I apologize for my absence.
As some of you have probably heard, I have been busy reaching above replacement fertility. My third child will be born in late April. We should know the sex of the baby next week.
Note: This little guy is celebrating his first birthday next month.

Congratulations and God bless you and family! Can’t help but to smile when I see that little guy.
That s so great !
Your don looks like his handsome , intelligent dad.
Good news! Take all the time you need off. Baby needs you!
Congratulations. Best wishes.
Awesome news! Congratulations to you and your wife. Very happy for you both.
God bless you and your wife. May this birth be easy, smooth, and uneventful. ( I hope it’s a girl!)
“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed,
but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” Ps. 127
Congratulations! Your family is indeed growing. Fear not for the future, with God at your side. The Griffin and Baum Clans’ ancestors will indeed be pleased.
congratulations sir
All the people that live next to me know what’s going on like us and our having more children good for you and your family think getting good sleep! Win
May God bless.
Believe it or not I have four. One day (hopefully soon enough) it may dawn on you that the political circus is exactly that and you really have better things to do with your limited time. Good luck.
I don’t spend much time on politics
Congrats!!! What a cutie pie!
Congratulations! Try for four and try for a girl. Teach them pronouns and stuff! 😉
Congrats and God bless your family. Have as many as you can.
Your child is blond !
My father’s grandfather on his mother’s side was a mulatto. Besides, one of my grandmother’s grandmother on my mother side was Indian.
Needless to say, I’m neither White nor I see myself as one.
But having at least two brain cells to rub together (to borrow Mr. Covington’s expression) I can see the net result of racial intermixing for what it is: the most tragical human experiment people could engage in.
I hope that by now the readers of Occidental Dissent know that this Brazilian impersonator is not the real César Tort. I have been saying this for some time now but, for mysterious reasons, whoever moderates this site is still accepting comments from this troll-stalker (who has been impersonating me in racialist forums).
FYI, with the exception of these comments of mine exposing the impersonator, I never use my full name on the forums.
Robert Browning wishes you all the best!
God Bless you and your family, Brad
Beautiful child — beautiful family! This is a very bright ray of hope; may God bless you all.
Congratulations on the wonderful news! Very happy for you both.
Congratulations!!! Many more! May God bless and protect you and your growing family!
That is awesome!
Why a handsome baby boy!
Please consider doing some outreach at your Auburn Alma Mater and introduce your charming son to some White Auburn gals .
You can maybe disguise this as pro life something .
Maybe bring along a handsome undergrad that looks like Tom Brady. He narrative could be:
“ ladies if you want want of these ( point to your charming 11 month old son ) you probably should be nice to one of these ( point to the handsome 19 year old White guy) “
Sincere Congratulations!!
May God bless you and your wife.
The only Dark Note, I hesitate to interject, is how sad it is your children have to be born in such a time and age. May they know peace.
I don’t like bring in such bad news at this time, but it’s crucial :
“BREAKING: Donald Trump Says Iran should be BLOWN UP after threats made on his life”
(Donald Trump Says Iran should be BLOWN UP after threats made on his life – NO WE SHOULDN’T – blow up the World , for ANY MAN !!)
Now Iran is trying to take out Trump?! Things are intensifying!
Haitians now invading Pennsylvania small towns.
Yeah, I’m sure Iran will try to kill the potential leader of the world’s most powerful nation .
That is such an inversion of reality, it’s absurd beyond words.
“Now Iran is trying to take out Trump?”
What a great opportunity for israhell to foment a war to destroy their arch enemy.
“By way of deceit”
Congratulations Brad, and God bless you and your family!
Good work!
Wotan guide them.
Congratulations, Hunter.
“Woke DA REFUSES To Send Non-White Murderer To Prison”
Congrats Brad! Just found out I’m going to be a dad for the first time myself.
Handsome young man you have.
All the best to your family.
Some personal notes about the Drumpf (Trump)
Donald’s older brother Fred, who the family later murdered, joined Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity while at Lehigh. This was a Jewish only fraternity. Fred became President of this Jewish only fraternity in 1959, and graduated from Lehigh in 1960.
According to Jewish media (Forward) Fred told his Jewish fraternity brothers that the Trump’s were Cryptos. His father Fred Trump was actually a Jewish immigrant from Germany, several of those frat brothers told Forward. At least that is what Fred Jr. told them, according to Forward.
But Fred was certainly a Jew among Jews. SAM, as that frat was known as, was strictly Jewish. They practiced all the Jewish rites, until they were kicked off Lehigh campus in 2008 for ‘underage drinking’ (actually at the behest of a rival Jewish fraternity).
Just a personal note about the two Trump sons, Fred and Donald, sons of the German Jewish immigrant Fred Trump Sr.
You cannot Google your way to this. You can Yandex your way to it, however, at least as of today.
A personal note to everyone. There is still some time left. You need two years of food for everyone in your family, stored properly. A source for clean drinking water for when the grid goes down. The guns and ammo I say nothing about, except the ammo needs to be stored properly or else it will be useless.
Mentally, don’t be a normie. Realize that they all hate us, and when the time comes they will come and try to kill us all.
Lukashenko says he is authorized to use the nukes he has if his state border is crossed, and he has now said in three different speeches, that is exactly what he is going to do, if the 300,000 NATO troops massed on his border cross into Belarus.
There is still some time. The unprepared are going to just die. That is not all bad, as the next world is preferable for those baptized into Jesus Christ. But for those of us with families, we have responsibilities, so like Issachar we need to rightly discern the times.
And this is a time of World War and judgment
“Lukashenko says he is authorized to use the nukes he has if his state border is crossed”
Now, who would create the provocations to bring us to this situation ?