This doesn’t come as a surprise.
The whole point of issuing this executive order was to tee up a legal battle on birthright citizenship in the hope that the Supreme Court would take the case and set a new precedent.
“A federal judge said Thursday that President Donald Trump’s executive order ending birthright citizenship was “blatantly unconstitutional” and issued a temporary restraining order to block it.
Judge John Coughenour, a Ronald Reagan appointee who sits in Seattle, granted the request by Washington Attorney General Nick Brown and three other Democratic-led states for the emergency order halting implementation of the policy for the next 14 days while there are more briefings in the legal challenge.
“I have been on the bench for over four decades. I can’t remember another case whether the question presented was as clear,” Coughenour said. …”
As I said repeatedly throughout both the 2022 and 2024 elections, the problem isn’t so much Trump as it is the Senate and federal judges. Activists want to focus exclusively on Trump. He isn’t a dictator and what ultimately becomes law mainly depends on the filibuster and how court rulings go.
The fact that we even having this fight about birthright citizenship is a huge win. If Kamala Harris had won, this issue would have never come up. Instead, Congress would be debating the size of her latest push for amnesty, which is what happened with Biden in 2021.
Note: This worthless judge is a Reagan appointee. The federal judiciary is full of people like this especially at the district court level.
If this case gets to the Supreme Court the problem will be John Roberts, he is a weak sister, the others are much more predictable. Maybe Trump will have appointed another Supreme Court justice or two by the time this case makes its way to the Supreme Court giving him the advantage. It’s worth highlighting the issue of birthright citizenship anyway, something the loathsome Republicans don’t want to touch with a ten foot pole.
Unless Trump has all the Epstein files in Roberts (a likely Pedo) and is prepared to use them accordingly. Yes, that will probably be a particularly frosty day in hell but I thought some of the EOs we’ve seen in the past week were just as unlikely also. I would would be happy to take a nice bite of stringy, gamey crow on Roberts.
They theoretically can be removed by Congress via re-organizing the federal court districts (lowest fed blackrobe up to a certain level of cretinous ass) and via impeachment. The last fed blackrobe to be impeached was the fine exemplar Alcee Hastings, so utterly corrupt he might even make Beelzebubba blush – for literally taking bribes in chamber. It was in the 1980s, by a D-jersey congress. The Gay Old Pedoburo controlled congress from 1995 through 2006 and impeached not a one, regardless of how lawless and corrupt the blackrobes were. Old Alcee became a congressman after his ejection from Club Blaquerobe.
There’s a fine line and riposte about our fine professional edumacation racket here in Kwanmurika:
What do you call the one who gruduated at the bottom of his med-school class? Doctor. And the one who graudated bottom of his law-school class? Your Honor!
Alcee Hastings is legend here in Florida . Yes , he was impeached by the Florida senate unanimously for 62 counts of corruption .
But Alcee was not discouraged . He pleads innocent and was persecuted for systematic racism. He campaigned for representative and was elected . When he arrived in Washington the eminent Speaker Nan cee Pilozi appointed him chairman of the House Ethics Committee. Only in America!
Federal Judges only use the old constitution against the American people . Which amendment : the 14 , the 15 all themselves were unconstitutional . It is simply , will I obey presidential order . They have not since Eisenhower appointee , Brannen . jews place a stumbling block just when they need it . American system designed to fail.
Thanks for that detail. Hastings (Carter appointee) was also impeached – and convicted – by the US Congress in 1988/89. He was impeached by a D-jersey controlled house in 1988 and convicted by a D-jersey run senate in 1989. I was incorrect in my previous post about no further impeachments. It turns out there have been a couple since Hastings’ 1989 removal (zero by R-jersey congress though).
* Walter Louis Nixon (LBJ appointee) – was removed only a couple of weeks after Hastings in 1989.
* Thomas Porteous (Clinton appointee) – was removed in December 2010, also by a D-jersey congress.
Harry E. Claiborne (another Carter appointee) was impeached and removed in 1986, just a couple of years before Hastings. There have been a grand total of eight blackrobed philosophah-kangz impeached and removed since congress started, showing that they are basically useless as tits on a boar in light of the extraordinary catalog of judicial abuses going back to the late 1700s. Will Rogers proved correct – yet again.
The people voted for Trump, and what he promised, not judges or libtard activist groups. If Trump can’t act on his election promises, then you can’t call yourself a democracy.
There’s going to be a lot of this in the next four years; unelected swine getting in the way of policies the people wanted enacted. They are enemies of the state…… literally.
Everyone knew that was going to happen.
The judge that was one of Reagan’s said that in his forty years on the bench, he’d never seen such an obviously unconstitutional violation.
Stephen Miller had to know that going in. He and the tangerine turd had four years to run revoking the 14th Amendment to speak to Constitutional scholars, therefore, this was all for show. They were never serious about closing the ‘anchor baby’ loophole.
When SCOTUS sends this back to Congress, it will be dead on arrival.
John Coughenour, a Ronald Reagan appointee who sits in Seattle…. Since Lord Coughenour is from the folks who must be criticized, it will be interesting to see how, and if, the “America First” administration responds to the clown.
As Day notes:
> One can learn a lot about one’s enemy from the points which they choose to defend and what their priorities are. It’s interesting to see that protecting so-called “birthright citizenship” is clearly more important to the enemies of America than fighting the deportations. I suspect that one reason is that they feel birthright citizenship is more defensible; another might be that they know dual-citizenship is almost certainly a future target and it will be easier to outlaw once the ban on birthright citizenship is upheld.
> Of course, this is going to be a battle. I suspect the ban will be upheld in a limited capacity, so that those designated “enemy combatants” will be barred from conveying citizenship on their children born in the United States. Then, of course, it’s a simple matter to clarify that the term “enemy combatant” includes everyone who has physically invaded the country.
Lord Coughenour is from the tribe who must not be criticized. His behavior is typical in every way.
> Then, of course, it’s a simple matter to clarify that the term “enemy combatant” includes everyone who has physically invaded the country.
That would be a useful definition of the term. It would put the numerous corporations (including Musk’s) and NGOs into the definition of traitors which in turn could be used as grounds for seizure of all assets under the RICO statutes. This would include some organizations no doubt dear to Lord Coughenour’s heart such as the ADL (standing tall for Jewish pedophile-killers since 1914) on the list of those who are aiding and abetting an invasion, which is exactly what they are engaged in and is part the very definition of treason.
Jewish judge rules that White’s cannot have a place to live of our own. Everyone else on earth can but not us. This Jew judge can run off to Israel when America collapses into crime, homelessness, drugs and arson. We Whites have to live in the mess he and his pals created.
spot on!
Come on guys….this guy is not a jew. Just another treasonous White male. Our civilization is rotting thanks to guys like this.
Interesting. It would appear that there is an editing war over at Wokepedia about the ancestry of this particular blackrobed clown. I happened by the page when it claimed he was a jew. Now it seems this has been scrubbed. OK, at the end of the day it makes little difference in the outcome. If he’s just a white male the treason is a considerably more grave offense than if he were a jew (e.g. a foreigner). Jews are not Americans, regardless of where they were born or what language they speak. Their identity, first and foremost, is always jewish. This is why in the sane places in the history of the west they were banned from many professions and confined to ghettos – with damned good reason too.
There is no checks and balances on judges or the Supreme Court. In the Confederate constitution and individual state could nullify a federal judge decision for that particular state. We need and amendment where 2/3 of Congress can overturn a Supreme Court decision. Or should it be by majority vote?
That’s even more unlikely than impeachment. 2/3 of the senate is also required to convict an impeached blackrobe. As I noted above, the system is a failure. Only eight have been impeached and removed in the entire history of the congress. In the last fifty-sixty years only Democrat congresses have actually done this (1988, 1989 and 2010). While all three judges impeached in the period were likewise D-jersey appointees, I seriously doubt they were seated by strict party-line votes. The fake-and-gay Republican “opposition” rarely refuses to vote on D-jersey judicial appointees. D-jerseys are more likely to sink judges appointed by GOP presidents.
For example, we now have two federal blackrobes in DC attempting to claw-back some of the January 6 folks charged but not yet tried after Trump’s pardon of them. These two blackrobes have been outrageous in their treatment of those arrested and tried (falsely) on cooked up charges. Both should be impeached and removed as examples, if nothing else. All it takes is a party line vote in the house (supposedly an R-jersey majority, though narrower than it should be thanks to uncontested massive fraud in CA and elsewhere) plus a 2/3 vote the senate to convict. You think the disgusting poofter Lady G – who has already stated the pardons are mistake – would vote to convict and remove those two for ‘high crimes and misdimeanors’? Not even to mention such Repuke luminaries as Susan Collins and the other witch from Alaska, or Cociaine Mitch Schumer’s bitch.
The 14th Amendment from my reading nowhere states that anyone born or naturalized in the us is a U.S. citizen. What it does say is that if you’re born on federal soil you are. If anyone born in a State got us citizenship there wouldn’t have been such a push to lock everyone up with federal contracts like social security.