Hunter Wallace @LutherEnjoyer, editor of Occidental Dissent, was once a fierce critic of Trump and Trumpism.
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) August 30, 2024
Now, he is supporting Trump, and thinks many of his old reasons for opposition were misguided.
He joined me to explain his change of heart:https://t.co/kEYEGsrBS3
In this interview, I chat with Keith Woods about the 2020 and 2024 elections, why I think Trump is still the favorite based on polling, how issue priorities have changed over the last four years and why I now look at the Trump era more positively than I used to. We discuss Keith’s view that Trump is headed toward defeat and how both the mainstream Right and activists have changed since 2019.
Trump is going to lose to a pathetic, dimwitted whore, and millions of Americans are finally going to have to face the fact that their country has been taken from them.
In fairness, every white president since Washington would also lose to Kamala. This is the new reality, hoping to change things by voting is peak delusion.
you give the dim witted too much credit. The majority of Whites will continue to fill football stadiums this fall worshipping their black heroes and pretending these universities represent them. While doing this they will complain about the woke agenda.
>>>>> Whites will continue to fill football stadiums
How can we rely on an electorate like that ?
We’ll have to see how the script plays out.
The real question is,
(((Who’s)) Written the script ?
Yep. It was Trump’s to lose too and he blew it. I just don’t care anymore. Like arguing about which jew owned team will win the Super Bowl.
Kennedy gave Trump a boost. The Hillbilly Bonesman is worse than expected in terms of his lackluster campaigning (the VP pick’s most important job). It will be interesting to see if RFK and Gabbard can make up for it somewhat. Contrary to HW’s claim that Trumpkins now control the Gay Old Pedos, I doubt it. They’re as useless as they’ve ever been on numerous accounts.
Mikey Johnson and the GOP brokeback-boyz couldn’t even muster a simple majority to impeach the treasonous POS who runs the DHS. This is exactly the kind of crap which enabled the parasite to hit Mrs. HW’s car so they have to buy a new one.
*******-a. Lol hope for best, most Americans sleep through this shit anyway.
i think they need impeach the jew mayorkas, but the dems blocked it?
Real Clear Politics average polls have Trump losing 268 to 270.
He needs to win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan or Minnesota.
Doing so would be easy, if he was running on an America First platform. “Uncommitted” and “Abandon Biden” have given him a golden opportunity.
If he sticks with an Israel First platform, he will lose.
Nothing like a car crash to make you rethink your politics. 🙂
Those republican conservatives will help us.
Not really. They will hold off any actual resistance until we are far to weak to be a threat.
He informs on his X (Twitter)’s account that he’s “Top 200 most influential X users,” and he’s the originator of the
Cringe stupid self-promotion, but then he’s Irish.
The only poll that matters is the one on election day. In my country, polling outfits have form when it comes to getting it horribly wrong. IGNORE them!
HWdon’t post however think having hornet spray near at home and going out ! The Migrant situation is worse than we can imagine also don’t help people broken down on internet state
Stay safe
Trump is moving the Overton Window back to the left with his comment on the abortion law in Florida, green cards for 100k pajeets, and the removal of the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman on the RNC planks.
His campaign is a disaster. He could have waltzed to the White House after the assassination attempt, if he simply rekindled the 2016 domestic nationalism talking points.
FFS, his campaign should make the endorsement of Harris by advisers from the Bush II, McCain, and Romney neo-con chicken hawks, as a “Scarlet Letter” of stupid and endless wars.
Yes this is pretty much a total disaster now. I never had any intention of casting a vote for the lying POS. Totally pointless in a deep-blue state. The only vote to cast here is for the Greens just to attempt to deny electors to Queen Chlamydia (likely futile). Only local elections might make a difference here – but even that is questionable. Working on plans to leave the country altogether. No point in staying. America delenda est. Most whites are way too stupid to face reality, preferring comfy lies from gaslight media and the regime rather than believing their own ‘lying eyes’. Absolute poster children for Kipling’s famous poem. Best read and enjoy while you can. No doubt the Cuck Island regime will order it taken down of to be blackwashed before too long.
Here’s Cheetohead on abortion limitations. (He opposes FL’s moderate six-week limitation). Caveat: The link is to a twatter-post from gaslight media so always consider the source (e.g. they’re merely a propaganda wind of the deep-state) so his “quote” could very well be edited to make it appear he said that.
Anglin (as usual) ramps up the latest absurdity to claiming Trump wants to ‘promote homosexual births’. He didn’t actually say this, but wants to keep funding a federal IVF entitlement which is used for this purpose (among many others). Here’s a somewhat more accurate, less rhetorical description of what Cheetohead is supporting (e.g. pandering):
“Former President Donald Trump proposed Thursday that in-vitro fertilization (IVF) be made free for wannabe parents — a sweeping pitch that could transfer as much as $7 billion in annual costs to the government and insurance companies, experts tell The Post.”
IVF is mostly used by middle-class and upper-middle class Whites – the kind of people that we actually need to be breeding more Whites.
Homosexuals too
>>>>> His campaign is a disaster
What will you bet that he has a bum (((advisor)) sending him in this direction ?
@Exalted Cyclops,
“FFS, his campaign should make the endorsement of Harris by advisers from the Bush II, McCain, and Romney neo-con chicken hawks, as a “Scarlet Letter” of stupid and endless wars.”
That is a very good point. We (GOPPatriots), should be doing everything possible to cut their legs off from under them in the GOP, and prove their deligitimization by campaigning against them. I will spread the message. Good point.
Wasn’t able to watch the whole interview, but you were talking about inflation like it’s just an American problem, when inflation has gotten worse all over world during and after the scamdemic, including in Canada, the UK, Australia and NZ, under liberal and conservative governments alike, not sure if that was addressed in the interview or not.
If you paid more attention to the rest of the world or even just the anglosphere, you’d’ve known that.
You’re seeing differences between dems and reps that just aren’t there.
As for illegals, the Biden admin is partially responsible for the spike in illegal immigration to the US because they did roll back some of Trump’s border restrictions, but the rise in illegal immigration to the US was also due to socioeconomic disruptions caused by the international response to the wildly overblown (or fake) pandemic.
Trump’s a real man of the people alright.
Here’s several ways Trump’s policies benefitted the rich at the expense of workers:
In 2017 the Trump administration hurt workers’ pay in many ways, including acts to dismantle two key regulations that protect the pay of low- to middle-income workers: it failed to defend a 2016 rule strengthening overtime protections for these workers, and it took steps to gut regulations that protect servers from having their tips taken by their employers. These failures to protect workers’ pay could cost workers an estimated $7 billion per year.
In 2017, the Trump administration—in a virtually unprecedented move—switched sides in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court and is now fighting on the side of corporate interests and against workers. When the Supreme Court was first considering Murphy Oil v. NLRB in 2016, the Obama Justice Department sided with workers. If, as expected, the now-Trump-backed plaintiffs prevail, companies will be able to continue to require employees to sign arbitration agreements with class action waivers—forcing workers to give up their right to file class action lawsuits, taking them out of the courtrooms and into individual private arbitration when their rights on the job are violated. And employers’ use of such agreements is likely to increase if the court rules in favor of the plaintiff.
President Trump and congressional Republicans have blocked regulations that protect workers’ pay and safety. Two of the blocked regulations are the Workplace Injury and Illness recordkeeping rule, and the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule. By blocking these rules, the president and Congress are raising the risks for workers while rewarding companies that put their employees at risk.
The Trump administration’s repeated delays to a rule protecting retirement savers from “conflicted” investment advice will cost retirement savers an estimated $18.5 billion over the next 30 years in hidden fees and lost earning potential.
The Trump administration and congressional Republicans spent much of 2017 attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). They finally succeeded in repealing a well-known provision of the ACA—the penalty for not buying health insurance—in the tax bill signed into law at the end of 2017. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the repeal of this provision will raise the number of uninsured Americans by 13 million in 2027.
> The Trump administration and congressional Republicans spent much of 2017 attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). They finally succeeded in repealing a well-known provision of the ACA—the penalty for not buying health insurance—in the tax bill signed into law at the end of 2017. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the repeal of this provision will raise the number of uninsured Americans by 13 million in 2027.
Typical Gay Old Pedoburo playing its assigned role in the Kabuki play. The one damned thing about that abomination of a law they should not have repealed is of course the sole provision they actually did repeal. That’s how the D-jerseys still sell the lie that they are standing up for the average chump. The chumps swallow it too, fast as Rev. Jones’ flock gulped the grape-drank in Jonestown Guyana.
As VD correctly observes here, laws only means what the usual suspects want it to mean in Clown-World. One of the clowns even stated it back in the Clinton era: “Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Pretty cool!” Just wait until Queen Chlamydia holds the pen (not that Zion Don would be much different). Burn the bitch down.
Trump’s economic, labor and monetary policies are just a rehash of Reagan’s. Run up the deficit, tax cuts for Wall St and the top 20%, trickle-down theory and import foreigners to drive down wages.
ACA was an insurance subsidy. Higher premiums for lower coverage. The GOP needs to get out the libertarians from itself and amp the populism.
Trump is spending his time catering to the people who hate him with abortion and IVF promises. A winning strategy for sure. Big win. You’re gonna be tired of winning, just like you were in 2018.
In Alabama, abortion is banned and IVF access is legal. I don’t care about the IVF issue. There is some kind of tax break for parents though in Trump’s plan for those of us who do not have any fertility issues
I expect the larger point of this is that Trump will happily sign a law which federalizes a right to unlimited abortion nationwide. That what his donors want, as they are the ones who profit from abortions via the sale of body parts. This is yet another example of numerous ones which can be cited that Trump is a total lie.
I think with these latest moves it demonstrates that the only argument you have left is the one about Trump’s election possibly enabling the national divorce, which (as I noted to Karl Logan in another thread) would be more possible coming from Shitlib strongholds like Californistan since Trump would allow them to secede – thus letting the cat out of the bag for states like AL to do likewise – assuming they actually had the balls to do so (which given typical Repuke surrender patterns seem unlikely even with Alabama). If states like AL tried to break away first, Trump would order the F-16s to bomb you there in AL. He did not hesitate to toss his supporters beneath the Deep-State bus on 1/6/21 and he would obey any order they issued to keep his seat at the teleprompter. It’s a slim chance even with a blue-state first secession.
IVF kids typically have major health problems which we will get to pay for also.
Trump’s vocal style is crap.
“It’s going to be beautiful”…….he sounds like an imbecile, but to many, that’s a positive quality. He talks like a common citizen.
Goose, ” He talks like a common citizen ” yes, he will actually talk too common citizens, not talk at them, all the time, like the rest of them do, I’ve always thought DON JOHNS popularity with the common citizens and their loyalty to him, clearly demonstrates how we,the common people,are so hungry and desperate for real leadership ……. He can buy us more time, the DAMAGE a HARRIS presidency would bring, is irreversible, it would be, beyond measure ….
Harris is worse. Condescending and giggly. She’s trying now to present as more credible by toning that down a little and being “relatable”. They try to be likable when it suits them.
Of course there’s nothing wrong with the way common citizens speak. They’re just everyday people. With Trump’s level of wealth, education and ambition, you’d expect a more polished vocal delivery.
Goose ” You’d expect a more polished vocal delivery ” Yes, one would think that, some refer to his speaking style as ” Short Hand Corporate Speak ” He may not be exactly, what we need, but while we play this, this two party charade, he is the best of the bunch …..
It says it’s for paid subscribers only.
It worked for me anyway. Didn’t get through it cuz I don’t care anymore. We need a new conversation.
Gerbils ” We need a new conversation ” yes, agreed ……… I say Candace Owens, is at least a thousand times SMARTER vice president harris …….