Elon Musk spent 3x as much as Miriam Adelson in the 2024 election.
This doesn’t include the $44 billion he spent to acquire Twitter and transform it into X. No one else in history has spent such a vast sum of money to influence American elections.
“CNN — Elon Musk spent a total of more than $290 million on the 2024 election, new federal filings show, boosting President Donald Trump and Republicans in a staggering effort that has helped to secure unprecedented access for the world’s richest person in the new administration.
The year-end filings, covering the final five weeks of the year, also revealed jockeying for influence as the new administration prepared to take power. Trump’s old campaign committee — converted into a new account he can use to flex his political muscle, despite being term-limited — hauled in nearly $21 million in the period. Meanwhile, a top allied super PAC received several million-dollar contributions, including $1 million from the administration’s nominee for ambassador to the UK, on the day he was tapped to serve. …”
The First Buddy now has a White House office and full access to the U.S. Treasury. He might even have your Social Security number.
“Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent gave representatives of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency full access to the federal payment system late on Friday, according to three people familiar with the change, handing Elon Musk and the team he is leading a powerful tool to monitor and potentially limit government spending.
The new authority follows a standoff this week with a top Treasury official who had resisted allowing Mr. Musk’s lieutenants into the department’s payment system, which sends out money on behalf of the entire federal government. The official, a career civil servant named David Lebryk, was put on leave and then suddenly retired on Friday after the dispute, according to people familiar with his exit. …”
None of this will stop activists from banging on about “DA JOOZ” like it is 1989. The media landscape has radically changed since then. The same is now true of the Republican donor class.
I am going to make a Wojak meme, complete with one having a FuentesJak face, just for the Dissident Right with them saying “Duh, Jews” as they are pointing and sputtering at Trump signing all the Executive Orders. Total victory for Occidental Consenters!
Why is this Antifa snitch allowed to comment here?
“Globalist Aryan Bro” openly brags about doxxing the AFPAC venue.
“Why is this Antifa snitch allowed to comment here?”
“Globalist Aryan Bro” openly brags about doxxing the AFPAC venue.”
Exposing Fuentes criminal activities, in trying to defraud innocent business owners and event promoters in Detroit, isn’t doxing, its public service.
Call me the Thomas Shelby to the Southern Protestant’s Churchill in the show Peaky Blinders.
I won’t rest until Fuentes and his other bachi boy minions are imprisoned in cells with large black inmates.
Just like I said, you are an Antifa ankle-biter.
It is no surprise that the most philosemitic commenter is the Antifa snitch. The Jewish supremacist playbook is always the same, whether it is the ADL stalking American patriots and Christian conservative, or Canary Mission stalking peaceful pro-Palestinian protesters.
I bet you hate the fact that 225 Groypers have been released from federal prisons because of Trump’s pardons, and 583 Palestinian freedom fighters have been released from Mossad dungeons because of Trump’s ceasefire, with more on the way.
Blame yourself. Your malice against the Groypers helped elect Donald Trump, with the right platform. Trump needed to win the Rust Belt to win the election, and he needed antiwar voters to win the Rust Belt. He needed Pennsylvania pacifists, and Michigan Arabs, and isolationist Wisconsin progressives. He needed them to stay home, or vote 3rd party, or vote for him. In June 2024, it wasn’t looking so good. Real Clear Politics had Trump losing all 3 states by significant margins.
But when I went into the TPUSA event wearing a “Free Palestine” t-shirt and explained to the TPUSA staff that there was a swing vote just waiting to be courted, the message sunk in. When the Groypers triumphantly marched through Detroit chanting “America First” and “Christ is King”, and then rallied in massive strength across the street from the TPUSA event, we attracted to our side the most virile elements from TPUSA, and local Arabs and Muslims.
TPUSA, and Charlie Kirk, and Donald Trump all took notice.
This was the genesis of Trump’s winning “Dearborn Strategy”, which he resorted to in the last week of the election – decisively committing himself as the peace candidate and thus winning all 3 Rust Belt states. Before the last week of the election, the polls showed him losing those 3 states, but after he adopted the “Dearborn Strategy” the polls in the very last week of the election accurately showed him winning all 3 states.
If AFPAC had been allowed to proceed, if we had wasted our time listening to boring philosemitic speeches from certain Amren personalities, world history might have been different. Trump might have continued to run a losing Zionist campaign.
But because of the wake up call he got at the TPUSA conference from me, and the Groypers, and the Arab Americans for Trump, he changed to a winning “Peace Candidate” message.
Because of Trump’s victory, and because of the platform which gave him that victory, 225 Groypers and 583 Palestinian freedom fighters are now free.
808 human beings freed from the clutches of the Jewish supremacists.
Oh please Bacha Boy. The revisionist history that Bachi Boys chanting “Christ is King!” in Detroit, won over Arabs is not only a fantasy, its patently illogical and insane. Fuentes had absolutely nothing to do with Trump’s victory. The whole election cycle he holed up in his Furher Bunker, cried like a biatch, and denounced Trump while beating up Leftwing old ladies who came to make fun of him. It was other people, like working class Rednecks and Rural Americans who elected Trump.
Instead of Anal First commanders electing Trump, its mostly Fuentes enemies like Tyler Bowyer, Charlie Kirk and I, that got Trump re elected. It was TPUSA’s ground game combined with Musk data and various aligned operatives like myself that swung the vote in key locations like Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. It was the push provided by Union members who were recruited by people like myself into supporting Trump. It was all the Rednecks in the lower Midwest and Battleground States who Fuentes shat on for liking the song Richmen north of Richmond, which elected Trump.
Fuentes contribution to Trump’s re election was attacking Trump and saying he would vote for Kamala, thereby showing that Trump actually wasn’t part of the Neo-Nazi Papist clown world of the Anal First movement. Fuentes idea of forming a ((Brown Nazi)) alliance with the Sand N@gger Living Far Left, showed the normies that Trump wasn’t part of your ilk. In turn, they felt comfortable to support Trump. Had thenelection occurred when Fuentes was promoting Yedolf to Trump, and discussing Nazis were sometimes cool, Trump would’ve lost the election, thereby explaining the real role of the Gay Grand Inquisitor.
Ironically, Fuentes rush to embrace the Leftists and Moslems in a torrid love affair opposed to Zionism and Southerners only helped maistream the incipient Colonial Settler movement against the Immigrant Invader movement. By opposing WASPdom Fuentes legitimized the patriotic immigration movement within the GOP and by attacking Trump’s alliance with the Techbros and Unions and Kennedy, made American economics (protectionism) cool again, realigned Health Care Patriots back to Trump and so forth. The Gau Grand Inquisitor did none of this. All Fuentes did to help MAGA and Trump was beat up an older lefty lady who came to talk to him.
Jews called off wokeness. Here in the Europe, immigration over the Mediterranean is lowest in decades.
When those Gaza protests happened, Jews gave order to quit mass immigration and wokeness.
The fact that we got rid of wokeness almost overnight, demonstrates how much power global Jewry has. Switch off giant global movement almost instantly.
Jews current plan is give up all ambitions and transform society back into Reagan era when they had safety and good life.
“The fact that we got rid of wokeness almost overnight, demonstrates how much power global Jewry has.”
You don’t think it’s a groundswell of people sick of libtard ideas ? The obsolete media has tried to gaslight the world and it’s failing.
“””…..You don’t think it’s a groundswell of people sick of libtard ideas ? ….”””
People have been sick about those ideas for many decades. Nothing changed until Jewry pushed the button.
“The fact that we got rid of wokeness almost overnight, demonstrates how much power global Jewry has. Switch off giant global movement almost instantly.”
Ha ha ha ha ha. So, even after doing all the work, and we win, in the end, its still just because the Jews?
Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad, ISIS, etc are destroyed and its because the Jews? We obliterate Wokeness from government policy, and its because the Jews? We have total victory because we expell all foreigners from the West, and its because the Jews? We have absolute overwhelming victory because there are no non-Whites left in the West, and because its because the Jews? Oh wait, and Hitler returns, and because its the Jews too???? Ha ha ha.
Or maybe, it was something else. Maybe there is a secret cabal of Deep State WASPs, whose secret agents encouraged and allowed Hamas to attack Israel, so Duh, Jews would go ape shit. Then we got our other secret agents to get all the N@ggers, Mexicans, Fuentes Wignats and White Leftards to lose their marbles over Sand N@ggers getting obliterated and go on massive demonstrations against Duh, Jews. Then our other secret agents amongst the Umma Mujahideen got all the rest to launch ballistic missiles on Israel, sink ships, blockade global shipping lanes, and be general arsholes. Finally, our secret agents next to Netenyahu’s ears spoke from their mouths and told him “Shiite on all Woketards, Leftards, Libtards, N@ggers, Latinos, and Fuentesbots.” And it was done.
What you don’t get is that is how it is done. Its chess man, not checkers. And we WASPs play it the best. Its we who actually run and own the place. Duh, Jews just do the cleaning.
“”…Hamas, Hezbollah are destroyed….”””
No. They are more powerful than ever. As much we mourn murdered leaders, those leaders with their 50 years old cold war era mindset were main obstacle for many reforms. This is called snipers dilemma. When sniper kills enemy commander, later comes out that this incompetent fart was the main reason why enemy kept losing. Now next commander is competent and thanks to this sniper, situation for our troops went much worse.
“””….We obliterate Wokeness from government policy, and its because the Jews?….”””
Yes correct. Without Jew defense, Greta Thunberg is not celebrity anymore but mentally ill child and local police can transport her to lunacy asylum. Claudine Gay is another great example. Jew farted and president of one of the most important university in the world became unemployed black woman.
Don’t understand me wrong. I have been trumptard from day one and at the current moment probably the last remaining member of Qanon cult. I am sure that we are winning so big that white people have never ever won so much.
But current actions are not our victories but because Jews gave up their positions and threw wokes over board to save more important issues.
It’s the Jews.
Is it the Jews?
Elon spent 3x as much as Miriam Adelson. Timothy Mellon spent another $165 million. Corporate donors are now flooding Trump’s coffers with hundreds of millions of dollars. Jewish money is significantly less important than it used to be when the GOP had to go begging to Sheldon Adelson to finance their campaigns. Big Tech is giving Trump millions of dollars.
Elon spent $44 billion to purchase Twitter and transform it into X which is a Trump propaganda machine. He controls the most important news app on the Right. Advertisers are coming back to X after the ADL’s failed boycott. Meanwhile, traditional mass media has cratered. Millions of people don’t even watch the Jewish media anymore.
Then there is Stephen Miller who is the mastermind of the immigration/DEI crackdown that is going on.
Rambling on about the Jews like a broken record, year and year, decade after decade, ignores how the world has fundamentally changed in terms of media control, how campaigns are financed and how the administration is acting
You’re right, there are other forces at work. All events in the world aren’t centered on the jp.
“Elon spent $44 billion to purchase Twitter and transform it into X which is a Trump propaganda machine. He controls the most important news app on the Right”
Sure, right now X is effectively a Trump propaganda machine. But the ease with which Zuck and others switched sides just goes to demonstrate how easily effective control over online communications can change hands. The Freedom of Speech EO was encouraging, but the fact remains that 99% of modern communication takes place online on a very small number of privately owned platforms. The Dems amply demonstrated that 1A rights are largely meaningless in the modern age and that government censorship can merely be outsourced.
While out of power Trump championed amendments to s230. Perversely it is now the Dems who are incentivized to curb Big Tech’s awesome power and I hope we’ll see legislation advanced to do just that. IMO a constitutional amendment is required, as the prohibition on laws “abridging the freedom of speech” is meaningless, as s230’s ‘Good Samaritan’ clause amply demonstrates.
If Elon Musk had real power, Orania would be “our greatest ally”. Not Israel.
Really? When has he ever done shit for the whites in South Africa in general, much less the Afrikaners who founded Orania? Haven’t heard a peep out of him about the ANC’s plans to seize all the white farms and butcher the remaining farm families either.
He’s fake. A ‘made’ man all the way. So are Zuckerberg and Bezos.
@United States of AIPAC,
“You’re right, there are other forces at work. All events in the world aren’t centered on the jp.”
About 14-15 years ago, toward the end of the Ron Paul Libertarian movement peaking, my view on Jews started evolving. I was exposed to a myriad of datapoints, all leading to seeing the imbalance of power with regards to the tiny fraction of the population that Jews make up.
There’s a saying in these circles that once you’ve seen and understood the JQ, you can’t unsee it. You won’t stop noticing. And it’s true, up to a point.
However, the last 4-5 years have proven to me that the broken record of cranks who ONLY SEE ONE THING, who relentlessly harp on it day and night, who’ll even blame POSITIVE outcomes on the Jews, as if they’re playing Jedi mind tricks, it’s just too much. It can actually make me start unseeing things that I thought I’d never unsee. (Someone will figure out a way to blame that on the Jews too).
It’s as if some of these people think that white people are literally weak and helpless puppies or kittens who cower before omnipotent Jewish super-beings with the power to change the wind and rain.
No force on heaven or earth, not even the almighty hand of God, can stop them. So why even bother? Why even try?
If there is one thing that I’ve truly learned in this process, it’s that many white people, the progressives in particular, have truly embraced a suicide covenant. They are spineless mollusks who are ashamed of their own reflection. If Jews have any power over us at all, it’s because too many of us want them to, and that includes the cranks, because without the JQ being a convenient excuse for inaction, the cranks would have to have some agency.
Well, folks that sums it up. You heard it here first. JewAnon! Hilarious Hunter. Good job.
> If there is one thing that I’ve truly learned in this process, it’s that many white people, the progressives in particular, have truly embraced a suicide covenant. They are spineless mollusks who are ashamed of their own reflection. If Jews have any power over us at all, it’s because too many of us want them to, and that includes the cranks, because without the JQ being a convenient excuse for inaction, the cranks would have to have some agency.
Oh hell yes. I’ve been trying to point out this for a long time. Like their god Satan, they ultimately have no power that we don’t cede to them through our own greed, self-centeredness, lust, avarice (name your sin). This is no way let’s them off the hook or exonerates them for their two-thousand year record of evil and depravity. Nevertheless there are always at least two parties to any transaction. The Kosher Nosetra actually loves the monomaniacs. Indeed it’s a whole division of Hasbara to stir it up along with the hopelessness and despair.
Randlords R US