Directly to Twitter, View From The Right podcast featuring @BWLH_ and @VDAREJamesK. Few believe President Donald Trump will solve all our problems. Yet he ran on a platform of mass deportations and ending the “occupation” of the country. Can white advocates realistically expect… pic.twitter.com/Q1mXJ3ZgX0
— Because We Live Here (@BWLH_) November 21, 2024
Trump won ? pic.twitter.com/8sEFs7MbtP
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) November 16, 2024
I’m relieved.
This sums up my take on the 2024 American Renaissance conference.
Last year, I was full of dark and foreboding thoughts about the 2024 presidential election. Looking ahead, I was worried about a more violent repeat of the 2020 election. At the time, there was a real possibility that Donald Trump could have been convicted and sent to prison ahead of the 2024 election. I was worried about the lawfare against Trump sparking a post-election legitimacy crisis. I could imagine the 2024 American Renaissance conference taking place against a backdrop of civil unrest.
Nothing of the sort happened and Donald Trump shrugged off the lawfare, easily defeated Kamala Harris and won the popular vote. Far from sparking a violent resistance, Resistance libs are demoralized and turning off MSNBC. The streets are quiet. It seemed like the annual Antifa demonstration this year was smaller and more pathetic than usual. I didn’t see Daryle Lamont Jenkins. I felt secure enough to bring the entire family this year. My son went out on the balcony during the protest and asked me, “Dad, are those the people who voted for Kamala Harris?” I told him yes and that they were sore losers.
Everyone appeared to me to be in high spirits. It seemed like turnout was a lot higher this year than in the previous two years. The speakers were mostly positive about Donald Trump winning the 2024 election although no one interpreted it as any kind of final victory. In particular, the European speakers were buoyed by the outcome and hoped that remigration would gain further momentum in Europe with the United States leading the way. All the speeches should be up on Amren later this week.
It was challenging to bring our kids to Amren with the extra packing and stops. I am used to going with just my wife, but next year I will be coming with three kids. Looking ahead to Trump’s second term, I anticipate the old taboos will continue to erode and our views will become even more normalized. As the legacy media fades, I think our days as a highly controversial, underground movement are nearly over. A few years from now, I wouldn’t be surprised if the conference eventually moved out of Montgomery Bell State Park and back to regular corporate hotel chains. In the future, I would like to go to these conferences like the Griswolds. It would just be something normal White families do once a year.
What’s the point at screaming at us outside at Amren when Hitler is the president?
It’s a shame that a movement of outliers even has to normalise the normal. The right belongs in the middle. The left needs to go into a hole where they belong.
My disappointment with Taylor over his stance on the JQ aside, I am glad that the AmRen conference went well this year and that you and your family enjoyed it. I look forward to watching Sam Dickson’s speech.
Taylor is the John Hagee of what nationalism. White Nationalists United for Israel? It is only a matter of time.
“I look forward to watching Sam Dickson’s speech.”
I wish he would write and speak more.
“As the legacy media fades, I think our days as a highly controversial, underground movement are nearly over.”
Yes, big jewish money will just magically stop running banks and media (legacy or not), and white identity will just be the new normal. We are all friends now.
Bro. As much as I wish you were right, you are smoking crack. There’s no indication that the powers that be, in the US or elsewhere, are about to let white people be white people again, unless they need to be used as cannon fodder. It’s a good thing to try and keep an optimistic outlook especially when you are raising children, but you don’t have to be delusional either. When I read shit like this I just think the author is doing drugs.
These kinds of sites are interesting, but it really is a bubble to confuse about the state of reality. The whole “white people first” train ran off the tracks as far back as the late 60s when the consensus in the country was imposed around the civil rights movement. That argument was lost back then, nobody is ever going to be able to crack down on the blacks. There used to be a lot of anti black rumblings common in the 80s that will get you cancelled for today. In my middle class NW cook county high school the common term used for the Dan Ryan Expressway (Interstate 94 through the ghetto in Chicago) was the N 500. I don’t think any of these kids who are now in their early 50s would dare to utter that term today. The whole illegal immigration things last chance to be stopped was during Bush Jr’s 1st term when 911 gave him the golden opportunity to really crack down on our borders. That never happened and that ship sailed. I really don’t ever see any sort of explicitly white stuff ever succeeding again. The best we can hope for is a more responsible electorate that shuns leftism for common sense policy that works and improves our prosperity. And the jews? Well they’re here to stay, that battle was lost already by 1920 when Henry Ford complained that they seemed to own everything. Let’s just hope that some of the elites have grown up over the last of the eight years, grown more conservative, and want a repeat of the 90s when nasty criminals were sent up the river and society prospered without any major global conflicts.
Henry Ford was just a lunatic obsessed with the jews, the same as basically every major figure in the 19th and early 20th century. Only here on the dissident right interwebs will you find intellects capable of transcending what they were not.
Or perhaps “every major figure” in the 20’s and 30’s noticed certain patterns and weren’t afraid to speak it aloud?
Have to agree with Fox and Nightowl. They call us racist for voting against a hindi/black cackling idiot with impunity. We might have won a small battle but we are losing the war. And until we start taking tremendous losses, we will continue to accept the status quo. Even tremendous losses might not make us wake up. We’re not the generation that our grandparents and great grandparents were. Yes, they contributed to the current situation, but they didn’t have a crystal ball to see the future either. I look forward to attending this conference in the future when it won’t cost me my job.
Patriotic though I am by nature, I am of the view that an American Renaissance, even were such a thing possible, is not to be desired.
The proper concern of the Aryan is the flourishing of the Aryan. America was misconceived—i.e., false—at its opening words: “When in the course of human events …”
The concern of the Aryan is not humans.
Agreed. “America” was very good for Whites for a short time, until it very much wasn’t.
America the Just
Jussie “The least Justice” Smollett conviction hate crime hoax is overturned by Illinois Supreme Court.
If he’d been White he’d be in prison for life.
“Jussie Smollett conviction in hate crime hoax overturned by Illinois Supreme Court”
The Illinois Supreme Court has overturned actor Jussie Smollett’s conviction for staging a fake hate crime against himself.
In a decision issued Thursday, the court said the “Empire” actor, 42, should not have been charged for the same incident a second time after the original charges brought against him were dropped in 2019. Smollett was alleged to have falsely reported to police that he was the victim of a hate crime. He was found guilty in 2021 on five counts of disorderly conduct.
“Because the initial charges were dismissed as part of an agreement” with Smollett and he “performed his part of the agreement, the second prosecution was barred,” the ruling said.
“We are aware that this case has generated significant public interest and that many people were dissatisfied with the resolution of the original case and believed it to be unjust. Nevertheless, what would be more unjust than the resolution of any one criminal case would be a holding from this court that the State was not bound to honor agreements upon which people have detrimentally relied.”
Smollett claimed in January 2019 that he was attacked in Chicago by two men who yelled racist and homophobic slurs at him, tied a rope around his neck, and said, “This is MAGA country,” a reference to then-President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.
Smollett was later charged after police alleged he staged the attack on himself with the help of two brothers he hired, but the charges were dropped weeks later. At the time, Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx’s office said the actor agreed to forfeit his $10,000 bond to the city of Chicago and perform community service.
The decision to drop the charges against Smollett sparked criticism, with then-outgoing Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel saying at the time: “This is a whitewash of justice.” By August 2019, a special prosecutor was named to examine the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of charges.
Brad is settling.
He’s done with white and Christian nationalism.
He’s content with this Trumpian reiteration of neoconservatism.
It’s still Israel 1st/America 2nd, it’s still imperialist and pro-legal mass migration, but At Least it’s staunchly anti-woke, a little tougher on trade and a little tougher on the border, that’s enough for Brad now.
He and tens of millions like him have been integrated into the mainstream.
White and Christian nationalism and traditional conservatism are dead in the Anglosphere.
The future is brown, but con inc is proving conservatism can appeal to working brown people too, hence all the Latinos who voted for Trump.
The future of conservatism is a broad conservatism that can appeal to rich whites by offering them tax cuts and an increasingly diverse and secular working class by offering them a little protectionism and promising to be tough on woke, illegals, drugs, crime and terrorism.
Conservatism is no longer just a white collar thing, or a white thing, or a Christian thing.
This was the only way conservatism could stay competitive in the 21st century.
This is the new face of conservatism; a new neoconservatism.
Trump didn’t generate it, he just rode the wave, just as Jair Bolsonaro, Javier Milei (well not so much on the economy but on the anti-woke thing with Milei), Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen and Giorgia Meloni rode it.
The right has found their voice, can the left find theirs?
If so, they may have to come up with something better than woke, and fear of the right, that doesn’t seem to be working for them, it has very narrow appeal.
This and more is true. Conservatism has also endorsed gays, abortion, and trannies (as long as they are 18). More plastic than liberalism, you can find any belief you want in conservatism.
I thought George Wallace was a conservative but HW probably would call him an “activist” were he alive.
“Dad are those the people who voted for Kamala Harris”?
“Yes, they were sore losers.”
God bless you and your family.
Daddy are these the people who voted for Kamals Harris.
Yes, son their just sore losers.
God bless you and your family.
I noticed that at American Renaissance conference this year there was Guido Taietti of Casapound. I met personally Taietti and sometimes we exchange opinions.
White nationalism is dead since America fell from 90% white in 1960 to 59% today and falling still.
Christian nationalism is a non starter too in a country that fell from 90% Christian in 1960 to perhaps 65% today and falling still.
I like Brad’s writing generally but his embrace of the new Trumpism is just bizarre. It offers nothing but multicultural and multiracial Zionism. Hard pass for me.
@Hunter Wallace,
No mention of Peter Brimelow, John Derbyshire, Nick Fuentes, or Keith Woods. Have they call collectively bounced out cuz of embarrasment or what? Note: I can’t imagine a world where Nick ever feels embarrassed, even when caught with his pants down with Cat Boy.