Tucker Carlson Interviews Darryl Cooper

A few days ago, I pooh-poohed the idea that swing voters want to hear about Iran, Hitler, swastikas and the truth about World War II, which are issues that activists care about. This is true.

The Trump campaign isn’t interested in relitigating World War II. Tucker Carlson, however, isn’t running for president. He has used his platform to interview and ampilify everyone from Curtis Yarvin to Douglass Mackey to Steve Sailer to Luis Elizondo to Larry Sinclair. Nothing is out of bounds.

Today’s topic … Is Winston Churchill the chief villain of World War II? Discuss.


  1. Interesting sidenote.

    Hitler only wore three decoration, iron cross, wound badge and party badge.

    Churchill Wore a chest full of decoration that he didn’t earn and pilots wings. He was thrown out of flight school for incompetence, never was a pilot.

  2. Jesuit Spectre Colonel Kronsteen: “SPECTRE would probably have the chance of a personal revenge for the killing of our operative – Dr. No – because the man the British will almost certainly use on a mission of this sort would be – their agent – James Bond.”

    Jesuit Spectre Captain-General Blofeld: “But what makes you think that M, the head of British intelligence, will oblige you by falling in with your plan?”

    Jesuit Spectre Colonel Kronsteen: “For the simple reason that this is so obviously a trap. My reading of the British mentality is that they always treat a trap as a challenge.”

    I figured this recent podcast by the Papist Darryl Cooper would end up here. I smell a Papist Jesuit trap with this agitation. Especially from my old psuedo-Trotskyite Deep State Papists. But, being a WASP aka British American, it’s true, we can never overlook the challenge of a good trap. So let the chess game begin.

    Cooper’s points are just old ethnic-sectarian Anglophobic talking points made by Catholic Irish and Germanophiles retread for the modern era. These old Anti-British, Anti-Protestant, Anti-WASP ethnic interests groups were a real problem between 1932-1941 and almost succeeded in stopping the US from helping Britain defeat Nazi Germany. Had they been successful, the modern EU threat we see today would’ve occurred under Nazi Catholic German militarist domination back in 1945.

    Cooper lays out the same propoganda from that era. Calling Churchill all sorts of ad hominum slurs. He even uses the old Anglophobic white wash lies, deceptions, and fabrications the Nazi German symps made to justify the use of German imperialism over the nation-states of Europe. Its amazing this b.s. continues to this day.

    For example, terror bombings were never a deliberate policy of the Anglo-American alliance. But they were for the German Axis. Terror bombing threats against civilian targets were made against governments and carried out by the Luffwaffe throughout the war as a matter of achieving surrender starting in the very beginning of the war. Warsaw, Rotterdam, London, Coventry are just some of the many examples of Nazi German terror bombings which deliberately slaughtered civilians as a matter of policy. They all preceded the allied attacks on military-industrial locations inside Axis occupied cities which were designed specifically at war making targets not literal civilian lives like the Nazi German policy.

    Another example, is the false claim that Hitler never wanted to fight France or the UK, but merely wanted to be the sword and shield of them against the Bolshevik West. In reality, in his writings, his speeches, his Chancellory meetings, he had clear contempt for the French and British and promoted striking them down if they didn’t SERVE HIM and submit to German Imperial rule. He was an absolute imperialist toward his fellow Europeans and a menace to Europe. Overall, while it is true Hitler and the Nazis saw Bolsheviks as the ultimate enemy, they saw all who stood in their way as enemies to be brutally suppressed regardless of being communist or not. That’s why Hitler first targeted the West and sold out the East to the Soviets in the Molotov-Ribbentrop alliance. It took us fifty years to liberate those countries. It was Hitler and the Germans who betrayed the Europeam Christendom, not Churchill and the British.

    Ultimately, the defeat of the Nazis only suppressed the long term hatred by rightwing Papists for the Protestant British and Secular French. Early Nazi German symps and Anglophobes of today used Anti-Communism as justification to disguise this hatred for the British and French. Cooper, an Ellis Island half breed Papist indoctrinated with psuedo-Pagan Popery made by reactionary Papists is just continuing the tradition.

    I accept this patently obvious trap by the Papist Deep State. Meanwhile, we’ll go have some fun, steal ourselves a Lector, and blow this Papo-Commie Jesuit Spectre style plot by Cooper and Jacko on Western politics back to hell where it belongs.

    • What is Coopers ancestry I wonder? I thought Hitler was cool when I was like 12.

      Germans are ok in Germany and USA, but what shell shocked Hitler failed to understand was that you can’t fool an Englishman. And like every Canadian I know that the French are a serious bunch too.

      “Love your neighbor as yourself”

      Protestant love from Canada. Keep the faith, hold the line.

      • @Sensitive Deterministic,

        “What is Coopers ancestry I wonder?”

        Papist. Also part Okie. I get along with most Southerners. The ones I haven’t have mostly been Okies. Oh and the one red headed fat piglet of an Arkansas boy from soldier days. Probably a Papist and not Southern both of them. Cooper’s maternal ancestry is typical mixed up Ellis Island Papist Rif Raf. Just like his brain.

        • Reminds me of the ginger Pennsylvania deutsche kid with an Irish surname I met one time. Who used to dress up in Nahtsee uniforms and kill commies.

          Is there actually that many “German-Americans” with these views? Most of the Germans I meet in my country are not that retarded.

          • @Sensitive Determinist

            “Is there actually that many “German-Americans” with these views? Most of the Germans I meet in my country are not that retarded.”

            Most are not THAT retarded. Its various graduations of retard though. But you will find it sometimes and then mostly among Papists of mixed, usually German background. We had a real problem in this country between 1890-1960 with that White ethnicity and their more violent relatives, the Irish Papists. We slowly assimilated most of them, but once in awhile the recessive gene comes out especially in the Midwest. That region of the country is full of Central Europeans, principally of Germanic origin with a heavy mixture of people with Scandinavian, Irish, and British ancestry. Its kind of like a mini Europe with Germans at the ethnic center.

            The Midwest is a very nice, generally superficially friendly, pro-American low brow society. Its slightly borish but also pleasantly entertaining society where everyone is above average (don’t want to stand out). Its a very stolid and square socially normative place which suppresses all the triangle and rounded people, on top of which sits a layer of various levels of Anglicanized White Ethnic upper classes with a Yankee Protestant elite at top. Running around the margins and making it colorful and lively in a British American way are also working and middle class WASPs (many of which are of Southern ancestry) and Irish Catholics. If the later didn’t exist British American Protestants like myself would be forced to import them just to free us from the stultifying low brow central Europeanness of it all. Those mics, come in handy in a pinch.

            The future of the EU is basically a country like the Midwestern United States. If Churchill were alive he would demand another World War just to save Europe from such punishment. There is a great movie where an All American character not from the Midwest gets trapped in such a town (although its Pennsylvania which also has lots of Germans). Its basically a very normal and nice town but it quickly becomes a living hell. You see, he is forced to relive the same day, day after day, after day. As a reporter he was forced to go there and report on Groundhog Phil. The later is a legendary Groundhog which can tell whether Winter will turn to Spring or not. He eventually presumes Phill the Ground Hog is responsible for him reliving the same day for eternity and tries to kill him several times, each time failing to not wake up the next morning and relive the day. But the same day, the next day arrives regardless.

            Groundhog Day the Movie is basically what it’s like living under a Central European Papist Germanic ethnic core. Come see the Midwest and view it yourself. We WASPs were smart enough to place most of our nuclear weapons here in case a nuclear exchange happened to ensure a better world would have a chance to be reborn.

    • “…For example, terror bombings were never a deliberate policy of the Anglo-American alliance. But they were for the German Axis….”

      What a slithery snake you are. How about this,

      “For example, terror bombings were (DELETE[never]) a deliberate policy of the Anglo (DELETE[-American]) alliance.

      • Here in Canada, I’ve never had a bad experience for the most part with German Canadians, they tend to be great people overall and are the most similar to us English/Scots in disposition of any ethnic group in the country. I’m rooting for Germany. The war is over though.

        I had a wise friend once tell me “Believe half of what you read, and none of what you hear” I don’t know what it was like during the bombing raids in Britain during WW2, but one thing about the English is that they *generally* don’t lie or exaggerate much.

        Point being, if you told me little Harriet down the road just got nerfed by a V2 I’d feel pretty fucking jaded. But anyway.

      • @Sam J,

        Whatever Sam J. All you got is your Papist Germanophile Anglophobic b.s. you’ve been sprewing for the better part of 20 years. In contrast, we got literal public declared policy by the Nazis to use terror bombings. In fact they came up with the name. All before the war. Implemented in Guernica, Spain, finessed it, and turned it into general policy for WWII. Thats how Warsaw, Central London, Birmingham, Rotterdam and other places got flattened. Tourist locations, old city buildings and churches, old neighborhoods, all flattened by Nazi bombs ciz they had civilians who wouldn’t kiss German boots.

        Sam J when he visits Europe and sees all the modern buildings in Allied countries from Poland to the UK

        Sam J: “Where did all the modern buildings come from?”

        Tour guide: “They were built after the war.”

        Sam J: “Damned British Jews!”

        Tour group: “Is he retarded?”

        • Davind Irving explicitly details Churchill’s donors from the “Focus Group,” of whom the majority were wealthy British jews given peerage by their ‘cousins’ in the Anglo elite establishment to rally against Hitler and NS Germany as their troll.

          In this under 7 minute video. Mr. Irving also explains of the preeminent zionist jew in the world Chaim Weizmann tells Churchill that only organized jewry in America wants war with Germany, and that the Gentiles prefer neutrality (“isolationism”). That if he wants the USA to join GB in their war against Germany, the British needed to arm and equip a jewish army in Palestine as the price.

          Highly recommended.


          • @November,

            It is true most if not all of the Anglo-Jewry Establishment were opposed to Hitler. Not surprising. These Anglo-Jews also mostly supported the British Empire and wanted it to remain supreme and saw Hitler as a threat to it and them. So, obviously they opposed Hitler.

            But most people who opposed Hitler were Britisb Protestants, like Churchill. He was not the only person of the British Establishment to oppose Hitler, but he was one of the most public, vocal and famous. So obviously the Focus group would support him. He also got help from other groups, all Protestant Establishment ultimately winning the Clivedon group and with it the Prime Ministry. His greatest success was winning over the American Democrat Establishment who forced the Papists into supporting the war effort. Major political victory there too.

            Churchill wasn’t a tool of the Jews. Thats Nazi and Soviet propoganda. In fact, if the major evidence is a wrecked Europe, then the blame belongs elsewhere. Under that assumption, if there was any tool of the Jews, one could say it was Hitler. He did more to destroy Christianity in Central Europe than even Stalin and sold out Eastern Europe to Judeo-Bolshevik slavery just so he could stab the West in the back and attack them.

            As to Chaim, he hardly had to argue for support of creating Jewish forces in Palestine. The British had already started doing this before the war and expanded it greatly under Orde Wingate. As someone else here mentioned, the British Esrablishment had decided the long term solution to the JQ was resetting them in the Middle East centered on Palestine. A patently obvious solution, that only Anti-Westerners and Papists here at OD oppose.

            It should be noted, even the Nazis came to the Zionist conclusion. But, because they were such @ssholes, and the British had done so much for them in contrast and controlled Britain, supporting Britain was an easy conclusion. Especially for the Anglo-Jewish Establishment. If Hitler had played his cards right, he coukdve had a free hand in Eastern Europe, helped resettled the surviving Jews in the Middle East, and seen Germany, France, Italy and the UK in a league which would be a super power. But nope! Cuz, “Duh, Jews!”

            Last note, the history of court Jewry, e.g. working with the nobility and royals, obtaining titles, etc is not even a British invention. It was invented by the Papists centuries in the past. They used it to great effect until the Nazis destroyed the relationship. In the end, Hitler and the Nazi were such @ssholes, they got everyone to hate them including their own Nazis who tried to kill him more times than the Jews.

            One last point. One court Jew was a guy who served the Papist Hapsburgs. He was sent to America in the early 1900s to serve their interests, take over banks, organize ethnic gangs related to the Hapsburg Empire, etc. He did this to great effect during WWI. He was so effective he got himself assassinated at the end of the war in Boston. A deep level operative he had changed his name to Kerry. His grandson almost became President and married into another big Papist globalist family. But, hey, keep larping about Churchill the Jew.

  3. There’s a whole school of thought, primarily from Americans, in our thing that Britain and by extension Churchill is responsible for the world we live in. I believe Americans who believe this are also trapped in the World War 2 mythos but from a different perspective.

    The West didn’t need to end up on this path. Indeed if Hitler succeeded in subduing all of Europe, the damage was already done in America. The “people” who took over the U.S. were already in America by the time of WW2, and then of course there were those that came across during WW2. You can find propaganda played in school in the late 40’s preaching multiculturalism.

    Churchill was an opportunist to be sure, but I believe he also was a patriot even if the extent was only in maintaining the status quo of pre-war Britain. I’ve never heard of any quote from his espousing great love for foreigners and contempt for the British people outside of his infamous quote critiquing democracy. If Churchill truly had his way, it wouldn’t be the modern world, it would be the world of 1920’s Britain with all its ups and downs. Is he a hero to be revered? No. Is he a monster to be hated? No. He’s just a classic WASP elite who was willing to do whatever it takes to win the war out of pride.

    • “The “people” who took over the U.S. were already in America”

      I strongly suspect (((FDR)) as a primary culprit.

      He’s the one who moved the Pacific Battle Fleet from Los Angeles to Pearl Harbor, on APRIL 1 1941 (fooled us).
      Fleet Admiral Richardson refused the order to move the fleet, so he was replaced by Kimmel.
      The admiral in charge of defense of Pearl Harbor was the highest ranking jewish officer in the Navy.

      Just too many cohencidences.

      Indeed, they “….were already in America”.

    • Yes, I agree the nation was obviously doomed when the elites backed away from MacCarthy’s exposure that the institutions had already been hijacked and poisoned by the left. Just watching the high school youth on TV walking away from the latest school shooting and they are all decked out in various forms of anti-social dress. “Expressive Individualism” is the creed, weird hairstyles, “skater looks” odd graphic T’s with weird gamer and comic book fetish art? I saw virtually no “preppies” that at least made up a significant chunk of my 80s high school class although the rot was present then too with “burnouts” in horrific, demon covered metal band T shirts and hell imagery on jeans jacket back panels. This black guy at work is shocked that a bunch of his kids (some girls too) got together at the opening bell in school and had some big fight that brought half the police department from the entire county. Kids from three “baby mamas” that he has little involvement in their lives other than an occasional visit to have sex with their moms…two are white as well. Why would anyone be surprised that this is how kids turn out with this self absorbed, narcissistic, absent father? And these were the attitudes present in the substance abusing, divorced, narcissistic Hollywood crowd already by the end of the war. And we put our children in front of the tube and basically let these kind of people with their kinds of attitudes raise our kids since the 60s. No wonder the so called citizenry are majority bums and incapable of self government. I really don’t see things getting better. The right is deluded in that somehow things will turn around, the trend just keeps getting worse and I see no reversal coming.

    • @Outlander,

      Mostly right. Churchill was fighting for a civilization all the people publicly if not privately here at OD, say they want to get back too. A place of old habits, organically passed on to us, where skilled workers and small businessmen can made a decent living and where a White man can seek adventure and fortune overseas without being wounded by savages and declared an enemy back home. For various reasons, many of them have drank a cool aid of WWII Nazi and post World War II Commie propoganda. Its been repackaged by the Papists, which is why we are at war now with them. Unfortunately more and more are working to see Hitler’s and Stalin’s revenge.

      Remember Berkenstocks, nudity, granola, and seeking other worldly experiences? All of that stuff was embraced by the Nazis. Remember ethnic and political gangs? All that was the Nazi Party. These people along with other Leftists (Nazis are actually part of the Left), wanted to destroy the world they had inherited. Likewise, Hitler and the Nazis saw the old order with its familial aristocracy, financial controlled industry, quaint Euro-Christianity, and non-ideological art world, as not up to snuff. He wanted it destroyed. He saw a future world of Nazi Hippies, expanded consciousness, families devoted to the state, and party controlled industry mixed with Gattaca Super soldiers motivated by party ideology.

      For these reasons, and above all for the Nazis disregard for diplomatic norms and their imperial aggressions against other European states, people like Churchill saw the Nazis as a dangerous threat. Raised in Victorian Liberalism, Protestant Christianity, Anglo-Saxon supremacism, Euro-French diplomacy, and private industry, they saw Nazi as weird dangerous gangsters and a treat to the general peace. Their world was already damaged and under threat. Damaged by Germany’s war of Inperialism in Europe, damaged by Germany’s revolutionary Sand N@ggerism against the European colonies, and damaged by Germany’s Bolshevik backed revolution against the Tsars.

      The original threat was Bolshevism. Before Churchill became a Nazi killer he was a Commie killer. Europe had almost been overrun by Commie armies between 1919-1922. They strove mightily to rebuild old Europe damaged by Imlerial Germany. Indeed, to prove Churchill’s and his ilk’ motivation to an older Europe, before they were Nazi killers, they were Commie killers, and before that they were Sand N@gger killer. He and his ilk saw Commies, Nazis, and Sand N@ggers as equally dangerous and as a weird symptom of the savagery they had encountered overseas. But, it was the Nazis who invaded and started the wars. So they needed to be defeated first.

      After the war, the old order was in ruins. Hitler’s plan in that regard had succeeded. Churchill spent his remaining years trying to hold a line so that old Britain, old Europe, could recover and be restored. He never wanted a Europe filled with Sand N@ggers, Commiee, Nazis, or out of this world hippies. Thats all flowers that arose from the seeds people like Hitler and Lenin and Marx planted. If you want to get mad at the situation, get mad at people who continued to be Hitler’s and Lennin’s stupid children long after the war proved those people to be devils. 

  4. Tucker Carlson and Martyr Made regurgitating the lamest revisionist tropes about WW2 is just indicative about how Wignat/5%ers are deeply wrong about the nature of Trump and Contards: they share 99% of the same ideas (including a subtle antisemitism from supersessionists)

    Hunter Wallace is totally right on this issue

    No matter how Nick Fuentes, Keith Woods and TRS try to be edgy natsoc, they are forever attached to the same Conservative anthropology, with all pseudoscientific crankeries attached to it (there is no difference between believing in ZOG existence and in the Flat Earth/5G deadly vaccines)

    Trump is in fact the most antizionist and antisemitic candidate of 2024, due to the isolationist and pro-Russian tendancies of the GOP which will sabotage the arsenal of democracy built by Joe Biden.

    But Neo-Nazis are too egocentric or JQ-centric to see this obvious factoid, they seethe after Soleimani assassination, Sheldon Adelson or the Abraham accord, without seeing that the “Axis of Resistance” only made further steps during the mandate of Donald Trump

    Another evidence that Contards/Fascists are the same demographic.

    Neo-Nazis love nothing more than sucking the cock of Russia and Hitler (despite the fact the latter killed 30 millions of Slavs and projected to starve 40 millions more)

    Republicans? They also suck the cock of Russia and will endlessly blame the meanie beanie deep state of wilsonian internationalist for triggering WW1/WW2 (this illiberal trope always end up by giving Buchanite excuses to Adolf)

      • Don’t you see? The path to national salvation runs through several more wars in the Near East for Our Greatest Ally, occupying the rest of Syria, stealing all their oil then destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities, miraculously without any blowback, too. Nothing to it!

        It must buried somewhere in the Constitution that Our Greatest Ally deserves, yes deserves to have wars fought on its behalf. All real Americans, like AGB and his pals tapping on keyboards fifty feet below ground in a bunker 5,000 miles east of the U.S. know this.

        Wasn’t it George Washington, in his farewell address, where he warned against foreign entanglements but also warned never to stop supporting Our Greatest Ally? Didn’t John Quincy Adams, in his July 4th, 1821 address to the U.S. House of Representatives proclaim that the U.S. does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy but to continue supporting Our Greatest Ally even though it leads to ruin?

      • @November,

        “Looks like another Hasbara troll has entered the OD comments section.”

        Even more are coming at my call. You will have lots of Prods to combat here. You Papists started this internecine war, we are going to finish it.

    • The Neon Natzees must be right over the target – now Aryan Globalist Bro is writing under at least 2 and possibly 3 nom de plumes trying to fight off the inevitable – that the US will be the 110th country that the jews are booted out of. It may not happen in our lifetimes but it’s as inevitable as the rising tide.

    • No further proof is required that whites must not support Trump than these jews posting here trying to argue that Trump is the white nationalist choice.

  5. Unpopular opinion among American isolationists and obviously neo-Nazis, but the entry of USA in WW2 and the Lend-Lease was the most pro-White policy of the 20th century

    FDR saved millions of European lives, by shortening an attrition warfare already lost by Hitler in the autumn 1941 (the failure of Operation Typhoon was the last nail in the coffin). Not even speaking of the vampire economy and forced labour organized by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union which plunged both in the verge of famine respectively in 1945 and 1942 (Goebbels in 1944: “We must chose between growing food or use fertilizers to build bombs”)

    Anglo-US strategic bombing may have killed 500 000 Krauts (and 70 000 innocent French civilians) but they have saved millions of Soviet and Eastern citizen (often more Aryan and Blonder than your average Austrian alpinoid)

    Ask any Russian, Czech and Polish nationalist, they are very happy that the Allies made the Pan-Germoids bites the dust

    • Can I be a German too? I had blond hair when I was 4 years old!

      Underrated comment. Thank God Churchill never let the Bavarian peasant take us to Cuxhaven.

      Still, I’m cautiously rooting for Germany. They seem to be getting on their feet, quickly. Good for them.

    • CIA Director William Casey, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”

    • Say whatever you want about Hitler, but he was no threat to the United States. Roosevelt waged unprovoked war against German submarines, and peddled the lie that Germany was planning to invade the western hemisphere. (Somehow, a country that couldn’t cross 20 miles of the English Channel was going to cross three thousand miles of the Atlantic Ocean.) Hitler shouldn’t have declared war on the U.S., but American provocations made him believe that war with the U.S. was inevitable no matter what.

      Without American intervention, 300,000 U.S. soldiers would not have died. Without lend lease and all the other allied contributions to the Soviets, they and the Germans might have fought to a stalemate, which would have helped to contain both National Socialism and Communism.

    • FDR saved millions of European lives, by shortening an attrition warfare

      The opposite is true
      The USSR would have quickly collapsed if the USA and UK hadn’t been supplying 80 million tons of war material

      The USSR couldn’t even produce it’s own avgas, all was supplied by USA.

  6. Hot take here but Hitler/Himmler didnt care about you if you werent continental German. Scandinavia and England are more Nordic than most parts of Germany/Austria, yet they had SS officers knocking up teenage Norwegians as a part of the Lebensborn program. They would have done the same thing to us given the chance. Stalin, Eisenhower, Arthur Harris and Himmler were all worse than Churchill. If you read your history you’ll understand why England always had a vested interest in maintaining the balance of power on the European continent, for better or for worse. Continuous invasions from Denmark and France followed by 600 years of serfdom up until the English Civil war left an indelible mark on the British political consciousness.

    Even if Hitler was right, he lost control of the whole operation once war broke out.

    • ” but Hitler/Himmler didnt care about you if you werent continental German.”

      Couldn’t disagree more.

      Hitler had the highest respect for America.
      Prior to the war, Hitler’s personal train was named ‘Amerika’. The two portraits in his office were , Fredrick the Great and Henry Ford. He had a deep respect for Americans, especially after meeting US soldiers in WWI at Battle of Marne and reading The International jew.

    • ” but Hitler/Himmler didnt care about you if you werent continental German.”

      Just not true.

      Hitler had deep respect for the English.
      Watch the videos of Gen. Galland quoting Hitler on his concern for the English.
      Dec 29 1940, The luftwaffe was in the process of leveling London. As soon as Hitler was informed of it he ordered an immediate stop to it.

      If anything, Hitler had too high a regard for the English and Americans. He was too ethical for warfare.

      His character was the polar opposite of that portrayed in TV and movies.

      • Well, I’ve been wrong before. But see my other comment where I stated, “once war broke out Hitler lost control of the whole operation” England did not have the right to play hypocritical global policeman then any more than America does now. The arrogant vengeful “oh yeah?” attitudes of the Poles in the old Ostpreusen caused WW2, no doubt.

        I don’t watch TV or movies. I read old books mostly.

        • “Watch the videos of Gen. Galland quoting Hitler on his concern for the English.”

          They’re on YouTube and other videos hosts.

          I avoid commercial TV like it’s the pox.

  7. “A few days ago, I pooh-poohed the idea that swing voters want to hear about Iran”

    The Uncommitted movement conclusively proved that large numbers of swing voters in the swing states care about Palestine:

    Minnesota 18.8%
    Michigan 13.2%
    North Carolina 12.73%
    Wisconsin 8.4% (including 100% of voters under age 30!)
    Nevada 5.6%
    Pennsylvania 5.3%

    Trump could easily win this election if he simply promised to consistently put America First:
    End the expensive military foreign aid, including aid to Israel.
    End the job-killing sanctions.
    Bring home the troops from Syria and Iraq.

    Palestinians who normally vote Democrat would switch to Trump, and so would many other Arabs, Muslims, progressives and Midwestern moderates. More would be encouraged to stay home or vote 3rd party.

    Trump wouldn’t lose a single White Evangelical vote if he adopted an America First foreign policy, and he can afford to lose every single Jewish vote without any ramifications in the electoral college.

    • Muslims wouldn’t trust a word that came out of Zion Don’s mouth.

      Trump was responsible for the muslim travel ban, murder of General Soleimani, giving his approval to the theft of Syria’s Golan Heights, booklicker of the Adelsons and Kushners, ad infinitum.

      Trump’s best hope is that muslims and others that support the Palestinian cause stay home on election day.

      Not that it will actually matter because TPTB will make sure Harris is POTUS by hook or crook.

    • Trump could easily win this election if he simply promised to consistently put America First:

      But he has (((advisors)) steering him wrong.
      As do most politicians.

    • > Trump wouldn’t lose a single White Evangelical vote if he adopted an America First foreign policy, and he can afford to lose every single Jewish vote without any ramifications in the electoral college.

      You could be right about the White Evangelical vote, but Jewish votes have the backing of the counterfeiting machine which creates endless money ex nihilio. White evangelicals have to slave away for every fake dollar. To paraphrase Stalin’s remark about the Pope: How many hundreds of billions do the Evangelicals have? Schlomo’s power comes not from his population numbers but from the numbers generated by fictional-reserve banking. Even this simple knowledge, easily obtained by study, is way above the cognition of Evangelicals – who even now are too gaslighted to toss their Scofield bibles into the burn-bin where they belong.

  8. Ha! Is Brad going to stop bashing us middle age academic dissidents because of his past associations with freak flag waving kids who are legally disallowed from becoming president(under age 35)?

    Some of us are “obsessed” with history because we are genuine historians and patriots who understand that the first casualty in war is the truth, and that history is written by the victors. It puzzles me some that you have shown resistance to the JQ and holocaust, given your understanding of the victor’s justice meted out after the Civil War. There is a solid parallel in how the winners consolidated their power after both the Civil War and WW2.

    • Truth is never black and white buddy. Brad is right, the war is over. The losers were both England and Germany. Whether or not Hitler was well intentioned, he jumped the gun.

      Also bombing London was one of the stupidest decisions of all time. Hitler had balls but didnt seem to understand that it would do nothing but piss us off. But its okay, all is forgiven (hopefully). Theres still time to salvage relations between the two Germanic powers of Europe, as well as us, their descendants worldwide. We have bigger problems right now. I’m not going to into the JQ thing because the whole thing turns my stomach.

      This is a crucial moment in history and (unintentionally) divisive comments just perpetuate stereotypes. (Arrogant and perfidious British, stubborn and boorish Germans etc.) The foreigners are going to have to go back, obviously, but what happens next? Another world war followed by slavery, or peace and a Teutonic renaissance the likes of which the world has never seen?

  9. I watched this also yesterday, it was a nice departure from the standard narrative of WW2. I don’t know anything about the Jonestown cult, so I’ll withhold judgement. His views on Israel and deliberate hints at Jewish influence on the war were also interesting. He all but tossed cold water on the holocaust narrative as well.

    Not being a historian myself, I can’t argue the specifics, but if nothing else, if its pure revisionism, it was very well done.

    What do you think, HW?

    I keep recalling That six months or so of a couple years ago after which I quit listening to the Daily Shoah cause I couldn’t stand to listen to one more word of Mike Enochs holohoax revision posting about WW2 (muh Prussian Blue) that seemed to have gone on forever. Compared to that, this was pretty bite sized haha.

  10. Churchill is truly the most evil man in all of history. Has anyone ever come close in total numbers of white people killed, in terms of long term damage to the white race and in terms of absolute surrender to his jew masters of all things. Sure Roosevelt was also evil, but Churchill easily wins this, his levels of betrayal easily surpass all other white traitors.

    • “Churchill is truly the most evil man in all of history.”

      I think he was a bumbling buffoon.
      The tragic mess he made of Gallipoli is more than ample proof. He was wrong in every aspect.

      I have a sneaking suspicion that people like Churchill are in reality Royal Bastards that are palmed off onto noble houses. This is the reason they live a charmed life, all doors are opened for them.

      • Churchill’s mother was an open Jewess. His father was not Randolph Churchill, who bore no resemblance to Winston. His real father was his mother’s former fiancee, a Jew banker, who very closely resembled Winston. Winston was not a half Jew. He was full Jew.

    • Already overturned. Yet another example of “freedom” and “democracy” at work in Clown-World, supported all the way by “conservatives”. Old Rev. Dabney must be shaking his head up in heaven at our total cluelessness.

  11. This is the kind of discussion that can be interesting but ultimately garners zero attention from normies, who ‘don’t know much a-bout his-to-ry’ – having slept through the propaganda classes awaiting the Gods of the Copybook Headings to return. If they actually bothered to follow the discussion they might learn something about how we got to this point but the above gods will let them know the results of their falling away from truth soon enough.

    • You’re right.

      Public indoctrination, called schools, are designed to dull the wits and deaden the interest. Besides the harried press of time and endless jw distractions lead the populace astray.

      Look at how intelligent truth seekers are portrayed in the media. The general condemnation of intelligence, ‘it just ain’t kool’.

  12. When will Tucker be forced to visit Auschwitz with Be Shapiro like Elon Musk before him in a humiliation ritual of Gentiles that go off script?

    Tbh, Carlson probably spared himself that photo op by denouncing “duh Nazis.”

  13. @Hunter Wallace:

    “A few days ago, I pooh-poohed the idea that swing voters want to hear about Iran, Hitler, swastikas and the truth about World War II, which are issues that activists care about. This is true.”

    Au contraire, mon frere. The average John and Jane Q Citizen wants to hear about Hitler, swastikas, and particularly the truth about World War II, especially since our country is not only on the precipice of just another “police action,” but World War III itself!

    History may not necessarily repeat itself, but it rhymes, buddy.

    Neville Chamberlain wanted “peace in our time,” because Great Britain, even with the reparations extracted from Germany with the extortionary Versailles Treaty, was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Chamberlain warned Churchill that if Great Britain went to war to preserve its Unipolar Status, it would be the end of the British Empire.

    The Usual Suspects are taking the United States to the brink of World War III to preserve our unipolar status and keep our fiat money as the world reserve currency. It will go with us as it did with the formerly Great Britain if we don’t end our entangling alliances, stop destroying other countries’ infrastructures and focus on rebuilding our own infrastructure and renewing our economy.

    It’s batshit crazy how we are overextended militarily and have bases all over hell’s half acre to get oil and minerals and even control wheat that we could get at home.

    I am glad that Tucker is talking to all these WWII history revisionists. Unfortunately, I have heard that it has cost him his spot on Youtube. I think that The Usual Suspects fear that he is hair’s breath away from examining all the contradictions of the Holocaust with the likes of David Irving.

    Churchill was voted out of office by the British people right after the Allies emerged victorious from WWII. The British all too well knew a Pyrrhic Victory when they saw one. He spent six years out of office, before Great Britain was suffering so economically that they voted him back in so he could beg the United States for aid.

    For those of you that have never seen it, I highly recommend watching the Downton Abbey series. At the end of WWI, many, many families not only lost their young men and heirs, but they also saw their lands and homes go under the auction block. The last thing they needed was to enter another world war.

    It’s really too bad that Neville Chamberlain, like Enoch “Rivers of Blood” allowed himself to be bullied and shamed by the media into backing down from what they knew in their hearts to be true.

  14. Those who promoted Churchill were the Jews that he was in debt to. And it is the Jews who love it that England and all of Europe is on its knees.

  15. Whether Churchill was evil or not the reasonhe did what he did had nothing to do with anything but…

    Mackinder’s, The World Island theory.


    When the French got too powerful the British joined with the Germans, and when the Germans got too powerful the British joined with the French and the Russians. It’s no more complicated than that.

    This theory still haunts us, but it’s presently wrong. The pivot now is low Earth orbit and above.

  16. For some mysterious reason, my previous post got deleted. My apologies if I broke some sort of protocol on this board. Perhaps I offended a Churchill-loving mediator. So, I will simply post how much I hate the way Neville Chamberlain was dragged for wanting “Peace in Our Time.”

    For those who never watched it, I highly recommend that you tune into the Downton Abbey, a series of about seven years that started with the sinking of the Titanic and ended after World War I. It dramatizes what Great Britain’s quest for hegemony cost the British people.

    Not only was a generation of young men lost to Great Britain, but the post-war costs devasted virtually every generation with soldiers begging on the streets and even great families seeing their homes and possessions being sold for pennies on the dollar under the gavel at auctions.

    The last thing Great Britain needed was to get involved in another war with Germany. What with paying for the dubious honor of participating in that folly and being stretched very thin throughout the Empire, Chamberlain knew that taking Great Britain to war again would result in the loss of the British Empire and he was right.

    Again, the average American should be interested in taking another look at WWII, because there are so many parallels between The Sun Never Setting On the British Empire and American Supremacy it isn’t funny.

  17. As he often does, Vox Day gets it right.

    > I’ve read Churchill’s own history of WWII. And his own justifications for his actions don’t add up even in his own words. The most damning evidence is his waging of a unilateral, one-way air war against German civilians immediately after the German military forces spared the trapped British soldiery at Dunkirk.

    > There were no good men in command of the Axis or the Allies. But then, as now, Clown World was the greater evil, as the state of our present world suffices to prove.

    Churchill was a sock-puppet of the Rothschild cartel from day one. There were no good guys in leadership leading to the war, which was not even started by Germany but by the British-sponsored retards in Poland over the very German city (hundreds of years) Danzig. Halifax favored a negotiated peace once it was clear than France would collapse but Churchill and the war-party took over. Hitler foolishly took the bait and could have been influenced by the Rothschilds or another branch of the cartel himself. There was considerable cooperation with Zionists in the early years of NSDAP regime, which had the potential to be a win-win deal for Germany: who would export a hostile gang of foreigners to Palestine to be a thorn in Britain’s side (which they already were).

    The Austrian painter hoped that the British public would sympathize with his overall program to free Germany and be inspired to overthrow their City of London masters, but they were far too gaslighted already and marched headlong into another mass slaughter. Instead of allowing them to flee Dunkirk he should have taken them prisoner and put them to work, which might have forced Churchill to drop or at least moderate the bombing campaign against German cities, which (as noted above) started before the German bombing of British cities (aka The Blitz).

    This was already planned by Churchill’s masters as he have his ‘finest hour’ propaganda speech prior to the Dunkirk evacuation. Before the air-war over Britain was finished (Germany lost to the RAF), Churchill bombed Berlin (late August 1940). Hitler responded with launching the Blitz about a week later. Churchill was a war-monger. Hitler wasn’t much better but more reactive. There were several chances to defuse the situation before it went to total war, but that wasn’t what the actual rulers of the west wanted. They needed to destroy Germany completely lest others get ideas about who actually ran the show. Hitler massively underestimated his ultimate enemies.

  18. Churchill wasn’t able to start the war. He deeply regretted that. That total lunatic Chamberlain beat him to it, by giving that insane guarantee to the Czechs and then declaring war on Germany when Hitler made the move on the Czechs to protect the German minority. Chamberlain started the war. He was not a good man, he was a drooling warmonger. He simply tried to delay war in the West so the Big Moustache and the Little Moustache would fight it out first, and the Brits could come in later. But he failed even in that evil plan. He was manipulated by the Roosevelt people into a corner over the Czechs and the Poles. And he was too weak to extricate himself and his nation. So he declared the war and destroyed the British empire.

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