MORE GRAPHIC FOOTAGE: The scene at the New Orleans NYE terror attack. pic.twitter.com/Y4SjBXPjpV
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 1, 2025
WARNING — GRAPHIC: Video shows Islamic terrorist mowing down people celebrating New Years in New Orleans pic.twitter.com/snWtmN05Xv
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 1, 2025
HORROR: More video emerges from New Orleans terror attack pic.twitter.com/JK51FBNnPI
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 1, 2025
FBI Statement on the Attack in New Orleans
— BNO News Live (@BNODesk) January 1, 2025
Today, at approximately 3:15 a.m. CST, an individual drove a pickup truck into a crowd of people on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing at least 10 and injuring dozens of others. After hitting the crowd, he exited the vehicle and…
elite_hueman_capital dot jpg pic.twitter.com/GxjreUCTF3
— Just Loki (@LokiJulianus) January 1, 2025
OMG. New Orleans terrorist Shamsud Din-Jabbar – US citizen and a human resource specialist in the military: pic.twitter.com/byzzTNp477
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 1, 2025
Sadly, I don’t have much to say about this.
We’ve seen variations of this story dozens of times over the years. I didn’t even bother to write about the “ex-Muslim” terrorist who attacked the Christmas Market in Magdeberg two weeks ago. It is people from the Middle East, usually college educated professionals, who have utterly no business being here, who are seething with resentment at their host population, who lash out.
The two attacks in Las Vegas and New Orleans appear to be related. There were reportedly IEDs placed on Bourbon Street in New Orleans which didn’t explode. Every single one of these attacks can be laid at the doorstep of delusional liberals who import these people, coddle them and fail to integrate them. It is a feature of our social order like the Jordan Neelys on the New York subway.
The solution to deport all of them, but you already know that.
So the Muslim terrorists are back. They took a little vacation lol
This looks like a False Flag operation. The FBI & / or other intelligence agencies like to find a mentally unstable person , be they white or in this case Muslim who they talk into doing these types of attacks.
It is just strange to me that these people must know they are either going to spend the rest of their lives in jail or will be killed for their actions. But instead of targeting people or politicians who actually make the decisions, they kill random no-bodies, that the decision makers couldn’t give a crap about . So really their “sacrifice “ is for nothing.
But if an organization wants to get the population up for another war in the Middle East , then these attacks do make sense.
There’s also a thing called a “green flag” operation which works very similar to a false flag. It’s basically deliberately leaving a target unprotected or vulnerable to an enemy you know will likely take the opportunity to attack – in order to achieve a similar result to a false-flag.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was such an event. It could have been prevented and minimized but the FDR administration wanted a reason to go to war with Germany so left the older ships in Pearl Harbor as sitting ducks and deliberately ignored warnings coming in from various channels – diplomatic and military – about Japanese fleet movements. It was a real Japanese attack and thousands of US military died, but the ultimate purpose was to get into WW II as most in the country still had a lingering bad taste after sending troops to France in 1917.
This is just the beginning of many such attacks the coming year. Several hundred former veterans of the military services, intelligence community, law enforcement, and private detectives have been joined by hundreds more who quite federal, state, and local service in the last years of the Biden Administration. Their mission: To expose a large scale conspiracy between Islamic jihadists and a treasonous and criminally negligent Federal regime under Biden.
Specifically, that a unified Islamic Mujahideen Ulema had been established under Al-Queda, which now is run by a single Emir, the son of Osama Bin Laden. All of the major Islamic Jihadist organizations have had their leaders daughters or sisters marry this Emir. The separate organizations will continue to operate as their own fighting units but are coordinated in a global struggle under the Emir. The Feds have been completely oblivious this resurgence just like they were between 1998-2001.
Because of this failure and the black mark Biden gave to the official US government, the National Security Dissident Organization has been conducting its own operations across the globe against the New Islamic Jihad Army. It is believed to be the only organization trusted by the remaining resistance in Afghanistan where it continues to infiltrate and attack the Taliban. Its these guys who found the upcoming attack, including other ones planned for the New Year.
The intelligence they uncovered specified a series of attacks inside the US during the holidays which would reach a penultimate campaign launched by at least 1,000 Jihadists that are KNOWN to have entered the US since 2023. It would be mirrored by a similar campaign in Europe. Suspected targets included mass casualty events like on 911 as well as random terror attacks like we witnessed especially on Embassies. I discussed this in previous posting two months ago and provided a link.
Meanwhile, various other veterans of similar Federal, State and local organizations have been beating the drum that another conspiracy was in place between the Cartels, and the commie regimes in Latin America. They also have said widespread attacks were being planned by Cartels and other leftwing groups across the United States. All of this is the logical conclusion of the last four years of the Biden Administration.
As Hunter mentioned this logical conclusion is itself rooted in the social order created by our over arching liberal ideology which has dominated America since WWII, but especially since 1965. It will continue to happen until we have rooted out that pernicious liberal ideology and its followers as well as its foreign population. The later, now numbering, scores of millions in the US and scores millions more in Europe. If Sarah Adams is correct, we could witness the greatest number of attacks and casualties by hostile war fighters since the Mexican Bandit Wars caused Pershing to invade Mexico or maybe even before during the Indian Wars. We live in the wild, wild west now. And it’s coming to a fishing hole near you.
Al-Qaeda was emboldened because Biden and Netanyahu helped them seize control of Syria.
Once again, the Israel Lobby is the root of evil.
This song seems very relevant.
Just substitute ‘Old Glory” for “Union Jack.”
Gaslight media report:
> After mowing down numerous people over a three-block stretch on the famed thoroughfare while firing shots into the crowd, the suspect — identified by sources as Shamsud Din Jabbar, 42 — allegedly got out of the truck wielding an assault rifle and opened fire on police officers, law enforcement officials briefed on the incident told ABC News. Officers returned fire, killing the suspect, a U.S. citizen from Texas, sources said. At least two police officers were shot and wounded, authorities said. Another 25 people were hospitalized with injuries.
Vox Day notes about this magic-dirt fail:
> Apparently Mr. Din Jabbar was also a US Army veteran. Keep that in mind the next time you’re assured that immigrants love America so much that they even want to defend it.
> Identity always trumps ideology. Always.
Yet Trump – the forever boomertard – doubles down on importing millions of pajeets to provide cheap labor for his pals…
How very convenient. Just after providing substantial support for ISIS and Al-CIA-duh in Syria for the sake of OUR GREATEST ALLY, an import with an ISIS flag flying from his F-150 kills 15 (mostly whites) in Nawlins. How many white boys will want to sign up to go and kill Musloids for Jews now?? Are whites starting to catch on yet about the nature of the racket? Time will tell.
@Exalted Cyclops,
Some military age White men that have gotten hip to the USAZOG agitprop will not enlist, but others will want to play Call of Duty IRL, and win Darwin Awards.
Two jews supposedly died in the terrorist attack in NOLA. That’s what made the FBI and DOJ call this an act of terror.
“…Two jews supposedly died in the terrorist attack in NOLA.”
Oh, oh… then its DEFINITLY serious
This jihadi was born here and served 10 years as a US ZOGbot.
Fasten your seatbelts because we are in for a bumpy ride.
Yes appears to have been born in Texas, married twice and served as a US ZOGbot. Just proves the total lunacy of magic-dirt, the credo of morons and liars.
Identity always trumps ideology. Always.
Living proof that Musk, Trump at al are either totally delusional or just plain lying. The attack of course could be part of the overall program to gin up support for more wars in the middle-east – while Donald and Elon bring additional such folks to Kwanmurika on H1Bs. Remember the argument the usual suspects were making back in the Bush era? We need to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here. They forgot to tell you the “totally unrelated” second half of the two-part neo-klown credo: Invade the world and Invite the World. Two prongs of the same strategy. (Exterminate YT).
Whitney Webb
Don’t forget that one of the top causes of terror attacks is the FBI/US law enforcement looking to forever expand its budget and the war on domestic terror. With the new administration, it makes sense the domestic terror narrative would shift to the “radical left” (Mangione) and Muslims (to justify for interventionism in the Middle East).
But remember, the war on domestic terror infrastructure has been expanded by republicans and democrats alike since 9/11 and the govt definition of a potential dom terrorist is very vague and overly broad. Palantir (lots of ties to incoming admin) is key to its function and the ultimate goal is to push this “war” into a pre crime paradigm
6:15 PM · Jan 1, 2025
Goes deeper. “Shamsud” wasn’t imported – he’s a “US-born citizen”. Demonstrates why birthright citizenship is ridiculous, or, at a minimum, should be vetted based on race.
The Religion of Peace (Thanks G.W. Bush) strikes again. Of course, the CIA’s role in funding these terror groups in the Near East for Our Greatest Ally will go unmentioned. Also, the CIA regularly resettles these terrorists in the U.S. after they cooperate with the CIA’s various terrorist campaigns overseas. This is the wars overseas coming home to roost, not staying in foreign lands.
Neither the Left nor the supposed “conservatives” including MAGA will stop supporting terrorist groups overseas or put the brakes on the CIA. The politicians fear the release of blackmail material the CIA has by the ton at its disposal on the degenerates in Washington and elsewhere. As that loathsome scumbag Chuck Schumer (D. Israel) said: “The intelligence agencies have six ways to Sunday to get back at you”. For once in his life he told the truth. Ask Jeffrey Epstein about it.
Another vet goes on the rampage. Politicized and radicalized by the US military, like mc Veigh or the ft Hood shooter, and others? Or just blowback for the ongoing US supported televized daily Gazacaust which has killed thousands of men, women and kids?
At least, Trump, Rubio, Hagseth, Waltz, and Gorka will have to use some insane gaslighting to make normiecons believe Iran was the sponsor of these attacks. Iran and ISIS are 100% enemies, but ISIS and USAZOG and pissrael are their allies.
“At least, Trump, Rubio, Hagseth, Waltz, and Gorka will have to use some insane gaslighting to make normiecons believe Iran was the sponsor of these attacks. Iran and ISIS are 100% enemies, but ISIS and USAZOG and pissrael are their allies.”
I wouldn’t be too sure. The gaslighters made the sheeple think that Ben Laden and Saddam Hussein were on the same team, even though they hated each other.
On the chance that USZOG does attempt to use these attacks as the excuse the normies might swallow again, the same day Zion Don is sworn in, Iran and Russia are signing a mutual defense treaty in Moscow.
If Trump is foolish enough to attack Iran (and he just might be) it will quickly end his presidency’s effectiveness. He would limp along in the office, bellowing like an idiot about being a stable genius and everything else until his miserable term ended. The blowback from such a foolish attack would rebound enormously in multiple ways possibly resulting in China seizing Taiwan as the U.S. is all bollixed up (again) in the Near East and unable to fight two wars simultaneously.
The only comedic part would be Our Greatest Ally giving the stable genius the finger as they leave the U.S. all screwed up in another war they provoked. From their point of view it’s another “Mission Accomplished” moment (thanks G.W. Bush!) for them with all their enemies i.e. Syria, Iraq and Iran neutralized by the U.S. At that point they might as well financially collapse the U.S. in one last act of brazen fraud.
Not only that, but fellow BRICS members Russia and Iran could get the Chinese to call in the treasury bonds they own on US national debt to the tune of over 2 trillion USD simultaneously with a conflict with Iran, Russia, and mainland China seizing the renegade province of Taiwan.
USZOG and its arrogant jewish brain trust have painted themselves into a corner.
Correction: The mutual defense treaty has been moved to January 17th in Moscow, so it will be in effect before the tangerine turd is president. That’s 4-D chess.
They let this guy join the US military. The army.
The US military just loves this kind of crud, pampers them endlessly.
@Aryan Globalist Ho
“Because of this failure and the black mark Biden gave to the official US government, the National Security Dissident Organization has been conducting its own operations across the globe against the New Islamic Jihad Army.”
How do I get a National Security Dissident Organization secret decoder ring?
Keep posting this fabulist’s fantasies, Brad. Sure makes your page look serious.
@fredyetagain aka superhonky,
“How do I get a National Security Dissident Organization secret decoder ring?”
Out of touch civilians still getting cues from legacy media don’t get such rings. Only veterans get such rings, and you ain’t one, civvie.
“Keep posting this fabulist’s fantasies, Brad. Sure makes your page look serious.”
Its okay Brad. As a nobody, this guy isn’t expected to think about the dangers caused by enablng to enter into the US in the last four years, over 15,000,000 illegal aliens, including hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners.
fredyetagain aka superhonky, your thinking process is exactly the same thinking process the Feds had just before 911. As a nobody you are forgiven for thinking that way even if its still 25 years out of date even for nobodies. But we don’t forgive Feds who still think that way. Such persons are TRAITORS. So, if you’d care to raise your intellect, click on the link in my previous post and find out what National Security Dissidents are doing to save your @ss.
“Only veterans get such rings, and you ain’t one, civvie.”
Well as it happens, I am a Marine Corps veteran, civvie. So far as being a nobody, well at least I’m an America First, Christian Gentile nobody, and not a delusional zionist dual-loyalist nobody like some people.
“So, if you’d care to raise your intellect [ ]”
Listen up, son. There’s nothing you could ever do to raise my intellect. But thanks for the offer.
“Well as it happens, I am a Marine Corps veteran, civvie.”
Who you calling a civvie and why are you talking smack?
“So far as being a nobody, well at least I’m an America First, Christian Gentile nobody, and not a delusional zionist dual-loyalist nobody like some people.”
You sound similar to Fuentes and his followers. I happen to be a descendent of Colonial Settlers of the Protestant variety. My people are from here and our religious allegiances are to our native churches. That makes me loyal to only one country, America.
Some people with your tone are hypocritical Anti-Zionist Feds with foreign ((ethno-sectarian)) biases. They are usually liberal Establishment Feds with Anti-Zionist leanings.
These people can say America First all thet want, but their policies have always been wrong and led to America Last in everything for the last 40 years:
Wrong about the Berlin Wall
Wrong about Sadam Hussein invading Kuwait
Wrong about Yugoslavia and the Balkans
Wrong about ((Robert Hansen)) and other ((Traitors Amongst us)).
Wrong about Al-Queda
Wrong about East Africa Terror attacks
Wrong about upcoming 911 attacks
Wrong about heading off Osama in Tora Bora
Wrong about what was needed to invade Iraq
Wrong about how the Baathist would react
Wrong about tribalism in Iraq
Wrong about Iranian terror in Southern Iraq
Wrong about one man, one vote in Iraq
Wrong about restoring the Afghan monarchy
Wrong about Democracy in the Middle East
Wrong about the growth of China
Wrong about Chinese influence in America
Wrong about Chinese military build up
Wrong about the threat on our Borders
Wrong, wrong, wrong. America Last, Last, Last.
It never changes with people like yourself. You were just recently wrong about upcoming Holiday attacks just as your fellow traveler Establishment Feds are wrong about the thousands of Jihadis ready to tear America and Europe apart.
“Listen up, son. There’s nothing you could ever do to raise my intellect. But thanks for the offer.”
Yes, you are right about one thing.
The preceeding post was heavily edited by the moderator which took out sentences for reasons unknown to me.
For example removing the term Jarhead or removing a reference to my own service. I don’t get it.
Moderator, FYI Jarhead is a well known slang word for Marines. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarhead#:~:text=Jarhead%20is%20a%20slang%20term,in%20the%20First%20Gulf%20War
Aryan Globalist Bro, your comment isn’t the only one I have recently had to edit after our new guidelines were posted. I have edited comments from others too who argue from the other side. We are trying to avoid comments that will lead to inter ethnic squabbling and there were some things you mentioned I was afraid might lead to that.
I didn’t want to delete your post entirely because most of it was okay and I wanted to let you respond to the other guy taking jabs at you who had posts go through as we were still transitioning to the new guidelines. I didn’t like having to edit your post because you are one of the posters sympathetic to the South but I am trying to keep things equal while moderating when it comes to the inter ethnic comments.
In regards to your comments about being in the Marines I apologize for misunderstanding what you may have said in those parts of your post. Some of it was hard to understand and I couldn’t tell what was meant to be an insult. I encourage everyone on here, not just you, to please, moving forward, post what you are trying to say in a very clear and non rambling manner. Aryan Globalist Bro, if you would like to post another post clearly and in a civil manner conveying again what you were trying to say before about your military service to the other poster, feel free to .
“Aryan Globalist Bro, your comment isn’t the only one I have recently had to edit after our new guidelines were posted. I have edited comments from others too who argue from the other side. We are trying to avoid comments that will lead to inter ethnic squabbling and there were some things you mentioned I was afraid might lead to that….Aryan Globalist Bro, if you would like to post another post clearly and in a civil manner conveying again what you were trying to say before about your military service to the other poster, feel free to.”
I am not going to repost. It isn’t necessary. The point I want to make is that your new posting guidelines are pretty one sided. Everyone gets to bag on “Duh, Jews,” and “Muh, Zionism,” and accuse anyone who isn’t Adolf Hitler or Nick Fuentes of being one or being a Hasbara troll. This is hardly fair or balanced and regardless only allows individuals inimical to the South to claim to be Hunter Wallace’s audience.
These new guidelines essentially suppress any talking points that aren’t congruent with Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer or whoever non-Southern retards are out there claiming to be the Dissident Right. It especially suppresses any criticism of the one group which you actually can’t criticize, fulfilling Voltaire’s dictim, apparentely even on OD, the Papists.
We are essentially back to the OD Comment section being a toxic warehouse of shiite posting on Jews, Zionists, and anyone who doesn’t criticize them 100% of the time, which would include like 80% of Southrons. In other words, these Papist Neo-Nazis, almost all of whom are from the North, get to continue to march thru the remaining Southron Identitarian movements and hijack them for their own purposes whilst insulting anyone who thinks different than themselves.
Returning to making the OD comment section a toxic warehouse of retarded outtakes on Hunter Wallace’s published work, repells anyone from following up on his points, at just the moment, the majority of our policies are being mainstreamed and internationalized. If this continues, the so called Dissident Right, including Hunter Wallace, will end up in the trash heap of politically history, being replaced with something better. Ironic Sock Account has commented and explained this perfectly elsewhere, so I see no reason to say anything further other than the new guidelines are only suppressing defenders of the South from pointing out who is doing the most damage to our continued existence.
@Aryan Globalist Bro
The moderator edited me as well, in my second response to you above. Sure I did have some choice words for you (which were edited out), but it’s not like I called you a dirty jew or anything. It’s confounding to write a post which would appear not to violate these guidelines recently set forth, only to have it edited in such a way that it loses its punch.
Now a while back I did use a most non-PC word to refer to our melanated bruthas and sistahs, and the moderator changed to word to “blacks”. That didn’t bother me so much. If the proprietor of this site doesn’t want to see outright ethnic/racial slurs bandied about, I can see his point. But again, in the absence of a clear violation these recently promulgated guidelines, it’s discouraging to see your words deleted/revised, etc.
I know I could be wasting my time writing this, as it may not be published at all, or it may be unjustifiably revised. But, just wanted to get my thoughts on this topic out there.
Oh and btw, I am most disappointed that the moderator edited out the word Jarhead from your post. Far from being offended by it, I own and wear it proudly; it symbolizes an achievement of which few are capable. Semper Fi.
You have to put on a kippah and read the Talmud plus never miss an opportunity to suck the Schlomo-Schlong. Only when you’ve proved that you want your fellow whites exterminated or permanently enslaved will you be allowed into the Kosher Nosetra as a trainee. The pay is good though since they control the issue of money. Those who have legal carte blanche (ironic term) to add zeros to their accounts have literally unlimited funds – as long as there are enough morons to accept their plastic shekels.
I hope more of this happens, despite all the nonsense that Hunter Wallace preaches, accelerationism is good for white interests. More of the same ZOG status quo is the worst possible thing that could happen to white people.
Accelerationism works only if sufficient numbers of whites wake up from their stupefaction fast enough to radicalize to the point of taking direct action. While there has been overton window shift starting with the fake “Biden” presidency, I don’t see a single white country whose populace has been waking up in sufficient number.
American black convert to Islam, think Kareem Abdul Jabbar or Muhammed Ali.
Yes, the guy’s accent did not sound Middle Eastern at all he sounded like and American black.
This is where responding with the talking point that “Black Supremacy is the most greatest threat to America right now…” would work wonders. Taking a cue from Biden’s White Supremacy b.s. by demanding a stand down in the military to review and investigate military personnel for signs of Black Supremacy and remedial education is the way to go. The Woke Right methods are key to expanding our audience and supporters.
Reminder that we are dealing with orcs with guns. They don’t have legitimate reasons for the dumb things they do.
What I haven’t seen addressed on any of the newcasts is was this person from an immigrant islamic background? Or was he just an ordinary ‘brother’ who went nuts and converted to Islam and took himself out in a fit of Trump Derangement Syndrome?
He is a Black Moslem convert. He definitively had relations with traditional Islamic Jihadis. But, he wasn’t your usual Black Muslim. We must remember that psuedo-religious movement was a counter intelligence creation, whereas Islamic Jijad is an actual organic movement with a long history in Islam. McDaniel was basically a Black American “renegade,” who was inspired by Jihad to mow down people in New Orleans. There will be more of these singleton Jihad operations ultimately coming to a crescendo with larger more sophisticated Jihadi group attacks.
I think I read somewhere that his birth name was McDaniel. I don’t think he was a true Islamic terrorist, nor was there likely a wider conspiracy. He had lots of personal problems heaping up, for instance, a bad divorce, $27k in debt. I think he falls into the pattern of a mass shooter who happened to link his behavior to this adopted Nation of Islam type ideology. The media seems to want to make it into something bigger, probably to get viewers.
Life can and often is very brutal and very bad.
“Bad doesn’t mean good”. That’s a Black underclass thing
But life and death regarding this ISIS and other Islamist anti The West isn’t complicated. Don’t try to make it so.
IMO ~ 99.7% of remaining ha white, sane, non drug addicted (That include the drug that is Je* TV), that don’t have PHD in Chicago School of Economics, some theocracy about uniting the Entire World including all 2.5 Billion Islamists – IMO 99.7% of sane White Western People do not like these ISIS Islamist suicide mass murderers. Nor do they like Pakistani and other bad Indian/Arab pimps, sexual groomers of poor White English and other White girls.
OK – so the OBVIOUS THING TO DO is to find some, a Tough White guy in places you live that will step up and lead the cause to decrease, end 99.7% of these Islamist 9/11/01 terrorist mass murders of our people in what little remains of our countries.
If some locals step up like the Swiss People’s Party did and made stopping, ending all bad Islamic terrorist attack, all bad Muslim migrant invasions, that party will quickly rises to the #1 local party.
In contrast the Neve ray die, walking dead, race denying, Islam and BLM BlackLiesMatter denying Ron and Rand Paul CULT have consistently been losing ~ 99.7% of the vote of remaining sane White voters in national elections. Pandering, escusing these repeated Islamist mass murders of our people in our country.
That’s really stupid or worse. Really treasonous.
We’re about to start punishing traitors. So don’t let that be you.
When I heard about this, I told my sister-in-law this guy is black, Muslim, or both. Sadly I was right.
Not too difficult, once you see the patterns and shake off the shackles of media mind control.
It will be to interesting to see how many of these fleas and ticks windup on Trump friendly OD.
Whitney Webb
Kind of telling that Israel significantly ups its hasbara budget for 2025 (usually focused on Americans and Europeans) and now attacks from terror groups that never attack Israel (despite being “radical Islamists”) and have provable CIA-Mossad ties have unleashed a convenient wave of media slop that echoes that which preceded the Iraq War and which also (conveniently for Israel) conflates Palestinians with ISIS.
8:52 AM · Jan 3, 2025
A few posters on OD are getting a raise in 2025.