Editor’s Note: Michael Weaver has asked me to update this story from last fall about the arrest of two pro-White activists in Douglas County, GA with the following two files below.
Michael Weaver reports:
On Friday, November 3rd, Mr. And Mrs. Catfish were arrested by 9 Douglas County Sheriff deputies from Douglasville, Georgia for Free speech. A tyrannical judge signed a warrant for “littering” even though Georgia Supreme Court case law says literature is not litter! Read Statesboro Publishing v City of Sylvania decided on May 17, 1999. This caselaw trumps their “littering” ordinance. According to jail staff they are facing 132 counts of “littering” which is unconstitutional and a violation of their civil rights. They have a bond hearing set for November 6th according to jail staff. We live under a Zionist Occupied Government and the Constitution is dead! How many more Americans will be arrested by the Bolshevik thought police for exercising their God-given constitutional rights? Mr. And Mrs. Catfish are currently being held as political prisoners POWs at the Douglasville, Georgia aka Douglas County jail.
Here’s their contact information:
Here is a video about the arrests of the activists in Georgia.

Note: Statesboro Publishing vs. City of Sylvania case law from the Georgia Supreme Court holds that distributing fliers is not littering.
Couldn’t it be argued that tossing printed materials of any kind on to private property without permission from the property owner is indeed a form of littering, since the material was unsolicited and could be reasonably deemed unsightly?
That argument could and would be made on Fire Island, NY and the Castro District of San Francisco.
No. The law is provided in this article. Statesboro Publishing v City of Sylvania caselaw from the Georgia Supreme Court.
Yes, but that would make ALL campaign literature, at least the literature you are personally opposed to, littering.
In an anarcho tyranny anything can be argued.
And you can thank the good ol’ ziopublicans for that right?
They’re more woke for Jews than dems are woke for blacks, in fact dems afrophilia is largely superficial whereas ziopublicans in their Judeophilia sincerely love, adore and worship the Jews as the master race whom they believe all biblical prophesy will be fulfilled through.
This was in Douglas County in Metro Atlanta
Much the same is being done against Handsome Truth and his collaborators in Florida.
Years ago, someone of our persuasion was doing distro of pro-WHITE material in Kansas, very innocuous material, only to have a county sheriff tell him it was illegal.
I don’t know what the outcome was.
He was disseminating political porno door to door man, POLITICAL PORNOGRAPHY! He was ruining his life for the dopamine hit!
It is not political pornography, pornography is free speech. It’s hate littering.
It is the judge who is the criminal.
There’s a longstanding stand-up routine:
What do you call the guy who was at the bottom of his med-school class?
What do you call the one who was at the bottom of his law-school class?
Your honor (or, the Honorable).
Black-robed Philosophah-Kangz all.
What do you call a lawyer with an 80 IQ ?
“Tyranny is free speech with exceptions”. Bob Whitaker
Or, as Orwell would say: Some speech is more equal than others.
This really gets my ire going. They are planning on passing this in California. I’ve never passed out fliers before, but now I am planning on it. I will defy this law. It’s an open and shut case for me. I wish I could help these people.
From the universities in Alabama no doubt. Californication.
Sorry Georgia lol
If they prosecute so-called Fag-er I mean “Htae Cirmse” than there is no freedom of speech, it’s that come or go. Questioning these scumbags precarious authority is right. Our rights are being gone over by the occult billinare stupdity council as we speak. So enjoy it while you can.