Poll Watch: Rightwing Demographics

The following charts come from the Pew Research Center.


Blacks, non-Christians and women with a college degree are the base of the Democratic Party. White Christians are the base of the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is an hourglass and draws its support from the poorest and most affluent voters. The Republican Party draws its support from the middle class and people who are financially well off, but who for some reason did not graduate from college.


81% of Americans on the Right are Christians, 15% are religiously unaffiliated and 4% identify with other faiths like Judaism, Islam and paganism. 30% are White evangelical Protestants. 15% are White non-evangelical Protestants. 18% are White Catholics.


By ideology, 69% of Americans on the Right are conservative or very conservative. 27% are moderate. 4% are liberal or very liberal. The two parties are strongly sorted by ideology.

Ideology is what divides the two parties.

Race and Education

By race and education, 51% of Americans on the Right are White people without a college degree and 28% are White college educated voters. Roughly 80% of the Right are White voters.

47% of college educated White voters lean Right. 51% of college educated White voters lean Left.

Race, Sex and Education

White women with a college degree now lean to the Left. 53% of White men with a college degree lean to the Right.


66% of White rural voters, 57% of White suburban voters and 48% of White urban voters lean Right.


56% of White voters lean Right.


By religion, 85% of White evangelical Protestants and 58% of White non-evangelical Protestants lean Right. 61% of White Catholics lean Right. Among all atheists including non-Whites (there is no racial breakdown), 13% lean Right. A third of Nones lean Right.


Americans on the Right are much more likely to be parents.

Relationship Status

Americans who lean Right are straight, married men and women.

If you are single, divorced, living with a partner and do not have children, you are much less likely to lean to the Right.

Home Ownership

Homeowners tend to lean to the Right. Renters tend to lean to the Left.


  1. Americans who lean’s to the (((Left))) are a more important quantity:

    “Major American defense contractor sold confidential technologies to China, Russia, and Iran”
    Major American defense contractor sold confidential technologies to China, Russia, and Iran…

  2. I already knew this but an interesting conclusion to be draw out is this:

    Basically, the Rightwing is majority Protestants at around 59% with Papists at around 22% and the remainder mostly non-religious Protestants by sectarian ancestry. By the numbers, the Protestants outnumber Papists on the right by 3-1.  But, is this represented in the rightwing leadership?

    If you take a look at the leadership of the Right you will see an inverse of that sectarian breakdown. Lucas Gage? Papist. Nick Fuentes? Papist. Richard Spencer? Papist. Greg Johnson? Papist. The majority of the organizers at Cville? Papists. The majority of the grifters at Stop the Steal? Papists. Even VDare became Papist over time.

    A true nationalist movement will look at more than simple racial background. It will look at National, ethnic and sectarian background, language, arts, and culture. The American nation is a British Protestant nation. But, the Papists are always driving down this ethno-sectarian basis of the American Nation. Yet, you cannot divorce the ethno-sectarian nature from the nation, because that is the nation. Anywhere.

    This is why the Rightwing as it is now organized always comes up short because it claims to represent the historic American nation but is run by non-Americans. Its dominated by Papists. These Papists keep pulling the rug out from under the movement or blowing it up internally. Witness the Trump MAGA movement which was just inches away from being taken over by Papists thru a Papist bullet.

    If you claim to be an American nationalist, you need to look at yourself in the mirror, honestly evaluate your heritage and your patriotism, and if you believe it is true blue American by ancestry or adoption, and wish to continue as an American Nationalist, then to your face, solemnly curse the Pope, denounce foreign interests, and swear loyalty to the nation under Christ. Then, when you start going to these rightwing events, find out who organized them and what is their ethno-sectarian background. If its non-Protestant, denounce them, gather your fellow Americans, pop smoke and bail out cuz its a trap.

    • “denounce foreign interests, and swear loyalty to the nation under Christ.”

      So you fully endorse the banning of AIPAC, then?

    • Like the proverbial broken clock our resident hasbara accidentally said something true.

      > If you take a look at the leadership of the Right you will see an inverse of that sectarian breakdown.

      This is especially the case in terms of office-holders. It’s almost like they have a ‘No Prots Allowed’ sign. Even J. D. “Vance”, though born into a Protestant family, converted to the Novus-Ordo abomination pretending to be a branch of Christianity. He could have just as easily converted to Episcopalianism or elected to attend Foundry Methodist right there in Sodom-on-Potomac – yet another fine example of “Christianity” as a skinsuit for unvarnished Satanism – joined Tampon Timmy in the ECLA Lutherans (same deal). Yet he elected to bow the knee to Hi-Fellatin’ Franny the Patagonian Pedo-pope. I don’t think there’s a single Prot on the Supreme Court – not that it made a damned bit of difference when there were a couple warming seats while waiting for orders from the cesspit.

    • Here in N WV I have seen a couple of MAGA hats on Boomers but nothing like I saw in 2016. We drove through E Maryland today and saw pockets of Trump 2024 signs and banners. I just think that a general feeling of despondency has set in about democracy in general and more and more people are just coming to understand that it’s a total scam as far as people’s lives actually improving via the voting booth. People(Whites) are basically in a sort of survival mode as their purchasing power is diluted, wages stagnate and even climbing into the ranks of the lower-middle class seems like a pipe dream. A report this week said that 50% of Americans now see a home purchase as impossible to achieve.

      • Edit – “W Maryland” which is basically Eastern West Virginia. A few years ago a few Western counties of Maryland wanted to break off from Maryland and become part of West Virginia(some Western Virginia counties did too).

  3. Three things:
    1. The experiment of a nation giving women the vote and surviving hasn’t concluded but so far, it doesn’t look good.

    2. College educated = vote Democratic doesn’t address the more important issue of the machine behind the curtain. The colleges that provide the people who staff the Federal bureaucracy (especially the higher positions) graduate mostly liberals – Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. If you want to see where Washington is headed in 10 years, find out what today’s graduates from those 10 or so universities believe. We already know the answer to that question.

    3. Very unfortunate that both R & D majority want the US to take steps to remain the only superpower. War with direct US involvement is in the future, perhaps sooner than later. If it’s with Russia or China, it could be disastrous. We don’t have the industrial capacity anymore. Unfortunately, those rural and working class Whites are going to be happy to step up and volunteer for another Jew war, especially after a well planned false flag.

    • > Unfortunately, those rural and working class Whites are going to be happy to step up and volunteer for another Jew war, especially after a well planned false flag.

      True, but less so than ever before. While many whites remain clueless, more are beginning to see through the bullshit. The main thing they notice: It’s not their country anymore (and hasn’t been for at least a century) – and the wars only benefit the one-percenters.

      The ranks of the Imperial Rainbow Legions will have to be filled with more diversity in order to provide meat-puppets for the banksters to wage war upon the whole planet. The draft is coming back and this time all of Queen Chlamydia’s gurl-power sluts will get to find out how well they’ll really hold up seeing a gurl-fren turned into a bug-splat. It won’t be some goat-herders next time around but folks who can actually fight back. As for the goat-herders, even they managed to rout the Invincible Rainbow Legion from Trashcanistan with its tail between its legs. It was absolutely hilarious. FTS, let the dindoos, pajeets and beaners fill the body-bags for the banksters’ profits. It will be interesting to see if they’re even dumber than the whites are.

      The one group who’ll never be in harm’s way are those who whip up all the wars. They just sit back, laugh at the stupid goys and count their piles of gold as goys eat dirt and come home in pieces.

      • “They just sit back, laugh at the stupid goys and count their piles of gold as goys eat dirt and come home in pieces.”

        You think? But, for how much longer?

    • About the US being the “sole superpower”. One of the tenets of conservatism is that concentrated power corrupts. Conservatives seem to forget this when it comes to maintaining the US as the sole superpower which obligates us to police the world and encourages our politicians to push for military interventions and (((foreign interest groups))) to use the US as their security force.

      From this come taxes, debt, mass migration and the national security state.

    • “experiment of a nation giving women the vote”

      Women are too easily swayed by group think and emotional appeals.

      “2. College educated ”

      I’d sure like to see a further breakdown, those with soft degree like socio or polysci and those with hard science degrees.

  4. I think the talk of “Papists” is confusing. The Catholics aren’t the ones driving the changes, it’s the Jews, and Catholics tend, as Alex Linder put it, to be the front men for this and obedient Christian lapdogs.
    Also, as for yard signs, it’s; dangerous to put out a Trump sign. I do see them in the rural areas, along with a nice F**k Biden sign. Even saw an an old Ron Paul 2020 sign with 2024 panted in. Which would make more sense than Trump.
    I’ve seen a couple of Harris yard signs. The owners are usually older baby-boomer types, esp. women. There’s the heartbeat of the Harris constituency, what there is of it.
    As for war party Der/Rep: well, it is sad, but what choice do people have? The media control all information and they are told nothing of what the world is like, and when we go to war, no one suffers here. How can they be otherwise?

    • @Dargason,

      “I think the talk of “Papists” is confusing. The Catholics aren’t the ones driving the changes, it’s the Jews, and Catholics tend, as Alex Linder put it, to be the front men for this and obedient Christian lapdogs.”

      If you would look at the actual persons in political power, the positions they hold, the people in the administrative state, the lobbyists, the criminal elite, and view their ethno-srctatian background you wouldn’t see Jews, but instead Papists. While Jews are a force, as are Protestants, the big dogs, the ones pushing this globalism to the most effective, the ones populating our country as colonists, its not Jews are Prods, but Papists. Wake up and stop following Papist disinformation whether irs Nick Fuentes, Keith Woods, Richard Spencer, Lucas Gage, or whatever Papist “White Boy” they’ve selected to Pied Piper you to insanity and/or prison.

    • The RCC hierarchy are definitely part of the problem. While they don’t have the counterfeit monopoly, they are among the top level of enforcers of diktats from the oligarchy. They’re also a major recipient of free money via numerous NGOs operating as ‘Catholic Charities’ to enable the Great Replacement while abandoning their longtime areas of healthcare and education to Wall Street criminals and Church of Woke crazies. The Novus-Ordo “church” is massively infested with perverts of all types in the hierarchy down to the local level. Bull dykes – who are often indistinguishable from trannies – can be found and any novus-ordo church beating the feminist drums. Barnhardt even reported in one of them coming up to her when she showed up for a mass in an out of town church in traditional dress. They’re easily spotted: very short hair, land whale, nasty attitude (especially towards men and trad women) and present in nearly every church.

      With Protestantism’s less hierarchical structure, there are some more traditional congregations remaining (though rare). Prot heresy and apostasy (skinsuit Satanism) usually takes one of two forms: full Church of Woke negrolatry or the Dispensationalist heresy of worshipping ‘muh Israel’ and serving Uncle Schmuel. Tampon Timmy is the perfect example of the former, while Brian Mast is the one for the latter.

  5. Will the CPUSA (D) get the newcomer replacements citizenship in the next 60 days?
    These commies will just keep going until they get punched in the mouth.
    Sadly most just can’t deal with that.
    Sad trombone is always so sad, sad, really.

  6. ” . . . Unfortunately, those rural and working class Whites are going to be happy to step up and volunteer for another Jew war, especially after a well planned false flag.”

    I’m not so sure about that. I think GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire has gone to the White well too many times with their wars. Combined with non-stop, 24/7, anti-White propaganda for many years now White support for the U.S. Government especially its military has declined precipitously. The evidence for this is the drop off in recruiting numbers affecting all branches of the military which is overwhelmingly because Whites are no longer enlisting at previous rates.

    The U.S. Government will probably pass a bill of conscription immediately after the new Congress is seated in January 2025 to address the recruiting shortfall. The Government will try to conscript women too but will have to back down because of massive public opposition to this part of their scheme. Conscription will be aimed at White, Christian males, the ones who make the military function properly and it will be called “National Service” instead of conscription or the draft. Whites need to peacefully refuse to cooperate with conscription, the U.S. Government wants us dead anyway, six feet under, don’t help them.

    • @12AX7,

      “The U.S. Government will probably pass a bill of conscription immediately after the new Congress is seated in January 2025 to address the recruiting shortfall.”

      It will start with calling back into service recently separated veterans. This doesn’t require a bill since it already was passed before your were born. Indeed, it already has occurred but mostly in small numbers. It will be advanced rapidly, though. Then, it will walk back anyone that isn’t crippled who is a separated veteran under the age of 64. After that will come selective conscription of critical specialist civilians, again no bill required as the law already exists. Then selective service conscription probably following a second front conflict. This later will only require Congressional notification and obviously funding.

      International conflicts are already happening but are mostly contained for now. It won’t be for long as America and NATO further disintegrate. Only a Trump re election will motigate this if not hopefully delay it for a time. There are already more than 150 conflicts ongoing in the world. The largest number since the decolonization perhaps since World War II.

      We are already in WWIII. You guys just don’t know it or won’t accept it. Someday you will, perhaps only when people like Hinter put helmets on their adolescent children. But will it be too late after they’ve conscripted the young and old? You will all ask how did it come to this? The answer? It won’t matter.

    • @12AX7 and Hunter Wallace

      Previous reply had wrong link. Please replace.

      “The U.S. Government will probably pass a bill of conscription immediately after the new Congress is seated in January 2025 to address the recruiting shortfall.”

      It will start with calling back into service recently separated veterans. This doesn’t require a bill since it already was passed before your were born. Indeed, it already has occurred but mostly in small numbers. It will be advanced rapidly, though. Then, it will walk back anyone that isn’t crippled who is a separated veteran under the age of 64. After that will come selective conscription of critical specialist civilians, again no bill required as the law already exists. Then selective service conscription probably following a second front conflict. This later will only require Congressional notification and obviously funding.

      International conflicts are already happening but are mostly contained for now. It won’t be for long as America and NATO further disintegrate. Only a Trump re election will motigate this if not hopefully delay it for a time. There are already more than 150 conflicts ongoing in the world. The largest number since the decolonization perhaps since World War II.

      We are already in WWIII. You guys just don’t know it or won’t accept it. Someday you will, perhaps only when people like Hinter put helmets on their adolescent children. But will it be too late after they’ve conscripted the young and old? You will all ask how did it come to this? The answer? It won’t matter.

    • “Whites are no longer enlisting at previous rates.”

      That’s a major reason for DIE programs, to make sure that WHITES don’t have job opportunities and MUST go in the military.

      Race mixing is the other factor for DIE, so POS have good jobs and women see them as viable.

  7. Something to always bear in mind,
    Polls don’t list the percentage of non-respondents, which can be very high.
    Pollsters make the dubious claim that non-responders will have the same parameters as those responding.

  8. 55% of Republicans agreeing with “Religion should be kept separate from government policies” does not bode well for the prospects of Christian nationalism.

  9. The greatest divide among Americans is not Protestant vs. Catholic but between white, Christian Europeans and the rest. Hispanics, who are overwhelmingly Catholic, and many of whom have significant white ancestry, are an intermediary group that is best thought of as white-adjacent.

    By the way, the vast majority, more than 95%, of modern Indo-Europeans, are Catholic, Orthodox, Hindu, or Muslim (Kurds, Pakis, Afghans, Iranians [=Aryans], and most Turks). Protestants are a distinctly fringe group among “Aryans.”

    • “The greatest divide among Americans is not Protestant vs. Catholic but between white, Christian Europeans and the rest.”

      The polls say otherwise, this poll says otherwise, the Congressional election results say otherwise, the Presidential election results say otherwise, and everyday experience says otherwise. This biggest divide in America is the cold and soon to be hot civil war between White ethno-sectarian groups in America. The Catholic establishment rules most American big cities and has turned the North East and California into a solid Blue one party state system.

      “Hispanics, who are overwhelmingly Catholic, and many of whom have significant white ancestry, are an intermediary group that is best thought of as white-adjacent.”

      You are confusing race with national and ethnic interest groups. Hispanics aren’t a racial group and although a supposed ethnic group, they are not even that.

      Most so called “Hispanics” in America are Mexicans. The overwhelming number of these Mexicans are Mestizo. An appropriate political analysis of them would call them Mestizo-Mexicans. They are as White adjacent as Berner North Africans. Go talk to the French how White adjacent that has worked out for Paris.

      “By the way, the vast majority, more than 95%, of modern Indo-Europeans, are Catholic, Orthodox, Hindu, or Muslim (Kurds, Pakis, Afghans, Iranians [=Aryans], and most Turks). Protestants are a distinctly fringe group among “Aryans.””

      Again mixing up ethnicities with nationalities, and nationalities with races, and races with genuses or whatever the term is for superracial categories and most erroneously, religions with all of the above.

      Americans as a true nationality are people of British Protestant origin whose ancestry dates to the time of Independence. There are anywhere from 90,000,000 to 125,000,000 of them in America. They constitute the single largest ethno-sectarian group in their country. Everyone else is just visiting.

    • What people are seeing with this campaign is how sausage is made and that it stinks. Not even political parties are the true power makers. Its the donors and their political consultant servants who come up with political campaign.

      Despite Trump’s own thoughts, and those of his initial organizers, and the victorious coalition they out together in 2016, the Donors and their consultants try to recalibrate the message to their favored points. A key vector is his daughter and Kosher Nostra son in law called together Javanka.

      Javanka’s relationships with Hollywood and the Jewish music syndicate and their joint endeavor to grift Hollywood entertainment, is responsible for such catastrophes as Trump’s 2020 Black Platinum Plan, and Trump’s 2022-2024 Ye and Black Rapper plan. Jews are mostly involved to grift off of Javanka’s global real estate grifting, promoting the interests of Israel, and countering the interests of their enemies amongst the Jewish Left. This group is generally less damaging to Trump’s 2016 campaign interests as the Javanka Hollywood coalition.

      The sooner Javanka is deep sixed to the netherworld, the sooner the Trump campaign will be effective for American interests. Which is why Donor political consultants ensure they will stay involved. This is court politics of the modern American variety. Ultimately, the best you can do is somehow insert your own courtiers into the palace and “metephorically” take out the enemy courtiers and rival insiders.

      Meanwhile, the only way to change this and/or create an avenue into the “court” is to involve yourself with a group that will influence the campaign at whatever level they can apply the most pressure. If all you do is bitch about it on OD, you will ensure ever more inflience by those scumbag oligarchs who’ve seized cobtrol of our country.

    • True, but that’s just another example of Cheetohead being a typical Republican. Any one who does not pander – like Steve King – gets AIPACed out of office. Did you hear that Hi-Fellatin’ Franny appeared before congress a couple of weeks ago in drag as Satanyahoo and got 59 standing ovations? Damned Papists control the whole thing.

  10. The same people who were misleading the nation to whom Jesus preached are misleading our nation today. Nothing has changed. Too bad the promises Trump kept werent the ones made to white Christians. I think he kept his promises to another religious group instead.

  11. I just do not see how any of this is important to a young family. A return of the child tax credit & 25K first time homebuyers credit (Obama’s was 10K) vs.absolutely nothing for the middle class from Trump/Vance except maybe no tax on tips, which will he after a massive tax cut for Musk, Thiel & Bezos.

    The WN movement would have much more financial power in 2024 had we voted in our economic best interests for the last 40 years & that isn’t republicans.

    The White majority who vote for them are too disparate to claim we are a meaningful voting block. In fact, Trump/Vance are distancing themselves from WN, not even faux embracing it like he did in 2016.

    He has also abandoned virtually all of our major issues including immigration & abortion.

    So, why exactly should we vote for them? Because most of the people who vote Republican are White and expect nothing else?

    • LMAO.

      Yes, look at how voting for “our economic best interests” has played out over the past four years. Perhaps a burger at McDonald’s will cost $50 by 2028 after four years of Kamala Harris?

      • We’ll take a house & child tax credits for our grandkids over a Big Mac any day but still.. No president controls obnoxious price increases in a greed capitalist society except for certain essential medications.

        It’s not wages, which are still at or below $7.25 in all red states & it’s not “inflation” either. Whether we like her or not Harris is right about price gouging.


        • “Harris is right about price gouging.”

          No she isn’t.

          It’s the jewed up government devaluing your currency while you hold it . They are wrecking your currency , stealing from you to pay for their idiocy.

          Gouging; insurance , electric bills, new home prices, rents, new car prices, building supplies…everything.


        • Harris is right about price gouging.

          Is that why kroger and Albertsons are such lousy stocks paying puny dividends, they’re price gouging ?

          Go look at money supply numbers, from any regional fed.
          The GD zog is printing money like a crazed maniac.

          Have silver and gold shot up because miners are price gouging, how about iron ore, 10 times the traditional price?

  12. There needs to be an explanation of what “right wing” is. Just opposing pepsi’s isn’t sufficient. Hitler was a marxist socialist, yet the biggest baddest far-right winger, it’s ******* absurd.

  13. “Far-right” is pretty retarded propaganda. Everytime I hear it, I think Saudi Arabia or North Korea which are globalist colonial arrangements and really not populist.

    • “Far-right” is pretty retarded propaganda.

      It’s pretty effective.
      It gets the vast majority to shun their own best interests.

  14. Upper class people, and lawyers and the managerial class, support the Democrats, because it’s the fashionable thing to do. And because it’s a specie of virtue signalling.

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