— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) December 6, 2024
Fuentes is in hot water after allegedly macing a woman and shoving her down stairs.
The incident happened outside his Illinois home when Marla Rose, 57, rang his doorbell to confront his… pic.twitter.com/xSqlF3mVIC
This was the single best prediction that I made about 2024:
Alt-Right Remnants Continue Clowning Themselves
What will it be next year?
Last year, these people rallied behind the #Ye24 campaign before falling out and turning against each other after Yedolf ghosted them. The National Justice Party collapsed. Blood Tribe marched in Orlando. Nick Fuentes lost all his political allies and minions and ended the year doing a podcast with Richard Spencer. Most of the rhetoric of the Alt-Right went mainstream. Figureheads didn’t make it. It is safe to assume that the old scene will continue fragmenting and fading away.
Someone will launch a new Neo-Nazi group to fill the void left behind by NJP’s collapse. It will have a new flag and make all the same points. It will have zero appeal outside of the >5% of the population that has always supported Third Reich nostalgia based politics. Everyone will eventually turn on everyone else and the cycle will repeat itself. It has been an endless loop since GLR’s time.
Yes, Nick had every right to defend himself.
Yes, it was wrong for this Jewish activist to show up at his house.
The point is that Nick created this unnecessary shitstorm with his “your body, my choice” viral video. He now has to deal with the hassle of the civil and criminal legal fallout from it.
This is just another episode in a larger pattern of nihilistic, unserious, self-sabotaging behavior. It was already obvious that Nick was on a downward trajectory last year after the #Ye24 debacle, when he linked up with Richard Spencer and when he lost a lot of his political allies. He spent the whole year trashing Trump and J.D. Vance and praising Kamala Harris who he said was “brat.” Then after deciding that wasn’t enough, he made himself even more politically radioactive with the Wifejak meme.
There is a peculiar type of activist who loves to court negative public attention, who isn’t interested in normalizing our more controversial views, who isn’t trying to make our cause more politically palatable, who relishes alienating people who are more moderate with hot takes. They are professional internet clowns who are amusing themselves and others mainly for clicks and lulz.
Hopefully he wins his court case and then brings a successful civil case against his stalker.
Very difficult.
It’s more likely she can sue for assault.
What are we all going to do in similar or exact same instances?
When Je*ish Antifa, BLM doxes us, shows up at our homes, churches, places of employment.
Or just the system’s Secret police does the same?
Soltzhenitzhen freezing his as* off, near starving in the NKVD Soviet, Je* Gulag slave labor camps said we should resist with physical force, not just mace and pushes (the woman wasn’t killed or maimed was she?), but with axes, building organizations of physical resistance to physically fight the secret NKVD police.
““And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
? Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956”
“set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers,”
People are sheepish. They won’t unify for mutual protection.
The founders realized this, ergo the 2nd amendment.
Soltzhenitzhen was very naive on human nature, people don’t have that sort of willful courage, very few have it.
If people had even a fraction of that sort of courage pro-WHITE organizations would be flourishing with millions of members.
Nice setup. Guess Fuentes is no longer of use to his federal employers. Illinois is a total shithole of a state, with a governor who is the spitting image of Jabba the Hutt. Bad as Kalifornica – maybe even worse. Any supposed ‘conservative’ who would choose to live in the state needs their head examined. One does not have a right of self-defense or castle-doctrine in Illinois (even if they exist on paper). If thugs kick down your door and you manage to kill them – you’ll be prosecuted, except maybe in some of the southern counties who haven’t yet had Soros-elected prosecutors installed.
Similar things were said about “ Red Berlin” with the horrible Je& chief of police “ Weiss “
And in Bavaria the heart of conservative , nationalist actual Bolshevik Communists led by the Je$ Kurt Eisner took over for ~ a month instituting a bloody reign of terror . Before Eisner was killed and Frei Corp World War I vets reclaimed Bavaria
So we
Hi Jaye,
You’re one of the few reasons I would oppose nuking Chicago. Most of us here in ‘de-downstate’ voted for a meaningless resolution advocating a breakup with Obamaland (Chicago – Crook County and the counties surrounding it). If only it were possible to saw off Obamaland and move it into Lake Michigan ….. Gov. Jabba even showed up in Alton (a rust-belt wreck on the Mississippi) to whine about it. A fine clown-show.
Illini Frei-Korps – has a nice ring to it, no?
“The point is that Nick created this unnecessary shitstorm with his “your body, my choice” viral video. He now has to deal with the hassle of the civil and criminal legal fallout from it.”
You could paraphrase this as: don’t mock the feminists, the negroes, the Protestants or cross the Jews over child butchery (they’re all on the same team now)or you’ll no longer be secure at your own home.
A few weeks ago there was some insane looking yenta with what looked to be a pussy hat just standing outside my house without any reason for loitering there, looking at her phone, in somewhat cold weather.
This prosecution could be a ploy to make Fuentes appear more legit, but overall, the reaction here shows us what Brad’s criticism of activists amounts to in practice, blaming the victims of Antifa and Lawfare used to suppress the rights of conservatives.
Jps ” the PROTESTANTS ” ? MOCK, to your heart’s content, just be sure, you direct some of it towards ” STONE CHOIR ” MOCK MAN !
Any word on the Fuentes/Destiny sex video that is supposedly out there ?
“a peculiar type of activist who loves to court negative public attention”
Is that ever true, for so many who allegedly advocate for WHITES.
Seems they have an arrested adolescent need for attention and will use any social stunt to get that attention.
It is just words, and there is no reason for that obnoxious Christ killer to darken his door looking for a fight. She got what she deserved and in typical jew fashion she is crying persecution. Tell me again these people are just like us, I just can’t swallow that line of crap. It won’t stay down. Next time mind your own goddamned business jew.
R.BROWNING ” I just can’t swallow that line of CRAP ” are you sure ? That’s not the story going around ..
“Yes, it was wrong for this Jewish activist to show up at his house.”
In all likelihood this is the culmination of multiple threats.
The jwz have used this trick on many pro-whites. Make multiple violent threats anonymously, then have an innocent person show up at the threatened person’s house who then overreacts in some fashion and then the lawfare and lawsuits start rolling.
This is how they wrecked Richard Butlers org up in Idaho.
United States of AIPAC ” Yes, it was wrong for this JEWISH activist to show up at his house ” agreed, would he have manhandled a guy showing up at his door? Fuentes a leader? Fuentes a Intellectual giant? Fuentes demonstrating by example, self control, impulse control ? Really ? He was baited pretty easy, he needs to work on his issue’s, he should have ignored her, not even answered the door …….
Anyone who thinks they’re going to pursue a controversial right agenda and live an otherwise quiet suburban life had better reevaluate.
Americans need to visit foreign countries and see how it is done. They have walls and gates, dogs and alarms. No one should be able to walk right up to your front door.
I wish you were interested in normalizing our views.
The worst thing that could happen to you now is if the SPLC took you off their list. Were they to recognize your repentance, how could you deradicalize legitimately?
Nick is a closeted homosexual.
Well, his closet door is made of transparent shower-curtain plastic then. Not quite as openly flaming that bozo who showed up here shilling for Zelensky because catamites in Hugo Boss uniforms, but it’s pretty obvious.
The real question here is whether Fuentes is actually on our side or not? I have been very doubtful of this for a long time. He marched with the January 6 folks in the Capitol and was somehow overlooked by the Garfinkel Just-Us Dept. while countless no-name Trump supporters rot in a shithole DC jail to this day. How is that possible unless you either have enough dirt to destroy someone big in the deep-state (in which case your life is in serious danger) or you are in the employ of said deep-state?
Everything Fuentes has done has ended up harming the cause, which would appear to be his job. His chief activity seems to be working the Cass Sunstein strategy of discrediting opposition by backing those with the most ridiculous, outlandish and absurd arguments. The weight of evidence available indicates Fuentes is a fed who is carrying out the Sunstein strategy. Those who disagree are welcome to present evidence to the contrary.
Speaking of feds, it looks like – as if by magic, the “Patriot Front” decided to disband (go back to their desk jobs) just after HRH Queen Wray of the FBI resigned. The only thing truthful in that organization’s name was the back end – “front” (as in false). Makes one think that something cometh their way that they are afraid of…. a very good sign.
Nick F is alleging that an ( Antifa ? ) assassin cane to his home to attempt to kill him . This assassin apparently went on to kill 3 people
Video backs up his version