Biden: "I want to warn the country of some things that give me great concern. That's the dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultra wealthy people and the dangerous consequences if their abuse of power is left unchecked. Today, an oligarchy is taking shape" pic.twitter.com/3JFO40udS3
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 16, 2025
President Joe Biden used his farewell address to the nation Wednesday to warn of an “oligarchy” of the ultra-wealthy taking root in the country and of a “tech-industrial complex” that is infringing on Americans’ rights and the future of democracy. pic.twitter.com/O1UfbOKaQB
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 16, 2025
a real mask off moment for big tech oligarchs pic.twitter.com/x5wdeYp6Ri
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 16, 2025
Why is oligarchy suddenly a bad thing?
Why is “the tech industrial complex” suddenly a problem?
The answer, of course, is that tech oligarchs are switching sides and cozying up to Trump and MAGA who won and defeated the liberal establishment. They are following Elon’s lead.
“A party at the Beaux-Arts mansion of the venture capitalist Peter Thiel. A blowout organized by hosts of the popular tech podcast “All-In” at a brand-new members-only club. A viewing ceremony hosted by an ascendant, Silicon Valley-inflected network of wealthy donors.
Some of the most coveted parties during President-elect Donald J. Trump’s inaugural weekend will be hosted by the Silicon Valley donors who are flush with power at the dawn of his second administration. The tech industry that has embraced Mr. Trump over the last year or so is set to revel in its clout over days of festivities that will make the tech donors the stars of the show.
Inaugurations attract deep-pocketed corporations and donors seeking access to an incoming administration that will oversee their industries and interests. Mr. Trump’s official inaugural committee has shattered fund-raising records. …”
The “tech industrial complex” was wonderful when Twitter and Facebook were still doing all the censorship. Biden isn’t referring to Google / YouTube.
A plagiarist to the end, now he’s ripping off Eisenhower.
Ah hell, he doesn’t have an original thought of his own. Everything he says is scripted by his handlers (((Ted Kaufman))).
CORRECT! Most people talk about the Military-Industrial complex, but don’t know what it is, even less know it came from Eisenhower’s Fairwell Address, and even less still have actually read it. After reading Biden’s Address I couldn’t help but laugh at the lack of creativity of his handlers who plagiarized Eisenhower’s Address so Biden could sound Presidential talking about Tech Bros. God, our ruling class sucks!
“dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultra wealthy people”
JOE, Finish the thought, just say JEWS !
Lol, Brandon here strangely not mentioning the oligarchy which has run America for the last 100+ years; the banking oligarchy. These guys will retain power until someone goes all Jacksonian on their ass & kills the Fed. Their mechanism of control is the Media Intelligence Complex (MIC) and getting the social media titans on board the MAGA train is a good first step to dismantling it – if this is truly Trump’s plan.
It will be interesting to see how he tackles the security state, as he sure can’t do any worse than last time. Gabbard as pick for DNI is encouraging.
Verdict; cautious optimism.
If you see nothing wrong with an oligarchy in America…. One championed by Musk, who told us to F ourselves in the face – he’ll bring pajeets because ‘Muricans are dumb & expensive….
You’re in a cult.
The same oligarchs – Bezos, Musk and Zuck – were here a decade ago. Nothing has changed except that Democrats are mad with them.
Just a silly old man, farting up the White House one more time before he leaves. Trump needs the place cleaned with bell book and candle. Burning sage in the place probably wouldn’t hurt either
They say Hillary never actually left, they couldn’t find her and she lurks the halls at night stealing wine and watching people sleep.
“Just a silly old man, farting up the White House one more time before he leaves. Trump needs the place cleaned with bell book and candle. Burning sage in the place probably wouldn’t hurt either.”
Definitely, the White House needs a definite exorcism, salt on the entrances, incense and sage, and general mummery as you walk around the place do what happens in such ceremonies, as well as deep cleaning for Poopy Pants stains.
We belong to a Secret Order which has periodically been called to such duties on behalf of the Republic since its founding and is awaiting to be be called to do so again (including the general clean up shiitebags).
“They say Hillary never actually left, they couldn’t find her and she lurks the halls at night stealing wine and watching people sleep.”
Nick Fuentes did the same thing with a couple of his interns such as Jayden McNeill after they got too popular. Its seems to be a recurrent problem with self aggrandizing nut cases.
“Why is “the tech industrial complex” suddenly a problem?”
Because the TIC will be used as the ultimate “Big Brother” of the judeo-security state. From CBDC to digital IDs, and everything in-between, not even your internal dialogue will be private when “first buddy” philosemite Elon implants his neural link into your brain.
Your descendants will be transhumanist slaves on this timeline.
I agree with the war criminal Eisenhower’s warning about the MIC and dementia Joe’s warning about the oligarchy. But what’s the point of a warning when leaving office? These two crooks should have done something about it while they were still IN office, if they were sincere. But we know they were not sincere. The MIC is still in place and even more powerful than when the “warning” was given over 60 years ago.
With both Eisenhower and now Dementia Joe it’s a case of the pot calling the kettle ‘black’.
You can always win if you don’t care about what side you’re on. As you know.
My own journey has mirrored Brad’s and a few other of the commenters here. I’ve come to realize that the Alt Right had many good points and useful frameworks for making sense of the world. But because of its unorthodox nature it also attracted cranks and weirdos, and these began to dominate in the Alt Right’s later years. These people are either disagreeable by nature, or hold a certain conviction so strongly that they see it in every event and under every rock. And yes, here I’m talking mostly about the hardcore anti-semites. It’s not that what they’re saying about Jews is entirely wrong, it’s that they’re so certain they hold the sole, simple key to understanding the world that they stop processing new information. Any event is explained as part of The Jews’ plan if you can find a Jew standing within 50 yards of it. Or someone that looks like they *might* be Jewish. Or someone that some random commenter said he heard was a Jew (which covers 100% of people of consequence.)
It’s been pretty obvious to me for a while that Jews are losing power. They were on top, yes, but the younger generations are as pozzed as everyone else, and they’re just as mediocre now as the rest of the PMC. What the anti-semites see as some 5D chess head-fake, I see as one elite growing complacent and being replaced by others – a tale as old as time.
Cranks are a cancer. They do not want political, cultural, or social objectives – what they want is to feel righteous as they curse and spit at a world they hate. They don’t want to win – they want to lose and feel smug about it. And since so many of the old Alt Right’s ideas are just mainstream conservatism now, commenters on “far right” sites like this one have largely been distilled down to the cranks.
Most of the ideas that Brad and others championed have won in the mind of the public and are beginning to take shape in the world. I don’t blame him for being pleased about that.
Please drink more MAGA Kool Aid.
Sheeple of a feather flock together.
Jews are losing power, eh? The jews were the loudest wheel for banning Tik Tok due to it leading to a immense increase in noticing their actions in the past and present.
Michael Tracey
TikTok is officially offline! One of the most extreme acts of state censorship in US history, now in effect. Would make Woodrow Wilson blush.
It’s very telling to me that GW Bush is skipping Trump’s inauguration. IDK but I’ll guess that Mitt Romney will also skip it. If John McCain was alive he would skip it. George H W Bush told a reporter for Rolling Stone that he voted for Hillary in 2016. That makes all 4 Republican presidental candidates leading up to Trump were / are actually Democrats. They can no longer hide behind the MSM and other elites to hide this and pretend to serve Republican voters. Now they are naked in the daylight for all to see who and what they are. Elected Republicans have colluded with Dems to destroy White civilization and replace us with the mud slide.
GW Bush’s presidency was a disaster beginning with 9/11 and ending with the worst financial crisis since 1929. He mired the country in two calamitous wars launching the wars under false pretenses resulting in perhaps 1 million dead on all sides. After temporarily closing the borders and stopping immigration after the 9/11 attack he then threw open the borders to wogs including Moslems with obvious grievances against the U.S. He also allowed Saudis and other foreign nationals with ties to the 9/11 hijackers to immediately fly out of the U.S. thereby avoiding exposing Saudi government assistance to the hijackers.
Bush’s “Ownership Society” program of subsidizing home ownership inflated real estate prices, increased both Government and private indebtedness to enormous proportions and ultimately, destroyed the U.S. banking system. This also had the effect of enriching Wall Street insiders who were eternally grateful to Bush for their ill gotten gains. Many of the new “homeowners” were illegal aliens who had no clue what a mortgage was, how to handle credit (there are no mortgages, credit, insurance or loans in Third World countries except for the tiny ruling class) and quickly defaulted on their loans. This reached such enormous proportions that the U.S. banking system had to be re-capitalized to avoid another 1930s type Great Depression.
GW Bush was one of the most loathsome and obtuse individuals ever to occupy the White House, he was an unmitigated disaster. He was like herpes, the gift that keeps on giving. How he could show his face in public after his multiple failures, multiple lies, multiple unnecessary wars would be inexplicable except that the man has no shame. He should stay in Waco Texas and remain the village idiot there, a job he is eminently suited for.
Absolutely correct. And what’s worse is I understand that this draft-dodging war criminal (with a really stupid vacuous grin to boot) is attempting to assuage his guilt by painting portraits of some of the men whose lives he’s ruined. Hell’s flames can’t possibly be stoked hot enough for the eventual arrival of this cretinous shabbos goy.
Good point about the “art” GW Bush is creating. It reminds me of that other degenerate, Hunter Biden, with his “art” although at least Bush’s “art” isn’t a money laundering scam like Hunter’s “art”.
Just parenthetically, war criminal Eisenhower painted the MIC as a necessary evil in that speech. So his record remains something like 99.9% satanic.
Strangely his military invasion of Little Rock, a very black day in ameriKan history, is rarely mentioned anymore.
As many of you will be aware, James Bacque’s book “Other Losses” covers Ike’s postwar murder of a vast number of German veterans in Germany. He simply penned them up in the open air to die of hunger, thirst and exposure, stopping relief in any form from reaching them. USA! USA! USA!
The corporation The United States has been an oligarchy ruling over the once Sovereign States that created it since 1868 after the screw up of political parties led to the Republic’s overthrow by one, which was inevitable. The Republicans and Democrats exist to serve the interests of the oligarchy and are there to divide us and can’t deviate from them. They need to give the appearance of two political parties to protect themselves from revolution. There is no way to vote ourselves out of this system.