Solingen Mass Stabbing

I saw the news out of Germany yesterday evening. I will update this post as more information becomes available.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It isn’t enough to just stay out of foreign wars. You have to also keep foreigners out of your country. I guess there’s no use trying to point that out to those in power these days. It’s all by design. At least it always happens in big cities where the libtards usually are, not out in the country.
    Dieversity is our stench.

      • I know its pointless to say, but actually its the Papists who are directly enabling this followed secondarily by the Russians. Take a look at all the political leaders and NGO chiefs who are promoting, aiding, and abetting it. Most will be European Papists. The next largest group are the Russians and the Turks. This blame “Duh, Jews” for Europe’s invasions is ridiculously misplaced.

        Start by looking at where all of these invaders are gathered. Almost all start out in Russian controlled areas in Syria or the Stans of Central Asia. They are then transfered along rat lines organized by Russians to travel thru Russia and Turkey, up to the borders of Ukraine, Poland, Greece, and Bulgaria.

        The Poles under Israeli ally, Law and Justice, initially stopped them cold. So, the then Pro-Russian Ukrainian government forwarded them to Russian controlled Transnistria and then into Moldova and Romania. From there they moved to Hungary and overwhelmed it in the early years as Orban struggled within the Papist dominated EU to stop it.

        From Turkey, they were inititially easily sent thru the then pro-Russian Bulgaria straight to Pro-Russian Serbia. That is until NATO forced Bulgaria to fortify its border. At that point they switched to Greece. Thats when the Turks started also send them from Syria overwhelming its hated Greek enemy. The whole lot then moved onto Russian ally Serbia. From Serbia they joined the groups in Romania and where directed along Papist EU rat lines into Israeli ally and Christian Calvinist Orban’s Hungary. From Hungary they went into Russian ally and Putin agent Merkel’s Germany who started rhe stampede by saying Germany was open to their settlement.

        Ultimately, to stop this, Poland and Hungary had to declare martial law on their borders, and fortify them thereby forcing the invaders to seek routes from Russian ally Serbia through to Papist controlled Croatia and into Austria, Switzerland and Italy. From here they moved on to Germany and then France and eventually the UK.

        Starting in 2016, after fully securing the country, Ukraine’s new pro-NATO government also put roadblocks when it started militarization its borders and cleaning out most of the invaders. The result was most routes into Poland were cut. The only one which remained open was from Belorusia. Accordingly, under Russian direction the invaders were continually pushed to invade Poland until the war in Ukraine really ratcheted up Poland’s militarization the border. The militarization of borders in Ukraine, Poland Hungary, Greece, and Bulgaria ultimately squeezed much of the invasion down to a smaller level by 2022. 

        Nonetheless, to this day, Russian allies in the European leftwing parties, together with Papists throughout the center-left parties continue to draw these migrants through these rat lines and limit further attempts at cutting off the rat lines completely.
        Meanwhile, Israeli ally Law and Justice Party in Poland has been replaced by leftwing Papist and globalist Mr. Tusk’s center-leftist party, who continues to threaten to open the border with Belarus. Orban is barely holding on due to the combined Papist parties in the EU pressuring him with sanctions, fines, and legal threats. Things are not even close to being secure, but at least its not a total flood.

        If you look at this invasion in detail you will see it has little to do with Jews, and even zero to do with Israelis. In fact, its Israel’s biggest allies in Eastern Europe who’ve done the most to stop the invasion. The reality is the invasion is initiated by Russia and Turkey and is aided and abetted and promoted as well by Euro-Papists and Euro-commies, the so called Papo-commie elite, who now controlled most of the EU. Thats where is your enemy. Until, you take off your “Duh, Jews,” blinders you will continue flailing around in the dark.

    • There is no connection between immigration to our country from countries we are at war with. That is a uniquely modern creation implemented more or less since the end of Vietnam, much as the current immigration system was also a uniquely modern creation which started during the Vietnam War.

      • Aryan,
        I think it’s beside the point if they’re linked or not. Most of us don’t care.
        We only know that we want our leaders to represent us, not the entire world.
        We want zero immigration from third world countries, illegals removed, our manufacturing sector restored, no new wars, troops returned home in one piece and endless foreign aid payouts redirected to more pressing causes at home.
        Having Jim Bob over in the Middle East fighting people and wars he doesn’t understand, doesn’t help the average American, or Australian or Brit, for that matter.
        Maybe immigration and war isn’t linked, given many non whites leave their nations when they’re in peace time, but we still want our government to close the borders and stay out of conflicts that are none of our business. Young men signing up to fight are traitors. They know they’ll never be used to help Americans, or America’s borders… whyyyyyy enlist??
        We don’t care what Mohammed, Mahatma or Ming can offer. We DON’T want to be replaced!

  2. An “ISIS terrorist” really? If ISIS is being used that means it is certainly a false flag distraction, which is being puffed by the “news” media to stir up fear and hatred of Muslims while the final stage of the over 70-years-long genocide of mostly-Muslim Palestine is being completed.

    The anti-Muslim riots in Britain are part of this psychological distraction operation. Don’t help “Them” succeed by helping to amplify this news. You should call it what it is, or else completely ignore it.

    Hunter, do you know how many human beings (and they are NOT animals!) were stabbed, gunned, bombed, and starved to death by The Exceptional Nation’s “chosen people” colonial proxy on the same day that these Germans were stabbed? The U.S.’s silly puppet ally “Germany,” that must take in the Khazarkrainian and Middle Eastern refugees of U.S. wars by the millions, also supports the genocide. The Germans, French, and other Europeans who idolize the Yankees and their Yankee “culture” (Hollywood filth and atomised consumerism) and import millions of cheap foreign workers just like the Yankees do and take in millions of refugees of the Yankee wars are getting what they deserve. Workers of the world, unite.

    • By your logic, the West should just go ahead and annihilate all of those “human beings” who are attacking random White people — because, given the past actions of ZOG, there will NEVER be enough blood to appease the radical Muslims; same as with the Whitey-hating blacks whose ancestors were imported to the U.S. as slaves.

      It’s a kill-or-be-killed world; a dominate-or-be-dominated pecking order. And if White people want to survive, we’d better be figuring that out.

      • “By your logic (…) there will NEVER be enough blood to appease”:

        No. I am pacifist and socialist. “Getting what they deserve” was merely a figure of speech in the foregoing comment.

        “It’s a kill-or-be-killed world; a dominate-or-be-dominated pecking order. And if White people want to survive, we’d better be figuring that out”:

        I reject that world. Jesus said pray that God’s will be done on earth as in heaven. “Vengeance is mine” saith the Lord, yet the Lord showed us then example of mercy and forgiveness that we should be following. The real, fundamental problem of humanity is selfishness: “The love of money is the root of all this evil.”

    • Total Pro-Russian leftist propoganda filth. Puton agent Angela Merkel started the stampede by declaring Germany was open to the invaders. She spread Germany’s legs and said, “Come and get it boys!”

      Where did the stampede start from? In Russian controlled areas of Central Asia and Syria and Turkey. Who aided them move across these countries to the borders of Europe along Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Greece? Those Syrian, Turkish, and Russian governments. Who aided them once they got to Europe? The Euro-commies and Euro-Papists in the EU. Clearly, there is a league between groups in the EU and the Russian orbits. The conspiracy is between the Euro-Commies and Euro-Papists (Papo-Commies) and the Russkies.

      Wars always create migrants Meredith. Its how you deal with them that shows whether you are a traitor or inhuman. You leftists have decided its better to be traitor to a regime you think is illegitimate than be inhuman to people who intend to treat you as an animal.

    • “has been claimed by ISIS as Revenge against Christians for the War in Gaza.”

      What a great way to pull western nations into israhells war on Gaza. Who could be behind such a thing ?

  3. ISIS is very openly a tool for ZOG, anyone who cannot see these jew propaganda operations is a fool. Don’t believe me, then name a single thing that ISIS did that was not beneficial to ZOG? More importantly, try look up the deafening silence when it comes to ISIS mentioning Israel.

  4. 3 knife murders in Britain
    3 knife murders in Germany
    2 towers in NYC
    Rapes all over Europe and North America

    Yep, divershity is a real strength .

    • Suicide bombings, mass shootings, acid attacks, pushing people in front of trains, sex trafficking and grooming gangs….so much strength!

  5. Opposing mass Muslim migrants that are in ISIS and randomly stab, murder our women, children, elderly. This seems like a rather easy, winning issue for us. It was for the Swiss People’s Party and Polish Law and Justice….


    Those in the race denying Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Guns, Guns Guns cults can’t seem to do easy things.

    That’s why we usually lose and we’re being replaced.

    • Living in Shitcongo (where even BB guns are outlawed) in the one-party hellhole of Illnoize (who has a literal Jabba the Hutt monster as gov), you get to experience the full joy of living under anrcho-tyranny. Gun control only disarms the law-abiding. Criminals – whether the common street-thug or the ones who wear badges and operate under the color of law – are always well armed irrespective of such laws, even in totally gun-controlled shitholes like the UK.

      The bottom line is that when seconds count the police (rarely if ever on your side in a place like Shitcongo) are only minutes away. If there had been a sufficient number of armed Germans in the crowd attacked by the Mossad agent operating under the ISIS brand-name, the likelihood of dead and injured innocents decreases and that of the criminal being dead or injured (and captured) increases. They don’t try this nearly as often in places like Alabama just because someone in the crowd might just pop up and kill them.

      • I dont know why people in Illinois aren’t forming their own rightwing American nationalist racketeering groups for protection from the leftwing globalist racketeering group controlling the state government.

        In anarcho-tyranny, you would think there would be people who would take advantage of the anarchy to be an anarcho-patriot. I am not advocating or anything but I think one way to fund it would be smuggling to get around the state’s high taxes.

        Lots of action surely, but for patriotism. Or you could live under the thumb of those leftist racketeering scumbags like an average nobody, living the rest of your life a schnook.

    • @Jaye Ryan,

      “Those in the race denying Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Guns, Guns Guns cults can’t seem to do easy things.”

      Absolutely correct. They are definitely a problem at times. On the other hand, if you could flip them, it would be the final element in the package.

      There are two core internal problems with this group. First, many, not all, but many are old Boomer and old Gen Xer types. They see Civil Rights as the one cool thing that they did or lived under that was cool after everything else has been proven a total failure. The trick is to make them feel comfortable with accepting the racial, national, and ethnic reality the rest of the world understands exists. This won’t happen until enough people are getting away with saying our things both privately, publicly, and politically. This is happening but we aren’t there totally yet. The governments response to J6 and its subsequent woke agenda and immigrant invasion is helping us.

      The second problem is more insidious. From my decades of field world and investigation, its clear to me that most of the Patriot, 2nd Amendment, militant groups that are public and effective, are funded by the oligarchs. The oligarchs in turn are Libertarian because it helps free their corporate vehicles from government regulations and oversight. On the other hand, if there were some oligarchs who were more along our side we could get some where. Then we might be in a situation like Ukraine where rightwing nationalist groups funded by oligarchs managed to take control of most of the government.

      Meanwhile, this ggroup poses a major problem. There is some wiggle room with them, so I’ve found them useful under certain conditions. Basically, keep om good with them and habe them join up in a coalition front for a campaign. You just have to accept their limitations until such a time as we fix or transform the problems they have internally that I mentioned above.

  6. Stabby enrichments uber alles?
    The Synagogue of Satan hates Christ.
    Their dream of bringing about a man made armageddon won’t bring back the Messiah that they hate.

  7. The Right has an inability to capitalise on incidents such as this. And they give us enough material to work with. The overton window ought to shift further right every time these attacks occur……but nothing happens.

  8. Europeans gave up their Guns and this is what can and does happen too people, who are totally dependent upon the state, for their personal protection …… LUKE 22:36 If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. JESUS CHRIST

    • “LUKE 22:36”:

      Jesus’ saying to his disciples who had been instructed not to even carry money with them, that now you must begin carrying a full wallet, and sell your outer clothing (your cloak) to buy a sword, was a figure of speech. Soon after saying that, Jesus told Peter, who had evidently gotten a sword, “all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers,” NOT the revenge takers and war makers! He said plainly “my servants do not fight.” Jesus’ revolutionary doctrine goes far beyond Moses’ “thou shalt not kill” to “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you”: Matthew 5:44

      How is Jesus’ doctrine of “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you” consistent with supporting a political economic system of selfish competition, pursuit of profit, and monopoly, and “doing ‘it’ to others before they do ‘it’ to you”? It is not consistent. You cannot serve both God and Mammon.

      The further that men drift from God, the more weapons they will need to protect them, until finally all the weapons in the world won’t be enough to protect them.

  9. “Germany” is the puppet of the U.S. and fully supports the U.S.’s genocidal Zionist colony and the U.S.’s Khazarkrainian anti-Russian proxy (however I give many EAST Germans credit for not agreeing with this!) – as the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said yesterday: “Germany will not let up in support for Ukraine. We will support Ukraine for as long as necessary, and we will be Ukraine’s biggest national supporter in Europe.” German tanks, decorated with Nazi symbols by Russia-hating Khazarkrainians brainwashed by decades of U.S. propaganda, are rolling again in Russia on the 81st anniversary of The Battle of Kursk!


  10. Meredith mynyddog, my patience is wearing very thin with you PHARISEE, my lord also said, ” A man who won’t provide for his own house, is worse than an infidel !!! That would include protecting them from INFIDELS !!! You come across just like the rest of the WOLK FOLK ….what qualifications do you have to presume you have some Moral, spiritual, political, intellectual, Authority/Superiority over me and my people ? You claim some association, with my King Jesus Christ, yet, you labor to bring them too the pit, with your IDOLATRY, making a GOD OUT Of the STATE, Corporate ELITE, PARTY ELITE, ya, ya Meet the NEW BOSS, SAME as the OLDE BOSS, you offer nothing but recycled “BOLSHEVIKISM phony PHARISEE and your ASS STINKS like Creek WATER, you better grow some , before you offer up correction to me, I will check you all day PHARISEE …….

    • Terry, I have no problem with a man protecting his family and next-door neighbours. I do not support war and militarism. I also do not idolize the state, or government, which is only a necessary evil until the time comes that the current outmoded system finally dies, and then the state will no longer be needed and gradually “withers away.” The goal is true liberty, a maximum of real freedom for all, which is not the kind of “freedom” (for a few) and so-called “opportunity” that is being touted in the speeches of Kamala Emhoff and Mr. Trump.

      Good day.

      • Meredith mynyddog, I do not support war for profit, I do not believe in Bullying other countries, I do believe in sticking my/ our noses in everybodies Business, I believe what Jesus said ” If possible, live peaceably among all men ” If you will live Righteously, even your ENEMIES will respect you ” I take that too heart, The current outmoded system finally dies and it’s ANTICHRIST replacement system, BOTH DIE, when our LORd RETURNS and brings TRUE LIBERTY with him, till then we do what we can …….

  11. Hey Brad

    Please moderate , close the comments here . Trolls are posting typical conspiracy theory look nonsense .

    This horrible mass stabbing , murder of our people in Germany is horrible , but increasingly common same as the mass stabbing murder of the little English girl at the Taylor Swift dance party .

    Regular , sane people checking us out what answers , specific things we are doing – not nut case rants that Muslim migrants aren t bad or we deserve to have our elderly and little children murdered , raped by these savages .

    • “murder of our people in Germany is horrible”:

      Jack, ALL murders and attempted murders are horrible. There is nothing in the comment thread saying or implying that “Muslim migrants are not bad.” I constantly state that the immigration invasion is bad, harmful, and unnatural. Furthermore, you take “they deserve it” out of context. I wrote: “The Germans, French, and other Europeans who idolize the Yankees and their Yankee ‘culture’ (Hollywood filth and atomised consumerism) and import millions of cheap foreign workers just like the Yankees do and take in millions of refugees of the Yankee wars are getting what….” The “invade and invite” policies of accepting millions of war refugees and tens of millions of foreign cheap labour are certainly not “conspiracy theory nonsense.” It is also verifiable that the system finds these crimes in Germany and England, and the reactions to the crimes, very useful and convenient to be used, orchestrated and amplified as a distraction from the system’s crimes in Russia, Palestine and elsewhere. The stabbings can be BOTH spontaneous and useful in a distract, divide-and-rule psychological operation, as in “never let a good crisis go to waste.”

    • @Jaye Ryan,

      Try to ignore the rants of (((Aryan Globalist Bro))) and (((United States of AIPAC))); they’re Kike operatives of Israhell’s unit 8200

  12. Just a ‘heads up’ to American Whites: Illegal alien Venezuelan males that were allowed into the country and spread throughout by design are very quick with a knife. This pathology is not contained to Europe or sociopathic muslims.

  13. An oligarch vassal state. I don’t think I have seen anything more retarded than current Germany, er England’s trying to get there, hard to say.

    • Both are merely satrapies of the Empire of Lies. They’re competing for their masters to who who is the more totally cucked.

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