New DNC Chair Promises To Only Take Money From Good Billionaires

Is the rise of the Chud Left inevitable?


“The Democratic Party is the most unpopular it’s been in polling that dates back to 2008, according to a new survey from Quinnipiac University.

Why it matters: Democrats are struggling to repair their image with voters after a bruising 2024 election that put President Trump in the White House and Republicans in control of both houses of Congress. …

Democratic lawmakers are grappling — and in some cases, experimenting — with how best to respond to Trump’s rapid, sweeping changes in the early days of his administration.

By the numbers: 57% of registered voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party, the highest percentage since Quinnipiac started asking the question in 2008.

45% of voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. …”

I don’t know.

How will Democrats respond to their devastating defeat?

This is one of the biggest open questions of the year. It is possible that Democrats could rebound like in 2018 and 2020 and the seesaw of polarization could continue. This is what we are used to. I would say based on past experience that Democrats taking the House in 2026 is likely.

Based on historical patterns though, I have speculated on X that our current era of polarization will end soon with one side or the other winning out and amassing a decisive majority. The norm in American political history is long periods of having a dominant party and governing ideology. The Democrats, for example, controlled the House and the Senate for 26 years in the 20th century and dominated the country from FDR to Ronald Reagan. House Republicans wrestled back control in 1994. Political historians look back on this period of Democratic dominance as the era of New Deal liberalism.

For the past 30 years, America has been stuck in a long period of polarization, which began in 1994. The reelection of Trump feels like the culmination of this era. I can imagine a world where the declining mainstream media, which fears Trump, relents and caves to him. We can see this in the fate of Jim Acosta and the settlement of various lawsuits. Big Tech, which is now cozying up to Trump, could open the floodgates of MAGA propaganda on social media. Much of alternative media is now openly pro-Trump and then there is the whole sphere of rightwing media which is pro-Trump.

Could this new media landscape be worth, say, 5 to 10 points in public opinion polls? If this comes to pass, we could see the depolarization of American politics in the 2030s. As unthinkable as it sounds today, we could go back to having a “mainstream” and a clear minority party like in the 1950s.


  1. Mike Bloomberg, the largest donor to the Democratic Party, is the most evil billionaire who ever lived.

    The one person at the DNC meeting who had something useful to say was the woman with the Palestinian flag. It sounded like she was protesting against giving American taxpayer dollars to Israel when there are so many needs here at home. I agree 100%. America first! Stop giving American taxpayer dollars to Israel.

  2. The Democrat Party looks more like an insane asylum than anything else.

    As was attributed to the Bourbon Restoration after Napoleon:

    “They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.”

  3. Historical patterns in voting and politics dont apply because America was 90% White until the 1965 Immigration Act. The racial demographics are totally different now. Then add on the rise of divorce and single mom households.

  4. I cannot comprehend how an adult white male who has gone through puberty can sit through one of those struggle sessions.

  5. Democrats will not have their Chud left. Neither is there an organic transition away from “polarization.” Both of these takes are wrong.

    Gaza is the most important event since 1945. Gaza saw extreme and absolute hostility towards Jews from the brown and black coalition that Jews have been using to dispossess whites since WW2, both in Europe and America. Jews accepted that not only could they no longer rely on the brown and black masses, but that they no longer needed to. Enough damage has been inflicted on whites demographically that the white race is permanently crippled. The Jewish “coalition of the fringes” has served its purpose. Until whites finally die out, Jews have made a new compromise. Jews will allow whites to semi-publicly vent frustration over their dispossession, no matter how retarded or confused, and the ever desperate and starved whites will gladly accept the new narrative. This is a rehashed version of the 2000s Greatest Ally jingoism during the War on Terror. This new single party power will then shove American, which is to say Jewish influence over the rest of the globe by abolishing Iran and Russia, and China will capitulate. Israel has already secured the entire middle east, so this new global order will give them some breathing room from the old brown and black coalition until they can be corroded by the same playbook that was deployed against whites, and whites can finally go extinct after serving their Ally so faithfully.

    Democrats are doomed. The Democratic party with its afrocentrism, weird LGBTQ fetishes, toxic economics, ninnying and nannying – all of this is a relic of the old Jewish deal with the now defunct nonwhite coalition of the fringes. It is obsolete. It no longer has a place in the world. That is all Democrats have been since the 1960s. Before that, they were the party of the white man, which will obviously never happen again. So, they have nowhere to go. A post-war Democratic party divorced from Jewish power has no purpose.

    You would say that Israel is more powerful than ever before, which it is, but then turn around and say Jewish power no longer meaningfully exists in America and that thinking it does hasn’t made sense since 1989. This is after you spent months talking about Gaza and even “ZOG” continuously. Israel could only be more powerful than ever with a equal and consequent fortification of Jewish power in America. Look at what Musk did to X, which you wrote about during the H1B debacle a few weeks ago. Look at how the ADL completely backed off him and look at how he is shadow banning and censoring. Censorship on X is at least as bad now as during 2017-2021. The only difference is that Musk uses shadow-banning much more instead of outright banning. You get to pretend you are not banned by posting to the spam folder. Look at how kosher-right talking points prevail in the X algorithm. You think Peter Thiel and Zuckerberg’s mendacious conversion are not captured? Jeff Bezos who bought the Washington Post so he could broadcast lib boilerplate for years suddenly had an epiphany about liberals because of what? Taxes?

    Look at the reaction to the Democrats to the election. Look at what happened to all those strident Palestine voices in that party. They were systematically purged from their positions of influence. All of this is evidence of the New Deal. None of this is organic or has anything to do with Chuds, or was solely caused by the preponderance of feminine nastiness like with what Carville said. It is not caused by party machinations since the 1990s or the 1950s. That consternation was the white race’s death rattle as white flight ran out of room to run away while the old Jewish Deal with the nonwhites was having its effect. 2016 was terrifying because it seemed however briefly that white flight would finally turn into white fight, and that has been very successfully defused. Now Trump is just another bourgeois outlet for middle class white flight and generic Republican politics, which has been afforded a bit more leeway to say edgy things as long as they all stay on the kosher plantation.

    • @anonymous

      Phenomenal take. We are indeed entering a new era of politics, and it is one in which Jewish consolidation of their global power takes place, and where the new mainstream in America becomes a center right coalition of Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, Pajeets, and a handful of Uncle Toms, all with socially conservative values and anti-elitist instincts. In other words, the future is a coalition of miscegenated Mud People voting in perpetuity for politicians who think and talk and look Charlie Kirk, with enough finger waving women such as Megyn Kelly to keep the rowdy ones in line.

      Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show. We are all along for it. The eggs will be expensive.

    • Yes.

      Israel is definitely more powerful viz the “Axis of Resistance.” The Assad government has been overthrown. Hamas has been obliterated. Hezbollah has been degraded. Iran has been put on its back foot in the region. Far from inciting a regional war, Arabs didn’t lift a finger to stop Israel and save the Palestinians, and now Saudi Arabia is likely to negotiate some type of agreement with Israel. MBS and the Gulf Arabs don’t give a shit about the Palestinians. They are building new cities like Dubai in Saudi Arabia and that is what they are focused on. Israel is the regional power in the Levant now that Syria has fallen and the supply route to Lebanon has been cut off.

      Israel and the Jewish Diaspora are two completely different entities. Israel has been captured by religious fundamentalists like Ben Gvir and Smotrich who are even crazier than Netanyahu. The Jewish Diaspora is overwhelmingly secular and leftwing. Unlike the Israelis, American Jews are breeding out. Their kids are mischlings. Last time I checked, Israel was like the ninth most important issue for American Jews. Israel’s reputation in the United States has taken an enormous blow. Many of the people leading these protests on college campuses were “anti-Zionist” Jews. The older generation of Jewish oligarchs in the United States – people like Bernie Marcus or Sheldon Adelson – are fanatical Zionists who are dying out. Young American Jews care about liberal and leftwing politics and most have a negative view of Israel. The Diaspora and Israel are going in opposite directions.

      In the American oligarchy, Jews who dominated 20th century industries are being replaced by tech bros like Musk whose fortune dwarfs that of people like George Soros. Musk spent $290 million on the 2024 election. He controls “the media” which people on the Right interact with everyday. No one on the Right is sitting in front of a television watching CBS like it is 1989 anymore and if they do they don’t trust journalists. The banning of TikTok was prompted by the collapse in support for Israel on social media. Jews themselves have repeatedly complained about their loss of their ability to control the narrative.

      As for the ADL and Elon Musk, you forgot to mention that Jonathan Greenblatt and his mafia of advertisers tried to financially strangle and destroy X for years. Greenblatt made dozens of appearances on CNN and MSNBC in which he blasted Musk for enabling anti-Semitism. Greenblatt spent years attacking Trump. The problem for the ADL and Greenblatt is the Jewish-controlled “mainstream media” has shrunk to the point that it only reaches a very elderly audience. He tried and failed to take out Musk. Jews don’t have the media power or financial pull that they used to enjoy.

      As for the Middle East, it is much quieter than it was under Biden. It was Biden who refused to end the war, not Trump. There are tenuous ceasefires in Gaza and Lebanon. There have been reports that Trump wants to negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran. The focus of the Trump administration will undoubtedly be on the Abraham Accords. Trump and his people in the State Department like Elbridge Colby want to forget about Europe and the Middle East and focus on China. Rubio’s “Americas First” foreign policy is proof that Jewish influence has collapsed. Trump has spent his first two weeks in office focused on … wait for it … Greenland, Panama, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia.

    • Great comment.

      This new single party power will then shove American, which is to say Jewish influence over the rest of the globe by abolishing Iran and Russia, and China will capitulate

      My own take is slightly different:

      Iran has been neutered with the collapse of Syria – facilitated by Russia btw. A Trump-brand JCPOA will be a holding action to allow Israel to bide its time until an opportune moment can be found to nuke its arch enemy. Russia, Ukraine & the FSU states are totally under the control of the Lubavitcher Chabad and their project for New Khazaria is progressing well with the White Slavic genocide (Ukraine war). Eduard Hodos is the go to source on this. As the last significant economy resistant to Jewish control it is no surprise Chiynah is top of Trump’s hit list. Economic strangulation seems to be the chosen method of attack and I guess Panama is an opening move.

      Single party power in the US is a desirable outcome too of course, as the Constitution must ultimately be destroyed in order to usher in the Technocratic Neo-feudalism of the Great Reset. Perhaps the plan is to have the rapturous MAGA crowds cheering their God-Emperor on as he dismantles it, in order to ‘save’ America. Of course HW could be right and Trump and the Tech bros could instead be about to trash the Elders’ plans for Pax Judaica which have been laid down over the millennia.

  6. “Big Tech, which is now cozying up to Trump, could open the floodgates of MAGA propaganda on social media”

    This. Trump 2.0 has realized that the top priority in a modern democracy is to flood the zone online (Tee Vee network news is fast becoming irrelevant) with your narrative. So long as he doesn’t lose the economy, 4 years of MAGA messaging will have a significant effect. By 2028 millions of existing & new voters of all colors will have internalized much of the message. By that time the Overton Window could have moved so far that to get elected the Dems will have to take onboard much of MAGA orthodoxy. As your post here highlights, they are so far off the reservation in a woke parallel universe that 4 years may be nowhere near enough time.

    Trump needs to hit the Marxist indoctrination education system as hard. Get MAGA civics on the K12 core curriculum & undo decades of institutionalized White guilt. It’ll take a generation to have a significant effect, but National Socialism provides a good example of how a country’s youth can be energized within a relatively short time.

    • > Trump needs to hit the Marxist indoctrination education system as hard. Get MAGA civics on the K12 core curriculum & undo decades of institutionalized White guilt. It’ll take a generation to have a significant effect, but National Socialism provides a good example of how a country’s youth can be energized within a relatively short time.

      To do this he will need to destroy the NEA. Edumacation from K to PhD (Piled higher and deeper) is a massive tower of woketard coprolite. Any white who sends their kid there needs to have their head examined. Homeschool or die.

  7. It shouldn’t be necessary to say it, but there is no secret about Ken Martin being a Jew. He has often commented about his mother being a Jew. He is a Jew.

    Of course, he says he was a Catholic or whatever. By Jewish law he is a Jew. That is exactly what he is. Ken Martin is a Jew.

    A Smart one too. Very smart. He knows how to raise Jewish money, and he knows how to steal elections. Almost 100% certain, the Dems will take back the House in 2026, and probably the Senate too.

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