into and mixed up with the unstable Alt-Right and Neo-Nazi groups like the NSM at the expense of our Southern and Christian identity and message. I’m not saying this to criticize anyone as I drifted in that direction myself. I have learned through bitter experience that what I saw in that was like a mirage in the desert.
If I could do it all over again, I would have focused on local organizing, not on building up a social media profile or making big splashes for “journalists” at popular front rallies. The unglamorous work of holding regular private meetups, networking and lobbying state legislators would have been a far better use of our time. Half of Trump supporters and a majority in the South are sympathetic to a National Divorce. Instead of attacking and mocking those people as “rightoids” and “contards,” we should be trying to steer them toward real solutions. Currently, there is no pressure on state officials in the South to move in our direction. This is in part a reflection of how we have chosen to spend our time as activists.
I noticed at the conference that there were quite a few people there who support both Trump and secession. It was nice to put a face on the people who I see in polls. I want to work with people like this in the future. I know it seems like a hopeless contradiction to the type of ideological activists who I addressed in my speech, but this is where most of our people are at right now. MAGA is a phase. They are coming around to our positions as as activists, but at a slower place. Many of them are older and more hopeful about America. They are nostalgic for better days than most people my age and younger. Everyone who becomes a White Christian Southern Nationalist is guilty of nostalgia for a bygone era.
As I said in a recent article for the Southern Cultural Center, the survival, independence and well-being of the Southern people is the big tent. It is obvious who belongs under that tent. It includes people like James Edwards, Jared Taylor and Sam Dickson who are ethnically and culturally Southern and whose sentiments, values and loyalties are with the South and its people. There is ample room for disagreement about all sorts of things like strategy and tactics (the merits of the Anglican, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian traditions), but shared blood, identity and devotion is the core.
Note: Here is the archive of The Political Cesspool broadcast at the SCC conference.
Why the Cultural Center split with the League of the South??
Long story.
I’m not taking sides, but it was due to the fallout from 2017/2018. I hope there is reconciliation one day. Years later, it should be obvious to everyone now how much “Unite the Right” weakened our movement and set us back.
Ok, i hope too. Unity does not always make strength, but if people have the same goals, it is always better to unite. Our opponents (even if i prefer to call them enemies as they consider us enemies worldwide) are too strong to be faced divided. Of course one must always associate with wise people though.
Well, I will be making a further more detailed response, but in general these splits should be avoided. The problem with many Activist Brains is they fail to realize they are part of the larger Movement Brain. I will stay clear of discussing the factual cause for the split at LoS and avoid taking sides as well, but many Activist Brains tend to specialize in what they are good at and think that is what the movement should focus on. They are wrong.
In reality, movements are complex. They have different parts. The more demonstrative or even militant activist brains, the lobby activist brains, the pr activist brains, the organizer activist brains, the event planner activist brains, the networking activist brain, the dirty trickster activist brains, the intell gathering activist brains, etc must all work together with the larger movement activist brain. Sorry to see some egos with activist brains couldn’t bridge their speciality differences inside LoS. Someday I hope they do because they are all good people and have vital roles to play.
Hey Hunter, not sure but did you leave out the Catholic Southerners and their family’s on purpose?
No, I had just listened enough denominations to establish the point.
At the rate Southern White Protestantmen and women are marrying Catholic mestizos nowadays that the future demographics of Dixie will a huge population of Castizos.
“Hey Hunter, not sure but did you leave out the Catholic Southerners and their family’s on purpose?”
He should’ve. The reason is because Papists, are basically an alien religion amongst Americans. True Americans live in the largest number and continuing to live and dominant in the South. Its why that region is so vociferously attacked by the foreign powers from their enclaves in the coasts of America. Overall, Papists, the overwhelming number who are not native to the South, dont fit in well in the South. In turng they and a historical source of conflict in the region, most recently with their Civil Rights promoting since the 1960s.
However, there are small native Southern groups who are Papists, chiefly among the descendents of Americans historical enemies, the Franco-Papists and Hispano-Papists. These Papists are located chiefly in Southern Louisiana and Southern Texas, withq a few pockets along the Caribbean coasts and the Mississippi waterways. Even in those groups, larger and larger numbers are converting to Christianity and many are part Southern (British Protestant) now anyways. In turn, this why the Papacy is the chief organ pushing for Latino-Papists settling in the South to reinforce them, as the Papacy has always aimed to conquer all of North America for its TEMPORAL powers.
Nonetheless, for the most part after centuries under Southern rule, the Native Papists of Franco-Hispanic ancestry are Southern in most manners and have mostly supported Southerners in their conflicts since the early 19th century. In fact, due to the First Klan’s Protestant orientation, the Papists amongst the Southern Redeemers found it necessary to form their own sister Klan with fellow Protestants living among them. It became known as the Knights of the White Camelia. This was mostly located amongst the areas I mentioned, along the coasts of the South and extending into Texas. The Camelia wasn’t an overtly Papist organization but it was organized as a means of allowing Papists to be part of the Resistance. Which they did quiet ably especially in Southern Louisiana. In fact, they did it so well, that the Southerners there both Protestant and Papists held out the longest against the Second Reconstruction that began in 1964.
Yet, for the most part, Papists are distrusted and generally unwelcome amongst true Southern Patriots for reasons which you have seen me mention before. But in general it has to do with the ethno-sectarian differences that Southerners’ British Protestant ancestors have had with the Papists. A point made clear by the Anglophobia and anti-Southern bigotry illuminated by the likes of the Gay Grand Inquisitor Nick Fuentes and his Janissaries like November who wrote:
“At the rate Southern White Protestant men and women are marrying Catholic mestizos nowadays that the future demographics of Dixie will a huge population of Castizos…”
Typical Anglophobic and Anti-Southern lying propoganda we hear from the likes of Papists like November. They got so bad at pushing this line at Amren about a decade or so ago, that I got Uncle Jared to investigate it.
Already knowing the truth of it, what Amren found is that the majority of interracial marriages across the US are between Papists of various ethnicities. Marriages of Papist White Hispanics with Papist Black Hispanics are a big chunk. Marriages between Papist White Hispanics and Papist Mestizo Hispanics are an even bigger chunk. Marriages between Papist White Europeans and Papists Black or Meztizo Hispanics fill out a substantial remainder. Only a very small minority of Protestant White Europeans marry anybody outside their races.
Most of increase we have seen in racial inter marriagre amongst Americans (British Protestants) since the 1960s has occurred between Protestant White Europeans (Often Yankees) and Asians and as November said, there are Southerners (British Protestants) marrying Hispanic Meztizos. But, unlike his propoganda, the later represents a fraction compared to the Papists screwing and race mixing with each other across the racial continuum.
This isn’t unusual. As the Papacy, not “Duh, Jews” have been the longest and biggest pushers of Race mixing. We have half of the North American continent and all of the South American Continent to prove that. Also we have the historical Papal Bulls, Bishop conventions, and Priest sermons to prove the origin of the policy.
This final ethno-sectarian difference about racial, national, or ethnic mixing is a huge point of difference between Southerners and Papists like November and his Mestizo Jesuit Superior Nick Fuentes. Its because Papist race mixing makes troubelsome people, half people, weak people, people like November and Nick Fuentes. Its differences like that which go back centuries as to why Papists shouldn’t be considered part of the Southern movement.
“The unglamorous work of holding regular private meetups, networking and lobbying state legislators would have been a far better use of our time. Half of Trump supporters and a majority in the South are sympathetic to a National Divorce”:
(1) That quieter, safer form of activism will be just as fruitless as the public demonstration activism. (2) Balkanisation of the U.S.’s fifty-state “homeland” (in other words, the secession, aka “national divorce”) will not change the system. You are travelling down a dead end.
Indeed fine fellow 😉
> (1) That quieter, safer form of activism will be just as fruitless as the public demonstration activism. (2) Balkanisation of the U.S.’s fifty-state “homeland” (in other words, the secession, aka “national divorce”) will not change the system. You are travelling down a dead end.
I disagree. The reason is that I think many, maybe even a majority, understand that the system (aka the Empire of Lies) is not reformable or redeemable. Hence the National Divorce. Only when you have a national divorce can one even begin to deal with the usury rackets. Also, since a good number of these folks are genuine Christians, you could see greater support for oulawing usury as was done in the pre-modern era.
As for strange things emerging, I must say I never thought I’d see the day where Vox Day essentially agrees with Andrew Anglin (!), but here we are. Day had an online debate with Angin around 2018 and absolutely mopped the floor with him. (Anglin at the time was in the full Nazi-larp mode and looked like a deer in headlights for the whole debate). Anglin has grown up as a writer since then and the point quoted by Day is indeed a good one. You might find it of interest. The whole right-left paradigm is collapsing rapidly.
Nice clubhouse. Those monuments that were removed or melted down in Charlottesville would have looked good in front of that building.
The membership is skewing kind of ‘long in the tooth.’ They will need to recruit younger fellas and ladies.
A symphony of the generations should be cultivated. This is not an easy task as the culture and info sources of the generations are very different. The elders have the money, but are set in their ways. The youth have more fire, but no funding. I don’t know what it takes tbh. Only a portion of the elders will get it and support the youth, the rest will cling to the reins at everyone’s detriment.
Good folks but the group won’t last into the future because it’s majority old boomers. The best thing they could do is merge back with the LS, and promote outreach among younger folks. I doubt either will happen unfortunately.
Great honor to come up on stage with you to show off our baby boys, the future of Southern resistance. Great family event!
Looking forward to next year!
Texas will secede first. The others will choose between Washington or Austin. Most guys don’t see it, but this ends as Greater Texas.