We all know why Lucas Gage, a US veteran, was suspended, harassed, and received death threats aimed at him and his family.
— Suppressed News. (@SuppressedNws) July 9, 2024
Meanwhile, these Zionists calling for the death of Palestinian children and the flattening of Gaza face no suspensions or consequences at all. pic.twitter.com/RkjdflDYvq
— Sam Parker-ucas Gage?? (@SamParkerSenate) July 6, 2024
Jewish harassers won't leave him alone. This amounts to attempted murder. https://t.co/NFtuVyMGTs pic.twitter.com/PZW71q0KoE
It appears Lucas Gage's wife has left him.
— ???? ???? ? ?? (@NiohBerg) August 22, 2024
Same thing happened to Kyle Hunt and Sinead McCarthy. pic.twitter.com/FAvZ76SG9s
— DayQuwan Shneerson (@DayquwanRebbe) August 23, 2024
A man holding a Hezbollah flag outside the DNC explains why he supports foreign terrorist groups:
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 22, 2024
"They fight for their people." pic.twitter.com/fTTHmzWBMb
DNC — A protester wearing a Hamas headband expresses his support for the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks in Israel.
— Andy Ngo ???? (@MrAndyNgo) August 21, 2024
The sentiment is common among anti-U.S. and anti-Israel ideologues, whether for far-left or Islamic reasons. pic.twitter.com/nkDOHGCQHO
I'm never wrong. It's what I'm known for.
— Hunting Goblins (@Goblin_Hunting) August 21, 2024
"Accusatory BAUM" lmao.
Throw a rock into a group of people. The one that yelps is the one you hit. https://t.co/iPYjGSm7Ph
I’m sure this series has befuddled quite a few activists.
Why would anyone vote for Donald Trump in 2024 to achieve modest goals like less inflation, lower immigration levels, better judges and to protect free speech and gun rights?
The activist and his relationship to politics has been the subject of this entire series.
Everything that I have written about Trump and the 2024 election is shot through with skepticism about activists. Yes, I have developed a more positive view of Donald Trump, but what has changed the most over the past four years is that I have developed a more critical perspective of activists.
Specifically, I have been struck by the parallels that I have noticed between how activists spiral over time in their “red pill” journeys and how pornography addictions escalate. There have been times when I have wondered if some genres of far right politics should be understood as pornographic in that they are highly addictive and seem to routinely lead to similar negative real world consequences over time.
Consider the following:
- Pornography is highly addictive
- Porn addictions escalate over time as porn addicts fry out their dopamine receptors
- Porn addicts receive less dopamine from real world activities and find less enjoyment in those activities like sports, socializing and spending time with their family. They prefer to consume online content that spikes their dopamine levels beyond normal stimulus levels
- Porn has an isolating effect because addicts find greater rewards in screentime
- Porn warps the minds and arousal templates of men
- Porn causes financial and reputational damage
- Porn causes severe damage to all relationships (friends, family, marriages, employer)
- Porn addicts have a negative vibe because it changes their bioelectrical energy
- Porn has physical side effects like erectile dysfunction
- Porn causes debilitating mental illness
- Porn creates irritability and negativity
- Porn is consumed anonymously online
- Porn robs men of their motivation by depleting dopamine levels
- Porn exacerbates communication problems with the opposite sex
- Porn addicts lose their sense of joy
- Porn destroys attention spans
- Porn addicts are much less satisfied with normal sexual relationships
- Porn addicts act out their fetishes in the real world
- Porn addicts prefer their fantasy world to the real world
- Porn consumption is masturbatory
- Porn addicts experience higher levels of alienation, depression and despair
Does any of this sound familiar?
Porn addicts warp their minds by linking the brain’s internal reward system to the screen and by depleting their brains of dopamine. They develop a bad habit which becomes a compulsion. As the habit escalates, they move from genre to genre, which changes their baseline arousal template. Suddenly, vanilla sex won’t do it for them anymore. They only become aroused by the most hardcore stuff.
Take Lucas for example.
He used to be a Marine and a normal guy who enjoyed going to clubs and picking up women at the beach in New Jersey. This was before he got red pilled by reading 500 books about the Third Reich and the Holocaust and consuming 3,000 hours of videos and podcasts about the Jewish Question. He has put on a lens through which he now sees the world which has warped his vision. He has been subtly changed by this. He hasn’t simply developed a habit of talking about Jews. He now has an addictive obsession with talking about Jews. He spikes his dopamine levels by logging on to X to talk about Jews.
Some activists would say that it is an unqualified good thing that Lucas has discovered THE TRUTH about the Jews and is shouting it from the rooftops on X. We can grant the point that Lucas is right to be morally outraged by Israel’s genocide in Gaza. We can grant that Lucas has made a lot of enemies who want to destroy his life and who have reported him to the FBI and have sent SWAT teams to his house. We can grant that many of the statistics that Lucas cites about Jewish power and influence are accurate. Jewish wealth, influence and power is highly taboo. We can agree it is a real social problem.
And yet, we can also see a negative trajectory over time. He is going too far with his hobby horse. He is crossing the line between telling the truth and becoming obsessed. He is not balancing the time that he is spending on X clashing with Jews with other activities. He refuses to log off after he has been swatted half a dozen times. Now he is in his backyard slashing an Israeli flag with a Roman gladius. Today he is saying on Telegram that his wife has left him and he has lost the support of his entire family.
Just observing Lucas over the past month, you can see that his obsession with talking about Jews on X is taking a toll on his mental health. It is taking a toll on his relationships. It is taking a toll on his financial well being. He is becoming a less effective communicator. The swatting has caused enormous stress in his life, but he cannot stop, take a break and prioritize other things. He has an activist brain on autopilot which he has trained through thousands of hours of intentional exercises to focus on TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE JEWS. He experiences anxiety when he isn’t talking about Jews. He has to log on to X or Telegram to talk about Jews to get the dopamine hit to calm his nervous system.
Several people have chimed on X to tell me that the same thing has happened to other activists like Kyle Hunt, Patrick Little and Paul Nehlen. They tell me it is common to become as obsessed with the Jewish Question as Gage and to end up broke, isolated, lonely, divorced, exhausted. Kyle Hunt and Sinead spiraled into extreme anti-Christianity and flat earthism before their marriage ended. There are many, many other examples like Matt Heimbach who in the span of about six years in his red pill journey spiraled from an SCV flagger to getting thrown out of the NSM and collapsing into alcoholism, divorce and depression. Along the way, he found the time to create his own short lived National Socialist third party.
My takeaway from all of these cautionary tales is not just that our enemies want to do us harm. This much is true and obvious. It is that activists have a tendency to spiral out of control, lose touch with reality in jargon filled internet ghettos, lose their ability to relate to and connect with others and become less and less satisfied engaging in normal political activity. They become socially isolated, hyper alienated and cope by permanently moving into their fantasy worlds. They damage their relationships. They become irritable, overly negative and cynical. Some become so mentally ill that they lash out and engage in violence. It is almost like they have been exposed to some kind of disabling toxic substance.
JQ obsession often leads to an unhealthy, unbalanced lifestyle that over time just breaks the brains of activists and destroys their financial well being, relationships and ability to communicate with others. Activists can spend so much time thinking about Jews that they warp their minds, fry out their dopamine receptors and destroy their attention spans. Anything done to excess whether it is eating and drinking or playing video games or shopping can become destructive. The same principle applies here.
JQ obsessives will read this article and have a knee jerk reaction. YOU ARE TELLING US NOT TO TALK ABOUT JEWS. What I am really saying is …. talk about Jews after you have played with your kids, taken your wife out for dinner, paid your bills, watched a movie, cleaned your house, mowed the lawn, gone to the gym, taken a walk outside in the sunshine, etc. When you are living a fantastic and fulfilling life that brings you joy and have checked all your other boxes, THEN you should log on to X to talk about Jews. If you do not find other activities as fulfilling as talking about Jews and you cannot stop and you have an obsessive compulsive need to TELL THE TRUTH about Jews, then you have a major problem which is likely a brain issue. You are on the neurological road to becoming a crank which does not help your cause.
This phenomena has nothing particularly to do with Donald Trump and was around decades ago. It will be around along after he is gone too. It has colored how I personally see his campaign though. I have seen lots of activists warp through minds through JQ obsession and going down other bizarre rabbit holes to the point where they are now supporting Kamala Harris. This has made returning to normal rightwing political activity more appealing to me than it was four years ago because it is not stimulating.
After what I have seen over the years, I now would rather do something boring like sit down at my desk and spend twenty minutes writing and mailing a letter to my congressman. Intentional work like this isn’t going to destroy my attention span. It isn’t going to fry out my dopamine receptors and rob me of my motivation. It isn’t going to become an obsessive compulsive need or habit that distorts my mind. Writing a letter will build mindfulness. It isn’t going to turn my brain into a scrambled egg.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
13. Winning is still better than losing at baseline
14. The Left is still the enemy and wants to take away our freedoms
15. The cause of anti-Zionism depends on internet free speech
16. Donald Trump is reviled by our elites because he is an obstacle to their agenda
17. Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointments have been improving his legacy
18. The war in Ukraine showed that Biden is worse on foreign policy than Trump
19. Joe Biden’s economic policy and foreign policy unleashed a tsunami of inflation
20. Political pornography is warping the minds of activists and leaving them disabled
The whole problem with the former alt right is generational. You are all millenials. You have proven to be a selfish and weak generation who all wanted to be king of a new something. It was like the selfish hippies during the sixties who rebelled against their hard working dads who fought in World War 2. I’ve always thought though you guys were obsessed with race in a perverted way that made you seem silly and obsessed. In the end all of you gave in and supported Trump and his jewish family including Gage because you didn’t have the savage fight in you required for this. It was a lot of hoopla to just end up voting like the boomers you wanted to replace by keeping another boomer in there. Most of you exhibited the decline in masculinity that we desperately need to reverse as we proceed through generations.
As I’ve studied history, I understand that we are taught to admire revolutionaries who are grounded in the right principles. For example, we are all taught to admire George Washington. But George Washington was the wealthiest land owner in the country. Real political dissidents of all stripes end up leading miserable lives and end up in jail oftentimes, as they do not have the required support. It is not right to put them down as “unstable” when you are getting a beatdown from a larger and stronger foe. As you found out after Charlottesville, being a dissident is not easy.
I, too, live in this country.
I, too, am disgusted by Israel’s actions in Gaza.
I, too, know all about Jewish wealth, power and influence.
The difference is that I am not obsessed with posting about Jews on social media. My house isn’t getting swatted a half a dozen times by internet trolls. My wife hasn’t left me because of my internet addiction. I haven’t turned my whole family against me because I am incapable of turning off my phone and logging off the internet. I have different priorities in how I spend my time.
Your priorities are the best
” played with your kids, taken your wife out for dinner, paid your bills, cleaned your house, mowed the lawn, gone to the gym, taken a walk outside in the sunshine,”
Your segment on porn is also very factual.
Porn is a deep danger to some , as it taps into one of the most primal instincts and exploits it to an unnatural level. The human mind has not adapted defenses to guard against excessive stimulation, being porn, drugs, alcohol, gambling. We need rational control over this, use our minds.
WE REALLY, REALLY NEED social structures and a high trust, caring society that helps individuals go in the right directions and avoid destructive behaviors, watching out for each other.
For the record, Gage hates me and I hate him. He is a pussy and not a tough marine. But you don’t know him, and you are terribly wrong in your analysis. Gage is a welfare king who has never had to live in the real world. He gets a PTSD check. He has never had to work a day in his life, almost like Nick Fuentes. I work and have worked with the public my entire life. I come into contact with everything and everyone who has moved to southern California over my entire lifetime, from the homeless to the millionaires, and every race across the planet, from high schoolers to seniors, and I am now officially a senior citizen at 55. What I think you do, Brad, is transpose the real issues affecting our lives with some of the freaks that were born exclusively out of your alt right movement. Genx never put on a freak show. In my case, I already had a political profile when I turned 40. I hated the “white shoes” boys, white people of privelege like George W Bush. I merely discovered jewish political power through the federal reserve, and called a spade a spade, just like I did with GWB. But guess what, you don’t get fired and doxxed for criticizing George W Bush. Your freak flags and cliques came from your generation, and now you are taking down everyone else normal who are just trying to surviive what I firmly, in all my years, know to be jewish supremacy. Inflation is a boring, non cultural, non racial term, so you cannot characterize it in terms of someone’s terrible personality flaws. The facts lead me to jewish political power, and that is something factual that alt right idiots morphed into freak show marches about the third reich, I am someone who worked in finance at a later point in life and just happened to “find out”, because that’s where the facts lead me. You have sour grapes because your movement got fucked up and run into the ground and now you want to see that happen for everyone else. I really have no clue why the freak show elements of legit movements become the center of attention.
Look, I’m just someone struggling to pay my bills and I know who primarily is behind it.
“He has never had to work a day in his life,”
Being in the Marines isn’t work ?
Not when you milk it for lifetime benefits at my expense. That makes you a parasite. He got PTSD welfare at age 21 for minimal work. I hope my correction satisfies you.
“not when you milk it for lifetime benefits at my expense”
You’d prefer they go to Israhell, Ukraine or Section 8 ?
Easier life when you play it safe.
I get it though. However, I respect him for losing it all for standing up to what he knows to be true- I understand seeing the consequences and deciding to quiet down and vote for the lesser of two evils though.
BTW, I should add that I also didn’t fly to Las Vegas with Jake Shields to gamble away all my donations from JQ posting, nor did I go to AFPAC to hang out with Nick Fuentes and Sulaiman Ahmed. I played it safe by … uh, working and spending time with my kids.
“fly to Las Vegas with Jake Shields to gamble away all my donations from JQ posting”
Unreal, taking donations and then giving it to the very people he rails against.
Shows an absolute lack of sense
If you are using these stupid generation conflicts in arguments, then you are just using stupid jewish fabrications that are as legitimate as basing ones personality on star signs. The issue is not boomer vs gen x vs millenial vs gen z, it is only about about the battle against the fundamental evil that is the jew, no matter when and where.
Amazing that people hate Jews when islamic supremacy would easily kill us all if and when that becomes possible. It’s GLOBALISTS you hate (islam is a global, supremacist ideology), not the Jews. The fact that people are on here complaining about Jews rather than islamists says a lot — and it ain’t good.
By picking on Jews only, you leave out Bush, Clinton, Obama, Romney, Whitmer, Cuomo, Pritzker — too many to name — who would destroy the U.S. in a heartbeat and are actively involved in doing so no.
In the case of Lucas Gage, you are victim blaming.
The blame for the swatting incidents belongs with the bad actors who are targeting him for harassment. The blame does not belong to the man who is being harassed.
Q1. Whatever happened to the first amendment?
Q2. There are laws about irresponsibly calling emergency services (like SWAT teams) on folks who are not doing something which calls for their attention. Why aren’t these being enforced on those making the calls?
Sam Francis wrote a long time ago about anarcho-tyrrany. Here’s his prefect description of what is referred to as “liberal democracy” by clowns and the many hordes of stupefied, edumacated idiots who follow them:
“What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.” – Sam Francis
HW: Why would anyone vote for Donald Trump in 2024 to achieve modest goals like less inflation, lower immigration levels, better judges and to protect free speech and gun rights?
Because he failed in achieving anything of significant or lasting value during his first term in any of these areas. He literally appointed nothing but swamp-dwellers to drain the swamp. It’s unlikely that he’s that profoundly stupid but not impossible. His entire argument this time around boils down to Vote for me, because the other team is worse. That’s likely true, as far as it goes.
The system is rigged. It has been so for a long time. That’s not news to anyone who’s paid any real attention. Hence the anarcho-tyranny described above. There zero point in even voting for president or any federal office in a state like California, NY or Illinois. They are de-facto one-party states and the one-party cannot be influenced by outsiders. No way will Trump have those electoral votes.
States like Texas and Alabama are already leaning towards Trump so perhaps a Trump victory would have the effect of compelling the Church of Woke owned states like those mentioned above to actually secede. Being who and what they are, Kang Cyrus would never do a Lincoln and use force to stop them from doing so. Once they did, other shitlib states may well join them The west coast would be one group, the Northeast another, with the northern mid-west a possible third. Then the national divorce could proceed in earnest.
Your points about monomania and porn are legitimate ones and folks like Gage need to step back and get some legitimate help. They’re too wounded now to continue fighting. They need to recover and heal – without turning their back on truth.
” Why aren’t these being enforced on those making the calls?”
Because the callers are phone hacking, using fake numbers .
“Q1. Whatever happened to the first amendment?”
Oh, they hate that goyish concept and working with every devious scheme to circumvent it, e.g. anti-BDS legislation.
>normal political activity
LOL. The most absurd fantasy of all. You sound like Erick Erickson or some other fossil of the 00s, bemoaning the death of “normalcy” in politics. What is normalcy? Stage managed political theatre that disenfranchises whites while we are genocided by a rapacious jewish oligarchy? Is it when your congressman’s aid (and likely homosexual lover) throws your letter in the trash where it belongs? It’s hard to take issue with your characterization of mental illness in the political space, but it is not unique to any political tendency. It is everywhere. We live in a “society” after all. The system has created highly polarized internet ghettos that prevent the goyim from communicating with anyone outside their space. This prevents the formation any kind of coalition to challenge the oligarchy and that’s the point. It’s very ironic that you post this in the context of supporting Trump considering he has been the primary accelerant of this trend. Although on the other hand, in his capacity as “normal” political candidate, he has eschewed all of his previous appeals to whites and now just promises to flood the country with non-whites and put Israel first. I guess “normal politics” does mean coping while supporting a politician you know is going to screw you since Americans have been doing it for a century at least. Maybe you really are the median voter Brad. Very sane and normal.
JD Vance once compared Trump to cultural heroin.
I agree that this is true for millions of his supporters. I wasn’t writing about those people though.
For the activists who I had mind, their political pornography or “cultural heroin” is much stronger. It is obsessive and compulsively thinking and posting about Jews far beyond recognizing that there is a problem. It is getting lost in some fantasy world or becoming a crypt keeper of a defunct political regime in a foreign country. It is voting for Kamala Harris.
Basically, it is a need for some type of stimulation that is harmful and has no connection to reality. It is toxic political masturbation that harms their own lives. I actually held off on publishing this article until I saw that Angelo Gage had destroyed his family through obsessive posting about Jews on X and Telegram. This was such a compelling illustration of the problem that I had in mind that I took the draft out of the trash file, changed a few things and hit publish this morning.
Voting for Trump or writing a letter to your congressman is the equivalent of, say, drinking a gallon of water with some aspirin after a night of heavy binge drinking. It is exactly what a lot of people in this space need. They don’t need more hot takes or red pills. In fact, what they need is more like milk to recover their perspective. Writing an article to your congressman might not change anything, but then again it is unlikely you are going to sperg out and destroy your family in doing it.
Brad you are the consummate political pornographer. This is why I have read your blog for many years. It spares me the trouble of having to spend my time on Twitter or following the sordid scandals of milk crates, liter boxes, or maga trannies. I respected your turn against Trump in 17 or 18 on the grounds he is a liar and a fraud. So it’s a shame to see you supporting him now on the basis of…….self care? If thats the concern it’s better to just stay home and find another hobby. Someone who needs to participate in a fake political process to feel grounded is reality is far sicker than someone who goes around with a sandwich board calling out the jews who run this country. At least the later isn’t lying to themselves or anyone else.
Well said .
Per the usual Hunter, your judgement is sound. Obsessing about Jews being responsible for every problem, every failure, seeing Jews behind every rock and tree, 100% responsible for every problem is the mirror image of Jews seeing Gentile conspiracies everywhere, everyone is against them all the time, Hitler is on the march again. The motive in both cases is hatred and hatred is a very bad counselor.
Both views are unbalanced, fanatical and off the mark. Yes, there are conspiracies, yes The Usual Suspects are against us but we are the authors of our own problems many times too. AGB’s anti-Catholicism, seeing his hated “Papists” everywhere is in the same category; unhinged and disconnected from reality. His purpose, of course, is to sow division. This problem has been recognized for a long time, eloquently stated by Shakespeare:
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we
are underlings.”
(Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene 2) The mirror should be the first place to look, then elsewhere.
Victim blaming: the post.
” blame does not belong to the man who is being harassed.”
Absolutely true, he is a lone individual of modest means taking on a titan.
HW is very correct in his analysis, don’t make the JP an obsession. Regard it, acknowledge it, but don’t make it the focus of your life.
NOTHING IN EXCESS ……. Delphic Oracle
“happened to other activists like Kyle Hunt, Patrick Little and Paul Nehlen.”
…………….. Alex Linder
DON’T BECOME OBSESSED WITH the JP… it’s just a fact !
If a person really wants to go whole hog on JP they better have a ton of resources.
1. Enough money to live the rest of your life without an income.
2. The ability to stay overseas indefinitely.
3. A fully understanding family who will completely back you (they should have plenty of resources, also.)
How many activists have that ?
Too many try to do to much with too little.
Being in New Jewsey certainly doesn’t help Gage’s situation.
You’ve made reasonable points.
My problem is people still voting for the uniparty.
You can be a reasonable, balanced activist who balances their activism with their financial, familial and personal wellbeing, and still not vote for the uniparty and still criticize Donald Trump.
Just because you don’t vote for the uniparty and are highly critical of supporting Trump, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily a lunatic with activist brain.
“Be safe and be smart with your activism”
Good advice from Kyle.
“He has to log on to X or Telegram to talk about Jews to get the dopamine hit to calm his nervous system.”
Is it really that ?
Or is it like, a sentry running to tell his tribe that an enemy tribe has crested the hill and is on the attack, while his tribe is in a drunken stupor and can’t be roused?
He’s desperate to wake his people.
It’s exactly that. Your metaphor is perfect.
Were being wiped out. Our children have very little hope of not being a hated minority and our grandchildren have little hope of not being a hunter minority.
The problem of immigration (and most other things) are symptoms. Curing the symptoms just masks the disease. The most important issue right now is the JQ. Not taxes, immigration, perversion , etc…
This generation coming up doesn’t know what a woman is.
The problems (symptoms) have hired critical mass. Time is up.
“He has to log on to X or Telegram to talk about Jews to get the dopamine hit to calm his nervous system.”
Dopamine, or is it cortisol, the high stress hormone released in times of danger to mobilize body and mind to deal with an emergency? I suspect the latter.
Spending twenty minutes writing and mailing a letter to your congressman won’t do any of those bad things that you listed, but it won’t do anything good either. Voting in the system’s “election” also won’t accomplish anything (although it will help a little bit to conserve the system) good, in so far as helping to remove the evil and outmoded class and usury system and replace it with a much better one.
If you are pleased with the system and your place in the system, the best, most effective things you can do to help to conserve it and “make it work as well as possible” are to love and care for your family (as you are doing) and for thy neighbour (which includes all of mankind), pay your taxes and obey the laws (as much as you can without disobeying God) and keep using the brain God gave you (don’t be a lazy thinker) to follow the light of truth, facts and logic, to be “wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves.” Even the worst political system under the most evil leadership can work fairly well sometimes if most of the working people are morally good and obey the laws.
Julian Assange was “obsessed with activism,” and look what happened to him: locked up for many years in the Ecuadorean embassy and the Belmarsh torture prison, losing his health and almost his life! Those Old Testament prophets who were stoned, burned and “sawn asunder” were “obsessed with activism,” and the Lord was crucified because He kept speaking the truth “obsessively” and wouldn’t be normal.
But not all activism is stupid. “Extremism” in defense of truth (IF IT REALLY IS THE TRUTH) is a virtue not a vice. Activists for evil, who are obsessed with revenge, hate, greed, fame, power, etc. are evil activists, which is a vice. But to be active in love and speaking the truth is God’s will for man. Our eternal destinies hang in the balance of the choices we make every day. We will all stand in the Judgement and give an account of our lives. I see no contradiction between caring for one’s family and being an activist for truth, even a revolutionary activist.
Here’s a little more Political Pornography
“Solingen: German police arrest 15-year-old after three people killed in knife attack | BBC News”
….. At a Diversity Festival.
What better way to celebrate? I assume all the dead were YT, so there’s even more cause for the Church of Woke to celebrate. Queen Chlamydia takes a hit on a joint and cackles with joy. Tampon Timmy praises the woke diva.
“Wuppertal police chief Markus Röhrl said he would not recommend the public locking themselves up at home.
He said: “Everyone has to decide for themselves whether they go to festivities, whether they go to football matches, whether they use public transport. The consequence of saying no to all of this would be that they would have to lock themselves in their homes. I can’t recommend that to anyone. Quite the opposite.”
Can’t use public transport….hmmm sounds like a country I’m familiar with.
“Can’t recommend that .” .. says the cop carrying weapons.
No, because you’d be implicitly acknowledging the threat of immigrant invaders and we can’t have that, can we ?
Syrian gratitude for being allowed into Germany by Ms. Merkel.
Yeh, gratitude among POC, HAH !
How did grandad AH deal with this ?
IMO he wasn t obsessed with the JQ.
“ Triumph of the Will “ doesn t including many /any anti J commentary .
Julius Streichet has about 20 seconds in TOTW , he doesn t mention the JQ.
AH was a successful for profit writer – he wrote a best seller book , used the profits to buy a Mercedes convertible , which impressed the chicks including EB .
My advice is to never obsessed about the JQ or anything – keep a sense of humor .
I do
“IMO he wasn t obsessed with the JQ.”
He mentions it very little, almost in passing.
Just happen to see this today on a pro-South site.
Another Gage.
A different time, different place… I guess we must all choose the time, the hill to die on if we have any say in the matter…
Gettysburg Penn
July 3rd
My dear mother
This is the last you may ever hear from me. I have time to tell you that I died like a man. Bear my loss as best you can. Remember that I am true to my country and my greatest regret at dying is that she is not free and that you and my sisters are robbed of my worth whatever that may be. I hope this will reach you and you must not regret that my body can not be obtained. It is a mere matter of form anyhow.”
This is for my sisters too as I can not write more. Send my dying release to Miss Mary. “you know who.”
J.S. Gage
Co. A, 11th Miss.)
Mrs. P.W. Gage
Holmes County,Miss.)(This letter is stained with my blood.)
Jeremiah S. Gage, Company A, University Greys, 11th Mississippi Infantry
I think you have a very mature logical approach to many problems with the dissent right. Here it comes the big BUT.
Yes Trump will slow the degeneracy. He will not stop it. They will eventually come for you and your kids the same way they are now in Britain simply for voicing an opinion contrary to Leftist dogma. I told Mark Collett, and now there it is.
We grow weaker by the year. Our people would rather pay to watch their black sports heroes than gather to protect our rights and freedoms. The longer we delay the inevitable the stronger our enemies become. I don’t want to see Whites weakened to the point of South Africa before they wake up.
You’re correct, of course. If Trump wins, he is nothing but a speedbump, if even that. We can see where this train is going, and it’s nowhere good.
“Meredith Mynyddog
AUGUST 24, 2024 AT 2:26 PM
Spending twenty minutes writing and mailing a letter to your congressman won’t do any of those bad things that you listed, but it won’t do anything good either. ”
I respond:
True. But I’ve had very solid success lobbying Congress for things like defeating about 8 mass illegal alien amnesties.
Like so many, most political activism, White Americans tend to really suck at lobbying Congress – they just don’t know how to do it.
Writing a letter to your congressman, US senator does as you say, pretty much nothing – at most some low level congressional intern keeps a tally of letters pro and against something.
When Calling your congressman, US Senator – regular Whites don’t know how to do that either – They think they’re actually going to talk 1 to 1 with the Congressman, US Senator and “Give em a piece of my mind”. This just comes off as a being a crank.
What is needed is to do the research and find out the specific Congressional staff member whose job it is to talk to constituents. When you do the research and ask for a specific staff member or someone else who handles constituent questions, you automatically present yourself as an intelligent person, not a crank.
Be polite, try to engage in a back and forth conversation, not a one way rant.
Keep it brief, follow up with an e-mail “Thank you for listening to my concerns” and include a link to some articles, blogs that present our point of view.
Most young congressional aides start out idealistic, honest and then get burnt out. Try to reach the newer ones.
So your Twitter/X is @Lutherenjoyer, and you believe that you have found some eureka moment with “activist brain,” so do you think Martin Luther had activist brain when he decided his 95 Theses, and walked around Germany nailing them to church doors?
Old Martin was getting dopamine hits with every hammer blow. Probably alienated himself from his fellow clerics and community too.
I haven’t said anything about having a eureka moment. Nothing that I have said here is like an amazing insight. The only thing I said is that people should have their lives together before carried away with JQ posting
“Old Martin was getting dopamine hits with every hammer blow. Probably alienated himself from his fellow clerics and community too.”
Luther had an extremely powerful protector in Frederick the wise of Saxony. Who had Luther disappeared (kidnapped) into one of his castles. Luther would have been burned at the stake, as so many others, if not protected by powerful forces.
Our folks don’t have any protection like that
@Jaye Ryan,
I was going to address your statement the last time you brought up Triumph of the Will.
As you.may.or may not know, Dr. Goebbels was the mastermind behind the Third Rich’s propaganda, not Hitler.
The other films and documentaries such as “The Jew Seuss” and “The Eternal Jew” directly addressed the jewish
question/jewish problem.
Hitler’s Mein Kampf made his case in the JQ/JP, and did his and Goebbels speeches on the subject.
In “Olympiad,” the spectacle of the 1936 Summer Olympic Games was the focus.
Your premise is incorrect about Uncle Adolf. He was juggling many bowling pins, in order to make the Reich the envy of the judeo-Anglo Empires, France, and other banker oligarchies. First and foremost was revolutionizing the German economy which was an unrivaled success, but he did it in part by removing the jews from the levers of financial power and influence.
You get my point.
Staying home. NOT VOTING TRUMP IN 2024. Trump wants MORE IMMIGRATION https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64602
Never heard of this Gage guy before today, but now I understand he is a former Zogbot (Marine) who lives off of welfare, and he got the NAZI virus, and was shitposting out of New Jersey…..and Zog Jersey police began terrorizing him repeatedly. And he collapsed under the prosecution of the police state.
The ethnicity of the Governor of New Jersey, is??? Well yes, one of them. So perhaps he had been better off shitposting from Idaho or Wyoming than New Jersey
I despise NAZI scum, all of them, like that Kyle maggot down in Florida. They are Christ haters, all of them.
Pavel Durov was arrested in France. This is devastating. The one and only beacon of free speech in the world is about to collapse.
“a former Zogbot (Marine) who lives off of welfare”
How can you call VA comp ‘welfare’?
That’s a damn insult.
It is in some cases. I know a couple of vets who receive healthy checks for “disabilities” which were not even caused by being in military service. It’s the same everywhere, some people will game the system.
I’d prefer some honorably discharged vet game the system than a bastard mobster in Ukraine stockpile billions while causing 500,000 to die. Or billions in weapons to exterminate ppl in Gaza.
Did you ever consider this contrary point, if enough Americans used the system zog wouldn’t have money for immigrants, foreign aid, weapons to israhell, bases all over the globe?
Truth is , Americans don’t demand enough of the government, so USZOG has plenty to waste , hurting us
““disabilities” which were not even caused by being in military service”
I think any vet should have lifetime medical care.
Illegals get it, welfare queens get it.
“Zog Jersey police began terrorizing him repeatedly”
No !
It isn’t the police. They are doing their job, as mandated by law. It’s people calling in false terrorism against him , which the police MUST investigate.
“he collapsed under the prosecution of the police state.”
That’s not true.
He hasn’t been prosecuted for anything.
It’s all been harassment from (((unknown)) individuals.
Founding stock, Vote, yes vote, even if it’s a write in, for Bug’s Bunny, they want you in the corner, sulking and pouting, I get sharp like a KENTUCKY COLONEL does, then walk in their like I own the place, I want them to read my founding stock name and feel my founding stock EYES, boring into their DARK SOULS, pass up an opportunity to let them know founding stock AMERICA is still here, they want us in the corner, sulking and pouting, I will participate in this fake CHARADE, even if I have to write in BUGS BUNNY as my candidate …….
In many states, writing in Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse invalidates your entire ballot. I get not casting a vote for Zion Don but tossing your ballot away invalidates possible good at the local and state levels. Denying Queen Chlamydia and Tampon Tim a claim to legitimacy is worthwhile too. Even if it means you vote for someone on the write-in list, the Constitution Party or even the Green Party.
This “if you talk about jews and politics you are an addict” is just plain retarded, this is David French levels of cuckservatism. I can already see the day when Hunter Wallace will write about “the white nationalist case for supporting jews”.
The plain reality is Hunter Wallace does not know about the lives of everyone who dares metion the jews, cherry picking some cases is just a cheap trick that the usual ZOG outlets also like to use to attack their enemies. If you want to discuss politics then you have to discuss jews, there is no way out of this.
Believe it or not, it is possible to talk about Jews without coming across as an obsessed crank or losing your family or forming stupid online “alliances” with Muslims or wasting your time on masturbatory fringe politics.
Okay, I have a question. Who in this world doesn’t know about Jews? You turn on the television and look at the news and watch the obsequiousness of our Congressional Critters as they declare allegiance to Israel and you honestly believe the average American doesn’t know It’s The Jews? Our foreign policy and all our foreign aid is about guaranteeing Israel’s “right to exist and you honestly believe the average American doesn’t know It’s The Jews? You check out the names of the producers and writers and studio heads who run Hollywood and the Media and you honestly believe the average American doesn’t know It’s The Jews?
Just how many rocks do you believe Americans live under? Believe me, the average American knows the amount of power and influence very wealthy and well-connected Jews wield in this country. Your problem may be that the average American isn’t upset about this state of affairs as you are.
You and other activists want some new leader or want to be that new leader that will do Adolf Hitler ten times better. You have these grandiose ideas of leading some kind of loud, splashy Fourth Reich affair when that is exactly what The Enemy is looking for and trying to squash. Which is why we get all these undercover FBI sideshows and misfit FBI informants larping as Nutty Nazis.
The owner of the excellent but defunct Mindweapons at Ragnarok, Kievski kept quoting the saying that The [real] Revolution is not going to be televised. Nothing is going to happen until the people are ready and the patience of the people is one hundred fold longer than that of activists.
Furthermore, we aren’t going to see another Hitler. Because once, again, that is exactly what they are looking for. Oh, they will CREATE one to scare elderly Jews into donating their butter and egg money to shakedown organizations like the ADL and the SPLC, but he won’t be the real deal.
I once audited a World History class. TMFIIC of the Weimar Republic knew how they were screwing the German people and they had spies and informants who all had their eye on notable German nationalists whose efforts they had effective neutralized or made to no effect. Hitler came totally out of left field. They never saw him coming.
Assuming the trumpets don’t sound and the Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t descend from heaven and come down out of the clouds to set the world straight in this century, there probably is someone out there, right now that The Usual Suspects won’t see coming, but neither will we.
Moreover, you’re underestimating the power of passive resistance. The average American still has some financial discretion and can withhold any support from any nonsense from the Left which is why Bud Light has gone bankrupt and Disney is swimming in red ink. This is just one example. The are one thousand and one ways for people to withhold their cooperation and do what they want. The trick is not to stand on the ramparts and raise the battle cry all by your lonesome and see yourself and your family blown away.
Last, but not least, the smartest people in the world have a history of outsmarting themselves. Instead of the Aryan Uprising they feared, they themselves have made possible Nick Fuentes and other “Non-White White Supremacists.” IOW, they have assembled every single “antisemite” of every single race and color all in this country.
I’d relax if I were you and watch the show. Or better yet, take a page out of Hunter’s book, concentrate on making more personal friends and connections, have a family with lots of children.
God-Emperor Trump was nothing more than an alt-right meme. I have very low expectations for him this time around. We should never consider him The Almighty, but
vote after carefully considering the alternative.
The vast majority of people who are politically engaged are in a state of cognitive dissonance. This occurs even among pro-Palestine activists. Everybody who is a Leftist or “Dissident Right In Name Only” will balk at speaking of a conspiratorial, criminal, dominant Jewish power controlling modern Western society. Even the Kmacs don’t want to talk about conspiracy.
Americans are cognitively crippled. Refusing to criticize the deadly effects of the COVID vax in order to keep “respectability.” Refusing to say they believe the Democrats steal elections.
Those of us who remember Brad’s erratic conduct over the years are just seeing the same pattern re-assert itself.
I woke up today feeling different than yesterday. I feel a little more positive. I am going to attack people much less. I don’t hate Gage. I will bury the hatchet. I am obviously not going to agree with Brad on completely trashing people on the JQ.
Whatever you primary dissident focus is, a real dissident will put their face out there and try. There is a team(I am currently not on it) trying to put a real face, focus, and rational course of action concerning jewish political power. There was a JP conference, and it was professional. I support it. Many of the participants were regular, boring people, and not firebrands. Thanks for letting me post and vent, Brad. Take care all…
The only thing I have recommended is that activists should be stable and have their lives in order before talking about Jews. If it is becoming like a huge problem in your marriage, STOP. The last thing we need is more broke, divorced, miserable men who are going to burn out
” The last thing we need is more broke, divorced, miserable men who are going to burn out.”
Very true.
The economy, culture, society can and do cause all of those outcomes with or without being an outspoken activist.
Lucas Gage for whatever foibles he has committed recently did give our people one enormous gift when he appeared on the YouTube and Rumble channel Redacted which has a few million subscribers, and the episode video he was on has received over 400,000 views. In the segment he was featured, Gage warned Americans of military age NOT to join or trust the US military and their promises.
If our folks were paying attention, both Gage and Pat Tilman’s (former White NFL star player turned US Army Ranger) experiences could save their own or their children’s lives fighting for USAZOG.
“possible to talk about Jews without coming across as an obsessed crank”
That’s very true, but those who have seen the truth are so miserably frustrated that others can’t/won’t see the most elementary evidence it drives them to fanaticism. I can understand their overcompensating for frustration.
Our people need lessons on how to approach people and give them just the right amount of info they can absorb.
Plus we get the occasional schizophrenic who fixates on the one subject and goes overboard in many ways, claiming ever other person is ajw.
There are some people who spend hours every day thinking and talking about Jews. They literally talk about nothing else.
It is so much overkill that the only thing that really comes across is “this guy sounds like a nut.” If this is how they sound to me, I can only imagine what they sound like to people outside this scene who are not even aware of the problem
A little salt on your fries is good. Drowning them in salt makes them inedible.
Yes. There’s another thing those who are prone to the monomania need to consider as well. Jews, being the spawn of Satan, are highly narcissistic. They love it when the entire thread is all about them – regardless of how much ranting it contains. It actually feeds their narcissism. I’ve come over time to a true indifference to them. I literally don’t give a shit whether they live or die or go to hell to roast for all eternity. They’ve made their choice. So be it.
Monomania is bad for everyone and doubly so for detoxifying this issue. Coming across as a wild-eyed, obsessed crank is a passport, not to convincing anyone that Jews are doing something bad, but being dismissed as a nut
“Crank” is an ad hominem attack (Ad hominem is a type of argument or attack that appeals to prejudice or feelings or irrelevantly impugns another person’s character instead of addressing the facts or claims made by the latter. It involves attacking an opponent’s character or motives rather than answering the argument or claim. The term comes from Latin and is used to describe comments made against an opponent to undermine them instead of addressing their arguments).
A similar argument could be made for Jaye Ryan’s posts concerning “conspiracy theories.”
His latest included this unsubstantiated gem, ” Please moderate , close the comments here . Trolls are posting typical conspiracy theory look nonsense.”
Are they trolls posting ‘kooky’ “conspiracy theories,” or as some might call them conspiracy analyses. Either way, the meme that “conspiracy theories” today become headlines 6 months ago as fact. The conspiracy analysts were able to piece the jigsaw puzzle together, whereby, rubes would simply take the (((mainstream narrative))) as truth, until proven otherwise.
I am not taking about asinine disinformation such as the BS that Alex Jones pollutes conversations with, such as claiming the Chinese Communist Party murdered Jeffrey Epstein.
By definition, a conspiracy can be formed with only two people. Conspiracies are much more common than one might believe.
The WN persuasion needs to concentrate on health, education, building wealth and community before proselytizing the JP. If we have more money we can contribute more to the cause.
It’s an easy pitfall, to dwell on that single issue.
“They literally talk about nothing else.”
Which I fully understand, as most major social problems have the same common root. So much harm has come from those ‘advocates for change’.
Calling the truth about the JQ “political pornography” is what the ADL does. (Robert Mitchum was written the line that Mein Kampf was “political pornography.” What are activists supposed to make of those who parrot the Jewish narrative?
There’s pornography, that Jews support, then there’s “political pornography” (Jews dropped that term some time back, of course) that the Jews demand be censored. We have massive censorship, we have crazy people who lose it because being an “enthusiast” about anything is costly. Believing in anything bigger than yourself and acting on it is costly. Especially when the enemy persecutes, suborns, and subverts.
If activists aren’t against the Jews and what they’re doing, then they’ve already given up.
If activists are just a tiny group of malcontents, what does it matter if they vote for Trump? Why the need to counter-signal the activists who are sickened (sometimes literally) by his record?
Voting for the Kushners and Netanyahu is ridiculous. Totally absurd and pointless.
I compared JQ obsession to pornography because it objectively has similar side effects. It warps the mind, destroys relationships, causes financial damage, changes your arousal template, creates irritability, misery and negativity. JQ obsessives spend hours every day thinking about Jews behind screens. It is just like porn addicts who have intrusive thoughts.
The bottom line is that it is addictive, increases screen time and has mental health side effects. It takes the joy out of the real world because addicts spike their dopamine by talking about Jews on the internet
Activism regarding the JQ will ruin your life! (not acknowledging that it is a self-sacrificing act to make known the evil deeds of the enemies of civilization)
So what distinguishes you from the people who want to censor talk about the JQ?
So with that sort of criticism, why wouldn’t you support the censorship regime put in place under Trump?
I’m saying three things:
1. Don’t talk obsessively and excessively about Jews because that is what cranks do. Avoid monomania.
2. Always keep the audience in mind. Who are you trying to persuade? What are their sensibilities?
3. Talking about Jews should be deprioritized. Get your life in order first. A short list of essentials includes your physical and mental health, finances, relationships. Build a life that is full of joy. THEN when you are checking all those boxes talk about Jews on the internet.
To be crystal clear, I am not saying DO NOT TALK ABOUT JEWS. I am saying do it the right way which is persuasive, sustainable and which doesn’t harm your life. You life is more important than your 2 cents on the internet. I have no idea why this is controversial.
Put another way, why let jews live rent-free in your brain? Letting them do so gives them more power over you than they already have. Like porn, it can lead to a kind of paralysis in addressing more important ways in which to defy their chains of power – largely forged by gentiles who took the offered ticket.
Here’s one positive step which anyone here can do over time:
Get out of all debt. Owe nobody money. Usury is the enemy’s most important weapon and is how entire kingdoms and nations were subverted and overthrown. They can do as much to one who is debt-free as they can to those who owe. That’s simple factual logic.
I’ll add another point.
—– Don’t talk obsessively and excessively about Jews
Since we don’t have any agencies or organizations fully spelling out the anti-gentile agenda some folks take it upon their shoulders to inform the whole world with overzealous enthusiasm.
They neglect their own lives and burn out when it catches up with them. Then you never hear from them again.
They cannot do as much to harm someone who is debt-free as they can to those who are in debt. (I hate auto-correct)
—– (I hate auto-correct)
It can be your worst enema.
—— Don’t talk obsessively and excessively about Jews
For those that do, they sure seem under informed on the actual mechanisms of judaism and precepts of torah and talmud.
I think Lucas Gage is being very naive thinking he can live in an urban environment and do advocacy. For that he needs to be on a rural farm or ranch where the level of harassment would be much less.
—— burn out when it catches up with them. Then you never hear from them again. We
The numbers are legion.