Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump

I’m very pleased with the first three days.

I spent three years on this website ridiculing Blumpf.

In early 2021 though, I began to get the sense that Trump and MAGA were changing. The shocks of 2020 – COVID, the Summer of Floyd, Joe Biden winning the 2020 election – were having a radicalizing effect that was beginning to register in polls. The Biden presidency kicked it into overdrive.

In 2024, I bet the man who stepped back into the Oval Office on Monday would not be the return of Blumpf, and if so then at least he would be gone in 2028. Donald Trump has had four long years to nurse his resentments and reflect on the mistakes that he made in his first term. He has been shot. He has been sued to oblivion. He has been smeared as a rapist. He has been targeted by the FBI and the DOJ. They tried to put him in prison for the rest of his life. These things would have radicalized anyone.

Anyway, it has been very satisfying to watch Trump to evolve into the type of man we needed to take power in 2017. He personally wasn’t ready for command eight years ago. The party wasn’t ready. The conservative base wasn’t ready. The personnel weren’t ready to govern.

Obviously, we have a long fight ahead of us in the courts, but the strategy of overwhelming the defeated and demoralized Democrats by flooding the zone with action appears to be working. There has been so much ground seized on so many fronts that it is hard to ignite a reaction to any one thing.


  1. The “disorganized” and “not ready” Trump 1.0 still did quite a bit good, not the least of which is Stephen Miller.

    Just wait until it’s all over and people start writing the tell all books.

  2. 3 crucial moves before the inauguration set the stage for Trump’s triumphant first week in office:

    1. The Jeffrey Sachs video, disoriented Netanyahu, the establishment Democrats, and the Neocons.
    2. Sending Steve Witkoff to pressure Israel to agree to a ceasefire, which demoralized the Democratic base by showing how easily Biden could have stopped the genocide at any time in the past 16 months by applying just a little bit of real pressure.
    3. Saving TokTok, which further demoralized the Democratic base by showing that Trump cares more about their freedom of speech than their own leaders do.

    With the Democratic base pacified, Trump was free to rain hammer blows on the Democratic establishment with absolute impunity.

    His entire term can be just as triumphant as these first few days have been if he leans hard into the two wedge issues which have paralyzed the left: free speech (even for people the ADL doesn’t like), and an America First (not Israel first!) non-interventionist foreign policy.

  3. Speaking as a life long Republican who walked precincts for Barry Goldwater in 1964 before I was old enough to shave, I have seen Donald Trump do more during the first 72 hours of his presidency than all of the other worthless, double talking frauds who postured as Republican Presidents since that time, including Nixon, Reagan, Ford, the Bushes. I think you’re right that Trump has been “radicalized.”

  4. While Trump was learning his lessons, the Democrats back in power were revealing their true selves through their usual overreach and thus the voting public learned their lessons too.

  5. You give us a great work with your blog Hunter, with all the rigors and duties of being a working husband and father. I’m younger (30s) and late in the game but I love this site. It was a truly keen mind that made me aware of OD, and I’m not surprised to see other like minds on it.

  6. Sean Hannity is a piece of garbage. I’ve never seen a bigger cuck for Israel than him. I can’t stand to listen to him any more because all he talks about is Israel, and how mean the Taliban treats “gays and women.” I can’t stand his Long Island accent and hearing him whine like a little bitch.

    “Conservative,” my a&@.

    Watch Jim Traficant handle this punk:

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