A ‘refugees welcome’ and ‘no racism/no fascism’ spectacle being held in Glasgow today. pic.twitter.com/wmrRxeRkmd
— SL (@Steve_Laws_) September 7, 2024
I don’t have much time to write this morning.
Before I head out the door though, I want to clarify something. In my earlier series about the roots of modern liberalism and modernism and Western cultural decline, I was describing what was essentially the vanguard stage of what is now known as the post-war consensus. The intellectual roots of the postwar consensus – modern liberalism (distinct from 19th century classical liberalism), modernism, antiracism, cosmopolitanism – can be traced back to the interwar period.
In the United States, the Great Depression was the crisis that discredited the old order and triggered the massive political realignment that was the foundation of New Deal liberalism. Modern liberals ascended to power during the FDR presidency. They transitioned from being a counter-cultural vanguard in the late 1910s and 1920s into becoming a political establishment. World War II was the culmination of the crisis. It was a massive, deeply polarizing war between liberalism and fascism that killed millions. Liberals won that war and everything associated with the vanquished fascists was discredited.
At least in the United States, World War II was the hinge point in which White racial and cultural attitudes underwent the dramatic shift that made “antiracism” mainstream. Before the war, White Americans did not believe in racial equality. During the war, White Americans even said in polls that they preferred losing the war to racial equality. After the war, White Americans believed in racial equality. This shift in public opinion is why “civil rights” leaped to the top of the Democratic agenda under the Truman administration. Adolf Hitler became the cartoon racist boogeyman during the war. Both antiracism and antifascism became essential to the identity of elite modern liberalism. It wasn’t this way before the war.
In the UK, Winston Churchill didn’t start the war with Hitler. It was Neville Chamberlain’s foolish guarantee of Poland that triggered the British declaration of war on Germany. Churchill pushed for the war and after coming to power refused to deescalate the crisis. He stubbornly pushed it through to the end and was willing to drag us into the war and form an alliance with the Soviet Union to do it. In much the same way, he made antiracism and antifascism part of the identity of the British liberal establishment.
World War II is like the Chicxulub crater in our history. Nothing was the same after that event. It was the founding event of our age. We live in the shadow of it.
About this topic, I found this speech:
It’s weird how things change. I remember in the 1980s, Republicans, obsessed with USSR, said WW2 was the defining part of our age because the Soviets integrated Eastern Europe.
Now it’s because its a shield jews use to deflect from their borg power.
“We defeated the wrong enemy.” [Gen. George Patton]
I 100% agree.
This is beyond just being the catalyst for decline, Western civilization ended with the fall of the Third Reich. This is similar to how many people still believed that the Roman empire would continue forever long after Rome was sacked and even the last Roman emperor was deposed.
There is no Western civilization, only ZOG, this is why people like Hunter Wallace will continue to come up with deeply flawed takes on how Western civilization can restored. The only goal now is the elimination of the jew, what future civilizations can arise from the ashes of this ZOG planet is up to distant generations. All we can do is ensure that there are whites that can survive that far.
“There is no Western civilization, only ZOG, this is why people like Hunter Wallace will continue to come up with deeply flawed takes on how Western civilization can restored. The only goal now is the elimination of the jew, what future civilizations can arise from the ashes of this ZOG planet is up to distant generations. ”
spot on … well said.
I don’t believe that Jews are the only problem. I have also never believed that.
Good article. On point.
” the Great Depression was the crisis that discredited the old order ”
Absolutely true !
A real good observation.
And who was it, as head of the federal reserve, that made it so terrible ?
(((Eugene Meyer)), he contracted the money supply by 20% a year for 3 consecutive years. There just wasn’t enough money in circulation, so commerce and consequently employment collapsed.
But you will never hear this in the media or schools.
Just like Fauci, they cause catastrophic events and glibly walk away leaving the gentiles to suffer.
And then the opposite occurred in 2020 of the Fed contraction of the money supply in the 30s – the Federal Reserve flooded the US with Jude Fetzen.
In the thirties they weren’t getting their way, American hadn’t gone communist, so they wanted to crush American and destroy our society.
Today they are getting their way, with massive floods of immigrants, so they will keep the financing going, people will be complacent.
“everything associated with the vanquished fascists was discredited.”
Except for the vast amount of technology that’s given us a great leap in living standards. That’s just been absorbed into our culture with little to no credit to the innovators.
“everything associated with the vanquished fascists was discredited”
This is the view from a millennial. It didn’t apply to Anti-Communism! That and the Civil Rights movement came later. The immediate reaction to WWII, when the Cold War started, was the realization among the older generations that it was an unmitigated disaster. For the returning veterans who got good jobs and started families, it was their “coming of age” – for everyone older than that, it was clearly a total catastrophe. Orwell’s 1984 shows the disillusionment that many formerly radical Leftists were feeling after the war. If your view of WW2 is that of Stephen Spielberg, then you see the outcome of the war as discrediting “everything” about Germany. The outcome of the war revealed, more than ever, the reasons Hitler came to power to begin with.
That being said, WW2 as a catalyst for the dominance of the Left, in that the Right was pretty much totally shut down by the threat of prosecution (Unz talks about how even liberal intellectuals were basically shut down for not being pro-war) the Republican Party assumed its permanent role as a secondary party that functioned to deprive conservatives of any real power in Washington.
This is what conservatives who read the papers (not the rank and file soldiers) were really thinking about the end of WW2:
Thank you for posting that link. I was unaware of that offer of peace the Japanese had conveyed to General MacArthur only to be dismissed by the crazy cripple FDR.
If TPTB were that uncaring of European American G.I.s dying in 1945 when peace could have prevented their deaths in a nation that was 90% White, nuclear families intact, and Christian, imagine how little the ZOGlings in D.C. care about you in 2024.
“In the UK, Winston Churchill didn’t start the war with Hitler. It was Neville Chamberlain’s foolish guarantee of Poland that triggered the British declaration of war on Germany.”
In the US in 2027, Donald Trump didn’t start the war with XI. It was the America’s foolish guarantee of Taiwan that triggered the Nato’s declaration of war on China.
“World War II is like the Chicxulub crater in our history. Nothing was the same after that event. It was the founding event of our age. We live in the shadow of it”
World War III will be like the Chicxulub crater in our history. Nothing will be the same after it.
> Winston Churchill didn’t start the war with Hitler. It was Neville Chamberlain’s foolish guarantee of Poland that triggered the British declaration of war on Germany.
Neither started it, they just propelled it further along the track up to Schlomo’s Mr. Bonestripper for YT. It started in 1933 when Judea declared war on Germany. Hitler was played and took the offered bait far too easily. WW II was really just part two of WW I, which was really the Chicxulub crater for western civilization. If the men in the trenches would have refused to return to them at the end of the 1914 Christmas truce, we’d be looking at a very different world today.
Many did mutiny, but the troops leading the mutiny were too civil, they just went passive and didn’t do an armed rebellion against the command officers.
For their civil passivity, they were tied to a stake and shot.
They should have just gone ahead and killed every officer above the rank of captain.
“A ‘refugees welcome’ and ‘no racism/no fascism’ spectacle being held in Glasgow today.”
A bunch of Old Damm Fools showing that their Older and Dummer then people could ever have imagined .. (while all the while they beat their Meat)
You look no better than these “old damn fools” when your spelling, grammar and sentence construction is flawed. Tidy it up for the sake of your credibility.
I see that everyone from OD to Kinists to Corey Mahler are talking about WWII and Churchill right now. I will offer two points. 1: WWII brought about the death of the West, the death of gender roles and family in America, and the rise of antiracism. 2: One’s thoughts on WWII are generally firmly tied to one’s views on race and the JQ. WWII is sort-of a litmus test on whether one is really a rightwinger or not.
A small group of WOKE brain parasite infected people.
It’s amazing how they change their tunes when they are raped, robbed or stabbed. I guarantee not a single one of them is housing migrants in their homes. They probably don’t even ever encounter them.
Just some old ladies being silly that’s all. Scots tend to be eccentric.
“Just some old ladies being silly that’s all. Scots tend to be eccentric.”
yeah, being eccentric and STUPID; that will end when they’re stabbed to Death.
“yeah, being eccentric and STUPID”
Yep, and pulling the rest of us down in the process.
I’m willing to bet there’s some irish catholics in the crowd (or in the social circles of the crazy cat ladies). The idea that Scots are Irish celts has been disproven numerous times scientifically. Just another part of post ww2 brainwashing.
I have pictures of my family from Scotland (Glasgow) going a few generations back. They were all big and blond and had big noses.
Anyway I’m off to play Halo. The parasite must be culled and quarantined!
The anti-racism protesters are suicidal lunatics just like Jim Jones’ followers. Just like Jim Jones’ followers they will end up in the same place. The only difference is the (so called) anti-racism protesters have State protection and encouragement.
If told that they had to chug down a quart of Clorox bleach for The Cause they would probably do it. There is no hope for the insane. They are terminal and too old to change their way of thinking now, come what may.
Yep. Have to agree. What they did, they rounded up all the farm boys and sent them off to war, and corrupted them vilely during their enlistments. Meanwhile back at home they essentially communized the agricultural sector, making it impossible for them to resettle back on their ancestral farm lands.
Zog simultaneously began zoning laws and huge subsidies in houses for the returned vets to settle in the soulless suburbs. The previous America was destroyed in the process. Suburbanization destroyed America and that was made possible by the War.
Throw in television, owned and operated completely by Jews, and we were defeated. The South lost badly during massive resistance because every family had a Jew box in their living room, corrupting their minds and their souls.
Still, if that Jew Eisenhower had not invaded Alabama, we might have salvaged something.
Cat Ladies are a plague
To unplug yourself from the Matrix Aryans really need to undemonize Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, National Socialism and the Third Reich.
If the Aryan race is to continue to survive, when all the lies have fallen, all that will remain is the bare truth, the essentials – the Swastika, the knowledge that Hitler was right and the 14 Words
If Hitler had won the war, there would be more than 500 milion blond Aryans on our planet.
Hitler would have convinced Aryans in America to change their accent to sound like it was in England in Jane Austen’s time, and perhaps replacing Xtianity with some form of Sun worship as indigenous native pagan spirituality (the Swastika, the Cross of the Stone Age, the Symbol of the blond Aryans, is a solar symbol after all).
@Cesar Tort (Priest of the 14 words)
“Aryans really need to undemonize Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, National Socialism and the Third Reich.”
Agreed – and we need to start DEMONIZING the Jews and non-whites!
@ Charlie,
I am the real César Tort. I never use my full name on the forums (except for this comment). If you want to know more about the troll who has been posing as me on this site (and in the past on Counter-Currents) read my article “Impersonator: The man who pretends to be César Tort”.
@ Hunter Wallace,
I just quoted your line about “Chicxulub” as a quotable quote on my site. As for WW2, it might be time for Occidental Dissent visitors to read Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm – the most powerful book on that war published this century.
undemonize Adolf Hitler…DEMONIZING the Jews….
Difficult to do, when they control major media, most of the government and all the school curriculum.
HW and other Alabamians, Haitians are coming to your state.
Y’all better stop the leak, before it become a flood.
November the church I grew up in had missionaries go to Haiti and they said it was hopeless and came back unharmed ministry lasted I believe 30 years there at least?
HW Stay safe! Win!
I’m in a German car !
Next to an England car?
Thank you HW & ID Dixie !
Here in my car ?
Gary Nurman ?
I win!?
The White Falcon ?
WWII was fought to make the world safe for White Genocide.
In Canada Germans/Italians/Ukrainians etc are just considered as Anglos. Contribute a lot to this country.
Had a German American lived across the road from me when I was a kid. We used to hang out and watch football. He was a ‘Nam vet. Great guy.
The truth is self evident at this point. I really just don’t know what to say.
The right for a brown to invade a white country has been elevated to the status of a “human right”, as has the right to do lots of things our more logically minded forebears would have found repulsive.
I hate leftism. It’s behind everything that’s gone wrong with our society.
Every country that we’ve built up faces endless invasion by people that pretend to be victims once here. I’m mostly calm about it for the sake of my sanity, but am partially angry as well. We didn’t ask to be invaded, and are labelled “racist” for noticing it.
The biggest criminal outfit of any Western nation……is it’s government.
The West our soldiers died and got maimed for..,
When a civilization collapses, a company collapses, the family collapses, it can usually be attributed to one cause; leftwing policies.
Mussolini’s memorial in Italy is still around Brad. As is Melone’s party. Don’t assume every country is like the United States.
The war didn’t discredit ideas, it led to the brutal suppression of the people who held them, including the suppression of Freedom of Speech in the USA.
Let’s not forget the South was more or less solidly controlled by the Democratic Party, and they didn’t have a problem with German hatred there. It’s not so much that they feel a natural resentment and hatred for Germans the way the Yankees do. It’s rather that they will bark at whomsoever the Yankees tell them to bark at.
@Parent Hunter Wallace,
Hunter Wallace: “In the UK, Winston Churchill didn’t start the war with Hitler. It was Neville Chamberlain’s foolish guarantee of Poland that triggered the British declaration of war on Germany.”
Hunter Wallace’s Teenager at some possible bad endpoint after reading father Hunter’s fallacious defense of Hitlerian imperialism: “It wasnt Officer Jimbo Bob who triggered our arrest for Bank Robbery, it was Alabama’s foolish guarantee to Banks not to get robbed, that triggered our arrest.”
Hunter Wallace: “Churchill pushed for the war and after coming to power refused to deescalate the crisis. He stubbornly pushed it through to the end and was willing to drag us into the war and form an alliance with the Soviet Union to do it.”
Hunter Wallace’s Teenager at some possible bad endpoint when officer Jimbo Bob has been shot by the Teenage Wallace gang and they are all surrounded by SWAT. Upon further reflection of father Hunter’s fallacious blame of WWII on Churchill, he excuses his bad action:
“Alabama pushed for this hostage situation after showing up with SWAT and stubbornly refused to deescalate the crisis. Alabama stubbornly pushed it through to the end and was willing to drag us into shooting war and form an alliance with the local Mafia to help wipe us out.”
Basically, anything that doesn’t put full 100% of the blame of WWII on Hitler, directly on the Nazi Party, and indirectly on the German people is just making excuses like a little devil child.
Do you have one of those Trump 2024 kippahs?
You have completely abandoned any pretenses of not being a jew with that post.
Critical Message! Invasion reaching Breaking Point!
What none you seem to realize is that this invasion is being brought in to kill all of you !
…..ugh most of us realize that.
I see all those old trendies banging their black type drum music, and I think that I can’t wait for them to die off. All of them. I’m 72, so I’m aware of the incongruities, but the older generation is annoying. Like an old guy in the gym who once said “Trump…he…he was gonna make himself KING!”
So this is how the Woodstock generation ends.
As for Aryan Globalist Bro, I at times have no idea what you’re talking about. All of this code word stuff confuses me. I think my assessment of Churchill and WWII, following all the threads recently up here, is that what hasn’t been explored is that WWII was a local European war that got out of control and kept expanding. I would think Hitler had a lot of blame, but so did the English and especially the Poles. As for Churchill, he never met a war he didn’t like. America, meanwhile, was waiting for a chance to jump in…its leadership, certainly not the people. I’m reminded how the Peloponnesian war that wrecked classical Greece, began over Corcyra, an insignificant island, much like Danzig was only a city. Also, I’ll remind the reader that while Hitler and Nazi aggression has a place, America has been a ruthless power when it get the imperialism bug. The destruction it showed in WWII was only a repeat of what the South got in the Civil War, as well as this unending desire to crush its enemy, starve, destroy them in any way. We’re a very ruthless people once we get the war bug. I don’t consider myself anti-American, but looking at America truthfully, because we seem headed into another war, but this time the other side will shoot back.
Russia, you know, didn’t lose in WWII.
“I think my assessment of Churchill and WWII, following all the threads recently up here, is that what hasn’t been explored is that WWII was a local European war that got out of control and kept expanding….”
Your views and points deserve more credit than I can fully give them here, especially since I’ve written enough on the matter. Your ideas about the wars, its comparison to the Pelelonesian War etc, are not without validity and I inderstand your research on the matters go back a long time. As to the Papists, especially here, they deserve everything K give them.
Overall, I do not mean to delegitimze or castigated German interests before and during the World Wars. I also am totally against the mind phuckery that has been played on Germany since WWII, and especially don’t like a certain group of British psychologists, scientists, and philosophers who implemented the plan (they weren’t Jewish either).
I also don’t mean to dishonor the sacrifices the German people made during the war, or the honorable fighting that they made. In fact, I was tutored by some of your cohorts in the US Military who sought to rehabilitate the German military doctrine, studied it, and even brought back some of the old surviving veterans, thereby helping to make the late Cold War to GWOT US Army the best Army the US has ever had.
However, the little devils here are willing to twist all of that to serve their Anglophobic and Anti-Western propoganda masters, some of whom undoubtedly serve some nasty folks overseas. Additionally, its being done to manpulate and poison the American nationalist movement and the Southern identity cause. So, I have to correct that, especially cuz Hunter’s role as a leader in both means their viewpoints when published here bring defame upon it. Which is their whole point.
As to your points on WWII, I will say that overall Europe’s conflicts couldn’t be localized due to the fact of the economic system then in place and especially because of the European colonial powers possessions overseas. Also, the powers in Europe had already before WWI started pulling back on their war doctrine due to the effects of the Napoleonic Wars and a desire to not see such bloodshed and catastrophe again. However, the Kaiser’s militarist leadership, and later Hitler’s militarist leadership blew apart what remained of Europe’s diplomatic norms for one another.
In sum there was no way Britain could ignore it neither could we allow such a person as Hitler and his Nazi Germany or Stalin and his Commie Soviets take over Europe and with it threaten to take over the European colonial empires or see them transferred to indigenous control. Jad we allowed that to happen, what little Christian European civilization we have now would’ve disappeared long ago. Overall, we did the right thing.
As to the bloody Papists, I have a long and noted collaboration with them in the past. But, the Papacy has historically never abandoned its desire for world domination or its hatred for my people, especially their ancient thrones for removing themselves from under its power. While, the Papacy played a decisive role in destroying Soviet Communism, especially in the Warsaw Pact, it has gone back to its pernicious ways and is a prime director in the politocal subversion and foreing colonization and invasion of the US, UK, AUS, CA, NZ, FR, GER, HUN, NTD, and Scandinavia. This is all very old Guido Papist sh!t that goes back centuries and they are back at it again. Time to hold them accountable!
It was just one of many planned American foibles for complete bankerdom takeover.
Did FDR orchestrate a series of crises in Europe and Asia to evade his own domestic political impasse? The case can be made. Chamberlain repeatedly stated that “Americans” were shoving him into taking stances he did not wish to take regarding Germany. He also implied Polish behaviour was coming from foreign influences be they jewish or American.
> The intellectual roots of the postwar consensus – modern liberalism (distinct from 19th century classical liberalism), modernism, antiracism, cosmopolitanism – can be traced back to the interwar period.
All pre-date WW I. That bankster war’s outcome (depression, pandemic) saw the growth and expansion of the list including a decided shift in media ownership, accompanied by the prohibition amendment, which was used by the usual suspects to gain further financial control to prep for the big dump of 1929, which cemented it in place. Modern propaganda and gaslighting came about in the 1920s under (((Bernays))), Sigmund Fraud’s nephew. The old WASP elite in Murika was out the door after 1929, apart from a few sellouts like the Bush family, Harriman’s and Rockefellers – all the kind of fine Protestants favored by our resident hasbara troll – fellow fellators of the great golden Schlomo-Schlong.
I don’t understand these anti Protestant comments. Protestants founded America and America under Protestants wasn’t so bad. I don’t understand the disrespect. In fact it was a fantastic country when we were still overwhelmingly Protestant until the 1840s or 1860s. How has America been better off ever since “the last wasps were out the door in 1929”? You mention some bad Protestants like the Bushes as if our Catholic leadership in this country in the post war period has been the least bit better. On The Political Cesspool show they once listed how every president was racially aware up until Kennedy. I wonder why.
The Protestants I was denouncing there were the WASP elite. By the post-WW I era there were very few of these who were from the south. They were heavily concentrated in New England and this was the epicenter of the acceptance of “higher criticism” of scripture, which is really just a fancy name for apostasy. All of the families mentioned were and are totally apostate. The Episcopal Church today is typical: Christ is rejected and Satan (one one guise or another) is worshipped. They might as well scrap all of the old Christian symbols and rituals and erect an altar to Baphomet and start the child sacrifices.
The Novus Ordo Catholics are no better off. Vatican II = apostasy. Since that which referes to itself as Christianity in the west is largely one of these two (though I divide Prots into two major schools of apostasy a) the so-called mainline churches who are full-bore Church of Woke; b) The Migatard heretics who worship jews as demigods). There is always a remnant of believers regardless of what the hierarchy or majority of pew-warmers do. As Solzhenitsyn’s ‘old ones’ lamented in the USSR: Men have forgotten God. That’s why all of this [evil] has happened.
Protestants then and now. A near-perfect summary. All that’s missing is the bloated glutton Hagee fellating Satanyahoo for the “conservative” wing of Protestantism. Don’t think for a nanosecond that the Catholics are any different. They are not.
“That bankster war’s outcome ”
You use that term ‘bankster’ frequently.
When Quakers controlled the great banks of England they were very ethical and anti-war. I think jew bankers says a lot more and hits the target squarely.
The (((City of London))) was never under control of Quakers. Like every other northern Protestant sect, the Quakers themselves have turned away from Christ and now worship at the altar of the Church of Woke – a Vatican-like hierarchy headed by Pope Noseferatu (Joanathan Greenblatt of the ADL). The Quakers never controlled the banks. It’s true they ran some successful banks on their own in the days before all banks came under the control of the usual suspects. Those early Quakers actually avoided usury and the creation of money ex nihilo.
While our resident hasbara troll claims I’m a papist, I am not one. The Catholics are also now merely a sub-group of the Church of Woke and march to the same tune all the way down to the local pedo-priest helping the invasion force (often Muslims or Latin-Americans whose only objects of worship are plata y muerte) – same as the Novus-Ordo “church” itself. As I noted above, that which refers to itself (flasely) as Christianity in the west is just a Satanic skinsuit on one type or another. Yes there are scattered remnants here and there. Far too small to amount to much of anything. Even so, all it takes is 12 and there surely more than that. Despair is not an option.
“You mention some bad Protestants like the Bushes as if our Catholic leadership in this country in the post war period has been the least bit better.”
Exactly Courtney! These Papists have been positively horrible in contrast. Before cities like Detroit, Newark, New York City, or Baltimore became non-White hell holes, they were non-Protestant American hell holes. They were places where Papist gangs crushed the people into working for their rackets. If you didn’t play then you paid.
Weirdly, everyone forgets the original scumbags in America were these Papist gangs, especially the Irish and German Catholics. Each city in the North fell before a machine of Papist bribery, gangs, organized crime, and political bosses. Nonetheless, we shouldn’t forget those brave Patriot New England, Pennsylvanian, and New Yorker Prods did put up a fight in the 19th century. And a good one for a long time. Those Papists had their heads kicked in for a few generations by Patriot Americans before finally overwhelming Patriotic Yankees thanks to traitors up high (not one a jew or a papist) and continied Papist immigrants from overseas.
Even after that happened, somehow, the Prods up North kept the Papist crime gangs in line well up until the 1930s. When they didn’t listen, the Prod Police went positively militant. Death squads by cops, or under more legitimate but still heavy handed action by law enforcement made Northern cities a tumultuous place until the Great Depression amd WWII smothered everybody.
This of course forced the Papists to go corporate. They became more sophisticated in their corruption and soon ran entire cities, despite being absolute scumbags. Which of course, meant they turned their cities into corporate scumbag cities. Long before the N@ggers came to Chicago, the Papists had already corporatized, gutted, and brained the place. Ask them how Al Capon ruined everyone’s spaghetti one night.
All this happened way before Jews came into being as a large distinct ethnic group in the country. Before the Jews came, all of these big cities had their metro areas turned into a series of Papist controlled fiefdoms for rackets, smuggled goods, untaxed consumer goods, and vice. Not a Jew was seen but plenty of Papists.
I find it interesting that long after many Southern big cities became non-White, they remained economically and culturally influential with less crime, practically no Papist organized crime, and blacks were fine with it despite having a minority Southern White (British Amerigsn Protestant elite) “oppressing” the place. This during the same time White Papist mafia cities in the Northeast became gutted by Papists with dagos, guineas, wops, micks, paddies, polocks, n@ggers, kikes, and spics fighting in the ruins.
One can trace a direct line in the fall of America not when some Black or even when some Jew community took over, but when some Papist community took over. Long before the woeful boats arrived from the shtetles of Eastern Europe for the likes of Rothstein to organize, Papists took over Tammany Hall to create their special racket of devils to rape a piece of America. Those grifter grandparents, had grifter children, who had grifter grandchildren who are now slithering down South to rape whats left of America. Wake up before its too late. And especially don’t be a Dixie fool for larping Southern Nationalism with a bunch of Papist neo-nazis.
“On The Political Cesspool show they once listed how every president was racially aware up until Kennedy. I wonder why.”
Indeed! But, if one looks at the history of the Papists, one sees an overt support for myscegination of White Nordics going as far back as the Roman imperial times. Only at the elite level was a strong Guido inflience felt towards maintaining White purity. This is why the Dago Papists from Spain were encouraged to mysceginate with Indians to create the vast Latino Mestizo Papist race of peasants currently invading America under the direction of Irish Papist Biden.
While the Papist Kennedy clan was chiefly responsible for signing America’s death warrent in 1965 with the passage of the Immigration Reform Act, the Papists here want to talk about Duh Jews. While the largest amount of bribery paid to Congressmen for keeping it going comes from Papists, the Papists here want to blame Duh Jews. They even want to blame the Jews for Germany losing in WWI, and blame the Jews, especially Churchill (yes they say he was a Jew) for causing WWII.
The fact is, while ((Hitler)), and other Papists blamed Jews for stabbing Germany in the back in WWI by allowing the Allies to win, it was the Hapsburg Papists who surrendered first, it was the Imperial German Papist units which surrendered en mass at the Hindenberg Line, it was they who mutinied during the retreat, it was Papists who organized the Grand Navy mutiny, and who overthrew the first German royal dynasties ((Papists)). Its all to misdirect from their own villainies.
The reason the Southern nationalists movement doesn’t get far is because it is thoroughly infiltrated by Papists. These infiltrators all work for the Papist dominated Deep State, especially the Papist controlled FBI and its auxiliaries like Papist founded SPLC. They work to disinform, divide, and misdirect. Beneath every Nazi larping as a Southern nationalist at the League of the South, one will find underneath his brown storm trooper uniform, a Papist Priest’s cassock. Beware of Foreign and Papist Influence!
” I don’t understand the disrespect.”
Some people just like to troll and argue, nothing else in their empty lives.
P.s. a lot of the founders were Deist and skeptics.
@Courtney from Alabama
“I don’t understand these anti Protestant comments. Protestants founded America and America under Protestants wasn’t so bad. I don’t understand the disrespect.”
I don’t either; I chalk it up to the fact that Martin Luther nailing his protest of the Catholic church on that door. It’s in their craw.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“The old WASP elite in Murika was out the door after 1929, apart from a few sellouts like the Bush family, Harriman’s and Rockefellers….”
Sometimes you say absolutely truthful facts that are free of political b.s. In fact, the WASP elite, across the country, not just the Yankees, was devastated by the Great Depression. In New York, they actually danced for a charity ball in which all of the Ellis Island Rif Raf and Irish-German Mobsters, almost all Papists or Jews, showered them with money. A Truly bizarre comedy that would’ve made my Southern family, in their delapitated antebellum mansions, at the time, vomit.
In contrast to the top dog WASPs, especially the top drawer Yankees, the Ellis Island Irish-German Papist and Jewish establishments weathered the Great Depression. They did so, because, they had loads of unreported vice and racketeer income. They were involved in Child Traficking, White Sex Slave Trade, Alcohol and Narcotic trafficking, protection rackets, general racketeering, and all of which was untaxable and continued after the Depression. Furthermore, because the common Judeo-Papist community were often low lifes and would get drunk, sell drugs, phuck whoever, and spend the remainder on smuggled goods they would sell for a profit, the money train for the Rockefeller banks continied despite bread and soup lines. But, then you say stupid sh!t like this:
“…all the kind of fine Protestants favored by our resident hasbara troll – fellow fellators of the great golden Schlomo-Schlong.”
I recognize the de facto state of the Post Civil War WASP ruling class. That these sh!tbags are the only small representation for Americans who otherwise, without a functioning elite for their interests, would have no one repping them. The last chance to fix things by these degenerate WASPs was after 911.
George W Bush, literally blew the greatest chance since WWII to rectify the survival of the commies during WII, the advances the Japs made against Euro-American interests in East Asia, and for the mistake Eisenhower made over Suez in 1956. It was the greatest opportunity crisis that rivaled WWII and could’ve seen the creation of a new Republican Nationalist establishment for the remaining century.
Consider, had they fought a proper war to victory in Afghanistan, restored the Afghan nobility and monarchy, created a sovereign controlled corporation to develop and exploit the riches of the country, Afghanistan woild still be am American power projection in Central Asia. Had these Bushbags used America’s predominate influence to seize control of Central Asia, taken over the natural resources there there they coildve blocked China’s belt and road. Had they re-etablished the Hashemites in Iraq, destroyed the Assad Baathist regime, and resettled the Christians in both countries, there would be peace under a strong American ally in the area. Above all, they could’ve ended immigration, deported the illegal aliens, their anchor babies, and troublesome immigrants households, eliminated the Civil Rights and Voter Rights Acts and stopped rbe Great Replacement. They couldve ended the China Trade, and rebuilt the pre 1965 industrial might of America, resulting in a China significantly weaker than now. Overall, we’d be looking at a new golden age right now as we tackled the last remnants of degenerate liberalism. Above all, Hunter could safely, and serenely fish at his fishing hole while academically and culturally rebuilding the old Southern stately ways.
Bush and Company, the Rockefellers, Yankee WASPs in general, literally had that chance and could’ve made it happen. Bush would’ve been considered the greatest American President with Lincoln, Jackson, TR, FDR, and Washington. Instead, all he could muster is reshuffling intelligence community, attempting three amnesties, subsidizing pharmaceutical giants, wasting American lives and treasure giving Sand N@ggers Democracy, selling Middle Eastern oil concessions to China, and subsidizing Spics, Trash, and N@ggers in blowing apart the post Cold War financial system. The Bushes and Rockefellers are scumbag failures of epic proportions. I recognize these scumbags descended from gilded age robber baron racketeers for what they are. But, at least they aren’t Papist Neo-Nazi Brown f@gs like your Papist fellow traveller, Nick Fuentes.
This is why foreign policy is the most important issue, more important than immigration.
He who controls foreign policy controls the apparatus of domestic social control.
As long as Jewish supremacy is the bedrock value of our foreign policy, it will also be the bedrock value of our domestic policy, including immigration, cultural issues and the economy.
I find very disturbing that so much of modern society never seems to get over anything, World War Two propaganda which was state by 1946 or 1947, still seems to get put out there. People, or at least many of them, don’t seem to re think anything.
Gaslighting which goes on for decades 24 x 7 x 365 has a very destructive effect. It literally makes many simply unable to think rationally.
Very simplistic.You’re leaving out a huge detail.The Jews.The Jews caused the Great Depression by purposely tightening the money supple(which they controlled).The Jews controlled the media and many politicians and not only caused White on White WW2 but demonized the heroic Adolf Hitler.The Jews used their control of Hollywood,media,etc to bombard non-stop the younger generations with White guilt and fake stories about non-Whites being victims.It was not the Depression or WW2 which magically changed things but the Demon filled Jews who hate Christ and therefore the White race.The Jews use many tricks to deceive the public.They have fake surveys showing the attitudes as they want them to be.The constant messages in movies attacked correct White values.If a people is brainwashed non-stop for 100 years who could expect a different outcome.The Jews have gained this temporary power via their pact with their father the Devil.It has been allowed by the Father in Heaven because the Bible tells us a one world one race government will come about in the End times.Trust in God and the blood of Jesus and final victory.Their victories and humiliations of us are not lasting.Our victory through Christ is.Long live the White race created in our Lord’s image.We are thankful for all God has done for us.We are not deceived like the masses because we trust our discernment and the protection of the Lord.Stay resolute.Never give in.Victory will come when the Beast crashes.And it will.
a little bit of ‘Catalyst’ for you…
Nando’s waitress attacked by Muslim man – and the police do NOTHING. Why?
If that was a white British man and a Muslim waiteess he would be serving a 15 year sentence. The fact that this man is Muslim has EVERYTHING to do with the lack of action. Two tier policing at its finest.
Hey, it’s open season on WHITEY.
THEY just haven’t made it official, yet.
When I think of people born fifty years before me, whether left or right, I often give them some free passes. Bear in mind they had to form their opinions based off what they saw on TV or heard on radio. They may of read encyclopaedias to dig deeper.
Real info was hard to obtain.
As for the Jewish question……..how could they know all that with the media they had available?
If you understand the times, you’ll understand the thoughts.
I would say the WW I marked the final takeover the what was once called ‘Christendom’ by the gang who presently runs Clown-World. The aftermath of WW II marked the birth of the exterminationalist ideology epitomized by today’s Church of Woke and its Pope – Noseferatu. It’s really just Talmudism writ large.
Sorry, meant to say WW II instead of WW I.
.how could they know all that with the media they had available?
Well, Ford had the ‘the international jew’ at every dealership.
Father Charles Coughlin was listened to weekly by millions of Americans. Lindbergh talked about it, a little.
They had a few sources, but nothing like they needed.
My apologies to the people of Japan for many reasons
Amazing Country!