About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s 8:40 and I’m waiting for things to start. I hope Trump brings up freedom of speech to show the contrast between the parties on the issue. I doubt he will but if he does he could score points against those who want to silence dissent.

      • A high school student on any debating team would wipe the floor with that unprepared, inarticulate buffoon.

        Trump is an ’empty suit.’ Just full of hot air. No substance.

      • He IS a poor debater. He had a chance for a slam-dunk when Kamel accused him of pointing fingers on race, as the Biden/Harris Admin has been ALL about racial preferences and demonizing White people; and he just fumbled around like an idiot.

      • @US of AIPAC,


        He completely dodged the question on how he was going to deport the 11 million + illegal immigrants that Mayorkas allowed into the US. He has no plan. Just like he never had an alternative plan to Obamacare.

        When Harris brought up the staffers to Bush II, Romney, McCain, and the Cheneys endorsing her, Trump should have listed their lies (WMD), war crimes, and betrayals. He didn’t even counter with the endorsements of RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard.


        • Obviously, he didn’t ride to success on brains, but being born into the American prosperity of real estate.

  2. I despise that woman’s whiny voice. My God I cannot bear listening to that for 4 years.

    Oh God here comes the January 6th BS

    • Sorry, there’s no way to edit my previous post, but meant to say that Ben Shapiro is right about the need for Trump to get out of his own way and keep his big fat mouth zipped more while letting more authoritative surrogates attack Harris and Walz.

      He needs to win the Presidency BEFORE he takes the bully pulpit not act like he already has it.

  3. She was coached to maximize her performance. She did well by pivoting to sound bites and gotcha moments, based on corporate news media, avoiding the fact she has no platform and was part of the worst administration in history, worse than Bush 2.
    Trump didn’t bother to prepare and brought out the Reagan playbook; it sucked in 1980 and it sucks now.

  4. Big win for Kamala.

    Why wouldn’t Trump look at her? She looked at him frequently but he refused to look at her. Was he afraid of her? That’s the way it appeared to me. There were so many missed opportunities. Why did he not say anything about the corrupt FBI which spied on his campaign in 2016? How about the 51 former intelligence officials who signed the statement about Hunter’s laptop being soviet disinformation immediately before the election of 2020? No mention of the surveillance society we have become and no pledge to champion free speech.

    With all his advisors, strategists and coaches this is the best he can do. What a shame. I hope he can come back from this.

  5. My opinion. Harris “performed” very well. I do not believe, for a single second, that ABC did not give the Harris-Walz Team the questions they were going to ask during the debate last night.

    Trump had the chance to pull a Biden, not campaign too much, and let Tulsi Gabbard, RFK and other surrogates attack Harris. But Trump was and is too much of an attention whore – even bad attention is better than no attention at all with him – NOT to walk into that trap with eyes wide open.

    Trump refuses to believe that, outside of his Maga Minions, a lot of people don’t like him. Ironically, the more the media and the DOJ gagged Trump, the more his popularity soared.

    Don’t like Ben Shapiro too much, but if Trump would have gotten out of his own way, ALL the focus would have been done on the Biden-Harris-Walz Transition Team and their pecadilloes, people would go back to paying close attention to the illegal immivasion, the skyrocketing cost of living, the house shortages, not to mention the debauchery of school children, and vote against the Democrats.

    I suspect that Trump has picked the same kind of advisors he had running his 2020 campaign. Let us hope that the Independents and the Undecided don’t let personalities get in the way of what’s good for their wallets. It probably won’t but Harris’s great performance (and that is what it was, scripted from beginning to end) will give the Democrats great leverage and plausible deniability if they steal the election again.

  6. Can’t we do something to help those poor Haitians who are forced to eat dogs and cats off the street? We are America goddamnit the greatest nation in the world, BAHA.

    Can somebody please tell the retards who want to rule over us, I do not want to be great, or great again or great in the future. I just want to mind my own business and try and live my life in peace……and why can’t either of you?

    • Couldn’t have said it better myself. These MAGA people want to bring back a time and a place that left a long ago. To me they’re a fifty year old man who wants to live like he’s still a high school football star.

  7. Trump is sabotaging himself by trying to pose as more pro-Israel than Kamala.

    It makes him look stupid. It is literally impossible to be more pro-Israel than the Biden administration. Biden gave Israel everything they asked for. Trump will not gain a single liberal Zionist vote, and even if he did it wouldn’t help him because those voters are all located in unwinnable states such as New York and California.

    It undermines his claim to be America First, and it undermines his claim to be the peace candidate.

    Palestinians and their sympathizers, on the other hand, are easily winnable votes located in swing states. Just promise to be America First – stop bombing Yemen, end military foreign aid, end economic sanctions, and bring home the troops stationed in Syria and Iraq.

    As things now stand, Harris is on track to win both the Jewish Zionist vote and the Palestinian vote. This is the most egregious example of political incompetence in history.

    A wedge issue was handed to Trump on a silver platter, but he would apparently rather lose the race than be America First.

    • The jig is up

      My father was a toolmaker

      It’s no laughing matter

      My self esteem shatter

      These trust fund kids on a silver platter

    • Trump’s campaign is an absolute train wreck but Wallace and the Far Right don’t want to acknowledge it. Trump panders incessantly to the Blacks, Mexicans and jews non-stop but will never acknowledge working-class and middle-class Whites and their increasing plight in the US. It’s incomprehensible why any White man would spend a second of their time supporting Trump.

      • Ironically, the pandering actually hurt Trump’s support among Blacks.

        He said he would crack down on illegal immigration because immigrants were taking “Black jobs”.

        But then Blacks got upset: What do you mean “Black jobs”? Are you trying to say Black people are only good at doing unskilled work?

        He would have done better to just say that mass immigration was driving down wages and driving up housing costs for all Americans – or he could have specifically said White Americans and Black Americans.

      • Ringo ” It’s incomprehensible why any WHITE MAN would spend a second of their time supporting Trump. ” Why, you ask ? How about this, ……Madam president HAGBAG harris, Wicked, Wicked WENCH of the West, I simmered, watching her mock, taunt and toy with the old WHITE MAN, with delightful derision, she laughed in his face, for the whole world to see, she laughed in our face, just as well …..she will be worse than Obama …….

    • DJT states that if Kamela is elected President, Israel will cease to exist within 2 years. Sounds like a good reason to vote Harris-Walz.

      • It is such a transparent lie.

        Harris gave Israel every imaginable form of assistance.

        The Biden/ Harris administration gave Israel more aid in one year than they received in the previous 7 years.

        The bombed Yemen, Iraq and Syria for the benefit of Israel.

        They increased sanctions against Russia, Iran and Syria for the benefit of Israel.

        They forced the sales of TikTok to enable tighter censorship of pro-Palestinians at the behest of Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL.

        They enacted the IHRA definition of antisemitism to enable crackdowns on free speech on campus.

        • The increased aid was because the Hamas attack(orchestrated by Netanyahuu) happened during their term. He orchestrated it to help Trump win and turn Gaza into beachfront resorts for themselves. They may even let Trump have one. Maybe not.

          Republicans are the ones who are enacting these anti-semitism laws & gave Netanyahu almost 60 standing ovations during his speech before congress. Harris did not attend.

    • I agree with you regarding Trump’s total stupidity, but that’s hardly surprising. Yes he should run on an ‘America First’ platform but that would displease his moneybags – all no-doubt pedo-papists raking it in big time, no doubt the reason Hi-Fellatin’ Franny showed up in Swamp Central a few weeks ago in a Satanyahoo suit and got 59 standing ovations from the gathered whores.

      You got one thing wrong:

      > Palestinians and their sympathizers, on the other hand, are easily winnable votes located in swing states. Just promise to be America First – stop bombing Yemen, end military foreign aid, end economic sanctions, and bring home the troops stationed in Syria and Iraq.

      They have already made up their minds. They would never vote for Trump even if he did take an America First position. There are lots of these clowns in the town where I live. A few weeks back, there were even some Palestinian flags along with their BLM signs and other virtue-signaling bs. Now that Joey Shitpants has been replaced by Queen Chlamydia and Tampon Timmy, the Pali flags have all vanished and been replaced by Harris signs. They hate white folks much more than they give a care about some Arabs getting genocided. Obviously, the bosses told them what to do and they know who keeps them in their well-heeled lifestyles. The actual Arabs are no better. They’re here to loot and pillage and they too know who will back them up in this. The rather terrible irony of this is that many of them – being lily white – will be among the first to be put up against the wall and liquidated by the POX-armies and their Kosher Kommissars relishing seeing whites gunned down. Juan, Shitavious & Co. are way too stupid to figure out the game – but even they are smarter than gaslighted white shitlibs (and more than a few conserviltards).

      • Actual Palestinians would 100% vote Trump if doing so stopped the genocide of their families and friends back home.

        The same is true for those Muslims and Arabs who actually care about their Palestinian brothers, and the same can also be said for the type of sincere progressives who support Jill Stein.

        (Obviously there are some establishment Democrat shills like Cenk Uygur and Hassan Piker who don’t actually give a damn about the lives of Palestinians. No matter what, they will always support the Democrats because the Democrats are the party of open borders, transgenderism, and Neocon wars in Syria and Ukraine. Those are the things which Uygur and Piker actually care about.)

        But the real prize is the Midwestern moderates. They voted for Obama in 2008, but then they voted for Trump in 2016. They prefer the peace candidate, and they prefer the populist candidate. They gave Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania to Obama in 2008, then they gave the same 6 states to Trump in 2016.

        The appeal to their antiwar instincts needs to be visceral, not intellectual. On an intellectual level, avoiding a potential nuclear war with Russia is more important – tens of millions of lives are at stake. On a visceral level, however, it is easier to point to Gaza, to point to the sadistic deliberate destruction of all civilian infrastructure, and the sodomizing of Palestinian prisoners, and say “In the name of Christ, we cannot support these atrocities!”

        All the trivial bullshit evaporates when you elevate the discussion to a high moral plane and concentrate on the most significant policy issues.

    • Trump had already proved himself Pro-Israel with his very one-sided Abraham Accords during his previous administration. In fact, he was TOO Pro-Israel, if you ask me, for so many Jews, that this, more than anything, lost him the 2020 election.

      He was very heavy-handed in his pandering and pretty much outted Jewish Privilege for the entire world to see, ending any plausible deniability – however miniscule – that they might be the ever-persecuted victims of Anti-Semitism.

      That, on top of the Hispandering and Afropandering which didn’t work, because they totally believed Trump was a racist and didn’t believe him, but backfired miserably, because he not only ignored the White working class base but actively persecuted the Pro-White activists in their ranks, because he already had “the trailer park vote sewn up and where else can they go,” lost him 2020 “by a whisker.”

      In any case, with his obvious pro-Israel bias, it would be unrealistic for Trump to expect any of the Arab vote, but if he just stopped wooing the Jewish vote so loudly, STFU about Israel and stayed out of things, the Arabs would remain so pissed at the god-awful Biden-Harris Axis of Assinine, he’d get in.

      I’ve never seen anyone being a bigger Attention Whore than Trump. BAD attention is better than no attention at all to him. I wish his campaign would sit him down and tell him that more people, even many who may vote for him, don’t like the man.

      I think I can speak for many right leaning, left leaning, and independents to hold their nose and vote for him if he just got out of his own way and let more articulate, diplomatic surrogates fight his battles and speak for him.

  8. 9/11 23 years later. How did building 7 fall, straight down within its own footprint, and no plane even hit that building???

    And how did the plane that allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania just disappear so that nothing was left to examine? Just turned into dust, Zog says. How did that happen??

    And how did that person make a cellphone call from the plane 6 miles high in full flight when the technology for such a call, by all accounts, did not yet exist in 2001??

    And the dancing Israelis filming the event from across the river in New Jersey, the ones the FBI arrested, and said were Israeli intelligence officers, the ones the Orange God called “the dancing Saudis”, yeah, those guys, the ones who told the police “we were there to document the event”, what was the deal with that? How did the Mossad have such prior knowledge of the event that they sent a team of agents to New Jersey to film it? Was it the same way an arsonist knows where and when the next fire will break out?

    There is so much wrong think going on about 911. Why was former NYC Mayor Koch making ” the Jewish call” to yids that worked in the WTC saying don’t go to work tomorrow. In Yiddish, as attested to by a Jewish United States Senator no less. And who paid with his life for revealing that Koch gave him the Jewish Call on the evening of 9/10. How did that Jew Koch have prior knowledge of the event? How?

    9/11 was a Mossad job. That’s how

  9. the country is going down the toilet; meanwhile Jared Isaacman, billionaire – conducts a SpaceX spacewalk. Isaacman is of Jewish descent. This is now our reality.

  10. Common denominator. Tricky Dick didn’t start ww3. The gift of Gab started by Fakey McNamington, first Frenchman from Southern Germany to swim the Atlantic
    He arrived at Coney Island and met Yuri Andropov about the destruction of the evil Britishers.

    Deport the Irish to their homeland Austria. Then maybe the Germans will understand what it means to have misfortune.

  11. I could’ve warned Trump not to underestimate Komrad Kamela, having met her several times when she was sleeping her way to power. I couldve given them information on the self identified communism of her mother, her siblings thoughts on the matter, and her father’s disdain for all of them. I could’ve told them how Law and Order Killer Komrad Kamela destroyed California’s state law enforcement.

    But, I am not a Jew, I am not rich, I am not from New York, I am not connected to the grifters in the RNC or the MAGA movement, and so, I got no connections to open Trump’s bloody golden gates to Mar-lar-go. Instead, I am just an old ranger whose fought his way literally and metaphorically thru the world and came across the Indian slut has she rose to power using Mexicans, a Pimp N@gger, and raiding like a Commanchero to wipe out an entire state. Wjat access do In have to Trump?? I merely helped Trump in the 2016 Republican nomination when no one else would.

    There are others like me, but our voices can barely be heard thru the b.s. the grifters, RNC hacks, and others who surround him give to the man. Trump will likely have to read these pages to find me or figure it out himself. Otherwise, the Indian will win, and we’ll be forced to wait with our gal by a river for her kind to show up and finish us off.

  12. I wanted to send you my final analysis on the 2024 presidential race and why its critical to vote for Trump.

    This election isn’t about Trump v Harris but about symbolism. The white symbol verses the black symbol.

    Europeans are thinkers, analysts, and can be objective, but blacks are strictly emotional, shallow and cannot fathom systems level analysis. They live in the here and now chasing instant gratification because that’s all they’re capable of. As a result, they are a threat to a modern world they will never understand or be able to replicate. However, because Europeans think, and analyze, many are disillusioned with the political process, its current candidates and as a result, have become alienated. This alienation process serves the jews. To cut to the chase, jews have been behind the weaponization of US blacks for over a century because it serves their interests of dividing up Europeans. They were behind the implementation of the 1960s great society welfare system that has bred millions of violent antisocial psychopaths who harbor outright hate for whites. We all know this is true. We’ve seen this acted out in the many urban riots across the US for decades. For these reasons it’s critical to understand the jews, despite a lot of misdirection, are 100% behind Harris. Don’t be fooled by jews claiming to support Trump. They are waging war against us and lying is just part of their warfare. With this in mind, its very important to understand this race is really about race, and nothing more. Regardless the positions of either candidate, in the end, it’s the symbol that matters, and we do not want the black symbol to win. If the black symbol wins, this will be even more destructive to Europeans and have only temporary emotional effects on the blacks as jews will continue monopolization of our society regardless and continue tightening the death grip they have on us. Vote for the white symbol.

  13. Trump-Kushner is in (amazing how people forgot about him, as if he’s not coming right back into the White House if Trump wins) Zio-Orbit, America-First Trump doesn’t exist, Without the Zionist entity, Trump is a planet on a hyperbolic trajectory.

  14. Zionism won the “debate.”

    Trump couldn’t even include Whites in his list of groups affected by illegal immigrants.

    European Americans lost.

    • As someone pointed out over on Poast, if Trump mentioned Whites, a significant number of his White base would refuse to vote for him, for being a “Satanic anti-Christ divider.”

      I think this is unfortunately accurate. Bringing up Whites would make him a “Nazi White Supreeemist” to his Boomer and conservatard base and he’d be sure to lose.

      Religious universalism has turned the entire American White race into a mass of Jim Jones racial suicidalists.

      • Sadly, I can’t much disagree with you. That which refers to itself as Christianity in the west, regardless of whether they’re nominally Catholic or Protestant, and even much of the small Orthodox population – worship and serve the Lord of the Church of Woke rather than Christ. They are doomed by their own apostasy.

  15. I haven’t seen the debate, but many on the Left have concluded that Harris did better…..of course.
    But should the average citizen care if her vocal style is better? It doesn’t make her more likeable. Many ordinary people prefer those who sound like them.
    I know that in Australia, sounding like a lawyer, salesman or politician doesn’t make you more popular.

  16. I was on a Lincoln-Douglas debate team. Trump is not a poor debater. Sure, in the tactical sense, he misses opportunities to score points, he waffles on about irrelevant stuff constantly, and he comes across as not super intelligent. In the pro forma rules of debating, this would make him a complete joke.

    However, the Presidential debates are not real debates, regardless of how hard the normie mainstream media dresses up the set to make it look like it’s supposed to be a real debate.

    The Presidential debates are an entertainment property, no different from a sitcom or a reality tv show.

    In that sense, Trump wins every one of these “debates”, because the irrelevant stuff that he waffles on about is more entertaining than the pointless policy discussions that the other candidate is engaging in which everyone knows are just a bunch of lies anyway.

    It doesn’t matter that he misses opportunities to score points on substance because neither candidate has any substance. It doesn’t matter that he comes across as a dumb White man, because even a dumb White man is smarter than a White dementia patient or the type of ghetto welfare queen that Kamala is now locked into portraying herself as and that comes across intuitively to everyone watching.

    No one has to tell you Kamala isn’t up to being President,let alone how she isn’t up to it. She does that herself.

    Am I rooting for Trump? Am I happy about the fact that he does better st these debates?

    No. I think that no matter who wins, we are getting screwed. Just like at least the last 100 years of American history.

    What we need is a candidate that will actually gut close to 100% of the Federal Government. Just close down every bureau or department that isn’t 100% necessary for survival of the country, put all of these former employees on a blacklist and make sure they never get hired in any type of government again, even local.

    That’s the only way we can even start to reassert the popular will and that has to be done block by block,city by city, county by county by iron-willed people who have the spine to be brutal and unflinching. There is no shortcut.

    The fact is, most of you do not have the nerve to start doing that. Of the few who do, an infinitesimal proportion have the balls to see it through to the end.

    Too many of you would conclude after striking a successful opening salvo and watching the misery that it inflicts on these people when you take away their favorite hobby (torturing the civilian population) that their tears are enough and the victory is won.

    You don’t understand that just because they are grotesque adult babies, that doesn’t mean that they in their numbers (and there are a lot of them) aren’t also a formidable enemy that you must continue stomping on until they are no longer able to get up again. Because as soon as they do, they will immediately take revenge on you and because they are narcissists, the wounded pride they have is a powerful motivator.

    Sun Tzu said if you know yourself, but not your enemy, you will lose half your battles. You people still don’t know the enemy and you can’t afford to lose any battles.

    If I were President, I would make sure these people never had the courage to lift even their eyes to meet yours again, let alone a hand against you.

    I would have national holidays celebrating their disgrace. I would raze their statues,name streets and buildings after people they are ideologically opposed to so that they have to go to the Adolf Hitler pharmacy to get their abortion pills and transgender hormones filled until I was able to nationally stamp out their abhorrent practices all together. I would have illegal immigrants mass executed at the border and televise it for the whole world to watch. I would force them to register on a sex offender registry for reading gay porn books to children. I would force mudsharks to wear blackface. I would register blacks as an invasive species and make importing them, breeding them, or possessing them a crime punishable by imprisonment or hefty fines.

    And you people would hate me for it.

    • “When we win do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed and they think it’s funny.” – Sam Hyde

      • MosheSheckelsCoinowitz “and you people would hate me for it” if you knew the Lord, Mr.Rabbi, you wouldn’t be trying to be the LORD, That’s was Lucifers downfall, was it not ?

  17. I don’t think the moderators should be allowed to “discipline” the two candidates debating. Trump should have shut those two up the first time one of them tried that stunt, by saying he was going to leave the debate the next time they interrupted. Fox pointed out that when Harris was speaking obvious lies these two Dem operatives gave her a free pass. So the DemRats rigged this debate just as they have been doing the entire election through lawfare, etc — not even allowing the Repubs to impeach Biden for mishandling documents — Dem Garland refusing to give Congress the recording of Biden’s interview with Hur. Plus many still believe and some claim they have evidence the Dems stole the 2020 election and the actions of the Dems prove this almost every single day with their continued election inference tactics.

    Our way IS the Highway!

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

  18. Unz has a fine article up titled “Israel Did 911” by Wyatt Peterson, that everyone who is not an NPC should read. We don’t need to hide from the truth.

    • Who , John ?
      I’d love to have someone who’d rally the Nationalist cause – but Secession is still the only way to go, in my opinion.

    • John ” Is it possible for Trump to be replaced by some more nationalist, younger candidate at this stage ?” Yes John, his name is J.D. Vance, he is being prepared now, patience, patience, ….. All in due time

  19. If K. Harris wins, no one shall ever fear another Civil War, because native Americans (to wit, WASPs—NOT THE INDIANS) will then be proven dispossessed. We built this country and we will for this reason defend our country even unto death.

  20. @ MosheSheckelsCoinowitz
    Well, i would like you for it sir.
    Coming from Germany which is facing the same horrible situation and all its devastating consequences, i totally agree with your deliberations. This is exactly what needs to be done and how has to be dealed with the wreckers of our nations, if there should be a livable future for white people at all. To most people it may sound brutal or even insane, but it is necessary and reasonable.
    best regards to you decent people over there!

  21. LOL. He could just accuse his scumbag opponents of trying to kill him but he won’t. Pretty lame. Have there been any assassination attempts on democrats that anyone can speak of?

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