It’s done
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) November 5, 2024
Two votes for Trump #elec pic.twitter.com/GgWdsnNA3L
I just voted for Trump.
My 180 degree heel turn from the 2020 election is now complete. Win or lose, I am voting with my people this time around.
“White supremacist planned to blow up power site, feds say”
A Tennessee man with ties to white nationalist groups has been arrested after federal prosecutors say he tried to use what he thought was a drone packed with explosives to destroy a power station in Nashville, the Justice Department said Monday.
‘Odd’ and ‘funny’ that these most convenient attacks just happen to come right on election day…
“tried to use what he thought was a drone packed with explosives to destroy a power station ”
Is this more “Russians planted incendiary devices in cargo planes”.
The obsolete media is getting more absurd by the day.
Hard to imagine there are still spergs out there
yeah – Justice Department/FBI sperg
Just another case of entrapment with FBI bought informants.
Remember the 4 winos in Miami that the FBI claimed were conspiring to overthrow the government ?
I’ve been saying it for years now… The FBI are merely murderous armed criminals who operate under the color of law. Just like Stasi in every other totalitarian regime which ever existed. Better than some (so far), worse than others. Getting worse with each passing years and greater DIE in the ranks.
” The FBI are merely murderous armed criminals who operate under the color of law. ”
Run by jewz , behave like jewz.
Hi Hunter/Brad
Long time follower of your Blog and before that the forum you were an admin on.
Thanks for this oasis of sanity on the Internet.
No prediction to make, cast your vote and may the best happen.
~ Best
Trump earned my vote when he burned he and Tucker Carlson attacked Liz Cheney for being a war hawk.
Thomas Massie’s endorsement also helped seal the deal.
I hope Carlson and Massie hold him accountable for his promises to end the wars.
It was an interesting observation that all the war-pigs from Cheney to Nudelman, Bolton, etc. endorsed the whore over the clown, despite plenty of promises from the clown to continue the flow of cash to the pig sties and even expand them to cover more of the planet.
It might not mean as much as we hope, but maybe the wars will get less priority than other things for a change.
Will someone kindly explain the crystal meme?
The tangerine turd won Old Dominion.
Is ashkenazi globalist hasbara troll taken tonight off to protest his PM firing IOF defense minister gallant?
No. I be been prepping for a position in the new Trump Administration in the internal security division focused on the far right and neo-nazi movement. I plan to lobby for investigation of Papists, especially their trolls in cyberspace.
Ahhh, yes, those perfidious Papists!
Basically me, getting the ring leaders of the Papist farce amongst the Nationalist in the years ahead. Just replace de Valera with Fuentes, and its a perfect scene of what I will be doing.
@ashlenazi skinsuit troll,
First of all, there’s nothing “neo” about National Socialism.
Secondly, you are about as British as Benjamin Disraeli, and as Southern as Judah P. Benjamin.
Thirdly, a judeo-Protestant like philosemitic POS Trump would and will do exactly what you sarcastically wrote you were interviewing for, but with shin bet and mossad veterans.
judeo-tech tyranny incoming.
Good news!!!
The jew Bernard Marcus CEO of Home Depot died today.
Yeh, but he got to live 95 years too long.
Notice how jwz typically live 10 to 15 years longer than the national average ?
Oh, the benefits of not doing physical labor.
It was part of their deal with satan to do his bidding longer.
That, and adrenochrome…
Couldn’t sleep. Looked at a number of sites for returns. So, NC is now Red. Praise God. But PA is still out? And Georgia, with 95% of the votes going for DJT? This is, of course, FELONIOUS EVIL ON PARADE. Places with almost equal demographic/voting patterns- one declared for Trump, another (usually with large nigger inner city populations) ‘too close to call’?! Of course, that means they are going to bring out the FAKE BALLOTS at the last hour. DEAR GOD, I wish every last non-White would just die- for the total depravity and evil they incarnate, of which we Whites have had 400 years of corroboration..
How very Christian of you, Friar Tuck. Decent non-white people do exist. There are also plenty of trash white people.
“Bernard Marcus CEO of Home Depot”
And drove how many local family owned businesses out of business?
jewish capitalism and free markets.
Free markets my a**, they operate with clandestine syndicates, mostly special banking privileges.
Financial misfeasance by jews?!? Imagine my shock.
There’s nothing free about a rigged market. This small factoid is totally lost on the morons who endlessly crow on about ‘muh free market’. There hasn’t been a free market in the empire running the ‘rules based order’ since the 1930s at latest.
I’ve deliberately tried to avoid paying attention, to prevent disappointment. (The wounds of 2020 still haven’t fully healed.)
But I couldn’t help take a look. Okay, phew, it’s looking good. Dare I dream? Or will there be a Second Steal?
Evidently the the Selzer poll got it wrong on Iowa.
Nytimes is now projecting Trump will go over 300 electoral votes.
The best live stream election coverage is on Modern Politics with Warren, Alan, Emily, and Striker.
If anyone is interested here is the link:https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/electionnight2024:6
The Bryan Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 19-cv-2103 retrial is on Day 3 in federal district court in Cleveland Ohio. Day 3 saw the prosecution rest and likely Day 4 the trial shall go to a 8-person jury.
Bryan Reo’s Brazilian wife dropped her case and moved back to Brazil. Fake-plaintiff Bryan Reo’s father likewise dropped his case and in return Pastor Lindstedt dropped the counter-claim against Mrs. Reo. Pastor Lindstedt has already lost his South Dakota inheritance but intends to involve China and Russia in this mini-civil war. Presenting the final exhibit of a Bryan Reo failed protection order before the trial ended for the evening, it shows that Bryan Reo has ginned up civil lawfare — and civil lawfare leads to civil lawfare.
Days 1 and 2 favored Reo, Day 3 favored Lindstedt. The federal judge being mindful of being admonished by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals isn’t letting Bryan Reo run too wild. Nor will Reo be able to censor Aryan Nations web pages via the wanted gag order. Stanley County South Dakota and Newton County Missouri has prion-poisoning present as does four Ohio counties northeast of Columbus.
This trial ongoing since 2019 has been a slugfest with the $2.5 million judgments overturned. Bryan Reo’s father served Pastor Lindstedt with Lawsuit #36 in Lake County Ohio regarding posting litigation histories on bryan-reo-lawsuits.xyz web page.
Also, Pastor Lindstedt expects to lost his race as Libertarian Nominee for eastern district Newton County commissioner.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
“believing this jew puppet will be good for whites.”
Less bad.
You are a complete moron for believing this jew puppet will be good for whites. I can already see the predictable “this is not what I voted for” articles here.
“believing this jew puppet will be good for whites.”
Less bad.
The Orange Bastard is about to cost me 15,000$
You win some you lose some.
“The Orange Bastard is about to cost me 15,000$”
stop talking about ur Dick and Doctor’s costly visits
My recent metals investments just took a hit. I hope they don’t go down too far. I feel like the stock market is artificially too high, but it just keeps going up.
“I feel like the stock market is artificially too high”
Of course it is.
Politicians have a vested interest in keeping it high and they have the US Treasury and fed reserve to keep it high.
Inflation has come to stocks just like everything you buy, metals too.
Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.
Well, I was completely wrong. This was a bizarre election. Nothing that’s happened since 2020 makes any sense.
Didn’t the drone have Confederate flags all over it ?? They must be losin’ their ‘touch.’. a yep. LOSERS Again! Psychos ..
It stinks of entrapment.