About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. For the record. Andreessen is not a member of the tribe, but seems to be pure goy from the midwest. Inventor of Netscape – one of the first web browsers. The podcast is of course from NYT (pure gaslight media – ministry of truth), so be aware. Nice* hwyte person – seems to be a disease of those who benefit from sudden windfalls of money.

    *Read Ann Barnhardt to see what that term really means – it’s *not* a compliment. In short, upon becoming a rich guy he morphed into yet another virtue-signaling hypocrite.

  2. These Tech Bros have a definitive angst against the old Establihment. I mean, a real angst. Some of these TechBros were actually bought out at the turn of the century and then got screwed over in subsequent corporate boardroom politics. They haven’t forgotten.

    Indeed, the most successful created underground investment platforms as a fall back for such a contingency and silently bought back into control, such as Peter Thiel. The Tech Bros are really going to shake things up. I’d fear for my comfortable class standing if I was a Corporate and Government Establishment guy. Tech Bros are replacing the old order.

  3. Silicon moved to the right because all those people are dirty like hell and uncle Donald made typical criminal deal. Dump the others and rat them out then you get mercy.

    Not AI. Probably JE. Jeffrey Epstein with his crypto videos and other kompromat.

    • Interesting theory. AGB above also has an interesting observation about the Tech-Bros’ possible motives in shifting against the Clinton-Obama-Newsome axis of the D-rat party.

  4. It moved “right” like everything else because of Gaza. Trump was on the ropes after the 2022 midterms and especially when the lawfare started. Everyone smelled blood in the water and 2024 had Dem landslide written all over it. None of this “right” realignment happened until then. Covid only reinforced the old paradigm. No one besides the base was rebelling against Covid.

    Gaza is the most significant event since 2016. More than Ukraine. Of course so called “leftists” are not allowed to talk about certain things. Biden declaring war on AI and crypto as being the catalyst is a bad joke.

    • I think you overestimate Gaza’s importance with the Silicon Valley types exemplified by Andreessen above. Being a virtue-signaler, Gaza’s butchery could have *some* influence, but at least half of Trump’s rhetoric before today has been cheering on Satanyahoo and more mass slaughter.

      Folks like Andreessen like to have folks think of them as good and beneficial. That’s always been a thing with elites to a degree. In the past, some of them really did good things that improved the lives of many. Carnegie’s legacy helped fund thousands of public libraries scattered over the US. Henry Ford literally paid his workers double the prevailing wage, built housing, etc. A patriotic timber oligarch (and amateur violist) of the Russian Empire promoted Russian music and enabled composers like Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin and Stravinsky to write music full time through publication and concert promotion. There are countless similar examples throughout history. Yes many were a kind of self-promotion but some really accomplished good things.

      Over and above their need to be thought of as ‘good’, folks like Andreessen are concerned most of all with protecting the companies and projects they built. Politicians, being the parasites they typically are, represent a real threat to such people. This goes some way to explain Andreessen’s support for the Clinton-Obama-Pelosi-Newsom axis of the D-jerseys, whose underlying message is always like a line from some mafia movie: Nice little bizniss ya got there Mr. Marc. Be a real shame if something bad happened to it.

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  1. Secular Talk: Oligarchy! Biden Says The Quiet Part Out Loud In Farewell Address – Occidental Dissent
  2. Axios: Ph.D.-level AI To Be Released Soon – Occidental Dissent

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