? BREAKING: Trump demands the United States stay OUT of #Syria pic.twitter.com/nGxFfTYCtp
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) December 7, 2024
Do you remember the dark days when Trump was president and everyone lost their minds over a few Tomahawks hitting an empty airfield to assauge Ivanka's feels? pic.twitter.com/yaaE0L3vha
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) December 7, 2024
As I said on X, we should pause and take stock of the Biden experiment as we head into 2025: a genocide in Gaza, hundreds of thousands dead in Ukraine, Hezbollah’s leadership decimated and the impending ouster of Assad in Syria. Throughout all of this, some activists raged against Trump.
These people repeatedly said in 2020 that Joe Biden would “restrain Israel.” They interpreted every devastating loss for the “Axis of Resistance” as a secret victory. They insisted that Trump was the real problem for blowing up an empty airfield in early 2017. At the time, I was personally there with them and abandoned Trump, but the Biden years put Trump’s failures in perspective.
While I was harshly critical of Trump in his first term, I was harshly critical of Biden too. After half a million soldiers dead in a new forever war in Ukraine, a genocide in Gaza and new wars breaking out in Lebanon and Yemen, I backtracked and supported Trump as the lesser evil. We can now add this mess in Syria that Trump will inherit to the buffet of disasters that is Joe Biden’s legacy.
Note: Activists will probably call Trump a “neocon” for vowing to stay out of it!
Now might be the turn to see what Syrian Partisan Girl has to say on You Tube. Her perspective is probably better than the American State Department’s perspective. Syria is Shiite. If this is ISIS, then they are Sunni and it’s going to turn into a Shiite-Sunni war. As it stands now Syrian is a secular government under Assad.
For me it looks like this Syrian retreat was something like Kursk battle in WW II. Russians knew in advance of coming attack and let it happen.
1. Jews forming yuuge terrorist army without Russian or Iran intelligence knowing nothing ?
2. Syrians Russians Iranians running like hell without resistance whatsoever. This is not their style.
Now question. Do Russians and Iran ang China give critical strategic territory to Jews just like this ? Or is this retreat preplanned part of the greater strategy ?
When Syria got relative peace years ago, already then locals told that huge Jew fifth column are still there so once new war must come to eliminate enemy within.
“””….devastating loss for the “Axis of Resistance”…..”””
With those old school hardcore resistance fighters is hard to deal with. They claim that their lives are in the hands of almighty Allah and often refusing even basic security measures. Those murders were not proof of Jew professionalism but victims often ignored even most basic precautions.
Long ago this problem was in the white race too. In my home country freedom war, we lost lot of good officers because real gentleman is not afraid and will not lay down in the dirt because he is afraid of enemy. So those brave gentlemen were standing with clean uniforms under enemy machine gun fire until fatal hit. Better dead than dirty and humiliated. In the Finnish Winter War Mannerheim commanded his troops also from nice well lit house what was visible from so long distance that both Finnish and Soviet planes used this house as night navigation mark. Mannerheim survived only because Stalin forbid any attack to this house. Hitler was first antisemite who liked bunkers and camouflage and other self defense stuff.
I predict that tis Syrian attack turns out like Stalingrad or Kursk or Napoleon attack to Moscow. After initial success, whole thing turns out as disaster.
BTW, I find it interesting that Erdogan the Snake, self-styled ‘Caliph’ or ‘Sultan’ of the Dar-al-Islam (Sunni branch at any rate) who has done absolutely nothing at all against the bloodthirsty regime of Satanyahoo for the past 14-15 months (except sell them lots oil stolen by Kwanmurikan tards-in-uniform marching to Schlomo’s orders), is now busy in Syria assisting the head-choppers of ISIS/Al-Quaeda/MI-6/CIA/Mossad in toppling the Alawite Assad regime in order to butcher the small remnant of Christians in the mid-east along with Shiite Muslims and Alawites to endear himself to Satanyahoo even more.
ISIS never harmed so much as a kinky hair on a jewish noggin. They absolutely love the chop the heads of those of whom Satanyahoo, et al disapprove, though. War on Ter-r-r-rrrrrr my arse. No doubt Doug Wilson and Rev. Hagee are cheering from the sidelines. I often point out the amazing stupidity of whites, but the Umma seems to have quite their own problem with it. If Trump actually pulled the US military out of that total scorpion’s nest, he will have done more than the entire Repuke Party in its history. I won’t be holding my breath, needless to say.
The CIA, MIT (Turkish intelligence), and mossad have all been involved in training, arming, and directing the diverse pro-pissrael jihadi terrorists in Syria.
So, the dotarded tangerine turd is either ignorant or lying about the US lack of involvement in this ZOG op taking place.
I really hope Iran and Russia blow the zoo-terrorist mutts into 6 million pieces with extreme prejudice.
They don’t need to intervene openly. Neocon central has its extremist Muslim terrorist gangs locked and loaded. Trump probably knows nothing about it.
“Donald Trump Vows Not To Intervene In Syria”
(i.e., I’ll let the Jews take it – Iran, uhh that’s a diff. story…)
“Nick Fuentes faces battery charge after confrontation with woman over his misogynistic X post”
Far-right provocateur and white nationalist Nick Fuentes is facing a misdemeanor battery charge after a confrontation with a woman who showed up at his home after he posted the now-viral misogynistic phrase “Your body, my choice” on social media in November.
NBC News reported:
Marla Rose, 57, told police that she went to record Fuentes’ home on Nov. 10 after she saw his controversial social media post and that he pepper-sprayed her, pushed her onto the concrete and broke her phone outside his Chicago-area home in Berwyn, Illinois. According to a police report, which was filed Nov. 11, the woman did not have any visible physical injuries but her eyes were ‘watery.’
Fuentes’ posted the phrase — a twist on the pro-abortion rights slogan “My body, my choice” — on X on election night as vote counts showed Donald Trump ahead in several battleground states. His post sparked a wave of outrage across social media, and he was subsequently doxxed, with his home address shared online. The woman, Rose, had shared a video of what appeared to be part the incident on Facebook, though that post has since been removed.
Fuentes was arrested in late November and released the same day. According to NBC News, Fuentes told police that since he “posted a political joke online,” he has received death threats and people have appeared at his house unannounced. He also told police he was “in fear for his life,” the report said.
Fuentes did not respond to NBC News’ requests for comment. Rose could not be reached.
Fuentes is set to make his first court appearance in the case on Dec. 19. On Friday, he posted what appeared to be his mug shot on X. His “America First” streaming show began selling clothing with his mug shot on it the same day.
There was a spike in misogynistic and threatening online posts against women after Vice President Kamala Harris lost the election, according to a report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue that quoted Fuentes’ post as an example. The 26-year-old has a long history of peddling sexist, antisemitic beliefs. He attended the white nationalist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in 2017, and he addressed a crowd outdoors during the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. The U.S. government has referred to Fuentes as a white supremacist in court documents.
Yet Fuentes has amassed a huge online platform among other far-right sympathizers and activists. In 2022, he also personally dined with Trump and rapper Ye, who apologized in 2023 for multiple antisemitic remarks.
This article was originally published on MSNBC.com
i’m sorry, but i’m not quite on board with the totally anti-Nick Fuentes train; plenty of days he makes some real good pts.
House Overwhelmingly Passes ‘Crucial Communism Teaching Act’
WASHINGTON—The House on Dec. 6 passed the Crucial Communism Teaching Act with a vote of 327–62. The bill, introduced by Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.) and cosponsored by 33 members of the House, seeks to address a gap in the education system related to the history of communism.
“Communism is one of the most destructive political ideologies the world has ever seen,” Rep. Salazar said when reintroducing the bill earlier this year.
“The Crucial Communism Teaching Act is important because our youth must remember the crimes of the communists, including those inflicted upon my constituents and their families in Florida’s 27th district.”
She first introduced the bill in September 2021, but it was not brought up for a vote at that time.
Specifically, the bill seeks to educate American students that “communism has led to the deaths of over 100,000,000 victims worldwide,” and that “1,500,000,000 people still suffer under communism.”
Ahead of the vote, Rep. Danny Burgess (R-Fla.) warned that many youth have been taught to see communism as something desirable, noting that a recent report indicated “half of GenZ students were unaware that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is responsible for more deaths than Nazi Germany.”
He also said that more than a quarter of Generation Z students view communism favorably and that 20 percent think that it is a better system than capitalism.
The curriculum will be developed by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, an entity created by a unanimous vote of Congress in 1993 under President Bill Clinton.
“American students deserve to know the truth: communism is not a promise for a more equitable future—it is a brutal ideology that runs counter to democracy and the very principles our nation was founded upon,” said Ken Pope, CEO of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
The legislation mandates that the new educational program will discuss “certain political ideologies, including communism and totalitarianism, that conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy that are essential to the founding of the United States.”
It also makes space for an oral historical series called “Portraits in Patriotism,” which will feature stories from survivors of communist regimes. The bill’s authors said they wanted the survivors to describe the contrast between life under those political systems and life in the United States.
During a floor debate ahead of its passage, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) said the bill was “narrowly tailored” and did not address more important issues such as “achievement gaps” and affordable education.
Scott also said the bill “skirts around key historical lessons,” because it did not mention fascism directly, or teach about the House Un-American Activities Committee.
That initiative, associated with former Sen. Joseph McCarthy, sought to stamp out communism in the United States in the mid-20th century but has come to be viewed by many as too heavy-handed in its approach.
Pardons ?
“Do you remember the dark days when Trump was president and everyone lost their minds over a few Tomahawks hitting an empty airfield to assauge Ivanka’s feels?”
Umm, I could have sworn, Hunter, that you and I were among those losing “their minds” over this incident. And will you apologize when zion don sends White Christians to die over this jew nonsense in the middle east?
Yes, absolutely.
I overreacted to that in early 2017.
The difference is that I course corrected after Biden became president and did a lot of things which were a lot worse. I reacted to Biden too.
I wish that the US government had indeed stayed out of Syria for the past 13 years. If they had, then Al-Qaeda wouldn’t be advancing right now.
Unfortunately, the US government has done everything in its power to undermine the Assad government, and thus benefit Al-Qaeda.
1. Military aid to Israel. Israel has conducted more than 1000 airstrikes on Syria, all paid for by American taxpayers. Israeli operations also severely damaged Syria’s most important ally Hezbollah, again paid for by American taxpayers.
2. Severe economic sanctions against Syria, which crippled the Assad regime while diminishing American exports.
3. Military aid to Ukraine. The Neocons instigated a tragic brother’s war between Russia and Ukraine, which diminished Russia’s ability to assist Syria. Hundreds of billions of dollars of American taxpayer dollars used for a counter-productive purpose.
4. Economic sanctions against Russia and Iran, which further diminished the ability of Russia and Iran to assist Syria, while diminishing American exports.
5. American troops stationed in Syria to help Kurdish Antifa occupy the oilfields and wheat growing regions of Syria, starving the rest of Syria of food and fuel. American troops stationed elsewhere in Syria interfere with Syria’s ability to trade with Iraq. Military foreign aid to Kurdish Antifa enabled them to capture Deir Ezzor from Assad, further weakening the government of Syria. All of this is a further burden on American taxpayers.
6. American airstrikes against Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria further diminished the strength of the Syrian government. American soldiers died and were wounded, fighting to help Al-Qaeda take over Syria.
Trump, to his credit, did put an end to Operation Timber Sycamore. Otherwise, he continued the policies listed above, directly benefiting our only real foreign enemy, Al-Qaeda.
If Trump really wants to stay out of Syria, and if he wants to avoid being labelled a Neocon warmonger, then he should at least be NEUTRAL in the war between Al-Qaeda and the Resistance:
1. End military foreign aid to allies of Al-Qaeda such as Israel, Ukraine and Kurdish Antifa.
2. End economic sanctions against enemies of Al-Qaeda such as Russia, Iran and Syria.
3. Withdraw US troops from Iraq, Syria and Jordan, where their presence benefits Al-Qaeda.
4. Stop bombing the enemies of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, Iraq and Syria.
5. Stop using the US military to defend Israel, an ally of Al-Qaeda, from the rocket attacks of Iran, an enemy of Al-Qaeda.
6. Remove the “terrorist” designation from groups which have never targeted the American homeland, including Hezbollah, the Houthis and the Palestinian resistance – all enemies of Al-Qaeda.
7. Give the “terrorist” designation to Kurdish Antifa and Itamar Ben Gvir’s Jewish Power Party. The Kurds trained Antifa activists who committed acts of terrorism during the 2020 riots, and the Jewish Power Party is associated with the Jewish Defense League, which committed many acts of terrorism against the American homeland.
8. Expel Turkey from NATO. A formal military alliance with the #1 supporter of Al-Qaeda is obscene.
9. If we continue arms sales to allies of Al-Qaeda such as Ukraine, Turkey, Israel, and the Gulf States, then we should also start selling arms to the enemies of Al-Qaeda such as Russia, Iran, Assad, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian resistance.
Impossible. All your suggestions require an American government which isn’t jew-owned.
What does “all hell to pay” if the hostages are not released? Does it mean Trump is going to kill innocent women and children for the jews like that Irish retard did?
Trump was the one that invaded Syria. He occupied a third of Syria, North of the Euphrates. Try to do better
No, Obama was the one who started this mess in Syria, which goes back to ISIS which was crushed when Trump was president. Trump wanted to get out of Syria, but was blocked from doing so because of Senate Republicans who used the impeachment threat from Democrats as leverage. We didn’t get out of Syria years ago because of “muh Kurds” who are now being slaughtered.
“Activists will probably call Trump a “neocon” for vowing to stay out of it (Syria)!”
Let it be clear what Trump was saying. First, lets start with the context:
First, Syria is a fractured and balkanized country, run by a Francophile elite of psuedo-Moslems, who actually might be crypto-Christians. The country was originally heavily Christian before WWI, when a Turko-German led Moslem Jihad genocided much of its Christian inhabitants. Until the early 21st century, the surviving Christian community were a discriminated but protected class. In turn, most Christian immigrated. Today most of the 15,000,000 Syrian diaspora is Christian. If they all returned to Syria and the Arab immigrants of the last century mostly moved out, Syria would be majority Christian. As of now, due to the Civil War between Pro-Assad and anti-Assad forces, the Christians community are perhaps at most 10% of the population. Many of those Christians who remain are protected by a US sponsored break away region in the North East that is protected by anti-Assad Syrian Defense Forces
Second, Assad remains a Russian tool and ally with some vestigial French frenemy suppport. But, most of the Moslems and Kurds have had enough of him and the Christians are mostly against him as well. The US historically was opposed to Assad and provided support to the anti-Assad groups. But since Trump, this was restricted to supporting the North Eastern Syrian based Syrian Defense Forces, which are run by Kurds, but are heavily Christian, and sit on important oil concessions. Trump’s early attack on Assad was entirely designed to keep this Syrian Defense Forces area viable until a wider diplomatic solution could be found.
Third, the main Anti-Assad forces are now supported by Turkey. These include the former Al-Queda affiliated Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Syrian National Army. Hayat is led by Abu Mohammed al-Golani, formerly a wanted HVT but removed from targeting by Trump. The Syrian National Army is primarily backed by Turkey. Finally, there are the so called Jihadist groups which have relations with the Talisman and other Sunni oriented Islamists.
Thus, these are mostly anti-American forces who are opposing Assad, but who would like American assistance to finish off Assad. Accordingly, there was speculation and lobbying, that Biden or Trump would aid Assad to stop what appeared to be a Turkish backed Moslem Jihadi Army. Trump’s response was to directly rule out aiding Assad against the Moslems, it was not ruling out attacking Assad. Therefore Trump has ruled out aiding Assad and attacking the Jihadis, not attacking Assad. Meanwhile it looks like Russia is abandoning Assad. Looks like endgame for Assad.
Obama, Trump and Biden helped Al-Qaeda seize control of Syria, because that is what the Israel Lobby wants.
After years of Al-Qaeda rule in Idlib, Christians have completely disappeared from Idlib province. There is not one single Christian left.
Now the same fate probably awaits Christians in all of Syria.
I blame the Israel Lobby, and their vile cowardly puppets: Obama, Trump and Biden.
Joe Biden will go down as the most Jewish president in history. I cannot think of when if ever Israel won this much since 1945.
Hunter Wallace takes retarded logic to new levels of stupidity. Of course Trump will do nothing about Syria because Israel got exactly what it wanted now.
My position on foreign policy for over twenty years has consistently been not to intervene or get involved with wars in Eurasia. I have no problem with Trump’s statement.
Stay out of it? Americans are still there oversseing the overthrow and I don’t think Dump is going recall American forces. What a ******* pointless mess over there, the MIcomplex’s of America and NATO needs constant blood for sustenance.
Not really.
Turkey is behind this and has its own long simmering issue with the Kurds there.
Syria was destroyed by a combination of proxy war, airstrikes and economic strangulation, waged for 13 years.
Turkey was behind the proxy war. Israel conducted the airstrikes. The US government, under the control of the Israel Lobby, applied the economic pressure via the Cesar Sanctions and by occupying the oilfields of eastern Syria.
Yes some kind of deal was brokered between Turkey (the key player there), Kurds, Assad (who abdicated), the Syrian army (paid off not to fight) and Russia. Turk allies and Al-Quaeda/ISIS/MI-6/CIA/Mossad (AQ and ISIS are mere cutouts for usual suspects) walked into Damascus unopposed. Contrary to what our resident hasbara says, the Christian remnant will now probably be exterminated except those with enough money to flee. Russia should accept them as most are Orthodox – though maybe that was part of the deal (we’ll see). Shiites and Alawis will likely he the largest victims of the new bosses. Erdogan and his pal Satanyahoo won, though it’s possible some of the head-choppers will suddenly discover that Jews and Turks ain’t their frens after all, which could be highly amusing. If so the jews and turks will just route them to EU as ‘refugees’ – with help from Vatican, et al.
It’s an interesting example of old-time Israeli general Dyan’s observation that it’s not that the IDF is so great but that the Arabs are so ridiculously bad. There were literally more high-ranking officers in the Syrian army than soldiers. Nepotism run amok, totally out of control. Same thing happened in Desert Storm. Saddam’s Iraq officer corps were paid off with bars of gold by US special forces and most of the grunts just walked off the field. One or two units loyal to Saddam actually tried to fight and were quickly dispatched. That’s how such a great and stunning military victory was won with almost no US dead.
Leting the sunni terrorist win in Syria is the neocon position.
I knew it was coming.
The actual neocon position is non-interventionism. LMAO
Interventionism isn’t the definition of neoconservatism. Non-interventionism hasn’t been a thing since before the first world war – except for in the heads of some american right wingers with zero power or influence. Neoconservatism is about America doing stuff for Israel on the world stage. The Israelis support toppling Assad, ergo the neocon position is letting the sunni terrorists to their thing.
The Neocons didn’t “let” the Al-Qaeda win.
The Neocons HELPED the Al-Qaeda win.
No. Aiding and abetting the Sunni terrorist cut-outs (Al-Qaeda and ISIS) in taking over (with backing of US military) is the neo-klown position. All to establish Greater Israel from the River (Euphrates) to the Sea. It’s fine for Jew-supremacists to say “from the river to the sea” but their lackeys in the west will put your sorry butt in prison of you’re stupid enough repeat the phrase on behalf of the Gazans. Just one more example of how the synagogue of Satan works.
One possible good thing from all of this is that Trump now has an excuse to pull out of the area and let the various factions (there are many) sort it out themselves. Trying to intervene even for genuinely decent reasons is a fool’s errand. We have far bigger fish to fry here at home. We need soldiers on the border, not halfway around the world in Syria.
“Leting the sunni terrorist win in Syria is the neocon position.”-Max
Welp, there it is. Didn’t take long. It just reinforces the viewpoint of many, the the majority of commentators here at OD, as well as most so called influences on the nationalist side, are nothing but Anti-Zionists.
This group isn’t really motivated by immigration, national identity, populism, trade protection, national health, religious identity, etc. They use those simply as cover to push their single issue Anti-Zionism if not actual anti-semitism.
My conclusion is they are Papists seeking to disrupt Nationalist movement and unseat any Protestant influence in the movement, or Leftists interested in both besmirching the movement and undermining Israel itself.
Move to Israel where you belong, you disgusting Al-Qaeda supporting traitor.
Max likely stated his argument poorly. Or maybe he’s seriously deluded into thinking white folks should go and join up with Muslims to fight Israel. That notion seems to be a leftoid thing for the most part. As I’ve noted many times: It is not our fight and not the frickin’ “White man’s burden”. If the Sunni Muslim Arabs cannot get off their own massively corrupt asses to defend themselves – why the hell should we do it for them?? There is a profound difference between letting the chips fall where they will – even if it means Sunni jihadis take over a place – and giving active military support, money, etc. to said jihadis – which is what US/NATO/Israel have been doing since before 2001.
You and your neo-klown employers advocate the above, the aiding, abetting and funding of jihadi-cutouts like ISIS and AQ, who miraculously never attack muh’Izrahell and instead concentrate their murderous actions upon Shiites, Alawis and (especially in Syria and Iraq) Christians. ISIS and AQ are creations of various components of the deep-state: CIA, Mossad, MI-6, US MIC, etc. Even their names are uncharacteristic of Muslim ones like ‘Ansar al-Islam’ or ‘Hezbollah’. Islamic State in Syria and Al-Qaeda (The Foundation) reek of terms cooked up by a deep-state bureaucrat. Along with AIPAC, who may well be your employer, the DS and their gaslight media love to crow-on about the Global War on Ter-r-r-r-r-r-r (to get white boys to sign up as Imperial legionaries and die for Israel/GloboPedo) as they sponsor and carry out acts of bloodthirsty terror. Nothing new there since there’s even an old saying about it (They cry out in pain as they strike you).
Same gang (Deep-State, Israel, AIPAC, Neo-klowns, Jews in general, Davos set) are all also in favor of open borders for white countries (and now even Asian countries) – closed borders for Israel (only). Funny how those “unconnected” items are so literally joined at the hip. Why it’s almost as if there’s a deeper objective at work here. Some might even call it genocide. One of my favorite fake Austrian-painters gives an amusing overview here.
Who’s the real interventionist here, Schlomo? Max, or yourself?? Most here already know the answer.
@Exalted Russbot, Kung Pow Wu, and other Papists,
Basically, Americans wussed out of war, not out of cowardice, but out of laziness. They simply didn’t want to pay attention to the War anymore and let the military-industrial complex take over on behalf of Congress. The later really didn’t want to do anything to challenging. So, the war was fought half assed.
That meant serious fighters had to come up with ever more complex ways to fight the Islamisy insurgents. What you all call arming Jihadis, was simply army large psuedo-Jihadi groups to honey trap the real bad guys and destroy them. It would superbly.
Of course, this meant widespread devastation on the ground. It meant lots of displaced people. Without an identity to guide our national strategy, it was reduced to superficial short medium term objectives of just effing up the enemy, whoever that was.
Meanwhile, the region is full of Sand N@ggers. Christians habe long been a persecuted minority. With a Western civilization that no longer has an identity, let alone one that is Christians, and an electorate that just wants to grill and watch football, and a political class that just wants to accumulate more clout and dollars, how do you expect Christians in the Middle East to fare with or without a war? Blaming this on Jews is childish. You want to blame someone? Look in the mirror.
> Christians have long been a persecuted minority. With a Western civilization that no longer has an identity, let alone one that is Christian, and an electorate that just wants to grill and watch football, and a political class that just wants to accumulate more clout and dollars, how do you expect Christians in the Middle East to fare with or without a war?
I don’t disagree much with your take on this. Part of it includes exactly the same point I have made many times over here. Why would we expect there to be crusaders in a post-Christian society? One might as well expect geldings to be fruitful. What’s inexcusable are alleged Christians (typically white Prot southerners joining the clown-legion to ally with jihadis in slaughtering the remnant in the middle-east on behalf of literal devils like Satanyahoo – sorry Courtney but it’s a real problem. I’m not picking on them without reason). No excuse for it – any more than there was for the fourth crusade – a papist looting expedition against Constantinople.
The Synagogue of Satan = Kosher Nosetra = Jews could not have achieved this level of destruction and well-poisoning without much help from within the former Christendom of the west. They didn’t do it all on their own. This is something the WNs overlook all the time. WNs are often atheist to boot (like many Jews), so they deny the supernatural aspect of how the Synagogue of Satan operates and thus blind themselves to the underwater part of the iceberg (the actual source of their power).
Unlike you, I don’t worship or serve the Synagogue of Satan. You evidently do. Jews are Christ killers – then, now and forevermore. There is a place being prepared for them. A place of eternal darkness, with endless weeping and gnashing of teeth. They have fully earned this by their own choices (with their beloved compounded interest) as do all who serve and ally with them in their evil actions. As you have correctly noted, this includes a long list of those you call “papists”, though I prefer to use the term ‘Lavender mafia’. There’s no shortage of Protestants on the same path to perdition, especially (but not exclusively) the wealthy ones. Liars and con-men like Cyrus Scofield and John Hagee have done tremendous damage. Bring the troops home. Stop helping Jews build their evil empire. Not that hard of a concept to grasp. Baby steps, as the saying goes.
The problem isn’t that America “wussed out”.
The problem is that America, under the control of the Israel Lobby, fought on the wrong side.
The regime change wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria, fought for the benefit of Israel, created power vacuums which were filled by Al-Qaeda.
“nothing but Anti-Zionists.”
Not true, but extra abhorrence is reserved for a group of people who oppose nationalism for everyone but themselves. You’re not fooling anyone.
Juri: You are correct in your statement that the Soviets seemed to know in advance every movement of the German army. That is because there was a red agent among Hitler’s staff (it wasn’t Martin Borman) and he interacted with Hitler on a daily basis.
“The consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it.”
— General Robert E. Lee, in reply letter to Lord Acton, 12-15-1866.
Just think what the world would have been like for the last 160 years if a group of nations had of spent great sums of money helping the Confederate States of America secede from and prevent this Yankee Empire from becoming an aggressive bully abroad like they are now in their proxy war with Russia using the poor Ukrainians as cannon fodder and test dummies for their latest killing inventions…
US pledges $63.5 billion in military aid to Kiev under Biden
According to the document, “the United States has committed more than $63.5 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden administration”
WASHINGTON, December 13. /TASS/. Washington has pledged to provide Ukraine with military aid totaling $63.5 billion since the beginning of the administration of current US President Joe Biden, the Pentagon said in a statement.
According to the document, “the United States has committed more than $63.5 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden administration.” This includes $62.9 billion in aid allocated after the start of Russia’s special military operation.
On Thursday, the US administration announced that it would provide Kiev with another $500 million military aid package. It will include ammunition for HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, 155mm and 105mm artillery shells, HARM anti-radiation missiles, drones, mine-resistant ambush-protected MRAP vehicles, HMMWV vehicles, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear protection equipment, AT-4, TOW and Javelin anti-armor missile systems.
Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized that the supplies of new weapons to Ukraine would not change the situation on the front, but would only prolong the conflict.
Pentagon reports successful conventional hypersonic missile test in Florida
US Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro called the Florida launch “an important milestone in the development of one of the most advanced weapons systems” at Washington’s disposal
WASHINGTON, December 13. /TASS/. The US military has successfully tested a conventional hypersonic missile in the state of Florida, the Pentagon said in a statement.
The US Army and Navy “recently completed a successful end-to-end flight test of a conventional hypersonic missile from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida,” the statement said. It did not specify when exactly the launch took place. The Pentagon said it was the second successful test of its kind this year.
US Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro called the Florida launch “an important milestone in the development of one of the most advanced weapons systems” at Washington’s disposal.
Pentagon officials have repeatedly acknowledged that the US has fallen behind Russia and China in the production of hypersonic weapons. On July 16, Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said that the US would accelerate development and testing of such weapons. He then specified that the Navy and Army had recently completed hypersonic missile tests over the Pacific Ocean.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!