Anybody else notice that American and UK politics and just who’s here are looking more like India, Pakistan and Brazil than the idealized 1950s Leave it to Beaver, “We like Ike” White world?
Having a ringside seat at the 2024 Dem National Convention here in Chicago, I notice the Brazilianization of American politics and American society.
There are people in Brazil who look like us – Including some very sexy European ,Brazilian women! Many Brazilians who think like us have found ways to be competitive in national politics.
I highly recommend OD readers view and study the documentary “Brazil: The Beef, Bibles and Bullets that Elected Bolsonaro”
Brazilian President Bolsonaro received support from three groups: large landowners, evangelical Christians and the military. These have been nicknamed the “BBBs”: Beef, Bibles and Bullets. The Evangelical Christian (mostly poor, Mestizo) supporters held/hold extreme opposition to abortion rights and gay marriage. They also support the right of regular citizens to bear firearms and they backed big cattle rancher agribusiness exploitation/destruction of the Amazonian rainforests to the detriment of local Amerindians who live in these areas.
Is this possible, desirable for us Anglos here in North America? We shall see. One thing for sure… there is not a snowballs chance in Saudi Arabia that we MAGA will be able to take back all of America/North America and restore that idealized 1950s, wholesome 90% European American world. That 1950s “Happy Days” world is…. Gone with the Wind.
Please view, review this documentary “Brazil: The Beef, Bibles and Bullets that Elected Bolsonaro” or at least see the movie trailer and share your views, ideas on whether something similar could work in your local areas.
God(s) Save the South, God help those of us Left Behind in other fallen parts of North America.
I was part of the Assembly of God church many many years ago before my awakening to the J issue. I do not believe there is any way White people can continue to exist in a strong community of like minded people within this framework. I remember a preacher specifically saying he would like to see his pews filled with people from every nation. That was spoken in a rural North Florida community.
“preacher specifically saying he would like to see his pews filled with people from every nation”
So common.
They have their heads so far up their asses they can’t see reality.
They get their living from mooching off other people’s gullibility so reality in a dirty subject they don’t want to deal with.
You can see the results of their doctrine in most any slum, churches galore, built by WHITE people.
The only real positive attribute I’ve ever seen in Christianity are all the WHITE faces occupying the pews.
United States of Aipac ” The only real positive attribute i’ve ever seen in Christianity ” O.D. BROTHER, look a little harder next time, you’ve overlooked the very best part, forgiveness of SIN and the ETERNAL LIFE, that comes with it ……. I want you too go to the good place, when the time comes ….
Well terry, I know you’re sincere and probably of the best character, so take care…. 🙂
Brazil, like many African countries is largely dependent on raw material exports. Once advanced nations like US and Germany decline Brazil will be another Venezuela.
With each passing generation of racial mixing the decline will become more pronounced .
There will be an added drain as the nation declines, the most talented will leave for more advanced nations, look at South Africa.
Yes, a WHITE minority can keep things going, but eventually race mixing will wear that out.
If races aren’t rigorously separated, the eventual result will be India, Pakistan or Bangladesh, but worse because there won’t be WHITE technology to pull them up.
Brazil will go the same way.
If one follows online comments over the years, you will come across something like “America will become like Brazil if nothing is done”, actually Brazil is the best case scenario for America, because it will be way WAY worse. Even something like a South Africa future is still too optimistic.
Places like Brazil and South Africa have their masses of non white populations, but the difference is that they have always been poor, which creates a certain form of stability. The growing non white masses in America will be much less stable once their entitlements start to go away. The only thing making America a nation is money, there really is nothing else, once that goes away then there will be no place on earth that will be worse than America.
I have not been impressed by Latin American evangelicals. You will find them in large diaspora communities in Florida and other states, working to overthrow and destroy their own home countries, not Christian at all.
Regarding “the idealized 1950s Leave it to Beaver, ‘We like Ike’ White world”:
The Beaver show was almost devoid of Christian content, and the bourgeois businessman Mr. Cleaver is being held up as the ideal role model for the boys to follow. The 1950’s were sterilised and empty, preparing the population to be stuffed with culture-less, rootless, atomised mass consumerism.
As for Brazilian politics, I do agree that it resembles the politics of the U.S. “homeland.” As in the U.S., where there is little or no practical difference between Republicans and Democrats, so in Brazil there is no practical difference between Mr. Bolsonaro (the Brazilian equivalent of Trump) and Mr. Lula (the equivalent of Obama, Biden, Clinton and any other Democratic president). In the current, the so-called “leftist” Lula administration Brazil still maintains its “unshakeable mutual defense alliance” with Israel, and calls the struggle of Hamas (the elected government of Palestine) “terrorism,” and refuses to acknowledge the landslide electoral victory of Maduro and socialism in Venezuela, and has broken off diplomatic ties with socialist Nicaragua, and continues to protect and assist U.S.- and other Western corporations and banks operating in Brazil to exploit the people – and yet Lula, who is obviously not socialist but neoliberal to the bone, is still called a “leftist” in Western media! Neoliberal Brazil serves the elites of Washington, New York and London, yet it is called a “cornerstone” of the BRICS alternative global trade alliance. If neoliberal Brazil is a cornerstone, the BRICS difference is almost meaningless and any state should be allowed to join. My opinion only. I could be wrong. Thanks for your post.
D dogg ” The 1950’s were sterilized and empty ” maybe in WALES, we had ELVIS and Scotty moore, throwing down with ” MYSTERY TRAIN, The shadows with APACHE and let us not forget, LINK WRAY,nwith that ROCKIN tune ” rumble ” D dogg, these generalized statements your making, aren’t achieving anything …….
You better WAKE UP, WHITE MEN !!!
(or this will be your future, be sure to watch it all !!)
“I Was Arrested at Heathrow Airport as a “Terrorist” for My Journalism”
The hidden hand of the Jews, at work.
“expressing an opinion”
Anything contrary to the jewish narrative is verboten.
England is a slave state, I’ll never visit there again !
“opinion terrorism”
So that’s the next Orwellian slogan that will be foisted on us.
Aryan uprising, ” THERE will be no place on earth that will be worse than AMERICA ” TRUTH, prophecy fulfilled, that is why, we all need to be HOPING and PRAYING, that when MYSTERY BABYLON fall’s, our kind Father in Heaven, will permit us, bringing the SOUTHERN REPUBLIC on line, because if he doesn’t the survivors, will be wandering the plain’s of North America, just like the Indians did …….
Pakistan: Belgian Woman Found ‘Tied, Raped’ On Street On Independence Day After 5-Day Ordeal
UN, BBC, CNN,al Jazeera
Where are you hiding?
That fact doesn’t fit the narrative.
That’s another example of the need for independent WHITE media.
I use to listen to Caribbean radio and there were always news stories of European women being raped and injured. One French women was raped and had an eye put out etc. same with Africa, I posted a story about a young Aussie do-good girl in Mozambique, raped and corpse left behind outhouses. Its endless.
These fool WHITE women think browns and blacks will behave like WHITES. Even Thailand, an especially beautiful brit woman was raped and killed by two Thai fishermen. They were quickly tried and executed (probably just to protect Thailand’s tourism.
U.S. Added 818,000 Fewer Jobs Than Reported Earlier
The Labor Department’s revised figures for the 12 months through March are a sign that cracks in the labor market are more severe than initially believed.
Even zog sometimes admits its stats are a lie, but most go unchecked.
America’s March to becoming ever more 3rd worldish
Too funny,
Target increased profits by reducing ‘shrinkage’,
closing stores in Harlem, New York City; two in Seattle; three near San Francisco and Oakland, Calif.; and three in Portland, Ore.
‘dat bez racisssst n sheeet’
Interesting that Im 72, and it seemed every decade there were rosy journalistic studies saying Brazil was the country of the future. I met one young economist in 1983 who was enthusiastic about Brazil, saying it would be the “U.S.A. of 2000.” It’s always the future, never the present, but Brazil seems to be holding together just chugging along.
I disagree with Meredith in knocking Leave it to Beaver. it wasn’t meant to be a conservative screed, just a TV show to entertain, and did so. It was well-written, and the show’s creator said he got a lot of ideas from his own sons. It was kind of a 1950’s version of Tom Sawyer. The stories offered a lot of good, common sense, and I thought Ward Cleaver was a very well-created character. Stories like where Beaver got caught up in a mail scheme, was afraid of going to Ward, and went to a friend of Ward, a lawyer. Beaver could only pay him 1.50, and the lawyer said “I’ll take your money, Beaver, because you should learn that when you have a problem so bad that you can’t go to your father to talk about it, it’s going to cost you money.” Very true, don’t you think?
I think the show was certainly a celebration of postwar middle-class life, which was worth celebrating. affluence in moderation.
United States of AIPAC: I thought of visiting England again, but do fear getting snatched by the thought police. I read in 1980, they already had agents in pubs, etc., to monitor people’s opinions. I wouldn’t mind seeing Germany again, but wonder how easy it is to get busted for appearing politically deviant.
“Brazil was the country of the future”
Not with its massive black and mulatto population.
“My legacy will be that of bringing America down to the rest of the world.”
Barack (THE ONE!) Obama, Immaculate Chicago Messiah, Water Walker with loaves of EBT cards for all comrades of the glorious New Civility hive.
Thanks to everyone from all different honest perspectives that made comments here.
Please, PLEASE watch the full documentary and share it, comment on it.
It’s honest and good….
God bless all who still…
Left Behind
I’m from southern Brazil. Brazil is a caricature of the United States, be it politics, culture, music, social norms, pretty much everything is copied from the US.
Advertising, for example, has been with negroes and mulattos, after that death of that mandingo George Floyd in the US. It’s a pretty pathetic situation.
What I find really amazing is that the country despite having more than 50% of negroes and mulattos, and the remaining Europeans are mostly comprised of the incompetent Portuguese, there are things that more or less work like internet, power grid, financial system, etc.
There are violent crimes but the majority is just blacks and mulattos killing mulattos and blacks, something that should be stimulated.
Americans, to again my surprise, sound very naive and gullible, even in the Right. For example, taking seriously the bible or being opposed to abortion is childish and laughable.
@ Anshul Das,
Thank you for chiming in as a voice of reason, and for giving us a true picture of Brasil.
I wish more foreign readers of OD would chime in on the conditions of their countries.
“there are things that more or less work like internet, power grid, financial system, etc.”
That’s because nearly all that is imported from Europe and America, also installed and maintained by foreign contractors.
I use to chat with citicorp guys in IT, they were in Mexico , Brazil, Columbia installing bank IT infrastructure.
Hell, Brazilians don’t even trust Brazilian work.
When Vale contracted to build its fleet of super bulk carriers it avoided all Brazilian shipyards and went to Korea.
Your comment about the Portuguese was funny in its frankness.
Yes, it is good to “follow Brazil”, because that is exactly what the United States is going to become…the Northern version of it. The jews and oligarchs will have their population of atomized, “diverse”, controllable and exploitable mass of serfs and consumers.
JR- my observations.
1) Brazil is a mulatto country, whose morality is defined by Carnaval. Just watch RIO by Disney, and see the utter level of poverty, hedonism, transvestism, miscegenation, and third-world favela culture- in a children’s movie! (That the heroine comes from my homeland, Minnesota, made this all the more apparent- just saying).
2) The comment about the Portuguese – “the remaining Europeans are mostly comprised of the incompetent Portuguese…”, bespeaks far more than what it says. The Latin/Ibero-Papist culture is the NADIR of Catholic (i.e., Roman) Christianity. My LEAST favorite of all ecclesiastical styles is the Latin- with their utterly pagan ‘die de los murexes,’ the statuary of eternally bleeding Jesuses, and the morbidly excessive attempts to KEEP Christ on the Cross (yes, the American Protestants (non-Charismaniacs) are exactly right here- for you don’t see that in English/German/Austrian churches.
Realizing this simple fact, now realize the even greater one- Portugal once was a racially homogenous Celto-Iberian people: dark hair, round heads, small and everything our resident ‘anti-papist’ commentator loathes. The same (to a lesser degree) applies to the Spaniards, who at least are a bit more ‘Aryan’ in their physiques, etc. ( and are said to be ‘racist’ for merely knowing what the world (and Franco) tried to keep pure- the Iberian Aryan genome- i.e., the IMAGO DEI of White Christendom. (Not all are called, not al are chosen, not al races will be in heaven!)
While they were isolated and working among their own gene pool to better their DNA, the “Guese” were an admirable people. The height of their glory were the world-wide explorations they did in the 1500-1600’s. But once they discovered/conquered their outposts, the perennial (same with the Spanish) temptation to fornicate with the sub-human races, led to the complete miscegenation of the once ‘White’ Portuguese. Which is why the only places in central/South America worth looking at, are those areas where the LEAST AMOUNT OF FORNICATION WITH THE GODLESS RACES has occurred. In Brazil, think Florianopolis, etc. In S.A., think Uruguay, rather than Rio, etc. NOT Squatemala, Peru, Paraguay, for sure!
3) This IS (however) EXACTLY what Die Juden want for all of White culture, society, nations! The Jews’ have a competing, (false, but competing) ‘purity of Race/Proximiity to God’ ideology. It’s clearly marked out in the Talmud- but, for most of us on this forum, it is a FALSE COPY of the real- the Adamic (White/Aryan- pick your terms, they’re all the same thing) SCRIPTURAL RECORD of ONLY ADAMKIND – he who is’fair, ruddy, ably to visibly blush’ = Caucasoid Humanity of the Ecumene, [ Rom. 1:16-17] as being the ONLY BENEFICIARIES OF GOD’S ELECTING LOVE and PREDESTINATION TO HEAVEN.
4) The Jews’ belief in themselves as a ‘Chosen People’ is intimately tied with the Talmudic/Israeli desire for complete annihilation/destruction in Gaza, in case you didn’t know. Ron Unz has chronicled massively both the FALSE RELIGION that is Judaism, as well as the FALSE IDEOLOGY known as Zionism- both of which are derived from a HATRED AND ENVY of the ‘transfer of conditional privilege’ upon Christ’s Resurrection and the creation of the Church catholic (‘i.e., ‘universal’) – but it still is a Body, a Group, a TRIBAL FAMILY that shares the same GENETICS, HISTORY, CULTURE and FAITH- which is, (of course, Biblical Catholic, Trinitarian Creedal SYNODAL Christianity that most know as ‘Catholicism’ or ‘Holy Orthodoxy.’ Universal in extent IN THE AREA WHERE A RELIGION MAY BE FOUND (i.e., the Ecumene- or the ‘inhabited world’ of Jesus’ day = WHITE EUROPE) is NOT the same as the ROMAN and PROTESTANT PERVERSIONS OF THE IDEA, when you talk about ‘XTIANITY’ being a UNIVERSAL RELIGION. They are completely different things.
5) Leaving aside the Jews (please!) for a minute, brings us back to this video. The ‘Evangelicals’ of Brazil are NOT PROTESTANT CHRISTIANS! They are a CULT that PRETENDS TO WORSHIP GOD and His Son, Jesus Christ- and nothing more. To understand this, we need more Church history (sorry, will try to be brief).
A) The Church catholic (found from Norway to White North Africa, from Gibraltar to the Bosporus) was ONE, Holy, CATHOLIC, and CONTAINED, prior to the SCHISM (a date roughly 1054 A.D.) ROME (she who is called often the ‘Whore of Babylon’) SCHISMATED HERSELF from the other 4/5ths of Christendom (the Roman Empire, which continued in the East until 1453, never forget!) in the 11th Century.
B) This Schism was denied by Rome (to this day, even after a Protestant Reformation, a spurious and demonic Vatican Council (II)- recently anathematized by Archbishop Viganó) and Rome took over the reigns of [sic] SOLE CHURCH for salvation. That (suddenly for no reason) 500 years later, the Protestant Reformers were agreed to a man that ‘Rome was no true church’ in all the countries of Christendom that allowed it, seemed to matter little to either Rome, or her adherents (part of which were the IBERIAN – Portuguese/Spanish Peninsula)
C) Rome’s theological additions (the Filioque, papal supremacy, the concept of Universal Jurisdiction/Universal ‘Salvation’ etc., made ROME A FACTORY of ‘CONVERSION TO ROME’ and NOT the Body of Christ, the CHURCH, TO ANYONE NOT OF THE RACE OF ADAM/WHITE men, outside the bounds of Christendom. Each Geographic ‘conquest’ for ‘the Church’ led to subjection (and often forced baptism) of the NON-WHITE SCUM that NEVER WAS PART OF THE GREAT COMMISSION TO BEGIN WITH! [ Rom. 1:16-17].
D) The Orthodox have said for hundreds of years, that “Rome was the first Protestant.” IF this is true (and I believe it is) then ALL further sectarianism in Protestant/schism, as well as Rome’s ‘development of doctrine’ schemes, are nothing more than further and further cleanings of the Vine that once was attached to the Trunk of the Church of the First Milennium!
6) Bolsonaro and the “Evangelical” scene in Brazil (and, quite obviously, any and ALL ‘Praise Chorus/hands in the air/’feel’ Jeebus mega-church assemblies in the WEST [US/CAN/OZ, etc/] are JUST AS COUNTERFEIT, CORRUPT, CULTIC and SATANIC ‘synagogues of Satan’ and NO TRUE CHURCHES!!!
7) IF a Church is not filled with: a) White Europeans, b) Singing theologically literate and deep meaning hymns- WITHOUT ANY BACKBEAT/ROCK CONCERT/LIGHT SHOW, in c) an atmosphere of d) quiet reverence, and visible deep piety- women, cover your heads! Men, dress as if meeting the King, in a e) Sanctuary with obvious iconic and trinitarian (European derived forms) symbolism- WELL< IT AIN'T REAL CHURCH!!! AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT THERE.
8) Bolsonaro, Milei, Trump, Macron et al. are nothing but PT BARNUM HUCKSTERS. We all know that. We talk about it daily here. Problem is, will ANYONE wish to JETTISON this ENTIRE CARNIVAL HUCKSTER/JEWISH SHYSTERISM, and completely sever one's self from it all, and SEPARATE OURSELVES FROM THIS 'WORLD' to adopt the earlier 'Benedict Option' or the even earlier 'ANTHONITE' model of 'detachment from the world'? I have recently been taught a bitter lesson- that the ability to build the Kingdom on earth, CANNOT BE DONE, UNTIL THE ENTIRE NATION JETTISONS HERE ADDICTION TO THIS WORLDLY SCENARIO – UTTERLY JETTISONS IT, along the lines of the Amish, or the Orthodox Monks, and builds the necessary barriers [Geographic, Racial, Cultural, Economic, Educational, and Technological) to 'keep one's self unspotted from the world. Somehow, I doubt it. But 'Here I stand; I can do no other' to quote another priest who saw the evil in his day, and fought it bravely, 'like a pilgrim.
Will I vote for Trump? Yes, Do I care anymore? No.
Fr. John+
Every fault you mention is rooted in race mixing.
That single term ‘race mixing’ accounts for all the failures.
Nature is in the process of speciating the human race and current social trends are working against it.
Correct. You have more biblical knowledge than all my teachers.
[“Yes, I have more insight than my teachers, for I am always thinking of your laws.” – Ps. 119:99]
It only took me sixty years of mental uneasiness to begin to draw the proper conclusions. Because NO ONE (apart from the CI folk) were willing, or intelligent enough to talk about the anti-miscegenation clauses of the O.T. and how they STILL apply to this day.
There is one verse in Scripture (missing in Protestant abridged Bibles is Tobit 4:12. It says it all.
“Beware of all whoredom, my son, and chiefly take a wife of the seed of thy fathers, and take not a strange woman to wife, which is not of thy father’s tribe: for we are the children of the prophets, Noe, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: remember, my son, that our fathers from the beginning, even that they all married wives of their own kindred, and were blessed in their children, and their seed shall inherit the land.” – Tobit 4:12
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.”?? St. Antony the Great
Fr. John
I loath your comments. Man of God my ass. You just prove the Talmud right, and that your God is a cheap whore boiling in piss with my Iberian ancestors and our Lady of Fatima.You are a disgrace.
Obviously you don’t know the Aryan traitor, Pombel of Portugal, who turned the inquisition on to the Nobility and murdered the last of the reqonquistas power,1755-69, breaking the Nordic blood bond rule for all office of influence in Portugal and replaceing it with Jews. He started a shipping company and sent millions of Africans to mine gold and diamonds in Brazil.
Sit down boy and quit using God’s name in vain you American trough hog, Go Get some sloppy seconds off of your butt boy Jesus while you can bitch. We’ve got a nice warm spot waiting for you in Hell fat ass.
All those countries you mentioned, (Germany, England and Austria) Had their Catholic Church leaders roll over for their new daddy.
Portugal, Spain, Holland, Ireland all fought to preserve their Church and Culture and were hunted down and killed, or starved to death, not to forget the new world nations they had brought to Christ’s kingdom on earth who also fought and died. Let’s see, all the countries the US obliterated in the last 150 years.
It’s kinda amusing listening to what evolutionary dead ends sound like around here. Brazil, waaaaaah.waaaaaaaaaaah.waaaaaaaah
Muh white skin!
Read all of C.R Boxer’s books and get a clue.
Great Article Jaye Ryan.
God Save the South!
My legitimacy is not tied to your bigotry. I have observed first hand in the US and in Portuguese lands the lower iq, and lesser nobility of these people. That is not a slur, it is a fact. As I am Celtic/Norman, and Teuton/Aryan, I can only say that God knew what He was doing when He predestined me for salvation and incarnation. That the Iberians are still White, I am willing to acknowledge, since Christendom enclosed those lands. BUT I ALSO NOTE that it was the GOD-DAMN SPICS who allowed the Filioque to start the Schism, and the Spaniards who raped and pillaged most of America, along with the Ports and Brazil.
A true Christian should be willing to note that not all the Tribes of Israel were perfectly righteous, and therefore, so, too should we be honest in our dealings with the history o Europe. Your vulgarity shows that you are neither a Christian (possibly not even a Catholic) and therefore, have NO LEGITIMATE VOICE in this discussion.
I therefore leave you to your blasphemy. Tit. 3:10
There is justice in that these billionaire criminals aren’t going anywhere. Humans are trapped on Earth. Unless we invent a lead covered nuclear engine(at best to say lightly) no human being is leaving. Any hope of just leaving like going to Mars is….funny. Earth is the Garden of Eden, there’s nothing that has been proven otherwise. They are as mortal as the bum on the street.