This is your brain on activism.
See also Lucas Gage hallucinating about Rabbi Shmuley’s nephew plowing his wife.
“NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – An East Tennessee man was arrested for an incident at a Nashville Jewish community center, according to the Metro Nashville Police Department.
Travis Garland, 31, was arrested Wednesday in Maryville, TN on a warrant for criminal trespassing, MNDP said. An additional warrant for Garland charging him with assault for putting a “security guard in fear as he tried to get him off the property” was issued Thursday.
MNPD said Garland went inside Nashville’s Gordon Jewish Community Center on Monday at around 7:45 p.m. wearing clothes to make him look like an Orthodox Jew along with a hat, fake curls and a fake beard. He was also reportedly holding his phone seemingly recording or streaming the incident. …”
Anyway, I am just sharing this because I spent much of last year writing about activist brain. I thought this photo would make great cover art for a small book about the subject.
What I can’t figure out is why he drove all the way to Nashville to pull the stunt? There’s a Jewish Community center and school right here in Knoxvegas, he could have saved himself a couple hours on I-40.
Art ?
I’m an activist for Dixie!
Thanks HW and Identity Dixie!
God Bless Dixie!
I am curious as to how a stunt such as this one would ever accomplish much of anything except to make the clown who acted out and any cause he purported to support look like morons?
East TN was devastated by the hurricaine along with Western NC so perhaps there’s some kind of PTSD in play, or perhaps an FBI informant playing an assigned role (or both – as one does not exclude the other). I’m no admirer or fan of the Synagogue of Satan / Kosher Nosetra – any more than Martin Luther was. I can’t remember which military figure (I think it might have been Napoleon, who was a very talented General) stated the obvious truth:
Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a fatal error.
This is where we are now vis-a-vis the JQ. They are pulling off their own masks and even NPCs are seeing the total emptiness of any claims of morality coming from their mouths, past or present. They are in the process of destroying themselves far more effectively than we ever could dream of doing. If your enemy is running to the edge of an abyss, don’t even wave goodbye. Justice awaits them at the bottom.
“This is where we are now vis-a-vis the JQ. They are pulling off their own masks and even NPCs are seeing the total emptiness of any claims of morality coming from their mouths, past or present. They are in the process of destroying themselves far more effectively than we ever could dream of doing. If your enemy is running to the edge of an abyss, don’t even wave goodbye. Justice awaits them at the bottom.”
explain please, have they lost one iota of power ?
Yes. We won’t see it directly for a while though. What they’ve lost is their ‘moral cred’ for being the eternal victim. That narrative (a lie from the start) is in collapse – especially among the younger people. Gaza was pretty huge in terms of this, but it was already under way before then. More and more normies and moderates see through them. It will take a while before things really start to move against them.
The person who pulled the stunt just handed a gift-wrapped propaganda victory to the Nashville Jews.
The local news coverage was all about the eternally victimized, sad, brave Jews — cue a thousand tiny violins. What was striking, was how much of The Narrative was already built into the news script. With a few words, “Nazis” and gas chambers were evoked, with the obligatory sad, brave, elderly Jewess (with a strong New York Jewish accent) conjuring up parents who had magically (yet, sadly and bravely) survived the Death Camps. She neatly tied it in with other (unrelated) pro-White sentiment that has been rearing its ugly head. All a part of he ever rising tide of anti-Semitism, don’t you know? It is interesting to note how they never refer explicitly to anything BEFORE WW2, maintaining the illusion that had it not been for that Evil Hitler and his sudden, irrational hatred of Jews…
All this to say, I don’t see the loss of power. Jewish Victimization is a rock-solid edifice; an enduring mythology that is a sacred institution of Western democracies. System has to fall for Jewish power to fall.
Maybe I’m being too optimistic, but it looks like the usual suspects must resort to increasingly heavy-handed measures to enforce their diktats upon the zeks residing in their numerous plantation-gulags. The problem is that there are still too many whites who fall for this complete bullshit operation. As Browning noted below, this character is likely working for the feds. He’s not even who he purports to be – just another paid actor in the Schlomo-produced drama.
Even so, I think some of the younger folks are starting to see the numerous cracks in the narrative. The great sufferers of the alleged “holocaust” are carrying out mass murder on an industrial scale with total impunity. Those who notice are punished for the mere fact that they notice. Hence the hideous truth of K. A. Strom’s famous “Voltaire” axiom (which is actually more trenchant and truthful than most of what the real Voltaire – one of the founding fathers of Clown-World – actually wrote) becomes more obvious every day. Once 75% or more come to the realization that the Synagogue of Satan (which includes at least 90% of them) has zero moral legitimacy of any type, the dam will start to crack seriously. They deserve nothing – apart from the obsidian face of wrath – which they have fully earned with the compounded interest of over two millenia of crimes.
Street activism can work and can be fun. Rockwell did it.
Consider dressing up like idiot Antifa leftists outside of the Tennessee State Capital
Start shouting to defund the police
No one not even Mohamed Aya Al Qaeda Islamists are illegal
The Russians are taking over America , Anna Kournikova is a KGB spy
Give us your children
Have some fun out there
He gloweth.
Don’t you know an op when you see one? He is GDL, Goyim Defense League. The schmuck patrol is getting a head start on Trump 2.0.
Some scumbag magistrate in Tennessee set bail at $250,000 for the trespass charge against this guy. Lets talk about the real criminal here, that judge should be in jail. $250,000 bail for an ordinance violation and Trump is going to make America Great Again, you gotta be kidding me. There are too many retards and scumbags in robes for that to ever happen.
I wondered if that was the case. Thank you for that information.
I hoped it was Borat
The costume’s almost as bad. He looked like Schmuley the Hillbilly, neighbor of Jed Clampett.
Garland went inside Nashville’s Gordon Jewish Community Center on Monday at around 7:45 p.m. wearing clothes to make him look like an Orthodox Jew along with a hat, fake curls and a fake beard.
Jews have been fakes for years; they ever arrested for criminal acts ?
Any relation to Merrick Garland, Biden’s AG? Maybe a long lost bastard looking for his daddy?
“Have some fun out there ” Acting a FOOL, very unbecoming, if your in the BOURBON element of this movement ……
Spare us the ROMAN salutes, also please, thank you kindly …….
More on the further institutionalization of Jewish power (hold on to your hat for this one!):
But some of the political savants on OD told us jews were losing power.
1+1=3 in the gaslit minds of those that are easily led astray from reality.