Some who decide to put their name and face out there strategically identify as Christian nationalists (catholic or otherwise) because they are afraid of being called racist.
— Littoria (@Littoria88) September 17, 2024
I get it. Telling the truth is always difficult. But doing nothing is better than half assing it.
GM! I made this video to encourage the brothers and remind them (especially on a day like this) that we will have our home again. God smiled down on us this Summer. May we thank Him for His mercies ??. pic.twitter.com/ZGd2TAcbWt
— Samuel Holden (@SamuelHolden_) September 11, 2024
This is a response to Eric Striker.
No, those of us who prefer to identify as Christian nationalists or Southern nationalists are not afraid of being called racists. I have been called a “racist” for over 20 years on the internet. I have an “extremist file” on the SPLC website. I know pretty much all of the top racists in the country.
In the Christian nationalist world, accusations of “racism” are par for the course. Hardly a day goes by in which Christian nationalists are not accused of “racism” by other Christians. The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, for example, publicly denounced the alt-right last year and excommunicated my friends Corey Mahler and Ryan Turnipseed. Southern Baptist elites were so determined to push James Edwards out of his church that they cut ties with his congregation. Pretty much every church in the United States – Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox – is divided between institutional elites who are committed to fighting the “sin of racism” and self-identifying Christian nationalists in the pews and on the internet.
If anything is true, most Christian nationalists relish being accused of “racism” by pearl-clutching Christian elites like Russell Moore, David French, Blake Callens and Owen Strachan and poking holes in the “post-war consensus” on X. Joel Webbon of Right Response Ministries loves the attention he gets from sites like Right Wing Watch. In the wake of the George Floyd riots, ridiculing “antiracism” has become a cash cow on the Right. Matt Walsh has a new movie out called “Am I a Racist?” It has become a lot easier on the Right to laugh off accusations of “racism” in the Biden era. The taboo on “racism” has eroded to the point where it has become edgy and semi-mainstream to embrace race realism and White identity.
Since around 2020, the polls have consistently shown a big shift in White racial attitudes on the Right. Most conservatives now believe anti-Whiteism is a greater problem than anti-black racism. Most people on the Right now agree that the Great Replacement is happening. The term “anti-White” has gone mainstream among conservatives. Likewise, there has been a huge shift in favor of mass deportations and restricting immigration. White evangelical Protestants are the group that is most responsible for this shift. Christian nationalism has also been fueled by the backlash against transgenderism under Biden.
Striker, of course, is a secular White Nationalist and self-identifying National Socialist from Argentina who lives in the Northeast. He is less sensitive to the shift that is going on among Southern Protestants. Naturally, those of us who have always been focused on our own people – White Anglo-Protestant Southern conservative Republicans – see this as a more positive development. We don’t care that Southerners aren’t rushing to embrace National Socialism or White Nationalism.
Why is that?
Here are a few reasons:
1. First, the White Nationalist movement has always been a sort of ghetto for the 1% to 3% of far right atheists. Something like 97% of atheists and agnostics identify as either progressives, liberals or libertarians. Extreme outliers like Eric Striker, Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler gravitate toward White Nationalism and end up in this misaligned bubble where the Right is too Christian for them and the Left is too anti-White for them. It has always been an overwhelmingly secular space.
There has always been an extreme anti-Christian streak in White Nationalism. Every pro-White Christian who has ever gotten involved in the White Nationalist space has encountered this. I am reminded of this every time I check my P.O. Box. I always get some type of pamphlet about this or that new Aryan religion which boils down to the idea that “our race is our religion.” There are all sorts of anti-Christian activists like Adam Green who go down rabbit holes and who become so obsessed with Jews that they spiral to the point where they come to the conclusion that Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy.
Thus, it should come as a surprise to no one that when White Christians finally began to stir from their slumber under Biden that all of that energy completely bypassed the White Nationalist movement. In order to achieve anything and go anywhere in this country, the White Nationalist movement would have to have some appeal to the 80% of the Right that are White Christian conservatives. White Nationalists like Striker prefer to attack the Rightoids, Whiteoids and Christoids and remain marginal.
I don’t see this ever changing. Thus, I simply do not believe White Nationalism has the potential to expand beyond this extremely narrow secular demographic base.
2. Second, White Nationalism is a rebrand of National Socialism. The Alt-Right was a rebrand of White Nationalism. The America First movement is a rebrand of the Alt-Right. The Dissident Right is a rebrand of the Alt-Right. Why does this scene keep having to rebrand itself every few years?
It is because White Nationalism (or whatever it is calling itself these days) keeps attracting people who are antisocial, who are dysfunctional, who have mental health problems, who are perennial misfits. It appeals to people who are contrarians because it is fringe. These antisocial people act out and do things that torch the brand and embarrass everyone who is involved in the scene. The movement sobers up, rebrands itself, promises to be more optical and it invariably ends up right back in the same place.
If you trace the history of White Nationalism back to its source in George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party (Rockwell was assassinated by one of his own followers), you will find that it really hasn’t changed much over 60 years. As with the Christian Question, White Nationalism would have to find some way to appeal to people who are not single antisocial contrarians – to stable, normal, family-oriented White people – to get anywhere and expand outside of the box that it has always been in.
3. Third, White Nationalism is focused on race and agnostic on morality, which is a fatal flaw. Character is destiny. Nietzschean supermen destroyed the Alt-Right. White Nationalism keeps generating mass shooters who pop up in the news cycle and gross out normies. It is not only inhospitable to Christian normies, but it produces antinomian leaders and followers who are self-sabotaging.
If you have been in the movement long enough, you ask yourself … why on earth do these people act this way? What were they thinking? The shocking answer is that godless people do godless things. They behave in ways that godly people consider immoral. Various people who value their racial identity have different ideas about morality. As we saw in Charlottesville and its aftermath, this lack of moral agreement in the big tent of White Nationalism constantly torpedoes and brings down the movement.
4. Fourth, White Nationalism is focused on people and its prescription is a White ethnostate. Subtract Jews and non-Whites from America and all our problems will magically go away. While it is true that an exodus of blacks to Africa would reduce crime rates, I doubt that America would change much. Instead, I think Americans politics would be as bitterly polarized as ever between Whites along basically the same class, cultural and religious lines, but without non-Whites who are supporting characters in White America’s culture war.
If every Jew in the United States moved to Israel tomorrow, the millions of secular, educated White libtards (the Boomer parents of some White Nationalists) who share all the same progressive values and political beliefs would still be here. The American Left would be weakened, but it would still exist. The same people would be trying to guilt trip and replace Whites and open the borders in a White ethnostate as they have done in Ireland, Scandinavia, Poland, Australia and other European countries.
White Nationalists see a racial crisis. Christian Nationalists see a cultural and spiritual crisis. Racial homogeneity is nice, but it is not a solution to the underlying issue. Rather, racial and cultural decline is a symptom of the current mental state of secular Western educated elites.
5. Fifth, I was personally attracted to White Nationalism in the 2000s when I was younger and I was interested in things like New Atheism and Friedrich Nietzsche, but today I am a lot older and experienced. I am Southern, Protestant, married, middle class, a parent, a homeowner, a pet owner. The vast majority of people in my demographic are MAGA conservatives or Christian nationalists. I’m far more optimistic about Southern Protestants becoming more pro-White than secular White Nationalism becoming a mass movement especially when those people are quite clearly trending Left.
6. Finally, I do not believe that racial conflict is as intense as White Nationalists make it out to be. I am excited that race realism is being vindicated. I am pleased that the taboo on racism is crumbling and that White people, especially conservatives, are finally becoming more assertive. Even in Alabama, I do not see intense animosity between Whites and blacks or Whites and Hispanics or Whites and Asians. The race war seems much less likely than some kind of civil conflict between Whites over values. White people seem to hate each other more than either side hates racial minorities.
In sum, I am skeptical of secular White Nationalism, which I think is held back by activists who have all sorts of limiting beliefs. Call me crazy, but I am not surprised that activists who focus on attacking Rightoids, Whiteoids and Christoids, and who mentally seem to live in another country in another time period and whose message seems to be designed to appeal to leftwing atheists on issues like Christianity, Iran, Palestinian human rights, socialism and so forth, has failed to gain traction with a rightwing audience. In contrast, I do not believe Christian nationalism has these hang ups or baggage.
Racial and cultural decline are two sides of the same coin. I have always been equally opposed to both. In choosing the Christian nationalist label, I can avoid a lot of the headaches that I associate with White Nationalism and focus on making Protestants a little more pro-White.
There is nothing wrong with hating the blood of those who persecute and torment the weak and the innocent and if the Christ killers do not like well that is just too Goddamned bad.
>First, the White Nationalist movement has always been a sort of ghetto for the 1% to 3% of far right atheists.
Um, there are plenty of Christians in WN forums, always has been. Tons. But White Nationalism has also criticized churches, and that doesn’t sit well with some.
Without that “ghetto” racialism would never have survived in the U.S. and you wouldn’t have readers.
>Rockwell was assassinated by one of his own followers
False. He was killed by a Greek who had been expelled from the party. Someone who wanted to “organize the brown-eyed members” against the “blue-eyed members.”
But it fits your purposes to make him sound stupid, by not knowing that one of his followers was that dangerous. It was not one of his followers. Rockwell threw him out.
>Second, White Nationalism is a rebrand of National Socialism. The Alt-Right was a rebrand of White Nationalism. The America First movement is a rebrand of the Alt-Right. The Dissident Right is a rebrand of the Alt-Right. Why does this scene keep having to rebrand itself every few years?
I get it, you have to add as many names as possible to make the readers scoff at all the “rebranding.” But the name Dissident Right is not “a rebrand of the Alt-Right,” it is a name that has been used for a much longer time, and is more mainstream. It has been used by immigration critics in libertarianism, for example, like at the LewRockwell site. So it has nothing to do with your list.
The alt-Right is not “a rebranding of White Nationalism.” It’s amazing how ignorant people are of the origins of the alt-Right. It isn’t defined by its beliefs only; there are plenty of others who oppose mass immigration. It started in forums on Reddit, 4chan and 8chan, creating innovative memes and jokes and arguments, which spread to Twitter and Facebook. Without it Trump would not have been elected in 2016 as the alt-Right made it cool for young people to support Trump. The alt-Right included non-Whites, it was a wide movement back then.
White Nationalism has similarities to National Socialism only because certain things, like race differences and the Jewish part in communism, are simply truths that can be picked up by different people.
>Fourth, White Nationalism is focused on people and its prescription is a White ethnostate.
Incorrect. White Nationalism is about pointing out what is being done in politics and in the streets. Of course people would want to have a country without mass immigration. But there is no Bible that everyone has to follow, which tells you what solution you should believe in. Some discuss if a White state is possible in the future. Some use the word “ethnostate.” Others don’t.
>Subtract Jews and non-Whites from America and all our problems will magically go away.
If there hadn’t been Jews in the top media boardrooms there would be no mass immigration. If there was no mass immigration the Democrats of today would win no elections and their Cultural Marxist agenda would gain no traction, as the majority of Whites in the U.S. are conservatives, while the vast majority of non-Whites are leftists. Read the statistics.
What is “magical” about that?
>White Nationalists see a racial crisis. Christian Nationalists see a cultural and spiritual crisis.
You are way too eager to claim what WNs think and don’t. So you seriously want people to believe that WNs don’t think of a cultural and spiritual crisis as well? Or is it just something you say? A ten-minute read of the Stormfront forum’s different sections shows how wrong that is.
1. WN has always been a secular, race-based movement. It has always had leaders who have dismissed Christianity as a Jewish religion and who have tried to replace it with some race-based alternative like Cosmotheism or Creativity. There have been dozens of iterations of the same idea which is worshipping whiteness. The movement has always been full of people who bash Christians. The relative lack of Christians is one of its hallmarks as a rightwing movement.
2. Rockwell was assassinated, not by the Jews, but by one of the dysfunctional nutcases who was a member of his own party and who was upset over Nordicism. I mentioned that and thought it was significant because it is highly symbolic and microcosm of how the movement has always been sabotaged by the people it attracts.
3. I lived through the last two rebrands. The Alternative Right was coined by Paul Gottfried and Dissident Right was coined by John Derbyshire. In the first case, the Alt-Right replaced White Nationalism 1.0 in the late 2000s/early 2010s, which was criticized for its bad optics. Then Dissident Right replaced Alt-Right as the term of choice after Charlottesville for pretty much the same reasons.
4. The big idea of White Nationalism is that Jews and non-Whites are causing all our problems which will go away once they disappear or go somewhere else. It only takes about thirty seconds to see what is wrong with this perspective as about a third to half of all White people in the country, probably more that that to be honest, would essentially take that as a declaration of war on them and would fight to the last ditch to stop their precious non-Whites from being deported.
5. The country has always had mass immigration. It was mass immigration that brought the Jews here in the first place.
6. Finally, WNs really do believe a White ethnostate is the solution, and that Jews are the source of all our problems.
“4. The big idea of White Nationalism is that Jews and non-Whites are causing all our problems which will go away once they disappear or go somewhere else. It only takes about thirty seconds to see what is wrong with this perspective as about a third to half of all White people in the country, probably more that that to be honest, would essentially take that as a declaration of war on them.”
No that is TOTALLY WRONG. The problems will go away once they disappear or go somewhere else; as for the perspective as about a third to half of all White people in the country, probably more that that to be honest, would essentially take that as a declaration of war on them – is ONLY the result that they’ve been indoctrinated to believe whites are the SOLE cause of all the ills of the world – re-teach them and you’ll see positive change.
“I lived through the last two rebrands. The Alternative Right was coined by Paul Gottfried and Dissident Right was coined by John Derbyshire. In the first case, the Alt-Right replaced White Nationalism 1.0 in the late 2000s/early 2010s, which was criticized for its bad optics. Then Dissident Right replaced Alt-Right as the term of choice after Charlottesville for pretty much the same reasons.”
As you know I lived thru the iterations preceeding even those. Its seems you are saying the Dissident Right term was created after Alt-Right. I do recall the Derb or someone in that milieu coined the phrase Dissident Right even before Alt-Right was coined.
I know Derb liked the term as it was less expressive of racialism and more accurately summarized the rightwing conservatives who were purged from outfits like National Review for being to focused on ethnicity and race but were not as focused on it as the White Nationalists. Indeed it divided them from the more simplistic racialism of the White Nationalism movement which was already “The Thing” for groups like at Storm Front.
In turn, the Alt-Right as you mentioned elsewhere was more an expression for White Nationalism but using memes amd social media. This is all arcana stuff, but it’s important to understand the lineage of these terms as it more accurately groups the various groups in the wider Rightwing Nationalist movement which now incorporates the even newer Christian Nationalist group.
Overall all these groups basically show the movement has entered mainstream and essentially surrounded and overrun the old guard of cuckservatives. So, its now clear even the term Dissident Right might be obsolete. We’ve moved past dissidents to avante guard tip of the spear status. We’ve achieved a real breakthrough. Keep moving!
You made some good points but some are incorrect. Hunter answered some but I am following up with my own.
“If there hadn’t been Jews in the top media boardrooms there would be no mass immigration.”
False. Immigration Act of 1965 was pushed thru by Papists, followed by a close second of Big Business Yankee Rockefeller types, and then a distant third place of Jews. One can review the owner records of media at the time and compare their coverage to see who had the most push.
At the time, the media was dominated by Prods, Papists, Jews, and many were small independent owner operators. They were mostly kept in business by advertising, which was totally controlled by the Rockefeller syndicate. Overall, it was the Papists and Prods who had the most push. This is reflective in the Congressional voting records. All of the Papists, most of the Yankees, and a couple of Jews are who passed it. Southerners, some WASP Republicans, and slight majority of WASP Westerners opposed it.
Still, it was a Papist inspiration from the get go, and the culmination of ((Joseph Kennedy))’s lobbying which he had done for the previous three decades. At the time, Jews barely controlled any corporate boardroom outside of Hollywood, some media outlets, and a couple of investment firms during the years. In contrast Papists and Yankees dominated the corporate boardrooms.
Lastly, in the decades before Americans took back control of their government in the early 20th century, it was Papists and Robber Baron Prods like the Rockefellers who kept squishing attempts to control immigrarion between 1875-1925. Papist crime syndicates like that which controlled Tammany Hall in NYC, ensured only compromised Protestants could get elected in vast areas of the country during that era. So, even before Jews came here, brought by Papists and Tsarists btw, it was the Papists who were pushing for it. But to be honest, before them, it was greedy, little, crop eared, scumbag, Yankee labor contractors who brought the Papists from Ireland and Germany.
All of this happened long before “Duh, Jews.” You want to get rid of “Duh, Jews,” it will move the needle, but not by that much. At this point the country is awash with Papists insanity to such a level, I doubt we can escape it short of some 30 years Civil War like Germany experienced during the Wars of Religion. Blame it on the Yankees for bringing us to this point. Pointing at Duh, Jews, is just a cope.
“If there was no mass immigration the Democrats of today would win no elections and their Cultural Marxist agenda would gain no traction, as the majority of Whites in the U.S. are conservatives, while the vast majority of non-Whites are leftists. Read the statistics.”
True to a degree. Without its immigrant origin populace, places like California would be at least a purple state. But, we would still have to deal with all the White Progressives, who would predominate in most big cities. At best we’d be back to a situation like the 1980s perhaps even the 1960s. Manageable for sure. But, we’d still have to deal with places like New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Tampa, Philadelphia being filled with Prog Prods, and Gumbah Guido and Paddy Papists. Imagine the Jersey Shore, but now its at New York City.
On the other hand, right now, we are just epic dysfunctional White Americans fighting for survival on a life raft we call our political movement. Dissident Right, White Nationalist, Alt-Right, etc are fighting over the “Rum Ham” of Christian Nationalism or whatever. So, being rescued by Guidos might not be so bad.
Amen. The Christ killers are the REAL racists. They had the audacity to kill their God’s Son, and then for 20 effing centuries, lie about it- even after God disenfranchised them, eternally.
Until now.
This quote (from a now defunct website) blew open any reserve I may have had about saying ‘not nice’ things to/about Jews. Admission of Guilt? In spades, Hymie!
“… the passage [in Gospel of Matthew] suggests rabbinic willingness to take responsibility for the execution of Jesus. No effort is made to pin his death upon the Romans……. Jewish apologetics that “we could not have done it” because of Roman sovereignty ring hollow when one examines the Talmudic account … (“Jesus in the Talmud,” Steven Bayme, American Jewish Committee National Director, Professor of History at Yeshiva University.)
As Jew turned Orthodox Christian Monk, Nathanael Kapner has put it, “INDEED… the DEICIDAL CURSE is still upon the Jew. The Deicidal blood curse is still unrepented of and confirms the Jews in a murderous disposition with the wrath of God upon them. This can be seen in the Jews’ penchant to criticize, to continually find fault, that is, to tear down all existing orders, especially the Christian Order of Western Civilization.” – Br. Nathanael Kapner
Therefore, to BE a Christian is to BE a Racist… for God, and Against ALL TALMUDIC LIARS!
Christendom is arising, and the payback is gonna be a bitch. PRAISE GOD, and PASS THE AMMO! Joel 3:10
that term [sic] ‘anti-semite’ is without meaning, void, like a black hole in space.
1) Jews aren’t Semites. Look up Dr. Elhaik DNA study.
1a) And if they aren’t Edomites, then they certainly are not Semites, but worse-CANAANITES!
2) Criticism of them, is therefore, fully justified, if they are the enemies of free speech, free assembly, and free association.
3) Even their own, corroborate this. Read this quote. Have an informed day.
“..Anti-Semitism -it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticising Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country [the US] people are criticising Israel, then they are antisemitic.” – Shulamit Aloni, 2002 interview, Israeli former member of Parliament (cf You Tube)
Your points about WNs are valid. They repeat the errors of their predecessors over and over. My argument is that the cultural decline is the ultimate source of the racial decline. Whites were far better off when their culture was overwhelmingly Christian. It is whites’ abandonment and subversion of Christianity which had the effect of opening the cultural gates to the Synagogue of Satan and a host of other enemies (Islam, Marxist ideologies, feminism, etc.). How did abominations like Russell Moore, Justin Welby, Hi-Fellatin’ Franny and the Lavender mafia end up in control of what calls itself Christianity in every single western country? The only doctrine of demons which seems to be absent largely outside the Anglosphere (and by far the strongest in the southern US) is the oxymoronic “Christian Zionism”.
” cultural decline is the ultimate source of the racial decline.”
The two are closely interlinked, one decay feeds the other, reciprocally, each taking turns.
Without a very vigilant social/racial hygiene everything goes to hell, ie Detroit, Haiti.
“My argument is that the cultural decline is the ultimate source of the racial decline. Whites were far better off when their culture was overwhelmingly Christian.”
An empirical proof for this position is how the conservative Mennonites are still able to flourish demographically even in the midst of Latin America – because their own ranks are in firm order, they need not fear race-mixing (or faggotry, or feminism, etc.):
“Manitoba Colony’s census also included data on ages. About 62% of the population is 20 years old or younger. Of the 17,212 residents, 6,063 are 10 or younger, and 4,627 are between 11 and 20.”
And how much reproducing do our fire-breathing atheists do? Nothing against Eric Striker in particular — be does some great work and for all I know may have ten kids.
Pagans and other types are generally some of the most angry people you will meet in these circles. Some are good people to be sure, but most have huge problems with people even bringing up Christianity in conversations about religion, even if its about something like concepts and personal morality.
Radical atheism is a whole other breed.
They can believe what they want but they need to get that massive chip on their shoulder checked. Many MANY White countries throughout the West are more irreligious and more leftist than America. Blaming Christianity is such a Peculiar Americanism, if you got rid of God in the American people’s lives you’d just end up with a nation like Sweden, Germany or Canada.
> Many MANY White countries throughout the West are more irreligious and more leftist than America.
This is very true. I’ve been to some, including Ireland almost a year ago. There are lots of church buildings there (I was in the republic), including a surprising number of Protestant ones (Presbyterians, Methodists) besides the laughably named “Church of Ireland” whose nominal head is King Chuck the Turd of Cuck Island. It being the republic the Catholic churches were most common. All were empty tombs, with only some Eastern Euros (Poles) and Filipinas actually there inside. At least they aren’t (yet) being torched by Musloid mobs (as in France) or converted to B & B’s etc. (Cuck Island). The Irish – despite never having any colonies – are being replaced as well by hordes of dark invaders there to suck the life out of the place. They’re starting to show a bit of resistance but they’re just an okrug of the evil EUSSR now. They have no actual sovereignty, total hate speech totalitarianism, strict gun control and all the rest. Bitterly ironic that they fought so long to take their land back from the English only to sell out to Brussels banksteins.
Exalted Cyclops,
“The Irish – despite never having any colonies…”
Uh? Never had colonies? Ireland, first as the Kingdom of Ireland and later as part of the constituent United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, was a full partner with the English, Scottish, and Welsh in the British colonial empires.
The Irish, principally but not solely the Protestants, supplied vast numbers of colonists to the West Indian and American Colonies, the British Raj in India, the Colonies on the Antipodes and Oceania, and the African colonies. They journeyed as soldiers, settlers, merchants, traders, some knowing they would never see their homeland again.
The Irish soldiers and regiments of the British Army provided some of the best and largest formations of the British military from the 1600s up until the present day. They were an integral part of building and maintaining the British Empire.
There were so many involved, that if all the Irish returned to Ireland, both Protestant and Papist, Ireland would be majority Protestant and would almost be as populous as modern England. That just puts a perspective on the sheer size of the Irish colonial project.
It is true, the Irish Papists bombed their fellow Irish Protestants mostly out of the island. But the Irish Papists were also hugely invested in the British colonial project. So, despite their treason to their fellow Irish and the British Empire, they are being held accountable and being colonized by the Third World invaders. But, since most of the colononists are N@gger Papists like the former Black African mayor of Dublin from Nigeria, the Papacy and many Irish Papists are cool with it.
So, the Whore of Babylon is more than happy with this development. The Whore has always supported arms control of the populace, speech control of the people, and obedience to Papist power. In turn, it is willing to sacrifice loyal Papist Irish, and have the island turned into a province for the Papist EU by backing these new Papist foreigners colonizing the Emerald Island.
Indeed, having blown up their fellow Irish Protestants out of power, the Papists have given the country over to Brussels, the epicenter of the Papist created and dominated EU. Mission accomplished for the Papal Imperium. It makes perfect sense when you expand your viewpoint wider than the pariochialism of A.S.Speegers.
>Blaming Christianity is such a Peculiar Americanism, if you got rid of God in the American people’s lives you’d just end up with a nation like Sweden, Germany or Canada.
You mean countries with a White majority among school children, unlike in the U.S.?
Italy is more religious. Italy has the lowest birth rate in western Europe. There is plenty of mass immigration to and through the religious Greece, Italy and Spain, where immigrants attack the people. Claiming that a lack of religion is the problem is laughable. The Japanese and Taiwanese are secular and they don’t fill their countries with Africans and Arabs, claiming that “diversity is a strength.” The problem in the West comes from the anti-White media in the U.S., which cover for the anti-White Hollywood that people have watched for hours every day for generations. And those who dominate the top media and Hollywood boardrooms are Jews. The group who are the most in favor of mass immigration, most in favor of gun control which has been practically invented by Jewish members of Congress, most in favor of laws silencing “hate speech”, and who hate Whites the most.
Evangelicals rate Jews as high as their own religious group – Christians are the only ones to do so. While Jews rate Evangelicals lower than they rate even Muslims, because they know Evangelicals are mostly Whites. Yet the Evans keep worshipping those who hate them. “But a lack of religion is the problem!”
>You mean countries with a White majority among school children, unlike in the U.S.?
Tenet, you have to be joking if you think Canada or even places like Australia and much further off than America. Arguably Canada is even worse.
Citing Europeans who have little to no non-White immigration until around 2015 as an example of how their irreligiosity has saved them isn’t a counter-argument. The fact that they’re so cucked in so many ways like a nation like Canada, and where the people accept them as “Just as German as you or me” shows that the population was just waiting to be invaded and putting up the same degree of “resistance” as the non-American world.
You find the most rabid atheists in America and it’s comical how they use Christianity to blame for their pet problems with this idea that without it they’d be better off. By the way some of them talk you’d think John Hagee had the most influential show in the entire country.
Christianity has zero impact on foreign invaders. They come up with different excuses for different types of people why Whites need to be replaced. Christianity however, does help individuals make good decisions in life and connect with one another due to having faith in common.
“The same people would be trying to guilt trip and replace Whites and open the borders in a White ethnostate as they have done in Ireland, Scandinavia, Poland, Australia and other European countries.”
All those are ZOG states, they all accept the same ideologies that jews dictate to Americans. It is beyond ridiculous to claim that if there were no jews that these kind of ideologies could ever be conceived in white lands.
Jewish liberals and progressives have the same anti-White beliefs as tens of millions of other secular, educated White progressives.
Haiti, for example, has been in the news because of Springfield. It was created after the ideas of the French Revolution spread to the Caribbean and infected the colonies. Slavery was abolished during the French Revolution and blacks were given citizenship and equal rights because of all the Enlightenment scribblers who attacked “prejudice.”
“Jewish liberals and progressives have the same anti-White beliefs as tens of millions of other secular, educated White progressives.”
And where did these secular, educated White progressives get their original ideas ?
From the Jew saturated brain washing of our young. If that had been nipped in the bud when it was first imposed we’d be way ahead in this country and Europe, but like always, we dont wish to be racist, now do we ?
“we dont wish to be racist”
WHITE folks have a false sense of shame and guilt.
They should feel guilt for not helping fellow WHITES, instead they feel guilt over savages that they’ve never known.
A kind of extreme Antisemitism is almost a prerequisite for White Nationalism, because you need someone (other than Whites) to blame for the fact that a large percentage of Whites are shitlibs and always have been. Jews were very thin on the ground during the abolitionist movement and Civil War – and most of the ones that were here were on the Confederate side. How many important Enlightenment thinkers were Jews? (Answer: not many.)
There is a Jewish problem, but most WNs overemphasize it and ignore the shitlib/Puritan/Yankee problem – or attribute it to all-powerful Jewish brainwashing – because that makes WNism obviously absurd as a solution to our political problems.
“There is a Jewish problem, but most WNs overemphasize it and ignore the shitlib/Puritan/Yankee problem – or attribute it to all-powerful Jewish brainwashing – because that makes WNism obviously absurd as a solution to our political problems.”
Nope – totally disagree !
“There is a Jewish problem, but most WNs overemphasize it and ignore the shitlib/Puritan/Yankee problem – or attribute it to all-powerful Jewish brainwashing – because that makes WNism obviously absurd as a solution to our political problems.”
I agree, except for a key component of your statement: shitlib/Puritan/Yankee problem. The Puritan/Yankee Question, while still an important problem, it is distinctly not that influential anymore. What happened, is these previous Liberal-Conservatives, who were American Nationalists, literally shiited the bed back in the 1960s by going along with the Papist coup de etat that occurred then and finished with Watergate.
I encourage all readers here to look at the history of Congressional districts in the North East and Midwest. The GOP was very influential even dominant in the area up until then. At the time, GOP was synononomous with Protestant communities which were the majority in the area and even remain so in many parts of the region. But starting in the 1960s, especially by 1965, one can literally see the wholesale slaughter of the GOP in those districts in the North East and Midwest. Almost all were replaced by Papists, especially Democrat Papists.
This occurred in the 1960s because the Yankee elite which dominated the GOP back then, went publicly and politically along with the Papist policies, especially those enunciated by JFK. They did this because the Yankee Elite was neck deep as an accomplice to the Judeo-Papist criminal combine erected during the 1920s. For every Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, or Kennedy bootlegging liquor and narcotics there was a Yankee facilitating the logistics, especially the judicial protection and financing. The Papists called in their chits regarding the 1960s Prog policies they pushed in return for not exposing this history and allowing the Yankees to reserve some for their Capital Wealth and Academic Body to themselves.
But by abandoning their previous Yankee ethnic-sectarian stances, and advancing the Papists Civil Rights, Immigration, and progressive social values of the Kennedy era, these Yankee Protestant Republicans lost all legitimacy with their own base. This occurred at the same time just as the Papist electorate was increasing in the area. The result was the break up of the GOP esrablishment and the elimination of the Yankees from much of the power structure in North East in the 1960s-1970s and their reduction in power in the corporate capitalist class.
Today, White shitlibs/progs are predominantly of Papist not Yankee Puritan origin. One will notice their attacks are almost exclusively from the rol down. It is rarely against the remaining upper class Yankees. Nonetheless, this also created an opening as the ill effects of these liberal-left policies soon became evident to much of the majority both Protestant and Papist. The reaction were movements like the so called White Nationalist movement, which had an opportunity to show those shitlib policies were damaging not just to all Whites, but especially the Anglo-Protestants.
In keeping with their numerical majority and core beliefs of the general White American population, most WN numbers were Protestants. Yet, it was the Yankee Puritans as an ethno-sectarian class that many of the WN leadership first went after. They did this because they were Papist and it served their political ethno-sectarian interests to seize control of a movement which then and up to this day is majority Protestant.
However, the incessant anti-Puritan WASPism of the movement started turning off to many of its Anglo-Protestant followers, so the Papist leadership switched to pushing Anti-Semitism. Today, the ethno-sectarian consciousness of the Anglo-Protestants, especially those in the South jmjas increased to such an extent that the Papists are in overdrive covering up their past lead in destroying White America by doubling down on “Duh, Jews.”
The fact is we could get rid of Jews, but not much will change. The reason, is because Jews are not just miniscule in number and smaller in overall wealth control compared to the Papists, but because most of the problems we have stem from the core belief system of the Papists. They not only pushed Civil Rights as a means of breaking up the Protestant ascendancy based as it as on segregation and free association, but also as a means of seizing its real estate. Vast areas of the North’s niddle and upper class, and in even working class neigjborhoods were excluded from Papist ownership. Breaking this up, not only opened them up to non-Whites, but especially to non-Protestants, most particularly Papists.
Overall, if we got rid of the Papists, that is what would cause the most massive change. If you doubt that, take a look at those maps which show the results if only certain demographic groups voted. If only Papists voted, the results were only slightly better than if only Jews voted. But if only Protestants voted it would be one single rightwing series of governments from sea to shining sea. You put in Jews and Protestants only a couple of states like Massachusetts becomes slightly purple. But you add Papists and Protestants only, and the country looks hardly different than it does now. Imagine a Chicago where the likes of Nick Fuentes are replaced with the likes of Hunter Wallace. YUGE CHANGE! It’s the Papists who are the problem!
> The fact is we could get rid of Jews, but not much will change. The reason, is because Jews are not just miniscule in number and smaller in overall wealth control compared to the Papists, but because most of the problems we have stem from the core belief system of the Papists.
Yes, children don’t forget that it was actually Hi-Fellatin’ Franny in drag as Satanyahoo who got the endless rounds of applause from the assembled congress of whores in Sodom-on-Potomac. If believe the above complete inversion of the facts, I have some primo land in Gaza to sell you.
The strange irony of Schlomo’s argument is that by now, the clown sitting in the Vatican, the collection of clowns heading every Prot denomination from Chuck the Turd, Justin Welby, Russell Moore, the Gluttonous Ground-Hog figure leading HW’s LCMS and the CZ wing personified by Jabba the Hagee-Hutt all dance to Satan’s klezmer tune – totally on the same page. Protestantism died with “higher criticism”, Catholicism – already nearly destroyed in the wake of the French revolution led by the denizens of the Paris Loge Olympique. Yes remnants remain but they are small and weak. Papists are a definite problem, so are woke Prots, not even to mention Jews and Muslims. The problem with the so-called Christians and all of their followers is that they are no longer Christian in any meaningful way. As the God-Man asked: Of what use is salt that has lost its saltiness – other than to be tossed into the fire?
This is a textbook example of hasbara work. Schlomo gives some nuggets which contain some actual facts. There was indeed at one time a Protestant elite in the USA. That much is true. They were already losing their saltiness by the early 1800s, as evidenced by ones in the yankee northeast’s desire to set up a usury-clone of the Bank of England on these shores, ultimately thwarted by a real Protestant named Andrew Jackson.
After a nice distraction with Texas and Mexico, an influx of many Catholics in the late 1840s from Ireland and Germany did not help matters so that the Rothschild strategy to undo the legislative measures already taken to deal with slavery was successful along with their propaganda campaign – swallowed largely by Yankee Protestants who believed in abolitionism more than they did in Christ and ultimately backed up by lots of newly arrived Germans and Irish to fill the ranks of the army raised by the crooked railroad lawyer flailing in desperation as the nation split while a Rothschild-funded “French” army took over neighboring Mexico.
The resulting “re-construction” saw all types of parasites descend upon the ruins of the south with many of the Protestant old-stock faithful scattering to the west and even into the mid-west states. This re-invigorated the Protestant elite to a degree, but as always with elites their real god soon became mammon. The ultimate promise from our resident hasbara’s people (po’ folks like y’all) was an endless supply of free money created by adding zeros to accounts. It was limited to a fine gentlemen’s club like Skull and Bones which even a fake and gay hillbilly could join, except that they ended up being just window-dressing for those who actually ran the operation (Kosher Nosetra). Kosher-Nosetra is the top of the pyramid, the “Papists” and “Protestants” are just sock-puppets. As fake and gay as J. D. Vance, Nick Fuentes, Hi-Fellatin’ Franny and John Hagee. All serve the same master. Getting rid of jews would have a huge effect but it would only be temporary as Satan would soon recruit others to take their place. As one can easily see with the roster mentioned above, there are already plenty of them, ticket-takers all, waiting to step up grab the golden ring.
Christianity isn’t facing elimination worldwide. Whites are.
That may be true, but take a look at the kind of clown who is the nominal head of a supposedly ‘Christian’ church. It’s a very accurate portrayal. The fellow clown who’s Archbishop of Canterbury is even worse than the one pictured – if that’s even possible. It’s deliberate blasphemy.
The future belongs to those who show up for it. The hopeless and gaslighted whites, having turned away from God, are dying out fast. To quote Solzhenitsyn’s “old ones” again: Men have forgotten God. That’s why all of this [catastrophe] has happened.
@National Ways
Well said, well said.
Very well said.
PS- imo Adam Green has nailed it.
“PS- imo Adam Green has nailed it.”
He still falls short on a full exposure of judaism.
Exactly right, and good luck finding a church of any substantial size that has the slightest problem with White genocide. Belief in a benevolent higher power is a wonderful idea, but why does it have to be a J&wish penile-mutilation god?
I suppose someone has to shadow box with those heathens, or the offal that oozes out of their mouths might mislead people. That they are recycled NAZIs is true. But NAZI ideology had very deep roots in heathen Germany: Nietzche, Darwinism, Wagner, so called higher critics of the Bible (thousands of them), a vast residual paganism deeply rooted and completely compatible with heathens like Himmler and the SS, and Koch and his group that plainly wanted to exterminate all Slavs. And much more, heathen Germany (post 1800) had it all. And we don’t. We don’t have it here. German heresies are pagan. Our heresies are pantheist, syncretistic, judaizing.
The WN heathens have only a tiny well to draw from in America. And like you pointed out, 97% of their fellow atheist heathens reject them and turn leftward. What a sorry gaggle of sad sacks.
Even in East Germany, which is one of the most secularized areas in the world, there is a small “Bible Belt” (on the Erzgebirge mountains near the Czech border), where Evangelical Christians and German nativists have started to find each other, as this recent German-language Sorosite report observes – it just so happens that this area in southern Saxony is perhaps the strongest support territory for the AfD party in the whole country:
“Die Schnittmenge zwischen evangelikalem Fundamentalismus und AfD-Programmatik und – vor allem – AfD-Rhetorik ist auffallend groß. Nicht umsonst jedenfalls sind die meisten Top-Ten-Resultate der AfD bei den vergangenen Bundestagswahlen in Sachsen zu verzeichnen gewesen. Es ist eben nicht allein die Eurokritik, die Angst ums Ersparte, die in Sachsen der AfD die Wähler und Wählerinnen vor allem des biblebelt zuspülte.[7] Die Parallelen zur amerikanischen Tea-Party-Bewegung, die einst mit Wirtschaftsthemen startete und immer stärker zum Sprachrohr christlicher Fundamentalisten wurde, sind jedenfalls nicht zu übersehen. Die scheinbar zunehmende Erweiterung der AfD zum Sprachrohr der etwa 1,5 Millionen Evangelikalen in Deutschland[8] – Tendenz der Mitgliedschaften seit Jahren stark steigend – könnte in Sachsen eine weitere Etappe nehmen und der AfD neben ihrem eingeschriebenen Wettbewerbspopulismus ein weiteres populistisches Standbein sichern.”
Christian Nationalism while not suffering the same moral issues as those within White Nationalist will none the less be attacked heavily as the seem to gain momentum. I believe this will simply lead to another rebranding.
Until Most White men learn it is more important to fight for the future of their children than over an SEC game like my once favorite Auburn vs Alabama then I don’t see us moving fast enough to mount a real challenge to the Left before our numbers are irreversibly low. I still see the football stadiums full. It is hard for Whites to boycott their supply stores like Walmart, but they won’t even give up their entertainment.
The tens of millions of illegal latinos flooding into the country (replacing whites) are catholic, and using religion as cover. You are helping them. And what of all the anti-white negroes that claim christianity too? Your going to go hit your knees with the negroes and worship the jew on a stick? One of their strategies is infecting websites like this attempting to get whites to put religion before race. Religion has had 1000s of years and has done nothing. At least NS removed this scourge (until we went and killed them). Best position is stick to the 1st, and make personal beliefs non-political. These supernatural based psyops are a dead end.
spiritual is NOT a dead end, it gives ppl. hope – certainly mankind hasn’t done so good by politics alone.
“spiritual is NOT a dead end, it gives ppl. hope”
It also gives them some degree of discipline, not enough, but more than mindless hedonism.
One of my favorite internet memes is the “Whites without Christianity versus Christianity without Whites” meme: Greek statues and Roman aqueducts in the left panel, brown hominids crucifying a cat in the right. Caucasians had established thriving and functional communities centuries before the birth of Jesus, who never even set foot on European soil, as far as I can tell. Christianity needs White people a lot more than we need it.
One of my favorite internet memes is the “Whites without Christianity versus Christianity without Whites” meme:
Me too 🙂
My main point is it doesn’t matter what we call ourselves or what camp we fit into. Our enemy has been trying to kill us since Rome expelled them from their temple. They have trained all others of color to hate us also. Even the White liberal progressives will not escape their wrath as we have seen before when non whites tell White progressives to shut up. I see the fight for the safety and security of our White children as the main issue. Unless a Christian believes God is going to save them they should get off their knees and into the streets.
they should get off their knees and into the streets.
Before that, make their own media, communicate, spread the word. Teach people the reality of race and judaism.
I do see a major change in our movement including women and children and young people instead of gray haired retirees as it used to be. As regards White Nationalist gatherings I ask myself: If a were an employer would I hire these people? Would I trust them around my wife and children if I was absent. If the answer is no than why did people let them into their groups? The movement is in sore need of background checks and even personal interviews! Remember the wisdom of Machiavelli.He said never go against the dominant religion of your people even if you have to be dishonest and praise it publicly.
Greetings from Westsylvania:Having both the Christian and Southern white identity will attract more women to join the movement vs the latter pre Christian mythology / agnostic intellectuals.
With having community, spirituality, and Southern traditions will win women over.
Most White Nationalists are either Pagan/Odinist or Christian Identity. Atheists are only common in the “intellectual elite” of the movement. The American WN movement is mostly found among people recruited in prison or among people with a prison record, or otherwise come from the poor/working class, and those are overwhelmingly either Odinist or CI.
So I would disagree that the WN movement is mostly atheist. Even a lot of the ones who you see attacking Christianity online are actually Pagans.
“6. Finally, I do not believe that racial conflict is as intense as White Nationalists make it out to be. I am excited that race realism is being vindicated. I am pleased that the taboo on racism is crumbling and that White people, especially conservatives, are finally becoming more assertive. Even in Alabama, I do not see intense animosity between Whites and blacks or Whites and Hispanics or Whites and Asians. The race war seems much less likely than some kind of civil conflict between Whites over values. White people seem to hate each other more than either side hates racial minorities.”
And that is EXACTLY the crux of the problem. It’s the gradual ACCEPTANCE of the other which causes your Race to vanish. That’s why Racial separation is imperative; to preserve your values.
Thanks, Brad, excellent post. Yes, the problem is spiritual and secular or pagan White Nationalists really have no idea what their up against. Jews are simply the tools of Satan. True Christianity (not from the corrupted mainline churches) has the answer. The two major downfalls of the Nazi regime in Germany was the latent paganism and atheism of many in the nation (in the party or not) and the failure on how they treated Whites in eastern Europe.
I think this is a great analysis. Jews and blacks are only a problem because whites are disunited and Leftist whites use them as pawns and allies against conservative whites. If whites were culturally united, the 2% of the population that are Jews and the 13% that are blacks for a total of 15% could be easily managed.
The white nationalists who are atheists take the Darwinist/Nietzschean/National Socialist view that the negroes are subhuman untermenschen that can and should be wiped out or deported. That’s simply never going to happen, whites have been talking about deporting Negroes to Africa for over 200 years. Liberia was created in the 1820s and never became a viable answer. Today there are 40 million Negroes in the U.S. — they are never going away.
The Christian white nationalist argument is more appealing, because it argues that although blacks are inferior they’re still God’s creation and need to be managed for their own benefit and for ours.
I believe that my dog is inferior to me, but that does not mean I treat him inhumanely. I treat him well, bit I also treat him according to his natural God-given capabilities, not as my equal. (We do the same with children). That means I do not let let him run wild and piss on my rug every day and bite people and chew shoes and furniture. Negroes, like dogs, need structure and discipline and to be treated with paternalistic firmness and Christian magnanimity for their own benefit.
Viewed from this perspective, segregation was a wise, humane and Christian policy of managing Negroes. An atheist, Darwinist or Nietzschean approach would have been to slaughter them all, which, in addition to being impractical, would have violated Christian morals.
That is why you lose. You play by rules that our enemies do not adhere to.
I hope the Haitian Christians show up in your church and town to relieve you from the terrible white liberals.
Haitians are mostly Voodoo Papists, they are not Christian Nationalists. But, they are certainly a type of Nationalist. The minority who are Christians, are still Haitians, and therefore not American, and certainly not Southerners. Opposing White liberals doesn’t make us by necessity support Haitians.
Christian Nationalists can be any Nationalists who are also Christians. They are united with other Nationalists who are Christians but there is not a desire to submit to a singular man made authority. The only ones who champion that are the Papists. Christian Nationalists oppose their globalist tyrannical objectives.
America’s religion is money. The dollar is the object of worship. As the Government in Washington fucks up everything it touches it is wrecking the dollar’s value. The dollar’s decline goes slowly at first, then all at once. We are nearly at that point now.
Belief in All Men are created Equal, diversity, multi-culturalism, “Civil Rights” (so-called), Global Warming, “Our Democracy”, GloboHomo, Cackling Kamala etc. are all luxury beliefs. Luxury beliefs are artificially sustained by an ocean of artificial money. When the USD goes bad through inflation all of these luxury beliefs will go away because they are no longer sustainable.
Until then GloboHomo will tenaciously cling to power, wrecking everything in sight on the way down and out.
“Luxury beliefs are artificially sustained by an ocean of artificial money.”
That’s very true. The great majority don’t know what to do with prosperity, spend 2500 on Taylor Swift tickets, NBA, NFL, porn etc.
My fear is when the money goes and ‘luxury beliefs ‘ vanish the populace will go for judeo-marxism, endless slavery.
> The great majority don’t know what to do with prosperity, spend 2500 on Taylor Swift tickets, NBA, NFL, porn etc.
2500 is cheap to attend a Swiftie religious service. Daughter of a family friend wanted to attend a recent such event in Indianapolis and discovered seats were 4K apiece. She elected instead to fly to the German okrug of the EUSSR and attend a ceremony in Hamburg for seats which set her back 800. She has a cousin who lives in Hamburg so no hotel charges. Got a cheap flight there for about 500 so paid less than a fourth of what she would have driving some hours to Indy.
As for the endless slavery and judeo-marxism (though the utterly wicked ideology of our elites is honestly and insult to Marxism as it’s several orders worse), the populace will be left no choice once the elites have got their Mark of the Beast up and running. As NFR notes, they are nearly positioned for the final takeover already.
“I can avoid a lot of the headaches that I associate with White Nationalism and focus on making Protestants a little more pro-White.”
You have a Good Calling. As a Christian who has some calling, perhaps the Lord would also want you helping making Whites a little more Pro-Protestant. The Patriot Southerners and Americans need to find their Lord, solemnly and sincerely beg for his mercy, forgiveness, and to be their Lord of Hosts, their Lord of Battles, their Lord of REDEEMERS, once again!
Meanwhile, assuredly, as I’ve mentioned earlier, there is no reason, except Roman tyrannical conspiracy, that Papists hold a majority of leadership in both White Nationalist and Christian Nationalist movements. This is especially atrocious given that Christian Nationalists are overwhelmingly Protestant. Putting White Anglo-Saxon into the Protestant bit is needed more than ever now, for the day is fast approaching. Deus Vult!
Hunter you are in a losing battle trying to blend Protestant Christian with pro White ideology. It’ll never work nor will you be able to avoid the problems with the WN and Alt-right movements of the past. The sooner you learn this the sooner you can move on from these failed ideologies.
Protestants were the first Nationalists in Europe after the Middle Ages. In fact, Protestant support for Nationalism, was built on such people oriented themes as reading the Bible in the vernacular, local control over congregations, language unity, popular civil government.
These aspects of Nationalism were some of the chief reasons the Imperial Papacy and its minions tried to crush the Protestants. It was the demand by Protestants that popular National will be recognized that made them hated by the Papists. The Wars of Religion were also wars of National liberation and the right of Nation-Stated tk exist.
Not until the Treaty of Westphalia ended the Wars of Religion in Europe and the Papacy and Papists recognized the existence of Nation-States, did this belief become considered a legitimate movement within Christendom. Nationalism and Protestantism historically go hand in hand and it was from them that the light of nationalism was even spread to the common Catholic giving rise to new freedoms in Europe. Protestant Nationalism is the cornerstone of those freedoms.
@Aryan Globalist Bro, all of that is in the past. Besides even granting that doesn’t make Protestantism right or true theologically. The only form of Christianity today that is ethnic, and has apostolic succession is Eastern Orthodoxy. This is the only Christianity I’ll ever be.
@BJ Thomas,
“…..all of that is in the past.”
We, as conservative christian nationalists, look to and remember the past to inform the present.
“Besides even granting that doesn’t make Protestantism right or true theologically.”
If your denomination doesn’t teach the Bible in the language of the people, it is nothing but a ritualized form of social control. That isn’t Christian.
“The only form of Christianity today that is ethnic, and has apostolic succession is Eastern Orthodoxy. This is the only Christianity I’ll ever be.”
Understood. As I understand it, unlike the Papists, the Patrists, allow for National churches. Thus, even if Orthodoxy is or isn’t true theologically, or Protestant in orientation, it is culturally representative of the people and allows a Christian to exist also as a Patriot. I believe all individuals should be allowed to commune in a congregation of saints of their own nation.
That means there are Christian British Nationalists, Christian French Nationalists, Christian German Nationalists, etc. Also, being nationalists, they cannot submit to a foreign potentat, prince, pope, or patriarch alien to their nation. So, there cannot be a Christian German Nationalist who is a Papist. There is only one “nation” of Papists, and that is Roman. Its fake anyways as there are no Romans left, except perhaps Guido Italians.
So, in the West, the only true Christian nationalists are those of the Protestant faith who are Patriots of their nation. Here, in the USA, we are Christian American Nationalists. I respect your Christian (Russian?) Nationalism, but you aren’t American, you are Russian or whatever. It would be good and wise to respect the Protestant tradition of our American faith. If such feelings would be replicated across the Christian world, it would heal much of the rifts in Christendom, and restore the dignity of its nations, thereby allowing us to jointly resist the threats from the Yellow East and Dark South.
@Aryan globalist bro, i respect you but Orthodox Christianity is growing in the U.S. now. It is the most based, traditionalist, and conservative form in of Christianity. I highly recommend this site . https://southernorthodox.org/
The entire history of America, from the founding of Jamestown to the 1950s, was based on a combination of Protestant Christianity and pro-White attitudes.
Uhh, the bedrock of America is not Christianity, but the Constitution and Bill of Rights, both very non-christian.
Deist were the largest movers in our structure of government.
Yes, the vast majority of citizens some form of Christianity, but not the prime movers.
@WU and United States of AIPAC,
WU: “The entire history of America, from the founding of Jamestown to the 1950s, was based on a combination of Protestant Christianity and pro-White attitudes.”
100% correct. It was understood during that era that America was a WASP or more appropriately a British nation. Obviously the boatloads of alien immigrant Papists, first in the 1840s-1860s and then in the 1890s-1910s had fundamentally altered WASP control of the State institutions. But, culturally, those institutions remained Protestant. Not until JFK was elected did this fact change.
It is no surprise that ever since JFK was elected the country’s institutions have been failing. One can see this change gradually, first from the local, then to the State, then to the Congregation level, until it became overwhelming in the 1960s. Thats the era that gave us every wicked and tyrannical government policy that has since sent us into a tailspin. We must make radical changes in the long term, through subtle changes in the short term, to restore the our nation to control of its government if we hope to survive.
US of AIPAC: “Uhh, the bedrock of America is not Christianity, but the Constitution and Bill of Rights, both very non-christian.
Deist were the largest movers in our structure of government.”
Incorrect US of AIPAC. No Nation was ever created by a document. Rather, nations make documents, even Divine ones. For example, the Israelite nation pre existed the 10 Commandments and the Laws of Moses, even though those became the axis around which the nation moved. Even the Bible declares the nation to have existed before the time of Moses. Yet, its with their separation and independence from Egypt and the creation of the Laws of Moses that Jews date themselves to this day.
Likewise, Americans existed as a nation before the Constitition, yet our country also dates its documents from the time of independence. Prior to that, they were the British American nation, which actually was an ethnicity of the wider Britannic nation. They became a separate Britannic nation upon independence. Every Congressional law has a date from the time of independence. This a law today is dated year 248.
Similarly did the Southerners, an ethnicity of the wider American nation, attempt to form their own nation, and dated themselves from 1861 AD, aka 85 (After Independence), and its last documents are dated as year 4 of Secession Independence or something like that. But, Divine Providence had other plans at no infamy to those Southern Patriots. This is why we say Deo Vindici, God shall vindicate us.
Before the Constitution was created, our American customs, forms of civil government, types of clerical government, Protestant religious faith, and Anglo-Saxon laws pre-existed as they sprang from the English speaking British colonial settlers, the original and true Native Americans. Those ideas continue to this day amongst their descendents and posterity. Its amongst those descendent that are found the strongest voices for concern at America’s of affairs, the demands for change by Trump supporters, and the growing sense of Christian American nationalism.
As an example, the ideas of a federal bicameral legislature, were based on the State legislatures. They in turn, originated as the Colonial bicameral legislatures. They got their charters from the fundamental self responsible laws of the English, who created them on the Parliamentary principles, and were recognized by Crown and Parliament.
Thus, there is a continuum from the US Congress, to the Parliament of Great Britain, to the Parliaments of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and from England to the Magna Carta of the Middle Ages, to the Anglo-Saxon Witangamoot of the Dark Ages. Literally, Jefferson traced his lineage as a signer of our founding documents, all the way back to an ancestor who also was a representative to the ancient Anglo-Saxon legislature. America is an Anglo-Saxon country!
Lastly, let’s put this Deist supposition to bed. Aside from the fact that “WE” made the Constitution, not the other way around, almost all of the Constitutional delegations but a few, were baptized, tithe paying, Protestant congregation attending Christians. Deism was a philosophy of nature not a religion of spirit. So, while a few say they were Deists, they were also Protestant Christians. Ultimately, the Constitution was just a summation of pre existing beliefs for creating a federal civil government which united various pre-existing States, all of whom, originated as Anglo-Saxon people States, who had Protestant Christianity if not a Protestant denomination as their state religion.
US of AIPAC: “Yes, the vast majority of citizens some form of Christianity, but not the prime movers.”
Take a look at the list of Congressman and their religions. Take a look at their staffers (that’s very interesting btw) and if you have time and resources, take a look at the lobbyists, and the managers and owners of the special interests the lobbyists represents. Although you will find Jews heavily overrepresentee, you will find that self declared Christians dominate, especially Papists and Yankee Prods. They might be backsliding Christians, bad Christians, or even fake Christians, but they are in the majority. Get rid of Jews, and you’d still have all these turd balls to deal with, let alone the Papist ones.
For me the problem is simply one: whites who are right-wing, identitarian are not unite. We are divided by nations, by religion and by religious denominations (protestant, catholic and orthodox). For me nations have to unite us because in many cases we share the same blood and have similar cultures (not identical but similar). The religion point is, yes we have pagans and Christians but they have the same task which is preserve our history and population. At the end we have christianism in three big different confessions but the root is the same (I’m not religious but I acknowledge the importance of religion). When I heard bullshits like only Anglo-Saxons are white, this is the problem. Europeans and white are not only Anglo-Saxons.
Very good and valid points.
As we see on this blog, Christianity is unable to unite pro-European/White identitarians. Whereas our racial and traitors to our race are unified in our replacement, enslavement, and extinction.
Thank you, it’s exactly what I mean
The left calling every commonsense thing we stand for “farrrrrrr righhht” no longer cuts it with many people. They way they look and talk, the things they want…..are so detestable that we should have got on top of them decades ago. Because whites, and the white Right, are not united, we can’t achieve this.
Our beliefs are really so normal that we should have gained traction well before now, but yes, we are now more mainstream.
Who do we blame more, Jews or white leftists? Not every Jew is a leftist, but every white leftist is a leftist hell bent on our destruction. As for the Jews who ARE playing a role, why did we let them in to begin with? It’s on us. Maybe that’s Jared Taylor’s reasoning…….it begins with us.
Most of us here were only born in maybe the 1950’s to 1990’s. Black have been in America since 1619. It’s kind of unrealistic now to think they’ll go anywhere, but there’s plenty more we should be fighting for; a secure border, deporting foreign criminals, cuts to foreign aid, keeping manufacturing local, a ban on trans activists in schools and libraries. We have plenty of material that the public can relate with us on.
In Europe, Chinese EV makers are flooding their market with cheap cars sold at prices the locals can’t compete with, even after tariffs are imposed, threatening the jobs of local production workers.
While all this goes on, Asian women chase weak white men in the West, and dilute the white gene pool with their little mixed race
mongrels. Asians are given too many free passes by the Right due to their seemingly innocuous nature. This perception allows them to get away with more than say, blacks or Muslim’s who are more visible in their misbehavior.
“we should have got on top of them decades ago. ”
Amen, brother, amen.
“Black have been in America since 1619. It’s kind of unrealistic now to think they’ll go anywhere”
Lincoln’s recolonizing plan would work even better now
We have the transport infrastructure to do it .
“Asian women chase weak white men in the West”
Hell, millions of WHITE males are going to Asia, seeking asian females. Anything to escape the toxic feminism of the judeo-weat.
Yeah……just ask my son about contemporary dating. He doesn’t know what today’s young women want, and they are never happy.
They have a laundry list of expectations longer than a map of Chile that men must meet, whilst offering seemingly nothing in return.
A combination of loving the single life, and an inability to navigate the dating scene means he’s still single at 28…..and always be.
Why pigeonhole opposition to Israel’s genocide of the Gazans as a leftwing issue?
Our ancestors would have been horrified at the idea of supporting a Jewish supremacist state mass murdering women and children (both Muslim and Christian) and sadistically torturing prisoners, including via sodomy.
The Christian Zionist heresy, which is a very recent development, has dulled the conscience of today’s American Christians.
But Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson would not support Jews sodomizing helpless prisoners.
Good read but your 4th point about sans blacks and jews not much would change is absurd.
I said crime rates would be lower. There would be less poverty. It is easy to imagine a world without blacks. Much of the country had hardly any blacks until the World Wars. There are still counties out West with almost no blacks.
As for the Jews, I don’t believe the disappearance of Jews would change much either. I can’t imagine, say, Vermont or Maine radically transforming after their departure. Tens of millions of Whites believe all the same shit that Jews do and they would all still be here
“I said crime rates would be lower. There would be less poverty. It is easy to imagine a world without blacks. Much of the country had hardly any blacks until the World Wars. There are still counties out West with almost no blacks.”
Whites could move back to the cities, ruined neighborhoods would come alive, the endless money wasted on blacks in welfare, education, prison, policing, etc could be spent on productive things, there would be a century-long boom in all areas. Not to mention dems would not be able to win hardly any election in remotely their current form.
“As for the Jews, I don’t believe the disappearance of Jews would change much either. I can’t imagine, say, Vermont or Maine radically transforming after their departure. Tens of millions of Whites believe all the same shit that Jews do and they would all still be here”
No jew media, hollywood, ngo’s, academia, etc and those White npc’s would be vastly watered down versions of what they are now, most would totally adjust over to whatever the new dominant force is. In a few generations they would be totally unkosherized. We would end the 3rd world invasion, feminism, lgbtqp, and much else without the jew finance and brainwashing.
If blacks disappeared from the cities, the ruined neighborhoods would be revived by gentrifying White shitlibs. This is what happened after thousands of violent black criminals were taken off the streets because of the 1994 crime bill. Brooklyn, for example, became a cesspool of Millennial hipster leftism. See also East Atlanta. See Portland. Washington, DC has also been gentrified by these people who are pricing out the blacks. Removing Jews from the media, Hollywood, academia and so forth would similarly just open slots for White shitlib progressives. They believe all the same things and there are millions more of them.
“Removing Jews from the media, Hollywood, academia and so forth would similarly just open slots for White shitlib progressives. ”
I think you’re wrong.
Without the coercive organized malevolence of Judaism the libtards would lose their structure and collapse.
We had a huge White libtard problem before Jews moved here en masse. See the Reconstruction amendments in the Constitution or all the federal civil rights laws in that era. It happened before television and film.
Without jew brainwashing White leftoids are not nearly the demented monsters they are now, and without blacks they don’t have the votes to matter.
Even in your scenario, you would not rather have cities and elites composed of White leftoids (even in kosherized current form) than jews and blacks bent on parasitically devouring us unto our extinction? It would be a dramatic improvement if all we were contending with was global-warming-believing White npc’s in the cities and New England.
@Hunter Wallace, Brian, US of AIPAC, amd Exalted Cyclops,
Before Blacks brought their crime to Northern cities, the Italians, Irish, Poles, etc all of whom are Papists, and yes also Jews, had their own crime as well. Clearly, the Papist mafia had more power than Kosher Nostra and totally dominates organized crime across the country. In fact, one might say Blacks learned the crime trade from Papist groups like the Sicilian mafia. Drive by shootings, big city hoes, pimped out clothes, and sitting in your hotel room controlling the street was pioneerd not by N@ggers but Paddies and Dagos.
You got rid of Jews, you’d still have all those Papist problems, plus the new Papist problems like the Cuban mafia, the Dominican Mafia, the Colombian mafia, the Cartels. All the great crime syndicates, all Papists, would still exist without “Duh, Jews.” Insanity like this would still exist.
@Brad my advice is to focus on personal spirituality, family, and living a good life. Everything else is out of our hands to change.
“No jew media, hollywood, ngo’s, academia, etc and those White npc’s would be vastly watered down versions of what they are now, ”
I think they would diminish to the point of vanishing.
That’s an interesting point from Brian. There were clearly problems with whites who had already turned away from Christ before the bloodsuckers finally took over (1914). They only took over because these faithless white elites (all Prots, by the way) sold out to Schlomo Bankstein & Co. Having a legal monopoly to counterfeit gives one a truly massive amount of power. Their fake money – literally created out of nothing (e.g. ex nihilo) – is even forcibly deemed legal tender. Usury rackets of all types ensue therefrom. Want a media company? Just go to Uncle Schmuel’s magic window and the price is no problem, cuzzin Mordecai. The goy will sell, or perhaps he’ll be struck by some good old-fashioned Jewish Lightning. The Sicilian mob are mere amateurs and small time operators compared to the Kosher Nosetra.
“They only took over because these faithless white elites (all Prots, by the way) sold out to Schlomo Bankstein & Co. ”
Not JP Morgan, he stood resolutely against their intrusion, others to, I believe.
The great banks of England were Quaker for generations, Lloyds, Barclays, Triangle etc .
“As for the Jews, I don’t believe the disappearance of Jews would change much either.”
I think you’re dismissing the incredible power of media persuasion that they control.
We have same media outlets in Alabama and Tennessee that White people do in California and Oregon
People in the South tend to have deeper traditional social roots than others. The torrent of indoctrination propaganda has uprooted them, yet.
“We have same media outlets in Alabama and Tennessee”
Hmmm ?
Is your local media management and personalities saturated with jwz, as are the costs ?
err ‘coasts’
“We had a huge White libtard problem before Jews moved here en masse. See the Reconstruction amendments in the Constitution or all the federal civil rights laws in that era. It happened before television and film.”
Uh huh, and it was a White European Christian nation too (i.e., Christian Nationalist), therefore Christianity is not the fix you believe it is.
Just positive Christianity and European/White primacy. Of course, all others will need to be removed to Stalin’s jewish Oblast, and their respective lands of origin.
P.S., if Christianity is the be all end all; why has it faltered to the point of extinction in the West?
Well, seems to me a significant chunk of America wants, or remembers fondly the family and cultural dynamics of the world of The Charlie Brown Christmas Special… Sort of the opposite of the current world with neck tattoos, broken homes, parents smoking weed and leaving the kids to raise themselves on a social media of porn and crime skills videos.
“current world with neck tattoos, broken homes, ”
That will be self limiting, unsustainable, it will collapse by lack of children.
@ US of AIPAC,
Edward Dutton just wrote a new book about that scenario.
Ed Dutton: new book, Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism.
Bitchute video on Woke Eugenics and Social Darwinism by Dutton.
Meanwhile, back in RED STATE Alabama…..
HW had best lock up his pets before they end up on the grill – even in Alabama.
At the end of the day, this shit is all rooted in the ability of one small group to create money ex nihilo and lend it to the lawless regime in Sodom-on-Potomac at interest. Outlaw usury and nullify all their debt holdings and the whole tower of coprolite collapses.
HW had best lock up his pets before they end up on the grill
Remember, years ago, when Washington DC zoo employees were taking animals home and eating them ?
the ability of one small group to create money ex nihilo and lend it to the lawless regime in Sodom-on-Potomac
A very cunning scheme to steal value from producers and give those resources to malicious destroyers.
Resources that should be going to the advancement and betterment of civilization,eg universities, researchers, hospitals….advanced eugenics 🙂
Good points:
1. WNs tend to be unattractive outcasts
2. WNs cannot win if they alienate their natural allies (Christian conservatives)
Bad points:
1. Downplaying race and the Jews
What nationalists of all stripes can agree on is the need for regime change. The regime is not just elected government, but the banking system, the media, the universities, the NGO networks, organized crime. And it is predominantly Jewish in substance and character.
What is the difference between 1920s America and 2020s America? The ruling class. Culture and religion flow downward from the ruling class. Our morals have not degraded by accident but were specifically targeted in a program of top-down social engineering. Jewish media reprogrammed the public mind. After they reprogrammed Russia and Germany in the first half of the 20th century, they brought the same agenda to the rest of Europe and the USA, albeit with subtler methods. One example: all the secular Christmas songs about snow and reindeer, which don’t mention Jesus — written by Jews and pushed by Jewish show business and distribution.
Christianity declined in America for the same reason it declined under the Bolsheviks: it was attacked by the regime in power, mainly anti-Christ Jews. Billy Graham and Richard Nixon were well aware of the problem, but by the 1970s were powerless to stop it.
“Billy Graham and Richard Nixon were well aware of the problem,”
Too cowardly to speak openly of what they knew privately.
They could have spoken in retirement or published posthumously.
Billy Graham was as two faced as a counterfeit coin.
“1. WNs tend to be unattractive outcasts”
Because most are from the lowest economic/status strata of society who feel the worst effects of integration and wokeism. People with more money can just evade the ill effects of multicult policies and ignore the harm it does to others, “I got mine, to hell with you”.
Adam Green is correct. Christianity hasnt been subverted. Christianity IS the subversion.
Green makes some very solid points.
“here goy, have this book which decribes our concept of god and adopt it, nevermind that you are to protect gods chosen people (us) to end, pay no attention to how convenient that is for us, and also give no thought to the fact that your hero commands you to sit still and let god handle things while we have our way with, also please do not notice how you must invite other races into this religion we have given to you and eventually have no spiritual argument against having them next door” etc etc etc
Christianity hasnt been subverted, it IS the subversion itself.
There seem to be a lot of self-crippling precepts and concepts in Christian theology.
seems to be tailor made for the enemy
It is true that WNs are a ghettoized minority. It is also true that White Christians in America have become more anti-racist over the last 10 years. The polls you see are a reflection of basic anger, not Pro-White sentiment. Conservatives and Christians do not have positive feelings towards the White Race. Like liberals, they have much more positive feelings towards non-whites then their own.
Pierce was right that an organized, dedicated minority will change things. I can’t say with certainty that will be White Nationalists, but I can say with certainty that White Nationalists have no need to recruit from conservatives or christians, who have their own values and their own priorities that rarely crosses over with the values and priorities of WNs such as Pierce, Oliver, and Rockwell.
The White Nationalist ideology will continue to attract a minority of secular Whites with Modernist and Progressive sensibilities. We will never recruit such people in large numbers – if that was possible, Pierce would have figured it out – but we have the capability of recruiting just enough to keep things heading in the proper direction, which is the direction of Godhood.
Christianity really is a manufactured religion that has no basis in material reality and has no connection whatsoever with animus mundi. Christianity is an evil religion with horrible values. Of that much, I’am certain.
This might be off topic a little, but I believe the Republicans/ conservatives are always fighting the last battle instead of the next one. It’s pretty clear the liberals are going to shut off what’s left of democracy when they have the chance, they’re going to pack the supreme court, do away with the electoral college, make Puerto Rico and Guam states adding four more Democratic senators.
The Republicans. all they can think about is winning this election, they’ve won the popular vote one time in the eight elections. Trump could very well win, I’m not saying that.
I say the Republicans should be thinking about getting out. In the county I live in Illinois, we’re voting on making Chicago it’s own state. If the rest of the state could be rid of them, we’d be done with some of the worst corrupt assholes in the country.
I believe they should be thinking and talking about succession, particularly if the Democrats try to jew Trump out of the White House if he actually wins.
It’s not just Chicago, it’s pretty much Cook County. When I drive up to Ohare I notice pretty much all the south suburbs are now pretty much black. I got off of 57 on Lincoln Highway in Matteson which pretty much right at the edge of the Chicago suburbs and about to turn into cornfields. It was already very black in population, and then the other parts of Chicagoland are loaded up with various immigrants. All that would happen is a new Chicago state would become very expensive due to bad democrat policies and the blacks would pour out into neighboring areas and we’d be back to square one. There’s already been a big exodus when Dailey and Rahm got rid of the projects and exported them down the Amtrack/Greyhound?I-57 crime corridor titling downstate congressional districts and bringing crime and dysfunction downstate. And guess what, where I work a lot of these blacks who voted to turn Illinois into a dying Democrat run tax and spend crime ridden hellhole are “moving to Texas” for “the jobs” What do you think is going to come of all these sunbelt red states that still have functioning economies when all the Democrat constituents show up?
” exported them down the Amtrack/Greyhound?I-57 crime corridor titling downstate congressional districts and bringing crime and dysfunction downstate”
Like cancer, it spreads, unless it’s removed.
“It’s not just Chicago, it’s pretty much Cook County. ”
A tragic irony, built by German and North Europeans and almost purely WHITE until WWI. Then the WHITE men were sent to Europe to suffer and die while blacks were imported to fill the factories.
A loss from every direction.ll
“Third, White Nationalism is focused on race and agnostic on morality, which is a fatal flaw. Character is destiny. Nietzschean supermen destroyed the Alt-Right. White Nationalism keeps generating mass shooters who pop up in the news cycle and gross out normies. It is not only inhospitable to Christian normies, but it produces antinomian leaders and followers who are self-sabotaging.
If you have been in the movement long enough, you ask yourself … why on earth do these people act this way? What were they thinking? The shocking answer is that godless people do godless things. They behave in ways that godly people consider immoral. Various people who value their racial identity have different ideas about morality. As we saw in Charlottesville and its aftermath, this lack of moral agreement in the big tent of White Nationalism constantly torpedoes and brings down the movement.”
I agree that character is key, but I don’t think it comes down to a lack of Christianity. Some of the worst people like Matt Heimbach and Andrew Anglin have been Christians.
As a secular WN, I’m glad Christian WN exists. Some people are just not open to any movement that isn’t Christian, only Christian WN can reach them. Likewise I’m glad that secular WN exists since some proportion of those peoples kids are going to decide Christianity is BS and it would be good not to have them inevitably drift away to liberalism.
Christianity versus “Paganism” is an apples to oranges comparison. Christianity is a specific religion with specific dogmas, doctrines, etc., with some denominational variations. “Paganism” is simply a word of derision for polytheists who reject Abrahamaic conformity, and it can encompass everything from Celtic Druids to Japanese Shintoism. I lived in Japan for five years, and I can testify that the Shintos are WAY more based and nationalistic than the Christian converts over there are.
Most pagans, heretics, and infidels might be sh!tlibs, but there does not appear to be a pope of paganism or high synod of heathens ordering believers to conform to repulse anti-White paradigms on pain of excommunication. The absence of a centralized priestcraft weaponized against White Goyim makes traditional European heathenism an understandable and attractive alternative for White dissidents, and I see no reason to quarrel with that alternative. Christians who want their religion respected should be willing to return the favor.
Whitey doesn’t really have to do anything but remain calm and not panic. Their profoundly stupid adversaries are their own worst enemies, hence the desperation for censorship, prosecuting thought crime instead of real crime, and abetting fake diversity crime.
Isn’t Christian nationalism itself just a rebrand?
Food for thought.
Western morality has a ridiculous tinge of cuckoldry:
– Force my daughter to bear the child of her rapist
– The youth should roll over and be plundered by international finance because “Free Market”
– The legal immigrants can definitely replace our natives in elite universities because that’s “a fair system”
– Jews have a right to a homeland, but we do not because that’s evil bigotry
Most of those “on the right” are completely infected with this
It’s a deep spiritual disease
Larping as based Christian doesn’t fix it
The Churches are rank with this, and even the political right wing is servile to the higher predicate of Jewish guilt
Jordan Peterson sublimates all his native will to power and satisfies it through the success of Israel – total spiritual cuckoldry
It’s an enormous internal revolution to overcome all this and learn to believe in yourself
It’s like a depressed person who hates themselves – and who has made a life out of hating themselves – having to overcome that whole way of being and love themselves
A total revolution
The future will be hinge on a critical mass of us going through this inner psychological revolution
Otherwise there won’t be a future
“It’s like a depressed person who hates themselves – and who has made a life out of hating themselves – having to overcome that whole way of being and love themselves”
I attribute that to our lack of a positive social structure. Not having a high care/trust society.
The atomized individual is often a dying ember, when not part of a bonfire.
The NSDAP/Bund had many good ideas for creating positive group activities, but neither one was allowed to grow, both were strangled in their infancy.
All by design.
The Protocols of Zion and talmud were the blueprints.
Here is my own $.002 worth.
My maternal side is Polish. At one time Poland was divided between the Austro-Hungarian, the German, and the Russian empires. During that division, even though the Poles were highly nationalistic and wanted their country back, those of them who found, let’s say certain aspects of one of the occupiers more compatible to themselves gravitated to that sector.
My grandmother came from the German sector. Her husband came from the Russian sector (indeed, his life was saved by the Russians returning home during WWI who shared their rations with him and gave him medical treatment).
IMO, Christian Nationalism is the best way to go, because it has a huge umbrella. It incorporates Mormons, Protestants, Christians who are cuckoo for cocoa puffs over Muh Israel to Christian Identity or Kinist Christianity. With my apologies to Aryan Globalist Bro, it even incorporates “papists.” Because even Catholics consider themselves Christians.
Now before you were wondering where I was going with my Polish prelude, the reason why Christian Nationalism is hated and feared far more by the Loony Left than White Nationalism alone is that Christianity is an Implicitly White Religion that Non-Whites with conservative leanings have adopted.
There is a lot about Conservative White Culture that appeals to Non-Whites and I am NOT talking about its generous social welfare programs to be abused and exploited. It’s the non-indoctrination of children, the cleanliness and order, for example. CWC is so appealing to Non-Whites that the Looney Left, in its relentless need to isolate, lock, and target any conservatives are calling them White Adjacents.
Many Hispanics are what would be called White Adjacent. I have spent many years in the Southwest and even though many of them exploit any advantages being recognized as a protected minority, most of them barely acknowledge their MesoIndian blood but identify more with the Conquistadores who fathered them.
In El Paso, the Hispanic elite even have a George Washington’s Birthday celebration where they all organize a ball where young Hispanics dress up in the costumes of that era.
Christian Nationalism is Implicitly White Conservative which appeals to White Adjacents. Like it or not, because of the tandem effects of our shrinking demographics AND the crazy amount of Non-White immigration into the country since the mid-sixties (even without shrinking White Demographics), Christian Nationalism is the only way to keep Whites from continuing to be a persecuted, marginalized minority in the country that their forefathers created.
One of the ways that Christian Nationalism can do is press for a system similar to what the French have. The French do not recognize RACE or RELIGION. They have merit testing for top positions. There are NO boxes to check. Therefore there are NO Affirmative Action Programs or no Anti-White DEI programs.
So, if we can work towards American Christian Nationalism, we can give ourselves a little more breathing room. We still have freedom of association in this country and if you want White children, you can easily seek a White spouse and live in a White area, but we need to vet ad elect politicians who lean towards American Christian Nationalism themselves.
‘White nationalism’ is just a large umbrella term for nations that are run and peopled by whites, for whites.
Not in America and therefore not in the rest of the international movement. White has been hijacked to mean any Guinea, Dago, Kraut, Mountain N@gger, Wop, is White enough for America. Entire books and articles were written at the likes of American Renaissance, about White identity and were goeth White man in America. The objective seems to have been that a simple identity to some White race was sufficient.
Meanwhile, ethnic White Americans enjoyed the actual Renaissance. Italians, Jews, Latinos, Russians, Greeks, etc have all seen an upsurge in identity and a return to hyphenated White ethnic Americanism. Simultaneously it sublimated the actual American identity rooted in its Anglo-Saxon tradition and British ancestry to the lowest common denominator of Whiteness, and gave rise to such fantastic ideas as having a White Imperium, aka NATO, but authoritarian international not democratic nationalist.
In turn it is no coincidence it has been used by Papists to justify the re establishment of a White Catholic Empire with America as the cornerstone. This has given rise to the likes of Nick Fuentes and other Papists taking over the White National movement to give us Papist monarchial dictatorship, Popery, and Inquisition. It was always going to end this way, because this White standard has literally been the standard of the Papacy for centuries. Look no further than White ruled but Brown populated Latin America to see how it ends. The only true alternative is actual nationalism, but based on Christianity. It leaves room for our respective White national differences whilst finding common solidarity in our shared Christian values with other White Nations.
“There are all sorts of anti-Christian activists like Adam Green who go down rabbit holes and who become so obsessed with Jews that they spiral to the point where they come to the conclusion that Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy.”
Is Christianity not a Jewish conspiracy?
How many who claim that Christianity is not a Jewish conspiracy have actually studied the early history of Christianity?
This article makes good arguments that Christianity not a Jewish conspiracy:
How Yahweh Conquered Rome