Nick Fuentes hates the white working class.
— Lucky (@TheMagaHulk) August 20, 2024
Here's another ridiculous rant mocking ordinary Americans for worrying about the price of groceries.
There's a reason he's constantly referring to them as hillbillies and white trash and proles.
Nasty guy! pic.twitter.com/65F9E1D5lZ
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 20, 2024
Hakeem Jeffries says Americans "should be very pleased" with Kamala's economy — in which overall costs are up 20.2% and rising, gas prices are up ~50%, mortgage rates have nearly tripled, and American families have lost $28K paying for the increased cost of living. pic.twitter.com/E9irYKNvFu
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 20, 2024
Night four of the DNC is under way and the first speaker says that Democrats "are making sure going to the grocery store doesn't break the bank."
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 22, 2024
Democrats have been in charge for the last 3.5 years and grocery prices are up 20%+ pic.twitter.com/Tp8bBLjWKs
I am getting close to the end of this series.
I am only going to knock out a few more articles before I wrap this up. Then you will have a full and complete window into my view of the 2024 election.
As I have said in previous articles, I have been focused a lot more on work during the Biden years. Skyrocketing costs is one reason for that. Everything has become more expensive. It has never been my top issue, but it is a chronic aggravation to have less disposable income. My leisure time has been the major sacrifice which has made it more difficult for me to find the time to update this site.
It must be nice to live in a world of superchats where, say, the price of bacon and steak doesn’t matter. In my world, my wife goes grocery shopping every week and is always reminded that the same amount of money buys less than it used to. The power bill has gone up. The insurance bill has gone up. School tuition has gone up. It costs more to get an oil change or to pay for basic automobile repairs. Inflation exploded in early 2021 after Joe Biden was sworn into office and signed the American Rescue Plan into law. It was further aggravated when the Biden administration tried to cancel Russia in the world economy.
Objectively, life was more affordable when Trump was president before COVID hit. I know this is true because I can easily measure it by the amount of free time that I have available to update this site. The priority of covering rising costs in our household is always rated above reacting on this blog to this or that controversy of the day. I used to have plenty of time to bitch about, say, Trump’s tax policy which unlike Joe Biden’s inflation tsunami did not really have much of a personal impact on my life.
If it had not been for Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema committing career suicide to preserve the filibuster and put the brakes on the Biden inflation train, we would be living in the Weimar Republic or the last days of the Soviet Union right now. Kyle Kulinski wanted to “go big” and spend around $10 trillion dollars in the first year of the Biden presidency. Anand Giridharadas was hailing the dawn of a new progressive era. They had to settle for around $4 trillion between the Inflation Reduction Act, the American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The inflation bros predicted what would happen next. It was too hard of a political lift for Biden to pay for trillions of dollars of spending with new taxes on the rich and corporations. So the public ended up paying for it with the loss of their purchasing power.
To this day, the cope from the Left is that corporations became vastly more greedy shortly after Joe Biden was inaugurated as president. The inflation was caused by COVID era global supply chain issues or weird droughts and other climate change events around the world. The price of dozen eggs from domestic farms went through the roof because of corporate greed. My son’s private school tuition has gone way up, not because school supplies and costs have gone up, but because I guess the school is more greedy. Canceling Russia in the world economy also had nothing to do with skyrocketing grocery prices. Perhaps Trump needs to come back for corporations won’t be as greedy as they have been under Joe Biden?
The “worse is better” crowd have largely hailed the economic misery as the sort of strong medicine that is sorely needed to “wake people up.” Life has indeed gotten worse, but it is Trump who has harnessed the backlash. They propose that Trump should lose the 2024 election so that President Kamala Harris can further destroy the economy for Trump can run for president again in 2028. Maybe they will create a new National Socialist third party which will collapse due to infighting before the 2028 election. In that case, more strong medicine of economic pain will be needed until Americans come to their senses.
In any case, the economic aggravation created by inflation has put me in less of a mood to indulge in these fantasies, or to see what Kamala Harris plans to do to “fix” the problem. I would much rather just put up with Trump’s dumb shit for four years than go any further down this road. I don’t expect he will be able to repair the damage, but I do think he will be less willing to further aggravate it.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
13. Winning is still better than losing at baseline
14. The Left is still the enemy and wants to take away our freedoms
15. The cause of anti-Zionism depends on internet free speech
16. Donald Trump is reviled by our elites because he is an obstacle to their agenda
17. Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointments have been improving his legacy
18. The war in Ukraine showed that Biden is worse on foreign policy than Trump
19. Joe Biden’s economic policy and foreign policy unleashed a tsunami of inflation
Moron media.
Quoting the CPI as inflation, when any thinking person knows it’s a lie. It would be so easy for media to refute those phoney numbers, yet they report them without even a smirk.
Fuentes doesn’t have a family to feed, so groceries aren’t his concern, besides his mother provides all his meals, when he isn’t staying with his boyfriends .
Hakeem Jeffries “the dow is north of 4,000”, try 40,000 my ooga booga, you’re only off by 1000%. As if the stock markets have a connection to the typical worker.
Small wonder libtards F everything up, they don’t know the facts.
The only true resolution to inflation is production, competition and a stable currency.
I’m sure he eats over at his mom’s house and orders DoorDash. The whole operation is kept afloat by super chats. This has given him the insight that actually most people don’t care about rising prices
> The whole operation is kept afloat by super chats.
Plus whatever the FBI pays him. They have a bottomless pit of money – being part of the deep state. Hell maybe the super-chats are really just fed-goons paying him.
I suppose the fuente’s super chats come from the same incels funding e-thots on onlyfools.
Didn’t some French guy give Fuentes 700k in Bitcoin ?
Its not just he is getting his info from other basement dwelling mommy food making modwit children of downwardly PMCs who don’t care about bacon, its because of Fuentes ethno-sectarian Popery.
As long as Papists have their money, they could care less about whoever and whatever. In this way they are similar to Jews. Whether they have a plantation of oranges or a plantation of super chats, Papists don’t care what is going on as long as the money flows. This is why Papists cant be involved with the American movement in general and especially the Southern movement.
An easy and necessary first step would be mass deportations. Mass deportations would decrease the demand for housing, groceries, fuel, utilities, etcetera. That should stabilize and eventually bring down the cost of living, if corporate greed doesn’t get in the way.
If anyone was serious (which none are), mass deportations would be the final step in clearing out the parasites. First step is to arrest the owners of corporations and other businesses who hire the invaders on charges of treason, and use RICO statutes to literally seize all of their assets. That’s going after a couple of hundred thousand at most. Take this step and large numbers will self-deport. The gangs won’t and that’s where force will be required. This does not alter your basic premise which is correct. Since there are nothing but traitors in the government it will be a frosty day in hell before something like this takes place.
Take a look at the latest from Team Murika. Interesting that the two VP choices are white guys. Uncle Tim the Tampon Man is from one of the cuckiest states in Murika and exemplifies today’s Protestantism – a branch of HW’s Lutheran Church. As Hood notes:
> Mr. Walz’s church, Pilgrim Lutheran, does not call God “Him.” It supports reparations and says whites “have been complicit in the systematic exclusion of Black, Indigenous, Immigrant, and other People of Color.”
They worship the Golden Dindu there, which is the same idol worshipped by High Fellatin’ Franny in St. Peter’s. If that’s what’s left of Christianity, it’s small wonder that it’s totally imploding throughout the west. The other one isn’t much better, having married a pajeet who might be serving as his ‘beard’ as well as being his handler. She’s probably one of these. The Hillbilly Bonesman is a convert to Hi-Fellatin’ Franny’s Novus ordo thin-gruel Satanism. Welcome to the mostest important erection evaahhh, zeks! Here’s your accordion.
Well, there’s a dirty little secret.
America’s economy needs mass immigration to keep demand up and prices rising on housing and real estate. It’s a synthetic method to spur growth, a dangerous and temporary one. It’s like taking amphetamines to stay awake and do more work, short term benefits for long term disaster.
The cruel truth,
Without ever increasing immigration there will be a demand implosion and depression. The analog to a junkie who is too high and can’t come down. Artificial, unsustainable and likely deadly .
Indeed. The U.S. Government has strictly enforced money laundering laws since the 1980’s because of all the drug money made primarily from the cocaine trade. Money laundering laws allowed prosecution of drug dealers who weren’t caught with cocaine but had to wash their dirty money clean through banks. These laws have also been used to prosecute people for financing terrorism in the U.S. and overseas. Try taking $10,000 cash out of your bank account and see what the bank puts you through to get your own money even though you aren’t even accused of being a criminal.
There has been a huge exemption to the money laundering laws however, non-financed (all cash) real estate purchases from overseas. Someone from S. America can buy real estate and the anti-money laundering laws do not apply to the source of the money as long as it’s used to purchase real estate within a limited period of time. It was 180 days from the day the money was deposited, it may be less time now. This exemption is a subsidy to the real estate business to keep demand up even if the source of the money is blood money.
The U.S. Government is trying to make cash overseas real estate purchases more transparent and less criminal but the crooks in the real estate business like things as they are and they own a lot of politicians. Anything to keep real estate prices up no matter who gets hurt.
As for money-laundering, this is just another example of how the ultimate criminals (the government) don’t like any competition. The CIA, FBI and other tentacles of the deep-state have a long history of turning blood money into pure-clean cash. Many hundreds of billions, even trillions – off the books entirely. The laws were also a means for the above gang to take over the cartels, who now all serve them – including with the ongoing invasion.
“First step is to arrest the owners of corporations and other businesses who hire the invaders on charges of treason, and use RICO statutes to literally seize all of their assets. That’s going after a couple of hundred thousand at most.”
We have this invasion because of treason and systematic corruption that starts with racketeers. Arrest the racketeers whose biggest bosses are these corporate owners and their progressive NGO subalterns, and you can then then go after the illegals, denizens, and foreign settlers. Give them bonuses for providing evidence against the SOBs at the top.
“An easy and necessary first step would be mass deportations. Mass deportations would decrease the demand for …”
That’s just too obvious, too direct, the mass media shuns that fact like it’s a leper, therefore the public doesn’t see it.
Normies only know what’s ‘popular’ and that’s controlled by the media.
“An easy and necessary first step would be mass deportations. Mass deportations would decrease the demand for …”
That’s just too obvious, too direct, the mass media shuns that fact like it’s a leper, therefore the public doesn’t see it.
Normies only know what’s ‘popular’ and that’s controlled by the media .
Americans with midwit IQs do not need to check out the actual rate of inflation on shadowstats.com. The math is so simple when you see that something that used to be say $1.00, and is now $1.25 0r $1.50. No f’ing way is inflation at 4-6%.
The American public is too easily gaslit, it’s too easy to repeat media one liners. People are lemmings, unless there’s a powerful media presence saying something they won’t express the idea, even if they are capable of forming an independent thought.
As to realistic inflation figures, I don’t think you realize how innumerate most Americans are.
I remember the last time gas was below 2 dollars by me. It was $1.99 on Election Day November 3, 2020. Has not be as low since.
“The “worse is better” crowd have largely hailed the economic misery as the sort of strong medicine that is sorely needed to “wake people up.”
It will take many times this level of money problems to even get a grunt out of the typical American.
As long as there is football on the tube and nasty pizza from Domino’s delivered people will tolerate the constant deterioration of life. There are plenty of 300 Lb. feetsball (and the rest of the “sports”) fans parked on the couch, three feet in front of the TV, wearing “their” negro player’s jersey (who despises them) cheering “their” team of affleets from the Negro Felon League on to victory. See Colin Kaepernick as exhibit A until he self-destructed.
At least Nick Fuentes is being honest, he’s just saying what the political/ruling class all think.
I still wouldn’t piss on the little fag if he caught fire tho.
Fuentes, in the opinion of this Hillbilly, White trash , Prole, You should be looking, for a new Barber, a new hair style/ haircut, a long with a new attitude, would do you a lot of good, Fuentes, you have any military or martial training, own a business ? Ant particular skill’s, how about a trade? You read your BIBLE? Or someone else does it for you? All you offer sir, is nothing more than theoretical supposition, till you actually do something, you should be quiet and work on your manners ….. It would be in your best interest, The Fighting men of the SOUTHERN REPUBLIC, we have a long memory, a JACKASS like you, is not good enough to be a HILLBILLY, not tough enough to be WHITE TRASH and too UGLY to be a Prole, you keep talking shit about my people, you will find yourself being DEPORTED, back to ASS HOLE LAND …….
> If it had not been for Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema committing career suicide to preserve the filibuster and put the brakes on the Biden inflation train, we would be living in the Weimar Republic or the last days of the Soviet Union right now.
Notice something curious about this statement? It’s definitely true, but kind of fascinating given the Gay Old Pedoburo’s big selling point of regurgiated Reagonomics – often sold most earnestly to invading foreigners and negroes. The two who (kind of) put the brakes on the train were nominal democrats. Trump’s party has signed off on every budget, every increase in the debt-ceiling, etc. They’re also big on sending money over to the handless laundromat for the Biden crime-family in Kiev. All of this adds to the inflationary fires. The party of ‘fiscal responsibility’ spends like a drunken frat-boy in Biff Tannen’s pleasure palace – along with all but two of the D-jerseys.
> The “worse is better” crowd have largely hailed the economic misery as the sort of strong medicine that is sorely needed to “wake people up.” Life has indeed gotten worse, but it is Trump who has harnessed the backlash.
This is also correct. Trump doesn’t deserve the support of the backlash as his own policies were indistinguishable from those of Paul Ryan, ‘Cocaine Mitch’ McConnell, Lady G, Kevin McCarthy and Mikey Johnson. Spending trillions of fake-dollars borrowed from the usury-machine causes inflation and Trump did nothing to stop the runaway train during his first term.
Somewhere in this video, Elizabeth Truss the demented former Prime Minister of the UK (who reminds me of Kamala Emhoff “intellectually”) says: “We’ve never had it so good!” From her point of view, in her sheltered upper-class experience, completely out-of-touch with the suffering working class, that really is true.
“We’ve never had it so good”:
There is another I clip could post of Rishi Sunak the richest Prime Minister in history talking about his working-class values and the rising cost of living. But going off topic, I see that Eric Prince (owner of Blackwater) tagged Biden and Kamala on X with an offer to assassinate Maduro for $100 million: https://orinocotribune.com/mercenary-group-blackwater-boss-wants-100-million-to-assassinate-president-maduro/ When Trump was President, he offered only $16 million (bounty) to have Maduro assassinated, but there has been high inflation since then. Prince suggested that the U.S. can use the money in the frozen Venezuelan bank accounts to pay for it. The cost of imperialism keeps rising just like consumer prices.
As long as you fund/spend for Jewish wars you’ll have inflation, cut the money off for that and inflation will plummet – grantee
Does Trump have a plan that will tackle inflation?
All I have heard was he might choose Jaime Dimon or Larry Fink as his Treasury Secretary.
In the scheme of things, both Harris and Trump are both picking their economic advisers from the same pool.
Nothing will be able to stop catastrophic inflation when the US dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency.
As often, you’re absolutely correct. This is way beyond Trump – and possibly even beyond the Imperial elite’s ability to tame now. Yes Trump will be instructed to choose Dimon, Fink or maybe bring Llord Bankstein (of Goldman-Sachs infamy), Carl Icahn or maybe even Bob Iger of Woke-Disney as his ‘advisors’.
Whitney Webb was my source on that.
Ms. Webb is currently being attacked as an “antisemite” for the act of noticing jewish bankers and jewish organized crimes hand in making America in her two volume book’s titles, “One Nation Under Blackmail.”
(((They))) are using their media assets to make her disavow her incredible research and silence her. IMHO, she is better than Ryan Dawson on that subject.
I haven’t heard the names Carl Icahn or Bob Iger bandied around in a second Kushner administration but based on Trump’s previous cabinet secretaries and senior advisers, it is difficult to rule out such noxious vipers.
I second your recommendation of Whitney Webb. I had forgotten to look at her “Unlimited Hangout” lately. https://unlimitedhangout.com/
Whitney Webb
No one “got to me.” I just don’t endorse politicians for points or clout and I have written a massive book about how BOTH parties are run by organized crime and intelligence agencies. I refuse to change my tune regardless of what’s popular and I think a previous president’s policy record should matter when they are running for office. I think voting for the “lesser of two evils” every 4 years is a losing strategy for the country.
Beware, Whitney Webb plagiarizes much of her work from Ryan Dawson, sometimes word for word.
Dawson says that, and it might be true, but other writers and researchers quotes, and cite similar sources.
Dawson is anti-NS. He has kissed the ring of former CIA POS Larry Johnson who cannot do a single podcast without unfairly comparing the IOF to the Wehrmacht and SS.
Whitney Webb writes and specks on other topics that to my knowledge Dawson either does not touch or glances over, such as CBDC and the private-public/government collaboration on censorship and tech tyranny.
We are fortunate to have both for the same and different reasons.
Fuck that confederate-injun.
Ryan Dawson
Jewish Supremacists can kiss my ass.
The world needs to unite against these psychopaths the same way it did to Nazis. There is no difference between Israel and Nazi Germany other than Germany isn’t based on mythology and some their land actually was annexed after WWI.
It’s too late to tame inflation. The U.S. Government’s debts are enormous to the point where interest payments are ruinous and the Fed must print to keep interest rates down to try to make the interest payments reasonable. If interest rates were to rise to 8% – %10 on the ten year Treasuries, rates were much higher than that in the early 1980’s, it would be game over for the USD. Fed printing would have to reach Weimar levels to keep up with interest payments thus wrecking the dollar through hyperinflation.
The people running the U.S. Government, the Deep State government types and their Wall St. cronies, aren’t stupid. They know U.S. Government finances aren’t fixable even if there were the political will to drastically cut spending and take the hit from the subsequent depression. They might as well print money to the moon now, use the Cantillon Effect to enrich The Usual Suspects who will throw a bone to the scumbags in Washington and buy real assets with the dollars while they still have residual value.
That is their game plan. They are criminals to the bone operating in a criminal political system called “Our Democracy” based upon bribery and extortion (think of Herr Epstein). How else could things end with such a rotten system?
“Nothing will be able to stop catastrophic inflation when the US dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency”:
The “national debt” would be erased and inflation would stop almost instantly with a true socialist revolution that would instantly forgive workers’ debts, confiscate all excess private wealth, end all private banking, and of course stop the multi-trillion-dollar drain of waging endless imperialist war to protect the elites’ private wealth and business monopolies. But the U.S. “homeland” with its complete lack of ethnic cohesion and lack of class consciousness is the last place on earth where this is likely to happen. A real PEOPLE could rise together in a mass general strike, but your deliverance from belly of the class and usury and imperialist beast would need to come from outside. Babylon will fall eventually but I pray that it doesn’t take the rest of the world with it.
Regarding the topic of inflation, I recommend the economic historian Michael Hudson. Although not a full socialist he is good on the subjects of “national debt” and inflation. There are dozens of videos of Michael Hudson speeches and interviews. In haste, I’m posting the first one that cane up in the search:
@Meredeth Mynyddog,
” But the U.S. “homeland” with its complete lack of ethnic cohesion and lack of class consciousness is the last place on earth where this is likely to happen. A real PEOPLE could rise together in a mass general strike, but your deliverance from belly of the class and usury and imperialist beast would need to come from outside. Babylon will fall eventually but I pray that it doesn’t take the rest of the world with it.”
True. Though I believe that a natural hierarchy must be found from all the economic classes to srve their nation and folk.
It is too bad that the idea of a “White Strike” could not happen without the inevitable “bills to pay, food on the table” backsliding. To show for just a few days how this nation, or any Western nation would grind to a halt without Whites/Europeans would send shockwaves of fear through TPTB and BIPOCS. The boost to White/European self-worth and esteem would be more valuable imho than a couple of non-paid days of work in the long run. Oh, to dream.
“Babylon will fall eventually but I pray that it doesn’t take the rest of the world with it.”
There is a saying that when America sneezes the whole world catches a cold. How could its vassal states in Europe and elsewhere not be affected?
> In any case, the economic aggravation created by inflation has put me in less of a mood to indulge in these fantasies, or to see what Kamala Harris plans to do to “fix” the problem.
Harris proposed price controls on groceries and was attacked by Trump as a “socialist.” What policy has Trump proposed? Price inflation was better under Obama than Trump. I understand the median voter suffers from goldfish brain but you have a long memory Brad. The economic situation is the result of imperial decline and neither candidate is going to change that. Infact Trump is most likely to accelerate it by getting into a war on behalf of the jews he serves. Then the price of the goyim’s bacon will really go through the roof. Plz stop larping as the median voter you are smarter than this.
“Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC!”
Multibillionaire TV personality Oprah Winfrey spoke at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, and some of the themes she highlighted included her personal experience of sexism, racism and income inequality. Oprah was just the latest in a series of super-wealthy DNC speakers to criticize Republicans for not caring about working people or the downtrodden.
” Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality”
Why doesn’t she distribute some of her 1000s of millions to those with lesser incomes ?
Why does dear Oprah have homes in ultra exclusive WHITE areas ?
Why hasn’t she moved into black areas and contributed to the employment of blacks in those areas?
Why hasn’t she opened businesses in black areas to employ blacks?
Why hasn’t she started supermarkets in black areas so that there isn’t a ‘food desert’ in the black communities ?
As with all lying libtards, a super hypocrite.
Oprah is thoroughly familiar with the criminal proclivities of the colored people and she wants to keep as much distance as possible from them. If she weren’t such a hypocrite like the rest of them it wouldn’t be so bad.
I just want White people, rich and poor alike to be able to live in White areas and not suffer from the depredations of these people. What the wogs do in their own areas is their business as long as they stay out of White areas. That also means Whites can’t hire wogs to work in White areas. White people will have to cut their own lawns and do their own laundry like in the old days.
Before Zion Don withdrew from the 2000 presidential race as the Reform Party candidate, he was asked who his ideal running mate would be, and the dimwit answered, “Oprah Winfrey.”
The guy is empty headed and without conviction. He knows what he likes and dislikes but he lacks any sort of political principles or ideas. He just wants to win and thereby get vengeance against his political enemies. It’s no wonder he never followed through on very much in his first term, he didn’t believe in anything except rewarding those who paid him off.
We are already hailing the Gay Grand Inquisitor’s speech against Bacon, his Queen Antoinette “Let them eat cake” moment. Nick Fuentes, much like his Papist Alter Ego, Queen Antoinette, in typical Papist fashion, doesn’t give a sh!t about the common people, is unconcerned about their issues, and acts like a typical elitist Papist Pig.
Fuentes always calls for more Catholic monarchy, more Catholic dictatorship, more Catholic absolutism, more Catholic inquisition. Imagine a country where the leaders talk like him. He is a propagandist for modern day restoration of fat King Louis who lost his head.
So, in typical fashion he acts like the Papist reactionary arsholes and makes fun of White American working and middle class people, especially from the South. Its the same attitude that continually gets Papists’ heads choped off, lined up against a wall, blown up, and in general overthrown in violent anger. This is a result of their politico-religious upbringing based on Rome, which is self centered, egotiscal, narcisqsistic, explpoitive, and unChristian.
There are clear reasons why places from Mexico to Paraguay. Chile to Italy, France to Uruguay, continually end up as effed up governments alternating between the likes of Papist November and Papist Macron. Basically, it’s in their spiritual and genetic DNA to be troublesome people, weak people, half people, Papist people. Assuredly, much like the Bourbons, Nick Fuentes and his ilk will have learned nothing and forgotten nothing from his atrocious Papist anti-American behavior. Allow these Papists into any movement and find yourself on a one way train to a revolutionary guillotine.
“Its the same attitude that continually gets Papists’ heads choped off, lined up against a wall, blown up, and in general overthrown in violent anger.”
Freemasons and Kikes are worried about Catholics dismissing Trump absurdly complaining about six dollar a pound bacon that they’re frothing at the mouth about it.
Yes our resident hasbara loves to pick on his papists. No argument there. Problem is all of that which refers to itself as Christianity in the west is imploding at an accelerating rate – and small wonder. Not to pick on you, but there really is no excuse for such treason. They are by no means the only ones of course, but that’s just one of numerous examples of what I’m referring to. Naturally – like the proverbial broken clock – our resident hasbara is right about what’s going on in this large example of the problem.
There’s no excuse for the ignorance of boomers and their offspring, but the clergy (while I don’t defend their conduct in general) have been suborned. Bergoglio was installed by ZOG, when ZOG’s army occupied in Rome in 1944, it wouldn’t be long before America’s ruling class of Christ-haters and Christ-killers (Freemasons and Jews) would impose their will on the Vatican.
“David Starkey: Mass migration has destroyed the Britain I knew”
(this is an economic issue; watch this – is insightful)
John Cleese has been saying much the same for some time.
Dorian Yates moved to Spain and said how much nicer life is, no traffic, crowds and more that he doesn’t say.
“The British are Second Class Citizens in their own Country: David Starkey”
(this is an economic issue ALSO; watch this ALSO – is insightful)
The problem is that the inflation started under Trump. The truth of the matter is that groceries cost more, but food is not nearly the expense it was historically. With respect to food, this isn’t the Weimar Republic or the Great Depression era. People with money can afford food and gas and pretending otherwise is foolish. It’s other expenses that have been skyrocketing for years that are the real cause of downward mobility for whites. It would be wise to talk about the reasons for increased food prices. It would seem likely the increases in food prices are part of the agenda of powers like Black Rock, the Gates foundation, etc. The skyrocketing price of potatoes was likely a result of the Ukraine war, which is one of the world’s largest producers of potatoes but still imports them.
It’s impossible to take seriously fake controversy with Fuentes. Notice that Anglin is being ignored these days. People who want to kneel down to the COVID con and Bill Gates and his vaccination campaign are either idiots or they are malign actors.
Again, I’d like to know, whose votes in red states (or blue states) are going to matter? Why are we supposed to vote for Trump when our votes (the votes of activists) don’t matter? I suppose one could argue that a vote for Trump is meaningless and doesn’t reflect on one’s character, but as I see it, it is assenting to the things he’s done and the things he says he’s going to do. Nobody on our side can be obliged to do that.
RFK tomorrow backing Trump,
My 4 main concerns
Illegal Drugs/illegals Inflation and Wars
Hope they both have solid plain to fix them,
Inflation is one way governments throughout history have tried to solve their debt problems, so don’t expect the US government to be any different here. I support complete economic because the USA must die for white people to survive, so bring on more inflation and more debt. However, I do not believe that economic collapse will end ZOG, the jews still have complete cultural, political and spiritual control over the population, but it would be good first step to ending ZOG.
“Before covid hit” yes, and there has been some deep systemic changes since then from most big players. As much as I wish that wasn’t true, you are absolutely kidding yourself if you think Trump is going to reverse any of that.
Also, Trump played into the covid BS, which let’s remind ourselves, was absolute BS. I work in FL for a lot of older people, and initially thought “oh no I’m going to lose half my customers”. And then literally nothing happened. I picked up more business, and a handful of them died or were hurt when the vaccine rolled out. Trump was patting himself on the back for getting it out “warp speed”. Enough said.
To save money, some tips, (not directed at Hunter but generally); eat smaller portions and lose weight as a bonus, drive a smaller vehicle, sell a surplus vehicle if you don’t use it most days, avoid food purchases on the fly from Ronald or the colonial. Try to eat only what you buy at the supermarket, including what you eat at work, quit alcohol and any kind of drugs, legal or otherwise, try walking instead of driving if distance to destination isn’t excessive, avoid giving money to useless charities if you’re struggling, yourself (when was the last time a charity showed concern for YOUR personal and financial situation?), Avoid purchases of worthless items that will just gather dust in a corner once brought home such as books you’ll never read or clothes you’ll never wear.
Good luck. The government wants you to be poor so where possible, minimize tax, avoid fines and live within your means.