Here is Trump on Rogan 2 months ago explaining how California wastes millions of gallons of water diverting it to the Pacific and that their poor forest management will lead to dangerous fires pic.twitter.com/4gZKyoLCun
— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) January 9, 2025
As a resident of California, I am calling for FEDERAL RULE of this state until we can figure out what the occupying regime has done to our state.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) January 8, 2025
*lTRUMP BLASTS CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR: “For the sake of a smelt (tiny fish), they had no water today in the fire hydrants in Los Angeles!” pic.twitter.com/N78jK8ITEr
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 9, 2025
Total destruction in Malibu. These were beachfront homes on Pacific Coast Highway. #palisadesfire pic.twitter.com/DhQnJMmoUW
— Liz Kreutz (@LizKreutzNews) January 8, 2025
April, 2021. Gavin Newsom explains that wildfire preparedness will be better now that Biden is in office instead of Trump. pic.twitter.com/jTnSgagQsF
— MAZE (@mazemoore) January 8, 2025
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) January 9, 2025
"I talked to a fireman once this is one of the reasons that freaked me out and he was telling me, ‘dude one day it's just going to be the right wind.’
And fire is going to start in the right place… pic.twitter.com/4YApvYUuBv
"Trump's a buffoon" said all the smart people who voted for Harris ? https://t.co/kLMDK4LkBJ
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 9, 2025
Pacific Palisades median income is 200k paying 9% income tax and 1.17% property tax rate on a median home price of 3.5 million
— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) January 9, 2025
Imagine paying all that and watching your home burn to the ground w/ no water for fire hydrants
So, how was Ghana? pic.twitter.com/jVOEbfcjeL
— Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) January 9, 2025
LA officials say they do not have enough firefighters… they literally TERMINATED firefighters for not taking a COVID vax pic.twitter.com/4pRh9iNcMm
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 9, 2025
WATCH: The Malibu waterfront, which features some of the most expensive properties in California, has been completely destroyed. pic.twitter.com/WEWu1rzM4D
— Dominic Michael Tripi (@DMichaelTripi) January 9, 2025
LAFD recently created its 1st DEI Bureau. Assistant Chief Kristine Larson rakes in $399,000+ by leading this bureau.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 9, 2025
Her job? Root out bigoted firefighters. pic.twitter.com/phnVdWvXOF
Gov. Newsom on LA not having water in its fire hydrants: Not my job pic.twitter.com/2SzW3Az1D8
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 9, 2025
ANCHOR: “Despite what you have heard from Caruso, no firefighters have told us that they are running out of water”
— Dustin Grage (@GrageDustin) January 9, 2025
*cuts to reporter*
REPORTER: “Firefighters have told me they have no water to put on this fire”
Welcome to California.pic.twitter.com/YVwImySQu5
DESPERATION: Firefighter uses traffic cone to retrieve water from a puddle as LA is running out of water
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 9, 2025
Pray for SoCal?pic.twitter.com/8ZO2iqcEtt
Mayor Karen Bass stands in a stunned silence for nearly 2 minutes as a reporter asks her if she regrets cutting Los Angeles' Fire Department budget by nearly $20 million and being absent as her citizens' homes burned down.pic.twitter.com/64A1hlTv2m
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 8, 2025
Looks like they made good on their promise. https://t.co/qUFQExGTTT pic.twitter.com/PBdL6Z8wyj
— captive dreamer (@captivedreamer7) January 8, 2025
DEI: LA Department of Water and Power CEO Janisse Quinones makes $750,000 per year. Listen to her explain how LA ran out of water. One job… pic.twitter.com/PV8rVlE2Vo
— @amuse (@amuse) January 9, 2025
Peak gaslighting. pic.twitter.com/MuW2a62khi
— iamyesyouareno (@iamyesyouareno) January 9, 2025
LOCAL MEDIA: We asked the fire captain, out of every 10 fire hydrants, how many are you getting water from? He said, 'little to none.' They realized – there was nothing they could do.pic.twitter.com/pQlRMPAJRE
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) January 9, 2025
Just the other day, Kyle Kulinski lamented the fact that California never built its high speed rail system. Unfortunately, it appears they have bigger problems like the fire hydrants in Malibu.
When I think of LA women?
I think Alice Webb!
To all the folks affected by this tragic loss,
Rebuild and never trust your politicians!
God Bless!
Love the pic of Guv. Greathair taking a selfie before the flames. The true irony is that regardless of what outrages and crimes he commits, the Calitards would vote for him again while blaming the whole mess on Trump. Literally beyond all hope of redemption.
Of course Elon and Don would probably say we need to replace the fire departments with private rackets run by the usual suspects and H1Bs. Bad as they would be, they could not to that much worse than the government union clown-show presently under way.
Voting for your group, no matter what, is pretty much the norm in most third world countries that have elections. Not going to any different in America now.
Except for whites, who are split into at least two groups. Groids, Pajeets, Beaners, Asians, Jews and others all vote for the group interest.
As FDR said, nothing in politics happens by accident. So a city that is designated as a Smart City in the making burns, because people at the top prevented forest management and cut off the water to the fire hydrants and ruined the fire department with applied Judaism (DEI). And where did those 100 mph wind gusts come from, just at the right time? It is the DOD that controls the weather in this country.
And just before the regime changes on the 20th meaning the op was now or never.
Not an accident. This is the planned result.
The Los Angeles Fire Department Chief is a lesbian. She is of course an affirmative action selection, and embraces all the judeo-woke mind viruses.
We are going to make you hate that is what we create.
A homeless illegal immigrant of Iranian and Chinese ancestry, stay tuned.
If we’re going down the conspiracy theory route, then I’ve got one, in line with what Whitney Webb reported in the past (HT: November)
BlackRock and the Vanguard Group have bought up millions of dollars, and probably billions of dollars, in housing and private property over the last 35 years. Cheap land and housing, like we had during the Homestead Act, is gone. Median housing prices have skyrocketed since the 1990s from something like $210K to north of $400K. The infinity Brown Deluge causes that on the demand side, but the mass buying of private property by giant Jewish conglomerates causes it on the supply side.
Whitney Webb’s theory is that BlackRock and Vanguard, along with the Davos crowd, will soon try to make entire continents into their own private property. All land will belong to them by legal right. Cross reference this with what we know about Jewish dominance and Talmudic prophecy (“the world is belongs to us!”), and you get a recipe for Larry Fink and his tribe having private property rights over the whole world. As they explicitly told us in November 2016: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”
Insofar as these fires in southern California were allowed to happen, its obvious what comes next. All those homes on valuable beachfront property in Pacific Palisides and Malibu belong mostly to upper middle class residents whose insurance companies likely won’t cover their losses because the whole insurance model breaks down under such conditions. Just like in Russia in the early 1990s, I’m sure (((businessess))) will swoop in, buy up that beachfront property for pennies on the dollar, rebuild all the houses within 5 years, and boom, no more nice ocean front property for goyim scum.
Whitney Webb also postulated that the privatization of the world will happen through conservative politicians and conservative support. “Its their property, they get to do with it whatever they want!” has been normalized since at least the Reagan Administration. It won’t be libtards that administrate Jewish tyranny over the world. It will be conservatives.
They are doing much the same with hospitals and clinics, very few doctors in private practice now, as compared to the past.
(((Private equity firms))) Are buying most mobile home parks and pricing the working poor out of the last resort for affordable housing.
” try to make entire continents into their own private property. “. It’s happening with Ukraine.
Whitney doesn’t engage in so-called “conspiracy theories.” She unravels conspiracies between (((organized crime))), (((financial interests))), and governments. All of her conclusions are backed by reams of paper trails, and when she does use conjecture, which she does not really like to do, it is the definition of an educated guess.
Yes, Miss Webb would be a perfect ‘Girl Friday’ for me. It is not too often that I find a woman’s mind an aphrodisiac, but her’s fits the bill. Not only that, but she’s incredibly brave in publishing and speaking out where her research had led. Unlike Ryan Dawson, she doesn’t compare what the jews are doing in Gaza to NS Germany.
I hope that other OD readers follow Whitney on Unlimited Hangout, Rumble, and X/Twitter.
“Whitney Webb also postulated that the privatization of the world will happen through conservative politicians and conservative support. “Its their property, they get to do with it whatever they want!” has been normalized since at least the Reagan Administration. It won’t be libtards that administrate Jewish tyranny over the world. It will be conservatives.”
Remember what Commader George Lincoln Rockwell wrote and said about “conservatives.”
“A conservative is a person who want to save their money, and a National Socialist is a person who wants to save their race.”
A hand full of billionaires are running things before Trump 2 and calling it populism.
To me these L.A. wildfires are a good as an example as you could get of how messed up both political factions are. If the liberals had worried as much about filling reservoirs and making sure hydrants worked as they did worrying about protecting criminal aliens and sex changes for 7 year olds, they could have done better fighting it. As for the conservatives, there’s no climate change drill, drill, drill. All their b.s. sounds like oil company hacks wrote it.
What you describe as the master plan for L.A. coastal areas reminds one of the Likud Party’s plan for Gaza.
Really, the wealthiest democrat donors purposely burnt down their own neighborhoods filled with stuff like Picassos just to play some sort of 4D chess? They built a city in a major wildfire zone out of ordinary building materials like timber that might be fine for Indianapolis? But in LA county you need a whole new approach, not only seismic resistant, but now brushfire proof construction. Now the dams that Newsome removed for Salmon are up on the Oregon border and had no impact on these fires, it does show a general mismanagement of water resources by a government of eggheads who have an anti human Sheldon Cooper type ideation of nature over people and don’t give a rats ass about the civilizational destruction that will result by their hobbyhorse attempts to basically overthrow the industrial revolution so they can live out their noble savage delusions and discover that life in nature is really brutal, short, and nasty.
Such a capitalist boomer statement.
How about the capitalist jewish couple Stewart and Lynda Resnik who through a “sweetheart” deal acquired California’s underground water storage facility which was once public but not in private ownership.
I guess that’s okay with boomers that worry about conserving natural spaces, marijuana use, the GDP, and brainwashed “woke” Millennials and Zoomers more than jewish malfeasance, eh?
>California’s largest underground storage facility.
This is what discivilization looks like. When you invert Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and prioritize DEI hires, gender-diversity & the welfare of fish over *firefighting*, don’t be surprised when your society is without ‘luxuries’ like water & shelter.
Go woke, go up in smoke.
Let it burn!
Southern California is overrun with the Third World. Orange County is full of various Asians while LA County and the City are majority Hispanic. There are various groups of people from all the world though: Tibetans, Nepalese, Caribbean types, Indians (mostly dot, a few feather), real Africans, Central Asians, West Hollywood is fag central and The Usual Suspects are a big presence too. Whites are a minority and the common enemy.
Unfortunately for the Third World types and the Whites who choose or must live amongst them, the non-Whites’ level of competence is low, especially in an emergency. Notice the mayor, Karen Bass, with her thousand yard stare into nothingness as she returns from Ghana to see LA on fire. She just shutdown. She has no idea what to do and neither do the other diverse types either. It’s actually too late to fix things now anyway, so much has been destroyed after decades of bad decisions.
Import the Third World, become the Third World. It’s impossible for the average, public schooled, TV addicted, Hollywood propaganda immersed White person to shake off the lies they, their grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, teachers, friends, almost everyone they know have been marinating in all of their lives. Even when the reality of Third World failure bites them their first reaction is denial of reality: that all men are not created equal.
Don’t you know, you horrible racist, All Men(?) are created Equal, race is just a social construct, the next Government program will fix the coloreds’ social pathologies, they are victims of slavery, discrimination, oppression? It says so in the Bible or my college textbook, or the Constitution or somewhere, I just know it. Even after literally being burned out of their homes most Whites won’t dig down into the fundamental truth: race is real, it’s not a social construct, it’s genetic and therefore unchangeable, that non-Whites both despise us and want to be like us at the same time, that racial differences are irreconcilable and Third World means failure.
The most difficult truth for White “liberals” and their “Conservative” allies to swallow is that the re-founding of America in the 1960s as a multi-cult, anti-White, post racial utopia is a failed experiment leading to a failed nation. The Tangerine Turd and his followers point out the manifest failures of the Left-Wing Establishment, which is great but they are unaware that the rot is down to the foundation of the country and the current ruling class needs to be removed, root and branch to start, start, fixing things.
Good luck with that. More failure is ahead, it’s a buffet of failure that’s going to be served, good and hard, too. Personally prepare for what’s coming, that’s all you can do. The country is unfixable through politics or the current corrupt, self-serving establishment.
Everything you wrote is true.
“race is real, it’s not a social construct, it’s genetic and therefore unchangeable”
But with our knowledge of genetics and inferential statistics we do have the potential to breed better humans and remove defective attributes.
The great crime is that we are moving in the opposite direction, being bred down.
“Orange County is full of various Asians while LA County and the City are majority Hispanic. ”
Like Arcadia, 1970 98% WHITE, now a Chinese colony.
Home run, 12AX7. While certain folks obsess over jews (which is not the same as knowing what they are – the Synagogue of Satan), they overlook the vast herd of gaslighted whites of all classes who have drunk themselves into a blind stupor of lies and insanity.
We still haven’t found out about what really happened on Maui, though I suppose it’s telling that Zuck built his bunker there. Oh for a single hazelnut while he was in situ – from dust to dust as it is written.
Alot more than Los Angeles is burning down; just more Jewish tricks…
US States Stop Accepting Cash For Ammo!
“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
Guess what, the right to anonymity is an unenumerated right retained by the people. That includes the right to buy stuff with cash. Banning cash/cash transactions is unconstitutional and your congressman should be reminded of this fact if necessary. I try and boycott any stores/businesses that ban cash transactions.
more Jewish tricks…
New Ammo Bill Restricts You To 1,000 Rounds Per Month!
Essentially we need new Federal Laws, Programs, Orders, and Regulations. They will be called the Redemption Acts. The people who implement the law will be charged with rebuilding destroyed and damaged places like California, New York, New Orleans, Birmingham, etc. They will be called Redeemers. The Redemption Act will, like the Reconstruction Act, eliminate all Civil Governments in our rebelious, treasonous and occupied non-White States, Counties, and Communities.
Just like the Reconstruction Act, the Redemption Act shall place these areas under military government. Just like under Reconstruction, all of these Democrat and non-White leaders in these areas, whether politicians, dog catchers, estate owners, upper class oligarchs, etc shall be removed from office. We will send various White Southrons to these areas, who will quickly grab up the properties from the carpets to the big mansions, and who shall be placed by the military governments in civil authorities. We will then deport the entire foreign origin population whose family wasnt here prior to 1945. Then watch places like California and Jackson Mississippi and Birmingham Alabama and New York City and Chicago, blossom like a rose again. Make America Great Again!
> Just like the Reconstruction Act, the Redemption Act shall place these areas under military government. Just like under Reconstruction, all of these Democrat and non-White leaders in these areas, whether politicians, dog catchers, estate owners, upper class oligarchs, etc shall be removed from office.
Basically agree, except for your highly inaccurate description of the Reconstruction. The Yankee lunatics installed non-whites (kneegrows) in office in the areas occupied by the army (which remained until 1877). While the plantation owners and even small white farmers had their lands confiscated via hiked-up taxes imposed by the military occupation regime (allowing land to be acquired by looters for pennies on the dollar), carpetbaggers (the looters) flooded in to establish a new oligarchy which was several orders worse than the previous one. Read Mitchell’s book Gone with the Wind sometime. The 1939 movie was just a Pedowood parody. Mitchell did a massive amount of research and interviews of folks who lived through the era. The feds (quelle surprise) were criminals and the army was made up of urban thugs from places like NYC. Other Southern historians of the era back up Mitchell’s overall picture in the novel.
A disproportionate number of the carpetbaggers were The Usual Suspects, shocking!
These clips should go down as the Greatest Compilation Album of D.E.I. and the Biden Era. Put it in with the Afghan debacle, Biden falling down, Dark Brandon moments, White Supremacy fear mongering, and its epochal. One couldn’t imagine such a massive hoisted up by your own petard situation.
Wildfires in the Santa Monica mtns ….. well duh
Santa Ana Winds …. well duh
Then mudslides and cliff collapses in the spring rains ….. well duh.
Yeh, this is really new, not! The Belair fires of 60 years ago…. same , same, but only bigger. Lessons never learned .
Pack 10’s of millions of immigrants into an area and wonder why there is a water shortage, failure of infrastructure etc. overcrowding ….
Before the WHITE man, LA was a desert in summer and a swamp in winter. It took people like Mulholland and other WHITES to bring water to La and dump the winter excess via channeling the LA and San Gabriel rivers. All WHITE built infrastructure.
Living on the wealth our ancestors created and squandering it at breakneck speed.
As America loses its WHITENESS we will see ever increasing failures across all institutions. Things such as this mismanagement are only the tip of the tip of things to come.
Resign! President-elect Trump Demands Gov. Newsom’s Resignation Over LA Fires
Once in office, he needs to do a lot more than call for that criminal’s resignation. He should declare a state of emergency in Kalifornistan and send in the military to arrest the entire state government from Guv. Greathair all the way down on charges of treason. Install a military administration. Obviously this is a pipe-dream.
Best to let Greathair and the mafias controlling that God-forsaken shithole to secede. Let Mexico bail their miserable leftard asses out, or Greathair’s pals in China (we could take bets on how long it would take the Chinese to arrange for his disappearance). The gaslight media (as always) is lying about this event.
Here’s a small sample of what lügenpresse et al are omitting
*Greathair and his rubber-stamp ‘legislature’ cut the state fire budget by 100 million last year
*Greathair is working with (((developers))) to re-zone Pacific Palisades from R1 (single-family homes) to R3 (apartments)
*Pacific Palisades reservoir was empty for cleaning and maintenance the past month
*The three major fires started at the same time
That’s just a very small sample. Several arrests made for folks starting fires, the usual BS with the DEI circus and clowns like Bass, etc., etc., etc. These fires stink of Blackrock, et al.
More women playing dress up in men’s clothing. The chief is a homosexual. Don’t know about the others.
Below was posted on Zero Hedge. He does bring up a point regarding rebuilding. In CA, hard to get permits, lots of red tape. Even more so for ocean front property. Although, I’m not too sure these virtue signalling Blues will now start voting Red. Too much of a mental disconnect for them. Should be interesting to see how much help the LA area gets compared to the people still living in tent after that hurricane. But our coastal elites can’t be bothered with all the smelly people who live between the coasts.
Correction: hard to get a permit, true but there is more “understanding” from the Costal Commission for the good and great people who have the money to throw around.
After the dust settles from this catastrophe look for private equity types to have all permitting streamlined for them.
“Woke” propaganda and policies don’t keep your city from burning down. The usual suspects won’t learn a thing from this. They’ll blame it on Whites not doing enough about “climate change”.
“Whites not doing enough about “climate change”.
They wedge that into every other news event.
It wasn’t that long ago as far as human history goes that people had to live in pandemic fear of fires leveling entire cities, and they weren’t paranoid in being that way.
Chicago 1871, everyone knows. The cow kicking over a bucket genesis story is probably a legend.
My native St. Louis, 1849. HW, if you’ve wondered why the older parts of St. Louis City is mostly or all brick, it’s because, after 1849 in the rebuild, city ordinances came in that they had to be brick or non-flammable. They were only repealed after fire defense got that good and space between residences got far enough.
London, 1666, probably the most apropos number of a year. The current St. Paul’s Cathedral is a later that century rebuild of the one that burned in 1666. And the one that existed before was itself a rebuild after one that burned in an 11th century fire that leveled London.
Of course, Rome in 64 AD. Best theory is that it started in the grill room of the stadium where chariot races were held. To show that Nero didn’t have the fire started or wasn’t fiddling, he turned himself into a volunteer firefighter.
@countenance to add to your list, a little known event. The Peshtigo (Wisconsin) fire started on the same day as the Chicago fire (Oct. 8 1871) and is, thus, less well known. Killed way more than the Chicago Fire. Burned around 1.2 million acres and also the deadliest wild fire – 2200 or more killed. Exact number unkown.
God destroyed the original Sodom and Gomorrah in the same way for the same reason. It needed to happen.
Climate change = you dumb WHITES pay more taxes on energy consumption, which is involved in everything, so libtards can have infinite money to spend on woke crackpot schemes.
“California’s forest management for not doing enough to prevent fires that have devastated the state”
Take a look at many of the national forests, they are in terrible shape, tender boxes.
Not only that, but Mexican cartels are literally cooking meth there – totally unopposed by the feds for well over a decade now – even in Sequoia NP.
Also true for many farms.
Farmers hire Mexicans as caretakers to manage their farms and the Mexicans use the remoteness of the farm or ranch to cook meth.
I’ve driven by a couple of farms where the smell of ether is heavy and lasts for miles.
The gaslight media, usual suspects and all the goodhwytes say the Great Tinseltown Inferno is because Climate Change. What is this ‘climate change’ you ask? We now have found out that this is not a ‘what’ but a ‘who’.
“‘Climate Change’ has been identified: He’s a 28-YO man from Reseda in a black hoodie holding a lighter and some matches.” — Peach Keenan
> PS. One must wonder if he’s an off-the-books employee of Blackrock of course, since it looks like much of the property up in smoke was already uninsured.
Other greater, more important fires are burning too; Jewish fires…
Douglas Macgregor: Israel CRUMBLING as Catastrophic Decision IGNITES All-Out War With IRAN!
The dieversity hires failed to protect this diverse city.
Not enough real white men…..and water…..to protect this third world/Jewish/libtard city from from the wrath of mother nature.
Pull up a chair and enjoy the resulting mayhem from a safe distance. I guess it was the fault of whites…..
Palisades Park
Last night I took a walk after dark
A swingin’ place called Palisades Park
To have some fun and see what I could see
That’s where the Fires are
I took a ride on a fire engine slug
That Mayor I sat beside was awful smug
After we stopped she was holdin’ press confabs
My heart was thumpin’
Up like a rocket ship
Down like a roller coaster
Back like a loop-the-loop
And around like a merry-go-round
she bullshitted the press again and again
she danced around the truth and then
And when I could I said that lady Mayor was awfully smug
In the tunnel of lies
You’ll never know how great a kissoff can feel
When you deal with a lying heel
When I fell into despair
Down at Palisades Park
she bullshitted the press again and again
she danced around the truth and then
And when I could I said that lady Mayor was awfully smug
In the tunnel of lies
You’ll never know how great a kissoff can feel
When you deal with a lying heel
When I fell into despair
Down at Palisades Park
Down at Palisades Park
Down at Palisades Park
You know it’s Palisades Park
Down at Palisades Park
“dieversity hires failed to protect this diverse city.”
LA will just turn into another mega slum, like Caracas, Rio or Johannesburg. Same people, same results.
The quota-hire Mayor of LA obviously has her fingerprints all over this catastrophe. Imagine cutting much-needed $ from your Fire Dept. in order to maintain funding for the city’s DEI programs. Brilliance of the first degree. Really brethren, is this individual the best the Democratic Party could hand-pick to install as mayor???
“Governor Brylcreem” hasn’t exactly bathed himself in glory (or IQ points) either. Letting a crucially important reservoir become incapacitated in order to preserve an obscure & probably non-existent minnow species, coupled with brain dead forest mgmt., takes nit-wittery to a whole new level.
Both the Governor & Mayor tower above Albert Einstein in both intellect & stature. To all who will listen, get out of California while you still can!!!
“Imagine cutting much-needed $ from your Fire Dept. in order to maintain funding for the city’s DEI programs”
That’s what all of judeo-marxism is about, starve the essential to feed the absurd.
And, let’s not forget NC. Mile long lines to get propane for heat.
China’s rich and powerful are sending so many mistresses to the US that the ladies are taking over whole neighborhoods in Southern California, forming several ernaicun or “mistress villages,”
That was over a decade ago.
How much truer is it now ?