Happy New Year 2025!

Happy New Year!

I see that 2025 is already off to an exciting start.

I’ve been doing some housework during the terrorist attacks. I have some ribs cooking on the grill. I have also been working on my annual New Year’s Resolution.

As for this website, I want to keep the discussions more civil in the comments in 2025. We’re going to be more selective in what gets approved. We don’t need a Royal Rumble of unrelated ethnic and religious insults dominating the comment section. I expect we will have plenty to talk about. All of that stuff is a distraction from the blog and I am tired of hearing about it.


  1. When they say “bringing in the new year with a bang, ” it wasn’t meant what happened in New Orleans early this morning. The victims appeared to be college age Whites.

  2. “As for this website, I want to keep the discussions more civil in the comments in 2025. We’re going to be more selective in what gets approved. We don’t need a Royal Rumble of unrelated ethnic and religious insults dominating the comment section. I expect we will have plenty to talk about. All of that stuff is a distraction from the blog and I am tired of hearing about it.”

    So, OD is institutionalizing censorship of comments that even X allows. MAGA!

    • Commenting on someone else’s blog is a privilege, not a right. The only blogs whose comments are worth reading are ones where the owner ruthlessly culls anything that does not add to the conversation and freely bans all idiots and trolls. If that is censorship, bring it on.

  3. Happy new year Brad!!
    Even if i’m totally for free speech I agree that during the last month some people here have continued to spread hatred among whites.

    • @Marcel,

      What you are calling “hate” is what both Eric Blair/George Orwell in “1984” and St. John quoting Jesus C in John 15:18-19 where Christ instructs his disciples that they will be hated if they preach the truth to the world would challenge.

      Happy YF 136.

      • I didn’t exactly understand what you mean, I’m just saying that OD has always welcomed users from everywhere: Australia, Canada, Europe and South Africa and probability also other parts….. so engaging in worthless discussions about little differences like sub-ethnic groups or religious denominations is ridiculous. We’re all here because we feel our western society in damage and because we like the articles and reasonments of the owner of this website.

        • Yes. I suppose OD has some international readers, but that is not what I meant.

          Almost everyday I chat with people of our race who are pro-European from five continents. The only rules we have is no fedposting or pornography. Other than that all topics are discussed without censorship or “editing.” My guess is that their skin is thicker than rice paper.

        • “I didn’t exactly understand what you mean, I’m just saying that OD has always welcomed users from everywhere: Australia, Canada, Europe and South Africa and probability also other parts  …so engaging in worthless discussions about little differences like sub-ethnic groups or religious denominations is ridiculous.”

          You mean like doscussing non-stop about Jews? Or you mean like denouncing Christian Zionists? Or do you mean Liberal Protestantism and Catholicism?

          The fact is Nationalism is the way forward. We must understand what that means. One’s National identity is deeply rooted in one’s religion. The definition of a Nation is a group of people united by common descent, blood, language, and religion inhabiting within a territorially distinct country. Nation-States are therefore nations, who have developed a sovereignty over that distinct country. If we are going to be discussing the national identity of America or one its ethnic constituent parts, then we must discuss ethnic and religious identities.

          Larger movements uniting various nations around common themes are possible. Usually these are not just racial, but are temporal on time. Historically, these were understood to be studies on civilizations or races. Western Civilization would therefore be those various White Nations that descended from a common genesis, i.e. Greco-Roman and Celto-German Europeans, and have similar artistic, religious, and customs. Studies in Western civilization wouldn’t be studies in Japan. What we know from such studies both of Western Civilization and Eastern or Asia Civilization, is such racial civilizations are extremely difficult to place under a single territorial sovereign for any length of time. This is why multi-cultural or multi-religious identity movements usually don’t last, even with they are united by a single imperial culture such as with the Romans. That is why on turn, we must return to our nationalism roots.

          Nationalism is not the same as Racism. There is such a thing as American or German Nationalism. Both focus on their nation and are in distinct territorial areas. Both nations also happen to be White. But there is no such thing as White Nationalism. That is an oxymoron. There can be such a thing as White Racism. But, you don’t build countries off of it. You build Empires and civilizations off of it. That is why you can have White Civilizationism or as it is often called Westernism. That is a unique form of White Racial Civilizationism. It is rooted on another White Racial Civilization, that of the ancient Roman civilization and its Empire. That civilization and empire was built off the Roman nation, but the Roman civilization and Roman nation were two distinct things. Roman Nationalism was eventually submerged within Roman Imperialism.

          Contradistoncty, you can have ethnicism, within Nationalism. That is where a sub group of a Nation, generally a more closely related, denominationally specific, and dielectically similar group of people in a territory promote their interests within the nation. Such an example would be the Scottish within the British nation. One might even say the Canadian within the Brittanic nation. Of course, Canada and even Scotland, have busily been lobotomizing their self-identity, so they are now competing claims to the British, Scottish, or Canadian titles.

          Hunter, was a Southern Identitarian. Southern Identity is inextricably tied up with British American Protestantism. Its an original part of the American nation, rooted in a specific region of that nation’s country, with a unique American English dialect, and a common denomination of British Protestantism. Hunter, was a big promoter of Southern identity and therefore quickly grabbed onto the “Ethno-National,” movement as a means of expressing his beliefs.

          The ethno-national idea was perhaps in its origin one of the few singular politically logical movements to arise since the 1940s. It recognized the existence of nations, and originally, recognized ethnicities within each nation. Unfortunately, Feds, globalists, imperialists, liberals, commies, even other religious groups, sought to put their imprint on the defining idea of the movement and it collapsed because it changed into pretending to be a White Racial Civilizational movement. But, the original mission of Southern ethno-Nationalism is an actual thing, as was Sicilianism, Catalonism, Flemishness, etc. All of the movements that promted a self-identity of those ethnicities remain potent forces in their respective countries, despite the collapse from saboteurs within the ethno-national movement.

          The Occident is the Latin term for the West. Occidentalism or Westernism, are therefore euphemisms for Western White Racism. Tragically, Hunter has conflated Occidental Dissent with Southern Identitarianism. So, he termed his website Occidental Dissent and attempted to square Southern etnno-nationalism with White Racial Civilizationism. It hasnt work out too well. This became especially apparent after the ethno-national movement itself became hijacked by racial imperialists and religious globalists.

          Thus, today on Occidental Dissent we have all sorts of Racial Civizationists, usually neo-Nazi, and usually associated with globalist religious institutions, trying to comment on Hunter’s Southern Ethno-Nationalist talking points. This results in usually non-Southern ethnics whether within the American Nation or outside of it from foreign nations, bagging on Southerners, and attempting to use OD as a platform for their racial and religious civilizational talking points that have little to do with Southron Ethno-Nationalism.

          Overall, I disagree with your notion that sub-national, or ethnic, or religious denominations are ridiculous. I suspect your main topic is biological determism or racial civilizationism. I don’t necessarily have a problem with those topics, I just happen to think they aren’t the only topics we need to discuss, especially on a website devoted to Southern ethno-nationalism. Especially in an age where nationalism, imperialism, religious universalism, civilizationalism are growing, we need to start from the basics. That means from the ethnic identity ground up to the civilizational identity. Hunter is correct in my view to remain fixated on the ethno-national identity of the South. That is as said before, a British American Protestant identity rooted in the South. But we aren’t allowed to discuss it let alone criticize its detractors. Instead we are reduced to talking about racial civilizational matters which is a big fail for the original mission of this website.  The impossibility of squaring these two diametrically viewpoints, and being unable to critique them, discourages me, along with many others from staying much longer on this website.  

          • @ Aryan

            My message and thoughts are much simpler: as I have written before, this website welcomes many people (placed politically on the right or otherwise advocating against globalism) from all parts of the white world. So it includes not only Americans from both the South and the North, but also Australians, South Africans, and finally Europeans. I personally belong to the latter group, I am in fact Italian and come from northern Italy. very often abroad they think that Italy is Sicily or otherwise use Sicilian as a stereotype of Italian, which is as wrong as saying that Americans are all like New Yorkers or saying that the French are all like Normandy residents. Of course within our states and nations there are various regional and even ethnically different cultures.

            We in northern Italy had the Northern League that wanted to recognize our unique and different aspects from southerners, this movement also inspired Dr. Michael Hill to create the League of the south (he emailed it to me). I have a lot of respect for the culture of the south and I know full well that Brad is part of that movement within the dissident right. I have always defended southern culture in the U.S. (you can go read my comments to earlier posts made over the years) and I have always defended the right of southerners to defend the statues of their ancestors from destruction by those on the left.
            We are all different but as I have said also similar in one respect: we are all children of Western European culture (albeit in our important differences) and for years we have been fighting against our globalist, woke and leftist opponents who want to destroy our civilization and who accuse us and our ancestors of being merely racists.

            The problem is serious because our opponents are allies and we must be allies too, despite our differences. That is why I say it makes no sense to despise those who are part of a different white ethnic group or a different religious denomination, otherwise we will continually divide ourselves into subgroups that will eventually be crushed by the globalist left. In my opinion it makes sense to respect each other since we are all in the same situation and especially since we have to be united to lead this struggle since we agree on so many things.

            I follow this website because i like Brad’s reasoning and thinking and also because i have the opportunity to compare myself abroad with people who, roughly speaking, think like me.

          • Throughout all of 2024, we had three big complaints about this website:

            1. First, I would disappear for weeks at a time and not post anything because my work / life schedule would get so hectic. I’m going to try to do better this year, but I have another child on the way in April.

            2. Second, people would post comments which wouldn’t get approved for days because I was doing the moderating.

            3. Third, all the fighting in the comment section about ethnicity and religion, which is usually completely unrelated to anything I am writing about on any given day.

            I hired a moderator to deal with the latter two issues because I can’t be here 24/7.

        • @Marcel,

          I remember when the Nothern League (IIRC, it was also called the Lombardo League too).

          I agree that the Hollywood Sicilian stereotype of ALL Italians has become epidemic, especially among those who have never had much or any true social relationships with either group.

          Ngl, I have more hope of European nationalist taking back their homelands when this judeo-socially and economically engineered golem dies in USA, as we in America are more divided by region and ethnicity than Europeans ironically.

          • @November
            Yes i agree, our problem in Europe is that we have a parliament that is ruled by foreign interests. Moreover we have French and Germany under islamic invasion and Britain (which is not politically european but remain so for its history, geographic position and culture) that is also hostage of invaders.

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