We’ve had some recent “issues” with comments here on OD. So we’re reposting the OD Comment guidelines. Stick to these guidelines and your comment will be approved. Violate these guidelines and your comment will be sent to the trash pile.
1.) No Flaming – I’m sick of the comment threads degenerating into flame wars. Flames are now banned. If you want to criticize someone, that’s fine, but do so in a respectful and civil tone, and make sure your comment adds to the discussion, otherwise it could be deleted.
2.) Off-Topic Comments – Please stick to the subject under discussion. Far too many threads are getting derailed by extraneous issues.
3.) No Trolling – Do not troll others and bait them into reacting to you.
4.) No Soap Operas – Do not come here to carry on a soap opera. I’m tired of dealing with these comments.
5.) No Hobby Horse Riding – I’ve seen countless threads deteriorate into hobby horse riding. The most obvious examples are religious and subracial infighting. Most of the time the OP is irrelevant to these issues.
6.) Use Common Sense – By that I mean keep your comments reasonable, civil, productive, and respectful. Stick to the high road. Make your point in an honorable way.
7.) LOLs – I’m tired of seeing LOLs and the like in the comments. This detracts from the comments. Don’t use them.
8.) Conspiracy Theories – There are any number of websites that cater to conspiracy theories. This isn’t one of them.
These rules are only a temporary stop gap measure. When I find the time, I will flesh out a more comprehensive set of guidelines which will be permanently adopted. If everyone followed these few simple rules, the comments would quiet down and we can all return to business as usual.
Spam Filter: if your comment does not appear immediately, that means it has been sucked up by the spam filter, or you don’t have a previously approved comment. I’m going to clean out the filter and install a new one this weekend. That should resolve the problem.
Brad, aryan globalist ho has been guilty of 1 through 6 and 8 (with special emphasis on 5) multitudinous times. So will you now, at long last, ban this hasbarat if he keeps violating your guidelines??
Just a heads up on a comment that was misunderstood this past Summer and HW let it go up was a comment about the White Gretsch Falcon Guitar or comments.
You guys put a lot of time into reading and posting comments, so thanks for the time it takes when other sites stopped on posting comments.
Dixie Rocks!
end of the year roundup – seems important to our ppl.
I agree with guidelines, sadly I noticed that some commenters recently stated that some whites are “inferior” than the others. This website has always gathered white people everywhere.
Your timing is impeccable.
The biggest online story over the past few days has been Elon Musk getting butt hurt in the comments on X/Twitter because of his awful positions on flooding the US with East Indians “legally ” and lashing out by suspending the accounts,, demonetizing accounts,, or shadow banning accounts arbitrarily.
Now, you want to censor posts for upsetting your sensitivities.
Good grief.
OD endorsing Zion Don made it a laughing stock on the DR. What you intend to do to the comments section will make this blog a ghost town.
I try to stay on topic, I wonder if OD should open up some kind of forum discussion or thread for off topic commentary. A place where people can ride hobby horses. OD forums kind of fizzled and died.
Comments are taking days to be approved usually. I don’t know how much actual conversation can be had.
I’m generally just not even bothering lately.
Thanks for the guidelines. Things have been a bit borderline around here for some of those reasons.
As Vox Day showed you really don’t need comments or commenters, and anyone believing that their trolling is the reason for a blog’s existence can be easily disproven by being shown the door. No one will notice or care.
That’s a decent point. In fact, Vox’s own commenting has improved since he got rid of the comments. I usually stop by his place several times a week.
This seems to undermine good discussion of articles and is counterproductive to our free speexh ethos. Please keep the comments a free speexh zone. Only foul language, bots and obscenity should be banned, just like the first amendment.
The recent problem in the Comments section was flame wars and misunderstandings between females
Make the comment section great again and start reviewing them more regularly so we can actually argue efficiently. Thx.
You should start seeing a sharp downturn in flame wars and slander now that “Pastor” Martin and his legions of sock puppets have suffered a stroke.
No doubt comment vetting is a big job, but free speech is so important where prowhite people gather. Am shocked that weekday AmRen articles are commentless now. Gratuitous foul language is way out of control these days, true — crotch talk feels macho to insecure people.
Thanks, Mr. Griffin.
Moderation, won’t dull my SOUTHERN BLADE …..