Axios: Ph.D.-level AI To Be Released Soon

This is the scariest thing I see coming in the next decade.

I can easily see a world in which populist nationalists finally triumph in the West: the borders are finally closed, immigration slows to a trickle, remigration of Third World immigrants begins, etc. It also happens just in time for AI to start replacing millions of human workers.


“Architects of the leading generative AI models are abuzz that a top company, possibly OpenAI, in coming weeks will announce a next-level breakthrough that unleashes Ph.D.-level super-agents to do complex human tasks.

We’ve learned that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman — who in September dubbed this “The Intelligence Age,” and is in Washington this weekend for the inauguration — has scheduled a closed-door briefing for U.S. government officials in Washington on Jan. 30.

Why it matters: The expected advancements help explain why Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg and others have talked publicly about AI replacing mid-level software engineers and other human jobs this year. …”


Jake Sullivan — with three days left as White House national security adviser, with wide access to the world’s secrets — called us to deliver a chilling, “catastrophic” warning for America and the incoming administration:

The next few years will determine whether artificial intelligence leads to catastrophe — and whether China or America prevails in the AI arms race.

Why it matters: Sullivan said in our phone interview that unlike previous dramatic technology advancements (atomic weapons, space, the internet), AI development sits outside of government and security clearances, and in the hands of private companies with the power of nation-states.

Underscoring the gravity of his message, Sullivan spoke with an urgency and directness that were rarely heard during his decade-plus in public life.

Somehow, government will have to join forces with these companies to nurture and protect America’s early AI edge, and shape the global rules for using potentially God-like powers, he says.

U.S. failure to get this right, Sullivan warns, could be “dramatic, and dramatically negative — to include the democratization of extremely powerful and lethal weapons; massive disruption and dislocation of jobs; an avalanche of misinformation.

Who is going to be in charge of AI under Trump?

It is going to be tech bros like Marc Andreesson and David Sacks who is the new “AI czar.”

Note: Check out Andreesson’s “Techno-Optimist Manifesto” to get a sense of where the people guiding the White House on the subject are coming from.

1 Comment

  1. Human intelligence is a creation of God and can not be duplicated. AI, trannyisms, man made climate change, DEI all share the same common thread, a hatred for God.

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